Creating a Beautiful Tiered Planter | Gardening with Creekside

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today on gardening with creekside i am going to show you exactly how i created and planted this gorgeous tiered planter stay tuned [Music] [Music] so hello friends welcome to gardening with creekside i am jenny and today we are going to be creating and planting the partner that goes with the other tiered planter that i created oh gosh it was a while ago now this has been a fun little creative journey for me we're gonna go back a little bit okay so back in the fall of course we had the order of michael carr pottery come some of it was the aqua pots some of it was just traditional containers one of those pallets was these beautiful white quilted pots these are traditional planters these are not aqua pots these are not the self-watering containers so on this palette there were a set of six there were these two large then two medium and two small the two smalls medium they sold like hot cakes they were gone lickety splits these guys are quite large they're a big pot so they're going to have really just that unique space for people to need a pot of this size so they didn't sell right away and so they came they stayed over the winter over the winter we thought hey we're going to put them right here because they'll be beautiful we put like a 15 gallon emerald green arborvitae in them just to have them as kind of a showpiece flanking right here the walkway up to the greenhouse they were just still in their containers we didn't actually plant them in the containers over the winter jerry and i were just talking and i had this bright idea because you know that i am such a huge fan of kinsmen garden company they just have the most unique garden supplies really high quality i just love their products and i shop there quite frequently online notice that they had what's called the pamela crawford series designs of planters so pamela crawford is a gardener who created this amazing system of planting your plants on the side of containers whether it's a hanging basket or a hay rack so she also had come up with this tiered system i ordered it from kinsmen the time became appropriate that i could go ahead and plant them well wouldn't you know by then a little bird had made her nest and laid her eggs in this pot that had the emerald green arborvitae so i had to wait until the baby birds hatched and flew the nest before i could actually plant it i went ahead and did this one on a rainy saturday i planted it in the pouring down rain but it had time and i did it and it came out gorgeous obviously there's a big time difference between these two but i wanted to show you what they um the whole system how it works how i planted it so forth and so on again keep in mind that this is a display here at the nursery our we have big huge open areas i need to make a big statement when people come here i want to inspire gardeners you don't have to plant it the exact same way this is all for inspiration if you want to copy the exact plants great go for it if you don't no problem this is an inspiration that we are doing for you and our customers that come here to creekside nursery so without further ado let's get going okay comes as a whole system right you do have to buy the top planter separate because it comes in different sizes so what you're responsible for is providing the pot you need a pot of any size that has a drain hole in the bottom so i'm going to try to show you this as best i can because it can be a little weird okay so first you have this is what goes on the bottom basically this is like a riser that goes underneath the pot it has three bars that are welded on here those bars go down just like little pot feet and i might have to have jerry help me do this because this is kind of a two-person job so this goes underneath the pot directly onto the ground then you have they give you bolts they provide all the hardware this is a bolt i'm going to use the largest one because this is a big pot it's thick and i need that height so you've got the bolt and then they give you the little washer and you put the washer on you take the bolt you slide it through well you don't slide see it's been like i don't know six eight weeks since i planted the last one so you don't slide you have to thread it this way it doesn't come off so this whole system is very secure and you don't have to worry about i mean we've had some pretty good wind storms we've had you know rain and all that other stuff and that planter behind me has never moved so that's a good thing and again this is why i love the kinsmen company because all of their products are super tough and durable and they last this is not cheap quality products so we're getting there it's getting screwed on all right so you're gonna screw it all the way flush all right so there we go you're gonna lift up the pot slide it on there's a little skink under there go away little buddy and then there you go all right so the pot is sitting on there all right okay next what we're gonna do is they also give you this little guy okay this is like it's gonna slide on top of that bolt and then we have a nut that's gonna screw on there now it also is raised let's see if you can i don't know if you can see this let me show you tip toe through the plants here all right can you see how there is one side that's flat on one side that's kind of raised so this will we're going to put it down just like this so that the water can seep underneath and still drain through the drain hole because as you know drainage in containers is a big deal so that just slides on then i take the nut and screw it on all right so now everybody is nice and secure now what we're going to do is take the pipes this is what the the tiered system is and we're going to screw this onto that bolt that is sticking up you just twist now it does come with a 12 foot extender riser and so you can use it or you cannot use it because of the scale the size and scale of here at the nursery i do want to go ahead and use it because i want my basket to be raised up as much as possible so we're going to screw it on nice and tight all right then let's see if oh here we go just trying to remember so here we have the 12 foot extent 12 foot 12 inch extender it already has the bolt threaded on there so then we take that screw it on nice and tight all right they're not going anywhere next you have this plate and on this plate on the top this is what the basket's going to sit on on the top you have these clips this is what the basket's going to clip into and then on the bottom there is where this is going to slide down on top of the pole you'll notice that there are some little holes right here we're going to have a bolt that goes through here so what we do is we take out the little rubber stoppers get rid of those guys this slides down on top we line it up we take our handy dandy bolt that they gave us thank you i was like something's not right here is why i have my trusty assistant behind the camera he keeps me straight it's black because you don't want a silver one and i was like where's the nut the nuts in front of the camera but hey i digress all right so this slides through get everybody lined up take the nut all right here we go so it's all secure it's completely attached to the pot it's not going anywhere now again like i said before you purchase the basket separately because it comes in different sizes obviously this is a large pot so if you had a smaller pot you might want a smaller basket this is a 16 inch basket you can use this also as a hanging basket so it comes with the hardware the chain the hook everything that you need if you wanted to create this as a hanging basket so this is where the pamela crawford geniusness comes in so notice this basket it has the holes already pre-drilled in there right so we're actually going to take plants and plant them in the side all the way around and then plant the top now on the bottom we have there is just a little hole right here that's going to sit there's a little bit a little notch that's going to sit in there but clips are going to clip onto the bottom ring of this container so it just takes a little bit of finagling to make sure you get it right and get everybody hooked in and once you get it lined up then you slide it and it pops into place and make sure that everybody's hooked under those are [Applause] and this is all right now it's leaning a little bit so we'll have to um the pot this you know creek side nothing is level around here so we've got to actually level up the pot because the pots tilting just a little bit we'll take care of that in the final preparations all right so now we've got it all assembled and now we're ready to start planting the best thing that i found to do is first i like to plant the top but i like to go ahead and fill the bottom up with soil makes it more stable so we're going to fill up the bottom with soil jerry's going to help me because these are big bags that broke so he's going to help me we're going to fill it up with soil and then we'll start planting the top which one do you want to use [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] hmm [Applause] [Applause] that's probably good i'd rather be able to add some then so okay yep we're good when you're adding in your potting soil you want of course make sure that you pack it down as much as you can this potting soil is nice and fluffy we want it nice and compact that will help you can also adjust your tear at that point now what we're going to do is we're going to plant the pot first now one other little addition that i got from kinsmen this is completely you know optional because this is at the nursery this is not going to be on irrigation we're going to have to hand water this this is what they call a basket well so this is a really fun little thing that they have that you can buy not super expensive at all and basically you put it in the bottom of your hanging baskets and so this will hold water in the bottom has holes in the top where the soil will be touching and so it can kind of wick up water a little bit not necessarily a self-watering container but it certainly will um help retain some moisture now jenny's short somebody use my bucket as my stool and we're going to get some soil and start filling in just the bottom so here we go got my little bucket and you have to fill this by layer by layer you can't just like fill the whole container it just doesn't work as well so just this is where gardening gets dirty and it's all right so you're going to fill in the bottom and you're going to have soil that spills out of the holes a little bit that's why i like to plant the top first so that you don't get the plants underneath you all dirty now on this basket there's 18 holes on the sides so i have three plants that i'm going to use i'm going to use the um white licorice this is the helichrysum this is the one that's really vigorous it's the one that you see predominantly over in the pot behind me it gets really wild and kind of woolly so this is fun it brings in a silver color to it and i'm just tossing pots because you know we're gonna we're gonna make a mess here again this is one of the most vigorous ones now you got a little finagle in here okay there are little slits in the holes she says that a four and a half inch pot will fit so see there we go i've got my root ball in there the plant part is falling out and then i'm just simply going to nestle it in there now because i'm using three different plants basically i'm going to have three plants in a section then i'm going to alternate them so right now the white licorice is on the bottom next time it'll be up here on the top and then i rotate so that there's not just one block of the same plant all the way around now you can do that that's a total you know preference choice that you get to decide how you want to plant this um this is the creative freedom in the whole thing so what i'm going to do now is i like to plant all of the bottom and then come up and plant the top so this is black sweet potato vine so it's going to go here it can be a little uh tricky getting these guys in so if you did have a smaller container pot size it would work maybe a little bit better i have did find that the ones that had the more vigorous root system went in a whole lot easier so you're just going to stuff them in there but that's the great thing about having a nice mature plant is that it doesn't mind too much if their roots get a little disturbed so there we go with that now this pot is going to be slightly different than the last one simply because we're talking about like a six to eight week difference in planting and i don't have some of those plants still available so here i'm going to over there i used the large terrenia the blue terrinia i'm going to use chocolate drop coleus on this one i wanted to use it on the other one and we were really low on supplies and jerry was like you can't use it we don't have enough um so i'm using it on this one and the reason i do have terrenia that i could use but the main reason i'm switching it up on the on this one is because the terrenia has gotten completely lost in that container like you can barely see that there's even any terrinia in there so i'm hoping that maybe the coleus is a little bit more vigorous and can stand up to the helichrysum and the black sweet potato vine so what i'm going to do is just continue my pattern all the way around the bottom add in some more soil and then continue my pattern around the top [Music] so [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye [Music] one thing that i did find challenging about doing this container is when you get up to the top you start running out of room for your root balls to go so you just got to make sure you kind of tuck them down in there and everybody is nice and happy and snugged down and pushed down as much as they will go it's amazing it does not take long for this to fill in so that's all pushed down we're gonna do another little bit of a thin layer of soil on top of here and then we're going to put the flower power and the color now pamela crawford does of course she has a book which is very helpful i did get it because she goes in there and tells you exactly the method and how to plant these and she gives you plant suggestions plants that she has found in her experience that maybe do really well on the side because some plants do better on the top than they do on the side some just do not do well in the side at all so what we're going to do for our big flower power on the top is the super bells grape punch really the grape punch is what inspired this whole container for me because this spring i saw them growing and they were gorgeous and i loved them and i wanted to use them in a container so with these guys you're not going to plant them because there's has such extensive root systems in here you're not going to be able to plant them like this you're basically going to plant them on their side which works well because super bells hate to be wet they hate to have wet feet so we're just going to go in here lay them down snug them between the other root systems as you can and just really kind of push them down in here now again i ran out of plants so i didn't have enough of the grape punch that i have in there so what we're going to do is we're going to alternate with the super bell double blue same color palette but it'll be a little bit of a different texture because it is a double bloom i think it'll be a sweet little addition so i'm going to alternate between grape punch and double blue i had to think for a minute all right so i'm just going to put those in there okay so there's six total in here she actually calls for 12. i don't know how in the world you'd fit 12 of them in here so we're just gonna go with six when um and then we're gonna go with this centerpiece i'm gonna go with the diamond snow because it'll get a nice tight white mound pamela says that palladiums work great and white caladiums would be gorgeous but when i planted the first one their the caladium simply weren't ready it was still too cool caladiums are now ready but i kind of wanted to keep it a little bit consistent so we're just going to tuck it in there as such and then backfill with soil it's not going to take a lot because there's so many roots in here obviously you're going to have to water the top basket part a little bit more than what you would um you know the bottom because the bottom is going to have a lot more of a soil reservoir and we'll hold on to the um moisture fertilizer a lot more so we're going to do is get the soil in there and because we are using our professional soil this is not the proven winters there's absolutely no fertilizer in here so i'm going to go ahead and sprinkle the slow release on the top so that way it'll work itself down every time we water it will be fertilized obviously this is going to be a full full sun spot right now the clouds have graced us with their pres so um but otherwise this would be sun up to sun down i'm going to go ahead and get some mulch on here and then this top part will be [Applause] done rolling rolling rolling okay the top part is planted now we're going to start on the bottom now the bottom part is really fun again i'm going to make a substitution because i do not have any supertunia bordeaux it flew out of here so we're going to use a bunch of royal velvet now to begin with around the pole we are going to use the angelface super white angelona now these are nice and big i went ahead and used four around the pole and the last one so basically we're just going to go in and kind of do the four corners now i know that i need to add soil here but for right now it's okay because the plants will just kind of sit on top and then as i plant i will add the soil in there you'll notice and i like to do front to back side to side that way i know my spacing is right so we get four of these guys in here these will branch out and get nice and thick as they grow you can see i mean obviously back there their loving life if you have some that start to get a little too leggy and long and start to kind of flop over like some of mine are doing just go ahead and cut them back it's all right pruning on a plant is a good thing it will actually help you have branch out and get thicker stronger stems i've already cut some of those after today or this afternoon i will probably go ahead and cut some more so basically i have surrounded the pole with the angel phase super white i'm going to go ahead add some more soil to this and get in there between your roots because remember you don't want any air pockets between your roots that is not good and even though this is a very large container you will notice what did i do did i add anything to the bottom to take up space no you want to use all soil because your soil holds your water your soil holds your fertilizer you can't packing peanuts pine cones plastic water bottles do not hold moisture and they do not hold food so do not put that in the bottom of your pots so no no i know you think in the long run it's going to save you money but it actually hurts your plants so don't do that now what we're going to do is come in here with three diamond frost euphorbia now i debated on whether or not to actually put these guys in this pot they're in the other pot but you can't see them because everything else took over but there are little tee tiny little pockets of euphorbia sticking out so i said well we're just going to go for it anyway and we're going to stick them in there i'm only doing three so whereas my angel face we're more of a square this is going to be a little bit of a triangle and as you can tell everything just kind of blends together eventually so you don't have to worry an extreme amount as far as like the exact spacing because they all just go together and um yeah they get very happy i'm wearing a white shirt today which you know normally i would not wear a white shirt when i'm planting but this is a fun one this is one that christine made us and on the back it says life is too short for minimum spacing i mean that certainly applies to this container right normally i don't follow that theory but on this container i am life's too short for minimum spacing here we go now what we're going to do is go around the bottom and i've got more of my white licorice that's going to go in there i have got royal velvet supertunia that is going to go in there i will double this up because i don't have any bordeaux and then my last one that i'm going to use is the sparkling amethyst verbena because they're going to be gorgeous they're going to fill in so what i'm going to do is just go around and basically alternate plants one than the other fill it in with some soil and then we'll go from there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] go [Music] okay friends everything is planted it has got water uh not water so i bought time release fertilizer on it i mulched the top i did not mulch the bottom because there's no room to put mulch um so of course you want to water this in really well you're going to notice the first couple of times really for a while that you water in the top you're going to have some water come through your holes it's fine they'll be okay i promise so you really want to get this nice and saturated in there of course this is you know we're getting into the hot part of the summer here in north carolina it's a little later than i would want to as far as planting this but it is what it is life happens right and you get it done when you get it done so we're going to get this nice and watered in and then come to the bottom of course the top will drain to the bottom so it's very happy as far as maintenance on these containers what i will do of course is use the water soluble fertilizer you can use them in conjunction with each other in tandem they are different types of fertilizers they work in totally different ways but it's a great to use them together because obviously the water soluble is more of an instant fertilizer form an instant food time release of course is released [Laughter] good times so the two fertilizers work totally different from each other time release is based and released off of the temperature the water soluble is more of an instant food so they work great together and you're going to need lots of food for these flowering plants that's what gives you that nice lush dark green color that's what gives you your flowers if things get a little too long and leggy and just get really out of control all you're going to have to do is take your scissors take your clippers and just pinch things back remember all of this will handle pruning really well obviously right now they're nice and watered in they're you know as we like to say like little little rats but they'll bounce back as soon as they dry off clearly the one next door is very happy this one will only take a couple of weeks to catch up to next door these are sisters they're not identical twins they're sisters they're cousins they have very much the same look to them are they planted the exact same way no do they have to be no can they yes again this is the freedom of gardening you can do it however you would like to but again i hope you have found this interesting i will link kinsman gardens in the video description so you can go there and check out the whole system if you are interested in doing this in your space again this has been a really fun whimsical container here at the nursery people are really excited and have enjoyed looking at this guy next door so i hope that you have enjoyed this i hope you have been inspired go out and create something unique and different just have fun in gardening because if it's not fun why do it have fun get out there do it enjoy life y'all have a great day we'll see you next time bye friends [Music] you
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 61,490
Rating: 4.9575891 out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, North Carolina, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, butterfly garden, coleus, shrubs, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, landscaping, landscape design, plant nursery, proven winners plants, proven winners perennials, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, cottage garden, summer garden tour, hydrangea, succulents
Id: iijr-Uh_9Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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