Awesome Epoxy Marble Tips You SHOULD KNOW

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when we do home shows half our customers they stop at our booth because there's something wild that catches their attention they stay at our booth because half our customers when we do their job want Carrera marble so we're gonna show you how we approach Carrara marble we're gonna show you what happens when we go south with Carrera marble and how to salvage it you can always salvage it come on up and let's get started the wood craft in Manchester Connecticut invited us to come out and teach it and Vance hands-on training class we were excited at the opportunity [Music] remember when you subscribe to our channel click on the red subscribe button and be sure to ring the bell so you get notified every time we have a new video thanks again if we can't do it with our eyes closed it's probably too difficult of a technique we don't want you to have to have this stress because this is a small piece if you're doing a 40 square foot job it's got to be simple it's got to be fast and repeatable so that's where we stem a lot of our techniques from we got some material mixed what we're gonna do with carreer marble we're gonna add our base tint and then we're gonna add some spray paint those react with each other to give us easy looks that look real and then I'm gonna mess it up and go too far and I'll show you how to erase that and then I'll show you how to make another look on top of that you guys ready all right we add about two ounces per quart of our base tent that's about as far as you want to go the marble effect has to have a base 10 swallow the color so what I mean by that is everything that I do to this because it's tinted epoxy it's gonna tone down whatever it is that I do so I used to use on career marble as we know it's not really black it's more gray I used to use different colored Gray's and I would get like this palette of grace ripping and thinking I was really artistic and every time I hit black it turns gray anyways because it's enveloped by white so the big key with Carrara marble is how you chop it and if you chop it in a geometric fashion it shows up fake does that make sense you guys got a smile yeah and then I'm gonna trial it out the reason we do at eighth inch square is it leaves about a sixteenth on the surface I don't push it over the edge you got to just get it close and then on a sample board I'm gonna scoot this back in my bucket if I had another sample board I would just scoop it right on that one I'll cover my whole board chop it out and I don't care about the bubbles at this point either the reason I don't care about the bubbles is because I'm gonna work this piece quite a bit and it's really easy for me to get the bubbles out at the end so I'm not gonna sit there and pop every bubble just going over that will pop them and then it levels out so the reason I put it off my board is because if I spray it right on my brush I put too much on my brush when I start doing this effect I start minimal and I work my way up to what I want I'll just tap a little bit right there I don't need a lot and I'll start right here in this corner that's where it's going to be concentrated I don't want to over chop this section because then that won't be concentrated anymore and I'm just going to use the leftover and just kind of go out away from that piece so maybe now I'll chop hit it one more time there and work that up here now grab a little bit more and I'm going to start somewhere else and put it concentrated maybe right there then I'll just work that maybe let's go concentrated there now I'm just gonna chop it out hit every space now because I got a little residual on that brush maybe I want a little bit more over here you could tell it's kind of man-made that's where the torch comes in I call it touch-and-go I'll get in there I'll move it I'll get it moving like maybe that's too dark for me [Music] so it kind of erases those brush marks makes it look more realistic and that's where heat gun will kind of do the same thing as gravity will you can you can move it but let's just tilt this a little bit so you see it start to move so that's kind of subtle I don't want to go too far now if I want it just to move this vein right here I'm gonna heat that up a little bit full finishers hate this because it took their job that took them an hour and a half to paint that you can do in minutes right and it looks realistic do you guys like that alright can you clap for me no I'm totally you guys want to see the heat gun is that cool alright so whenever you use something like this turn it on away from your piece get all the dust out of it start to start your torch away from your piece get the dust out of it you would want to go in just the same direction so I'm just gonna drag some black spray-paint right there and then I'm going to put some white spray paint now the reason I put white in it is because it will react even differently with the black then the base tent does I really like what this does now you notice I didn't just drag spray paint through it you can use like the excess from your drips things like that that's that's all your reservoir there all that's your reservoir you can stick that you know on your stick and and do things so don't discount those drips those drips tell you a lot as they start to gel they tell you how far you're in to your cure without touching it right and ruining a spot you know where you're at I would probably add another vein because this kind of is is by itself so I'm gonna add I'm gonna kind of make this whole thing match that are you guys alright with that and then I don't need to add a bunch more epoxy I'm just gonna make those kind of accent that so I'll just add a little bit more paint now I'll just use this what's on the right there I'll just add a little bit more color here and then I'll just I'll just use my stick let's add a little silver I like that silver a lot now I'm just gonna use my stick just to strike the whole thing and then I'll retort that should you guys like that better right so that's also the value of a cell phone is instead of wasting a bunch of epoxy I just did one two three four color samples for my website this appeas'd like half of my customers want one of those four colors so anybody hate this one I gotta fix it all right so we're gonna we're gonna fix it so that's how you that that's how you tone it down okay so they said it was too loud so we toned it down right so that'll move just that part okay I'm gonna chop it with a rag the reason I like a rag it's because I don't have to hide so much of the evidence that it was done with the brush and maybe I leave some of the under effects and not chop the whole thing out so dang it I made the wrong decision I was influenced let me fix that a little bit come back use that stick to give me some lines and then maybe I just add a couple of accents here so let's just do this we'll add that vein back because I like that [Music] so see I brought it back land all that depth kind of works for me too all those mistakes it just gives it layers and it gives it interest work there's nothing just plain and you know what we're gonna do one more thing so this is how you tie in anybody's kitchen we're gonna add champagne bronze and this is fun I like doing this we'll just we'll just do it in a couple of spots okay and then I'm just gonna blow that out with the heat gun a little bit [Music] so that's how you can add like just little bits of color I'm gonna actually move this it's a little too loud here for me all right I'm gonna stop that's as good as I'm gonna get with that but you can add a little accents that way guys like it all right you guys ready all right go back to won't bring it over to you stone cold countertop epoxies user-friendly there's a long open working time so the class didn't need to be in a rush it's do-it-yourself friendly and there's no noxious smell because it's zero vo C this is designed for countertops and places that you need to refinish and renew visit stone coat countertops come to see all the products used in this video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 2,518,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, epoxy flooring, painting countertops, epoxy metallic, epoxy metallic floor, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, resin table top, concrete countertop, diy concrete countertop, granite countertop, quartz countertop, how to, how to epoxy, Awesome Epoxy Marble Tips You SHOULD KNOW, epoxy tips, awesome marble, carrara marble, contractor, faux marble, marble table, marble race, marble
Id: tVIj2kAI3Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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