What is Jake Paul up to?

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aminsx 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
you know that when I was on break it gave me some insight of what's really important it gave me some ideas around what I really want to focus on in the future and it made me ask what is Jake Paul doing what is Jake Paul doing right now huh what is he up to that little snake Oh jakey Jake has he finally gone fully bald yet these are the questions I've been thinking about what do we got you tuber Jake Paul launches entrepreneur how to platform financial freedom movement yes Jake Paul is a person I look at when I own I envision financial freedom okay let's see let's dig into this this is interesting to me they say were entitled and lazy who is they Jake huh they tell us to go to college get a job retire at 65 how's that working out for us how's that working out for us so smug you're not 65 Jake you can become financially free by paying me money all right trust me you're understand it starts by paying me money ignore all these endless content on YouTube with actual legitimate people talking about financial advice that actually has some legitimacy and and trustworthy and and weight to them but no really really what we need to do is we need to pay Jake Paul your parents happy are they living the life they wanted I don't bring no I think they are I think they are I don't think what she's selling my parents on this is over one trillion dollars in student loan debt and people with outdated education who can't even get a job for the student loans they took out student loan is the cheapest loan you can ever get it's one of the most fair loans it's a great loan to actually take advantage of it's such dog to be like oh my by student loans if you use it correctly of course maybe we're too young to have experiences yet but if you're not then you know exactly what I'm talking about I don't had enough of it our generation is better than this we deserve better we're smarter so what's solution okay what is he generation one that inspires people to take action to achieve vision this is not a product this is a movement oh it's literally in the name I didn't even realize now the dreams our parents have for us or our society we need a movement that inspires people to live life on their toes not someone else a movement that anyone who's a breach guards expensive becoming financially free from the societal cookie cutter nine-to-five jobs we are all told to have our future is in our hands are you with me I'm okay thank you though what the hell was that did you guys catch they are you with me are you with me are you with me no definitely not now why did he do that this channel has 72 subscribers well this is really taken up there's there's one more video before we dig into this meet some of the experts ok learn from me and a dozen other experts and millionaires learn from me and a dozen other experts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 maybe if you've stayed in school Jake you wouldn't know what a dozen is Jesus Christ break free from the normal 9 to 5 and live life on your terms my achieving financial freedom from the homie Mark lack the king of personal branding who's helped the students generate over three hundred million dollars online following this strategy let me guess it's just a bunch of people that you don't know who it is basically and Fleischman he's the youngest of ten flights from is in I got a pay twenty bucks right now learn from my homie Trev and e-commerce expert with ten years of experience oh my god trap you know trap of course eating he sold eight figures online and created products for some of the biggest brands in the world like Star Wars minions and WWE join the movement join the movement I like how they're supposed to be experts on marketing and all these things they don't even link what the website is in any of the videos will teach you all the tricks we treat you all don't link the website kind of marketing is this I'll just Google financial freedom movement that'll do it right okay so it took a while but I found the website your terms dream goals financial freedom oh wow look at that well Disney's in on this do you really think they are what what are they done for this they always add these like what do they mean they don't mean anything cutting-edge mentorship coaching and training who are these people what is wrong with that guy's face you get personal his personal rituals he has rituals and secret formula mm-hmm live weekly video coaching calls Wow can't wait to join in those okay so there's more to be named soon that's why there's more people coming in on this all right let's look at these if you're a photographer and you go shoot for Jay Paul for free a bunch of shots right well a lot of other influencers and brands follow Jake like a jigsaw noses blessing this shot but the same concept applies you film for them or photograph for them and then Jake might follow them and he wants to hire you I might follow it and wants to hire you a brand might follow that guys what you really need to do in this tutorial of financial freedom is you need to work for Jake Paul for free is this him rationalizing for himself that he did this whole thing for free what oh my god it's sale it's not 40 pounds per month oh wow that's so generous do not write 44 times of Netflix now it's just half don't worry guys click here to enroll now absolutely I'm sold who is this for his followers who wants to become financially free he's he's 8 year olds his fellow 8 year olds who's just struggling grinding out there they just want to reach that financial freedom man come on the freedom fam we're a family top price is I'll fly you out to film a vlog with me and I'll share to my millions of followers I wonder if you'll actually follow up on any of this because the thing is Jake's already done a similar scheme of what was it called it was called influence it was the exact same thing where he said you want to become big social media star like me I'm big social media star you need to pay me alright last thing they posted was in November 2018 50% sale 50% sale and the best part about this is the site is down like you can't even reach it anymore man if you go to join now on financial freedom it seems like a bad idea to pay the hundred and fifty upfront you know just in case he decides to remove the whole website in which he definitely will where's my login all right here we go all right so this is the this is the page this is how it looks like you can add your favorites this is a good thing you can have your notes that's pretty cool I can add a note here how do it how do you add a note no notes found so let's start the training I'm ready to learn financial freedom here we go I don't really care about Jake Paul I'm only here for Dane Fleshman all right I only want to know what Dane Fleshman has to say that's really why I paid for no one's liking their Fleshman stuff don't worry I got you Dan I got you can I dislike the other ones I'm only here for Dane do you think these kids are signing up to get a nine hour course of Billie Jean I don't want to belittle maybe he probably knows more than I do but I just don't see the value for Jake Paul's audience so I'm not gonna show that footage because I'm pretty sure it'll get copyrighted but it's basically the person in your viewing Jake someone that's more qualified has more experience and actually seems to know someone at least they're just interview and Jake and talking about Jake stuff so if you want to pay 20 bucks a month for that I mean I'm not gonna stop you my favorite part of this signing up to this course is not just for Dan Fleischman it's for the community that's right you get access to the private Jake Paul financial freedom community so here are the hurry I don't have any friends I like this bend over what's up Jake Pollard's if you're tired of all the hate for Jake Paul like this post smash like I'll be the first one it's really people just posting memes or asking if how can I unsubscribe how can I stop paying this I don't want to pay for this and this guy replying you guys are so stupid why do you want to join a movement and then cancel your subscription we check in do by the way well maybe you don't want to pay 40 bucks a month they start charging you 20 what started to say that they're gonna charge you 40 after your sign up right if it was is it always 50% of my photos I'll create an album when they launch this thing they had this whole event it's gonna be massive right everyone's gonna want to come to this financial freedom thing I mean it looks from the looks of engagement and all that it looks like luckily not many people are buying into this and then you can look at the launch which is great so here it is it's gonna be all over it it's gonna be a whole line it's gonna be tan akan 3.0 and here's the reality a bunch of kids about what a dozen maybe I don't know how much that is and I think this is for the people that bought the merch or something like that there's more cops there than actual people visiting what does it say ideas ideas are without execution I thought it was gonna say education [Laughter] [Applause] that looked like I had a lot of fun who wouldn't want to pay to go there it's the same I don't know what's going on great what a great event well I thought this was a fight financial freedom Jake it's very passionate Jake Paul is complaining about how in school he didn't know why he was there we have some amazing experts and actually learn and actually land [Applause] [Music] that's right no other reason Lennie's pizza get ready to quit school and just pay 20 bucks a month because that's all you really need there's some amazing quotes from this interview that Jake did with variety as well where he was saying I was like why are we sitting in class right now learning the quadratic formula when we should be learning about taxes and insurance teacher please I need to learn about taxes and insurance right now he said like that where's my taxes huh you know for this quadratic formula I need financial freedom I am I supposed to get it Jake Paulus it reason why no one no one likes youtubers it's just like well I'm probably a guilty as well never mind and then he says that he dropped out of school at 11th grade completing the diploma through an online course I just got the answer from a cheat site and put it in and didn't have to do any work why you're so epically smart Jake I bet you were probably the smartest kid in the class weren't you I'll wait you say you are oh this is sweet talking about this our education system it's worthless worthless I'm fed up I don't know how to cap on life maybe you and your school you'll learn how to write Jesus Christ is mess if you're confused at what the event is tomorrow basically I'm sick of our education system and how is teaching kids zero real life skills for them to secure their own their their own future this is embarrassing I'm creating a movement for everyone who wants to take life into their own hands and learn real life skills from actual professionals why are kids sitting in film class film learning from a teacher has never even made a film these dumbasses and that's just one example he hasn't made any more don't worry guys that's just one example there's no there's no need to refute it cuz he's got a whole backlog of ideas and arguments here it is I was the kid in class I like how we capitalized so listen it who was the smartest doubt okay couldn't apply myself because I thought it was so stupid to be sitting there I thought they was so stupid to be sitting there it's all we are thought where are my taxes where's my insurance classes it's so disingenuous to put forth like this is what you're passionate about when in reality the only thing Jay Paul has shown himself to be passionate about is making money Jake Paul is the kind of celebrity that doesn't have any real value so all they do is they project this image of wealth and now he's monetizing that to get more money he's like he's stuck in this loop where he has to pretend that he it's all about money to make more money but in reality you could replace Jake poll with anything or anyone it wouldn't make a difference he's literally empty and no one the message is fine like I agree that so much of the school system is outdated but what the [ __ ] is jake paul gonna teach you about this or so bozo some composer you never heard about like i said before there's a ton of actual inspiring legitimate people that you can listen to on youtube if you want to for free not monthly payment i know this is just another ed flood scam i don't need to tell you or because you already know it this is a complete [ __ ] there's no point in saying it but i do think it's interesting and these things are still happening it's like Jesus Christ dude alright guys sorry but I gotta keep watching another how to develop a launch mo mo I just got to keep going stuff I'll see you guys tomorrow if you enjoyed this video smash like and make sure to subscribe 68% this and subscribe can we get it 267 please guys see you tomorrow Hagel hey hey
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,216,882
Rating: 4.9340692 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, What is Jake Paul up to?, jake paul, jake paul these days, jake paul song, jake paul financial, financial management, finance, financial advice, financial advice for 18 year olds, financial advice young people, finance young people, jake paul pewdiepie, jake paul pewds, pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, pewdiepie lwiay, pewdiepie meme review
Id: VgvvfSvg2bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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