Did You Get a Second Gator? // Where Do You Order Seeds? // Weekly Recap 🌿

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hey guys how's it going welcome to this week's recap video we are sitting outside by our kitchen door and i have my papers to defend myself 97 today but it's still pleasant out here like there's a little bit of a light breeze not pleasant i feel like we should be in the studio the studio is a wreck right now that's why we're outside i'm fanning myself with my stack of this week's dinner recipes would you like to know what we're having for dinner would you guys tonight we're having ham and cheese sliders because i did not have time to get the crock pot ready this morning i'm doing a lot of crock pot recipes this week because it's supposed to be hot we're having beef sirloin tips with garlic mashed potatoes one day we're having sweet barbecue chicken with an avocado cucumber salad one day crock pot teriyaki chicken over rice i'll be yummy and all of these we usually have enough for like lunches several lunches i love that i love leftovers me too yeah and i like to have good food so if we can do it without like having to i don't think i would like it for beyond that but it's it's perfect to have whatever you have for dinner and then lunch the next day i can do leftovers for like days yeah i start to get burned out a little bit if i have it for two days in a row erin's kind of sitting over here that's why i'm looking over here we're kind of different set up today if i sat directly behind the camera i'd be in the side yeah you'd be in the sun slow cooker spicy chicken and rice bowls recipe and then crispy steak burritos one night and then i have my homemade belgian waffle recipe in this step too which we had last night and they were good delicious anyway so i'm gonna do this every once in a while with ferocity frosty yeah okay let's jump into last week's videos the first one was how i grow ranuculus and anemones plus planting sunflower and xenia seeds so in that video i actually harvested some of the ranuculus and anemone flowers used them in a couple of different arrangements um just because i really hadn't done that it's so surprising to me every erin and i were just talking about that this morning we were driving by our cut flower garden and there's some stock in there that's just absolutely phenomenal so full of color and i told them like it's just so pretty right there i don't even want to cut it like that's how you wear last week i know i think i just like to have a pretty garden and i like to have bouquets too but i want the flowers to come from somebody else's garden i don't know it was just we enjoyed those flowers in our raised beds so much and i look at that space more than i thought or maybe i looked at it more because there was color there i don't know but anyway then after we were done doing that i did go plant all my sunflowers and zinnias which are all up and they're all except for the seeds from botanical interests i'm just telling my mom every time i get seeds from botanical interest that poor germination rate is that just me bengal rose frost asters and then those vanilla ice sunflowers i don't think they have any up and everything else is up like with their second set of leaves already wow anyway okay the top comment from that video is from christy jones did anyone but laura wake up this morning and think i'm gonna go plant 1.5 miles of flowers today her energy level is epic i don't feel like that every single day but i don't know we just do what we do tina said do you have to put flower netting up for your branching sunflowers um i didn't so last year i grew a bunch of branching sunflowers i think the difference though might be um i grew mine really close together last year i lost my dream for like a second there i grew mine all in like this huge big block and they all kind of supported each other i didn't have a whole lot of them fall down and we have really high winds and i didn't stake a single thing so i don't know if that could be the difference there so i don't know if maybe you have them in a more open area if they need more support i'm not sure on that our sunflowers tend to be pretty thick and stocky though here they really like our heat so cyndia said where do you order your seeds from oh you know what several different places i get a lot of my seeds from my parents garden center which they do have a website it's andrewsseed.com i get a lot from johnny seeds who has the best information on their seed packets like than compared to everybody else their theirs are the best for information and you get a lot for the money i feel like the price is really good um i've also ordered from floret if there's some specialty seeds that i want she's got some really great varieties on occasion i'll order from baker creek um again for like some unusual usually like squash varieties and then um eden brothers i think i've got a few things from them and then like i got the random seeds off of etsy this year because there was a pumpkin called hot chocolate that i really wanted to try and so i did order those anyway there you go becky said please help my husband sprayed my ranuculus and anemones with roundup will they come back oh probably not i'm sorry that happens occasionally a little mess up like that in the garden bummer carrie said does anybody know what to do with the corms when they're done do we dig them up in store leave them in the ground or just compost them okay so i'm about ready to do that you're supposed to wait until all of the leaves have yellow and yellowed and dyed back kind of like with tulips and daffodils and then you dig up the corms and store them somewhere cool and dry um so i'll probably do that on a video so you guys can see you just kind of clean them off brush off the dirt cut off all the leaves and then just you know store them somewhere like kind of where you would store your seeds i stored so floret sent me all of those corms for the anemones and the radiculous last fall and they were just in plastic bags had holes in them so there was air and um i just held onto them like that all winter long until i was ready to use them so i was like maybe it was fall what did i say it was fall when they when they arrived i can't really remember late summer fall i kind of think that was the time frame when i received them uh lacey said what spacing did you use for your ranuculus they are just gorgeous i think i went about every nine inches i think was recommended i might have gone a little bit closer than that a tiny bit um shelley said do you think you made the 15 foot pathways too big no um out there so we have 15 foot pathways we decided to do it that way just because aaron benny who does our sprinkler system recommended like for ease of watering because aaron really wants to put in grass walkways yeah and i do think it's going to be really pretty it'll be cooling out there it'll be nice to have some green but benny recommended 15 foot was the ideal size for ease of watering yeah i guess the the sprinklers that he likes to put in shoot about 15 feet so if you put sprinklers on both sides of the pathway then they'll spray in toward each other but they won't spray past that i mean you get a you know breeze or something of course you'll get sure some but it's also nice when you have the space out there we didn't want to immediately neck everything down and make everything feel too tight you know we have gators and tractors running around out there and you want to feel like it's open and airy and you know there are some areas where i want it to be more intimate and i want little pathways you know in little more cozy areas but i don't know that that's necessarily where i want that feeling we do plan on putting a fountain in the center of the garden next year maybe i don't know um and we needed to have it be big enough to accommodate that sort of thing and kind of the design overall oh and then the 15-foot pathways maybe in like the corner areas i think for scale it just needed to be that wide yeah i think i think so uh j98 said may i ask how long do the ranuculus bloom for i'm looking for flowers that bloom long for many seasons ranunculus probably aren't what you're looking for then they typically bloom from like for like three to six weeks usually mine bloomed for a long long time i would say closer to the six week side of things but then they're done for the season once it warms up they're kind of more of a cool season crop so definitely you would need to have something to take its place later in terms of color if you want blooms a lot next video was planting a spruce tree and finishing up planting projects around town so we had that bare bare root it wasn't bare root it was bald and burlapped it was an evergreen blue sky siberian serbian serbian spruce siberian spruce serbian siberian siberian spruce oh actually now i don't know i was really confident but now i'm questioning it either one of those anyway we'd pick that up at the garden center the day before and they needed to take the he it was a pot like this big around that root ball and they were like i don't know how we're going to get that in there because the root ball had just been nested in this pot and then there was like a really loose planting medium used around it and they hadn't rooted into that planting medium so it just fallen all over inside the trailer so we just told them just take it out of that we'll plant it first thing tomorrow morning it'll be fine so we had to get that done and then we went down to the relief nursery we right that's what we did we did the pots in front there um we did some pots at the college and then we actually went back down to the relief nursery to finish up i planted up their raised beds we fixed the pots because they were plugged and then well we didn't fix them we just took the plugs out turn them into regular pots yeah and then we went back down to the college because everything it was so hot that day was like 102 right 102 degrees and all the plants i put in were just like they're not used to that they wanted my day ideal day for planting no and you know doing it as much as we do i knew the plants would be fine but i hate in the video to be like well this looks like junk but you know it'll it'll turn around and i felt like the next day everything would look a lot better but that the night before we had a 50 mile an hour wind storm like a dust storm it was crazy in fact aaron you have some footage yeah right i think you do too insert footage okay kelly said i love that garden answer never has click bait titles it's so refreshing compared to the rest of youtube what you see is what you get yeah that's really important to us to not mislead or i don't know i feel like that's when you start getting some major negativity don't want to mislead people yeah yeah seth said do you think that all of your win leads to a stronger plant i don't know i i i would like to think that that's what it leads to or is it just a constant cycle of decimating them right now i feel like it's decimating i think it depends on the plant honestly like this year our cut flower garden has been a little bit like because every time i plant something there's just this huge windstorm like tonight so right now it's totally still and we're going to drop seven degrees tonight today to tomorrow and it says that we have uh wind from 1 to 3 a.m which means if i were to go out there and plant i have got still have seedlings to plant out there and i'm just like waiting um anyway so i put something out there and then the wind just kind of like beats it down everything's like coming back it just takes them a lot longer and maybe that makes for a stronger plant later on i don't know i want to say that it doesn't because you know you look at places that are windy in the u.s like i don't know wyoming and there's no trees you know because they're smart because it's like it doesn't make for stronger plants it just kills them oh i guess that yeah that too uh elsie said this video made me hot are you sure you don't want a pool yes i am 100 sure are you 100 sure why i don't think that i can't imagine a pool here on this property but um having a pool sounds interesting i you know your parents always they don't complain about the amount of work because they seem to like it um but i don't know like i think that you can get pools that are more automated in terms of cleaning and yeah for sure and they know that they've talked about like their pool has a cover that you still have to hand crank those things are heavy um and they were talking about how if they've got the automatic cover they'd have to like tear up the concrete and pavers on the side which i was like just do it i'm so used to chaos here at this house that it's just like just you know tear stuff up because it's gonna make it easier in the end but then like i can also see just kind of carrying on yeah i think we do a lot of that because of you you're you are like the king of progression and making things um is progression the white right word yeah change just sometimes improvement yeah sometimes it does feel like we do change for the sake of change but i think that part of that just comes about when you have a youtube channel that's around that topic sure like i mean there's other channels that i follow for example like tech channels and they do stuff with computers that like nobody would ever really do but they have a computer tech channel and so it's like of course they're going to take apart this thing and manipulate it in a way that you know just to see what would happen so i feel like we do a little bit of that here too like would we have bought the pasture in front of us if we didn't have a youtube channel would we have even bought this house if you know if we would have bought well no we probably bought this house and two if we did buy the pasture it would have probably stayed a pasture yeah like we maybe maybe would have gotten a cow or something if if we didn't have a youtube channel yeah i could see that you know people ask like how do you maintain that property it's like well the only way you can do it is with help yeah you know yeah you yeah it's the only way that works okay we took a little break there because benny actually came by and we're gonna start sprinklers tomorrow in the front area so we're going to have to get out there tonight and and flag off all of the where we want walkways and flower beds and things like that which i don't even 100 know strange enchanted girls said laura have you seen these new self-watering inserts from gardner supply they look pretty brilliant so have you seen them i looked them up the self-watering inserts it's interesting and they have like a water indicator which i'm guessing is just like a float uh in the tube are they multiple sizes like how do they fit a 16 to 20 inch container so is it adjustable or just it looks like the sides are like notched like it's a circle but there's like several cuts all the way around so if you put it in a 16 like maybe it would go the notches will go further and at 20 it would be out a little bit more but my question is how do you like it could be a 20-inch pot but what about the shape of the pot like if this is for round i guess it'd have to be for a round and then what do you just drill your own overflow that's what i don't know i think what it is is the overflow is your actual drain hole i think you fill through the tube into the reservoir and anything extra rain water or whatever that goes in will actually just drain out the bottom of your pot like i see i see i think it's interesting idea honestly because we all have so many pots all of us you know that don't have self-watering inserts i have a lot of concrete that i would love that or iron or difficult spots like difficult spots like the back sun porch stairs it's really hard for me to figure out drips like tubing to those and i don't really want a bunch of water coming out the bottoms on the stairs and like the front porch that's a hard area too because it's wood so you want something that's more enclosed so i don't know that it's definitely something to work uh look into however i do see that this says this item is currently not available which kind of makes sense everything last year and this year has just been a little bit weird and up in the air and hard to keep in stock uh destiny said do you have videos on your favorite shrubs trees and evergreens i'd love to learn how to bring these into my established garden what would fit etc i love hydrangeas too but i need help expanding our garden with some more height much love and appreciation for what you share with us i was actually thinking about that the other day on these some of these days where like i see 100 degree day coming up that would be an excellent day to maybe like not set up outside but like actually in the studio i'll do some tidying up in there and maybe we could just go through some of my favorites but honestly that'd be so hard to yeah i feel like the answer to that question is like our youtube channel is almost that you know where it's like you pretty much plant the things that you but i feel like we do a lot of spotlight videos which are just like highlighting one variety and it would be nice to have like kind of a compilation yeah um so even if it wasn't like my favorites because i have so many maybe it could be like my top 10 or like 10 amazing large shrubs yeah or something like that yeah well you know and sometimes something that you really like we have a hard time growing here but it doesn't mean that you don't like it it just means that we have a difficult time sure i don't know well we do have some videos like shrubs with amazing fall color and things like that out there i don't know start scrubbing through our videos good luck so many of them uh julie said can you do a video when you unplug the crescent garden self-watering containers i think that would be interesting and i'm hoping that the summer planters usually in those pots if you put a grass in the center especially the grass grows and like takes up all the soil reservoir so i'm hoping all of it slides out in one nice clean piece so that we can see that insert or it's not an insert we can see the um self-watering part so it's like tiered on the inside there's like a top tier then it kind of graduates down and then another tier then graduates down again and there's little holes around it and that's one of the like kind of bad things so one of the cons to those crescent self-watering containers is that they're all one molded piece you can't take them apart to like get into that reservoir if you have like an algae issue or whatever like you can't get in there to clean it um so i think that they plugged because i'd never unplugged them for winter they just sat there they had the plugs in them yeah and um i didn't even think about it i mean we just planted and when you were watering them in we knew that they were plugged because there's water just backing up is is it going to drain if the water was backing up into the soil reservoir and not going anywhere it doesn't matter that we didn't take the plug out or that we took the plug out if the water's stuck in the top part because it can't get down oh we probably just planted them in a bog no no because the water came out remember when we were but there was a lot of water from last year because i never drained it from last year remember it was all good the amount that came out though i think that well i guess i don't know maybe maybe it'll drain slowly yeah a lot and it'll be kind of self-watering yeah that's hard to say i don't know ah it's gonna be interesting i'm kind of expecting i should email lori and just tell her like if these plants are suffering let me know because we may not have done that right yeah we might have to plant them again karen said it's so nice of you to help out the kid center i have a question about the self-watering dot pots i have a couple at my church and i was wondering what gave you the clue that they weren't properly working properly anymore yeah the water was just backing up into them when i was filling them up you could just see like for example for one thing it took way too long and then you could see the soil start to rise yeah like i don't think this is working that's not working right uh next video was feeling a little behind planting my home containers so i planted the six pots up in versailles and then four containers up kind of by our parking area to buy our vegetable garden and one that flanked kind of our like right in front of where we park our trucks um i used some really like these pots over here by the parking area they were like kind of like not i don't know i can't i don't want to say they're not interesting but they weren't as exciting as the ones up in versailles because i used some new plants so some calla lilies i used be my it's the pink one what's the pink one do you remember erin be my first love they're a pink kala um and then i also used some new coleus the cafe noir really dark colored uh coleus it's i'm excited i'm really excited to see how those turn out uh sue said are the calla lilies perennial and also would love some details on how you plant it around the daffodil bulbs so as far as planting around the daffodil bulbs they're like six inches down into the container so i just kind of plant over the top of them and sometimes it works out really well sometimes it doesn't it kind of depends on how much water we have to give our containers and those are on a drip system so we'll just kind of see how it goes um typically if you can take them out of the containers and plant them out somewhere in your landscape that's ideal uh we're kind of at a point where i was just like you know what we just need to get these plants in their containers and we'll just come what may with the daffodil bulbs and then the calla lilies are a zone i can tell you they're not they won't survive in a zone six you'd have to save their corms or i think they're called rhizomes as they're what their bulbs are called uh zone 8 through 12 is where they're perennial so you would have to dig those in the fall before frost if you're below zone 8 and store them until the next spring to plant them or late spring uh gertie said why did you level the land before trenching for sprinkler system why wouldn't that be a double leveling chore well the first level was just to get it um chad did that with his road grader and i don't know when you've got big machinery just to get it all level i think you kind of want it level before you put sprinklers in because you want to know where the spring like the heads are going to be at and then the second time you level it is not like a major level you're more just like raking it smooth yeah like raking it smooth or um you can get a drag to go behind your lawn tractor i see a ranch panel hanging out out there are you dragging that around we might try a ranch panel putting like some cinder blocks on it or something yeah but that's just to kind of smooth it so there's like leveling and smoothing so i don't think that we will level it again we will just smooth it after the sprinklers are in there you go there you go we're learning a lot through this whole process i've never taken a piece of raw ground and like from start to finish kind of seeing what and when we're done we'll sell this house and do it again you want to stay here forever well i don't know at least enjoy it for a little bit yeah like let me just enjoy it for a second i like it's not even done yet like let's get the grass in and let's enjoy it for a second and then let's move some more green lisa said benjamin is so cute what brand or model of timers do you use for the drip system uh you know it depends we just showed in this last week when we hooked into our greenhouse like for the greenhouse pots we had to hook into a hose faucet in which case we use a gilmore tire excuse me that was like really sharp or something i don't know um anyway so we use one of those they're very easy to program but if you're hooking into your actual irrigation system if it's away from your house and you need to run off of battery power then we use the hunter nodes the bluetooth ones are way better than the non-bluetooth ones um because you can program it from your phone you have to be right up on it though to do it like within 50 feet right or no closer like within 10 feet really it says 50 feet and that is wrong um and then our house uh uh what's the brand of that uh rachio we have that controls some sprinklers in the grass and some drip zones and then we have a new system that's like a commercial grade it's called a hunter acc2 i think is what it is i've never even looked in that panel it's it's a really nice it does some things that like a commercial setting would want like you can run like 200 zones on it and we probably have 40 or 50 of them hooked up already on the new property but it also has some major downsides that make it not friendly for like homeowners at all um so it's a it's a you need to come up you need to come with an aaron brand aaron brand drip system stuff well you know what i think that um hunter is updating the acc2 the commercial grade one that we have like for example there's no app for it you can't control you can control it from your phone but you have to log into a website to do it not from an actual app on your phone so that makes it kind of the worst a little bit but just the fact that i can have 200 zones and you can dial it in so like we can do a set we have a separate zone for the tomatoes i planted out there like you know they can just run basically zones to your hearts content yeah as long as you've got water out there so that is really nice and i don't know if any other system that offers that to where it has the expandability where you can just as long as you've got water you can just run a new zone we could have all of the cut garden each individual row could be a different zone yeah if we wanted it to be that'd be a nightmare but yeah and it'd be complicated too to remember like okay so the fourth row in is right it's 25 the seventh row yeah okay joanne said at nine minutes there's a pink flower bush behind aaron it's so gorgeous do you have a name for it red valerian jupiter's beard it's a perennial actually that you cut back to the ground in fact it's about ready it's about bloomed out and we'll have to cut it back and it'll come back again and bloom this season again yet barbara said question i noticed when you hooked up the drip tubing you didn't feed it into itself like you were doing before you just swirled around and put a cap on the end is there a reason you change systems yeah so aaron's preferred method is to come up with the black tubing and do a t coupler and then just do a round circle and my preferred method is using a straight coupler from the black to the brown tubing and then being able to be flexible with the tubing and like twirl it into the middle which i actually think is more effective at watering um including like because i wanted to do that in the pots in front of the greenhouse with the one plant per pot and we didn't have enough enders so i did it erin's way so that we were consistent on that um but i feel like it would have been better i had to water one of them today aaron because the circle is too big oh for the plant it's not quite reaching the plant but it's just on the biggest pot it's not on the smaller pots because the smaller ones of course the water is going to soak into the center but if i would have a circle that could be or like a straight piece that could twirl in and you know end at the plant it would hit the plant better sure so maybe in summary in some respects it's better to do a circle and in some respects it's better to do the long i don't know yeah right you just got to get the emitters closest to the to the plant to the plant sarah said why did you use two different colors of quarter inch drip tubing why not just use the brown well the black is a solid tube it doesn't have any emitter holes in it at all and then the brown has emitter holes in it i don't know if can you get brown solid drip no but i have seen uh black and i have seen the black with emitter holes oh really yes like spacing every nine inches right yeah that's the thing is that they well maybe from a different brand i mean we just get the stuff from home depot yeah so in the end it doesn't really matter i mean there's no possible way of having something do both one product you both you have to have a solid going up from the bottom and then you have to adapt to something that will emit the water um so that's why uh ann said how do you keep the soil in your pots from getting compacted i just use potting soil i never use anything else in my containers and we seem to do fine you don't want to use like garden soil i know it's hard like for big containers you kind of want to resist the urge to go out and dig some garden soil and like fill up the bottom even because that's when you'll run into compaction issues and drainage issues and all that sort of thing okay i'm sitting on two pillows and i feel like i'm getting lower and lower hold on there am i taller now now i'm kind of off center hold on hold on these chairs are really low you're so good am i still good yeah i'm way taller than i was before i think you were probably just i was just slipping down uh next was setting up 18 pots on drip irrigation so that's when we were in front of the greenhouse and just showed you how to hook into a hose faucet how to get the water from the hose faucet to your containers um all while kind of explaining that there are multiple ways to do it depending on like where you're going what kind of setup you have like we were in gravel so i was able to hide the tubing underneath the gravel i was able to trench and hide it if you're on a concrete if you're like working on your uh garage mercy i couldn't like think of it your garage and you've got concrete sometimes you can like tuck it into the little seam in between the concrete pieces sometimes you can kind of go up and over your door and back down to the next container uh in our barn we actually drill little holes because it didn't matter um our barn like you can see light through a lot of it so we just drilled like a little quarter inch hole we were able to feed that tubing through the hole from inside so we ran the whole menagerie of drip on the inside of the barn the inside of the wall and then just came out for each individual pot that worked well which you could do on a home as well i mean it just depends on if you know people are okay with holes through their walls yeah i worked as a cable tech for like 10 years or so yeah 10 years um and man i drilled holes through so many houses it just became like so commonplace because people would want see for me i'd be like you can't drill in my house yeah i think yeah it just like i said it was so commonplace to do it because there's no other way so it's like if you want a internet or cable in this location i have to drill we have to drill somewhere right you know uh okay so texas my texas said drip is definitely a game changer it is and never feel embarrassed about laying your fittings out on the store floor sometimes you just need to lay it out to see what you've gotten isn't that the truth how many times have we done that erin like laying stuff out just to figure out like oh did these even go together like what in the world uh there's so many different pieces and parts yeah no shame at all about that catherine said i'm setting up drip from my raised beds right now using the half inch tubing how do you get the elbow joints on without herculean strength the warm water trick didn't seem to work for me well it need to be like boiling water i would think you could put like the tube down in boiling water i would do like a hair dryer um and if that didn't work you could do like a heat gun or a torch or something you can't do you can't do a torch well i'm not saying that you'd actually torch the stuff i'm just saying that you get it nearby like if you have a if you have not a blow torch but um i'm thinking like the the ones that you hook up to are you thinking about the ones the one that you stole from my kitchen he stole my creme brulee if you have a creme brulee that would work do you know where my creme brulee torch is well it's probably with the fireworks in the barn designing their fireworks last year you know what my creme brulee tours they work so well for fireworks well you need to buy me a new one because if it's still out there here we are though almost the next fourth of july and i haven't used it one time in that year but i'm thinking about it are you you've been brewing about oh i have been rude about it the whole time uh buffalo and pine said how do you winterize your drip system uh we don't it just it weeps all the water weeps out i mean you would maybe consider unhooking it from your hose if it's hooked to your hose and you can get little plugs to like screw in the end of it um so that nothing crawls into your tubing in the winter time but other than that there's really no winter winter rising we think you would need to winterize if it got even more cold than here like the timer is the only thing that might be good to bring in maybe i mean but there's no water in it you could unhook well maybe like like some water got left in there or something how would the water get left in i don't know i'm just saying the timer's the only thing i could see being that it's electronic just bringing that into a warmer place but everything else should be fine yeah yeah i've seen several questions about like how to winterize the drip tubing in your flower beds too like wondering if we we lift it all up out of the flower beds or or take any of it out of our pots and we don't we don't remove any of it it just stays out for the winter kathy said i can't figure out what i did wrong i tried two different timers i used the white tape and various adapters and i still have leaks and then i went to using two pressure regulators but that did not help any suggestions that's intense it sounds to me like something's wrong like you're trying to put together pipe thread and hose thread i mean yeah definitely check that out pipe thread and the threads are much closer together and hosts are there a little bit further apart and while you can do that you need to be it'll leak like even if you use the teflon tape it'll still leak unless you can get it really tight which i don't have the strength to do you would have yeah even then yeah i that's what it sounds like to me it sounds like you're using all the right parts um i don't see how it would leak yeah unless some i mean it could be leaking like if you're using the crimpers uh where you're putting the poly pipe onto the plastic that's another spot that could leak also um hooking up i guess like brass and plastic or metal in plastic pieces sometimes you can run into leaks there like they're not compatible always pain huh something like that yeah until you get it figured out like once you kind of get your uh system kind of going i don't know then it gets easier and you know what to look for but until then it's a pain because you can't really find anybody who's like i don't know like when you're trying to find a guide it's so um subjective to like what brands you can get and your situation like there's there's a million different ways that you could run it right based on what you're doing yeah there's some things that are kind of common denominators like when you're a lot of people planting annuals in containers you know like there's some things that can can be kind of common but there's also a million different yeah scenarios what's chad doing out there i think he's trying to get that uh that ball out oh he is he's lifting it up right now wonder what he's gonna go use that on i don't know break up some concrete somewhere yeah i um i would love to connect with chad at some point and like get him set up with a couple gopros and just have him film some of the projects that he does yeah it would be really easy we should do like a separate garden start a new channel construction answer garden answer slash chad yeah cause some of the stuff that he does is really interesting yeah it really is okay also i think we might do a couple so speaking of chad uh he and his wife his family they just bought a property where it's got a beautiful pond and waterfalls like they're building waterfalls off this pond and they built this big beautiful barn and they're using it as a venue like a place to do weddings and there's not a lot of that around our area and so they saw this need and they thought oh this would be fun and of course like she's got the vision jennifer has the vision and chad's got the equipment and he knows what to do i mean that's like a match made in heaven right there so we went out yesterday to look at it and it's just beautiful i mean it's just benjamin had a big time like he was having a great time there was like pollywogs and all that sort of thing and there's little kayaks for the kids to go out on the pond and um anyway we might go out there and do a few videos placing some plants because they actually deal with deer out there so we could do some deer resistant things and i think it'd be really interesting you guys might like to see it it's really fun to see what people that have that sort of like that's big to me yeah like here we are dealing with this flat piece of property without big boulders and i'm like oh overwhelmed you know i couldn't imagine dealing with all that they're doing yeah it's really interesting um this video is just in time for my next project i also would like to convert a sprinkler head to a drip system can you show us how didn't i show how in one video up here right yeah it's really not that hard all you need to do is just un unscrew the right um the sprinkler head and then put a riser on it yeah um and then you know once you've got a riser on there then yeah you just figure out the elbows but you don't need to do any pressure regulator or anything like that because that's at the beginning of your system right yeah and i really wouldn't recommend doing that unless you can dedicate an entire sprinkler zone to drip because if you have grass sprinklers plus drip going at the same time you'll never get them on the same schedule that's what we had when we moved in here we'll always need different amounts of water than whatever your plants will need and you'll be frustrated forever yeah so separate them if you can now you might be in a situation where you're like taking out all the grass in an area and that's a great oh perfect yeah perfect opportunity to convert sprinklers in which case it's really easy you can just like i said dig down unscrew the sprinklers and cap the ones that you don't need although you know if you you will run into some issues because if you cap a dead end then the water doesn't have anywhere to go and when you try to blow out your sprinklers um the water will stay in there and it can break the line how do you know if you're at a dead end well let's say you dig down and you can see that that's the last sprinkler on the leg i've never seen that before i guess yeah it just it's not a t it's like that's the last one that's the end so if you cap that when you try to blow it out for the winter the water won't blow out because it's a dead end well that makes sense that was kind of a question that i just asked so anyway i've never run into that you can i mean honestly sometimes it's just better to call a professional and have them but i do think i showed in this in a video at one point up here by the kitchen where i dug down and i unscrewed the deal because i kind of remember that yeah but then i think right after that you ran all your drip uh drip tube in a circle like this like for a million million feet of drip tubing and nothing ever worked very well boy we've learned a lot chelsea said i find that i struggle to pop the quarter inch connections into the half inch tubing once i've punched the hole is there a technique or tool you suggest yes so you can use a uh nut driver that that's what it is quarter inch nut driver quarter inch nut driver it's like it looks like a screwdriver but on the end there's it's just like kind of open i don't know how to explain it except for it's a nut driver i know but for somebody who doesn't know what a nut driver is i'm trying to explain what it looks like it like comes down to the picture on the screen yeah and so there's like a little hole on the end where you can put the connector in that little hole and then it gives you something to hold on to as you're trying to push it into the tubing however usually i put my coupler into the tubing and so it kind of like cushions my hand and i'm i'm gripping the more of the tubing than i am the coupler at that point so i'm not touching that because they are they are painful after a while those couplers and that way i can just pop it right into the tubing that way and i can do everything with the right leverage because i can put my coupler in like up where i've got more strength and then i can push it in um yeah because usually where you're bending over to reach the drip tubing on the ground it's a lot harder to you know anyway kristen said love your videos and beginner and just built some raised beds what's the benefit of using drip versus soaker hoses i'm trying to get mine set up on a timer before i leave on vacation for me i don't know what your opinion is i tried soaker hoses in our raised beds they just never the coverage wasn't good we had to run them for a long time in order for them to really saturate they always seem to flood one area and then the other areas just completely dry yeah and they broke down like they they were just really flimsy and i really just didn't didn't love it uh carol said can you please tell me what the pieces are called that you used to cap off a quarter inch drip tube you weren't using and can you buy a package of them yeah they're just quarter inch plugs right just people are like goof plugs they're oftentimes called goofy goof plugs yeah and you can buy them in little packages in the irrigation section alex said why not put the poly into a piece of pvc on the doorway to prevent it from getting crimped is that overkill no that's actually a really good idea oh underneath yeah no that is a good idea it's not a super heavily trafficked area in terms of like we never run equipment over it there's never a vehicle that goes over the threshold of the greenhouse so in that case it's like you were perfect if you were going to run a vehicle over it pvc would be totally the way which is what we did up at our driveway remember that oh it was the worst because it was i don't know how many that was concrete we figured it out um they had to pull that out chad pulled it out seriously and you trenched through it well hardly enough to get the two enough to get the tubing in yeah does that make you feel like like a beast yeah a little bit i didn't realize that yeah it was tough we had benjamin i remember he was out there in the stroller yeah and we were trying to like pick axe our way across the driveway because we had the line of um hay racks on the fence and then the big estate planter and then we just had the other estate planter on the other side and we just needed to get the drip blind over to that and so we did put it in pvc underneath in the concrete i guess so megan said completely off topic from the video but did the gator get a detailed job the back looks so clean or did y'all splurge and go ahead and get a second gator you'll see it sooner or later but yes we did go ahead and get a second gator it was just a good investment in our business and what we do around here um you know paul is just like he's like a wild man worker and he's all over the place getting things done and i always felt horrible when i'm like paul can you clean your stuff out of the gator i need to use it for a video project and i need to have my stuff in there and then i was always leaving mine a mess i tend to leave mine kind of a a wreck in the back when i'm done in the evenings i'll just throw my stuff in there and just park it so we kind of have yeah it's nice so aaron and i kind of have one that's at our disposal and then paul has one that he can use so anyway i think in the long run it will actually save us what already has we just we've already talked about how amazing it's been yeah it was so funny when we got the second one aaron took benjamin out there and he's like hey look a gator and benjamin went two gators he was so confused at first yeah because yeah it took him a while to realize like oh okay next video is growing blueberries and containers in that video i filled up the troughs that we had the alliums in which alliums went to a friend's house and she actually planted them all she texted me and said i got them all on the ground so i was really excited that she gets to try growing those these next year this next year but we filled all of those up with blueberries a few different varieties and strawberries around the exterior and we've got them all set up on drip and we've already been out there harvesting a few benjamin and i go out there every evening and actually we went out there midday today too like earlier on and he found two that he was so excited about anyway esther said wonderful would you like to try one more than his cute reaction to the blueberries i'm even more impressed with his heart to share he is a sweet boy yeah he earlier though i heard him talking to aaron he goes daddy you're cute but don't touch my car yeah you know he said you're a cute daddy oh but don't touch my cars it's so cute but yeah he always like i didn't expect to be like oh wonderful and when he did that it just every time he comes up with something like that it just like melts me well he must hear that a lot like colin you know calling me cute yeah we probably maybe overdo it sometimes with some of the affection well the other thing he says a lot because i tried to i don't know like i want him to see the beauty i want our kids to see the beauty and things and so ever since he was little every time we come outside i'm like it is beautiful out here today isn't it beautiful like look at the sky look at the green leaves and we look at all the you know the things and now he says mama it's beautiful out here it's so cute and then he looks at me when we're working he goes what do we need to do like i'm like i don't know where he got that one but like i have to explain all the steps to him because he's looking forward to like what is the next step what can i do here did you know he left the chicken coop door open last night paul got to work this morning he's like there was just a chicken standing in the doorway oh really but they didn't leave didn't leave still four chickens in there i know and benjamin was the last one in there because i let him go and he feeds a mealworm so the mealworms were still out which he my goodness i did not know we never talked about it like you need to put the mealworms back in the can and then make sure that so we have foxes that run around i know so we i talked to him about it today and i told him that and so i saw him come out of the chicken coop i was watering his the annuals and then i saw him turn around and push on it because i told him when you close it check on it yeah when you close it then push on the door and if it stays closed then you're good but if it opens you need to close it tighter but yeah so beverly was just standing in the door like hey next comment was from ash snoopy said what do you do with these in the winter we have similar weather here in eastern washington i'm probably just going to leave them right where they're at they're in huge containers their zone i think most of them are at least a zone five if not a zone four um so we should be okay i may mulch them up a little bit but they've got so much soil around their root balls they should be okay i wintered over all the one gallon sized blueberries that i planted in that project i had already wintered over from last year um so and they made it uh leticia said why no mulch or straw in the big pots don't the strawberries need to be up off the soil you know i would love to put some straw mulch on there because i think it looks really nice but they are so exposed out there that straw would blow out like tonight when we have our wind and it would just i would feel i think i would end up until the plants are bigger and covering more of the soil surface in which case you won't really need it except to keep the strawberries up off the ground yeah i just think it would get blown all over the place unfortunately tammy said could adding some apple cider vinegar to your water help with the acidity level of your water you know what i just saw somebody follow on instagram was saying like you if you want blue hydrangeas go out there and put like a cup of vinegar in with your watering can and water your hydrangeas with that huh for the acidity isn't that the formula that people always talk about for yeah killing weeds yeah i'm kind of like well but this lady knows it's like a joke it's not a joke it's like let me let me just let me just hold on to increase the acidity of your garden garden soil use vinegar for each gallon of water in your watering can add one cup of white distilled vinegar and pour over on your hydrangeas the acidity of the vinegar will turn your pink hindrance hydrangeas blue or keep your blue blooms from turning pink that's interesting i don't i don't know anything about it i don't either but i saw that this morning on instagram and i was like really so i mean it's something to consider i don't think it would matter if it was apple cider or regular yeah really that's interesting aquarium life said do you have drain holes in the bottom of those galvanized containers or did they come with them i haven't worked with them yet they actually have a big drain i'm guessing to use them as a trough so you could drain and clean the trough and put clean water in there there's a drain on the back side like just barely up from the bottom like a half inch or so inch maybe up from the bottom and so we just took that plug out and that worked great we didn't have to put any other additional drain holes in last year so i think we should be all right yeah yeah and i see that they're draining out i've been watching them the last few days in fact because i thought they're hooked into the orchard which is getting water every other day right or is it getting water every day oh i'm not sure we have to go check it but yeah log into that website yeah to figure it out um either way i always like to keep my eyes on stuff that i brand new but like just newly planted and um that seemed they seemed to be doing really well uh lovely autumn said what are your thoughts about growing grapes on your property and do you ever have problems with birds feeding on your fruits and crops so far i haven't had a problem with birds i noticed like i don't know what they call a big flock of magpies maybe just a flock have you seen him around aaron it's like a gang of magpies right now well i think that they're eating the mulberries the mulberries they're eating cat food too they were over where they're my sunflowers like right after i got done planting my sunflowers i saw like 25 magpies out there and i'm not even exaggerating there were a ton of magpies and i thought oh those they're eating my sunflower seeds you've got to be kidding but they didn't i mean i don't know what they were doing over there they were by the sweet peas like they were sitting on top of the sweet pea supports yeah and i'd never seen them attack anything but no birds typically don't yet uh mess with anything here and grapes we're actually building our grape supports right now as we speak they are like the vertical supports are in the ground we will show you in a video um i probably will not plant my grapes i do have grapes here they're in the back formal garden but i want to have more of a this will be a 30 foot section of grapes which still like i think i can only fit three maybe three grapes on that my parents have a roughly the same i think theirs is 31 feet long oh they stepped it off and they have three grapes and they're just enormous and uh anyway i don't think i'll be able to get my hands on any great plants until next spring which is totally fine but we'll have the supports up and ready to go and we'll show you that later because we actually are putting in a third bed along our raspberries that's going to be blackberries which the blackberries are starting to form erin are they really yeah wow so they bloomed last week and then they have little berries on them right now they won't have a lot but uh next video and this is the last one for this week was planting one plant per pot erin made me do it so erin thought it would be a really fun experiment with some pots somewhere on the property to plant just one plant per container and then we thought that that would be a really good area because it's very easy to control everything there they get all get the same amount of light same amount of wind and we could put them on the same drip system and that sort of thing and that way we could really test them out um so there are a total of nine pots on each well a total of 10 pots with the arms in the urns but there's nine pots that we planted on each side so we planted 18 pots all of which only have one plant for containers so it will be interesting to see what they do they actually look clean i like it like this year i'm not into trailers that much like a little bit but i want to see the containers this year and i go through that like i'll go through phases where i want to like see big growth you'll see the excavator go behind me here in a minute [Music] okay anyway we'll move on to the first uh top comment was to be honest when i saw the number of pots all together in the drip video i thought how is she gonna pull that off without looking chaotic but this idea of one prolific plant per pot is perfect it already looks nice i'm excited to see the progression there you go erin yeah yeah okay brandon said do you ever mulch containers or raised beds it looks like those containers are going to dry out extremely fast at least until the plants cover the soil when you have a drip system set up to them um you know the top layer may look dry underneath they're usually pretty moist i've been going along every day and i make sure that they look good so far except for the two biggest ones with the supertina vista fuchsia so the big pots with the trellis the circle trellis those i need to adapt the i need to drop the drip so it's closer to the root ball can you put um it might be too much water but could you put two more teas and just run run something right through the center yeah i could it would help maybe keep the outside saturated so it doesn't like draw away from the sides right so yeah that's a good idea i could do that today i just kind of like dug out the soil and i just kind of bent the drip tubing in so it's kind of like that shape right now so at least um it was getting some water close to them but that won't hold forever i do though uh mulch my raised beds with compost when i plant typically i'll put a little bit of compost over the top of the drip tubing and all that because it makes it look tidy and it does help with moisture retention uh aaron said i never see you use durian geraniums in your videos do they not do well in your area or is there a reason you prefer not to use them i actually love geraniums we used them last year in our 14 big pots along the container along the the fence line and aaron in the beginning was like you didn't like geraniums he kind of just was real negative about the geranium they do they do smell i think they smell good i think it's like a nostalgic smell for me but i told them like just wait like these are going to be so pretty they were a coral colored geranium and we had the skyrocket penicidum in the middle coral geraniums and then super tuna bordeaux a lobularia white knight a potato vine and it was like beautiful and you i think you were one over a bit yeah i came around yeah they do require a little bit of maintenance and while i don't typically like to put any sort of maintenance in pots that was worth it because i only had to go through like three times in the entire season i just popped off dead bloom heads and moved on and they're very easy to deadhead mary said when you spray plants with the captain jack's dead bug do you spray the flowers or just the foliage thanks for all you do i've learned so much from your videos you spray the whole plant like everything you want to make sure to do it at the right time of day so you want to do it like dusk after all of the pollinators are not active anymore that's the best time because captain jax is a contact kill and it will kill even beneficial so you want to be careful about when you're using it it is still an organic spray but it does help with aphids and bud worms which is two things that we deal with on supertunias and super bells in particular um so if you can use one spray that controls both of them that's really nice yeah because otherwise like if you had those two and you were i i saw a comment from somebody saying well i've been using bt for the bed worms and then i'm using something else for the aphids well if you can just i mean anything that kills aphids will also kill beneficials so um if you could have that all in one spray and take care of at one time i think that's great do it responsibly that's all kelly said i'm wondering how honeybees and bumblebees do with the use of the dead bug brew i do a lot of planting for pollinators and while i'm not a fan of budworm who is i'd rather not harm the other insects and hummingbirds now we do you remember what the residual was like on spinosad it's like not very i don't know that there is i mean i think it's contact only so as long as you're not spraying the actual well and honestly like there aren't that many honeybees and stuff that that go after supertunias and super bells like the things that are the most affected by budworms or aphids well no i can't say aphids but yeah so spinosad is safe for adult butterflies and many insect predators and parasites it falls into the safest human health category as well but as in in terms of like the caterpillars that feed on the leaves it can enter into the leaf um so anything that's feeding on the leaf for like two to four weeks which is actually amazing so if it's not going to um kill on you know stuff that's just feeding on the flowers but only you know leaf tissue i don't know that probably bears a little bit more research or necessitates a little more research team j said did you lose a bet with aaron or something i could tell the struggle was real while you were only planting one per pot you know i'm like kind of you're kind of coming around a little well i'm like yeah i guess i do like that it's clean looking i think that it's a little sad right now until they grow and feel but i know they will the pots are gorgeous and that's part of what i love about it is because you see those pots yeah and because like i mean i put a vista in two of them so those will probably cover up some of the pots but like the one in the biggest pot i think you'll still be able to see some of that pot but we'll see yeah it'll be interesting yeah it really will be um but we're just kind of going with all kinds of different stuff i'm getting ready to plant a couple of laura style containers though um next to the black bench maybe probably not today maybe tomorrow morning um when they're they're kind of in weird light until really late in the day we like things to be kind of lit nicely but anyway um it was it's a fun project stretching me lorena said how often do you fertilize them after planting so that's the thing this year we're trying out that flower tone it's a slow release organic fertilizer we mix it into the soil like we do every year we mix a slow release into the soil that's heat activated that will slowly feed the plant and then typically we follow up with a water-soluble fertilizer once a week and one thing that i think we didn't consider is how much iron would get bound up and not not um be available to the plant so i think if you do the iron get bound up uh the water we have very alkaline water every time we water them we need the chelated iron in the synthetic water-soluble fertilizer yes we're trying to figure all this out so you either would need to you know the proven winter stuff um has the chelated iron in their water soluble so i think you know that probably is fine it's just really intensive to do that every week yeah and that's we've not done not yet that's what we were kind of trying to get away from is that weekly you know if there's another way but i'm not sure there is i think maybe that is the best approach um you could maybe do the dispomo route where you're doing the granular you know once a month but i still think that you'd have to go through with the chelated iron at least for us you know like you might live in an area where you don't have that issue where the iron gets bound up and so if that's the situation you like if you're on the east coast somewhere and honestly you might be able to get away with fertilizing once a month with you know flower tone right and that may be awesome for you but for us the iron gets bound up and since we have to be putting chelated iron on there anyway we might as well just fertilize unless you can do chelated iron less often like if you're doing if you go through once i have an umbrella stand i keep kicking right at my feet um if you go through once a month anyway to do a flower tune application if you're going to do your chelated iron at the same time especially if you can get it in like that wettable powder i wonder if you could put it through our tank and do it oh sure application of that like at the same time and just do once a month as opposed to doing once a week that's what we're trying to get away from yeah is the once a week thing because once a week rolls around really fast yeah it really does and it's with how many plants we have it's really labor intensive so what do you think i saw some people talk about um adding a ph thing to our water like adding like yeah i've looked into that and there's a bunch of bunch of pros and cons the cons are that it's can be expensive it's what do they call it it's a injector system for your entire property yeah yeah and we have to have two of them because we have two wells right so we have to do it twice and um i guess there's like hazards involved with all the acid that you have to have that it's you know you can issues with that the acid can eat away at the mechanical parts of what you're how you're injecting it lovely so that's a thing also i read that sometimes adding acid into your water won't necessarily always play well with some of the fertilizers that you use because it changes the formula and the the fertilizers won't work the same way this all used to be a lot easier i know it gets super complicated so i'm not sure that adding if you went to all the effort of trying to acidify your water make it less alkaline you may end up with a just a different it's kind of like we talk about like moving somewhere green yeah you know we'd move somewhere green that would be like i can't take the cicadas yeah or the rain or the humidity yeah there's like you know you're just trading up one problem for a different problem and the grass isn't actually greener on the other side well yeah like today 97 and i'm not sweating at all like there's no humidity in our air and i think like a lot of people wonder how i can garden i garden in long sleeves just to protect my skin um or more of it and then i garden with my hair down just because that's what i'm used to but it's so dry here that i do sweat like i sweat it up pretty good um but it is different yeah it's different if you're in the midwest or the south yeah oh man i remember going to the proven winters color choice shrubs like their test garden we stayed in a cottage in their test garden and like i didn't even want to go outside yeah like i don't know how people how you guys garden in that like props to you i mean we have our issues too we have our wind and the dry the dry heat can be pretty brutal to plants and the high ph and all of that stuff but you have the humidity oh boy yeah i don't think i would trade honestly yeah anyway that's it you guys for today's recap video i have to go to the grocery store now and i got to pick up all my ingredients for this week's plan that is the order you guys have a video about your grocery store trip no but there will be a video i don't know if it will be up before this one where i did bake some muffins with benjamin we used some things out of the garden so i think i think it'll be a fun one i hope i it's not edited yet so anyway thank you guys for watching this recap video i hope you're having a great day have a great week and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 74,697
Rating: 4.970861 out of 5
Id: TkXmmL0om7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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