Planting a Container Salsa Garden! πŸŒΏπŸ…πŸŒΆ// Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going today i am planting a miniature salsa garden in this galvanized tub i'm going to be planting almost all the components for salsa anyway i've got the main stuff so pepper a bunch of tomatoes some cilantro i already have a ton of onions and garlic planted out in the garden so i didn't really want to incorporate that but i just wanted to show you guys that this is a really fun option to do these little themed gardens and if you don't have the space to grow all of these things in like an actual garden space or in a raised bed somewhere that you can still do it in containers and i have 10 other themed gardens in the past last year we did like this little elevated raised bed with a cocktail garden theme and then i found out the week after i planted it that i was pregnant with samantha grace so i didn't get to try any of those fun cocktails that i had planned to use all those things for and so that's something that i may even end up doing this year so that we can try those out and then the year before i did a spaghetti planter which had garlic and tomatoes and oregano and a bunch of other stuff and i can't really remember anyway i forgot to update you guys on that i think we just got busy everything did great in that container but this year i am purposing to bring you along for this whole journey we'll plant it today we're actually going to be putting in cilantro seed not plants and then the other plants and then hopefully later on everything goes really well and we can make some salsa together that's my plan so let's start with the container galvanized tub 24 inch diameter here we can actually fit quite a bit in here i am going to be putting this container on drip so i have my drip supplies here if i tip this upside down you can see that well you can clearly see i've been using this container for years now and you can see the drain holes that we popped in it we used a metal drill bit to drill those holes out the bottom and that's super important like galvanized containers are great but you do have to make sure that that drainage is there so i'm just going to take this a quarter inch rather black poly tubing right up through the bottom of one of these drain holes i do plan on raising this container up a little bit i either i'm going to go grab a couple of pavers or something or some pot feet just to help with drainage because the drain holes aren't that big so anyway it won't be a problem in terms of like crimping the tubing on the back side here so i've got that piece and then i've got a quarter inch coupler that i just dropped hold on quarter inch coupler right here that's a t coupler i'm gonna put that into this black poly and then we're gonna put our quarter inch brown drip tubing in a circle around the whole container so we'll attach one side like this and then i want to kind of gauge how much i need here kind of want it like right on the interior of where i'm going to plant all the tomato plants so i think about that as perfect so we've got how many drip emitters there's one every six inches so one two three four five six seven eight they all emit a half gallon of water per hour just to give you guys an idea and if it seems like they're getting too much water i can always come in and cut a piece of this out and then make my circle again just to eliminate some of the emitters or i can just make sure the zone doesn't run as long if that's a possibility so that's all there is to drip i mean this is the other end that i will connect into our zone where we're going to put our container so the next thing i need to do is add soil let me move all this stuff off real quick we've got our potting mix this is organic potting mix i've been using forever works really well don't want to use regular garden dirt i know when you're especially when you're filling a container that's a little bit bigger you kind of want to resist the urge to go out and like dig some garden soil and put it in just does not act the same in containers it tends to come like compact and it gets really hard it's really hard for drainage so you want to use a just straight up potting mix like this one here and i think it's going to take between two and three bags maybe just two bags these are one cubic foot bags i actually i used to garden or use the two cubic foot bags and then i got to a point where i didn't want to be lifting two cubic foot bags everywhere i don't think it's a good practice especially with as many bags as we use to lift that many so one cubic foot bags are really uh manageable for me for now yep two bags so two cubic feet of soil i might top it off with a little bit more that's a little bit too much of a lip see it kind of compacts a little bit you kind of want to press down not super hard but a little bit just to help settle it i only want about an inch lip here so i'm going to add a little bit more boy i wish we could raise all of our pots up on the gator for me to plant standing is very nice end of the shade it's a very pleasant project for today all right got my fresh soil in here now i'm going to add in a little slow-release fertilizer use the biotone starter fertilizer if that's what you have use garden tone if that's what you have plant tone works as well i am going to add in whatever this bag recommends me add so i need to read it so it says when preparing soil for new plants mix two cups of garden tone per cubic foot of soil which means i use two cubic feet of soil i would need to use four cups but since i'm not going to be able to really mix it all the way down i'm just going to add two cups into the top and that's kind of where the root zone of these plants are anyway i think we'll be fine plus i don't really measure anyway so it's likely i'll get a little over two cups okay spread that around and mix it in and then other than this feed because it's a slow feed i'll probably come in and i'll try to remember to include that in a video at some point and side dress the plants with more garden tone maybe once in the season that's typically what i do i think they recommend you could even do more than that like every month i'm lucky if i get it done one more time in the season but anyway so we've got a prepped container here you can see how the drip system that's perfect i love it so now we need to do our center piece plant which is our pepper now this pepper is called hot and heavy i've grown it as long as proven winter has had it available and i was i think i even got to test it the year before they came out with it and so it's been maybe three years or so super happy with the yield of these plants last year i had a huge bumper crop of these i was so impressed and i was even able to harvest enough off of i only think i planted just maybe four or five plants but i was able to harvest a ton for both fresh youth and then i strung a bunch and they're dried and they're hanging in our root cellar still and i'm able to go out there and grab some and crush them up and use them in recipes all the time in fact i just did it this last week for a pasta recipe that we grew or that we made and it was really yummy so the thing about these peppers i feel like they're a really versatile one because they aren't so hot they're going to blow your lid off but they aren't super mild either so you can use them kind of in both ways like a jalapeno on the scoville scale which the scoville scale it measures heat units of plants of the peppers they cluck in between like for a really mild jalapeno it's right at 2500 units and it can go up to 8 000. this one clocks in at about 2100 units so it's a little bit more mild than a mild jalapeno 65 to 72 day maturity on this one and then they just start bearing just loads and they do benefit from staking so i actually have this this is like a little itty bitty peony ring almost this is going to be perfect because they get so loaded with fruit and the fruit are heavy that it can make your plant kind of split if you don't have it protected at all so now we're going to do a ring of cilantro which i'm planting these these from seed which i usually find i hardly i don't think i've actually ever have i ever planted a cilantro from a plant that was pre-grown i don't think i have cilantro is easy to grow from seed it comes up super fast this right here is what the seed looks like little round spheres there it kind of ribbed i'm going to go right in here create about a quarter of an inch a little furrow trench whatever around the pepper plant and then we're just going to sprinkle these in it'll seem kind of heavy we can thin them out later or not we can just use these and just cut them all fresh they can come up like little baby greens i tend to air on the heavy side obviously you guys know this i like to plant things heavy okay [Applause] and then if that cilantro peters out because you know with the intense heat it wants to bolt really quickly you can pull out the cilantro and seed it again so it's going to cover over that seed hindsight i probably should have planted my tomatoes first because i'm going to totally wreck the soil where i just planted the seed but i wanted to go in order dang it okay next plant we've got the good hearted tomatoes which has the exact same maturity as the peppers and the maturity of 65 to 72 days is after transplant so after you put your your plant in the ground now these grow they top out like at 12 inches and the pepper tops out at about two feet so we'll have a nice it'll look pretty we'll have a nice centerpiece cilantro will be about here and then these will be about here so a little bit of a layered effect um and then they spread out mine usually spread out maybe like 18 or so inches but the fruit set on these is like you can't compare it with anything else it's absolutely incredible the amount of fruit that they produce i think i've got some pictures of mine from the raised bed garden last year just like you could hardly see leaves for so many fruit on that plant i'm trying to be careful so i don't mess up my cilantro but i think i'm going to tuck like maybe five or six of these around the out outer part you do not have to stake these you can if you want to but because they stay so small and compact they kind of will just trail over the side of this container and they'll just be a nice little trailer plant really so let me finish around the outer portion here one two three i think five will be perfect i am popping off the leaves that would touch the soil and you can even plant these a little bit deeper so let me show you because along the stem the whole plant will produce more roots so if you've got kind of a longer plant you can pop it further down in the soil cover over the stem with some of your potting soil there and then it'll produce more roots it'll be a stronger plant for it so these tomatoes they're like cherry size and they have a brix rating of nine so the brick scale is one that measures sweetness in fruit and like a really good grape has a 20 a rating of 20 on the brick scale these have a rating of 9 which is a really good sweet tomato i mean we don't want ours to cluck in at 20 like grapes because we don't want tomatoes that sweet but they've got just a really good pleasant flavor okay two more pop these lower leaves off i don't think i've messed up any of the cilantro yet and that's it that is our salsa garden right there now you can take these types of gardens any direction like because you could use all of this stuff really for a lot of other different recipes and there are a lot of other different like you can do tea gardens herb gardens cocktail gardens spaghetti gardens like we talked about earlier the salsa garden whatever you can take it whatever direction you want it's just a really fun way to experiment with smaller plants that still like these will produce so many tomatoes and if i were to put this out in my garden it tends to get swallowed up especially when you've got tomato plants that grow really really big so these are just really well suited for hanging baskets so if you all you have as a balcony where you don't have a lot of floor space but you can hang something one of these good hearted tomatoes would be a really great option for you so long as they get enough sun so we're going to take this to a spot that will get minimum of six to eight hours of sunlight we'll have it watered every day with the drip system and then i'll come along mid season with some more garden tone and give it a little bit more food but other than that this should be a pretty easy garden to maintain so i think we'll actually show you where we're going to keep these it's nowhere fancy it's out where i planted all the other tomatoes that i have and we're doing the florida weave system so i've got a bunch of t and rope it's out on the new property i'm thinking if i tuck it at the end of one of those beds we can tap into that drip system and that way it'll be watered the same as the rest of my tomatoes and i think everything will be happy being on that same kind of watering situation so let's head out there all right so we're out here by where i planted the other 30 tomato plants we've got most of that row actually all of that row i started from seed they're a little bit smaller and then the front part of this row are garden treasure tomatoes and we've got garden gems in the back and you can see our drip system right here already set up and our nice crop of puncture vines that we have coming up kind of nice anyway i think we're just going to tack into the drip system right here and we'll just set the pot right on top of these so that the holes can drain freely what do you think that looks pretty level looks pretty level heave hoe hopefully that these plants don't get blown to smithereens out here they're not really protected by anything but i think it'll be really perfect and then we can kind of judge the tomato yield versus the tomato yield on those right there this one got messed up a little bit okay let me show you how i'm going to tap into the drip system so i've got this tool right here this is a punching tool and then i've got some couplers a quarter inch straight coupler right here so what i'll do is push the coupler into my quarter inch drip tube here like that and then this system is currently on so this is going to spray i'm going to try to go really fast what i'm going to do is punch the half inch with this tool and then tap this in and we're going to do it quick okay okay i can't see where the hole is okay i only got a little bit wet it's all it's all good and your phone got all wet i can see dang it i thought i would be a little bit quicker at that oh yeah it's running so you guys i don't expect this to take care of the seeds so much like it's actually probably right on where i have the seeds but what i'll do for the next probably week is i'll i come out here every day anyway to check on stuff in the high tunnels i'll make sure that this stays really moist like the the moisture is really well covering especially for the seeds because you have to keep them wet once you get them wet once you've planted them you have to keep them wet until they germinate otherwise you lose your point of germination and you'll just have spotty growth so anyway we'll just make sure the moisture is consistent everything else should be great with these plants and i'm looking forward to giving you guys updates if you give it a try let me know and let me know what varieties you choose because there are other small varieties out there that you can go with or you can do bigger containers i mean you could do like the galvanized troughs like i just planted the blueberries in and you can choose larger size things but i think that these will be perfect for this smaller galvanized tub anyway thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 116,970
Rating: 4.9745517 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: WWS9Yre01lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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