Divinity Original Sin 2 Beginners Guide: 10 Best Skills For Any Build

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in this divinity original sin 2 beginner's guide i'm going to be covering the 10 best skills that can make just about any build better no matter whether they are melee ranger or mage there may be skills that are better suited for particular builds but these can be used in nearly every build effectively so if you're looking for ways to improve upon a build you've already created consider adding some of these to it source skills are not included in this guide because most of them belong in specialized builds so it did not seem fitting to add them here however one fantastic sore skill that i can recommend for any build is skin graft of all the source skills in dos 2 it has the most versatility to fit into any build you are using and will usually enhance it tremendously it is arguably the best all-around skill in the game assuming you have source so if you need some extra firepower be sure to add it coming in at number 10 is bone cage this skill would actually be higher on my list if it weren't for the fact that mages and rangers will typically get less use out of it since they are not usually in range to consume corpses as often still it makes for a very effective method to replenish physical armor providing 50 of the value of fortify by default and an extra 50 for each corpse consumed for only one ap this is still a good trade-off especially with the potential to provide much much more armor than fortify under the right circumstances if you're looking for a way to boost your physical armor consider using this skill especially on your melee units coming in at number nine on my list is dominate mind dominate mine might be the most effective cc in the game as it not only removes an enemy from the fight for 2 turns that enemy then fights for you the downside is that it has a hefty cost at 3 ap and requires some investment into summoning which doesn't benefit most builds however often times as you acquire gear it will have bonuses on it to summoning and this can make for an easy way to acquire dominate mind without spending valuable ability points i highly recommend this one on any build that uses summoning or any build that has a couple of points into summoning because of the gear they are wearing and number eight on my list is challenge this is a skill that used to cost 2 ap once upon a time and was far too expensive to use for the benefit it provided however it has since been updated twice and no longer costs any ap at all this skill boosts both physical and magic armor as well as providing a damage boost if you manage to kill the target in the allotted number of turns which is not difficult to do whatsoever this skill would be higher on my list if it didn't require 3 warfare and if you could acquire before level 16. you should have this on every single character that has at least 3 warfare if possible coming in at number 7 on my list is tactical retreat this skill is one of if not the best mobility skills in dos 2 costing only 1 ap and providing you with an extra ap the following round it's absolutely worth taking on any ranged character you have ranger or mage because they can all make use of the passive benefit that huntsman provides which is increased damage from elevation this not only allows them to get out of harm's way easily and cheaply but also boost the damage they deal in the process which is win-win this would be higher on my list but it's more challenging to justify this skill in melee units who rarely see any passive benefit from huntsman but similarly to dominate mind it's worth taking on them if you have gear that comes with huntsman on it already at number six on my list is chameleon cloak like teleportation this skill has uses inside and outside of combat you can use it to stealth by enemies you'd rather not deal with or to help facilitate stealing in some cases in combat it provides you with protection by making you invisible for two turns which is fantastic for only one ap you can use this at the end of your character's turn to help protect them from damage until their next one it's good on both ranged and melee characters and even though sometimes it doesn't always work exactly as expected more often than not it can really turn the tide of battle it also only requires one point into polymorph which is one less point into aerotherage than uncanny of agent which needs two coming in at number five on my list is uncanny evasion this skill is a fantastic way to prevent damage on the enemy's turn whether you're a ranged or melee character but does not protect from all incoming damage instead it increases your dodge chance by 90 making you nearly immune to all weapon based attacks but still at risk to spells that can't be dodged however this usually works out fine because melee units can replenish their physical armor with living armor talent and mage characters typically have more magic armor anyway additionally enemies are still prompted to attack you often wasting valuable turns and preventing other party members from being attacked which isn't the case with chameleon cloak this skill would be a bit lower on the list if it weren't for the fact that teleportation can also be acquired for the same investment into aerothirds two points which helps to justify its cost and number four is arguably the best overall utility skill in dos 2. teleportation can be used in so many ways it would take an hour to list them all whether it's inside or outside of combat you can almost always find a way to use teleportation that justifies two points into aerotheurge especially if you take uncanny evasion as well ranged characters can use this ability to move enemy melee units far far away often preventing them from taking damage for several turns and sometimes even giving them an elevation bonus if they drop them someplace lower melee units can use this to group up enemies or to bring some far away a high up target down to them into melee range in short you can't go wrong with this skill though you probably don't need it on every single character in your party coming in at number three is armor of frost this skill not only boosts magic armor on any friendly target but also protects them against a number of cc's and status effects or clears them if the target already has them it can be used easily and effectively by every character in your party and is available from the very beginning of the game managing your armor values in dos 2 is vital to success and this skill can help you achieve it because it only costs 1 ap and 1 point and a hydro sofas if you need magic armor consider taking this skill at number two on our list is fortify just like armor of frost this skill boosts armor only this time it increases your physical armor instead of magic it clears and prevents against less status effects than armor of frost but enemies tend to do more physical damage particularly early on in the game which is why i've listed it in the number 2 spot ahead of armor of frost it also protects you from being teleported which comes in handy further on in the game and can be extremely annoying to deal with otherwise again managing your armor is key to victory in dos 2 and this skill can help you achieve it for 1 ap and 1 point into geomancer coming in at the number 1 spot is adrenaline this skill is the pound-for-pound king of utility skills inside of combat and will vastly improve the performance of any character in your group by allowing you to extend your turn with two more ap you can often control situations resulting in better outcomes for you and your party it does come with the drawback of losing 2 ap the following turn however more often than not when used properly you'll come out on top this is because combat is usually a race to strip armor and cc your enemy before they do the same to you and this is more easily achieved with additional action points once your targets are cc'd it's all downhill from there and this skill only requires one point in scoundrel which is easily manageable on every single character you have this concludes our content for divinity original sin 2. with the early access for baldur's gate 3 just around the corner now i'll be shifting my focus to that i've already begun a guide series explaining the basics of 5th edition dungeons and dragons for those who are interested and of course i'll be adding class build and beginner guides a bit closer to early access i hope to see you all there good luck sorcerers rivlon is counting on you [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 349,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fextralife, divinity original sin 2, divinity: original sin 2, divinity original sin 2 gameplay, original sin 2, divinity 2, divinity, divinity original sin 2 guide, divinity original sin 2 builds, optimal party, party composition, best party in divinity, divinity original sin 2 op skills, dos 2 must have skills, divinity original sin 2 best skills, lone wolf best skills, dos 2 best skills, 10 best skills dos 2, divinity 2 gameplay, op skills dos 2, game guides
Id: KUPh_4Cef7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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