Can Democrats and Republicans See Eye to Eye? | Middle Ground

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m independent, but have leaned conservative in the last years due to what I see as a rising, mainstream identity based authoritarianism on the left. I’m a believer in capitalism but I understand that with technology, the future economy won’t look like the capitalism we know today, but will not be socialist as we know it either. That concept is hard to understand for many on the right, libertarians included. Automation creating a need for a UBI is even harder to get across to Ancaps and hardcore capitalist conservatives. I’ve been pondering and explaining the possible need to people for years.

I’m actually really excited to hear what Yang has to say on a national stage in the upcoming election cycle as I believe he’s running as a democrat for more traditional democrat reasons rather than being member of a party pandering to the extremists and holding it’s beliefs as dogma.

Being independent is all about listening to the individual and voting for THAT person—not the party. Yang, if he proves to be strong and intelligent on the national stage while focusing on the issues of the not so distant future, would require me to vote for him regardless of my past support for conservatives. I hope I can.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
thanks for joining guys make sure you stick around to the enemy's will I share a little bit more about Jubilee in this series until then enjoy the episode there is no making America great again it implies that we want to go back to racism I disagree it applies you want to go back to having KKK out in a box a like all white people think that way is Islam I am charity I am a social justice advocate and a Democrat my name is Michael I work as a fiduciary in the finance industry and I'm a Republican my name is hope I'm a political activist as well as a student and I am a conservative I'm Josh I'm a writer in the film industry and I'm a Democrat my name is Christy I'm a conservative and I run a dating app called writer my name is Alan Suarez I'm student and political organizer and I am a Democrat so a lot of times I do get told that I'm only a conservative because my parents are when in actuality they rarely talked about politics it wasn't until very recently that I realized yeah my parents are conservative they really wanted my sisters and I to be able to come to our own beliefs oh my god I do have pretty much the same views as my parents but I'm the first one to actually be able to vote and be outward politically about my views well I come from a low-income family my dad's disabled and they tried and they fought very hard to keep me in a good school so I can critically think on my own and constantly questioned and challenged my believe my beliefs and the views of society why did you decide to lean left I'd say primarily where I was but I did give both a chance I read both platforms and I said I think I agree with more the left than I do with the right but with that being said of course not one side is completely correct people who are in my situation I feel for them and I want to be able to help them out and I know there's other mexican-americans or other people who is gonna be there first time voting and I want to make sure that they have a right path and they know why do you think Republicans don't want to help no Republican have reached out to me I see yeah I don't doubt that Republicans want to help I never got that opportunity we just try to help with with jobs that's why I would say groves I guess I'm the the unicorn stand out here and that there's a very clear political difference between me and my parents I'm I grew up in a conservative suburb in my first election I voted for McCain because I got the talking points every night and I was told about a redistribution of wealth and that didn't seem fair to me but then I got older I started meeting people with different perspectives and I started doing my own research my party is misrepresented by the media that everyone I think we can all agree that news channels in general can basically just suck there was a time when Americans all lived in the same information space and we could disagree but at least we were disagreeing on the same set of facts do you guys at least accept there's a big media bias on both sides not only for mostly for the left though that the most of the media is in support of the Left agenda Melania Trump has yet to grace one cover of a magazine really well Michelle Obama was on how many covers 119 Michelle Obama mission much more she heard she had a name sure so she's a lawyer milania's like this is not what I signed so yeah MSNBC CNN NBC even CBS the list goes on in general more media organizations tend to be a little bit more favorable towards the Democratic position yes but I think to say the two biases are the same the fake news on the right is so much more blatant and I'll come off you wish the left coin that phrase [Music] take apart democrat or republican right or left America is our country we all live here we're all citizens I don't laughed a little bit when we heard the statement I want to make America great again opposed to not make America great again I have no understanding or concept of how anyone in this room could not want our country to be great again the phrase make America great again a plot implies that America was great to begin with and if it was great to begin with the question is for who it wasn't great for minorities it wasn't great for people of color and you know you guys sit in a position of privilege in a position of whiteness where you can say that because it was always great for you absolutely I'm sorry you don't get to speak for me I Wis panic are you talking for mics you just pointed to all of us they told us why did us but she passes right my mother was adopted out of Guatemala and she wasn't for me you do not get it's not directed to you I will not sit here and be flown I got and told that I am sitting in a position of white prison about you that's the problem how was it not about that about you I'm talking in general I am talking in general is that in general I would never sit in if you let me talk I would be more than glad to tell you that you better take better care we can die don't tell me what I bet her do thank you my point is when we have a country that was built on the backs of slavery the things I still feel today as a black woman there is no making America great again it implies that we want to go back to racism hiding racism because it still existed it applies I want to go back to you know having KKK out in about they have a social media presence by having them as I know I've been threatened by them twice under Hitler has been elected when I hear make America great again I think he's just talking about the numbers economic growth to say like all white people think that way is is wrong it's just talk about how when we won World War two we defeated the Nazis we were the best country in the world at the time given the fact all the segregation in the south so that's why I think it's dangerous though because it's too broad I just feel like even if he made it make America economic again they would say oh he's trying to take the minorities out and make it more economically thing that he would say they would attack we should help the underprivileged I think it's written in our basic rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness right everybody should be on the same like level playing field right especially the underprivileged who don't have these kinds of opportunities they might have grown up in an education system that's not as good quality as certain places and then do you think that's almost a disservice to them having to go to a college where they're not almost prepared exactly didn't yeah they were given though like the opportunity because it may be like affirmative action for example where they get into that spot and then they're like oh wow I'm kind of overwhelmed there's a number of factors that we have to consider you know if we're talking about schools but first of all we don't pay teachers enough so it's not exactly attracting the best and brightest individuals to raise our kids if you do great as a teacher the incentive is to move to a better school with students who are already have economic advantages for example I'd want voucher systems for underprivileged kids to go to good schools what makes them underprivileged I would say economic status I guess my question is why aren't the parents working oh well maybe they came from a situation where their mother was maybe in prostitution or something well a lot of kids are underprivileged because of the socioeconomic status they come from the way our systems in our districts are set up it's you know keep the poor here keep the rich here lack of opportunities lack of education kids that are sex trafficked or made primarily toasters extra is very different but it turns into llege but no but it turns into adult prostitution that's that's underprivileged too if you're coming if you're a foster youth that's I I was sexually exploited as a foster youth it wasn't I wasn't prostituting but I was sexually exploited and I when I was incarcerated when I was a teenager I was incarcerated with dozens of little girls that were in jail for being sexually exploited by grown man so even as we touch on the me to movement these are people that are getting away with you know the me to movement in Hollywood with actresses that were paid millions of dollars by a dream everywhere now what yours talk to you about is very different it originated there but it gave way to everyone need to move it needed to happen a lot of ways absolutely when it came out even though it happened in Hollywood I went on social media and put hash tag me too it empowered me it gave me a voice it made me felt like I wasn't dirty or I did something wrong I'm okay finally with being vulnerable and telling a story about something that impacted me as a child and that impact did not just me but thousands maybe millions of girls actually I'm coming in I can't remember if it was the first time Obama was elected or the second time but I do remember I was in middle school and a girl came up got into my face and was like you're gonna cry because your president wasn't elected I felt very attacked and very unsafe in that moment I would say mine was a little bit more life in death situation I was attacked outside of a restaurant and stabbed four times back in the night so I just wish I could open carry and protect myself more effectively that's why I feel like the other side's agenda kind of put me in harm's way I have a second Amendment right and I have a right to carry and I don't see it any different really well personally I'm not a person who believes that we need to get rid of the Second Amendment I think that's okay false stereotype that's propagated upon explain yes if I'm with my children and I'm by myself and or whatever the case is I'm being stabbed bet your bottom dollar if I have a gun I'm going to use it but I'm not gonna use a gun on someone just because they're in my where I feel threatening are the idea of them are you no I'm not but that's what's happening and that's you know yours is an exception and I'm so sorry that happened but when we've seen people getting killed you know when we see what happened to Trayvon Martin you know when we see what's happening in the world it's because of you know as an identity as a person ed because of the color of my skin I'm a threat to you I think it's really about gun safety because we're not about taking away the Second Amendment we're just about making it safer for people to hold arms or for backgrounds yes for background check I just said forward because has the agenda the other side's agenda personally harmed you and so what from what I hear and I don't mean to like to show you our discredit it seems like the other someone from the other side attacked you but not the agenda the one area that might harm me is immigration I come from a family of immigrants they're all illegal now and so it personally hasn't heartened me but I have very many friends and family friends that that have had trouble with this but personally I have not been harmed I know that what happened to me had nothing to do with the last agenda and I'm sorry it's just um and but still at the same time I did feel attacked I felt unsafe at a school I had gone to since kindergarten this country by the only one I would say that people want health care for all they want college for all when in reality someone has to pay for it I'm okay with the schools being public I'm okay with the streets being cleaned or you know the police force being paid by tax dollars but that necessarily doesn't need to apply to the whole system I think people want socialism but the country certainly is not a socialist and it never will be yeah the country I think that just like Millennials though I would say a large portion want it and as a millennial I'm just gonna say I don't like to put the labels on things I don't want to say we want a socialist society we want a society where we have access to opportunities regardless of party regardless of race when the Affordable Care Act was implemented you know I immediately saw that I was paying more out of pocket all of us look there's this coinsurance I got to pay for it no one likes paying more money but I understood the reason why I understood that it benefitted people that are less fortunate more than likely and this is my opinion that Republicans are often you know what benefits me as an individual versus society as a whole no I think I care about myself for sure as anyone should but collectively I want America to be great again but with Republicans everything is fine and Dan you give more jobs give more healthcare give XY and Z but then the second a personally affects me and that I have to pay more taxes Trump just introduced a new budget what two days ago that gave Medicare that could healthcare that cuts social service programs to build a wall that protects the nation we live in what protects the nation is making sure we have access to health care education the president I'm someone that's been negatively impacted by not having self education we all have we all have been negatively impacted negatively impacted by someone that crossed the border illegally yes I sir yes yeah someone trying to break into her man you know he was undocumented yeah because he worked at her job along with many of the illegal aliens that worked in her company consistently she was being sexually abused she told her boss they didn't do [ __ ] and then finally they he got so drunk or whatever he followed her home and he tried to break into her apartment those things do happen but it's not an immigration problem if you have a good job or you have a job you should be allotted health care from the business okay what what's wrong with that if you have a job why don't you have a job there's a lot of wises why people don't have a job now with the type of job to access to jobs you know it's it's a real life training to have jobs so something that not a lot of people think about is what about automation right there's a company in San Francisco that says if it's repeatable its replaceable so about all those people are going to lose their jobs and so how are they gonna get Medicare how are they gonna have an education system well then you have to get into the one of the fields that isn't gonna be replaced that's what I was gonna pay for their education so they can switch their fields learn the code but it should be your right now that's right though it to be in this country it is a privilege yeah it is your privilege okay it is not a right having a job is not a right insurance is not a right College is not a right now every man Jesus please found a way all right I'm gonna pause there because this is the final prompt and I am very curious to see what everybody says for this if you would like I said I wanted pizza is this nation too divided yes I shouldn't have to lose friends over my political views that's a prime example of just how divided our nation is my son we worked on the Trump campaign and we worked with Don Trump jr. and our car was key twice because I had a trump sticker on my truck on my car we were obviously at theater inauguration my daughter was in a black tie we went to the inaugural ball of course and on our way there she was spat on literally had spit from one of the protesters for spit on my daughter 16 I don't know what you would do as a mother I lost say on camera oh yeah well I did the exact same thing I was just like really like this is where we are that was wrong and that shouldn't happen you know that shouldn't happen to anyone we need to know how to disagree and respect each other's parties and that happens on both sides Trump supporters do the same thing to us but it's not okay in any instance we shouldn't be spitting on people we should we should set examples and it starts with us I think it's something that we definitely need to focus more on the at least willing to come to the table and have a conversation even if we have different viewpoints because we will inevitable but at least come in and talk about him and recognize that while we do have different solutions we have the same issues I'm actually gonna give you a hug the media it talks - you know as much conflict as there was I think that was still really valuable it feels really real to what's happening right now in our country especially with the country getting more and more divided us trying to bring people together and you guys helped us so much with that thank you again for watching our series watch our content everything that we put up tell us what kind of episodes you'd like to see what you think of the prompts in the episode we do read all the comments that's right and as always make sure you like you subscribe tell your friends tell your mom tell everyone tell everyone always make sure to live deeper so yes alright peace
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 5,423,370
Rating: 4.9360189 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, middle ground jubilee, republicans vs democrats, can democrats and republicans see eye to eye, politics, political division, polarization, polarization politics, liberals, conservatives, liberal, conservative, liberal vs conservative, left vs right politics, trump vs democrats, republicans and democrats debate
Id: J7We_PYASzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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