DIY Vanity with Epoxy

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hey guys in this video we'll be talking about the ins and outs of how to renew your old Vande into a restored masterpiece learn these simple techniques to replicate Carrara marble by using stone coat countertop epoxy products you can create the countertops desktops art projects flooring projects or whatever your heart desires old ones surfaces can be renewed for these our products our do-it-yourself friendly have a long working time zero VOCs UV resistant and tons of fun your imagination is your only limitation visit us anytime at Stone Coke any tops calm stay tuned and enjoy the video and remember guys from stone coat counter tops you got this [Music] guys did you know that you could renew and refinish old worn vanities to look like Carrara marble in this video we're gonna show you step-by-step exactly how we took an old vanity we repainted it we sanded the surface we applied stone coat countertop epoxy to resemble an mimic mother nature and we matched Carrara marble stay tuned and enjoy the video shake it before you bake it use about 2 ounces per quart guys our white base 10 is potent it'll go a long way you don't need a lot that's how you get a really old can opened up tap it heat it up and you're good to go that's a pro tip another pro tip if you have a hard time keeping your base tense for longevity purposes maybe you're an artist and you use little bits at a time put them in condiment bottles those will help it keep it fresh you can pop it on and off on and off many multiple times without the lid getting stuck you know it's important when we ship out our base tents we don't want them coming open during shipping that's a love-hate relationship we want a great receptacle to house them and we don't want to make a mess but sometimes if you get those threads dirty it's hard to get it open again it's really really tough stuff also clean those threads before you thread that lid back on snap back to the basics epochs the Inuit hold up hey Lou yeah can you give me a beat real quick yeah snap back to the basics the epoxy in your face is getting to learn how to mix how to do the tricks with the fox media shop how do you clean your vixen attachments as you can see I've got little stalactites that have grown and that's just fine this is how I clean my attachment all done let it dry you can reuse it over and over again and if you don't like it take your standard to it you can get all those high points off but honestly these don't cost a lot of money for five dollars you get a mixture that lasts a long time if it gets overgrown where you don't like it you can always I think I'd be correct in saying the return on investment of time and cleaning this tool is a slightly lopsided but let's continue you know that point in a project where you're going I know this is a waste of my time but I'm Way too deep into this to give up this paddle is not going to win this battle I'm gonna clean it I give up getting close I'm just making sure there's no nibs enough sticking out of this fact okay little little furs that may be sticking out I'm just gonna torch them so they don't end up in the epoxy I'm gonna melt them a little bit [Music] let's clean it up how do you clean your tools you spend entirely too much time scraping peeling cutting polishing burning mmm should we get back to work or should we keep cleaning tools here we go I found more this is like a bouquet I could put this in a vase and be like I love you honey give her some flowers Wow let's go mix some epoxy the battle lost the battle we got more stuff to clean guys now let's just reuse it another pro tip when you're using our trowel stick it upright when you're done all the drips run away from the teeth and coagulate at the base of the trowel that way you don't need to clean it in between applications the teeth are exposed you got your 1/8 knotch square and we can then continue adding our epoxy here we go we're all cleaned up let's actually pour something ok guys we've poured out our epoxy it's time to trowel it out with our 1/8 by 1/8 square notch trowel that's gonna leave the proper amount of epoxy on the surface then we're gonna chop it with our brush so that we get all the trowel marks out it also helps mix it a couple of more times on the surface ensuring that we get a well next even finish [Music] all right I'm gonna add some white spray paint after that I'm gonna chop the surface and the white spray paint and the white base tint will react to one another giving me a great palette to start on to create Carrara marble protip when you're adding color don't be uniform add it sporadically don't do rows and geometric shapes do randomness when you're chopping it and it comes out much more organic and realistic looking I like adding a little bits of color at a time I can control how dark it gets carefully by just adding a touch chopping it rushing it in really getting that effect that I want but by integrating based in white spray paint black spray paint you could even do metallics and integrate different colors it really gives you a more unique more professional more realistic finish I'm gonna do this as my base and then I'm going to come back and just carefully add a couple of veins move those with the torch so I get a fine finish that looks deep and professional so what I'll do here I'm just gonna add a little bit of paint and I'll brush that in it's really dark right there but now when I move this around and utilize that as my palette I can really start to make it a great own and that's because I have some base in there you can see by brushing that will fade it and then chopping it again they'll kind of meld that and move it really looks nice doing these kind of effects and get my palette just how I want it and I could see that that white that I already added that could have been a color in and of itself but I don't like just a white counter I want a little bit more interest in that you get more realism when you add color depth layers all these things start to play off of each other to make it look like you spent hours and hours and hours on that color protip mimicking mother nature can be fun don't be stressed out just keep adding color play with your palette do a sample board when you get to your actual project there'll be no guessing game starting on a vanity is a good idea it's not a huge project it's something that you get to live with in your home test the durability and realize this medium is amazing for low budget high-end looking countertops you can see I'm not in a hurry you don't need to be you have plenty of working time it's nice and hot in my shop right now I know it's over 80 degrees but I'm not worried I have plenty of time to get the looks that I desire and I don't need to be in a rush one of our biggest takeaways is don't be afraid to move color if I left this black sitting on the surface it's pretty loud it's pretty apparent that it could have been man-made but the more that I move it the more that it melds and looks realistic I like the pattern that we have here it looks like marble but I'm gonna brush it out I'm gonna give it some grain flow and then I'm gonna do a vein that follows that grain flow let's get started I'm almost there I have some streaks here that you can tell we're done by the brush this is where the torch or the heat gun will come into play to move those so that they don't look man-made I'm gonna use a heat gun because it's a little bit more forgiving if you're brand new at this you won't over torch your material thanks buddy well how do you like this piece bro awesome you having fun yeah let's do it my major goal with the heat gun is just to move those straight lines and make them more organic I'm just hiding the fact that they're straight and making them still follow that grain flow but the heat and the air does the trick for me it's like painting with air I like that that looks really really natural you see these edges here this is a pro tip see how this edge is dripping here you can come back later in the pour and just rub that edge out that direction and it'll look more real see that that's so nice let's do that on the backsplash hey guys let us know in the comments below do you like the top how it is now or do you like it after we do the vein we're curious at the feedback of the general public help us with our focus group and let us know what do you want in your vanity where do we put our vane Mitch where do you think Matt maybe feathers need a possible boom okay that's what we're gonna do let's do it now I'm gonna put a little bit of white through that vein another pro tip is I like to put my veins in straight and then move them with air as opposed to doing squigglies with the paint stick they seem to be more real doing this method as opposed to the squiggly method you get a different look with the heat gun versus a torch somebody is both and and let me blow it out with the torch first see that's a good representation on what you'll get with the heat gun versus a torch when you blow your veins out trying to kind of hide the pattern I'm gonna blow it out in different dimensions and different lengths I really like that I'm under moving it here I think I might leave that alone but I'm gonna move it down here just a little bit more yeah that's sweet I like that high contrast there a little bit more I do see these these branches going out from this vein I'm gonna try to hide that just a little bit more and I think I'll be happy so if you think of the torch as being your brute force tool that's what's really gonna blow your vein out quickly and efficiently the heat gun is gonna feather everything it's gonna be much less aggressive but it works really well for those artistic effects another thing to keep in mind when you're popping bubbles a torch is my tool of choice because it really ensures that I get the air out a heat gun works just doesn't work quite as good as a torch learning your tools learning what's in your arsenal of equipment is really key in becoming an epoxy professional if you're doing this as a business it's really fun to make those samples and experiment if you've gone south on a project why not go way south but really push the limits because that's when you find the true beauty in that finished product you'll think you're turning something into trash and it turns out it's treasure I'm just taking some of this grain flow and just slightly putting it off kilter just so my eye doesn't pick up anything that's repeated or man-made stuff like that you can see how long of a working time that I have our epoxy isn't designed to solidify and set up it's a gradual process so by reheating it it will almost wake it up you just don't want to overdo it and push the limits too far but the limits are pretty doggone far I know this backsplash it's gonna line up where that black area is so I'm gonna really up level this use some of the black paint here bring it into the backsplash so I know it's down at this end and that will tie those two together all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna short customer this picture if they like it we're gonna sand it I got to do a flood coat anyways but when I sand it I could show them what this would look like honed or a mat or low Sheen finish I'm gonna give them that option so that they can decide do I want to hone finish did I like it better glossy and how do I like my vein giving your customers options helps you solidify the fact that you can custom make stone to whatever your customer desires that helps you get more referrals all right it's been a few hours I'm gonna come back now and scrape the drips off the bottom and the sink runs so that we don't have to sand them later here we go okay we've let our epoxy dry it's the next day and what I'm gonna do is sand I'm gonna prepare for my clear coat so you can see the difference between that low Sheen matte finish and the high gloss on this Carrara marble look with the vane I really like the low Sheen I think my customer is gonna go for that look as well so I want to give them a good representation of what that would look like it might be a good idea to sand a portion of it and show them in the same picture side-by-side what that looks like [Applause] [Music] remember there's forgiveness in your first coat because you're using different additives that are reacting to each other to create these realistic effects you're gonna get some surface tension some divots some dimples some things that are happening that you're gonna go it's not perfect that's okay the clear coat overcomes any imperfection don't focus too much on that first coat just get your color the way you want it to look and get it flat on your clear we're gonna do this just like we did yesterday we're gonna mix it for two minutes using a drill we're gonna rub the bottom and the sides of the bucket as we slow that drill down then we'll take the drill off the bottom we'll go full speed mix it vigorously then we're gonna pour it out we'll trial it using that same 1/8 by 1/8 square notch trowel we'll chop it to remove those lines will torch it to remove the air bubbles and then we're ready to install after it sets up this is fun it's easy the clear coat is simple because you're not adding color let's have fun honing this down really makes it look very real I like that technique on certain colors this white and gray Carrara marble look is definitely one of them that looks fantastic with a low Sheen you let's brush these edges out with long horizontal strokes let's do the undermount sinks alright let's torch out those bubbles okay we're torching be sure to let it set up a little bit torch those out let the air come back up to the surface torch it a second time rinse and repeat and do it a third time these steps are simple we did start with the finished countertop however if you want to learn step-by-step how to build the substrate and create undermount sinks and dewdrop edges and make this look like natural stone you can see our video on how to build a substrate our customer also fell in love with the mat low sheen finish that we did in between coats I took a picture after I sanded that gave a representation of what this would look like with that low shine that honed that matte look they liked it they gave us a thumbs up so today we're gonna sand this down and create a matte finish if you want to see how that's created step-by-step check out that video and we'll see you on the next video [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 104,342
Rating: 4.9049716 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, art resin, painting, painting countertops, epoxy metallic, epoxy resin, diy epoxy, countertop epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, how to, how to epoxy, DIY Vanity with Epoxy, epoxy vanity, refurbish sink, refurbish vanity, carrerra vanity, white metallic, spray paint, vein, faux marble, faux marble bathroom vanity, resin vanity, Bathroom vanity, do it yourself epoxy, white epoxy resin, epoxy with spray paint, spray paint art
Id: AnL-B4ulWPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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