Divinity Original Sin 2 Party Combinations Guide: Magic, Physical And Mixed

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this particular article about party makeup and composition and divinity original sin - is a long time coming I've lost track of the amount of times the questions what's a good for player party and what classes should I use have been asked speaking plainly the answers to those questions are not an exact science and tactics and combat are paramount this tends to make those sort of questions irrelevant however I will do my best to answer them here and at the very least give you some insight that should lead to a better structure for your fellowship the new armor system rewards players for dealing damage against one armour type and punishes those who deal damage to both this is because you cannot crowd control until armors removed which makes most battles a race to strip armor CC and then finish your targets while they're rendered helpless there are a few schools of thought on the most efficient ways parties can be made in divinity original sin - which are different than the original title because of the addition of the armor system the first is by having each character deal only physical damage the second is by having an all magic damage party and the third is by having both physical and magic damage of the three this last one is the most complicated to balance but ironically is one of the most useful to new players this is because it's best to have more than one damage type when you don't know what sort of enemies you will face giving you options you wouldn't otherwise have let's start out by taking a look at physical damage setups this is generally considered the most powerful of all possible setups because it has good damage CC and is easy to build however I would not recommend this makeup to a new player because it requires a solid knowledge of the game's mechanics and some knowledge of the game skills information about what you'll be fighting doesn't hurt either and that comes from playing pros physical damage characters have access to a good number of knockdown effects which force enemies to pass their turn physical damage cannot be resisted like fire earth poison air and water damage can making it the most effective damage type in many cases warfare affects any skill that does physical damage making ability point distribution rather simple as you usually just pump warfare cons physical armor is much more common on enemies making you chew through more of it before seeing them some of the most powerful source kills in the game are contained within the magic school some fights will be harder because you can't deal any magic damage despite will it on the surface appear to be a lack of variety you can actually have a pretty varied party with an all physical damage setup you can have a warrior Archer or caster and rogue if you wish which all play differently and are fun let's take a look at just which builds would work well here and some thoughts on each recommended builds for a physical damage party eternal warrior this is your frontlines damage dealer in CC er this build hits hard is tough to kill and knocks down enemies on the regular I don't think you can play an all physical damage party without some sort of warrior that can knock down particularly on higher difficulties so make sure you have this one ranger this is your ranged bow user that hangs back and weakens or kills targets making the Warriors job easier Rangers typically don't have a lot of skills to use and spend quite a bit of time just using their regular bow attacks you can either make a pure Archer type build or use my ranger build if you'd like to give it some other skills to use and summoning works well in a physical damage party blood mage this is your caster class that uses mostly necromancer skills to deal physical damage to enemies at range necromancer's get extremely powerful later on in the game because of their access to blood storm and grasp of the starve you can also add some healing Hydra sofa skills if you wish to make them support your group duelist this is your rogue bill that uses dual daggers and scoundrel skills to attack its targets it can also use warfare skills giving it access to the same cc's that the eternal warrior has further enhancing your group in addition the combination of sawtooth knife and marksman Spang if your ranger has it can kill heavily armored enemies very quickly mortal blow is just godly at killing a single target as well frost paladin this is an extremely tanky warrior bill that uses warfare skills to damage enemies and uses Hydra sofa skills to heal allies and damage Undead it deals less damage than the eternal warrior or duelist but is much harder to kill and is great at supporting the group crystalline cleric this is another tanky build but this time in the form of a caster crystalline clerics use healing and necro skills to damage and Dedan enemies no don't take any water damage skills like winter blast when playing in a physical damage party warden this is a warrior Ranger combo bill that uses a bow and spirit to attack at range and then leap into melee when needed why this build works is because it only costs one ap to swap two-handed weapons Spears and bows both scale off finesse and because there are a few huntsman skills giving the wardens some to use when they are on cool I would recommend using any combination of those listed above or you can even use two one build if you really like I would strongly suggest that you have at least two Meili builds because of the CCS from warfare skills are extremely important to your survival magic damage parties are considered less effective than physical ones because magic damage can be resisted their skills generally have lengthy cooldowns and because hitting a frozen enemy with a fireball is a waste of a cc I would not recommend this setup for a new player because the game has a steep learning curve and this will only make it more difficult until you've learned a bit more about the game pros early game enemies have little or no magic armor synergies between schools of magic can be extremely powerful when utilized resulting in increased performance access to the most powerful source kills in the game relatively solid crowd controlling effects if you know what you're doing very good range on most attacks cons lengthy cooldowns on skills heard early game casters who lack access to many skills you can accidentally remove CCS from stunned and frozen targets if you use their long skill most enemies have some magic damage resistance making you do less damage than physical on average some enemies have immunity to certain magic types rendering them ineffective magic damage parties have a wide variety of possibilities because there are tons of skills to choose from and combinations to use you can make four characters that specialize in each school or you can mix and match as you see fit let's take a look at just which builds would work well here and some thoughts on each recommended builds for magic damage party storm chaser perhaps one of the most fun builds to play in the entire game this build focuses on getting in close to enemies and shocking the ever living crap out of them with arrow 3rd skills this will leave them stunned and are unable to attack storm chasers fulfil the role of warrior in the magic damage party and it is advised you keep other party members well clear of them because they are inclined to hit them with friendly fire Titleist Titleist are high damage water mages that get up high and unload on their targets with Hydra sofa skills and wand attacks they are the ranger of the magic damage party and operate much the same way only with massive CC potential between your storm chaser and Titleist you should be able to keep enemies stunned or frozen most of the time battle mage the battle mage is a melee based fire mage that uses warfare and pyrokinetic skills to deal devastating damage at close range they can dispatch large groups of enemies single-handedly if they're grouped tightly making them perfect defending bottleneck locations elementalist the elementalist is the jack-of-all-trades caster that uses three or more magic types they sacrifice some damage for the access to nearly every magic skill in the game and they synergize well with any magic damage party be sure to tailor their skills to best suit your party's needs elemental champion cousin to the battle mage and elementalist elemental champions are Meili mages that use the damaged type that best fits the situation they do this by swapping their staff to the most useful type and swinging for the fences with warfare skills they also make good use of enrage to further increase their magic damage druid druids are casters that specialize in summoning skills but have access to a wide variety of buffs they are capable of making their incarnate extremely powerful and deal damage of any magic type they wish and help support their group with healing and armor enhancing skills they can also deal a bit of damage in a pinch you can mix and match any four of these you wish but it is likely that you'll have some overlap in skill selection I would recommend that you don't use any other Meili type build if you use a storm chaser as they tend to shock nearby friendlies quite regularly battle mages are harder to use an all magic damage parties than in split parties but they can still be effective if you manage the battlefield efficiently split damage party should aim to have a ratio of roughly one to one physical to magic damage in their group what this means is that they want to try to be balanced if they can and not favor one damage type more than the other if possible I have not done any studies but I have also not seen any conclusive evidence that points to the perfect ratio of physical to magic in a split party so shooting for fifty-fifty gives you the best chance until this is proven otherwise I absolutely recommend this setup to new players because they don't know what they'll be fighting and this makes them a little bit prepared for anything pros allows for multiple damage types to be used making it easier to use the correct type of damage against the lowest armor of an enemy allows for a wide variety of skills to be used making you more prepared for what the game might throw at you has the element of being the most fun because it boasts the most possible combinations of builds new player friendly because it allows for some mistakes and optimization without hurting you as much you can respect characters until just about any bill allowing you to find what you would like best cons is less efficient than a focus damage party in many cases it's easy to create builds that don't synergize well especially if you are new choices can be overwhelming a paralyzing players within split party characters will deal either physical or magic damage generally but some characters can deal more than one type this tends to add complication to the 50/50 calculation and it would be my guess that this is one of the reasons many players have been clamoring for such a guide let's look at some builds that utilize more than one damage type and then we will discuss some good compositions recommended builds for a split damage party Terra mansur Terra Mansour's do a mix of earth and physical damage taking advantage of the status effects that some geomancer skills apply when targets have no physical armor teram answers are probably the tank east built in the game and are excellent frontlines characters who can soak up a lot of damage and not die crystalline cleric like the Terra Man sir crystalline clerics do a mix of damage types but in this case it's water and physical they are extremely tanky and belongs somewhere near enemies so that they will take damage meant for squishier party members they do more physical than water damage so keep this in mind when factoring your ratio of damage types druid druids can also be use effectively here as they can deal multiple damage types including physical if they use some necromancer skills they fit well into just about any party because buffs are good no matter what other builds you use frost paladin the frost peloton does mostly physical damage but can do a mild amount of water damage by using global cooling and ice breaker keep this in mind when using one in a mixed party and realize you will need to come and say with more magic damage on another character magic Archer the magic Archer is an excellent ranger bill that uses elemental arrows to deal magic damage when needed there are more physical damage than magic but they can adjust how much physical magic damage they do by tweaking the frequency with which they use these arrows Ranger Rangers that utilize summoning and elemental arrows can add magic damage to their party with ease and are an excellent addition to a split damage party shoot a fire arrow into a group of enemies summon fire incarnate win juggernaut these warriors use a mix of physical and earth damage to constantly CC their enemies jaggernots typically do more physical damage than magic but you can control just how much more by adjusting where you place your ability points you can use any of the builds I have outlined in this article for a split damage party not just the ones I've listed in this section just remember to try and balance how much damage you will do to physical and magic armor as a group not each character individually it is okay to not have a perfect balance because that is nearly impossible just be sure it's in the ballpark I decided to list some split damage party compositions because I think that's really where most players need help in this section we'll talk about some specific parties and why I think they work well together as well as some tips on how to use them first up is the typical two and to set up the usual suspects this setup is probably the easiest to create and is probably what most new players should aim to use until they gain a bit of knowledge for this setup I'd recommend one eternal warrior one Ranger one Titleist and one storm chaser now I normally don't recommend having another mailee character when using a storm chaser but we'll make an exception here because the eternal warrior is pretty tanky and replenish magic armor and you can give him some air resistance so he's not as much at risk your Ranger can also be an archer summoner or just an archer either works well here this will give you two melee units one physical and one magic damage and to range students one physical and one magic damage this is an extremely balanced combination and you shouldn't have a lot of trouble with it you'll have lots of CC from your eternal warrior Titleist and storm chaser and you shouldn't take too much damage you will also have a pretty good variety of skills there with little overlap this is a good place to start if you are utterly unsure what to choose a song of Fire and Ice this group has really good synergy because of the focus on earth fire and physical damage but is slightly more difficult to play juggernaut steel both physical and earth damage and have the most CC potential of any build in the game tera Mansour's use the same damage types and have some of the same skills making for a wicked combination of CC goodness earthquakes four days out on top of that magic archers who deal tons of physical damage and can ignite the oil pockets created by these two builds and the battle mage who can do the same and even greater capacity and your enemies are going to be on fire or knocked down most of the time magic archers and Terra monsters should start out with physical damage attacks trying to strip physical armor before use an earthquake while the battle mage and juggernaut get in melee range and start dealing damage to whatever targets are appropriate for the battle mage this will be low magic armor targets like warriors the juggernaut will need to assess whether it's better to use earth or physical damage based on the overall amount of magic armor enemies in the area hat if it's low he'll want to use petrifying this inch to see see them at all at once if it's not he'll start out with a whirlwind then hopefully follow it with an earthquake and then petrifying Basij hydro mania the combination of these four characters gives you a ton of physical damage and tons of water damage water damage synergy as well with other water damage because childen frozen targets take more damage from these attacks Frost paladin sin clerics will hold the frontlines healing and buffing while they chip away at physical armor as well as create impasses for enemies with ice preventing them from getting to your party while the frost paladin will be focusing primarily on physical damage the cleric is free to determine which damage type is appropriate water or physical the magic Archer and Titleist will both use tact will retreat to elevation if possible to gain and damage bonus and some security but if not they should be protected by the ice magic archers will focus on taking down targets with weak physical armor only using their freezing arrows when it serves them better Titleist will focus on enemies with weak magic armor in hopes they can freeze or kill them as quickly as possible this team is extremely taking it and a lot of fun to play water might be my favorite magic school in the game teen devastation this group focuses very heavily on melee damage the juggernaut an eternal warrior will both be up in enemy's faces while the Ranger summons its incarnate so you'll have a third melee unit in their jaggernots hit hard and consists of many targets with weak magic armor or physical armor while eternal warriors will have very high damage and great CC against physical armor make sure they have good armor values so they can take some hits Rangers can attack with physical damage or elemental arrows and can make their incarnate deal magic damage or physical the elementalist will focus on low magic armor enemies and create no-go zones that will help protect their melee units from damage they can also help buff other characters when not raining destruction in large IOI's this is a pretty balanced group with a slightly heavier focus on physical damage this group has very great flexibility and great raw damage consider swapping out the elementalist for a druid if you want a fourth melee unit for some added mayhem team inversion this is a rather unique setup because usually it's your melee units dealing physical damage and your ranged units dealing magic damage this is not the case here where the Terra mansur and battle mages are holding the frontlines ideally you'd want to weaken the physical armor of enemies with your Terra mansur blood maing and Ranger before using the geomancer skills that can then be ignited by your battle mage this is another setup that's really fun to play because of the good synergies earth and fire work very well together and so do earth and physical blood mages can use blood storm or grasp of the stars removing all physical armor and then you can level all enemies with an earthquake and then set them on fire with the fireball things can go from bad to worse very quickly for your enemies well there you have it I hope this guide was a useful tool in determining what sort of party you want to make I strongly recommend the usual suspects set up to brand new players because these builds are rather focused are not hard to create and don't rely on other characters to be effective there is also little or no overlapping skills so it should be fairly easy to determine who gets what equipment you acquire the other setups are less cut and dry but are extremely powerful - and also fun to play so give them a chance if you're looking to mix it up a bit split damage is the way to go if you're new and more fun I think if you're an advanced player if you like this I can do another video showcasing more setups that work well for split damaged parties as I don't think physical damage and magic damage parties are hard to create I will not be covering these stay tuned for more divinity original sin 2 content as we publish more build showcases between now and August
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 1,201,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wiki, Fextralife, Game Guides, Divinity Original Sin 2, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Divinity Original Sin, Divinity: Original Sin, Divinity, Divinity 2, Party Combinations Guide, Magic, Physical, Mixed, Classes, Armor, Physical Armor, Skill, Warfare, Source Skills, Eternal Warrior, Ranger, Blood Mage, Duelist, Frost Paladin, Crystalline Cleric, Warden, Stormchaser, Tidalist, Battlemage, Terramancer, Elementalist, Druid, Juggernaut, Console, PS4, PlayStation4, Xbox One, PC
Id: yoLqkiF6FvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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