Can Dan Grieve TRANSFORM Jimmy Bullard’s Short Game?! | Road To The Open EP2

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welcome back to the channel and welcome back to a new video you golf life Legends now this is episode two for road to the open and as you well know I've been grafting on all parts of my game but today we are at the lovely wurn to see the main man help me sort my chiping it right we are here Dan thanks so much for your time L this is it well um I don't know about me I this I'm a little bit nervous I got to say um the short game look this W here right the road to the open it's finally started and I need to improve this part of the game you know it's my weakest part of the game and I hope you're the man to do it right okay well we'll have a look um bit to talk about um I know we had a little chat off camera I'll give you a little bit of what I'm struggling with I've got the claw grip you've heard a bit about you said to see it yeah we don't know whether we're going to go with it you're going to try and get me to change that's going to be seen and also um a little bit of Bunker play we're going to do right we'll we shot and also when you're on the short sided shots and a bit more spin a bit more height soften the flight a bit okay and a bit of time in the bunker all right but I've heard you a little bit nervy at times around the green so that's what we got to look at why are you nervy you know to see we can make it a little safer all right should we just get cracking let's get on coming what um Club have you got there 58 and do you use that 58 everywhere do you know what I I've always been a believer of using one club and just getting good with that unless it absolutely cries out a big running shot you what I mean but I do like to pull one club and get confident with one Club open it close it bunt it right well we'll have a look no comment do you agree with that uh I'm going to watch you play some then we'll have right so we're going to go to the back pin this is about as straightforward as it gets Fringe Fairway Eye plenty of green to work with okay you got a 58 let me watch you play a few okay this is going and can I play ar1 exactly I I like you to play it as if we were going out now playing you're on the first hole okay a lovely strike pulled up a bit come a little short got a lot of check on it so the claw grip then how long how long you been using that know and what sort was was that your invention it started with pting I started getting right and happy with my parts and I could feel it it's firing off and short and I could just feel a Yip in there I'm not sure where it is pressure or whether it is cuz I had a score card in me but then it started up on the practice range with balls on me own so I'm like there's no pressure there so it must be I thought it might have been technique and then all of a sudden I started getting him with chipping mhm so I went to it with shots like this I thought that feels nice and totally got rid of my my Yip yeah there's no Yip in there at all how how do you get on with that grip when you're short sided you got to play a sof shot I so go for that pin down there and you got to carry it 3/4s of away okay so yeah well let's have a look set up some a bit driven isn't it I mean you got to wave it cuz you hit it heavy but just some few more you want it softer yeah I want a nice soft one where it just hangs in the air yeah I think that's the downfall of that grip you know I actually quite like that grip just watching you play though is if you've got a bit of green to work with and you're playing a straightforward chip I think what you might have a difficulty is when you got a shot like this be honest releas you know if I was playing that I probably would use normal okay that would make more sense okay nice couple more snap pin oh so that happens yeah that's why I'm here see as soon as it happens it's what what's your mind like now now I'm like w Wait forward save it but that's not the shot to play so all of a suddening now I'm just trying to get a contact on it yeah see and and then and it just drills yeah okay couple of the claw one's back down the bottom again back down to that bottom pin see with the claw I can play this like a hookie runny one and I feel confident with that and I can also just like hold it up FR short pin couple the short pin with it just feel so much more com it's an easier shot I suppose right mhm good so Jimmy if you if you're confident like on these little low basic chip and runs with that grip I would be loed to change it I'm watching you you look good really you bang on playing the benefit I mean I've never really used it myself let me have a go so um I mean the benefit of this grip is you can't go off plane like is that why it feels so comfortable exctly so going off plane we were the club coming in here I don't know where where you were you know a couple years ago or whatever but when it starts wandering on plane you've then got to start firing the right hand to to return it so the beauty about this grip is is going to send it on the correct plane so yeah looks very straightforward I don't think you need to change that you look good you know that's the first one I love that because with my putting I feel so confident with the claw group 100% it's almost like a putting stroke with Loft you got a fairway light the where you're going to have difficulty is out the rough obviously out the sand when you play a higher shot when you're playing a pitch that's where you have difficulty with grip yeah so I would you've got to create a barrier of like where you can played a shot too which I'd say is around about probably 30 yards is like absolutely Max 20 to 30 yards that's the ceiling okay anything more than that you got to change grips yes I would like you to play a few of these with a little bit less Loft as well okay so I think you could go to a 50 I don't what you carry but 50 or a 99 at times when there's lots of green we'll do do some of those later so don't always use this club because it can check up on you particularly if it's up up up at the end a little bit more where you're going into a bit of a slope okay and also maybe on slope here and then up slope onto the greens like you don't sort of pigeon hole yourself and just using one LOF all the time okay but no I'm I'm a big big sort of fan of just coaching the player and if you like that shot and you're getting repeatability in the strike I'd leave that you told a difference could you but um I ain't got to strike with that shot exactly so let's work on let's work on that shot I'm happy with that okay let's work on the sof land and just so I'm there like I've played a few shots lately so you're saying as long as my pitching distance within 20 because I've played that just say my pitching distance is that far white flag and a flag's the far tree I've still hit that of a 50 well show show me how far you can hit the ball with your with your uh claw grip okay up the green there 58 yeah yeah there's your max yeah there's your max it's 30 yards isn't it yeah and that's pure you wouldn't why would you change that you would seriously so many good players come up to me and go what you doing you know they slaughter me yeah but I'll play football in the Own Way exactly if if you're big I'm sure you are j i if you're big enough to take it on the chin and you don't care what people think i' I've been much more impressed about the the scores you're shooting than how you look so we're we're we're going to stick to that but I do think you've got an issue with that grip when you're short-sided so let's let me put you in a more interesting position okay let come down let's come down here we'll give you a little bit less scen to work with yeah so that makes sense you're okay with that right now mate absolutely spot on and I don't change that at all I mean I I think he bang on plane you're releasing it really well now when I was watching you play those to the to the pin on the left there yes this is what I saw okay I saw a player who's a little bit nervy on the LIE Ball's gone on the right heel yeah you've opened the face quite a lot and you got a lot of forward lean a lot of sharp lean okay your back swing length was okay was a little on the short side but your big issue was the handle was traveling down for too long this way handle you're coming down here okay very very St very much driving this way and it was like you were running out of room okay and that's why you're just going to either plow the thing straight in or you're going to react sometimes and come out of it and it doesn't take long for you to start fearing the ground and that's what you've got you've got a fear of the ground because this isn't working in a friendly manner through the turf so you're coming in you're trying to get that thing on the golf ball even and you will you're a good player you will do but it'll come off so hot yeah you've got to soften that flight an awful lot more so we got to use a little bit more of the Soul more of the bounce through but understand in how to release it and how the but of the grip works right okay cuz your butt of grip's going driving it down for way too long and that's why you're struggling okay okay so set up to the ball don't hit it just yet just set up to it put the ball near your left foot where we going uh we'll go for this front front pin and turn a little bit further away from the ball so we can just get the wrist a little bit lower so now we're go normal grip y all positions good there don't go crazy with opening the face see all these things you see when you open the the face really excessively for a good player your instinct's going to be done to to drive down this way I'd want you to have it with a stronger Loft a hair open y but definitely practicing with your 54 a lot more really in terms of practice Yeah terms of practice but not playing the yeah maybe playing we have a look at that really you the weaker you put the Loft the more encourage you are going to be to drive the stronger the Loft it's going to encourage you to release it more so s never had wor 55 degrees of Loft his entire career and he could H it soft yeah cuz you knew how to release the club not releasing it right so if you set up to it there take it back swing okay and again take it back and stop okay and again yeah so there's a bit of a problem you can see here so this is this is like shut yes you've arched your wrist and you've taken Loft and bounce off that's why you like the 58 cuz you're really shut in that so you've taken all this you got 10 Dees of bounce on there there's probably about two on now right okay and right you're going this way yeah and driving and you're trying to get out of it pretty late by holding on I think that's where I'll get that fiery that last one it's like who yeah yeah yeah sure because you're sping ground you're coming in your brain going into the ball so just set set up to it there and this is the this is the first thing we got to do here we' got to get the toe more there that is where you want it so you see you've got a bit of cupping in this wrist yeah yeah now you got you got a little bit of bounce on the club now okay okay she's feel like Fanning it open instead of keeping it close are slightly twisting this way let me go through with you there your grip pressure as well if zero isn't holding it as 10 is as tight as it humanly gets you're about a nine right we want to get it to around about a three okay really now run a three okay right here we go here we go we're going to take it back wide and put the C there that feel different yes feel very outside and open and soft everything that you're describing yes okay and now from there the key here is understanding how this works yes so at the moment your butter of grip is traveling down yeah this way your hands are traveling this way down yeah what do you want we want the but of grip to feel like it's swinging back up to you this way Club it over okay that's it and it's more this way then the chest carries it through here so we got the again we got the LOF and bounce protected in the follow through so you're going to feel more of that there a little bit there isn't there yeah the sequence yeah ni set come down let see good again yeah I can see you've got you a lot of drag and lag in there haven't you they do keep moving good right anything you feel I'm doing with your left arm here going through yeah he's kind behind me he's going left swinging around there anything else can you feel it sort of staying a bit more attached to you connected instead of instead of that way if you go to the top down see the upper arm staying more attach attach which allowing the bottom half of the arm to release the club bit better okay okay good right on your own that's good there we go that's perfect so that came off much much softer that's but there we go yeah that's what you want you want it hanging through the air define gravity that's what we want but don't cheat it I don't want the the more you open that club face the less incentivized you're going to be to release but you want it to be strong you get 54 your next one is it yeah do you want me to get it we're going to get 54 in a minute yeah so one more so here we go fold the elbow get the club there right not there yes get the club there and a good length to it you good nice length that's it now butter the grit rather than traveling down down down and hold which is your Rea natural reaction from a good player gol such an instinctive game you put it here as a good player you you've got to do that trying that makes sense yeah yeah yeah abely now if you go here you can go this way this is what I call release two so the butter grip Works back to the belt buckle it lands before the ball you've always kind of had to feel like you got to get the ball first where that you feel like you're going to slide behind it more broom for eror which is huge for that then oh massive so that feeling is more like Club beds just dropping yeah and overtaking the the butt instead of me driving it and staying disconnect you want it dropped and overtaken exactly so so if you do that if if you're light enough in the grit which you are now you're lighter and you're on plane you got the club here now let go see it wants to do that yeah that's what the club wants to do but because you're here you you can't really let it go that way so what you have to do is drag and sort of hold the thing that way okay okay the ball forward face is pretty Square put the toe in the air that's it and let it fall down okay that was close it's a bit wide this way so we're still a bit wide is it yeah wide this way oh no okay still drilled it I'm going to move you this time okay so you set up the ball you're doing a good job in the back swing we just got to sort out the follow through so a bit further away take really take it back stop at the top wider more there okay you say wider away yeah you you like to set it and get it kind of in here yes right I want you to feel like you're going to go wider yeah come through to narrower narrower okay okay take it back wide it's narrow you'll start feeling the club release with with the first one released well the last few were still still still dragged it so we're going to hit one together now okay just you do most of the work okay I'm going to apply a little bit of pressure in the right pace right here we go right there you go how did that feel so soft yeah I totally changed how you moved your left arm there let's do that a few more times I want you to feel it I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing and see if you can feel it hit the ball forward Square the face just have a practice yeah yeah yeah and when you're ready Y no that's pure okay that's fil done there you go I'm not e a chip it was just floating hanging and it was chilled as well can't take you around mean that Can I some look I'm doing that that's so did you hear it as well yeah I'm just trying you're getting on your own right here we I do really want to stand close to it why do I keep doing that safety blanket stuff okay if you get so close again you're just going to be this way further away so you can rotate you got room and how obviously when I leave you do you get what I mean this is going to be hard to really keep to me and sole this in a sponge I just might keep away it keep drilling it in and keep trying to hit High what would you say my practice would be to keep it in as high floaty shots as I possibly can all the time you've got that okay you just got to work on your Fielder you've got to work on softening your flight we're getting at to 54 in a minute you got to work with stronger losss you've got to make your practice harder than you play so by by having all this Loft and opening it up you've got this comfort blanket that you can actually deliver a poor technique and an okay shot yes you've got to make it tougher for yourself it's going to make you release it better okay okay more I think we're I think you're getting a good feel here but try and feel what I'm doing with your left arm cuz this is the most that's the key right you keep on about this I want you to sort of I want you to feel it okay once you've done it I think you'll get it on your own I'm also one just take it back as well also one thing I'm doing I'm letting your right hip move a bit more behind you and I'm also stop at the top I'm also pushing this arm to get a little bit more width and look that's why we want the club there okay this is your bad one right out in front of you and if it's in front of you it can fall and then what I'm doing here is I'm working your left arm slightly differently but we ready okay here that's that's fantastic Jimmy that's awesome that there we go you know what even showed a bit of Bounce to that didn't IED you hit that about 2 Ines before the ball and this is what you've also got to practice is like how far can you hit behind it like if you if you know you can start hitting good shots from back here what that's what's that going to do to your mind oh your confidence yeah cuz you know you don't need to be perfect cuzz now I was I was like that I was like I've got to nip that now you're giving me this much scope aren't you well if I if I was standing over the ball from a tight line with a wide open face with a 58 and you're telling me I've got to hit that back of the ball perfectly that good no I'm going to be well maybe tiger could do it but I tell you what there's not many have got have got the um you know the confidence to do that so you need to stand over that ball knowing you can hit three four inches behind the ball and still get a result and and you're standing over a ball knowing you don't need to be perfect I promise you you're getting a different mindset yeah right on your own now try and work that left arm as I just moved it okay good there you go on your own much better again you've hit that nice and heavy don't open it too much ball forward wide feel a toe open a bit say why smooth from the top let the butter grip work back up to you that's better that's better so what I was doing with your left arm do this then hold it just in your left arm only now at the top put your fingers on your right arm there thumb on your chest so you kind of connect your knees up yeah take it back and put it in that same position that's it forget the ball and then as you come down apply pressure this way with the top of the arm as you come in down and you'll feel what I was just doing there you go now you've never done this you've always done the opposite you've always gone it's left that way it's left my in guard you know that way whereas now you're going more see that you almost want to put glue under here and then you start to release the club properly and the butt of the grip starts behaving it starts going back up so the handle is rising which allows the club to fall but your handle's always been going down down down okay which is tough to repeat so you're saying stay connected here which will encourage me just to turn yeah got to turn a fraction releas and turn totally got a turn yeah absolutely but your turn supports the release now you've got to feel it the club sort of Falls first and it's when it starts starts to fall that's when you add the turnning okay let's have a go let me just have a couple of let me get the feel like width there yeah just want to get this follow through better is that better yeah it's good go to the top again come down there you go that's good it's great you feel it work down now yeah you're not driving away look at that land like a bag of sugar didn't it one more coming in that was okay the wrist got a little bit that way again in the back swing but you're definitely feeling the release now yeah say it got that way yeah it went on your glove turned down to the ground did it yeah the more you do that your instinct is super high you've got really high golfing Instinct right so you are going to react to that you are going to hold yeah if we put it here your instinct will be okay I can let it go okay yeah yeah yeah yeah just a high cut shot which it is get it out there engine beautiful so what this will start happening you start H it too high and this is why it's the wrong Club you start to play this correctly now you don't need to cheat and have a 58 you can play this with 54 should we have a go probably better yeah let's get 54 so one question was my Yip is so to answer the question you're saying it was down to technique weren't you it's me saving it somewhere it's a good question I I've T A lot of people have anxiety issues and sort of Yi issues over the years and it's it's horrible isn't it I mean it is horrible because go say to be enjoyed and you you want to enjoy missing a green I think the short game is the best part of the game it's a creative part of the game yes there's so many different shots you can play but you start getting nervous around it it's tough and yeah TR I I do think it comes from technique initially most people who get The Yips have been a decent player a decent level of golfer and there would have been a nice Corridor of where their technique was and the technique has just slipped outside that Corridor okay that means they've got to react okay the hands have got to start fixing it and then of course the the so's not working well through the turf and then the contact goes and then the player starts fearing the contact and then it travels into here and then the fear is is set and it's it's it's a rewiring job got you but what we're doing here is we're putting some different technique in there totally different so your brain says okay I've not done this before but also we're getting that club to work so much friendlier through the turf that you know you don't need to be perfect and then you start you can rewire it pretty quick I think Jim there's no doubt about it okay all right so you've got me with a 54 good so this will be a good test for you don't go really open on it just to touch againat if you can get the ball floating like you just did with 54 you really in business now okay just a bit quick but again release it pretty well softer grip if it's getting quick you're probably getting tighten the grip again just try and relax These Arms a little bit there and then from there it falls that way okay now there's a difference between making it happen and letting it happen and you've got to just let it happen let it happen let it keep moving yeah soften everything up Jim that was good we still 25% slower still you want it slower yeah that's perfect there you go there you go you know what's gone yip's gone is it no there's no Yip there at all I I've totally forgot about it I think I don't know where it's cuz you're there right come on hit behind the ball for me hit behind the ball when you say behind the ball here yeah that's it there see see how far behind the ball you can hit and still hit an okay shot that was good so that was four 4 in behind the ball was it really that far yeah look at that still got it then we got it on the green yeah yeah right right now no I don't really want 4 in I want one in right yeah if you tell me to it there I will you're that good right right nice and relaxed Jimmy that is absolutely world class that was world class you like it that is how the top top players hit him I promise you really not genuinely that you I that was that was tall level that was Sol spec yeah that's all I want that was I can see these um these pcks that's why these use these balls for short game right you could see they were just revving like crazy but with the slow speed of the ball okay all right okay can I how did that one feel to you it felt nipped it felt pure to be honest you get what I mean but now it's like can you repeat that okay so you got to get the length in the swing the light grip pressure so you've hit that a bit now it's okay listen it's still good we take that at the beginning it's much better but it wasn't as relaxed as the one previous so what what's that drivey so you there's a moment in time at the top of the Swing where you got to get it there and then you got to feel like okay I'm waiting for you clubhead whenever you're ready to come down I'm here for you I am waiting okay whereever you're 5 minutes I'm here I am waiting for you drop right so it's there when you're ready when you're ready okay now you're moving okay let's pass it through whereas sometimes you get it there and you you force it back down so let's have the 5 minute transition now okay good that's a great shot I remember as well that's a 54 yeah probably something you you would never do previously would you say just do this for practice or would you get me in that if you were on my bag would you get me in that 54 into that pin or not definitely in practice in tournament play once you've got it 54 is a shot here without doubt yeah really why did you say that well you've proved it you hit you hit that world class one you left it short would you put a bit of like get into the shot a bit more I feel a bit stiff do you get what I mean what do you mean get into it no you got to you got to chill you got to move yeah so you got to move know what I mean I feel a bit like yeah yeah okay you got to we got to put some W wd4 on you now yeah let it all flow a little bit more yeah that's it move your feet around before the shot yeah do you get what I mean yeah sure which just cuz you're in training mode you're just thinking a lot about it set shake around that's good just so we totally get it out keep it there keep it smooth here let it fall okay let it fall let it fall that' be a good little drill that's it just let it go out into I mean drill wise here we go a couple Dr give me a drill that I can take away drills right take your thumbs off do this hold it just in your fingers yes make a couple of swings now tell me what you feel yeah I can hit something like that yeah I really wanted done oh yeah there you go that's an amazing drill that could be your grip for this just the thumbs off drill so you got the claw and you got the thumbs off let me have got that that was F do you know what I felt the club of well I weren't strong enough cuz I've hardly got anything on it what do you feel there because that's a great Dr you tell me what you feel let me telling you just the club become heavy and dropped yeah that's great that's what we want that's gravity that's letting the club fall now when you take your thumbs off and you hold it in your fingers yeah you feel it now what you've always had you've always had a lot of pressure with your pads your your thumb pads I feel that doing this in transition that lag that could be that's the problem and if you just take them off there then you start to feel where the club head is and even if you want to put them on but not put them on if that makes sense yeah I'm want to try it that's pure look at the spin okay that's 54 as well we finish on that thanks for coming there we go that's right that was filth that was softer there's a bit of practice bit of film soften everything up getting it so I've took away from that open on very inside drivey weren't I so you're um and just dropping the club on the back of the ball you want don't you retaining The Loft which isn't which isn't possible connected isn't possible from there no so you've got to get it there and then from there it's going to want to go this way yes going to want to go this way but take the pressure out the pants yeah cuz that creates that very what you said there you know what I watched a lot of gar here and and on one when you're watching him on YouTube he's very like that and very laggy so I think in my head I've got that and before I know it I'm so Drive yeah but that's a shot that is a shot this is the thing you know there's not one way to to triip around the greens if you got a bare line you want to hit a low Fizz into a back pin yes it's a shot but if you're here and you need to a soft Landing spinner okay you've got to go this way so you don't don't go one way or the other all right you got to be versatile and you know what I'm going to take it away from I'm going to chip with 54 and 50 and and practice High shots with them right that's good practice for me all right that's class nice love it yeah let's get in the sand come let's show you what I got here me the crab at the wizzly you know that right Dan you got me in a trap right what we thinking G on where do you want me to go we're going to go for this front P which the green Keepers right over a little down slope there so it's pretty tough so we're looking for a real short sided little Nipper we'll play to the back you know what it' be good to see you an okay what you change here yeah but how how are you generally out how do you feel know I've always been I've always faned myself out of sand yeah don't get me wrong I get my bad one I get the odd blader I think it's where I lean back and stay back but I don't know what you might see a look that's a bit scruffy isn't it it's got a bit of bit dumpy weren it it one up it more nipped more of a Nipper do you know what without thinking too much I'm looking at that and I've I've played it like that cuz of the LIE mhm do you get what I mean without trying to get myself out of trouble see what's there we go okay right so we're going to change a couple of things we're just going to give you a little bit more of a platform yes you look a bit narrow you don't really look heavy enough into the sand okay and because of that yeah you're getting a little bit sort of drivey this way yes you don't move around enough that I would say I mean there's some good bits in there for sure but you need to be more this way but when you play the shot you got to finish a lot more around the corner okay right so I'll just set a s demo here but I'm going to try and turn to the tree just to show you sort of how much you can you know you can move you see much more around this way you see it's in the holster here whereas you're you're much more sort of driven forward and that's why you're not spinning it enough it's okay when you got a bit of greens to work with Okay uh but let's get you in my footprints and see if it feels any different we're going to be roughly the same so there we go go right get get in there right tell me tell me what feels different there balls are tad back yeah good you I think you had it too far forward that's why we're getting a few of those bit more away from it yeah and I feel a bit lower you feel lower great get your pelvis and push it forward a couple of inches as well so hopefully you feel like you're a little bit more you're like heavier and more down more rooted more like a crab okay Su you right that's good you're down there right right so we got we got the knee forward there that's great now go to the top your back swing's fine okay from what we did earlier if you added a little bit more cupping in the wrist that's going to help you as well if you can feel that okay the wrist will will cut a maximum of around about 65° that's what we're trying to get to as you go back so you can't overdo this that way see that's open that's shut wow okay so you could open up a little bit more if you want to hit the soft Drive in I yeah that's set so you work on the cup as much as you can and now from here I have to turn on you have to yeah exactly on very dry VY armsy yeah so go to the top that's set start releasing now as you hit the sand round round round round round this way okay okay all right right foot a little bit down for longer it's hard to work is it I tell you that that me is a sport isn't it yeah but you know what I get laser in my body yeah right strong pelvis forward that was better the pelvis came back again there did it you got a feel like you're almost lunging over this front foot really yeah that looks great that is great if you watch that back that looks great okay that's better okay we still work on Club face a bit now but that is nipped a bit better that go look so what he's got me grafting shoes what are these these ain't been like that since I was full them activ those GL now glut torious is away you want that that's it down keep this knee a bit okay we're down that's good now you're looking great okay I like how you're looking there right now come down release it and I don't want you to go this way I want you to come round this way okay keeping that Loft on the club face a bit more great that's what we want okay nippy Lula yeah that's good now we might to lengthen the swing a bit now cuz it's going off properly okay yes Jimmy there there you go yeah okay feels um again feels like got more room for error yeah good um why is that is that just all set up well you had no you had no you had no stability you were just all over the place so whereas now you you're rooted in here you know that's then keeping you much more centered on this line and then you can just work around it right leg in pelvis forward left knee over the Left Foot Down nice and low just juming the back only thing I'm slightly concerned about is yeah that's still a bit flat there with the wrist right that way go have yeah no just do it again set up right so you got to feel it goes should ch right okay yeah hands in this way and it cuts that way I'm exagera but you feel that okay cuz you you want it this way and as soon as you're doing that you're taking Loft and bounce off you're going to send the sand too far forward you want it C that way release around the corner I got you you want that didn't you yeah that was one there we go a don't gri that's money TR that is money got it so that was wide open at the top then you can turn a little harder that the same my chipping yeah not not quite that if you want to hit like a lob shot but it's the same sort of thing you're still work the wrist more this way instead of this way which you're probably doing full swing Jimmy you're probably don't your full swing going back which is which is a strength and full swing because you're trying to create a strong Club face you're trying to cover it and rip it but short game and long game are opposite games totally the opposite if any of you are watching just try that I swear I've played this game for a long time I just want to try one more then cuz that was like so you're yeah yeah that's it there you go there you go there you go try that seriously that's top draw that's money um got to get a little bit on you cuz that was filth look all these watching it let's have a little chat about your YouTube channel M how's it been going for you yeah it's been going well I started it I think this year last year so been about six seven months right uh obviously Instagram's been going well lots of clips from short game schools where I S of work with individuals and people see the progress and I started in YouTube just to try and reach more people really just trying to help more more golfers around the world and going through some of my techniques and working on two things I work on on on YouTube really improving your golfing IQ so players can actually kind of use the right right right Club at the right shot at the right time and obviously working on technique and I just try and make it simple as possible on there yeah I'm also doing lots of videos with with various people uh and sort of our long sort of long phone content again which seems to be going down you say various people is is that from high handicap to tour Pros yeah I've got some I've got some Tor Pros the first one I did with Rachel Drummond great player Tour player did it with her and then I did one with uh Marlon herwood I don't if you played with Marlon at all him a few times yeah right he he's a higher handicapper he he his first ever golf lesson gave him one as well but yeah just all levels and that's what I try and do I don't want to just do Tor Pro I think I think you know people watching they can relate sometimes more to the higher handicappers than the lower handed I think you got lots from all the different levels well I love it if he's ain't got no tips for that guys I want to where he have been that cupping of the wrist there was Sensational and chy as a pro has just launched in your book here as this G the free releases cuz you're known for this you've bought this to the table the free releases um where did you get that from is it your own little thing and yeah talk us through that yeah so I'm always looking at sort of easier ways to get information across and sort of keep it as simple as possible so the threee releases are very very simply teaching people how to swing the club differently to get different flights so the the claw grip you've got at the beginning which I might put in the next book by the way okay you you was keen on that Wen you yeah I like it I going leave it a go but that's where that's that's a release one so the one you did at the beginning was still release one yes it just you had your own grip the one we worked on was released two so that's just after impact the butter grip pointing back at the belt buckle which activates more the middle section of the bounce that's what you weren't doing which you are now and then you've got release three when the Sand's nice and soft or you want hit a lob shot where you really work it this way back at the back hi here so it's just really educating golfers how you can use different parts of the bounce to activate um you know different ball flights from different lies and that's what the book the book just lays it out there it's really simple it's been amazing it's been received really well all around the world and um you know I'm just being glad to help people well so much jimm Dani you geve I've absolutely loved it a day I amum it's going to helped me massively going forward I was a little bit nervous about that I'm got to be honest with you but that was just like phenomenal and just got rid of my I'll tell you what it's give me it's giv me more room for um failure in the strike yeah that's what it seemed like to me brain is mind you're not going to be anxious over the ball which is what it's all about cuz you know you're going to competing you got bit of some high pressure events coming up you want to be relaxed over the ball and that cing technique I I just want to give another another little F this cuz this was magic This was [Music] um you mean that then don't you that's it yeah there you go that's you got to be of action on the ball which the first few were like bumbling out and kind of running now to spinning and that's what it's all about thank gri all right I love you must have enjoyed that guys golf life baby
Channel: GOLF LIFE
Views: 295,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tubes, Soccer AM, Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping, golf life, tubes golf, ange golf, Bullard tubes, Dan grieve, Jimmy Bullard, Short game masterclass, Road to the open
Id: krnVlrGhC4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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