The Grimm Forest (Game the Game)

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what's up everybody and welcome to game the game I'm Becca Scott and today we're gonna play the Grimm forest by Druid City games before I introduce you to my friends let me teach you how to play life is hard for a peg all you can do is build a shelter so let's gather some straw build some houses and keep away from that big bad wolf cuz we're playing the Grimm forest from tree with city games but this strategic resource management game pits two to four descendants of the three little pigs against one another for housing market dominance setup begins with the gather locations placed Center the market location and associated gather cards are only used in a four player game but we're gonna use them in today's example each player takes their gather cards player board pig mini of matching color and one player aide card this is amazing game designers thank you for including this next create supply pools for the resources brick wood and straw treat a chaotic mess of house sections because why not put the first builder tokens under their appropriate locations and set aside the monster minis in case they roam into your part of the forest finally shuffle and place the fable and friend decks facedown nearby the player who most recently ate bacon takes the starting player marker and starts the game because in this world we reward cannibalism gameplay falls into three phases gather build and clean up in the gather phase each player selects one of their gather cards and optionally a fable card if they've got them they place both cards facedown fable on top once everyone is set to reveal all the fable cards and resolve any that activate immediately if a monster card is revealed the controlling player finds the and places that monster on a location of their choosing next everyone flipped their gather cards at once and places their pegs on the gather location revealed if any fable cards should result before collecting resources that would be right now if a pig is alone in a location they collect all of those resources in that area more than one pig is on a location the resources are divided evenly amongst the pigs rounded down because they're good at sharing any leftover resources will stay in that location until the next round resolve any fable cards that activate at the end of the gather phase then each player takes back their gather card and discards the fable cards that resolve this turn in the build phase each player may perform two actions of their choosing possible actions include drawing a fable card from the fable deck and adding it to your hand no hand limit in this game or gain one resource of your choosing no limit to how many resources you can hold either or build a house section each part of the house must be built in sequential order floor first then walls then roof once the active player pig pays the required resource cost they may start building that house on their board only five houses max per board and a house of a certain type like brick must be completed before another house of that same type can be started during the build action if a player is the first in the game to complete that certain type of house they're awarded the first-grader token they may then choose one of three rewards a friend card - fable cards or one of each resource go for the friend friend cards which are also drawn anytime a player completes the walls section of the house our special allies in this game each Pig is limited to just one hour at a time and some provide a special action or active bonus of some kind when drawing that friend card after building a wall section the player may choose to keep the friend discarding their current ally if they have one or give it to another player forcing them to discard their friend forcing friends on one another is this one we've come to yeah after everyone has acted the cleanup phase occurs players take back their pigs replenish the locations and rotate the starting player marker to the left rounds continue until the end of a build phase where a player completes their third house to win the game should another pig tie the Builder with the sturdiest houses wins that's brick what and that's grim forest I'm Becca Scott and make sure you tune into game the game right here on geek and sundry to watch me my friends play this and other awesome games we'll see you there [Music] and that's how to play the Grimm forest let me introduce you to my friends starting way over here we got trisha hershberger gamer gadget girl hi jason charles miller voice-over artist musician and host Hey got it right yes we have Megan brother 10 actor writer director maybe not in that order you got it welcome everybody I'm so glad you're here - hi Graham Forrest normally we get to talk about our characters a little bit but do you guys have anything you want to say about your specific pig uh yeah can I see my Playgirl clothes yeah let's see it's important oh man I feel like I got lumberjack Pig he's just he's he's holding a log he's like double fisting with big ol logs and he's super happy and beefy hahaha not beefy porky but I have a very high Constitution okay um so yeah he's rocket he's rocking these logs that's what he does and his name is his name is lumber pork lumber pulled pork and pork I got the looks like I got the gathering straw pig soshe's we'll call her the Reaper this is Olaf he likes bricks should listen to his favorite thing but it didn't sorry Olaf I got a busty little pig here but she's wearing a collar she's like yeah modest and sad she's just drawn that way that's right Rapunzel's on my board so I'm gonna call her reporter yeah now to find out how who goes first we need to know who most recently ate bacon because we're pigs I get it who is the most cannibalistic I go first now I had brunch around noon yesterday and there was bacon in this burrito I had bacon with my breakfast but that was before I started streaming at 10:00 a.m. you are efficient I am hi prosciutto yesterday at around 10 p.m. whoo but I haven't eaten it yeah okay okay and I had bacon two days ago so that means Becca goes that makes me the most bacony eater of us all it was a really good burrito and I don't regret it nice okay so at the start of this round we are all going to choose a gather card to simultaneously let's secretly mm-hmm now because this is the first round no one has any fables or friends yet so all we got to do is pick where we would like to go oh now this is the tricky part which I believe Tricia referred to as the rock-paper-scissors part I remember that oh yeah Megan gets credit that's why she's the writer at the table yes totally okay so what are you guys thinking tell me exactly what you're gonna play no way you passed the test [Laughter] straw okay three little go-to straw oh yeah super lame sauce because we have five straw to split between three people which means we each get one you get one freaking straw and then stay left over yep with the lead up front yeah all right hold it so if we follow our little player aid we have revealed our gather cards we move to those locations we collected resources and now it's time to build some seven good build [Music] get off us first player having most recently eaten that bacon so I obviously can't build with my one measly straw so I could draw a fable card or gain one straw wood or brick I think I definitely want to get in on this straw game so I'm going to take one of those and then for my second action of my two I'm going to draw a fable card and now Megan's turn there you go makes it easy um oh well I only need two for a base so yeah I'm gonna do the same thing give me a fable card please win a fable card doing what cut it yet yeah you just don't play it yet okay Trisha what you gonna do I think I want one lumpy boy I gotta go with the character that I've been given yeah go through instincts okay JCM okay I am gonna turn in these two bricks to build a base of my bridge okay and then I guess my other action I'm gonna pick a table card do it okay so now first player token moves we're going back to the gather phase so everybody if you want to you may play one fable card you'll also choose which gather you'd like to do at the same time so everybody choose your gather oh and while you're doing that I'm going to replenish everything and the market feels forests and Brickyard do we pull earn you collect your piglets back okay flip just your fable one two three okay anybody what Seawind reveals when revealed all opponents must shuffle all of their gather cards and randomly choose a new one okay so I think to randomly do it I enjoy the chaos I think we for each other we for I'm gonna say that's your random one wait hold on comments you don't you Oh so put back the one that you have pick yours oh please please be the one I had please be the one I had no right I don't even want to look I'm not gonna look till we flip at the same time okay okay but do you flip your oh sorry we gotta do the rest of our fables okay so going from the first player onward what do you have I have taxation so at the end of the gather phase all players not at my location which I have no idea what it is must discard half the resources on their player board rounded down players must discard sturdier resources first okay Wow harsh harsh but I'll be honest I thought I thought it was gonna be on that but it's not when I reread it it's on the board so I probably should have held that for later maybe yeah strategically okay that's okay yeah what you got there - for at the end of the gather phase all players in your location gain two resources of a type produced in that location I hope next yeah we all land on the same one except if I am alone at the end of the gather phase I get a friend card with my mysterious stranger card okay are we ready to flip our gathers all right we all got different oh no some straw piggy goes to straw Jason is killing it what's gonna gain benefit you yeah good right now no I think I'm eating six right or oh I'm getting all of the I guess I am do I get all of that or they only get to take four okay then I get finally two years my card Wow almost ruin a house in one okay Jason is that's two more you get all that sweet sweet brick yeah so there was seven there you get one two three love thank you I get one two three and now in one stays mine at the end of the gather phase all players not at my location so Becca saved here must discard half of the resources on their player board rounded down and you must and it says you must discard the sturdier resources first round it down so how many do you have total super nine total see if you're rid of two and they have to be brick uh what a stinky card well I guess I feel pretty happy about Tricia not saving that and biding her time yeah right when that have been horrible yeah okay so now discard all of the fables we've played a let's do it right here is that face up so we know which ones discard okay and who okay now it's time to build and Megan's going first oh well I guess oh yeah I can build back to the pot okay great and you have one more action you could draw a new card or you could gain one of any resource mmm yeah I want another fable card wouldn't want a fable card I know they're pretty sweet okay Trisha here next okay um I think that lumber pork is gonna go for his starter home of straw so I'm gonna give two of these back to get a straw Foundation there you go you would think if you are silly enough to build a home out of straw you wouldn't really bother with the foundation but these pigs yeah think of some things or not other straw foundation is better than no foundation is that lumber pork always says all right ji-sun great okay I'm gonna trade in these six pieces of wood for a wood foundation and like what would you call the middle part you get a friend a sir Wow walls attract friends huh that's correct if you can shelter them they will crash on your couch yeah isn't that the truth you can you flip it face up and read your friend my friend is Little Red Riding Hood discard the top five fable cards gained any wolf cards discarded if no wolf cards were just discarded draw one fable card I'll just hang on to her and use her whenever I will she stays face-up always okay and if you get another friend card or someone gives you a friend card she gets the boot okay unless you draw that card and decide to keep her instead of the new guy give that one go yep great turn I'm gonna build a straw foundation as well Patricius that's a good example table card yeah okay first player moves to Trisha everybody gets their pigs back if somebody wants to give those back I will what do we think so far what's your strategy if you want to my strategy is stay alive yeah well we can't die in this game but I like like your will to live strategies completes your sandal on bill bill bill dominating mm-hmm they're gonna come after this is I feel like I'm Mario and they're gonna all I have her banana peels now throw bombs at man you know what I'm not gonna do because everyone's gonna do it okay everybody let's go back to gatherfaith gatherfaith choose your gather card while you're at it decide if you want to play a fable card if you have it now okay I'm a little confused that this is four and three but those still are like we would divide them up right rounded down gotcha you remind me what's happening here one of each each time so no one's landed on that so there's a bunch of stuff on it and are so fables go first though fables go for her so I'm not playing a flavor a football Flavel please people flavored feeble but if you are now is the time to clip it one two three Fabo okay before collecting resources if any player is caught by the wolf destroy all resources at that location before anyone can collect them so take a wild guess where that wolf is going no and now we flip our gather cards one two three quit doing reverse psychology yeah I'm on brick okay and you're coming here to the market with me I hear there's some great stuff at the market I'm going shopping oh go into the market alright when Jason wins that wolf is gonna have some some he's gonna get a talking-to okay so we get nothing and all those resources disappear yep it's so sad but now for sure everybody's gonna gang up on Jason right they've got to feel like we have to because you're killing it goodbye I wonder if this is a game where an alliance would help Trisha gets a draw and we get we just have to hide from that scary scary wolf that apparently likes to eat straw I mean there's no pigs around yeah okay build phase time Trisha what are you gonna do with all your mini straw versus I would like to to please build some straw walls so I need one drawback please in perfect that is the little outside of mine and you got a friend card you should little straw yurt that I'm hanging out in oh and I get a friend card tell us about your friend um my friend is the woodcutter of course he's friends with lover pork yeah he has a sharpened axe and his special action is game to wood and placed to wood onto the forest and to ditto and discard the woodcutter to cancel the effects of one monster card so he's a really nice friend to have Oh actually the red riding-hood can also be discarded to cancel a wolf or a big bad wolf and I I got a friend because I built is that why you built walls specifically oh ok right now if you wanted to use your second action to use the woodcutter special power you could do that I think I would like to do that would I get I would like to do that so I will gain Sherwood and place two wood onto the forest thank you so much hmm ok Jason's turn okay for my two actions I am going to get one extra brick I'm gonna use these 4 bricks to build some brick walls look at this guy we're getting hosed ladies we all have to thwart him does that also mean I get a friend another friend no do I get I you don't have one friend at a time that's correct if you don't like this front if they do bad things you would gift that friend to someone else all right let's see oh it's Pinocchio started around say out loud which gathered card you will be playing at the end of the gather phase if you told the truth gain two eights resources of any one type produced at the location Wow okay that's pretty good but then what happens if you the live nothing happens but you told us whole we would it's definitely a new poison to the cup kind of situation I like Red Riding Hood better goodbye Pinocchio wait don't have to get Pinocchio but you don't have to kind of good so I'm just gonna send him on his merry way inside the whale or something it was the land of lost toys or something maybe Boyle Ramy our story is he had to go to the whale at some point so I feel like it's my responsibility to toughen him up and send him into that way yeah you know what I really am hurting for friendships so I am going to gain one straw give back all the straw I have to build straw walls and get fairy godmother magic wand special action gain - fable cards if I discard her the fairy gut if I discard the fairy godmother during my turn I get to exchange - fable cards from my hand for two resources of my choice mm-hmm she's beautiful - she's she's you know well I definitely want one fable card one fable card and I could take two as yourself that's what you're saying yes yeah sure why not doesn't hurt doesn't hurt to have those fables okay that was everybody so now let's reset we're flipping fables first one two three flip and did first clear move not yet okay so I'm gonna be the first one that plays a fable at the end of the gather phase all players in your location gain two resources of a type produced at that location whoa where will I go who will be their end of gather phase all players at the Giants location must discard their friend all fable cards from their hand and one resource of each type the Giants so let's gather 1 2 3 flip straw straw wood market okay go to your location I like Jason how you say would like obviously where I'm going to go what are you gonna do Megan let me remember soldier oh just the person at that location you say I'm the biggest water for the tea what am I giving up like everything friend all your fable cards and and one resource of each type oh you don't have I don't have any resources right now you have to give up the one that you get right now doesn't say end of gather face end of yeah yeah so you get one what nine and then we put one back wow man still not so bad for Jason yeah he lost his Red Riding Hood mm-hm okay yeah we really got a team-up with time for the lion I'm gonna take one of each from the market and you guys each get two straw and one stays put indeed thank you thank you I'm gonna / roof on that wood house and build my first complete home thank you very much [Music] mister JCM you also are awarded a first builder bonus awesome there you are sir now on the back there's a little cheat sheet that says you either kick one friend to fable cards or one of each resource I think I still have a an action left yeah so you know what I'll I'll pick a friend okay a friend for you what you guys thank you I got Jack the giant slayer little too late jack after gather cards are revealed add two resources to your chosen location of one type produced there discard Jack to cancel the effects of the giant okay okay see that happens every time yeah that's Jack's a great friend oh we got a destroy chance doctor really good friend we need to get more Giants so he has to discard that or gift him a friend and then for my last action I will pull a cable card all right yeah I forgot to do the effects of my favorite card I had played all players in your location gain two resources of a type produce at that location straw so popular I'm going to do one brick and one would I guess in the three our producer I can pick yes good mmm-hmm okay so I discard is that and will discard your giant oh my no ah oh that was stupid I haven't finished my straw house okay whatever right now you can build a brick or wood foundation though I surely could good but if I do you guys will know my plans my special action with my fairy godmother is to gain two fable cards so I'm gonna use that special action cuz why not I got it why not okay I'll read those darn your turn and so I am going to take another resource alright don't you do Megan I want oh wait I had a plan I want two straws to Straus okay and then I can build right I can do my wall that was actually both of your turns one game and one game so that's it it's over sorry next round I mean you said it so sadly that I want to give you more actions there is a card a friend that allows you to have a third action I would like to spend six straw one two three four five six right here to go ahead and put a roof on my straw house your pig is so happy now I think is so happy and then I've built the first straw house bonus first builder bonus why don't I get that and for my bonus I would like to fable cards well done I'm gonna take those now and then for my second action I would like to use the wood cutters special action which is game to wood and place to wood on the forest yes yep yep you guys are so good at so much difficult okay well that was the round so take back your piglets and let's replenish things okay everybody's ready with their gather card facedown in a feeble card on top of it if you're playing a fable card and ready three two one card I didn't see what it was but you flip together card sorceress I have a royal wedding win revealed play on a location stays in play until discarded at the end of the gather phase all players not in this location must discard one resource of their choice oh it's like a wedding gift yeah you guys I love them where so where's it gonna go from where will it go we'll go here here I'm brick okay get married at the break how does it go away if ever no one is on that location it will disappear got it okay what you got family I got end of the oh wait genie end of the gather phase if you are in a location with another player you may immediately build a floor or walls for half the cost if the magic lamp is in the discard pile which is not you may instead build a floor or walls for free holy cannoli now do you have to say where the genie goes now or no because it's a thing wherever she ends up Wow ally okay and I have the wishing well when revealed exchange any to played gather cards before they are revealed without looking at them so that means for two of you I can change what you have do to me I work so hard for my wedding oh we played the same ones for polyfill I am definitely going to exchange Jason and Becca's any of being the worker but that's what I'm doing you helped him a lot I don't know if I helped him you helped him Allah chose them the same thing and then it doesn't matter I want a peek really bad right now well we get to flip soon right okay yeah Jason did you play a fable I did not play a favor okay ready to flip on three one two three including the wedding yeah great minds think alike guys this worked out I think for me piggy was there we have to leave one or leave two behind and everybody else gets one okay hmm and what is what is your genie do then what I don't even need it we all get if you're in a location of another player which I clearly AM you may immediately build a floor or walls for half the cost so I can do both or for half the costs so you can start on you have a bricks and straw in your stash you could do walls for only two straw or you could do a brick foundation or a straw just a brick foundation for only one yes one of those is more one of the way better do what you gonna do oh I decide right now are we wait till the building phase no you get it for free or you get to do it you may immediately build action that's cool yeah there's nothing happening that's gonna take my stuff away right it could there's still stuff to be played before the building phase what about my friend card that was what I was wondering should we've added those resources to it to bring after gather cards are revealed add two resources to your chosen location of one type produced there so yeah there'd be more so we excused you against your one Jason Wow wait Jack the giant slayer I like giant slayer slash resource makers yeah so are you gonna what are you doing so I don't have to pay for what I'm about to be pregnant I'm okay again I still get to do more on the gathering mm-hmm okay yeah you want straw walls that only cost two great you guys you do get a friend for that congratulations for your first friend Tom Thumb start of the round you may take one resource from the location of your choice a resource that was just your fable face so now I'm just gonna go for a brick house so one of my actions is gonna be build a brick floor right and my next action is gonna be to I'm deciding whether I should use my special action for my fairy godmother of gaining two fable cards which is sweets or I could just take a free resource which is also sweet I'm gonna take a break okay okay take a break what are you gonna do Megan uh well I would also like a brick foundation all right hey is there you go and then it looks like I can't really help anything else so my option is just to grab a fable card is that right or take a free resource I just love paper cards give me another fake will come yeah that's Harry Kershaw okay um I am going to build a wood foundation welcome and I am also going to use the woodcutter special action to gain two wood and place two wood onto the forest so much wood in the forest so much wood in the forest okay I can give you two back and anemia for if that helps yeah there we go ah will I'm going to take one brick get out of here and draw one fable card for everybody else around you deserve to be treated special too okay so everybody has built and now I am passing the first player token to Megan how you guys feeling about your strategy so far assess any feelings I mean none of us are doing as well as Jason is let's be honest I'm feeling pretty good all right what house an almost full brick house and some various other items window we do Tom Thumb at the start of a round which is right now take one resource from the location of your choice now from the location not from the pool so let me replenish things the Royal Wedding still going on or is it done stays there until no one shows up like a real sad wedding taking a break from the market alright I don't know how strategic that was but I feel great about it you want brick this Turner nut okay play a fable if you're gonna play it and make sure you've discarded any fables from last round but your friend stays in place Jason what else are you working on you make your name musics I am yeah working on lots of musics got an album coming out this spring on Sony Music so excited about that open this will air before the spring right they say one two three flip flip your flavor a big bad wolf [Music] at the end of the gather phase all players at the big bad Wolf's location must destroy one straw or wood house section of your choice that is horrible but also when revealed this Magic Flute means gain any monster cards played this turn to your hand they have no effect yeah and if anybody else plays a magic as well okay what you got you're sure cool man okay so are we gonna I didn't play fable you didn't put any other dude I'm okay well then I was okay now you get to use that not this round not I mean no cuz I already played my fatal ready 1 2 3 flip counting on you playing a monster cuz I know you have so many failed cards everyone would ever accept no no the wedding is still there the wedding stay because which is a good thing we went to the wedding mm-hmm you into the Royal Wedding which means that everybody not in that location must discard one resource of their choice hmm ok and don't forget my friend will put two more oh heck you would in here so 16 divided by 3 is 5 with one remaining I have to discard one of our choice right from our stockpile already yes at the end of the gather phase hey and then you get the brick right yeah you get all three brick so then you didn't take them from the market we should have maybe taken a hint ok so we have gathered our resources and now we go on to that building mm-hmm Meghan what are you gonna build well I would like a some brick walls hey oh yeah and then you get a break right I'm gonna choose whether you like Tom or you want two new friends who is this person the gingerbread man after gather cards are revealed instead of going to your gather location you may choose to take one resource from each location because you can't catch me he's just running all the way through taking one of everything but this one I get to take one resource from any location I want anyway right yeah and this one what's the difference then really this gives you more resources this gives you one from each land yeah Oh instead of going so this means yeah if it wasn't going well I can just choose one you would take one of everything and this means you get one so what you're also getting that I have in my own ability tonight [Music] so what's it gonna be a gingerbread man gingerbread man or Tom Thumb uh I get there's a chance of getting more with gingerbread man right so yeah I'll go with him good call good call right okay and that was just one actually she's fine right yeah give me a favor cards good stuff in that it's true but then your hand gets so way down you got to keep reading them it's hard work it's hard work having all those fables Trisha okay I'm gonna play it better safe than sorry I'm a little scared with everybody gathering all these fable cards that I'm gonna be forced to get rid of a lot of my resources so I'm gonna go ahead and spend four logs on some walls mmm and then six more logs on a roof and finish my wood house this journal you have that many yeah dude who lumber pork oh my gosh yeah because you built Wells you also could replace your what kind of friends would kind of friend which is great because I I don't know if I want to build another one house maybe I do oh man this frame is the Huntsman and I have to say a Huntsman it's pretty sexy I'm not gonna lie right um at the start of the round all opponents must play a fable card each turn if available oh so forcing people all forcing their hands you want to do that and cancel the effects of one monster played to your location to gain one resource of each type mm-hmm so any monsters to come after me my monster slayer smexy huntsman is taking them out and just pulls the resources from their open guts yes yeah that's exactly how it goes now and you know she has trained him already I'm gonna shake things up I'm going crazy I like it Trisha what is on your nails I've got dragon eyeball and dragon skills right now I'm pretty excited about it I don't I don't always do nail design but when I do I go hard yeah dude go hard so it looks like Trisha has two completed houses now that puts her in the lead in the lead but not in his great of a position as Jason is he's only three bricks away from his second house and then he would have a brick and wood house oh oh now in the event of a tie it would go to the person with the most brick houses but if you finish a full turn ahead doesn't matter if it when you're housed and sheltered and warm safe from wolves nine times it's interesting that there is no element of the brick houses are safer from wolves that's true like the story taught us right that of good materials I think that was a lesson about homeownership I think another lesson about homeownership that this game teaches us is that roofs are expensive roofs are definitely a pensive okay so you want to start building some wood and start building another wood house I've got all this wood it's burning a hole in my pocket that's what cost you do so too for that and then for my second action I will build some walls brings me optionally another friend although I kind of like jack I think he's doing a good job as a friend he's doing a good work I don't know Robin Hood doe that's pretty epic just the name Robin Hood alone just doesn't he you're rich she would have to steal yeah that's true build fades at the end of the build phase each player that has more resources than you must give you one resources now is that per item though or just keep Jack keep Jack you could steal yeah but you know it is true like we've all been doing a good job of spending our resources as soon as we get them exact I guess so I mean that's where Beckett is right now but she's very I mean right there she's gonna be I don't know I kind of feel like Jack might be better for me in the yeah I'm sure it's better for you to resources or get one resource but you're taking it from someone else yeah hmm I'm gonna I'm gonna stick with Jack though my turn this guy I might as well build some brick walls so let's hope that works out well now I have an option of a new friend goodbye fairy godmother hello Snow White at the end of the gather phase all players who share your location must give you a fable card of their choice if they can't they must give you a resource at the end of the gather phase so I'm gonna do that because the fairy godmother just lets me draw two fable cards instead of one but I still have to use an action yes no white man potentially get three fatal cards from us per turn yeah and I like that they chose on the artwork to make this a sexy Asian snow white she is bangin yeah I'm really scared of people coming after me because I have so many resources I'm really glad you didn't take who was that Jack yeah so I could keep building but I also I'm going to build a wood foundation as my second action oh you were first player oh yeah that's why it's you already went okay great so now we move first player oh my good okay everything's bad piggies back piggies back and I will remind everyone that because I have the Huntsman at the start of the round all opponents must play a fable card each turn if able so if you have a fable card you got to put it facedown oh my god we're already nervous fable on three one two three fable okay I chose not to build one because it said all opponents must play a fable card not myself so that song to Jason okay I chose powerful friends steel one build phase action from all players who share your location so anyone so anyone that lands where I'm gonna land I get one of their actions in the build phase and your picture is the little finger right they get there actually no he steals a noise you know you don't make it one I don't want to be wherever you are right right but you've already chosen where you're gonna be so well big bag bolts at the end of the gather phase all players at the location of the big bad wolf which I will choose must destroy one straw or wood house section of our choice I guess they do implement the brick thing brick this was mine yes she stole it okay yeah I don't remember this was yours no I don't know I just thought it looked good on me and so oh yeah my fable is it's it's nice it's sweet it's called little helpers and it says end of gather phase if you are alone at a location gain two extractions during the build phase cuz opelu bus Wow only if she's alone and I don't think given the research distribution but at anybody gingerbread man lets me move if I want to right instead of going to your gather location you may choose to take oh so I can just not go to my go anywhere you stay home but then I get to grabs okay you get to be the little piggy that stays home so everybody flip your gather and then Tricia can't ignore the bad well forever I play some if she so chooses so one two three I'm straw straw whoo okay so we have 16 strong our location so you and I each get eight great that's awesome yeah since I gave you five here's another three thank you we'll take three now I'm sorry guys I put a big bad wolf in your location but now he's gone the big bad wolf takes all the resources away right never mind that's a regular wolf a big bad wolf means all players there must destroy one house section either straw or wood oh yeah you don't I wouldn't go back on a completed yeah especially because it's the most expensive it's like that I buy wood walls you've tried to play nice you do get the resources yes so I'm going to split this yeah yeah one of each Oh what's yours well like I would get to steal no Jack would you put so Jack let's say he adds two more they're choosing I don't know to brick let's say okay so according to the rules and then this big that according to the rules when you're doing the market we will actually do it draft style going from closest to first player first so we already divided what was already there evenly I hope that's okay and we'll just draft what's left okay would you like star would one would dad leaves your straw madam okay and because no one landed in the Brickyard we will get rid of that royal wedding okay so we've gathered and now it's build phase time well Jason still has his powerful friends favor right steel one build phase action from all players who share your location so ouch sorry so then when we go to build phase Jason you have three and Megan you only have one that's correct that is correct okay Trisha kick it off yeah build fees kicking it off man I knew Seth gonna win oh man is it ah there's nothing I can do to prevent Jason well that was a long time ago you just didn't do it well yeah yes I am going to I can either build to maybe I could like draw a fable card that's a Hail Mary right now that could maybe help Kirsten later no I'm gonna build so I would like to use psychic straw six straw to start a straw foundation and get some straw walls you are just speed building over there careful make sure you hire good contractors indeed and then I also get a potential new friend you sure do cuz you have new walls beautiful so my potential new friend is the Golden Goose at the end of the gather phase if you are alone at a location gain one resource of your choice and I can discard this on my turn to gain resources of my choice from the supply no I like my Huntsman that's fair good no I don't think because you ever had equipped him that it this counts as a discard no he would have had to a good dream I agree I agree I want the whole world somebody else is winning right now not me Oh someone Oh almost has three houses he has three actions right now let's let's hold that let's see judgment okay so I've got three actions my first action is I'm going to get one more brick gonna have six brick so my second action I will build a brick house and I will get the first builder bonus said do you want a friend to table cards or one of each resource here's what I think I'll do because I have because I got an extra build phase action I'm going to take one of each resource therefore that gives me four wood so I can now build I can put wood walls back on my second wood house and I get a possible new friend okay I'll turn these in mm-hmm now remember if in the same turn we both build our third house Jason will win that tiebreaker because his houses are stronger than mine I'm so far away from having three houses so Seven Dwarfs if you were alone at a location gain one additional build phase action I think I still like Jack more Jack's really good yeah yeah I'm sticking with Jack so we'll put the what's so great about Jack again you get two additional resources wherever you want wherever you well you split them up but sometimes you get to skip one okay no way doing for you at the end of the gather phase all players who share your location must give you a fable card of their choice I'm afraid to ask what treasure may have a fable card you indeed may thank you home goods good so you used all three of your actions this time dead so now it's my turn I obviously need a roof on my straw house and huh I'm gonna put up walls on my wood house in walls get me a new friend come on help me out friend Aladdin gives me a wish at the start of the round say out loud if you will gather with other players or alone at the end of the gather phase gain one of each resource if you were correct you see I want the resources goodbye Snow White hello Aladdin okay so I only get to build phase actions not like fancy Jason over here so that is my build phase Megan I get one big action Rapunzel started the round placed two resources of one type onto this card so basically she steals stuff every round but if you're alone you get to take those things back so it's just annoying and not at all helpful so you don't have to replace your gingerbread man you can actually give her to someone and they have to use her so someone's probably gonna win in the next round or two because Trisha and Jason both have two completed houses I have one completed house and just need two rooves you need one roof you need one roof wait when it says place two resources of one type is that from your resources or from the banners oh yeah that's not a good friend at all not a good friend she said I should give it to somebody right yeah would you like to replace Jack the giant slayer or the Huntsman I think that question so Jason means six wood but he also gets one extra resource possibly or two because of Jack the giant slayer and he has no wood right now so he's not gonna win next turn Trisha needs four more straw and her Huntsman makes us play a fable card every time and what's the other thing he does and if someone's fable card makes a monster land at my location it cancels the effects of that monster but also lets me gain one resource of each type but that's only if someone chooses to have the monster go to my location right well in the event of a tie between those two Jason would win but given how good the Huntsman is I don't know let's get rid of the Huntsman yeah sorry handsome Huntsman bye-bye I can see the pile Rapunzel you got her yep I got a lock away two resources at the start of each round but then my special action is if you're alone at a location I get all those resources back show do so you did one build oh oh that hurts ooh sick burns okay everybody let's go on to the next round my start of the round says say out loud if you will gather with other players or alone and I get one of each resource if I'm correct I think I will gather with other players okay we're all ready everybody get ready to flip your feeble card if you have one three two one okay and first player move to Jason so I will read first I got that hired help when it's revealed I pay two resources or discard this card I'm gonna pay two resources cuz I already have a straw house any more help do Oh next turn I gets a double and I gather I'm out take any extra resources you gather from the supply I got night at the tavern when revealed draw one friend card per player choose one to keep and randomly disturb distribute the rest to the other players so we have to do it and when is that at the start of the turn when revealed yeah so you're gonna draw four friend cards you choose what you like you give us the other ones and we have to take them and that means Trisha and I lose our cool things that were happening with our friends you had Rapunzel that had straw on her and if you had landed alone in a location you would have gotten extra back so now this job's just gone which you needed yeah dang and then I have a Latin and I would have gotten one extra resource if I was correct that I had gathered with other players resource of each type right I'll give one to you okay I have Alibaba at the start of the round steel one resource from another player if they gather in the same location is you you must give them back the stolen resource I stole from you you catch catch me later I'm like all right you're a fair man okay all right I get the Little Mermaid when gained choose two of your gathered cards to keep in your hand place the rest face down under the Little Mermaid you cannot use them special action game one of each resource that's I mean you're only at this point in the game she's not that bad but she's a girlfriend yeah and you did this channel I lost jack yeah so yeah so are you gonna play right now probably brick yeah you you don't all you need is wood no yeah I'm gonna assume you're gonna keep wood in mark for us to market but you know you do good yeah oh and I get Puss in Boots special action build a house section you may pay part of the cost using one resource from another player's board oh man that's way better than Rapunzel let's so even though I lose these nice try I think I'm okay with this yeah and then I got Cinderella after gather cards are revealed moved to your gather location and gained two of the resources before any other players move to your location you still gather resources that with normal sleep gather cards on 3 1 2 3 flip ok we're both gonna would you guys are gonna would we're going to brick I am so glad I chose wood cuz I was thinking offense or defense my defensive move was would otherwise he would have gotten enough in this round to come win the game so I have your job on defense well done I get to brick right before we you sure do there or your to brick so now there's only 4 there for us to split so you get an additional 2 and I get 2 and then you guys there's 9 there so 4 for each of you one there we keep the 1 extra there okay so Jason's first player time to build things can I point out that if I had still had the JAF card I would have one right now yeah because I would have gotten one extra from that gather and then I could have used my to build point yeah get one in build but so now what I'm gonna do is I'm just I'm gonna take I'm gonna take two would now I got enough feel research you guys can do all sorts of crazy things to me okay let's hurry that's okay it's my turn and dang it I am gonna take two bricks alright alright so I want to put a roof on my brick house 1 2 3 we're not gonna win but I want to get the closest to not winning today I'm gonna get one more action yeah I think I'll just take away okay taking one wood Trisha nobody got okay I'm gonna take two tables alright so then now we run to what could very well be the final turn if anybody has a start of the round thing it activates now so I will steal one resource from another player taking your break okay and if you catch me later you get it back anybody else have start of the round effects nope okay choose your gather and anything else and Jason can only choose from to gather cards little mermaid who looks like Moana yeah okay this is likely our final turn there's a lot of tension in the air will Trisha get a final straw roof or will Jason get that wood roof which he already has all the resources for will Jason be fortune is the real quick okay we've all gotta take Jason down Fable cards on three one two three flip okay what you got oh Babel favorite cards okay I did the magic lamp when revealed draw the top three cards of the fabled app choose one to play a media and this is hard the other two oh you're right she's one to play immediately and discard the other two if the genie is in the discard pile draw the other two cards instead and I think you have the genie right the genie already isn't she definitely it is so that means I get to draw two instead of discarding them so I get to pick all three so I draw two and I choose one to play immediately um you get three wishes oh man oh man I got gambling gambling real hard here God what did Jay said BIC that's the question he would have done neither forest or market those are his only options because of a little mermaid and her cruel dragon all right all right I'm going with the wolf is what I'm gonna play immediately oh my gosh where's he going the wolf's go in the market okay wolf is at the market reveal on three 1 2 3 flip I'm going to the market to the market oh dang it okay those rock I'm going to straw so I get together two of the resource before other players oh she slips in there first okay so there are a 10 here but now there's going to be just eight because you already get these two right let's go ahead and get we can get four and you get six one two three four mm-hmm that's rough if that happened well although if you built your house and I built my last one that's round had that and certainly would say I'm first player and now it is the build phase so I am going to get one break for free and I am going to put a roof on my brick house even though it doesn't matter because I'm so far from having my third well I'm a roof away from having my third house completed and I feel like this is good the end of the game but there we go all right ready guys I want a roof for my straw Hut and I'm gonna go ahead and lay a foundation down even though the game might be anything hey never know what could happen well building our own houses those are all winners Trisha all right so I believe I can still complete my third house thanks to Puss in Boots so what I'm gonna do is use my first action to gain one straw resource and I'm going to use my second action to use puss-in-boots special action which is build a house section paying part of the cost using one resource from another player's board so I'm going to use one straw no one who uses wood no nobody I can't build a wood I don't have a wood to build so I'm sure I thought of that but I am going to use this straw which then gives me six straw to build my straw roof which I still am going to lose because my houses are not as awesome as Jason's houses you could at least I put up a good fight yeah you get to do you did all right here it is what you got you okay well with my first action I'm going to take all six pieces would call the roofer and build the third house on my board oh he can't get to you for three months and I guess with my my other action all I'll draw up a part sure it doesn't matter because you won all right Jason congratulations on winning the grand forest how does it feel what was your strategy my strategy was just concentrate on building the whole time I mean I'm sure there are other ways people could do it but I'm just thrilled that I actually this is the first time I've ever won game the game do I gain to the game you gained it is so hard making one of your stats about this game um there's lots of ups and downs and even the littlest players can still make a difference remember that at home Trisha oh I felt like it was an emotional roller coaster and a really great way and I thoroughly enjoyed the art style on the it's highly recommended yes I also love this game this art I was so close to getting a wooden have roof on my wooden house and then I too would have had a little bit of everything guys that was so much fun thank you so much for being here it was a great game well Jason you won valiantly thanks so much to everybody at home for tuning in please come back and watch every week on game the game where we play a brand new board game keep playing you [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 101,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, becca scott, jason charles miller, trisha hershberger, megan brotherton, fairy tales, 3 little pigs, druid city games, tabletop, wil wheaton, fables
Id: gR9u-WrsTbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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