Dungeon Mayhem | Game the Game

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Just played my first game of this. My friend playing the mystic managed to get 5 extra plays in one turn and completely killed me from full health. Really fun...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Saltcaller 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

God this game is fun, every seems to walk away saying they need to get it as well, that's how I got it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/draginator 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey friends welcome to game the game I'm your house Becca Scott and today we are playing dungeon mayhem from Dungeons and Dragons let me teach you how to play we're swinging swords and fling and magic missiles that's right it's dungeon mayhem from Dungeons and Dragons [Music] this action-packed card game pits two to four adventurers against each other in a free-for-all brawl for the last character standing wins set up begins with each player choosing a character to play either the barbarian wizard paladin or rogue they then take the matching character deck hit point tracker reference card and HP token which goes on number 10 of the track shuffle the character deck and place it facedown once each player has chosen a character and shuffled their deck everyone draws a three-card starting hand the youngest player goes first gameplay is divided into turns which have three simple steps draw a card play cards discard in the draw phase players draw a single card from their deck and add it to their hand super simple in the play cards phase the active player can play a single card from their hand by placing it on the table face-up now some cards allow player to play more than one card in a turn you get to card actions shortly if a player manages to play all the cards in their hand they may immediately draw two more cards in the discard phase the active player moves all the cards played this turn into their private discard pile if any of those cards have a defense symbol on them those cards stand play until they are destroyed at which point they will go into the discard and that's how a turn goes play passes to the left and the next character starts their turn let's take a look at the cards each character has a unique deck of action cards which inflict damage on opponents he'll hit points and allow for additional card plays in a turn there are five main symbols which all characters have in some combination attack cards deal damage equal to the number of attack symbols on the card to a single opponent if the targeted opponent has a defense card in play the hacker must apply damage to that card first before applying any carryover damage to the player defense cards can protect a player from damage up to the value of the defensive symbols on the card as attacks come in track the destroyed symbols with the damaged token until the card is destroyed and placed in the discard draw cards allows a player to draw a number of cards equal to the symbols if a player ever depletes their deck they simply shuffle to their discard to form a new draw pile healing cards recover one hit point for each healing symbol on the card play again cards allow player to play additional cards in a single turn one extra card per symbol present if a player uses all their cards but still has plays available they immediately draw two cards and continue playing in addition to these five symbols each character has mighty powers which allow them to activate powerful actions like stealing cards from other players swiping wipe totals or even destroying all player's defenses turns continue as players battle it out if anyone's hit points drop to zero they're knocked out and removed from the game the last player standing wins and that's dungeon mayhem I'm Becca Scott and I'm gonna whirlwind attack I've event Norman into oblivion this afternoon Wow you can watch me my friends play this game and other great games on game the game right here on geek and sundry [Music] welcome back let me introduce you to my beautiful guests starting way over here we got Brittany Irving you may know her as lady danger on twit she's also a cosplayer all the things all the things right next to me you may know this guy Ivan Van Norman back I'm so excited all right now I've gotta introduce the lovely the wonderful the elf-like Satine Phoenix I'm talking about Satine is the community manager of Dungeons & Dragons you guys may have heard of it and you do so many other things please tell them the other places they can find you I am the dungeon master Sirens of the realms and also I'm on maser Connor shows and the Dungeon Master's guide with Satine Phoenix it's a talk show for Dungeon Master's that is so awesome I gotta catch it I gotta catch it all right guys um I'm very excited to play a little dungeon mayhem with you there's a quick game so let's call it best out of three good guys would you please deal yourself three cards from your well shuffled deck you just had to shuffle during my best line its high I'm sorry that was actually one of those things that I it's a good joke and it was a good shuffle so I think we've come to terms with that Ivan how you feel about today's game i won it's been a long time since we played so I'm mostly just enjoying the fact that we get to play at a table again I'm enjoying the fact that I haven't played [Music] but we also got some fresh cool blood today that he's been left hanging I'm also going to ruin all of you all's fair in and winning and losing so alright um we'll all start with ten hit points I'm playing as azan dropped it this is on well you know um a lot of my mighty powers involve doing stuff that affects everybody and some switcheroos that I won't want to tell you about till it happened Satine who's your what's it I am Audie axe well done and with the fingers I have sooth I believe she's a work barbarian if I had to take a guess absolutely she is I think I think Leah who is my elephant cleric I believe I've met her a paladin paladin yes there was some smiting I saw that was going on so that means more holiday-ish type of behavior okay so youngest player goes first doesn't matter but you know age is just a number nobody cares about once you're through not it first draw one card and as you may know from the how to play then you play one card unless your card has a lightning bolt which means play an extra card so I'm gonna start this off strong and big axe is the best - Raven you said you were ready to win oh go ahead and take that greed damn it that's just a sweet sweet target I just painted one two three you got to play it sly anything like that so cure I don't know just pointing out damage but you know what Brittany then spike my words so I will do two back to you and I will take one putting us just about square you know I propose that whenever we play a card we have to put it in a sentence you just put pressure on battle battle booboo over here [Laughter] thank you alright I'm gonna draw one i hich have some jalapenos last night now I got some burnin hands never mind I regret proposing is metagame you know what sateen you look a little to untarnished over there and your tiefling situation so if you would please take to damage absolutely yeah it's just my turn I'm so willing to take that damage because I'm going to go ahead and use some stolen potion did you do to heal and then I'm going to use another stolen potion and you know what just cuz you did me dirty I'm going to one thrown dagger at you oh you have so many taken amends Oh take one hit I don't know if I can use this actually I don't see why not but I'm going to put it down on the table because it's my last car I have to use a lightning alright so you can immediately draw two cards and your special ability would you read that mighty power clever disguise none of your opponent's cards affect you or your shield cards until your next turn whoa so I guess we'll leave that out and then we'll discard the rest of your car right through your whole hand that's how I do ocean motion dagger dagger I mean that was pretty impressive but that display I'm really just gonna have to flex on yeah wait so go ahead and heal one and I can draw another card don't forget to draw I'm feeling like we're covered over here right we're square we're feeling pretty great and that clever disguise it's really clever it's a teen I can't do anything about it so that means Becca I have to divinely smite you but I'm doing it divinely I'm doing it with so much love and care and divinity as i smite you and i also heal your making me into a target and i don't like that so you know what I'm gonna draw taking all my will peridot look at your hands cuz it's just right there look at it you're just like you got it out and forward you gotta keep it close keeping it close cuz you know what inside my heart is a little magic missile Ivan you know you're taking that mm-hmm I'm gonna get to play another card so my hands are gonna burn yeah Vernon hands maybe you swish that's right I couldn't be the only one at six cuz then I'm a target again that's just all about it's all about justice at this point I feel like that is a justifying I'm feeling mischievous and I'm going to go ahead and pickpocket yours it is steal the top card of any players deck and play it oh forget to look at it and I'm gonna be super mean and play it on you clearly the skies is gone now it's true is your pickpocket well I mean I'm just gonna have to go ahead and smack you with the big axe is the best sex myths attainment I deserve that I totally do so I feel like there's a lot of justice that's been dealt out here but Satine you're at seven so that means we need to put some justice on here so for justice you're taking one for justice wait and now there's even more justice you forgot to draw it didn't you I did better can I draw it too loud okay I shall draw I would just like it to be known that knowledge is power books bulking up I don't know I don't even look at me you can't see anything my hand say you don't you'll forget that's my turn hmm okay well I'm just gonna lay it out there all the thrown daggers in your face Becca why would you I miss already then well I will go ahead and pull out a bag of rats what's your bag everybody just brats mm mm all right I'm going to draw a card I'm not gonna forget that part of this game drawing cards important rats you didn't say the magic word and allow me to burn two cards which will give me a cure wounds which is nice you want to get a little bit of healthier and draw two cards two more cards and then I'll do a spinning parry which let me draw another card as well too and now I've got some shield out as well too I mean you just have watching mini card that is a lot going on I'm gonna draw one first I'm going to attack and play another card you know satine uh you came at me last turn and I didn't like it so if you would please take one this card is the magic missile and it means I get to play again let me just Oh vampiric top swap your head points with an opponent's Ivan if you would I will take seven if you could please take three we did such a knowledgeable mage get so much vampiric knowledge in my hands because I drew drew a vampire on my NSS which one me let's do a life total recap I've got seven Ivan now has three Britney what you got I'm on six Satine okay okay I see what's happening here I'm gonna go ahead look at Becca straight in the eye and then guys and then do a fake-out swap around I'm going to sneak attack destroy one shield card and play and then and that's gonna be yours yeah I'm going to look everybody in the eyes and I go like this and then I'm gonna hunting action boom I'm gonna play two cards the first one is to Brittany and that's two throwing daggers right in the shoulders oh oh let me because I ran out I have to draw two and I get to play one and then I'm gonna steal your top card and play it pickpocket more pickpocketing and that okay knowledge is power back at all of med exchange you look through the eyes and then did everything to everybody else alright that's all that shenanigans I'm just gonna go headbutt satine's another card open the armory drop myself some cheese artists okay Ivan you only have three health this is really tough because you know Stettin Zetas at a really good breaking point you are sitting there comfy with all of my health that I had several turns before I don't know what you mean Brittany's wild carding over here with her five health wild card never know which way it's gonna go so I can either you know try to try to try to knock down but not least the Thunder or bring fluffy into the photo fluffy I am going to hop on fluffy and I'm gonna get the hell out of Dodge due to to gardening health of the well first things first I got a heal up and you know the best way to heal is with the little evil sneer wizard I think he's an evil wizard just when he smears he's evil sneering and he's also drawn vampires on his hands well that's just adorable and then with my second card play oh my god what is that is that a fireball everyone including me takes three damage sorry satine you exploded into a ball of fire there is there was nothing to be done about it it feels like home [Laughter] happening alright alright so after that glorious explosion I'm gonna go I mean I was so fond of fluffy and I just want to introduce you to my little friend Raph oh oh - fluffy well shield swore to us much more rabid than the other little is best life that's cool I'm gonna I need to hold on to my state here and at to health it's pretty rough so we're bringing some fighting words back in the air popping back up for to bringing me back up to one bringing a square zzzz again I'm all about the justice and about the even amount of health on the food so you and I are both at three Brittany's at two yeah and I got three shield choices are tough pickings are slim I'm gonna need to armor up and play a little mirror image so also block three damage Ivan you are screwed I'm so screwed that's fair I love all your wizardry it's really really nice and I'm just gonna go ahead and toss that right out the window at this Mike shield hardened play and then rock okay you could've destroyed your own I would have allowed I thought about it again but uh just so you know let's see let's see what I got here okay you know what justice justice is dealt out with the finger wag hate the finger wag get the finger wagging yeah which means unfortunately Beca you being in the most vulnerable position at this point with only three health no I have to deliver that's a death of clock frame ten o'clock when in my last action will give me a spinning parry knowing that the Britney is coming so Becca now that I have zero cards in my hand but this one says draw a card do I draw the two cards because F zero cards in my hand or do I just get the one from the spinning pair just get the one my friend and as good as it would be for you to get three cards right now it could be the clutch move that saves me it could but you got to resolve the existing card before you get your bonus of draw two for an empty hands you're gonna help me are you gonna help me okay it's so helpful Brittany okay no peeking no peeking yes two axes are better than one yeah yeah I'm feeling it ready ready ready okay go okay how many cards yeah I'm gonna go ahead and mighty toss that shield right out the window I get to draw another card okay good counter and then cuz I know you're so fond of winning go ahead and look like you're a well you raised me all right time for another another little plague through another round that's right we're not done we're not done here shall we draw three for our starting hands all right this time this time azam is taking everyone down all right should we shift first player over one I think Ivan's the youngest now all right do you know why I'm the youngest because I have such high charisma charisma drawn to cards mmm Becca drawing you know what I think knowledge is power and I'll learn and stop rumbling looks that's all I'm doing you got to study before you fight no I'm steady yeah you know what study hahaha I really like my beefy friend over there so I'm gonna go ahead and pick your pocket uh-huh and I'm gonna play that card she's the best place you have a mighty toss which you get to whine okay I'll take that you could have broken a shield had there been a shield to break it's true I'm just gonna go ahead and sneak in the shadows now okay I think we all gonna beat up on Brittany cuz it's best at three I guess are you or maybe first to two wins I don't know how it works with four people best of three is a two-player game we'll see we'll see what happens well I mean I'm sure you guys are all really really fond of your hands but uh I'm gonna battle roar which means each player including yourself discards their hand then draws three cards then I get to play another get out I had the best hand of I got nothing but take another turn and fight people now my question is can i play my second card before I exchange my car no that do when we do it I was just chick well since I just got such great I was amazing I'm gonna go ahead and raise your a started off strong steam check for damage please bring the guns they're a Gerber card description two vowel sounds okay sue okay so hmm divine inspiration that'll get us God to save on the back when I'll get this other divine inspiration that was in my discard and then I'm gonna get my finger wag of judgment because I like that cat a lot that's the thing Andy the card in your discard pile and put it into your hand any one card you know what I was gonna get the violence personal bar but you're doing it to life which you didn't need all right I had the most amazing hand before so now obsidian lady danger please take a like they both three damage okay I can't read okay I'm gonna go ahead and sneak off to the side bar and use my stolen potion I'm just gonna drink a little potion yellow Danny I'm gonna jump in the middle of you guys Yahoo and then I'm going to oh one dagger - Britney one Jagger I get it you know that was the order in which we're sitting so the dagger throwing made sense LT I understand and I won't hold it against you they're bigger day they're written Martin I saw you peek I felt it no I felt it no well you guys are just so darn nice to me I'm gonna go ahead and give you a big ol couple world and axes we might heal once per opponent and then attack each of you should take one damage and I feel three that is insane I feel like you'd be winded after whirling axes that doesn't compute I'm just saying wind it's enthralling the whirling and the destruction the damage so alright well I'm at eight Becca's it's seven we look like some teens at six and you're at night you know Becca's favorite card [Laughter] the most amount of justice for you all the justice take it all all three points of justice Britney maybe lay down upon you and then I'm gonna do some lay on hands and bring me up a spot and bring me up to card she's enjoying it a little too much look at this base on care wound there's a lip bite going on there okay my turn evil sneer I'm gonna heal one and then I'm gonna play another card and I'm gonna hit somebody with my burden hands burn in the hands of fire okay so Britney's at six Ivan hundred and nine so I'm gonna have to knock you down with these burning hands just level in that plan just walk in and trip and throw a bunch of daggers yeah we can't let her wait twice in a row Gorga nuts don't make direct eye contact I know justice is just so just remember justice goes to waste goes to is yeah and it also goes three ways Satine big ass is the best you take that three right back Oh revenge is sweet I think so I know Oh what are you you're dealing your looked like you're gonna deal justice on me gonna be fair you probably should have dealt justice on me because I'm giving a divine smite for being so divine which will give me a health and will unfortunately thank you sorry not sorry not sorry can't say sorry when you're not sorry why shouldn't I should I should have tarot cards okay mm-hmm I just feel vulnerable and you know what I want more than anything if I want to Stoneskin well-well grayscale but it's a good thing in this game he looks like he's out on Hollywood Boulevard yeah yeah I got Paige what's up my shoulders I got pigeon on my head but you know what I like it I bathe in that bird poo I look at you the way he usually looks at you which is with that weird judgment stone it's true it's very easy bit swagger points within another I know you had a message justice but they would have come for me so I still have no regret oh it's my turn just decide to both win I don't trust you and you shouldn't Beckett Devine smites oh no my stone skin no I'm a regular wizard man and I take one yeah all right okay I'm gonna draw and I'm gonna draw three more well I just power oh my goodness one knowledge that's my turn okay and the more you know yeah you drew the right card cuz now you're at eight Ivan - I'm trying to help you and you're just taking away your one hour in a row you're saying I should have got more you can't be trusted okay all right better chose a bad joke always yeah my turn yes okay that's fine magic word it's okay it's not gonna be the judge mrs. light - this time around mostly because I need to shield up and get some more cards just a single shield drawing the card and then fighting words yeah into Satine she keeps getting me right Becca and you healed up one huh yeah healed up a little bit okay no man let's just round one card or use a magic number though in this game yeah here's the thing though hmm yeah I figured okay a little speed of thought that means it gets two plays twos cards and first I'm gonna burn some hands and that's going to Ivan all right you chipper to meet one uh-huh and then um I'm going to hit Satine with the magic missile mm-hmm and then the magic missile gave me another card to play and you know what I let you live mirror image I see a winged serpent guardian of hurt and I draw a neat return oh my God look I'm going to break that mirror smite and it allows me its merit in Bekaa I may die and I might die a gruesome death by the hands of your evil smirks but I'm at least going to have a little more justice before I go down I really should have killed you charm the shield card that an opponent hasn't play and it protects you nothing new or friends okay oh come on I like well now they have friends Oh two wing and serpents just chillin we let them go on play dates look I'm still alive are you still alive you know why I'm still alive degrees of justice by the grace of Justice ha ha so winged serpent poor choice I let you live I know you did I'm doing my best to let you know how an amazing of a choice that was with more justice now for you okay all I drop to curtain oh I know you're out of the game which is okay so barbarian ghost I'm gonna shield up and draw a card it's just a regular old shield that's yeah just a regular issue Ivan you're done hi buddy did you doing I'm done to attend you didn't you have a note lightning bolt there yeah I went down a throne that's true I'm sorry to tell you that more shield oh you got a whole goon squad mm-hmm and there's three of them but only two shields I guess these you are for moral support much much gotcha okay well this is not looking great for me we're both winners you just walk away last chance so here's what I like in life is a live bear judge switching your hip points so we'll do a little switch room okay wild card card yeah all right okay no this is cool yeah I'm gonna go ahead and here I've got a nice big heavy coat of armor and clever disguise none of your opponent's cards affect your shields until the end oh my next room well you know what then I'll just say knowledge is power and I learn up well I'm waiting at your door with my you're kidding me oh say hello to my little friend Oh it's called my little confused these got eyeballs that point opposite Oh big thing she's equivalent of mine health now oh my god that hurts everyone especially me so first things first I'm going to need to heal up with my evil sneer and then that's gonna give me another card to play oh I'm going to take a shield with my job okay so I'm like really it like we're kind of just looking very smiley I stolen potions I drink a health and then mm-hmm going to cunning action no it's going to attack - I don't know how that works two of your dudes okay oh I take one damage marker on my little furry okay and I'll get rid of this shield and then I take two cards Oh cuz your hand is empty that's right yeah you get to play one more of them I'm gonna go ahead and dagger at you and also lay down - screams - cuz I'm so sneaky get out of here all right all those gonna discard redrawing of cards three drawing of cards I've drawn a card now I will take one action but why would I take one would I get try to speed of thoughts fireball we each layer including you takes three damage I believe you can take it to your shields okay so I'll kill my little friends that's one two three you lost a bunch of goons feeling very vulnerable you're so excited so I think I need to put another shield on myself and draw a card so what's going on okay I have a shield are you ready are you ready no I don't think so go ahead gonna go ahead and remove that shield with a sneak attack yeah it's also three damage to your back okay well now okay yeah that turns long-feared lucky we have one house into teen has four but basically six cuz you're gonna slide what are you gonna do oh so much yeah all the things I just need exactly oh yes you look at the cards while you're shuffling this is using my brain power to make my favorite card the RNG is here thank you okay okay and we need okay I'm gonna play magic missile take one damage to your goon squad and I play another card and that other card is gonna be a little touch let's swap HP this is like a roller coaster where she picks up she gets or she hits two cards and then she gets to play one what yeah you don't get two cards and they can pick on yeah okay I've had longer shovels wow that was um that was really uh I mean a bedside manner just so hey she's allowed because I just killed her oh but my secret kill you back lightning bolt death throw it doesn't count but just so you know you would've done well that's funny because my little friend stepped in the way and took them you've never had this a teen shot it's true it goes a little something like love it okay Satine you have a point Brittany you have a point I think we don't have time for one more game so let's see if we have a clear winner or if it's just that okay boy there's just one loser [Music] given our little rotation here is okay if I I go forever didn't work out well for Ivan so maybe there's no first player advantage happening here but you know what I'm gonna draw up I'm just gonna Stoneskin myself and everybody at 10 points thank you thank you thank you Becca mm-hmm yeah I don't trust any of you I feel like Brittany and I have targets right on our foreheads so I'm gonna my little friend out so what happened to me last time already yeah go ahead open the armory well she's bulk enough yeah little bulk yeah my teacher better warm in the winter you know what let's keep this thing going you've got your little friend Stoneskin fluffy dryer that day and I drew fluffy okay you know what Satine is just charmed by you and your little friends it's mine oh yeah yeah okay okay oh yeah that's gonna be fun later but I'm gonna put my goon squad out and instead instead hahaha starting up slow everybody's keeping their mean cards okay well I'll go ahead and break that cycle I go ahead and head but you know house me to play another card that's bad so I'm gonna go ahead and give you the big a big an additional three damage I get it I feel it it makes sense one two three so my little friend has one more shield in them but Stoneskin is no more which it gets itchy after a while you gotta you gotta go shuck that full schouten shower off all that stone mm-hmm like this silver body paint the streets perform Lakes well yeah after a while we don't get this little card here just on your little frame mm-hmm it's just wipe him off the board thank you tonight back to my he's real he's real special in the goonpo I'm no longer the most protected we'll get to do another thing so man I was just a little lay on hands their cure wounds yeah I can't feel up anymore but that's alright all I need is fluffy with me fluffy is all the support at me it's been a real nice game so far a little too nice so coming at all y'all with the fireball that hurt I burned myself I felt it it did hurt but you know oh my god this was exactly the card I wanted yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and cunning action yes I saunter in and are you reading a book called how to make friends and betray them exactly and I say buddy and I deal 6000 you thought you got all the daggers but then you've got all the daggers again okay so that's cool so you so let's go over scores Ivan's got a nine Brittany's not seven sitting also at nine Becca won that a promise yes the bidding comes out all right I'll give I'll give you this chance thank you two axes are better than once a teen rut ro five damage Oh [Music] remember let me let me do the thing though I just let me do the phone cuz I also want to do a thing not this not this thing do what you gotta do and just like let me live one more turn is all I'm saying okay you know what the city okay then all the justice lanes it was for the most the most justice was because look what I had left I thought that dad kiss it I'm just now an explosion of daggers you got kaboom that's good okay oh that was your turn yes okay I'll try one so my health isn't one oh no you're gonna do the third well I'm just gonna play all the cars spit that you're right away from you that's what remember who took away your glory I agree I look I'm out of this race and I'm just gonna I'm just she's yeah I got it you're right took away my kill yeah I see I see you yeah alright so long sliding bolt sliding bolt can I get one more action and I'm gonna do a little magic missile oh oh sorry it's really a favor because I have one more action lady will die okay okay oh my go ahead no cards I'm going to draw two cards I'll never live to play them we're ready let's talk about points so Brittany you're at six Ivan's at three and I'm at 100 hungry you know I'm just gonna get some snack time okay I haven't seen that card yet justice creator okay all right I live for justice justice is very grateful and then I'm going a healer okay and grab two cards one card why I keep think it's two cards and I'm gonna get back fluffy mm-hmm okay you have one more card to play I'm gonna put put that finger away do you think that with the rest of your fluffy down okay I draw a card oh yeah okay uh speed of thought knowledge is power mmm two three hmm God mirror image I've got shielded miss okay are they bugs are they enemies I don't think they're like each other looking at each other a little that's given I think rats just misunderstood and he just needs a friend yeah and it's probably the merriment that's the bail so all three of us have shields I'm still at one Ivan's at five did you heal up to you were three in the divine inspiration goes up there takes me up - mm-hmm you don't just get all the finger wagging in here so much finger wagging going on I'm hack hurry up MA I really got your finger wags your ears also wax judging just judging yo for some more justice brass gettin it brass getting the pew pew won't be Peter wrap thank you okay that makes it my turn again I can't believe I've lived this long of drawing one and I will knowledge is power myself and draw three looking for that vampiric touch I've just you know grasping at straws grasping at vampires drawers they come free filled with blood like those little honey's go ahead miss Brittany take a deep calming breath before we all deal with our images and their animals Rath doesn't like fluffy I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of Luffy Ivan it's your turn you didn't give me the code you didn't give me like oh thank you so fancy I'm not draw a card okay this is getting one card closer to a spirit touch every single time we lift this no no don't worry about that it's totally fine it's I don't even give myself more health because I know Becca it's fine yeah very tough okay now I would prefer to have seven health in five so Brittany if you would please go down to one health and I will take seven because I'm a vampire but now it's your turn come at me bro sure I'm gonna go ahead and whirling axes this uh you heal once per opponent which means I gave you up hmm and then you each take one image you got one on right in the divine shield what is there to do but smite smite the highest health I would suppose I won't steal your line I heard you're alive you are so right you did Baird you absolutely did and I will first draw and then I will do the merciful thing which is to hit you with this magic I said merciful pretty well played well played well played okay um and then I've got one more card to play I'm sorry my cards offends you so yeah okay you know it feels like I don't know I've got a shield you got a shield so maybe we all just need a fire ball each other I'm taking two in the magic mirror which knots that out and I'll take one to my health face are you gonna get rid of your divine shield and go up okay five against six and that's my turn what can you do I've been maybe we could just make a truce you know what we've got we've got some time to talk about it so away it's layouts and high charisma hair and we can we can we can discuss our options okay I don't have too many options except for attacking me except for attacking your little face I'm going to finally smite you in the face one two three and you just healed what so you're at three hell no it's okay now a job card right race okay and then you know what I'm just real good with the lightning well we said best of three and forgot that with four people that can go one of many ways so I guess we'll call it here and we'll just call it a friendly everyone but I've been waiting yeah yeah we'll just call it the one loser well that was fun dungeon mayhem yeah yeah please um Brittany thoughts I I'm a really big like tabletop card person and this is a lot of fun like a lot of times you find it a game and it's not really like it's just a little boring and this is not boring that's a lot of fun I I like that you have like characters that like the actions are very representative of the type of character it is and so that's me oh yeah it's on point with the characterizations and I'm just gonna say this falls into my category of line games games that are really great I've been alive when you're waiting in line to play with different super easy quick to teach other thoughts it's dungeons and dragons to go it's my favorite game in the world and now it's in a very small packet I can keep in my purse love it love it and it so perfectly matches your guys beautiful colorations Ivan sucks you said it all it's a great convention line game I would I would easily just keep this in my car from what I'm going to parties and I know nobody and I'd just be like hey my name's Ivan want to play dungeon mayhem love it's alright well that's all the time we have on game the game thank you so much for coming and guessing you guys please look these guys up I'm sure you follow all of them because they're amazing people but if you're not you should be anyway we'll see you guys next time on game the game [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 106,525
Rating: 4.7658539 out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, d&d, wizard, paladin, rogue, barbarian, becca scott, critical role, wizards of the coast, ivan van norman, satine phoenix, brittney irving, ladee danger, tabletop
Id: EBd0yAjak4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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