Districts and Resources Too Far Away! - Timberborn

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hello everyone i'm verowak and today we tackle the district aspect of timberborne and we'll see three different ways you can get resources that are too far away we'll start off by saying that districts have a limited reach and your beavers in the district won't build anything outside that limit the way that you know where the limit ends is on the pathways if you click a building in your district you'll see a colored line ending somewhere that is the end of your district the first method of reaching resources outside your district is the simplest so even though you can't build past the limit the gathering points that you build are still going to allow your beavers to reach the resources outside your district limit this is the simplest way you don't have to build anything extra you just put a gathering point at the end of your limit and your beavers can go gather the next two methods involve building new districts so your beavers are only going to go to a new district when you migrate them so if you build a new district and don't send any over nothing's going to happen in there each district has to be separated from other districts by a gate one thing that i like doing before setting up a new district is actually having a warehouse at the basically at the limit of your first district and storing some things in there you at least you have something to start with so the second method of getting resources that are too far from your main district is the most micro managing intense one so this is best if your district is only going to be temporary and you only want certain things from that district you just want to abandon it after you get let's say the metal for example so once your warehouse and district is set up you temporarily migrate beavers to the new district to gather the resources you want and ideally before they starve or die of thirst you migrate them back to the main district now if you have issues of overpopulation you could just overwork them until they die but really it's up to you if you do decide to migrate them back before they die it's best to pause some housing based on the amount of beavers you sent so if you send six beavers pause enough housing so that six spots are removed if you don't do that your beavers in your main district are still gonna have babies and when you migrate the six beavers back some of them may not have a home anymore that's the method you just rinse and repeat by migrating beavers to gather resources until they're all gone and you can then choose to destroy the district if you want since all the resources are in the warehouse that the main district has access to if you do want to keep the district though if your your intention is to build a district and keep it method three is the one you should follow so the third method is establishing a new permanent district after building the warehouse at the end of your first district you can also build a log stockpile and store some wood there for your new district since it's going to make it easier for your beavers when starting out odds are it'll take a while before your knee district is self-sustaining so in this case we'll build distribution posts and drop off points the distribution post is a building that allows you to export some of your goods from one district to another and the drop-off point is where resources are dropped off when you import resources so we need to build a distribution post in the main district and a drop-off point in the new one in order for it to work you need both and they each take 250 signs to unlock so you need 500 science to unlock the distribution post and the drop-off point so if you're planning on building a new district and importing and exporting goods you need to make sure you have enough science so once that's done we need to set up what we want to export and import you have to click on either of the buildings and check out the distribution limits for that district i'm going to try my best to explain what these limits mean so the minimum number is the quantity of resources you want in the district at all times so for this new district we'll put 40 carats which means i want 40 carrots in this district at all times at a minimum if i have none i'll be importing carrots from another district that can spare them the maximum is the amount at which we'll stop importing the resource so if we set it to 100 once we reach that number the other districts will no longer give us that resource so to make sure the beavers in this new district survives you want to make sure that you're importing food and water at a minimum because there's no water nearby and there's no food it's also good to set up a minimum and maximum for logs and planks too at the beginning so your beavers can build housing and stairs whenever they need if the new district doesn't have any trees nearby at least you'll have logs to build things with only the new districts limit set up they won't receive anything so we need to check the distribution post in the main district so here same thing we set up the minimum and maximum amounts keep in mind if the main district has fewer carrots than the minimum set out in the list it's not going to export any carrots to other districts so you want to make sure that you have enough carrots for both districts unless you just don't care if the others die so we need to set up a trade route now you can only have 10 routes per post and each route is for one type of resource to one specific district so here we'll create carrot water log and plank routes with this set up the main district is going to provide resources to the second district until you want to remove it so that's the basics of districts depending on how far the resources are like for example metal in the first scenario if you play the planes there's one metal ruins that's close enough for the gathering point in that one district and the rest you need new districts so it's up to you if you want temporary or permanent that's all it is and there you have it three separate methods the distribution limits takes a little bit to wrap your head around especially if you have like five different districts you have to check to see which routes go where and it's it can get a bit complicated at times but anyways thank you for watching everyone i hope districts make makes a bit more sense i hope you're enjoying the game i i really am i'm looking into doing more things with explosives now they're just so nice let me know if there's any other videos that you'd like to see anything explained anything done and if you'd be interested in some playthroughs too thanks for watching
Channel: Verowak
Views: 17,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn tips, timberborn city builder, timberborn gameplay, timberborn how to, timberborn research, timberborn stairs, timberborn food, timberborn water, timberborn dam, timberborn drought, timberborn early access, timberborn steam, timberborn survive, timberborn tips and tricks, timberborn mechanistry, timberborn guide, timberborn district, timberborn districts, timberborn distribution post, timberborn drop off point, timberborn tipps
Id: 3I0E59n6lJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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