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what's going on dudes lieben's mute here welcome back to another Divinity original sin 2 video today I'm going to talk about the 20 yes I said 20. Basics that you need to know before you start Divinity original sin 2. are you thinking about possibly purchasing it or did you already buy it and you just want to give it a try but it's been sitting in your steam backlog forever well let's talk about some things you need to know before you start let's get right into that alright so Point number one we're going to talk about is we're going to talk about what is a crpg Divinity original sin 2 is a crpg but you're wondering why is it a crpg isn't it just an RPG well crpg is apparently a really old meaning for RPG that stands for computer role-playing game and Divinity original sin 2 is a tactical crpg it's just a sub-genre of RPG kind of like how there's a lot of different subgenres for metal it does take roughly about 60 to 70 hours when you focus on the main story of divinity original sin 2 and when you're focusing on the the main story as well as side quests that can take you anywhere between 100 to 160 hours to complete it so there is a lot of gameplay in this game if you're just focusing on one campaign specifically alright for Point number two we're going to talk about a little bit about character creation um I did cover this in my other video that I released not too long ago so for character creation you do want to remember that you aren't stuck with one specific class even if you hit this build preset right here it doesn't lock you into being a rogue because what you can do with this is you can go to preset and you can change your abilities right here if you want to stick with Rogue and you're like oh I want to be called a robe but this only changes the weapons that you start with on the ship in the very beginning you can go ahead and switch out Excel here and put it in let's say hydrosophist go back and you can edit your skills right here and instead choose what skills that you want to start out with so see I still have the build preset Rogue I'll end up getting daggers when I first get out and then I've still got these Hydro sofa skills that I begin with so basically your build only determines what weapons that you start out with alright so right here I'm going to start with the wizard preset I'm going to go ahead and actually change up my talents here or not my talents my preset in order to make it so that I instead do only Warfare because I want to show you guys how this works so I'm gonna go and make it Warfare I'm going to add on warfare skills here and then I'm going to start the game and then once I get down and over to the weapons box I'll be right back all right guys remember how I had that wizard preset it looks like I ended up getting the wands even though I have Warfare skills so remember choosing a preset only determines what things you get in this chest that is all that determines tanks are also not very reliable as a class in this game unless you have it modded to where enemies do select your character because tanks as a whole they do have more Health as well as more armor however enemies are smart enough in this game to Target the weakest people and not your tanks because they know that they can take out the weaker links first when you're also thinking about what kind of character you want to create you also want to think about whether or not you want to create a custom character or if you want to stick with an origin character I would always recommend for people beginning their first time start with an origin character because it does provide more story for the people who are playing the game as they have predetermined past the that are given and they also have voice acting in relations with other characters that are origin characters as well as other NPCs in the game while custom characters do not you don't want to create a character that simply just support you want to make sure that they're able to do quite a bit of damage because in Divinity damage is king and you want to make sure that they do have a few support spells a good one to think of here is the fighter preset that already comes with battle stomp which is used for crowd control the balancing Shield which is based off of the amount of armor that your Shield does provide and then you've also got fortify here which is a support spell to give you more physical armor you do want to think about what kind of characters and what kind of party composition that you want if you want to have it just two people like you're playing with another person and you just want to control one character each you can go ahead and do the Lone Wolf Talent here which gives you a big buff to your damage as well as your armor allowing you to get to play together with just two people now if you don't do Lone Wolf you can also go with a composition of four party members but I don't recommend and starting with just one character is a solo and going Lone Wolf and I don't recommend a party of three people only as that'll kind of your damage and make it easier for the enemies to take you out and finally before I get out of the character creation you also want to keep in mind that with a gift bag mod called Fort Joy mirror you can actually have a magic mirror that allows you to Respec and change your character in Fort Joy instead of having to wait until act two but remember if you don't like your character you can always respect later you don't have to restart the game if you don't want to another point I want to bring up is also in one of my other videos that I released it also says that there is a bed roll within the cabins here on the first ship that you begin in there's a couple right here and then I just picked up another one right here make sure you use your bed rolls outside of combat because it will completely heal your character every time even the rest of your party and there are also some gift bag features here that you can add that will make it so that you use the bed roll and it resurrects your characters if they're dead it'll save you some Resurrection Scrolls and I feel like it's pretty useful sometimes if you just want to kind of have an easier time Divinity original sin 2 is also a pretty difficult game to deal with at times just make sure that whenever you're going into it that you save often you can actually have a quick save button if you're on keyboard and mouse located at F5 that will quick save your game just like that and it'll say quick save successful and when you go and check your saves it'll be a quick save option now if you move this way it'll auto save before key story points but it doesn't happen all the time so you do want to make sure that you're saving frequently because you can still get into fights without the game Auto saving beforehand and you don't want to lose all your progress because that can be pretty demeaning to you next thing we're going to talk about is going to be Scrolls scrolls are actually one-time use items that you can create or find in the game and they allow you to cast certain spells for only 2 AP each during combat or also outside of combat which doesn't cost AP but they allow you to cast any spell that your characters don't currently have so like let's say this character right here he doesn't have Fireball I can actually use this Fireball scroll and cast Fireball anywhere I need to and it'll be consumed upon use so you can actually craft some really good Scrolls in the game that can be used at any time to get you out of any bad situations that you may be in also remember that Scrolls can be used when a when a skill is on cooldown so for Fireball if my character did a fireball and I had already used it I can use the fireball scroll again to cast it once more next thing I'm going to talk about is weapon and armor levels armor levels don't have any negative effects whenever you equip them and they're a higher level like for my character right here he is currently level two if I were to equip this level 3 armor it would not have any negative effects however if I were to equip this level 3 weapon right here my accuracy just went from 95 to 75 percent I'll go ahead and equip this wand again which is level one and my accuracy went back up to 95 and when equipping the Mallet it goes down to 75 percent it does say the weapon level is too high so be sure whenever you're finding armor and weapons not to equip a weapon that is too high level for you or else you'll face an accuracy penalty in combat for crafting you can actually make a lot of different things and you don't need the recipes in order to be able to make something like right here I don't have any recipes in order to make an arrow shaft you can see it all right here everything that I've got if I go ahead and combine a short stick as well as some sort of knife right here I can combine it and it will end up making Arrow shafts so you don't actually need need the recipe and see it'll actually put the recipe right in here you don't need a recipe in order to be able to make something so if you know the two things you need to combine you can actually just go ahead and throw it together in the combination craftings part and it will make the item that you desire all right another thing I'm going to talk about here is loremaster so you ever want to know a lot about enemies that you see you're just like oh how do they know everything about me how do they know what I'm weak to well guess what it's because somehow all of them have loremaster even when they don't because if you look at the examine part right here with loremaster you can see what their resistances are and what all they have the higher your loremaster level the more you can see for their stats but you can see what talents each enemy has or each NPC and you can also see what resistances and stats they also have so if you're ever curious on how they know that you're an undead just know they probably have loremaster even when they don't and keep in mind later on in the game whenever you get blue purple items you can actually use loremaster to identify those items without having to spend gold at vendors in order to have them identified so you can go ahead and find an item and immediately identify it to equip it and just as the game Journal intends just remember when you're going throughout the game you actually have a lot of different paths and many story quests and many other side quests as well in order to achieve the ending that you want so just remember you're not stuck on One path in particular you can actually find a lot of different creative and crafty ways to get out of the place that you're in especially For Joy when you're in the beginning of the game you're wondering how do I level up fast enough what if I keep missing quests why am I missing all this XP well think about it this way at the very beginning of the game it's very easy to level up and once you get toward the end of the game you will have millions and millions of XP that you need in order to level up so just keep in mind that in the beginning of the game you don't need to make sure that you do everything it's best if you do some things but you don't have to be a completionist and get everything because by the end of the game you should be up to scale with the end game bosses that you need to beat with the level that you have just by completing most of them I mean all of the main story and some of the side quests and you don't need to complete everything so don't feel like you're missing out on the game and don't be afraid to go back and do more if you'd want to even at the end of the game no matter what you do even if you feel like you're killing off some very important characters just keep in mind that no matter what you do if you decide to go full murder hobo or complete pacifist you can almost always reach the end of the game and not be barred off from it so don't be afraid to do what you actually really want to do because that's always what I recommend to everybody I know some people may be wondering how can I choose between these wonderful characters in their voice acting I'm scared I'm gonna miss out on some of the story or something else I may want well guess what you only are able to choose up to four origin characters if you have a four player composition party in order to go with you into Act 2 once you go past act 1 and get off the ship at the end just remember that the other characters will be completely lost to you so be sure to pick the ones that you really want but don't fight too much over it because again you can always replay the game if you'd want to next up I'm going to talk about the style of combat the Divinity uses so for combat it goes based off of who has the highest initiative it determines the turn order in which you go and Divinity uses a round robin Turn Style so if the enemy goes first your character with the highest initiative will go next and then after that it'll be another enemy that goes and then another one of your characters that goes so if the enemy has a higher initiative than your highest character then they will go first so what you want to do in order to increase your initiative is increase your wits wits does increase your critical chance and your initiative and makes it so that you can go first before your enemy in some fights that is crucial in order to succeed as you can see right here the red Prince is the highest initiative out of everybody and he goes first next is the second highest which is the ancient tainted turtle and then Los goes because she is the next highest and then it continues to go in between each enemy and each companion that we have so just remember this whenever you're going into fights that the highest initiative character will go first followed by an enemy next I'm going to talk about how some of the combat works with the armor system so with the armor system you have physical and magical armor with physical armor you do physical damage to it and it depletes until it reaches zero and then you can start doing damage straight to the health of an enemy or another character that you have on your team as with magic armor You Can Do Magic damage and that will reduce the armor value of that until you reach the health as well once you get past the armor values you can start using crowd control in order to control your enemies and make them miss their turns so for instance with these enemies right here the ancient tainted Turtles they don't have any magic armor so I can go ahead and do just straight magic damage to them without them being able to resist it as you can see here now if I were to do something physical to them like let's say teleport them it would actually do damage to them right here with physical first as you can see it did some physical damage to both of them and now their physical armor is depleted just remember that in this game crowd control is very very important you want to make sure that you're trying to control how your enemies are moving so with this if I were to cast rain on these enemies right here or if I were to make sure that they were wet then I could either cast hail strike to freeze them or I can cast Electric discharge to shock them and stun them for their next turn so that they miss their turn coming up so if I were to cast stun on this Turtle right here while he was wet he would instead miss this next turn right here and then have to wait until after all of the other characters have moved another time finally guys I'm going to talk about why maybe you should consider restarting if you really want to because forjoy is really easy to reach because remember everybody likes to call the game a fort Joy simulator because of how much you're in for Joy if you look at some of these Reddit posts right here can someone explain this compulsive need to restart the game to me why do so many people restart the game at the end of act 2. that cat made me restart the campaign ridiculous if you think about it it's my first playthrough and by the time I hit Shore I almost restarted to pick a better perk need help getting out of Fort Joy I struggle to accept the party I have created main issue is I always think blank would be better at that point I stressed the start over I think I have escaped the boat 40 plus times I have yet to get through the port four don't be afraid to restart guys it's so close to the beginning of the game and you can test out so many different things and I know it's great to test out a lot of different builds but don't be afraid to restart just because you feel like your build is getting boring or you might not like the the Simplicity of it restart as much as you want to don't be afraid to but remember that you can always respect yourself anytime in Fort Joy with the magic mirror mod or you can also respect immediately once you get on the ship leading to act two alright guys that's all the basics I have for you today if you like the video please consider leaving a like and subscribing if you found the information useful leave a comment for me if you want me to add more thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Lebensmude
Views: 10,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V0yBler8eFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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