Renew Old Laminate Countertops

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hey guys Mike here with Stone Koch countertops calm today we're going to show you a really cool project we did this over all the existing laminate countertops we turn it into a sediment style striated countertop boy this came out really pretty we love the tones we're going to show you all the step-by-step tricks of how we do this in your own space you can check us out and visit us anytime at Stone Koch countertops com enjoy the video you hey guys Mike here with Stone Koch countertops calm today we're here with Northrop he's hired us to come in and cover his old laminate countertops with stone Koch countertop epoxy we're gonna use this space here as the the really accentuated piece of this kitchen this is his Peninsula we're gonna do a really fun vein but first we're gonna clean this really well we're gonna sand it with sixty grit sanding discs then we're going to apply our bonding primer and then we're gonna start the epoxy process stay tuned we're gonna give you all the tips and tricks right now in this video of how to cover old existing Formica and laminate countertops okay guys so you can see this is just your normal run-of-the-mill laminate we're just gonna cover these countertops up with our stone coat countertop epoxy you can see there's a little scene here we're going to cover that up this is a top mount sink so in this video we're going to show you how to remove a top mount sink which is really simple and this is just a standard kitchen so this is where the stove is and and this is another countertop just to the right of the stove and here's a little l-shaped countertop so we're gonna cover this entire kitchen and show you all the steps right now okay guys let's go under the sink cabinet here so we're gonna go in the sink and I'm gonna show you right here is where these clips are so you're gonna take your flat-head screwdriver you're gonna loosen these clips and when you loosen these normally that clip is going to be right here grabbing that under that lip of the countertop and we're going to just loosen that up and that will allow us to take our sink out so you're gonna have these clips all the way around the rim of your sink you're just gonna loosen those up and then what you're gonna do is loosen your supply lines and your drain and then your sink is ready to pop out let's go ahead and take this out okay we got the the supply lines and the ABS drain all loosened up here on the sink we're gonna go ahead and pop this sink out we'll set it aside and we'll install it after our countertops are complete if you'd like to leave your sink in you can do that but you got to do good job prepping off this perimeter lip of the sink and and keep that in place and you're gonna have to pull that tape before the epoxy dries or also don't want to lock that masking tape in so in this case sometimes it's a little bit easier just to pull the sink out and reinstall it when your job is complete let's go ahead and take it out okay what we're gonna do now is we're gonna mask the floor it's really important when you're doing a job on-site in place that you take care to protect your surroundings so we're gonna match the floor we're gonna mask the cabinets and we're gonna do a really good job of that because then our cleanup is gonna be super easy and stress-free let's go ahead and use some rosin paper we're gonna use that around the perimeter and then we're gonna we're gonna mask the cabinets with plastic and overlap that rosin paper I like to do the floor first and then overlap with our cabinet covering let's get started [Music] okay guys we got the floors and the cabinets all masked off we've masked the floors with our rosin paper we've masked the cabinets with painters plastic and then what we're gonna do is degrease these countertops so we have some degreasing cleaning solution in here ready to go we're gonna spray that out we're gonna really clean this counter before we sand the point in that is so that you don't take the grease and grime and sand it deeper into the countertop surface so we'll clean it first and then we're gonna sand it with 60 grit let's get started [Music] - question okay what I'm gonna do here where this old sink caulking and kind of mess is right here is we're just gonna use our straightedge razor blade and we're just gonna clean that off just like that and that's a quick and easy way just to clean that up and all I'm doing is keeping that that blade at a ninety degree to the actual counter top the reason you want to do this is because if this was glued down with a hundred percent silicon the epoxy will not bite to that silicon so be sure to get all that off before you apply the epoxy okay guys we have a situation here where this countertop was repaired and we're gonna we're gonna take care of this Northup why don't you tell us what happened here and and what's going on so this is the dishwasher and there would be steam coming up through here and kind of loosening this up so I thought well what can I do to fix it so I put some Gorilla Glue down in there gotcha wet it and then put the grill glue well with it I'm gonna dry it it pushed it back out and so it's never been perfect ever since then okay it just means I'm gonna ignore for a year now all right all right so this open area here is what we're concerned with so if we were just to epoxy and let this stay you're gonna see a void here the epoxy is not gonna stay and fill that in it's just gonna drain through this crack so you could do one of two things you could bondo this and sand it or we can peel this off and sand and go right over the particle board so we're gonna do the second we're gonna peel this off we're gonna sand the particle board and when we're all done you'll never know that that was actually an issue let's go ahead and peel this off so we're just gonna see how let me get a screwdriver in here so that's gonna come right off for us so anything loose like that you'll probably want to just pop it off we'll just peel that right off and there we go we'll sand that up and we'll repair this so you can see this particle board here has got some damage from the water it's got loose loose loose board here we're gonna sand that and we're gonna actually bondo that and fix it okay we got the countertops all cleaned and degreased now we're gonna take our 60 grit sanding disc I got this on my random orbital sander hooked up to our vacuum we just taped the holes right there to our sander so that we can vacuum up that dust and keep it nice and dust free in here so let's go ahead and sand this and we really want to scratch it up and get it prepared to apply that bonding primer so what this does is it gives you a mechanical bond some some cracks and crevices for that bonding primer to adhere to and the bonding primer also has a chemical bond that's going to help bond to this smooth hard surface let's get started [Music] okay we got these sanded up with sixty grit sanding discs we're just gonna take our paper towels and we're just gonna wipe the residual dust off to get ready for the bonding primer okay we got this windowsill and we're gonna actually coat this windowsill along with the countertops we got it loosened up here and you can see can you see on camera how beat-up this is and the paint's loose and that kind of thing yeah okay so so we got all the paint that's loose on this we're gonna send this windowsill down and we're going to put this up on some paint tripods aside and and we're gonna we're going to go ahead and do this if I if I left this in place here the drips would drip into our countertop because it's at a higher level so we're gonna set this aside on the job will coat it along with the rest of the job so that the windowsill will match the countertops and look really classic so let's go ahead and sand this up [Music] okay we got the windowsill all sanded off and that's gonna be really nice to coat now now what we're gonna do is we have delicate blue tape that we've actually taped to the cabinet so that we don't hurt the finish of the cabinets but I'm gonna use our red duct tape right over the top of this that way when we deep prep or damask this it's a real good solid strong tape that the epoxy app actually overlaps or sticks to and that's so that when we when we take everything off it comes off really nice so we like to we like to top everything with duct tape to give it a good clean release so the epoxy doesn't tear our plastic in our tape okay we got everything ready for the stone coat countertop bonding primer we apply a thin coat of bonding primer you only need one coat and if you get some areas that are a little transparent that's okay you just don't want to apply this really thick and make sure you let it dry nice and thorough before you move on to the paint and primer in one step if you're gonna go over raw MDF or plywood you don't need bonding primer because that's a that's a porous surface but when you are going over a smooth hard surface like chorion or laminate or solid surface those kind of things you're gonna want to use bonding primer before you apply your paint primer and one for your base color so let's go ahead and apply our bonding primer and now we'll let that dry before we apply our paint and primer and one here we go [Applause] each one of our eight ounce bonding primers will cover about 30 square feet of countertop so that's a good rule of thumb when you're ordering for your own project and we just have a quarter inch nap roller on our on our roller here and that's what we like to apply this with you can use a foam roller or whatever you'd like but we like a one quarter inch nap roller just going to pour a little bit of that out to get me started and we're going to spread that nice and thin throughout the project I wanted to try it - all right man going on okay we're gonna take this all-purpose bondo putty and we're gonna use our bondo spreader and we're gonna repair where this Formica had gotten damaged and was glued back on we're gonna repair that so that when we apply our epoxy it looks just perfect let's go ahead and do that right now so I'm just gonna use this counter top as my mixing surface because I know that we're going to apply another coat of paint and primer in one and the color that we want so it doesn't matter if I get a little bondo on my bonding primer that's no problem at all we're just gonna mix a little of this so that I can get a nice smooth surface ready I'm gonna take some of the hardener that comes with that bondo and then mix that together now I'm going to do is keep folding the product on itself is what I like to do when I'm mixing this oh when I apply this I'm just gonna butter this on here and then I'll come back and I'll really dress it up but this is really perfected when we sand that's when we get it nice and smooth [Applause] okay the bonding primer is completely dry we got our edge bond out here this feels way better we got it nice and sanded so I'm just gonna take 220 and I'm gonna quickly just sand the surface of our bonding primer and wipe the dust to prepare for my next step so we're just wiping that dust off now and that's what I'm doing with the paper towels okay what we're gonna do now is we're going to apply the paint and primer and one we got this at Home Depot and we had it tinted in the color called suede grey we really like to use this color for this type of look we're going for and we're gonna roll this on and get started right now so I'm just gonna take that we Nero ler and just get a nice thin coat out this this color isn't far from our bonding primer color but it is a different shade it is a little bit darker if you like the bonding primer you can apply it a little bit thicker so it has perfect coverage and use that as a base if you so choose but most of the time we're going to use a paint and primer in one color over that just to give us the effect that we're going for north or would you like to paint this all right okay guys we got the paint primer and one all dry we're ready to go we've masked off the sink we got some really good thick plastic here in the sink so that anything that drips over into the sink isn't going to go into the sink cabinet and now we're gonna do some undertones we're gonna take our rust-oleum paint and we're just gonna fog some undertones to give it visual interest as you look through the epoxy it won't just be one bland color this is also really important on the edges because the epoxy is gonna tend to be much thinner on the edges and we want some visual interest looking through those edges so it's not just one solid bland color let's go ahead and do that right now you want to shake one of these up Northrop [Applause] [Music] so what we've done is we've just gone ahead and logged on all that spray-paint to get this looking really good we got some different colors in there and we're gonna use those same colors in the top but that'll give some visual interest below let's go ahead and get started Northup are you ready to go Zach are you ready oh yeah all right here we go okay we got our stone coke countertop kit we're gonna go ahead and open this up we're gonna mix a one-to-one ratio we like to start with Part B first and then move on to Part A we had two sitting in front of our space heater so it's nice and warm and ready to go let's get started here we go if you haven't seen our video on how to mix some folk countertop epoxy go check that out we always mix it with the drill and a mixing paddle we mix it for about two minutes and then we're ready to go so we'll see in a couple minutes all right we are ready to go on this island so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour this out right here in the center of this island and as you can see we've entrained some error in this epoxy but as we torch it it'll clear right up for us so I'm going to start with I'd like to start with a lot of epoxy and scoop the excess out that way we get it mixed up really well let me get a paint stick so this is our stone countertop 1/8 inch square notch trowel we like that because it'll stand up vertical and let the drips run away from the teeth so we can use it over and over on different projects it works really well I'm going to just scrape all the contents right out into the center mass of this epoxy that way we're gonna get this remixed because some of the stuff that sticks on the bottom and the sides of the bucket aren't gonna be mixed as well as they should be but by mixing it right there in the center it's gonna mix it well with the trowel and then when we chop it again that will also mix it let's set this aside we're gonna trial this out so I'm just gonna take that stuff that I just poured in there just move that around just make sure we get that mixed and I'm not going to use heavy pressure on the teeth because we got these effects and stuff that are fresh on the counter we don't want to we don't want to scratch the counter up you want to make sure those are dry but they're just sitting right on the surface so we don't want to mess those up at all so I'm just going to go through here and I'm gonna use the majority of this just to spread it and then I'll scoop it off any excess that we have and we'll use it in different parts of the kitchen does that make sense Northrup I like it so I'm just bringing it right up to that edge I don't like to scoop it off the edge at first you want to just get everything spread and then do your edges last with the excess [Music] so we're gonna take our chop brush here and we're gonna chop the top but first we're gonna make sure there's no loose bristles on here see that bristle there so I'm just pulling those out make sure there's nothing loose I'll do part of this and then I'll have you do the rest okay so I'm gonna prime the brush so that we don't pull material off of our surface I'm just gonna start chopping it and I'm gonna do random I don't want to splatter it everywhere let's see these trowel marks yeah that's what we're removing Plus this is also making sure see this void here of epoxy yeah we're gonna touch that and break surface tension and make sure everything is naturally chopped out like that okay yes all right and I'll continue to spread it [Music] you're going to go through and brush out all those all those drips [Applause] [Music] let's set our brush here until we're ready for that counter well you see all these little thousands of bubbles right here on the surface yeah so we're gonna fix that right now can you see those on the camera okay we're gonna pop these bubbles just by sweeping strokes with our propane torch across the surface [Applause] so start to level out for you I do I see it [Applause] you don't have to get every bubble this coat doesn't matter as much for the bubbles but it's nice to get that air out you see how the air that's trapped in there just disappears now and that's what this purpose is would you like to do actually do this on video and it could never see it now you do right [Applause] so you want to get a little closer and a little bit slower perfect right there [Applause] the last thing you want to do is hold it in one spot for a real long time because then you'll start to burn the epoxy [Applause] so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna start putting in some colors and I'm gonna start with just a little bit of metallic and a little bit of alcohol so can you hold the alcohol this is our alcohol copper metallic mix and I got some black rust-oleum paint so I'm gonna fog some paint and immediately hit it with alcohol just to start some of our coloring process okay I'm just gonna fog that and we're gonna hit it with some alcohol just to start giving it some effects and you see how those two react start to blend with each other and make those cool effects yeah so let's go ahead and start doing some of this look at what that's doing there and that cool like alright you want to do this section some black paint first [Music] sweet so I'm just layering some weight on top of what we've done there [Music] let's go ahead and fog a little bit more of this on just layer it with a little bit of clay here [Music] do you like it so far or no [Music] that's right that's right yes sir we'll start with our white we'll lay some white down and a paint stick let me grab our paint stick here alright so we're gonna we're gonna change this up a little bit we're not quite happy with how it looks but we're gonna use some of these colors that are in here so we're just gonna make a grand flow and start adding more striations to this piece so how we do that so I'm just gonna take my brush through here and we're just gonna start brushing this out and this will give us a really pretty undertone that we can work with but that's why you never need to fret if you're not happy with something let's just change it that's also what's important about having a long working time and that cool [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] now we're just gonna start making lines here you don't want anything looking super man-made so this is what you do and then the torch will melt it all out I'm using different angles of the stick to some real flat some real pokey treat every absolutely but that's why you got to do a recipe to here we just went for it and oh well that doesn't look so good you just keep working it until you're happy and that's the important thing is is either make a recipe or keep working the material until you're really happy with it because you can you can work it and when we're done I know we'll like this this will look really cool all right let's torch this thing out make it all of natural you erase the paint stick line [Music] alright guys we've poured that first coat it's all dry this is the next morning after we've poured that and Northrup you had some homework last night you want to talk about what you did I had it put on the glove and come underneath here go like this clean this off it's catching the drips or cleaning the drips off I couldn't hardly see what I was doing but every time I put my finger underneath that's what I would find is these drips so I had to do it periodically for a couple hours last night was it difficult not difficult all right I mean one minute to do it each time cool and then you got it to where when it was gelled and it stopped dripping you were good to go smooth this morning all under the counter smooth so that's important to remember to wipe your drips because then you don't have to sand them in the house and create a mess okay guys so we've done that first coat we got our color just how we like it Northrop and his family really love the countertops they can't believe how they look and now we're gonna do our clear coat we're gonna apply the clear clear coat in the same manner that we do the color coat we're just not putting any color in it so we're going to use a notch trowel the mixing paddle and we're gonna chop it and then we're gonna torch it and it's really important on this coat to remember don't have air movement in the room get your room temperature up and turn off the heating and air vent so it's not blowing on the surface also don't have fans blowing in the room that will create divots in your top because the air movement will mess with this clear coat laying out also you want to sand in between coats I have 220 grit on here so we're just gonna quickly sand and get this gig lost a little bit so that we get a good mechanical bond between the two coats when the counters are starting to cure you want to leave the counters tearing in a nice warm environment and feel free to call us any time with questions and and visit us any time at Stone Koch countertops com alright we're gonna finish sanding that's and then we're gonna mix our clearcoat trial that out chop it and torch it and torch it three times you're gonna torch those bubbles out it'll look like you've gotten everything but come back torch it a second time and then finally a third time and we wait about five minutes between torching or I'll start here I'll do this whole kitchen and then by the time I've done torching over here I'll come back and do it a second and then finally a third time okay when you're doing your edges what we did yesterday is we brush these edges out horizontally a number of times to keep them smooth also between coats just take your sander and sand those edges to get rid of any high points or bumps and nibs and that kind of thing and then the second coat will make them very smooth all we're gonna do after we've sanded is wipe with our blue paper towels you don't need to wipe off with a solvent or anything like that just use your paper towels and wipe this off and I don't like to use a tack cloth either sometimes tack cloths will carry a residue in them that doesn't work well putting another coat of epoxy over [Music] I'm sure that you don't have any sticky spots from under mixing hey guys thanks for watching our video here on how to go over old existing laminate countertops in place on the job this was a fun project we love all the colors that were put into this top we worked this material until we're really happy with it and the homeowner is ecstatic we really like the colors and how it's gonna go with the backsplash we're gonna do a tumbled slate a 4 by 4 row of tumble slate for the backsplash and we think those colors will really draw this out what we're gonna do is we're gonna scrape these drips every couple of hours just to make sure they don't form little popsicles underneath the edge so that we don't have to sand those later in the house we're also gonna deep prep this kitchen tomorrow and then the sink can get put in in a couple of days so you don't scratch the surface when you're installing that sink you want to give it a few days to to really start to set and then you can begin like you see your countertops you can visit us anytime at Stone Koch countertops calm and feel free to put any questions below in the comments also call us anytime for free project support and remember until next time you got this from Stone Koch countertops we'll see you soon okay Northrop you've watched some of our videos you've seen what we can do now we've done it in your house tell us about the process and what you think of what's happened here ok so the process after I'd watched videos before and I thought maybe I could do it maybe I can now that I've seen it done I get how it all comes together for me I needed to be part of it and I'm thinking maybe I could go into the bathroom and go do my counters in there next awesome it's possible because now I've seen it done it's not that complicated thank you yeah I know how do you like the colors after we've kind of worked this together yet important part is that my wife loved the color that's important yes sir colors are colors right on do you have anything else to say before we wrap this up no this looks very valuable it looks expensive and it wasn't oh that's nice part two awesome well hey thanks a lot we appreciate you letting us do this in your home we had so much fun Northrop is a great guy to work with and hopefully one day he's doing his own counters and sending us in his own project video right correct all right I want to get his shirt you're getting one he earned his shirt so Northrop you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 1,679,405
Rating: 4.8267779 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop DIY, how to, concrete, overlay, formica, repair, kitchen, bath, countertop epoxy, wood slab, live edge, Renew Old Laminate Countertops, repair formica, repair laminate, epoxy, countertops, resurface kit
Id: 5K879xrhblg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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