Turn laminate countertops into "Marble" - Kids Bathroom countertop makeover! - Life With Queenii

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hey guys so today I'm gonna show you how to turn a laminate bathroom countertop into marble okay and also if you guys are curious there is a full video on the before and after makeover for this bathroom I'll have the link down below but this is how the countertop currently looks well did look yesterday the process took about two hours maybe two and a half hours just to let paint dry let epoxy partially dry and stuff like that so in this video I will show you how I did this this is my first time doing this the first thing I started off doing was cleaning the countertop making sure anything greasy oily was completely off of it I cleaned it off and then I used alcohol to wipe it down and then paper towel to just make sure all the dust is off okay you can also use tack cloth if you want to alright so again this is my first time ever doing this on an actual countertop this is a laminate countertop or if you want to call it Formica whatever works for you but it's definitely not natural stone it has a veneer on it and you know it works you know there's no issues with it I just don't like the color and it doesn't go with the bathroom anymore since I did the little makeover on the kids bathroom so what we're gonna do is start by prepping and taping off our sink if you have your sink installed and you're not gonna be removing it I suggest you tape it off like I'm doing right here and have the tape don't put the tape down right away don't stick it onto your sink right away just have it up like this okay and you're gonna use craft paper or any type of paper you have even newspaper to stick on the inside of the tape and and you're gonna kind of fold it over okay like you're making a sandwich you're just gonna sandwich the sink you're gonna cover the sink in paper like a nice deli sandwich okay oh my gosh my description of things are just awful anyways that's what we're gonna do so I just ripped the paper in pieces just to kind of make it easier for me to curve it around this sink I did want to remove the sink and replace it with a beautiful white sink but this belly I've got going on you know I'm pregnant it's kind of making things a little bit I'm not gonna say difficult just just it's just there and there's a lot of things that I'm just not gonna do that's gonna strain myself so for now we're gonna live with the sink I can always come back and take the sink out in the future okay so yeah so we're gonna cover the sink and sandwiches sandwiches sandwich it up cover it up by the way I have a cooking channel if you didn't know I'll have the link for that down below I must be hungry anyways we're gonna cover this sink okay and as you guys can see I'm pressing the tape onto the paper so this way it sticks on and then we're just gonna fold it in like I said before make sure you tape all the way around your sink okay tape the walls make sure you tape the mirror I forgot to tape the mirror but tape the mirror as well so you don't get any epoxy on there because it's very hard to clean off once it gets on there it's very sticky once it dries it's just really really hard so make sure you tape and protect anything that you don't want epoxy to get on okay the epoxy that I'm using by the way is tabletop epoxy it is not for it is not for the kitchen area only because this epoxy can only handle a certain amount of heat before it starts to soften okay I'll have the link down below to the epoxy that I purchased I got it off of Amazon and it was about sixty sixty-five dollars for the the hardener and or a and B for the epoxy okay so I'll have that down below the reason why I'm using this epoxy for the bathroom is because I don't plan on putting a 450-degree pan on this countertop because it's not part of the kitchen so it is a cheaper option for me to use in the bathroom especially the kids the reason why I'm doing the kids bathroom first because it's more of a test to see how this would work out on a countertop which I already did a little pretest on a piece of MDF and it came out real beautiful so it gave me a little bit of a little bit of courage to actually go ahead and do this I just needed the energy to do it so finally got my energy to get myself together to just do this get it out the way before I give birth because I don't want to be doing any projects when the baby comes I just you know want to spend most of my time with her okay so and I have three other kids so yeah it's you know I'm gonna be really busy so I'm just trying to get as much as I can done without straining myself you know just so I don't have a lot on my mind when the baby comes okay so yeah again the epoxy I will prefer this epoxy the one that I have in the link it is an affiliate link I am an Amazon affiliate I am not sponsored by the company it's just a product I found purchased myself and then I have an affiliate link that I can add to it so if you purchase it through the affiliate link thank you so very much if you don't that is okay all right once we have everything taped off we're gonna go in and crime I'm using the sensors insert primary you can get this in Walley world they don't pay me so I'm not gonna say their full name but you can get this primer in most hardware stores is a very very good primer the only thing is you need to allow this primer to dry completely it is a no sand primer so if you don't feel like sanding anything you can use this primer you just have to let it dry completely okay so I'm gonna use a foam roller high density foam roller to roll this out onto the countertop okay and we're just gonna do one nice thin layer and we're going to let this dry completely don't worry if it looks patchy or anything you can always you know go over it just a little bit but it doesn't have to be a hundred percent perfect because it's just the primer we're gonna go over this with paint just make sure there are no bumps no hairs no fibers no lumps none of that on the actual primer okay we want this nice and smooth you guys nice and smooth okay all right so make sure you prime everywhere make sure you tape off anything or everything that you want to protect you some painters tape get some craft paper or some newspapers that you have laying around and cover your cabinets your mirror your wall whatever you want to tape it off if you are a messy like DIY ER you know I could be a little messy too you know I could have put paper on the wall but I was really trying to see if I can keep myself from destroying the whole back boom but um yeah just tape off anything that you want to protect take your time prime make sure it's nice and smooth no bumps no lumps no hairs okay especially if you have pets you know when you have pets it's hairs just pop out of nowhere like magic so make sure you check okay after you're done putting on your primary check the countertop make sure there's nothing on there that will interfere with the smoothness of your finished product okay you can also use a small brush to cut the corners you can do this before you start ruling or after really doesn't matter just make sure everything is nice and smooth okay so just like you guys are saying I'm using a small brush just to make sure I get the paint the primer I mean in all the corners don't forget to roll primer on the edge of the counter top and on the sides of the countertop this is the paint I'm using it's my favorite white paint especially for areas where you know it's going to get a lot of traffic baseboards windows things like that it's a really nice paint it's not your typical latex paint and primer and one it is a bit more expensive but this is my second can in about two years and a little goes a long way so long shoe prime and prep it will go a long way okay so as you guys can see I'm cutting the corners first this time with my small brush okay and this is after I let the primer dry for one hour please let your primer dry for one hour if you don't want to wait use a blow dryer but please be careful with the blow dryer you can blow dust hairs onto your wet primer okay so please be careful with that so once I have all the corners cut I'm gonna go in and roll on my white urethane paint onto the counter top all right so we're gonna get a nice even coat of the bare white paint okay nice and even try not to leave any lines or nothing like that we want a nice even flawless looking coat it doesn't have to be super thick either okay so if you do a thin layer you want to come back and do another layer that's okay so long as it's a thin layer but don't gunk it on there okay it's a nice thin layer that's nice and even and opaque and use the foam rollers don't use the rollers that have the fibers because this could leave your countertop looking textured the foam roller would give it more of a smooth finish you all right we're finally to the fun part the epoxy this is the tabletop epoxy that I will be using I am NOT sponsored by this company or the seller but I am an Amazon affiliate I'll have the link to this epoxy down below but you're going to need nude would you what am I thinking what you're going to need to do is pour half-and-half equal parts into a epoxy safe container I used this one I got it from the dollar store I did have two other epoxy safe containers but I use them on my test board and I throw them away so this work it didn't melt or deteriorate or anything crazy and the measurements are on there for this size counter I ended up mixing 16 ounces of epoxy and then as far as tinting the epoxy you do not want to dump paint in here okay you want about 5 percent or less of paint and it's best to use a urethane paint instead of the paint in primary you can use paint and primer latex paints you could do that if you want to but just doing some research is just best to use a urethane paint to tint your epoxy okay well I've been looking into doing epoxy on our countertops for a while now it's it feels like four years five years even before we even got the house you know I was looking into epoxy countertops so yeah you know so far my test board with the MDF is looking really beautiful it has not changed in color hasn't yellowed or anything like that and I've had it out in the Sun just to test it out so I'm just going with my first test and the research that I did okay so less than 5% to your epoxy mix you don't want to dump a half a pint of paint or a cup of paint in there you don't want that also there was a company that I was going to use I was going to purchase from them I actually contacted them and spoke with them they did offer to give me the product for a discounted price but it's just something about the price of one of their tints so basically this small jar of color that you would add to the epoxy was it was just more than an actual gallon of paint okay it was like a little tiny one cup jar and come to find out they said that it was basically paint so I'm just gonna assume I don't know I'm just gonna assume that they are using urethane paint that was tinted to specific colors and putting them in smaller jars and selling them for about $20 plus each okay so instead of going ahead with that company because the price was just a little bit ridiculous I just you know got my own epoxy off Amazon my gallon of paint was $35 it's $15 more than the little tiny one cup jar but at least I'll be able to use this one gallon of paint to finish up painting trim to finish up painting window frames and things like that okay all right as far as spreading out your pox your epoxy you guys see that I poured it onto the countertop I poured it behind where the faucet is and then I poured it on each side and then I'm using basically a putty knife with teeth but I'm just using this to kind of spread the epoxy all over and then I'm gonna go in with a brand new brand you do not reuse the foam roller that you use to paint the counter top I'm going in with a brand new foam roller to spread out the epoxy this is going to eliminate bubbles and make it nice and smooth and get you a nice smooth surface all over so I just wanted to let you guys know once you start pouring your epoxy you get about 30 maybe 40 minutes to move it around this includes spreading it and putting in your marbled design or whatever design it is that you are going for okay so dirty maybe 40 minutes and this all depends on the temperature in your house right now in my house it was I want to say about 75 degrees so I'm guessing the hotter is the quicker that time will go by okay by the way your supplies you're going to need foam rollers say about three you know just have three okay you're gonna need a putty knife like this one with teeth or without but I prefer the one with teeth it helps make it spread a little bit more evenly gloves mixing bowls or mixing containers for the epoxy painters tape paper to cover your sink to cover the walls I use craft paper you can go to the dollar store and get a roll okay so those are just some of the supplies you'll need paint you can get you can get paint and primer in one the white painted primer if you do not want to buy the urethane paint that's fine you can use that I'm just using it because it's just from research is recommended that you use that okay and from my sample I like the way it looks so I'm just gonna stick with it but you can use paint and primer and one if you wanna just save a little bit of money okay also if you have like a shiny countertop you're gonna need sandpaper to sand it a bit to kind of get it a little rough tack cloth to wipe the dust off and I think I covered it all I think I did also a mask if you know you have problems breathing okay so make sure you wear a mask so you're not inhaling any fumes this epoxy barely had any fumes I had no issues with it okay so and it's also non-yellowing so that's really great but the bathroom doesn't get any sunlight so that's just a bonus okay cuz they get if the sunlight hits epoxy it will yellow it after a while but the bathroom doesn't have an actual window for sunlight so I'm not gonna worry about that but it's just nice that it doesn't yellow so as you guys could see I'm still spreading it I'm letting it pour over the sides and I'm spreading it on the sides as well trying to get it you know as even as I can and once I have it all over then I'm gonna go in with my brand new foam roller burn you from roller lightly roll it you guys you don't want to the foam roller down on the counter you're not painting all you're doing is just moving the epoxy around okay just move it around glide the roller on top of it that's all you got it just glide it cuz if you press down on the foam roller it's going to create air bubbles and now you'll have a whole bunch of tiny little air bubbles in your epoxy and you don't want that okay so just let the foam roller glide over the epoxy and this will give you a beautiful bubble free finish you see how I'm moving it I'm just letting it glide I'm not pushing down on it that's how you have to do it and if you push down on it you can also create high and low areas you could push off too much epoxy you don't want that either you want a good like 1/8 of an inch thickness in epoxy on the counter top so try not to roll it all off yes you want it to pour over the edge and fall off to the sides and this is gonna help cover the sides you know and and that's it you don't don't don't press too hard gentle gentle and quick quick and gentle okay and don't worry if you see any marks or anything like that I know it's tempting to go over it again a hundred times because it doesn't look smooth the epoxy is self leveling so it will level itself out and create that beautiful smooth finish all you got to do is just evenly roll it out even if it has little lines just give it like ten seconds twenty seconds and you'll see it'll level out on its own and again remember you only get 30 to 40 minutes depending on the temperature in your house make sure you check your epoxy while you're rolling it out that there's no hairs or any particles or anything that fly into it try not to get you know any fans or anything like that if you have the air on take that off okay you don't you don't want the air on so now we're gonna tint our paint this is just a sample of a gray paint that I had in the garage when we first moved in the house I think I had about six different samples of gray and this one I believe is called Mirage gray by Shirin Williams I believe I'm not sure but it's just a pretty gray that I'm going to mix with whatever white epoxy was left in there and this is what I'm gonna use to mix to make my grade that is going to create my veins on the countertop and as you guys could see I'm also using my paint stick to just kind of let it drip across you see this and you could do it in any direction any design you want you can stay real simple or you can go very dramatic and since this is my first countertop that I'm doing and this is the kids bathroom so you know I just wanted to add extra veins just to kind of help make it appear clean when it's not but they've been doing a pretty good job keeping their bathroom clean since I did the first video where I showed the floors the cabinet and the tub makeover so yeah if you guys want to see that I'll have the link down below for you guys trust me I think you're going to like it and be inspired to do something alright so I always let you guys know what mistakes happen and here is a mistake that I made you see how I'm putting the veins in the back right there and it's partially my fault and also not my fault because my back started to hurt really bad cuz the weight of my belly was pulling me forward and I couldn't really Bend the way I usually can bends cuz my belly was in the way so next time I will add my veins from them to the backsplash part towards the end why because gravity and the mixture is still very liquidy the longer you wait the thicker the epoxy gets so for the next bathroom countertop that I do I'm just gonna wait a little bit you know and then wait to like thicken up and then add the veins to the backsplash part but other than that that was pretty much it okay so I'm gonna use my paint stick and blur out smudge out the veins that I have on here and then I'm gonna go in with a paint brush I suggest you use a synthetic paint brush I just used a regular paint brush that I had I didn't buy a special paint brush I made sure to take off any loose bristles because I didn't want that to fall into my epoxy it's paintbrushes I usually use when I'm doing chalk paint so yeah I just took my hand and I went through it make sure all the bristles were firmly in there took out anything loose and it does anything like that and then just use this to kind of blend out blur out the veins so they don't look so sharp you know what I mean because marble is very blurry the veins are usually very blurry but they do have counter tops that are man-made stone countertops that have like very structure structure structured structured I'm sorry guys my accident is structured very sharp-looking marble veins okay so that's the look you're going for hey go right ahead have fun with it it is your project if you're doing this have fun make it your own because there isn't gonna be another countertop that looks like yours okay so have fun with it so as you guys could see look at the way I'm just tapping I'm just using the end of the brush to blend out the epoxy that I poured you know with my paint stick making the veins okay you just want to tap it tap it tap tap tap it and this is just to help blur out those harsh lines so it has more of a natural look sorry for the motorcycle in the background fourth of July weekend so yeah don't forget to bring your veins over the edge to make the continue that line over the edge this will help it look natural as well okay so just look at the tapping motion I'm not really like doing much I'm just tapping tapping tapping and I'm also adding more veins with the brush if you could see like you know I'm tapping and whatever is left on the brush I just you know add a little extra you know here and there so just make it your own and have fun you know create your own piece of quote-unquote marble okay it does not have to look like everybody else's it's your own masterpiece so as far as this epoxy no it is not a high heat epoxy I may end up using this same epoxy brand because of the price point it's $63.99 low-order zero wok it is pretty much crystal clear it does not yellow self-leveling it's it's just really really good stuff and the price point for one gallon like you can't beat that you you really cannot so you know I had to get it I have enough epoxy left to do another counter top this size but I'm gonna end up buying another kit if you guys want to see that when I get ready to do that most likely after I give birth please let me know in the comment section or like this video if you enjoyed it okay but yeah I'm loving this you know it did take a while to the three hours and remember most of the time is not you actually doing anything most of it is you waiting for things to partially dry so once you get your marble design that you like on your countertop you're gonna have to wait about two three hours okay so that or two hours I waited two hours but on the site or on the seller side they say wait about four six hours I'm not waiting that long so I waited about two hours and then I went ahead and did a clear coat of epoxy over my quote unquote marble design okay it is my own design that's this what we're gonna call it marble okay somebody doesn't like it oh well because it's always somebody not gonna like something you're doing it's just it's just this is just life it's just what it is alright but I really hope you guys are enjoying the video hopefully it inspires you a little bit at least again a little adventurous with some projects in your house okay so you see I'm still using the paint stick and I'm just using it to add some extra veins to the back part of the back splash of the countertop okay and here I'm mixing the clear coat okay I'm mixing the clear coat here so again equal parts in a separate container alright so make sure you use a separate container and I'm just gonna pour that and I did wait two hours not what this company recommends but I just waited two hours because I could not wait that long went over it and gently glided over make sure it pours over the edge okay so you make sure that edge gets covered you don't want your edge to be peeking through and see some laminate countertop peeking through there okay you're gonna do the same process like I said and this time another clean roller do not use the roller that you used to roll out the white clean roller so you're gonna need about three foam rollers one for paint and primer one for the white epoxy and one for the clear so three high density foam rollers okay so as you guys could see it has a beautiful beautiful shine partially dry and make sure you take off your paint tape mask tape whatever you want to call it take it off while it is still kind of wet do not wait for this to get completely dry it's gonna be very hard to take it off I suggest using a box cutter just to help get the tape off as smoothly and as easily as you can there will be drips underneath the countertops so use your putty knife or the box cutter to scrape it off like this on the right okay I'm sorry guys my camera stopped filming while I was scraping it off for you guys I suggest leaving the paper on that is around the cabinet until you are a hundred percent sure that the epoxy is dry once it is dry you can go in and caulk between the space between the sink and the countertop okay so the gap that little tiny little shallow gap you can go ahead and caulk that with bathroom caulk not painters caulk okay get the cog that is made just for your bathroom and just fill in that gap so this way you don't have any water puddling there and creating issues for you also caulk between the drywall or the wall and your backsplash okay this was not previously cocked it was just installed this way never had caulk on it I didn't even remove caulk so it was just like this so I'm gonna go ahead and put caulk because there's this fine gap there and I don't want water to get into the wall all right you guys and make sure your fingers a slight bit damp okay just a little bit damp not like wet dripping water all over this is just gonna help your finger glide over the and make it nice and smooth do not put too much I know it's tempting to do that when you cut the tip of your okay when you cut it cut it at an angle at least a 45 degree angle and don't cut it too big don't make the hole too big you want the hole nice and thin okay and don't overdo the okay take your time make sure your fingers a little bit damp and then glide your finger over the a little bit goes a long way if you want more you can always add more but if you put too much coffee it's gonna be a hot mess and it's gonna look lumpy and bumpy and it's gonna take forever to clean that up so this is the final product absolutely love the shine on this countertop it looks amazing better in person my husband came home he saw it he loves it the kids love it and yeah eventually we'll change out the sink I'm sure someone's gonna say something about the sink but I am huge pregnant right now I'm that I'm just not doing that if you want to use heat you can use a blow dryer just make sure it's clean all right but hopefully this video inspired you to you know jazz up your bathroom or kitchen or whatever and yeah if you liked it make sure you like the video if you enjoyed my video please subscribe to my channel and leave a comment I'll see you guys in another DIY video hopefully soon love you bye
Channel: LifeWithQueenii
Views: 417,859
Rating: 4.9013782 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertops, how to marble epoxy countertops, how to turn laminate countertop into marble, life with queenii, diy countertops, marble countertops, queenii rozenblad, epoxy, countertops, marble, diy marble countertop, epoxy on countertops, how to epoxy kitchen countertop, remodel, bathroom, affordable bathroom, bathroom makeover, epoxy art, white marble epoxy, stonecoat countertops, leggari countertops, countertop kit, bathroom countertop install, how to install countertop
Id: _9C0Zvo3Ny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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