Battlefield 2042 - Angry Review

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I want to see Joe's reaction to the skins

Joe please

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/abacabbmk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They done fucked it up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 284 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jarmenz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so glad Joe talked about the soundtrack. Its literally just noise! Its insane to me that no one talks about it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Schnibb420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

And now, instead of Hovercrafts, we have fucking Boltes Everywhere...

This review is spot on at 100%.

And another point I'd had for Hazard Zone, right now it's unplayable and dying because the progression (getting coins) and the replayability sucks, and the meta (first to get a recon with a 30mm win) sucks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 125 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ElectronicCow3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 254 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CasualViewer24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Joe's review: IT SUCKS!

But as always, the review is 100% accurate and downright hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Muted_Yogurtcloset10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't always agree with AJ's opinions, but watching this... I just kept nodding along to everything.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 150 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cgdubdub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol EA is going to hire hitmen for whoever made that recorder version of the BF theme.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 162 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bishop252 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a single tear rolls down his cheek he tries to find the words to say to his buddy as to why he cant save him in the face of certain death "Your toe is touching the fence, I'm sorry bro, but this is the end"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 101 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/smudgeguard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
guys it is finally done the longest angry review to date i think battlefield 2042 i wanted to cover everything all three modes and this is it thank you so much for being so patient thank you for all your support consider supporting us on patreon now more than ever because it really matters we're actually being demonetized by youtube my battlefield rant you'll see in the video was demonetized by youtube uh for excessive profanity so it's you guys to keep our show going uh you and our sponsors thanks to our sponsors g-fuel who have a brand new flavor in honor of spider-man coming out soon we're giving a 30 discount in celebration of the new angry review check it out radioactive lemonade thank you for directly supporting the show either by grabbing a tub of g-fuel or by supporting us directly on patreon or youtube it really goes uh to help these videos so i hope you guys enjoy sit down grab some popcorn grab a drink and strap yourself in here we go um you'll be fine buddy what happened don't worry about it ah i'm sorry joe what happened you're not gonna make it man why you're not gonna make it your toe we're bleeding it's touching the fence but it's just a fence i know it's just a fence no don't do this man [Music] oh no just take the toe don't let me die your brothers [Music] [Applause] i'm sorry joe no this is gonna be as hard for me as it is for you away from the fence i'm sorry so welp battlefield another year of disappointment this was it was yeah yeah jesus put it all together no [ __ ] i am i'm so depressed guys uh this year's battlefield broke me i want you to use only powers and all the skills [Music] i don't want his mother the same look how they mess with my boy i didn't even want to do an angry review honestly what what happened what happened i think i got booted from the game [ __ ] uh i i literally cannot remember a time where i didn't want to play battlefield are you winning son uh i don't really know dad uh there's no scoreboard and no all chat i um they did give me this participation trophy though so it's that huh that's uh it's kind of lame kind of candy-ass participation trippy [ __ ] or i was done with it so damn early yeah i'm [ __ ] uh and it's player base has fallen nearly 50 percent in the last uh 10 days with refunds uh people just leaving not playing and and many realizing the huge disappointment that battlefield is i went crazy and my angry rant so crazy that youtube demonetized my rant and this is something in 2021 i guess we're gonna have to deal with [Music] they said i said [ __ ] too many times so i guess there's a [ __ ] allotment i i don't know how many i have honestly so i guess i gotta do i g i got to be more comfortable we can just switch words no no where's the scoreboard there is no scoreboard you don't get a scoreboard no there's no all chat no scoreboard because it hurts people's feelings [ __ ] you dice fudge uh i don't know what it has there's there's something weird going on with battlefield reviews too not a goddamn [ __ ] person said a peep you know about this uh and then like they all come out at the same time they're all like eights and nines cash money shillings i feel like that there was like some kind of event where they were and they're reviewing it off the event at their offices it's [ __ ] because battlefield uh the critic score the journalists is way different than the user score so anyway i got brought in oj and alex who played with me throughout to explain why battlefield 2042 sucks and came out in this state so we split the game into three modes right that's how the game itself is split and we're gonna discuss each uh but let's start with the main game battlefield 2042 multiplayer all-out warfare is what it's called [Music] so what works and what doesn't work i'll start with what doesn't work and why the game is so bad first off you want your game to [ __ ] work we had so many crashes yeah my computer the game is mad at me oh you kept making fun of it i think i just crashed again oh cool so many frustrating crashes hard crashes and could have been my graphics card but there are other games that come out that are just fine they use my graphics card right we play uh we had lag we had visual glitches we had hitbox detection issues rubber banding bullet spread is out of control the blooming on the weapons insane it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show i got two of them down yeah get get there right there right there right there oh that was everywhere but the enemy [Laughter] it's just general [ __ ] not working like [ __ ] reviving you remember that time joe you were like i was just touching the wall one pinky was touching the wall like oh no there's twits on the wall i see it says zero how are you [ __ ] where are you and my loadouts won't even [ __ ] change where are you oh i'm tea-bagging him i can't do nothing about it well i don't even oh [Music] no you do you bastard get off me get off me and i can't even request i can't press a space i hate you guys and then sometimes like you'll get like you'll get stuck in a dead animation but nobody can revive you and then you the whole match you have to sit out and watch everything so rezzing don't work yeah look look he's trying to res that and rezzying is not working for some reason chief is trying to arrest me um that was terrible and then sometimes even in other modes like when you're trying to disarm a bomb and rush like it doesn't work oh [ __ ] they planted on b i why why can't i interact with i can't hit i can't interact well i couldn't do either i couldn't interact that was [ __ ] it's broken basic [ __ ] things were completely broken at release and worse the game released early to people that paid 90 and 110 dollars in an even worse state and there really wasn't even a day one patch it came out a few days later and then there's another patch and then there's another patch there's more coming there's more patches coming by the way some of these things have been addressed uh but some of them are fundamental flaws so so we're gonna do pre patch yeah pre-patch when it came out this is because this is [ __ ] the assessment of when a game [ __ ] releases i am so sick and tired of having to [ __ ] wait for our game to be finished in three months and six months in a year down along the line alex had that great speech one time i forgot what [ __ ] game it was i think it was cyberpunk or something where it's like no stop [ __ ] excusing these things chat now you're gonna [ __ ] green no damn it are you sure it's not working yet joe like this is unacceptable for a release and for this game to be getting eights and [ __ ] at [ __ ] [ __ ] way they played the [ __ ] thing or they're being paid i'm sorry this is really [ __ ] like shocking to me it's funny you mentioned that right now because he told me to turn it on i did it's like keeps popping up under an error i said that that's right beeping every time i open it up james i don't want to get oh we started the game by erroring right and guess what we have not stopped error since now just playing this game is an error error code there are so many no no no something's wrong we don't know their minds up what did you joe what did you do i got an error joe you son of a [ __ ] was it me [ __ ] i got an error too i'm going to everyone's dead again everyone got an error i didn't get an error yet i'm just still stuck here yeah oh there's my error anyways so so you have that to begin with and i'm gonna [ __ ] cat i'm gonna give you boy point i'm gonna give you [ __ ] 12 points we're gonna break it down for you 12 points why battlefield 2042 sucks and is having problems so there's your first point it doesn't [ __ ] work yeah second point no campaign this is the first [ __ ] year that there's no campaign and when you when you bring no campaign you gotta bring [ __ ] [ __ ] hard right to make up for the lack of a whole third of the game no a whole half of the game depending on how you look at it right because like 110 bucks for me it used to always be campaign multiplayer and i was [ __ ] and i had great fun in both uh yeah the stories weren't very good but i don't want to let's just get rid of it because there were never any interesting characters or i didn't like it shut the [ __ ] up you have to get better you can't just let them be like ah you don't gotta work on it anymore because this is the kind of [ __ ] we get oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this game is [ __ ] amazing [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this game is [ __ ] amazing you think with no campaign that they'd have time to polish the multiplayer right you would think that's what that people would say i don't care about cam i did i did i was like okay focus on either i only care about multiplayer joe can't pay for [ __ ] anyways more time to multiplayer false false false false not only do we get far less content this time in far less modes but they're broken and unfinished an entire third or half of the game is gone and you're paying just as much no more you're paying more for less and for broken and for an unforgivable state of the game those two points kind of ruin the completely for me and make this a different battlefield but there's more yeah that's what i'm doing well what is the thing that you think is the fundamental problem uh you know or the change here battlefield doesn't feel like battlefield to me yeah i mean the big the specialists are a huge issue the gun play doesn't feel good i mean the thing about battlefield for me had always been like i play the medic you're going to play salt we're going to make him be engineer we have this there's there's trade-offs with with how you play the game and right now everyone has the meta pp or the meta dmr they all have the uh the rpg or an aaa gun they all have all of the same everyone is expecting to play exactly so what ended up happening battlefield 5 failed miserably and i imagine that there was some idiot in the boardroom saying well uh called a lot of money call of duty's killing it so we need to copy them so let's kill what we what everyone wanted from battlefield and let's just copy them and it doesn't [ __ ] work because i want to play battlefield for the stuff that i love about battlefield and i don't want to be using the same gun that you're all using and we all ended up using the same gun we all have the same attachments we all use everything this is one the pp's the best gun in the game that's hilarious oh yeah they'll patch it out later but it this is the launch experience joe do you need attachments for your pp yes i'm enhancing it i'm enhancing it you're enhancing your people longer barrel bigger magazine shoots further going to distance baby with as quick as he uh empties his clip we need to reload faster how come i need a higher caliber for my p what might be just fine yeah and so we end up with unflavorful unfun specialists and they're all the same so there's no [ __ ] point anyway yeah and the class is yeah it just doesn't feel like battlefield who's ready for some action [Applause] let's not keep now we get serious let's get moving reporting for duty and that's that's the one of the reasons that i'm i'm we keep going back to battlefield 4 because i like that game and then there's a better there's better systems and this one just doesn't feel right yeah without classes and going to the specialist system you lose the feeling of cooperation you lose role playing you lose all that everybody runs around like [ __ ] rambos like they're doing call of duty and sure some of the specialists can be fun with a wing suit you can get these cool kills falling down on people's heads and surprising them and [ __ ] and and the [ __ ] shield was broken and you can make little stupid little battlefield [ __ ] advertisements where 15 rockets are hitting the shield and it looks cool so that [ __ ] ea can retweet your goddamn tweet and make the game look better than it [ __ ] is no broken it's [ __ ] it's stupid and the classes and specialist system deserve to be in a call of duty game an overwatch game or hell in the hazard zone that we'll talk about but not in a battlefield game and you know what maybe if all the rest of the [ __ ] we're about to talk about was fixed and they still did specialists maybe it might work right but with all this other stuff specialists is just adding to that uh it's it's forcing people to play a certain way especially with all the the vehicle spam so yeah you're right specialists is um a huge problem yeah another thing was uh the maps it was very underwhelming for me like there's certain maps that i like and bf4 this one nothing stood out to me nothing it's like which one do i hate less yes that's like okay well i don't hate hate this one so yeah i'll tolerate this there's seven [ __ ] maps joe and now seven call of duty comes out with 20 [ __ ] maps vanguard which i [ __ ] on actually [ __ ] worked at release had more maps at release and these maps are just they're so poorly designed yeah the kaleidoscope is terrible there's not a lot of cover there no and we had that one mission where we had to like uh push everyone back yep for some goddamn reason they put the [ __ ] point at the very top there's an elevator three tanks on the roof and like 40 hovercraft it's one elevator and as soon as it opens everyone just rot like does nothing but rocket launchers here we go i'm going up the elevator let's do it let's die in five seconds cuz you destroy that hovercraft that they use as a turret but then they just call down another one there's already five sitting up there instant instantly call it down kaleidoscope is so poorly designed on breakthrough uh attackers are guaranteed to lose right now yeah there's no fu they're supposed to be repels in an elevator but it doesn't work with the call in system and i'll get to that but we're talking about kaleidoscope which is unfunded yeah so we were there for like 30 minutes just trying to figure out what the [ __ ] we're going to do it's like i really just we ended up just leaving yeah it was like this is disappointing we [ __ ] left the problem i have with this one is they advertised it in a way where it made it look like there was dense cities with lots of cover like we had gotten in other battlefield maps and all that they did was stretch out the map size and then it's just empty spaces that you just get obliterated in nc space is your eyes it's like it's their vehicles there's some some density but then it's just empty spaces and it just makes it so unfun yeah speaking of vehicles orbital oh yeah yeah i was taught it's vehicle domination on orbital and what alex was saying i thought he was talking about hourglass which is another shady one because the trailer made it look so amazing there are these badass explosions i had never seen anything it was a lie it was a [ __ ] lie it's almost and it looks so dense and urban and these buildings that you'll get into uh because the sand outside no it's almost an entirely empty [ __ ] desert um and it's got the same breakthrough problem i played on it it has a when you play it on breakthrough it's like that skyscraper problem all over again on hourglass it would be great if you could take the whole [ __ ] building down and then create levolution yeah they just have all of the uh hovercrafts are just set up as turrets hovercrafts tanks they're just set up as turrets up here my corpse is up on top just watching them this is dumb yep i'm done with this uh there's four more maps there's breakaway there's some alright infantry combat near the oil rigs but at release the oil rigs that a problem where everybody would get two frames per second if the [ __ ] exploded and [ __ ] and then there's renewal this one's a solid map it has a fun breakthrough you know that's the desert and the grass one where you're breaking through that one has cool and breakthrough and that cool desert combat that that initial hill where everybody's trying to get to that gate that's fun and manifest is okay but it's like and the reason why i think manifest works because it's a little smaller-ish i hate the containers i just don't [ __ ] go to those containers manifest half the map is garbage and the other half is really good there's still some open spaces but i don't mind it but i hate that entire time i refuse to spawn i go to the observatory you know you don't want to spawn there but it kicks you there oh he's spawning come on and then finally there's discarded i get i guess i mostly like discarded but i hate again i hate a big part of the map that coastal ship area i just stay away from that [ __ ] uh but everything else i like it's just hilarious that they can't even design the goddamn entryways right when you spawn on that map there's like 20 vehicles trying to get it that was the best clip ever it's funny man and these are the seven maps that we deal with all of these years this is what you came up with like [Music] oh yeah there's multiple guns on this jesus christ jesus christ oh guys there's not one single map here that i'm like yeah man this is [ __ ] classic i want to see this again in the future when i'm playing 10 you know battlefield everybody's going to remember this map no it's [ __ ] [ __ ] um yeah so and then here's here's another number number five the call-in system is ruining battlefield um it's vehicle spam every [ __ ] squad can call in multiple hover tanks and f hovercraft and tanks right it is ridiculous it is chaotic so when you get to a little defense point there's like ten ten vehicles and it's just back and forth as soon as one [ __ ] hovercraft is destroyed you pull up you press b and you pull up the [ __ ] call in man you call in another one it's as if it didn't it doesn't [ __ ] matter that's what contributes to the thing that nothing feels like it [ __ ] matters because it doesn't blow up my hovercraft will call in three more it's like you didn't give me a campaign give me the [ __ ] guns you pieces of [ __ ] if you're not gonna give me a campaign let me use the guns hovercraft spawning in them recall this m5 always do i'm chucking out there's another one behind it blowing up oh great this is since i chucked up with my grenades you know did cool i can't he's behind the hovercraft i got him i think we're all dead another hovercraft coming in from behind we're all dead and it ran me over i just i just [ __ ] killed two goddamn hovercrafts and then the [ __ ] squad just needs one person alive then they called down five more hovercrafts i'm [ __ ] tired of battlefield hovercraft all right here we go again another hovercraft gets on fire god damn it ah we'll see another other craft here in five seconds there's another [ __ ] hovercraft they just called down the [ __ ] overcrowd it's just hovercraft i'm so tired of other craps because it quadruples your [ __ ] health there's no reason not to call down a hovercraft it's a [ __ ] available it's time to call down vehicles everybody call down their hovercraft let's go another crap and there's another hovercraft guys [ __ ] this [ __ ] this stupid dirty ass dumbass [ __ ] and they didn't [ __ ] bother to [ __ ] whatever i'm trying to understand this now we're having [ __ ] hovercraft wars look at this it this is ridiculous i got your [ __ ] it's bad the call-in system sucks what else uh maybe you should be able to call in tanks on on the roof of a building to guard the the only way up to the building i mean we talked about the maps but i mean it's kind of [ __ ] ridiculous uh i i will say this you use a hovercraft to like ride up there yeah i will say this there are some funny compilations of people like having a great time with the hovercraft but it's like making fun of the game it's like super broken then they fly off and slam into a helicopter we are afraid for us and live the holocaust are so bulletproof that they [ __ ] slam into a helicopter and then the hovercraft sails off into the sunset look i'm sure yet another thing that will be patched but we're talking at release yeah this is this stems from what we talked about earlier and it compounds the problem that everyone in your team will have either uh an rpg or an a gun and you have to you have to in fact multiple people in the tiny four-man squad need to have ant you have to and then even when you destroy them immediately so it doesn't feel good when you you're like i'm a really good chopper pilot you fly up in the air and then you get hit by six and you're like i guess i'm [ __ ] dead now but it doesn't matter when you're on the ground because they're just gonna immediately call in exactly you have like two [ __ ] rockets in your rocket launcher like three maybe it takes and it takes so much and then you run out of ammunition and then you have to have the specialist that calls in additional ammo or something but it doesn't [ __ ] matter and then when you finally get to destroy one hovercraft or one tank after hitting you come over there by doing dodging then yeah ten more come on they're just raining from the sky it's like waiting for the sky and you're like i don't want to play anymore hovercraft hovercraft direct ahead hovercraft hovercraft hovercraft [ __ ] call it battlefield hovercraft uh there's a hovercraft scaling the uh ship yeah can we fly down there let's try it they fly now hovercraft they fly now it's like it's like you know it gives me that sea of thieves feeling or it doesn't matter if you [ __ ] kill the people they're gonna come right back there's no [ __ ] point no anyway number six progression progression is so slow in this game we played it a lot it like we probably had like a six hour stream i i played a [ __ ] ton in a small amount of time yeah and the progression just felt bad like you level up super slow the stuff that you're unlocking often doesn't even matter you're gonna unlock something it's like hey this is a site it's like oh what's the difference than the other one it's like oh it's exactly the same yeah it just it's cosmetic it looks it looks different it's like oh okay great so it doesn't do never seen that in a battlefield game and there's only 22 guns and what is insane about this is like battlefield 4 launched with so many and there was a lot of customization look battlefield 4 launched in a really poor state too but at least there were good bones this game does not have good bones right yeah 22 weapons are you are you out of your mind after years of developing you give us 22 weapons and then these are even fewer when you consider the different categories of [ __ ] and you have like two guns in one [ __ ] category and that would be bad enough already when there were fewer guns but every gun sucks it sounds like [ __ ] the guns themselves there's no standout gun except for the bps everybody's running around with pp's out whipping their pps out they're they're [ __ ] out sniping snipers with the pee pees it's [ __ ] stupid the game got a lot more fun when we did all unlock the peepee because immediately we started to dominate everyone who didn't have one because the balance is so laughable the gun play in a shooter all you have this is a shooter game right this is all you do is shooties and you made a shooting game with no single player and shooting people in this game feels like [ __ ] yeah and it's as f if you even hit them with the goddamn weapon bloom and spread and hit detection it's insane yeah it's as if they never even [ __ ] play test if it's that beta was the first beta they've ever done well the play testers were probably the same shills that were under contractions but you can't criticize the game and so the playtesters were like i had so much fun there were no errors it was okay yeah i guess is the hardest criticism they got just customization in this battlefield customization and attachments are a joke so many of them don't even have they have the same [ __ ] stats or no effect the whole point of specialist is so that they could sell the [ __ ] skins and make them look cool and they don't [ __ ] look cool and i don't want to buy any skins like if you're going to ask people to do something that crazy the skin needs to look way better but you want to know why the skin looks like [ __ ] they can sell you the good-looking skin i mean look at it it's just a [ __ ] recolor of one that you get right away like that is so pathetic i guess the t system is cool that's the one thing they had him right so you get to [ __ ] cross and you can change your your scopes on the fly but honestly i hardly use it you know like oh that looks cool that's about it because you have one weapon that's so powerful yeah whatever number seven if you want to play with friends tough luck but you you don't get to get a squad you want to squat up with more nah nah we can't do that no playing together so frustrating how do they go backwards i don't know we are if you do manage to find your four friends good luck trying to stay in the same group because sometimes you spawn in and they split you up do you want to leave your group you can't you want to kick somebody out you can't you want to create a squad and make it private you can you want to leave your own squad it is a very complicated process of clicking on your own self and kicking your own kick kick what happened did you guys just lose that did they just did that guy leave people don't like that no the guy had a baby joe he went home the guy that designed that and then it was the janitor they got i don't know i keep bringing up janitors janitors are way better than whatever this guy designed why is there no button easily to leave squad i told you are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me you still can't join me because i left the squad cause there's like no way to leave a squad the game constantly changes squad leader right so i'm angry joe and i want to lead not only my group but also other people that want to play with us on our server into battle and no [ __ ] too bad it will randomly kick me as the squad leaders make somebody else i don't know what the [ __ ] no [ __ ] sense to that the game constantly also adds players to your squad without your permission so it changes squad leader without your permission it adds people to your squad without permission and when we're loading into the game with no reason we have this guy show up who the [ __ ] is it he kicks out alex it's like yeah alex joined as a white kid i can't know i can't join your game i can't join i can't kick the guy who randomly appeared because the game is [ __ ] stupid the anus it would be great if i could [ __ ] switch teams but i can't [ __ ] switch teams because his interface is [ __ ] garbage and there's no way to [ __ ] switch teams in a battlefield game what you're gonna do we gotta try it again hopefully it works it was so hard for three of us to play together forget much less more than that forget any meaningful multiple squad coordination and cooperation or commanders none of that there's none of that [ __ ] in this battlefield that's the part of battlefield that i loved the most you get a [ __ ] side you feel like a faction you're coordinating you're squad chatting with multiple squad leaders gone completely gone it took them how long to give us a map yeah like they're like all chat is gone too i'm i'm surprised you can still talk to your own [ __ ] team in this game i'm surprised faction chat team chat is still taking out that's next game someone said a bad thing to me oh my god it's it for a game that is 128 players then they want as many people to play as possible why is it so [ __ ] hard to play with your friends and it's it's just ridiculous and i think it's because number eight the interface is the worst ui in the business yeah made it i'm sorry but this this ui designer he needs to be let go or given a different position in the company basic things go make him the channel bring the channel up because basic things are [ __ ] missing how do i ping the map the scoreboard alex why is the scoreboard important in games uh i'd like to know how i'm doing i like to know how other people are doing uh sometimes when someone is 320 and zero i like to kick them it's it's good to know when you have your own little server and you're like oh hey that guy's got a name body he's shooting through walls and stuff um if you don't like the scoreboard i recommend not hitting the scoreboard button uh and oh so if you don't like it don't [ __ ] pull it up but don't take it away from me they take it away from everyone there are so many important things that the scoreboard uh conveys that pulling it out is the stupidest idea there oh don't worry about it if you press tab then you can see your own squad's kills but we hide all the other squads and we hide everything else and then you have to go to a completely separate screen to see the list of players which is offers you no information whatsoever it is you and then you cannot zoom on the map you know when you guys are in [ __ ] battle and i'm trying to [ __ ] click on you so i can support you but then i accidentally click on another goddamn thing or the game just decides to ignore all of my commands and spawn me into a goddamn other you're inside the map it's hard because you can't there's no [ __ ] zoom on the [ __ ] map and i'm i can't i'm trying to click on e2 but it thinks i want to click on you spawning on you which i don't want to do seriously what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is oh my god so lucky you they're so lucky they're like all over what the [ __ ] i didn't spawn here that's fun to be one i didn't spawn here too but i'm trying to capture d1 oh yeah you want to look at the base like hey everyone meet up on this coordinate i can't [ __ ] pink right okay well meet somewhere in this area did they not [ __ ] play the game at all when with 128 players that everything gets so bunched up that you need the ability to zoom who made this [ __ ] you you need to be able to spawn in precisely for supporting yeah there's so many is like i tried but i'm at z the weapon interface is [ __ ] buried leaving a squad is so complicated doing anything is a [ __ ] chore um and then and then just basic stuff well that was basic here's even more basic when you go to a point to disarm the point do you remember what it looks like it's like a transparent white that is so tiny and it fills up with a color you you cannot see what's happening so sometimes you think it's not working but it is you have to sit there it is just dumb i don't know who this person on the interface team or the interface team itself is literally like a first-year developer maybe a negative one-year developer it doesn't make any sense they've learned nothing from all of the previous battlefield games they don't even play their own [ __ ] games they just throw something out there if it works then they move on to the next thing honestly if it doesn't work they move on in the next thing yeah because number nine there is very little destruction in this game what do you mean i saw your gameplay that was top notch man we are securing objective charlie one the only thing that this game destroyed was my whatever confidence i had left and dice like these people are no talent ass clowns that don't know what they're doing and you should stop giving them money when the store does open up don't give them a [ __ ] penny go play anything else right now yeah isn't that crazy this game has been out for weeks and there's nothing in the store and that should tell you everything you need to know because it's [ __ ] almost laughable the destruction compared to previous games did you know that there's actually just like destruction in this show get this you know that [ __ ] skyscraper on kaleidoscope something does break on it it's the ta it's the tiny little antenna that falls down and then the antenna falls when in previous battlefield the entire [ __ ] skyscraper so you know how helpful it would be on [ __ ] on breakthrough on cut yeah [ __ ] mad tanks and just shoot just shoot the [ __ ] bottom and bring that whole those [ __ ] [ __ ] up there we need something like that but no the little antenna breaks up whoa oh and a rocket launches into space i would have left my ass off the antenna fell down on top of you and then you died oh [ __ ] isn't it crazy that it like even in portal the game shows you how bad the new game is compared to the old games because it recreates the destruction of the older bad companies right and and [ __ ] and the destruction in there is cool but you have to realize that destruction is actually not in 2042. you have to make custom oh we'll get anywhere so very little destruction number nine number 10 the expats idea is so stupid hell yeah dude hell yeah dude they're non denomination on everybody's running around looking the same saying cringy [ __ ] ones that are trying to break through [Laughter] look at her face [Music] the first person that shows up is the first person who shows up is jacked she was very happy that she won did i go too far come on this is too easy don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes the cringiest [ __ ] hey man that's just how things go or i don't [ __ ] remember what he said it's like what the [ __ ] it just doesn't belong yeah they just take stuff from overwatch or apex where like the the mood in those games is wildly different than that in battlefield and so like after your mass your match of mass genocide you're like man clips are what see if he's put in the hair many fortnite dances and then you should refund yeah they're gonna have those yeah i spy with my little eye booty [Music] eventually nothing just feels impactful nothing matters you don't feel like a faction it's it's just it it takes away from the feeling of battlefield these expats idea was terrible they make no sense thank you for fighting for russia and then the next guest united the opening [ __ ] screen is a goddamn ship and there's no [ __ ] naval combat or anything in the [ __ ] game the whole the whole time we're looking at a ship and you never see a ship in the game [ __ ] loading screen which errors out every [ __ ] time it's hilarious i guess because all the expats are on this stupid ship and they're the mercenaries and they go and fight for the different countries with no loyalties it makes no [ __ ] sense and then number 11 i tacked this one on they [ __ ] up the theme song it's awful and i'm sorry this is one of the best video game theme songs ever and when you [ __ ] it up this bad i'm going to [ __ ] call it out it sounds like whales dying what are these whale noises [Music] like some of the noises that keep happening in the game it's like stop it feels like the game is literally breaking as you listen to the song oh it actually scared me the first time i was like what the [ __ ] is that noise it sounds terrible [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sound design for this game is awful on its own we talked about the gun sounding bad we don't like the voice acting we don't like the writing all of the whoever was in charge of sound design is probably the ui designer it's some awful imbecile that should not have a job i i fear like i want to cry i run a shed a tear because one of some of my best gaming memories was bad company too and i'm playing it and there's just all this visceral sounds like just the most amazing sound design i've ever [ __ ] heard the crack of guns and you go inside it sounds even go outside and i actually i was playing on the xbox and i put my controller down like man this is [ __ ] amazing here none of that it's all gone whoever did that work is now or he's on vacation i don't [ __ ] know sound design theme song all right so that's what what [ __ ] up the game you fixed some of those things and this game could get better but what did they get right nothing let's move on [Laughter] what'd they get right joe okay i'll pick it up for you guys when it works when when it works yeah but when is that it every once in a while here and there and some maps and songs and and when you get across some massive distances and you're fighting for a little bit it provides the battlefield moments try to get some kills there's a tank i hit it nice job flippy mister killed three buddy that's our squad working together right there uh we need more anti-air though okay what makes battlefield battlefield massive scale battles with both vehicle and infantry combat those moments are more fun than say call of duty vanguard where you're playing the same [ __ ] modes that you've played for decades over and over and they don't feel like real combat this feels like real combat and very few moments most of the time it doesn't because it's ruined by all the things we just mentioned look a broken clock is right twice a day and that's what it feels like right it almost feels like they didn't design the situation to make it fun it's us making it fun and other people like us on the other side of the world or because the people who are playing this game they're trying they're trying we're trying to have fun we're trying to squeeze whatever fun we can out of it but honestly we would have the same amount of fun playing almost any other game with those people so i don't give them credit for that yeah and also it's all built on the backs of other battlefields so like what you're doing is what people have already created and then you're going off in the wrong directions and that's why it's so scattered brain like that um i guess they innovated but they failed they tried something right it's a shameless corporate you know homogenization of trying to be [ __ ] overwatch and war zone and all these other other games instead of battlefield but they failed battle watch so i can't give them that either unique and different i mean you can go to a job interview and take a [ __ ] on the guy's desk that you'd be unique and different doesn't make it good weather joe huh how about them tornadoes i know that's what you've always wanted i still waiting for my sharknado but i don't think that's going to happen but like they had a shark and i think it looks cool from like distance and whatnot but it wasn't as cool as it heated up to be really you're just a dude running around a tornado like you know most of the time i don't take any damage like i should be dead like oh you know you know what was good the tuck tucks tuck tuck was super sweet oh my god those are amazing crunch oh my [Music] god got killed that tuck tuck i don't think you can do it battlefield 2042 best edition all right anyway so so that's that's the all-out warfare section so in review we've got an unfinished unstable mess with disappointing maps broken under or broken overpowered and overly spammed vehicle play with no counter no good counters disappointing weapons disappointing progression disappointing customization a lack of squad and faction play that's always been so strong in battlefield now gone due to chasing specialists fad of other franchises battlefield has simply lost its way and put in such a messy effort and an unfinished corporate product that was pushed out way too early and asked more final verdict for this particular uh mode all out warfare i'm giving it a three the this the the gun play itself is disappointing the squad play itself is disappointing the maps are disappointing there's nothing about this that makes me want to go back and play this mode now there's other things and we'll talk about those later but this mode in itself is way under average for what's out there today and it is sad that even call of duty vanguard which i don't like at all yeah feels better in a lot of cases than this game does yeah it does this this is not this is so below par for me that i do not want to fire it up and i just hey you guys want to play battlefield 4. i'm down let's do that right now but i do not want to play this under any circumstance and there's no there's nothing that i see the potential of like none of these guns feel great that makes me want to come back i don't like the bones here so i don't see it getting to the point where i want to come back and play this mode yep yeah man honestly i was at a four but after discussing everything i'm going down because i did not have fun with this like yeah we did have fun between us but we also had some stupid moments that were fun with dark alliance and that game was [ __ ] trash okay so what i'm three yeah i would say three i'm a little better a little higher than you guys four out of ten this is a below average effort from a legendary developer and a legendary franchise it [ __ ] pains me to give it a four out of ten and that's a generous i'm being [ __ ] generous because i love battlefield and i played a lot a little more than you guys i think and there are moments that that are like yes yet now we're having fun somebody will come in the stream and then it'll be ruined it'll crash or yeah then you get hit by a [ __ ] hovercraft since again there goes my fun yeah anyways so that's a lot of warfare now we talk about hazard zone trash next trash we're done next right don't play i want this to be that section to be this short but i can't let's talk about it this mode sucks it is already dead on arrival it's hilarious the cute times at least on pc is is large it takes a while to get into the game i will eat it but it takes so [ __ ] long because nobody's playing this mode are you kidding me this [ __ ] mode is already dead at release this mode is [ __ ] dead waiting for [ __ ] players to join anyone it is a bigger embarrassment in my opinion than battlefield firestorm yeah i rather play that i'd rather play that yeah and they only supported that for like a month and they're forced to support this worse mode for longer right trying to make up their trying to put sprinkles on top of a baby shot charles vanessa what if he's wearing a trash bag why are you wearing a trash bag because this game is trash right now alex yeah i hate this i swear to god if this took time away from developing an actual [ __ ] campaign or a better more stable all-out warfare multiplayer mode they should be [ __ ] ashamed of themselves what's funny here is i think that this mode has better bones than the other modes because they stole it from other better more fleshed out games this is just hey we're going to try to make a hunt showdown but we're not going to do any of the things that make that game great and so i just i think that if they had better guns better everything here this mode could work but they don't i'm thinking this mode is absolute trash but it has potential i don't think the other mode had potential i think this mode if they had put in the mode all our warfare warfare there is battlefield conquest and blake breakthrough have potential i okay anyway so i just hazard zone just could be good if they had a if they just hire all the people for better people and smarter people and you know people who play actually play their video games yeah this mode as is is awful it is bots it is not fun i don't have any any enjoyment at all dumb but i kind of like this style of game but i would rather play hunt showdown every single day of the week than this yeah what is it called like an extraction royale kind of thing that is a solid game idea yeah for me i would take all that manpower and not do that and just focus on the better stuff but i did not like this this was just like an attacked on thing last minute thing it's basically what it was and even playing it the progression was so [ __ ] terrible there's no point oh you got five points to do what five points you get the data and we extract it and do it so that i can get a slightly different underpowered gun instead of the pp and you know all these things it's for me it's just awful that's it yes it's unrewarding it's boring it's pointless and it feels unfinished [Music] did you know there's no map specifically designed for this mode they just reuse all the maps the two large maps these maps are too large for even 128 players at times do you think it's going to be good for [ __ ] 36 or no this mode is undercooked and it's tacked on [ __ ] tacked on because it's not fully finished it's not fully developed what do you get when you go in this mode you get currency so that you can artificial you can get past the artificial blocks put in your way [Music] they're like here take these crappy guns and we're gonna put an artificial roadblock in your way play this mode to get rid of our artificial roadblock with the same content that's in all the rest of the game it's not like there's different guns there's different modes there's different maps there's different no it's the same thing and then when you extract you get this tiny little [ __ ] you know hallway and you can't even shoot out the goddamn windows to [ __ ] protect protect and extract like it's it's guns don't work inside it's poorly implemented it is it apes other better games and modes it the it needed way more work for it to be legitimate this is just laughed out and if you like this mode then it's probably because the the bonus like alex says so solid you should try these other ones play every game like man it's so much better play other games you're going to be like holy [ __ ] this yes this does work when it's given effort but there's no effort here guys hazard zone two two out of ten i'd literally never wanna play it again same yeah even after we played for like uh what two hours we got like 20 20 progress points for what oh it's the same to go back into the mode to go back into the mode and play exactly and you have one extraction or two extractions do you want to play it less or do you want to play it longer this is just for people who like to torture themselves it's like yeah this is so bad i'm gonna do it again they just this mode needs so much work it needs different maps specifically designed for it it needs better progression needs better gunplay it needs better ai better rewards and then it could be it could be something it could be an eight out of ten it could be these i just i know there's people like this is my favorite mode it's like you should play a second mode or a second video game because right now this this is so out of your mind it is it is absolutely a two out of ten that's it's those people like that just ruining battlefield if that's like this is my favorite model i'm glad that i felt that that yeah i'm sorry what are your what are your scores yes two joe tube [Laughter] you broke okay finally we get to trade impression portal oh god finally the best mode in battlefield 2042 portal why is it the best mode member berries because it because i took all the good parts from games that we actually get because it's the past and better battlefields repackaged and it has redone the worst given to us right back when dice understood what made battlefield special right and it lets you make your own stuff on top of that so you can fix some of the crappy design decisions that dice made i find that kind of weird that uh that you're able to still control your body even after death these vehicles are not overpowered as they are in the other game look at that whoa i'm getting a nice little target for the snipers here can we even find bullets ah you miss me still uh yeah no the uh it automatically rejects yeah why is it so much more fun than the [ __ ] other game because it's simpler i know so it's it's just well balanced oh cool finally got me you finally got me you see chad y'all actually watching or because this is night and day difference for me i don't know if you can see a nine-day difference but i can see a nine-day difference only this mode is then kind of ruined by a few things ui no scoreboard all sorts of [ __ ] in battlefield 2042's shell it's hard to join people the squad size is too small like all of the problems in the main game get put on better games they actually make them worse right i think i'm bugged again there's just so many bugs yeah what what it's server what it's doing is it's actually i can't actually die yeah it's bugged officially oh my god [ __ ] battlefield all right sorry guys we had a big ass server going now i got to shut the server down what a pain in my [ __ ] ass so but it is the best part of battlefield i had so much fun you know in battlefield 1942 it just shows you how simplistic clean rewarding it's not [ __ ] cluttered with all of this goddamn [ __ ] you don't see [ __ ] you know [ __ ] panzer tanks calling down seven panzer tanks from a three-man squad no why so what works i've always wanted this level of customization in battlefield oh they're giving it to you like so many [ __ ] parameters and [ __ ] that that portal that you can create reminds me of oh you remember when they had this big ass portal for battlefield where you could see all your stats they don't have that this but it reminds me of when they gave them better times the better times right and the servers are basically free right they're not they're not good they're not as good as real servers but they are free and i've always wanted like remember in battlefield they stopped selling servers they stopped doing all that kind of stuff for a community here i was actually able to get angry army games going we were filling the services good it was like and i'm so sorry that none of you will get to experience the site maybe why i inflated the score here and there because i was having so much fun with our community you know what i mean and and this very specific experiences that i was able to make and other people started to join in as our servers were rising to the top of a god-awful server browser anyways and what what else works there the older games they offer classes it's a simplistic but rewarding feeling better game play better flow um you mean we all can't be engineers and just eliminate and wipe you know kill every single airplane better less chaotic vehicle play uh it's just it's a and it's so hilarious it's such a stark contrast to what you were just playing all in the same game you get to see the nine-day difference between 2042 and portal it was so insane like getting in a tank and then we there's a trouble sniper sitting you battle the bulge right they're sitting in the windmill like just eliminating everyone from our team and you just shoot the thing and the whole building crumbles down and it's like holy [ __ ] that was [ __ ] amazing this was amazing every second it feels like the movie it feels like battlefield like what happened to the other [ __ ] it's it's almost it not almost it is heartbreaking yeah when you go in that mode and you you have battlefield fun and then you realize what doesn't work there are only two maps for each of the game types when now obviously when we're talking about the um tailored modes when you go into that quickly you'll get tired of it because there's only two maps for each game you have to make your own server and then you can add the more maps but what are you adding the shitty [ __ ] seven maps that we don't like that that's not [ __ ] built for for these these games and these award types um it's just sad that these older maps are all better than the 2042 maps and you don't want to play the 2042 maps no uh another thing that doesn't work server bot farms yep there's so many of them at release they prevented us from even [ __ ] creating our own experiences just really low quality modes that are just farming with intent just like the shitty to get around the shitty slow progression again the point that we made earlier of the game i don't blame them because they're like where are some guns that are fun i want to try to get these quicker you know and then so because of that another shitty thing happened they had the cap progression yeah because of this problem so there's no so then there's less point to even [ __ ] play portals so the best part of the game dice is like stop that stop having fun all right stop everyone you do not get progressive for that play our [ __ ] well the store is gonna feed the other side so they want you to play the other side yeah and uh it's just and then the simple fact that you can't get around that you're playing older games redone in this game right um and they're obviously not as good as just playing those fully featured games with a larger more maps more modes more features because this is mimicking what made battlefield great and 2042 doesn't do that so final verdict for the portal mode which is quite clearly the best new thing that they've added and i hope they continue portal as they go forward that should be the new oh it's a hazard zone oh this is great we're giving you three packages no hazard zone get out expand expand on the formula campaign multiplayer and portal from here on out is what i'm hoping so but there's so many limitations in this portal there's things holding it back uh because it released in such a shoddy state i'm giving this a seven out of ten above average great mode right uh but not enough to be to to save the overall package what would you already pull i would probably say like a six because there's none obviously there's not enough maps it's done well they enhance the graphics as you said yeah but a lot of it is just like hey remember when the good times were here hey remember remember the good times is like yeah but i paid this amount of money for the new game as well but i'm only playing the remember stuff yeah not everything else like i don't feel like i got everything that i needed but this mode was the funnest i'm probably going to go with six yeah yeah i had the most amount of fun in this mode not close i love playing the old games but the the the heartbreaking breaking thing about this is we would play the bad modes the ones we just talked about and then we would play this one and it made the other ones worse by comparison and then you start to see the little bits of stink coming over because it's it's all within this new game and so it's issues with the scoreboard and the ui and the party system and people being able to join the game and there's all sorts of like horrible things um but i did have the most fun i know that they're going to add new maps but judging how it is totally new games right we'd love to see battlefield 4. but again we have to judge it as it comes out yeah 2142 would be incredible for it to be added in there like there would be so much cool [ __ ] in there um but judging it as it exists now i want to have 20 21 42 smash the [ __ ] out of 2042. oh i'm going to put those two against well i mean the vietnam maps there were some maps from battlefield vietnam that would be so amazing to play like without people dramatic battlefield where you actually felt like what you did was matter for sure and so this one i i think this is above average i think this actually is good this is the only if someone wants to play battlefield this is the only reason to do it i'd also give it a 7 out of 10. yeah well uh i want some water vehicles yeah they haven't important and just to sum everything up just show you they haven't even put the [ __ ] store in that's how you know they [ __ ] up hard when you go to the store and says nothing here yet or no the battle pass just showed up but i feel like there was way more they wanted to [ __ ] put in this store they have to hold it off but guys battle passes are not gonna fix all of these fundamentally flawed design decisions that they have here it's not just a or we've got four battle passes give us your money four more times and then we'll give you one specialist and we'll fix some stuff absolutely later when you average everything together i think you know [ __ ] whatever individual scores we gave because it's an overall hole i don't know if it actually averages out but i'm gonna give it a [ __ ] four out of ten as a fight and that's being generous i could see a three uh um and that's for how piss-poor at launch and there's been two launches there was the launch for people that paid 90 to 110 dollars upon release it's insulting that asking price to get this and then the second release which didn't even have a [ __ ] day one patch ready they had to wait several days to get a small fix like fixing [ __ ] names of the characters and not and then and then finally we got a patch to fix the pp and all this other stuff and then we have to wait for a more substantial patch in the next coming and the third patch is coming and then but it needs four and five and six and seven patch and then it needs three months for more modes and maps and then all these [ __ ] modes that we anyways four out of ten very disheartening and that's being generous i was looking so far to this and then when i playing bf4 it's like man i can't wait i can't wait i know and then when you go and look at all the review scores amongst the journalists there's something fishy going on with these journalist review scores i'm [ __ ] telling you they're never happy they got paid give me a million dollars this is 10 out of 10. i'll say that like you know i don't normally press this angle because you know it's not as bad as people think but this this i think it is as bad as people oh it's broken because you have to so few people criticize this game before it came out and then when it came out it was [ __ ] dead silent i was like me and a few other people were like what the [ __ ] and then right after what the [ __ ] with the fudge the eights and and you know all these eights started rolling out like what oh yeah that's right that was my that's your quote frank [ __ ] stop i'm gonna get demonetized i'm serious like this is a problem guys you have to contribute to our patreon the this is just terrible like everything is like oh yeah it's going to come like later on but i spent the money already what the [ __ ] i don't i need a refund it's like i will give my money back or something so many people refund and they deserve to see the number of refunds rise yeah this game is [ __ ] broken we all knew that and uh the beta which was obviously the same thing and everything we do like about this game is all the member berries that's the only thing right they need a lot of work so this is going to be like a [ __ ] wait for like all the patches and a sale or something but it's not worth it same thing like cyber cyberpunk 2077 wait a year after release yeah yeah yeah uh i i'm gonna be a little harsher on the game uh they released the beta and then they told us it was a three four month old build right but there was no fixes lies lies or lies so we played the beta we played it a lot yeah they had all the resurrection bugs they had all of the the the the hit registration things the guns felt like [ __ ] everything in the beta was in the pre-launch that we played so there's no [ __ ] way that they did no work in three or four months then the game releases you have to pay early and it was just in a horrible broken state and i'm not giving them all the credit for the [ __ ] that other developers did that probably have left dice in the past right i did have a ton of fun playing portal but honestly i'll just go back and play battlefield 4. i still have all the cds i'll play the other better games i don't need battlefield 2042 to satisfy that anymore right so this is gonna get a three out of ten it's completely and totally unacceptable even if it does come out in a even if you pick this up in months months from now and they've fixed all the things don't give them [ __ ] money and [ __ ] do not stop giving them incentive to put games out in this state and then they just know while the people are gonna give us money eventually we'll eventually do it stop this goddamn live service man modern gaming modern gaming yeah it's rushed this was rushed and it's losing its identity rush to release when it's unfinished and it's going in different directions trying to capture everything for everyone and it's losing its idea that's a sad fact though like that's going to be the new norm from here on you haven't heard of a little thing called modern gaming it's not acceptable to have the game be better or what it's supposed to be three months down along the line six months [ __ ] or a year later i'm tired of waiting for games to get their [ __ ] together trying to get the [ __ ] game to load for the [ __ ] parody and it [ __ ] crashed it even crashes when i'm trying to just play it in the background when i've already paid 90 110 or full price in this case or more than full price in this case i'm just [ __ ] tired of it and they deserve a rude awakening it probably does deserve a three out of ten but this is just you know tough love from a battlefield uh uh you know fan it's that make it worse than vanguard why because they had so much better potential you know what [ __ ] i'm changing my reign it's three out of ten [ __ ] it you're right cool because i am giving it more yes i did have fun but for battlefield to come out like this nah man no no i mean broken [ __ ] game is anything but a battlefield game zero map rotation all map making and [ __ ] oh i'm trying to record man it's an outfit pretty unfortunate well the server's just dead are we still recording yeah this that i can't even get into the [ __ ] game i haven't been able to get into a game for hours now that's my ass off this game really dead there are no active services wow i can't even get into the game to do this [ __ ] parody okay everyone went back to bf4 yeah that's what we need to do this is bad and they need to learn a [ __ ] lot you know what i can see is the score slowly increasing but i don't give a [ __ ] you know i'm moving on we've got halo coming out we got other things coming out and uh it's just a sad state and uh they need a clear message that this is unacceptable you don't release games in this state number one and and a lot of the design decisions basic [ __ ] things are so missing or gone guys there's there's a big big [ __ ] uh list of things we can't even cover it on this but i'll [ __ ] give you the link you read through this and you're like man this is like a [ __ ] two but no they're you they're fun to be happy how is that not in the game that's like basic ass [ __ ] yeah i don't know man that's it battlefield 2042 angry review extended discussion whatever this is this just i can't i can't give this game much more effort than this is [ __ ] [ __ ] this game um damn it anyways thank you all so much uh for watching uh thank you to g fuel for sponsoring us i appreciate that it helped us get through this game and the depression that it brought on so i am hoping that halo can end out the year well uh but i'm already starting to see it on the right foot right now um but it was more stable than battlefield so yeah anyways thank you guys so much for watching we will see you on the next uh angry joe show bye guys bye guys okay oh [ __ ] yeah there's nothing that can be done now joe come on man this is a wall don't be sad it's just the way things work out sometimes don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 2,667,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ihsRc27QVco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 11sec (4691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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