Am I Straight? - Jubilee React #14

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[Music] [Music] what's up my fellow stupid last week we watched six straight men versus one secretly gay men and oh boy it was a trick are you gay no okay this is that was hard it doesn't work this time we're doing the opposite six gay men versus one secretly straight man that's even weird to say that's funny okay who's straight who's straight i'll find you when did everybody know that they were gay literally my birth literally i had oh my god it's black james charles holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude can i say that i think i can say that yeah alright it is it is it is fact all right i think he's in the clear we're feeling like kindergarten i promise oh my god yes i would say he's definitely gay as well all right we got four left let's go if black james charles isn't gay i'll be very confused we brought together seven gay men i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i am gay yeah i believe you i definitely believe you all right just watching all of them say honestly now because it changes but just from looking i know that's the point is that you can't tell by looking at someone what their orientation is except if you're looking at blackjack charles i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i think he's not the gay one look he can't even say with a straight face okay i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i'm gay i swear i'm gay i'm so gay i just thought about this yeah gay people can't be simps at least guy gays that's not fair the [ __ ] dude if anyone calls someone gay sim you can just be like oh at least i'm not a sim that came out weird you know what i mean that's like the new thing for kids isn't it haha you're a gay yeah well i'm not a sim if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize epic here we go i love these they're so fun i came out when i was 18 17. [Music] i know the point is that you can't judge by their okay my mom actually asked me when i tried to tell her she basically took the reins and she's like are you gay i'm like i was a little bit later so i kind of hit it for a long time i was like 23. it was like an anxiety round because it's so short you can't really say anything so i was like let me say something so then i'm not the one that doesn't say anything before the round is over i came out to my sisters when i was 17 and then i came out tomorrow when i was 21 because she found a cochrane in my room she found a what a [ __ ] running in his room is that a metaphor is that a gay metaphor or something she was like what is this and i was like oh everyone think it's him six percent thought him that he's insane he's the gay i mean they're not gay bro you cannot wear those shorts and not be gay i don't believe that there's no way what kind of man wears shorts and isn't gay straight game my dude i don't make the rules i don't make the rules don't shoot the messenger i think he's the knockout he's like let me just see stop me i can't get over blackjack shots i yeah i think he's a kerbal they always do this easy all right easy easy curveball i would never fall for that cringe honestly cringe that they felt for that he's so obviously plus he's like he's got the gay posture look one two three oh maybe that's the thing one two three four maybe that's the gay posture to have it behind it's not me sometimes people tell me i'm not i don't like necessarily look gay or quote unquote what people might assume looks gay just like the long hair and maybe the clothes just like very i thought long hair was super gay sorry dave but i honestly what bland oh i'm sorry are we straight people too flavorless for you gay unbelievable no judgment okay i have a question okay okay let's do a hybrid okay let's do a hypothetical real quick if we were all on a baseball team would you consider yourself bruh if if black james charles isn't gay i'll believe anything anything can be real i i believe in ghosts now a pitcher a catcher i'm a catcher pitcher okay what does yeah we we we know black james charles we know you don't have to say it like that you don't have to say it i'll do both yeah pitch and catch i want to say yeah more of a catcher okay see they can pick what they want to do it's gotta be so much more fun being gay it's not when did everybody know that they were gay and what age the birth literally my birth literally i had a boyfriend like kindergarten i probably i believe you might do wait who is this oh he kind of flew under the radar then he you could be you could be there no oh my god yes literally his name is christopher and we kissed on the slide in like kindergarten and i was like i'm gay mine was really suppressed during high school um if no one knows i'm trans so i have two coming out stories so that's very difficult to come out to your parents multiple times well yeah technically that's a weird story to lie about that's very specific all right i believe you come out three times one i thought i was a lesbian because i was born a woman so i thought okay that's the thing and then after that i was like no i'm trans so i had to come out again after that and then i was like yeah i'm gay too many times i mean he had three times where he came out which i get you can come in you can go out you can come and go out but i'm just like i don't know that's way too many times how do you just make that up he doesn't believe it was just so repressed because my dad was super homophobic and you know which happened a lot in the black community so it was one of those things where yes super heavily protected and guarded and then it just kind of came to a point in my life where like i realized like this is my life i need to you know do something for myself and not live in that fear so of course i ran away to san francisco and and that kind of helped me like accept it more damn you forget about that i think the the the thing with coming out as gay it's like uh a lot of people and i think my approach a few years ago as well was like oh it shouldn't matter just uh it shouldn't be a big thing who cares and i i still want to believe that but at the same time there's clearly so much homophobia you see it everywhere online since you're not surrounded by it you kind of forget that it it does exist so it's important to remember and not just brush away i don't know i don't know i was bullied in high school for being gay well i suppressed mine so yeah i know i was dodging that bullying i'm not gonna lie i was getting bullied it'd be kind of weird to come in here and like make up a bunch of stories about how suppressed you were growing up and then be like actually i'm straight like that'd be [ __ ] weird i mean i wasn't saying like i was gay but they're like you sound like a girl you're gay and i would be like i'd like rumors go around about me when i was like denying it so i was like super pissed and now like i don't care has anyone had sex with a girl you haven't done i'm allergic i was very drunk i'm allergic to this very drunk pulled out i fell in the vagina it happens we've all been there my dude no problem i think this is actually disgusting i went back in the house disgusting that's the least anti-simp sentence i've ever heard i accidentally had sex with a woman it was disgusting that my dude there's a goddamn chant right there [Music] maybe they did get it right the first time and i thought maybe he was kind of using that to kind of like trick us all into thinking he was like a beyonce fan so i was just like let me get him out damn good luck guys it wasn't me okay so what's everybody's favorite part about our community they're more accepting yeah yeah and super open it's nice to have a community of people that are they've been through the same thing you've been through who is in a relationship not i i don't know what that is so x when was your last acts mine was about two or three years ago and i broke up with him because he was still in the closet and i'm like just out there like i don't have time for that and um dating someone that doesn't want to admit their sexuality publicly yeah that's a weird thing was like i helped him come out so like when he told me about that i started to cry i was in my car i was like i think for sure the straight man has been voted out uh i don't think i think all of these are gay who does everybody listen to i'm more of an r b oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who you listen to it doesn't matter your word you're tasting music doesn't define if you're gay or not so it doesn't matter i can't believe black james charles even asked this it's not even a question yeah yeah like gay artists so what all right that's the gate i've ever seen you're cl you're clear you're okay my dude okay uh yeah i think he's gay yeah you're gay he wasn't giving me enough a part of me was thinking well he might just be just a well-dressed person [Music] was bellathorne once said ttylex away oh my god my dude just quoted bella thorne if that ain't gay that [ __ ] gay you gay as hell yeah what the who you giggers hell my dude what the [ __ ] ttl as xox i thought oh oh i kind of hope i kind of hope he is straight because that would make it like that's a good shot and then there were four and that's the final four come on end it you surely have them out i feel that you've eliminated them all yes yes please raise your hand oh just me yes all right so you guys want to keep going yeah i'm around all right i see a tattoo of a lady on your arm yes what inspired her i've dealt with depression and self-harm and stuff oh you have a lady on your arm what are you [ __ ] straight [Laughter] are you straight dude stuff you got a victory in your arm straight why not get a man i feel like you're like yeah what did y'all do throughout high school oh good like sports i did performing arts people didn't know right because i did musical theater i did choir i did dance i did a little bit i liked choir i like theater i like uh stop can gay people stop stop generalizing gay people i'm just kidding football like a little bit i know yeah i always attempted every year to like play football and then it always stopped when it came time to actually play football you know you remember the last episode where the guys are like what do you think when you saw penis [Laughter] i'm surprised no one's asked hey what do you think vagina what do you think huh what what words comes to mind when i say this boobs what words comes to mind hey look at my eyes are you gay [Music] are you serious no way i have better gaydar than gay people okay yeah please i didn't wanna have that last round i kind of figured we were all gay but being selfish i just wanted it to be two of us okay no they stop you're done what the [ __ ] this is becoming like a gay competition who's most gay in here dude who's in the closet so where is he now did you guys get back together after he came out no no because when i i also fell out of love with him so i was like i can't i can't i tried to get my flesh and i was with him for a while and i was like why the [ __ ] i'm doing this like i'm sorry i don't like you anymore once we started that round and i think i went and gave him a question like right away and he answered it and i didn't feel he was lying so i was like oh crap that's the only question i had for him i feel like we're all gay yeah so why did you continue to play [Music] oh god now it's going to draw why did you continue you're so sneaky each one of you guys gets 20 seconds what's the point this is so lame okay um i'm gay um i'll be sucking dick um straight person do this he's gay holy sh tens across the board now i've seen that's the game's five seconds of my life because i i mean it took a while to come to grips with it but you know after coming to grips too bro you gotta out game dude that's not doing it seeing and kind of showing that we come in different colors and different styles and different you know everything so there's no one right way to be gay just like there's no right way to be straight you know especially where you're going out representation of just the whole spectrum of everyone's show yeah this is a great speech and i'll be well connected we're all together you're not getting there's someone you know it's the same situation i was in it's nice to be able to see that and be able to be like okay so there is a way you can still be yourself and still not feel secluded i am gay literally and what straight man do you know could be his face like this oh here he comes here comes [Music] what are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kid oh you [ __ ] camera dude what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what why why why did you not see the split dude guess they teamed up huh yeah yeah i was still hoping black james charles was was uh straight look at us yeah good job guys you really have done your stuff all right all right all right for real this is one of these two we didn't really get to hear him speak a lot it could be him as well but i think actually one of these three if i had to guess let's say this guy [Music] how can you lie about coming out three times that's insane you're insane you came out too many times i was like one of those times as you went back damn and he knew that that's so gay that he knew that yes that means i'm not gay [Music] what does that mean coming out too many times is that i don't i don't i don't we're talking for too much i'm like [Music] well it was risky coming out to the group here so he came there and pretended to be trends that's weird is that one weird transgender because a lot of people invalidate just trans people in general in the first place a lot of people still care well that's a fair thing i don't know i don't know i do get it within the gay community my gaydar and straight are very horrible they're horrible i think it was important to do this to kind of show people that there's you know spectrum of human beings and even if you identify with one group that's not all who you are yeah i agree with that please do they're all moles but they think they are the only one yes jubilee please listen to your audience gay community we aren't only stereotyped we are people too in this video we throw him out because he didn't look gay enough seriously how they vote out adrian after that high kick death [Laughter] wow another great episode sub to you belay sub to me thank you for watching smash like if you want more videos simp merch is out right now squirrels in my pants of course nothing else and see you guys in tomorrow's video children of nine parts it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits is coming to nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,344,025
Rating: 4.944572 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: TWjYrvu7E5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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