How to Play Magic: The Gathering | Colors of Mana and Choosing Your Color

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hello and welcome to a very special episode of how to play live Magic the Gathering I am here with two incredible guests let's go to the white oh my god you guys Erica Purnima and Rachel Seeley are in the house to play some magic say hello lady hi I'm so excited to have you guys here so Rachel you have played magic before specifically in the 90s yep and you brought your old cards in which you guys don't get to see okay you're playing for your very very first time ever well I've played once a while ago okay okay so basically yes I feel confident oh yeah all right now today we're gonna focus a little bit more on colors what the different colors mean which is very very important and to any magic player as you well know because you're sitting with your secret deck right here that we'll get into a minute but first let me throw to a little video for you guys that we made before about Magic the Gathering colors hit a cheap welcome back to more how to play Magic the Gathering I'm Becca Scott and let's have a quick talk about the colors of magic the five colors white blue black red and green are not only distinct in the type of mana required to cast their spells but also in the ideologies they represents each color has a set of strategies strengths and weaknesses though there is no limit to the number of colors that you can include in your deck more mana requirements on cards means more land management in the game thus it's helpful to limit your first decks to one or two colors let's take a look at each color white focuses on teamwork by using massive armies and sinking their abilities to protect both the controlling player and their creatures white cards in the game generally include stuff like protection spells to defend against direct or universal damage small creatures and large numbers to overwhelm the enemy spell that balance the power on the battlefield ensuring your opponent doesn't get too far ahead and peacemakers to prevent powerful creatures from attacking or deadly abilities from activating new magic tends towards knowledge and opportunity including spells that allow a planeswalker to preview cards in their library banish opponents from the battlefield and even manipulate time the blue cards can include counter spells to prevent your opponent from casting their important spells draw mechanics allowing a blue player to have lots of options in their hands control cards to steal opponent's creatures and banishment which return opponent's creatures back to their hands black the dark magic revolves around the quest for power through any means possible black features dire spells that drain life from players and creatures straight up murder cards and powerful abilities that require a sacrifice to play black cards can include invasive creatures such as flying creatures or intimidating ones with generating abilities and spells that can return creatures from the graveyard or prevent them from going there and discard spells limiting your opponent's hand and thus their options thread the fiery color of wrath utilizes direct damage for hitting your opponent's straight on quick acting spells and cool creatures like dragons and dinosaurs red cards include fast creatures like those with haste or first strength power builders such as fire-breathing spells augmenting your creatures power and destruction spells that can eliminate lands and artifacts finally Green focuses on combining the healing power of nature with the ferocity of the animal kingdom and plain old powerful creatures green spells include trampling creatures to ensure that high power value is really worth it lights gaining spells to keep your life up while you prepare your powerful plans and mana generation for quickly gathering man even with few lands available many cards of the game have gold borders known as multicolored spells these diverse cards include multiple mana types in their casting cost and thus count as cards of both or all colors displayed including these in your multicolored decks allows you to access more powerful spells due to their complex casting cost and that's the colors of magic back to you Becca Becca stop welcome back I hope you learned a lot about the colors of magic but now it is time for the moment of truth from is Erica from Neenah over here now you learned so much from watching that video with no sound right so let's just briefly go over what we talked about before the show so I have three decks that I've built for you that's a lie the people at Wizards of the coast built these decks for us and I have a white deck a red deck and a black deck here now I'm gonna have you pick one in a sec but let me give you just a little feel free to jump in here Rachel so white is a lot of lifelink life gaining a lot of like soldiers and humans they're all very loyal to their angel Lords and all work together to sacrifice themselves for the greater good that kind of stuff going on during a samar tindy thank you I have to pull everything back you know um same property yeah the same oysters at the coast Big Daddy okay so red red is like the punching the violent the direct damage a lot of characters that have the ability of paste which means you skip the summoning sickness and you can just attack as soon as they're played which is a very cool power so a lot of that in a red deck there's dragons there's elementals I've seen a lot of pirates in the red deck some devils just pretty violent pretty fast and hard but sometimes you need a lot of mana to make those things work and then the black deck this is sort of a more neck magic duck if you will there's a lot of cards that allow you to pull things out of your graveyard after they've died and bring them back to life resurrections a lot of things that suck the life from your opponent little by little um what else what else do you think of with black cards a little [Music] oh yeah like something will happen slowly every turn sure any of these off the bat appealing to you and why well know me despite the colors I am wearing today she hasn't said it yet I know I don't know I know what she's gonna Rachel knows I know warming a bit skull necklace is a little bit of a giveaway that's fun ooh a real cat skull man did you might know a chance for that would be that that would be so sad if you'd kill the tiniest all right we're gonna place the Magic the Gathering if you to it please remove your decks from their boxes and do not shuffle because we have gone to the trouble of making sure that you will not want to mulligan your first hand because that's not fun when people are watching on camera and for people playing for the first time or watching along and having never played you have a hand of seven cards and if you don't like your starting hand you could do something called a mulligan when you shuffle them back in and then get to draw one less but this hand is not gonna need that all right yeah yeah we like it do you want a mulligan even though it was your option to say no to our friend that created this for us yeah no I'm good and America feel free to conspire with me against Rachel over here because I know she's played before and so if there's anything there like tell me what the heck this okay but like I haven't played since the early 2008 me cuz we're not gonna be that good or you know show the audience and they'll telepathically send you the right answer so first things first is you guys are gonna need some life counters I I just so happened to have a couple it just so happened to be one screen and one is black so that's kind of magical Inca once the demo huh a Twinkie okay well this one one's kind of random it was one and three okay so you both knew to turn your life counters to twenty or in this case in nineteen instead of twenty because that is the name of this new set that just came out last Friday so check out your friendly local game store and they might just give you a welcome deck for free all right so you guys each roll your turn down life counter and that is how we will determine the first player go for it twelve minute fourteen Rachel's going first all right yeah perfect set back to twenty and uh because I bet you wanted to draw one more but if you go first you don't get to draw otherwise you always draw at the beginning of your turn right after untapping so now is the time all right she's playing a basic lands an island which you know you are playing with a two color deck where Eric is only playing with a mono color deck so you have the added challenge of needing to manage your mana situation that seems to be something you wish you could do a little more of right now potentially yeah you know what we're gonna be we're gonna be okay with this starting hand yeah all right Jeff would play are you gonna pass I'm gonna pass sweet Eric how you doing good for perfect so we have these pending player mats from ultra pro thank you ultra pro Thank You aunt first things first on tap nothing to untap second things second upkeep we good there and now time to draw all right okay all right now in your first main phase first thing you're gonna want to do is lay down a basic land she's got a swamp in the fields swampy alright now if you do have something with a cost of one minute actually you could you don't have to if it doesn't seem like the right time and you could read it aloud and discuss because we're all friends here so we don't have to be totally secretive because we're okay well okay so I'm gonna bring it out cuz why not sure I have a diagraph cool and it says it enters the battlefield tapped it would be Auto taps then right every why this first to play it just exists like this exactly there you go she's got a creature on the board and it's a two to two toughness and two sorry do you power it to toughness Wow I really um haven't had my sixth cup of coffee yet today okay would you like to pass your turn yes beautiful what's happening over there you know upkeep draw first there you go alright now I'm going to lay my forehead oh yeah getting all the mane of colors covered then we're gonna play my druid of the cowl oh my gosh this is an incredible card that I am very much a fan of you want tell us what that little elf druid can do for you you can tap this little towel through it and you add mana it's just basically got an extra mana should she choose to tap this creature but that ability also has summoning sickness [Music] all right you both have creatures on the board read toughness 0:03 toughness and one power yeah thanks all right get the vocabulary cool I am good okay so perfect yeah and then I drop yes your substitute so he was taste boots um and I guess [Music] all right just for the sake of people at home and we're looking at a couple of creatures here that both cost - I think they're both awesome I mean I wouldn't yeah he's got something kind of difficult to kill with the toughness of three and all you've got out here has a toughness of two so if you were to block and take her down you could do it with another creature with one or two if you wanted to block them with both but if you wanted to kill her with another creature hmm it's tricky when is it to - and the other ones up I mean go big or go home right at totally up to you it doesn't matter tap perfect and then I think I'm gonna put down doomed a dissenter mm-hmm which when doomed dissenter dies it creates a - - black zombie creature - Oh what he spawns another creature when he dies that's amazing all right now just make sure you open up to your hand cam right here cuz we got this handy hand cam that can show the people at home what you're working with beautiful so you've tapped you have the doom to Center that has a little summoning sickness going on now you do have your dire graph cool if you choose you can keep him hanging around on tapped in case she attacks you with her druid of the cowl and you want to protect yourself have somebody there to block this guy's gonna be there to block because even though he has summoning sickness you can still block so now is the time that you could attack if you choose I'm gonna not attack right now you should I should always eat at it so she can wait so it is her she would do one damage to you which doesn't kill you you will go damage to her you're right no you're right you're right I mean I just like fighting absolutely black yeah but um yeah that's absolutely right because you just be like running up against there nobody would get hurt that creature would be tapped so you're absolutely not [Laughter] all right so you chillin I'm chillin [Music] they are lovely minutes in alone all right we got three named Nana out on the table and hurt elf druid that has the ability to tap for more minutes she wanted to play something crazy and in the core job oh I got gonna tap my two Islands tap my forest Oh down a vine mare is my proof so I cannot be targeted by spells well any card is called a spell even a creature is technically a spill but the spell card that is like a sorcery and an instant nerd chant man down on this hex proof food be blocked by black creatures oh my goodness that is particularly powerful against Erica's deck I'm sorry we're gonna read that can't be blocked so this is a 5-3 creature it's gonna do a lot of damage to you so it so it can't be denied by anything in your whole deck but it says creatures so it's not anything in your whole deck any creature in your home it can be taken down a peg by instance sorceries enchantments so if you have any of those that target a creature or can target a creature it is expert this creature can't be the target of spells or abilities yo the vine there is insane I read the second part and the first part was immediately erased from my brain she's gonna win with anything to that card that card is just like me oh this is where this particular game should not have been a move no it should not because you're playing against a mono colored deck hey it's only my first time playing and she's gonna ruin my love forever I think maybe I just hey maybe we'll have a nice four round game and then maybe she might tell me um you know what Sheik you could play a super powerful creature she could block and kill herself that way that's the answer here yeah cool why was that so hard to come to that conclusion okay beautiful pika you stole a lot of dough I do that's true I'm just like ready to pass yes sweet of your turn but I so untap there you go ah drum okay I got another oh yeah one of them and then crawlin with the creepy growling way another their zombie swamp beautiful and then I'm going to tap oh do it three and then play wait options yeah mmm yeah I'm gonna play the death barren so skeletons you control and other zombies you control get a plus one plus one and have death touch oh oh my alright touch is so I like it do it let's get into it so this death bear in here look at that gorgeous artwork alright we're gonna put a dice on it with a one so we remember that eight or sorry we're gonna put it on the other zombie because he gave this zombie plus one plus one so now your dire graph ghoul is at a three three and death touch means if you do any damage to a creature you kind of like infect them and it spreads and they just die so others um B's you control get plus one and have death touch so this this ghoul has death touch so should she choose to block with it with say her vine mer which she would never do that my mare would die okay but maybe she's in something well I have fits down point and she'll choose to take the sacrifice it's pretty dope and I think that now is your combat face do you have a choice she has her elf druid tapped and she could choose to defend with her vine mare but if you have death touch that would be unfortunate for her so I don't think she would so now is probably an opportune time for you to slap her in the face my daddy laughs yeah now you're a human creature should I she could block that and it wouldn't do any damage to her but it would kill you because if a five three and a one one go at it mm-hmm she'll deal 5 damage to that human creature yeah killing it and you'll do one damage to her which does not kill her but my human creature can attack that one if she chooses to block with it so here's the thing about attacking you're just declaring what you attacking you throw it all to her side of the table she chooses whether to take the damage to her total life or to throw something in the way to block so you don't get to target any specific creature unless you have some specific slip spell that allows you to so she probably would block it and then it would die and get a 2/2 black zombie creature in its place okay well thanks I got either just try cool and go with both of these tap to represent the attack beautiful so this isn't a 3/3 right with death touch so I'm going to block your human with this guy and I'm just gonna take the three damage from your death - beautiful this goes to your graveyard okay but then I get a 2/2 black zombie creature token heck yes you do I think we're looking for a zombie token but if we can't find it what we will do instead is just I'm just gonna grab a brand of card put it facedown and I'll put a two on it okay and we'll remember that's a - - does that also fall under well you created a zombie creature so they're zombies you control so does that mean it also gets one one and death touch oh sure does sure yeah and then perfect are you happy yes beautiful unless you don't remember if I drew you did okay cuz you weren't going to and I told you to thank you yeah yes unless I'm crazy and which people in which case people at home will tell us all right all my stuff to untap and draw does she have any more mana has the question okay I'm going to I'm still just drooling over this vine man now initially playing against a black deck who so I'm going to use a forest to call another derivative the cow and then I'm going to tap oh it's gonna take YouTube you're gonna have to tap on one island in order to play that true it of the cow oh that's right yes or you could tap together I'm good but I am going to tap this druid and my Island and give my mayor a plus four plus four just until the end of my turn wait wait a minute it's your combat phase and you can't be blocked it is it's true you four about to move you mean you come on we can play again and then we'll shuffle in Irvine mare and then life will go on okay nine damage right now and I say you must I'm on both of your sides that's your Barons what's his he's a two - yeah can you who attacks you actually cannot attack specifically you attack the plains went to go for the damage there's nothing you can do because this vine there cannot be blacks I'm gonna just stack them all so duh and all right so you go down nine points which puts you at 11 Rachel's at 17 she cannot you're gonna play nice no all right is that your turn that is my turn right all right oh and let's tap you cuz okay so deep they couldn't block so I they're still live there still on so first things first on tap it all on tap everything and throw drop thank you okay we found the token felt its you but he also get I'm gonna put it affordable no yeah my new one is not beautiful swamp so you've got four and so what I do have options now remember an instant means if you didn't spend your mana on your turn and you have some leftover during your opponent's turn that you could play something during your opponent's turn if it surprises them in some way that can always be fun but I think I'm going to tap to and throw another zombie creature out here happen what does jambe they also get a +1 +1 and death touch this is a lot so this is 3 6 9 so you can't need that they mean bad to just attack with beautiful and that was smart to keep back your death barren because that's the one giving all of your other creatures +1 +1 so that's my friend yeah all right so now rachel has the big decision of either taking 9 damage and or she could basically sacrifice ooh you could only block one of her creatures okay and they all have death touch so you talk through this I'm going to end up taking damage I don't have enough to block the amount of damage throwing at me and if you blocked one then you'd be taking with death touch upon your beautiful vine mare which is basically it's a nine seven right now yeah absolutely all right cool take that nine damage I love you I'm gonna I'm not gonna well oh you I'm sorry you're tapped you can't block anyway no decision have to be made but she's she's not but oh well do you want to throw your druid of the couch and negate three points of damage yes beautiful so that's a one three so it can only do one damage so it's not gonna kill any of those three three creatures anyway but beautiful I live in your both tied at 11 points right now let's move that drew to the graveyard I know it was hard for you because we were late but now your turn looks done unless you have a to mana cost card you want to play you don't have to I'm a I'm in as well tap one more unless you're saving back cards to have an instant you can tap I'm gonna tell you one more and then put another diagraph what comes intact I don't think Dom B that's a plus-one perfect so okay all right you pass them okay when tappy tappy tappy tappy I mean I guess if technically don't you could draw first doesn't really change much but but you know it's written here on our myths might as we've been printing it in the past feels right yeah let me see I only have three cards in my tiny little you only have two guys there [Music] um do you see something I mean I have yeah oh yeah yeah do you know which one all right it was doing we got 22 islands I'm going to use my exclusion mage and when he enters the battlefield I return a target creature then opponent controls to its owner's hand so that Baron is going to go back into your account [Laughter] Oh goodbye counters goodbye thank you thank you although she can't just miss them again I thought it was said exile them I'm meetings yeah but it's still you know a decent its yeah yeah oh that's been a little manitou played and this is actually gone because it goes until this trip my turn oh thank you I'm now and actually you wouldn't have had it if you hadn't attacked it wouldn't have been there and uh opponents to her I'm going to spend go on to do a rabid bite target creature I control we should just start doing this every time a little rock there so the target creature the control deals damage equal to its power to a target creature that I don't control so five damage yeah but she can do five damage to one of your creatures she's got two of the same diagraph goals and one creature zombie what's their flavor let's just believe it okay I'm gonna just take one of those okay oh sorry diagraph cool she'll go to your graveyard Maggie came out of there and that's in the discard party gun because it is your combat phase should you choose to me out I'm going to tap him to take out another one of your zones that's your exclusion mage for a 2/2 well it's up to you let you have to announce everything you're dragging with all at once so vine Mary you're also tapping which is five three so that's seven damage are you gonna leave your druid I like to get that safe keep him safe okay so she's attacking you four seven five of it you cannot block okay so I'm Otto taking five damage mm-hmm but the exclusion mage you can either take the two damage from the exclusion mage or you can throw one of your zombies at it and they'll kill each other but you also kill her exclusion Age zomb added by some bikes with an age and then he died here at six health ohhhh shieeet 11 we just chopped each other down really she was beautiful yeah so much destruction also I really yeah alright see what I can do I just got cool like that you do like that what can I do I mean as the matron s of zombies should just be like in your blood - no in your dark yeah you know our darkest of souls alright so you've got four amazing I might just absolutely absolutely death barons coming back but you made her spend her mana you know she gonna play something new see yeah that's true okay so yeah and then I'm putting plus one plus one - yeah that'll represent it for us so we'll remember these are now three three the walking corpse in the diagraph ghoul and they've test touch all right you've won more mana you could play if you wanted or you just go into combat I think I'm just gonna cuz you can't block right now right she has an elf druid which is a13 but because you have death touch you would kill it and she probably likes that because it gives her mana each turn so anything you attack her with the death Baron obviously has this summoning sickness yeah but you could hit her for six right now and she probably wouldn't do anything about it let's roll with that yeah I am gonna sacrifice my harsh but happens alright graveyard graveyard for the viewing not a bad move though you know you've got four mana maybe depending on what on your hand what's in your hand you're not like I have to have that fifth mana right now so you know it's makes sense to still stay up in the game might gain and then I think that's all I can do excellent okay okay I'm going to tap two and then tap one water and one first respectively to get my skywriter Patrol who is a flying creature and the beginning of combat on my turn I can pay one of each color and when I do I can put a 1/1 counter on a creature and I repeat your gains fine until the end you may have at the beginning of combat on your turn I think this ability is subject to summoning sick of course yeah I'm not gonna use it on this turn I don't think you need to oh I'm sorry that was all in the cost to play it I thought you were playing and yet they fit beautiful and I also don't even have the cost of plants so when you do you'll get the one one counter on another target creature and a smile she's not that she could block it anyway but yeah it's pretty okay so I'm gonna go into combat what's your barons c33 tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu um and let's see zombies you can truncate +1 you have that touch great yeah no we're good and flying can't be blocked unless it's something that also has flying gripped or arranged well sorry flying can't be blocked unless it's something that has flying or it's arranged about uh correct or there's something called reach which creatures like spider like giant spiders have where if they are able to reach up in the air and swat at something flying they can also take it out but yeah flying is pretty much only attackable by flying so I'm going to leave my mare and I'm going to that's a summoning sickness that Chewie oh that's right then nevermind I'm not gonna do anything that might turn actually you're not gonna hit it with your mare cannot be blocked and they're all out of three three it can't be black so if they're not touched then you don't get death touch that will only come into play if you're trying to block her gotcha okay that makes sense then yeah I'm going to go with my no no wait because she has three three she'd be able to block with both I'm gonna take him out so fine mare can't be black I'm sorry I'm sorry good that's why I'm here alright tap him through to far she's hitting you for five and there's nothing you can do that's why I like blue eye shadow missed it I don't think a head like five steps in strategy that's not really how I'm able to get well that's great for green and red [Music] I can think ahead enough to much I'll buy you far afterwards uh she is attacking attacker within there that's better job okay you were in one life point I yes okay so untap let's just do a little assessment how you feeling I'm hurtin hardened pretty bad whoever wins buys the other after a time with that that seems fair yeah it seems fun here nothing better than names people come up with restaurants with the five amazed fall feeling great oh she's got it fits mom this is not good no oh okay I'm going to tap one two three four five everything vampire sovereign the flying creature when a vampire sovereign enters the battlefield target opponent loses three life and you gain three as you've been the knees bringing that out okay so now Rachel has five Erika has four ready for a little combat you're all let's talk it through what you thinking I only got five health points five Life Points yeah how much can you hit her for so three if I do everything I want to use everything you can then okay so this is three three five okay yes because I started counting wrong okay so if I attack with everything I think 11 8 because your hair solder has so many sickness Simon gave you life he did eat well it's everything absolutely so her Viner is blocked so she can't sacrifice that I don't know if she'd want to yeah her elf Scout this skywriter patrol is a two three if she I wanted to sacrifice that she could to only take if she blocked your 3/3 creature she'd still take five damage and she has five life so unless she has an instant she could pull out they could totally screw you but her mana is spent waiting is spent going to do it okay so if you yeah okay she's hitting you four six seven eight I think that's it hope you ready to buy me 500 tell us that it so to sleep is a sorcery spell I can tap all creatures that you control and I put those they can't be untapped and I want more hit with that vine mare and she would have been gone this was a very close game you needed one more turn oh and you had the card Oh a very close game beautifully played thank in this song yeah what are you thinking about the colors you guys chose Erica go ahead that's a good love it's Rachel what you feelin it's a good deck but it uses a lot of strategy and making sure that you have enough of each color duel is always a little bit more complicated but I really like my deck I like what I have I think it's really even and I think it's actually if you want to start doing duel green and blue is a good thing to start with my opinion yeah they complement each other well so if you look at the back of a magic card and they are placed in this color wheel in a specific reasons because they pair well with the colors they're next to and they're sort of thought of as enemies with the ones they're opposite from so green and blue are pretty closer in the same arc you know they're two away but typically a black deck would pair well with red or blue to that logic but also you can pair whatever you want with whatever you want cuz magic like that um guys I'm so glad you were here and something for you which is very exciting these are planeswalker decks along with some booster packs let me make sure oh so we have tez ret cruel mechanist this is a planeswalker it is a blue plants Walker and I have the black planeswalker Lilliana the necromancer who I love very much because she helps you pull things out of your graveyard I've built one of my favorite decks round Liliana yeah so a planeswalker is like a friend that you play that actually can be targeted by your opponent and they have their own loyalty to you which is basically their own life counter they can't attack or block but they can do cool powers for you sometimes workers are very awesome and they just come up in your deck like a normal card sometimes you can have cards that help you go search for them in your library [Music] they've also got somewhere right here and we have a few more minutes by the way every if you guys are like wanting to play more magic wanting to find a place that people at home or like oh I want to try this but I don't have any friends that play magic go to your friendly local game store on a Friday night because Friday Night Magic is a thing everywhere like in all the countries in all the places I mean I don't know for sure that your friendly local game store has it but I'm all bet they probably do this where people just show up and play magic with each other a lot of times even if you don't have an amazing deck of your own you could do a drafting style game where you open booster packs you grab one you pass it you grab one you pass it and make a deck that way um and a lot of times there will be an official judge at these events that can help you out with rules if you're ever confused about how a certain series of cards would play out against each other and you can find official Friday Night Magic events on Magic the Gathering websites as well so that's for you guys at home did you guys find anything amazing that you want to tell us about okay I got a life flanked human cleric for a white deck which I love anything with life length I have a deck that I just like keep putting as many lifelink small cards in it small mana cost cards in it as possible and then you end up with you put a second die next to your life die you can have over 20 tell us more well luminous bonds is an enchantment so that an enchanted creature can't attack you play that again [Music] absolutely every booster pack comes with let's see it usually Weise one has three rares and sorry three uncommons one rare and sometimes you'll get a mythic rare and you'll know that because in the middle on the right see how it's in black that m-19 is the set we're playing with and the black means it's just a common card uncommon is the silver and rare is the gold and if you have an orange that's a mythic rare which when we open packs last week we had some up to mythic rares and two of the boosters and it was pretty go on Gork lock tear good for three max costs three and one forest whenever Gore claw a text each creature you control with power for greater kits plus one plus one and gains trample until the end of your turn rifle is beautiful awesome you want to tell everybody Erica and friends at home what trample is um friends so trample do you know a place know fantastic trample means that if I have this like 5/3 creature and you have a tutu and it blocks it not only do I destroy you you take the remaining damage because it tramples over you over into you it's like a bulldozer yeah great tramples fantastic a lot of I got a card in my pack that is definitely going in one of my decks I'm always looking for land cards that are not a basic land so this land card you can tap to add any generic manna or you can pay another manna and tap until the end of turn your opponents and creatures your opponent's control with hex proof can be the targets of spells and abilities you control as though they didn't have hex proof you could have used this against that but it's the lands no purpose hanging on to that one um we've how you doing do you wanna open your other packs or oh yeah we got a chief to camera how about I show my detection tower over on Rachel's camera so Erica's got a rare artifact so artifacts are always colorless and they usually stay out on the board and they are kind of like items that effect you different ways but this one's equipment and put creature gets plus two plus zero and has vigilance vigilance means that if you attack you don't have to tap so you can still be available to block what does it mean and is a knight in addition to its other type that means you know how you had the Death Baron that gave bonuses to skeletons and zombies if you had a car that gave bonuses to Knights then that artifact would be affected um what color might you guys be interested in trying next if you were to build a deck with something else yeah [Music] the master smashy-smashy smash yeah it's a lot of creatures that just like blood yeah yeah and you can also oh do like a red and black combo makes them see what happens in combination but then you got to make sure that you've got enough mana and that's why it's there's also land cards that are not basic lands that are combinations of two different colors could be an either-or situation buta red yeah that's a Highlander lately you hold it up for that camraderie yeah now you can only have four of any card that is a non-basic land in your deck so you could have max four of these in your deck you couldn't have all of your mana be that and you also have to either buy them or find them I don't like the finding thing but I think I got to get to buying soon um and you said you wanted to try black is that what what about black appeals to you I like the idea that if you are subtle and sneaky enough you can end up with a massive army that overtakes them over time oh absolutely white does that well - yeah yeah are there any questions from chat that are happening mr. Ryan Green has been in chat with you guys operating as geek and sundry oh here we go why not just use all the colors brilliant question Rachel is running into this a little bit because she had two different colors of mana and the cards unless they're an artifact usually require one of a specific like oh let's look at the luminous bonds you can see on the top there's the symbol for the Plains which is the white mana basic plant and then it says - so this is a total cost of three mana but one of them must be white so I've been in situations where I was stuck I had like four swamps and I was playing with the black and white tech and I didn't have any Plains and I was just drawing cards like looking for my Plains and they were way down in the deck and it can be really frustrating when you have cards you want to play but you have and you have mana but you don't have the right kind of mana so the more colors you put in the more complicated that becomes and usually more complicated lands I've never seen more that have two of a color type on a card there's some that can give you any color but those are kind of yeah and of course we only have four of one type so are the gold bordered multicolored cards more powerful usually yeah but and they also are just remnant gold not to represent that they're more powerful but just to represent that they have multiple required colors of mana on them like this guy right or patrol over here this elf Scout that Rachel had you can see the gold outlining most cards just have sort of tenth of whatever their color is oh that's a bad angle okay there we go shot Oh Chuck can I use any magic cards if I go into a tournament very good question not if you're playing regular standard so like we're playing with the m-19 deck right now the one right before was rivals of excel on the one before that was exelon and every year there is usually a new set and so they only allow about the last two years of magic cards again the Magic the Gathering website will tell you what's currently allowed but if you're gonna play in tournaments you've got to play with legal cards because some of like legacy or antique cards are so powerful that they sometimes break the game unless you have exactly the thing to counter it so that's why it sort of evolves and changes and you can only use certain ones and turn them play yeah cool funky pot what's up if you have a red blue deck is that a purple deck of Ryan green I think it is right there is a specific name for each combination of colors and I can't remember what it is but that does exist very Google a bowl but I don't think it's a purple I think there's a different name for it if it's a red blue deck um six teams down amount of cards you can totally have more than 60 cards in your deck but a lot of people like to play with the minimum because you're more likely to know what will come up your favorite cards will come up and you can have exactly the amount of mana that you need and the balance of mana will be more accurate the more cards you have the less predictable it becomes and if your opponent has exactly 60 and they're like great I know if I get through more of my deck I'm bound to come across my planeswalker and then you're screwed if you have 75 and it's like your planeswalker it could be further down in that deck also another way to kill your opponent is by making them run out of cards to draw when they have to draw they die if they can't the multi color decks are named after the different guilds of Ravnica thank you so much yep Ron green coming in for the win well one more question from K best the dark hey Kate is the dark got it I've been told it's oh no we're sorry I just want to shout out Kate is the dark there you go cool well guys uh thank you so much for playing Magic with me today it was such a pleasure to have you here any final thoughts on the game any shoutouts of things girls guts glory obviously I'm sorry we haven't chatted it out till now we are gonna be playing a live game from Comic Con wishes this weekend yeah on Sunday at noon slash dandy right yeah if you aren't there I know that there's a little bit of standing room it's at beat beat beat beat beat dat dat Bai t I'm sorry yeah I teeth they like the thing you put on your face wreck feet you so you can come and watch it live if you'd like there's some zinc Akana I love it Facebook maybe well maybe one cool um guys I'm very excited about our next episode next Wednesday again at 5:00 Pacific time we're gonna be going over deck building with some more experienced players now that you guys weren't you guys owned this but with some very experienced players and it's gonna be really cool and just briefly wanted to mention something that we're gonna talk about in future episodes which is a different type of format of play which is commander now commander is a ninety nine card deck with one special additional card which would be your hundredth that is your commander and that is a legendary creature it starts in their command zone separate from your library and as soon as you get enough mana you can just cast it everybody can see that card and if it dies instead of going to your graveyard it just goes back to its command zone and you can cast it again for two additional mana so that's a really popular format that we're gonna get to later in this little season of how to play live and in commander it's very important that you cannot have duplicates so you can have a pretty extensive collection I have 99 cards with no notebook can't see nothing I got legendary creature find one of my older legendary cards you need an imaginary creature not a your planeswalker guys thank you so much for being here and thanks so much to you guys at home for watching we'll see you next time on how to play live Magic the Gathering [Music]
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 104,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, becca scott, spellslingers, mtg, ccg, mana, wizards of the coast, erika fermina, rachel seeley
Id: sybp1ap5N3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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