How I Grow Ranunculus & Anemones + Planting Sunflower & Zinnia Seeds! πŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸ’š // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so today i want to do a couple of things first off we're going to talk about our ranuculus and anemones they have performed beautifully this year so i just want to talk through kind of our growing process and we're going to cut a few and make a bouquet and then i want to go out to the cut flower garden and direct seeds from zinnias and sunflowers now i could have planted seeds for zinnias and sunflowers like i don't know a few weeks ago um temperature wise because it has been warm enough but it has been so windy i mean you guys know those of you who've been watching our videos it's been so windy this spring that it's almost not been worth putting out seedlings everything i put out there is suffering because it seemed like i would put something out like the snapdragons and then that night it wasn't calling for wind but it happened to be a super windy night so they got a little bit beat up and that's just the way it goes and they will rebound i say they will rebound i'm hopeful that they will rebound most plants do but it has set them back quite a bit so i've just kind of held off on planting seeds because i've just been afraid that i'm not going to be able to keep them wet enough and so forth so anyway hopefully the weather kind of straightens itself out if not i'm going to be out there with a hose all the time trying to keep things wet until they germinate russell did you find the bucket of water i brought my stuff out to cut now the vegetable garden right now where the ranunculus and anemones are is in full sun if i was to want to come cut them like in the shade i'd have to come out here really really early so we're just gonna go with it they're looking beautiful it's kind of funny because i planted these with the full intention of being able to cut most of them i thought if i plant them in mass and my raised beds and i'll just i won't feel bad about coming in and cutting them but it turns out that i look at this space way more often than i thought i did and i have enjoyed them so much and the color in here and the colette climbing roses on the arbors that i just haven't been able to bring myself to cut very many of them because they're just like a giant bouquet where they're at oh well as long as we're enjoying them right i posted a little video on instagram the other night showing this arbor with the coalettes it's looking amazing and you might remember i pruned these back hard and they have benefited so much from that i mean look at all the buds all the blooms you can hardly walk through because technically i should be cutting all of this like growth right in here so that you can make your way through but they're so pretty i can hardly do it so you walk through here you can see in this first bed we have anemones some of which are spent but some of them look really good so we've got pastel mix toward the front here so you'll see some kind of blushy pink and lavender a little bit of blue and these are the white with black eye right here anyway we started seeing color on these toward the end of april so i'm really surprised here we are in june and they're still going for it the ranunculus look at these oh my goodness see like wouldn't it be hard for you to cut from this because it looks so pretty love it so much look at those love this color blend right here this is labelled champagne i believe right here in the front and then salmon right there and then i can't remember what this variety is let me try to find the tag labelle white pickety is the name of this one all of my corms came from floret this one right here is called marshmallow i really like the soft color here and then this one is called rose gosh they're pretty so i did pre-sprout the corms which i do think helps so you take the little corms or bulbs that um you get and they're like these little hard like hard as a rock little things and you stick them in water for like four hours and let them soak it does say in the instructions that you need to like keep steady water going into the um bowl to keep it oxygenated i just kind of walked by it every 30 minutes and stirred it with my finger and i found that to be just totally fine and they swell up like a couple times the size that they were when you started out and then you take a tray anything like a sheet pan even it's got little sides put a little layer of soil at the bottom that's been pre-moistened just slightly lay your corms out on it and then cover them over with soil and put them somewhere cool i put them in our basement which is like 55 degrees ish and you do that for like 10 to 14 days so i pre-sprouted i don't know if i just said started the pre-sprout process on march the first and then i took them out of the basement on march 13th and planted them outside and i was surprised like they had some massive roots going on some of them the ranuculus were way further along than than the anemones um like some of the anemones didn't have any roots at all and i kind of thought oh well we'll see about this but all of them seem to have sprouted and they're all growing beautifully so when i planted them i did amend the soil so we've got some land and seen some biotone compost like i do with everything in there there is drip irrigation through those beds so they were getting consistent water and i just made sure to keep them lightly moist i didn't let them dry completely out and i didn't water them heavily and still until i started seeing some growth because i didn't want to rot the corms and then i want to say like i started to see growth on or blooms rather on the anemones right at the end of april so only took like a month and a half from planting until the first bloom and then the ranuculus started in about the 7th to 10th right around there of may i started to see some blooms and then they've just been blooming ever since so it's been several weeks i haven't fertilized with anything else just what i put in initially when i planted them um so i've been super super happy now with ranunculus when you harvest the blooms you want to harvest them when the bloom isn't completely open you want it to be kind of like a spongy kind of bud like a little bit bigger i'll show you here in a second and typically you can get over a week like seven to ten maybe even longer days out of them in a vase which is amazing and then your anemones you do want to just pick them right when the bloom has opened and typically you can get about 10 days out of those and you do want to use floral preservative with anemones for sure i'll probably throw some in the vase for both of them so take this marshmallow variety for example you can see blooms in all different stages of growth i guess you could say these right here the petals look like they're about ready to fall off and then we've got some kind of in between and you can absolutely cut blooms that look like this just knowing that you're not going to get quite as long of a vase life as you would if you picked something like this right here this is kind of ideal so you've got a nice bud here that's not fully open it feels kind of marshmallowy kind of pillowy this is perfect this is kind of what you want for maximum vase life and then on our anemones here i mean you can clearly tell wouldn't want to be cutting any of these it looked kind of brown on the edges something like this this one's beautiful and fresh this is what i would be looking for right here this one also looks really good gosh these are so gorgeous i keep popping back over here into the shade to talk to you guys because it's a lot easier than squinting at the camera and it's supposed to be hot this week 104 on thursday so anyway i kind of want to make at least one arrangement to show you guys before it gets so hot and probably starts making these uh more cool season flowers start to fizzle a little bit so i'm just gonna go ahead and cut a bucket full of these flowers and then we're gonna take them somewhere i'll make an arrangement uh for the house and then we're gonna head out and plant some seeds [Music] [Applause] [Music] gosh aren't these so beautiful so there's the ranuculus i almost don't even need to put these in a vase i could just leave them in their buckets they're gorgeous i did pick some of the ranuculus that were a little bit more open just for demonstration purposes with our arrangement today but these other ones that are tighter in tighter bud form will last longer in the vase and then there's our anemones looking gorgeous there weren't as many nice anemones as there was ranunculus and these have a ton of buds still on them like some of these you pull one out you can see down here they're forming new branches with new buds all along the base so i think we're going to still get some weeks out of them i mean unless this heat really takes it out of them we'll see so hopefully this will help just to have a little visual here and we're in the shade so we can see more detail but this is the kind of bud you want to look for kind of spongy and soft but not open yet nice and fresh this one is open a little bit more even more right here and this one i think could open even more than this but you'll clearly get longer out of a bud like this than you will out of something like this they're all gorgeous though i think it's nice to have all of them in a vase they bring different texture i do think i'm going to run around and grab a few other filler items from the garden and i'm gonna grab a vase or two and we'll see what we can come up with okay i grabbed some random stuff out in the garden i have no idea how these are gonna come together but i had a wild branch on a smoke bush that i thought i would maybe use there's some angelica here yellow columbine i've got some penstemon hearty geranium i've got a bunch of glorious roses right now but i really want the ranunculus and anemones to be the stars and i think i'm going to do one arrangement for the anemones and one for the ranunculus so i'm gonna use this for the ranuculus and the shallow one for the anemones [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well the breeze is starting to pick up a little bit so i might fuss with this a little bit once it's inside but you can kind of see the general look i think it turned out really pretty so i did use some angelic in there which is a nice bold texture but it doesn't take away from the color of the flowers there's some honeysuckle penstemon grapevines uh plum branches look at that honeysuckle right there makes it smell so good and here's the arrangement with the anemone it turned out really pretty i ended up using mostly just the white anemones because i liked the white with yellow columbine a little bit of red with the smoke bush leaves and then i did use a little angelica in there too you can see it kind of popping out the back there kind of down here wonderful filler if you ever plant that though watch out it multiplies and spreads like crazy be careful with that one definitely more of a kind of meadowy look which i really love and here they both are i really like how they turned out i just love that we can run out and just gather up a few things out of the garden throw something together that's pretty for the house love it and they both have kind of a free-form nature about them that's kind of how most of my arrangements turn out i like to have some like towering branches above everything else looks just i think a little bit more like the garden when it's like that okay so now i'm gonna go gather up my seeds for both sunflowers and zinnias i still have flats of things that i need to plant out in the cut garden space and i'm honestly running out of room so i think that i'm not gonna plant well i know i'm not gonna plant near as many of either of these two things than i did last year last year i did 1700 feet of sunflowers and oh boy i want to say i did maybe like 100 feet of zines collectively between the two rows that i had them seated in anyway it was a lot that creates so many flowers and i don't need that many so i'm pairing it way down and also i want to have room for all the other things too [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] sunflowers are done far fewer than last year you kind of learn every year how many you actually or how much you actually need to plant of everything i planted way too many sunflowers last year i did not amend the area at all because sunflowers tend to not like that so you might notice like there's corn in the last 16 feet of each one of these rows and i did compost i mixed compost in before i planted that and they're all starting to come up but i didn't do anything for the sunflowers same as last year and they should do great so i started off on this side with the saturn sunflower from proven winters this is a new one for 2022. i tend to like to try new plants out in different applications so like row crop style like this i'll also put some in containers and in flower beds to see how they mix with other things but this one's different than this incredible and then it has a red ring around the center they typically grow two to four feet tall and wide and here where it gets very hot and they get lots of sun usually the sun is behind a cloud currently and it's lovely because it's supposed to be 100 degrees today but anyway um yeah they usually get on the larger side so this should be a really pretty stand of sunflowers it already is let's run through the other ones just real quick maybe we'll pop a picture up on the screen so you can see but we've got pro cut plum this one for me last year was the earliest to bloom other than the ones that were already blooming when i planted them but the first ones from seed that were blooming and the quickest to fade so this is one where i will probably succession plant i'll plant another crop of these in probably two or three weeks time so i've got a succession of harvest blooms to harvest and i did roughly six feet of each variety here the next one's pro cut white night i grew this one last year as well a white sunflower with a dark colored center very pretty pro cut lemon right here did not grow that one last year or the next one which is lemonade and honestly i think i would have to see the pictures to see how these differ they probably look pretty similar we've got velvet queen at the end here that has been a variety my parents have carried in their bulk bins down at the garden center for ages so i always like to have some of those vanilla ice right here i picked up a couple of seed packets i think they were botanical interests anyway i took two seed packets to get my six feet there but that one i'm excited for autumn beauty beautiful um kind of mix of autumn colors drop dead red which i think is gonna look fairly similar to the autumn beauty evening sun i think these are red these were in the bulk bins too i think i grew these last year i need to take better notes mercy then we've got florenza right here which is a branching type and then we've got sunspots which are awesome they grow like three to four feet tall and they get massive blooms i grew them last year actually started the seed in july and they were up and blooming beautifully i think in september by september it was pretty amazing and then we've got the sun gold which are like the teddy bears really full lots of petals well it's a darn good thing we have a little bit of cloud cover this morning i tried to get out early to get this started knowing that it's going to be over 100 today but i think that that will make these seeds grow really really quick so i did space them roughly 12 inches apart seed packets usually say 12 to 24 inches apart i am kind of planting zigzags in my rows so i think it maximizes the space and i can fill or fit rather more in an area and then i buried the seeds about a quarter to half inch deep i don't really kind of measure i just throw them in and usually we're good all right so the last thing i want to get planted are the zinnias which i'm going to plant in a different quadrant of the garden and i'm just going to do one row this year if i have enough seed we'll see yeah i think i'm going to have enough seed let me go over these really quick so i do order quite a few of them from johnny's i picked these up at my parents garden center um this one i think i meant to get more of because i actually used the envy in so many different arrangements last year because you can use it either cool or warm in either color palette but it looks like i just have the one which is okay and then the busy bee sent me these in one of the packages we opened up so we've got melon light orange yellow baby pink and peach we have got queen lime orange beautiful color on that one queen red lime cinderella peach oklahoma white queen lime with blush this is also a really good one that you can kind of use like an envy and then there's the beneries banerys i don't know how to say that giant salmon rose huge salmon colored one i think that's gonna be a gorgeous mix let me refresh myself here we need to go quarter inch deep every 9 to 12 inches perfect and we're going to be planting over here [Music] row of zinnias almost done so my seeds start here and they go almost all the way down until the last white tag here i've got a flat i remembered kind of halfway through planting that i have a flat of california giant 72 count flat started and growing in the greenhouse so i'll finish up that row as soon as i have a chance to kind of harden them off to the sun i'll probably move them out for an hour to today and then do that for the next couple of days and then i can move them out here again i planted four rows here kind of zigzagging the seeds so i can maximize my space i probably did not leave enough room in between rows so i've got tons of snapdragons which are now just starting to kind of thicken up and branch out which is very exciting really hard to see them right now um and then i only have one more free row in this space so this actually does have red mahogany let's see mahogany splendor hibiscus which is red it's hard to distinguish those seedlings from the dark soil at the moment but hopefully the heat will make them just take off but this row right here i still have open but i have a ton of seedlings still in the greenhouse to plant out and then i have got approximately one and a half rows left over there and i've got a bunch of amaranth and things like that to plant over there based on the space i have left and the seedlings i have left i actually don't have enough space left in this garden to plant everything um we have a lot of open space out here though i've got a ton of tomato plants i said i wasn't gonna do a ton of tomato plants i have four planted up in our raised beds but i may just line the rest of ours up out here and i'm not going to prune them or anything i'm just going to let them grow and whatever they produce they produce um just to take up some space out here and then whatever flower seedlings i have left over i'm just going to work into flower beds in our garden and you know out here possibly but we do have some fun stuff going on out here like the stock is gorgeous right now um and i've got a whole bunch more stuff there's some over here and some here uh and then the potatoes are just massive and starting to bloom which means they are really starting to pack on the tubers they're starting to form those tubers underneath the soil you can see how thick our row is how wide it is i did four rows here so technically i've got 240 feet of potatoes planted in this small section um the onions i started from seed that i thought died are looking amazing and the celery is looking great in fact i need to start using that i could probably harvest and donate some of that at the moment that's right here um cabbages are looking good starting to form and the last thing i want to show you is this bee's friend look at this beautiful plant this is one of the ones i started from seed and the seeds did not blow away but look at that facilia i think is a botanical or bee's friend is the common name gorgeous long stems i haven't cut any for cut arrangements yet but i'm gonna here pretty quick i'm just really happy with it it's so pretty and that's gonna be it for this video we will have a few more from the space in terms of planting and then we just need to watch everything grow i expect everything to kind of explode over the next couple of weeks with all of our heat and we just recently upped our water so we were doing 15 minutes once a day for everything in here and now we're doing no we were doing 20 minutes yeah 20 minutes once a day we kicked it up to 30 minutes twice a day um yesterday because it got to 100 and everything was like oh my gosh so until it gets used to the heat we're just going to supplement with a little extra water and then we'll start backing off just to once a day again um also it's really helpful when you have seeds planted to do twice a day otherwise you have to pull a hose around because you have to keep those seeds wet until they germinate at least and get a little bit of growth so right now i'm actually going to grab the hose and water in everything that i just planted and then tonight the drip will come on and hopefully from this point like after i water them with the hose now i won't have to do it again so anyway thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed this video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 211,902
Rating: 4.9672661 out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: JGuaxUxbuG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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