Are You a Local Celebrity? // What Kind of Lumber Did You Use for the Raspberry Beds? // Recap 🌿

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hey guys how's it going welcome to this week's recap video if i look tired today it's because i am why well last night we went to bed like at midnight oh sure because last night yeah and then i got up at three with samantha grace and then i got you up at five because she got up and then i could see you in in the nursery like kind of rocking her but with your eyes shut and you looked so tired and so and i wasn't feeling like super tired at the moment so i decided well i'll do them a solid and i'll go get some take her downstairs anyway i'm like i'm struggling today and it's like the first really hot day of the year yeah can we turn the fan on in here yeah it's clean so it's not gonna like i know how do you turn it on uh i think you pull the thing the the hold on oh that was the light oh yeah just like a week ago if you would have turned that on like dust would have just blown everywhere is it gonna be too loud is that too loud uh it is going kind of hard oh it's kind of nice is it yeah as long as it's not bad for you guys like my mic's here it's kind of under my shirt i think it'll be all right there's a little dust a little dust anyway let's get right into the videos from this past week the first one was planting 288 dahlias and 75 glads um so that's what i did in that video i just went through i mean sometimes i feel like it's a little bit redundant because i did the same exact thing last year but there were new varieties and then um the top comment was from risa uh kent uh was when i said can our editor is probably cursing my name about now because at the end i thought you know what this video has been all brown like everything's brown out there it's like a dusty brownness and it's not very pretty right now so i thought well it would be really pretty to end this video with pictures of the dahlias that i just planted but i knew ken was probably like and he actually told aaron that he was editing that video and he thought yes i'm getting to the end of this one you know i've almost got it buttoned up and then he heard me say and then he was like oh but he's always really great about it and that did take a lot of extra effort so um the rest of that comment was we appreciate the effort ken the photos are awesome thank you yes ken thank you very much for that because it did make the video um a heck of a lot prettier brittany sue said dang girl do your knees and back ever get sore yes love your house and gardens i can't wait to see them all come up will they be up this summer or fall the dahlias yes will be up this though they should be up here in the next i would guess like week or ten days or so we'll start seeing some growth um it takes them a little while to get going i remember last year i thought for sure they had all like rotted in their holes because it took long enough to where i was like i got to it too late they were all dried out and i just had to be patient so this year i'm not as stressed about it because i know that they'll come we'll have a lot longer growing season this year well by about a month yeah i mean the dahlias are in a month earlier but i was just thinking this morning because i i still haven't even planted a lot of my flower seeds out there like sunflowers and zinnias and things like that i'm still ahead if i get them planted now but the first part of june i'm still ahead of last year but it's been so windy like abnormally windy this spring that i've kept pushing like all the planting and every time i plant something like the snapdragons i planted those last week or something like that anyway and then we proceeded to have like the most windy couple of days and that happened with the sweet peas too and like sets everything back and makes them look horrible for weeks while they try to recover from that um so anyway i mean we'll just see what happens i don't know that had nothing to do with that but yes my knees and back do get sore sometimes um my knee is more this year than previous years uh grace emma said what it's funny my niece's name is emma grace yeah how do you keep your mulch from blowing everywhere it's windy in eastern montana where we live and our mulch just goes all over our lawn every year it's such a mess how does our mulch not blow away i don't know it must be heavy enough that it doesn't get picked up yeah it just stays put and out there like out in the wind tunnel it just it stays where we put it which is nice yeah the fact that it doesn't get picked up because that would be oh it'd be wasted money it'd be a total waste of money and time and effort and all of that kind of business uh robin said can we get a link on the tall standing auger you used for the glads please sure we'll put it in the description below kiki numbs 95 said who is this mysterious paul so paul is our full-time help outside we have one full-timer out there and it is paul he's been with us for a year now over a year or just out a year well it's okay so paul came about because um he's the brother of a friend we were putting up that uh cattle panel the fancy friends around the flower garden last year and you and i started to work on it and then we started to realize like how much time it was going to take to actually install it we thought like we won't be able to film videos for like two or three days if you and i do this right um of course he whipped it out in like no time flat i know that's the thing with paul but he was originally just gonna start and just help with that one project and that was it and then he was gonna go find a job somewhere and we just kept having things for him to do yeah we just kept saying like if you want to keep working like we'll keep you busy and so he's stayed around thankfully so thankful he gets a ton done and he's got a really good mind for things out there like common sense he can fix stuff i mean just super super lucky super lucky he's got the like the farm kid mentality yeah you know like you can tell he had to figure things out yeah there's people who grew up in the country and people who grew up in the city and i they have different strengths yeah i like you and i go to a city oh my word you should see aaron and i in a city well but the problem is i feel like i'm kind of the worst of both because you know what i mean like i don't feel like i have the common sense like i wish i had the common sense of some of the farm kids that i see because they just like they just get in there and fix anything but i feel like i also don't have the street smarts of the city kids so you're somewhere in the industry i'm somewhere like in the middle right i didn't get you know a good part of either one d helms 58 said when you need to increase the water for something do you increase the time or the frequency it actually depends um right now when it's starting to get really hot like it's supposed to be 100 plus this week like 102 104 right around in there a couple of the days and then two days later it's the highest like 72. yeah so you know what that means we're gonna have like gale force winds for the second part of this week it really depends on the crop because sometimes earlier in the spring we will water things every other day and then we increase the frequency by watering it every day when it starts to get hot or sometimes with annuals in pots i'll have things to water twice a day if i know it's only annuals in that area and they're in pots sometimes i'll do twice um and then but most of the time i want to say we'll go some will be watered like 20 minutes and we'll switch it to 30 minutes or it'll be at 30 minutes and we'll bump it to 45. like existing flowerbeds like the kitchen flowerbed for example the area where we've got those incredible hydrangeas i don't know if we have to try something different in that area or what the deal is but we've had to monkey with the water over there because those plants just welt yeah but not everything in the flowerbed does yeah everybody wants to know how long to run things but you really just have to run it yeah and then just try things out check it check it the next you know run it for 20 minutes to start or 30 minutes or an hour or whatever and are things wilted or more if it looks melted or if if i mean you just got water everywhere well you probably ran it for too long you know there's no science to it laura said where do you purchase your emitter hose i would love to find it on large rolls uh drip depot drip get the drip tape that has the emitter holes every six inches even if it's something that you have to space 12 inches like the dahlia is it just doesn't work as good as well it's good well as well uh yeah six inches is better you can just run it for less amount of time but i feel like it's it spreads out better too like it just because that drip tape is a little squirrely too so if it gets kind of like yeah where do you think that you're going to put the drip tape down and then put seeds at where the drip holes are the drip tape will shrink yeah and expand based on the weather and so those holes will never be where you think they should be and that's why i feel like the six inch just covers the whole area so it does a really good job peggy said do you have any bug issues with dahlias i remember earwigs and i hear that that's a huge problem with dahlias i didn't have that problem last year um it could be because i was planting in a raw piece of ground that hadn't been planted on for a very very long time and that tends to like you can usually get a year or two out of a space like that before bugs find it um so it might be something i deal with in the future you know in that case i would probably start using some bait um there is some earwig bait i can't remember what it's called you probably flash it on the screen it's a sprinkle bug and slug killer yeah maybe that's what it's called does that have ear wigs on the label i don't know i usually bait for earwigs i don't spray so yeah next video is planting peppers and growing tips plus climbing rose update so in that video i planted most of my peppers i have 26 out there and i will plant hot and heavies when i get my hands on them or mine get a little bit bigger i'm kind of waiting i know i've got some at the growing facilities still but they were small the last time that batch cam plants came over um so it like it depends on who's bigger whose plants are bigger when those arrive so i'll get those planted out and then with my extras i'll just give them away but i went over some tips on how to like make sure your peppers are thick walled or you know do everything that you can to make sure you have thick walled really tasty peppers with a nice yield um and then i stopped along the way and showed you the zefrin climbing roses on the chicken coop run and the colette roses uh yeah it was kind of like a little bit all over the place but first comment was from for the love of pete hey laura it's great to be ready to have those peppers steak yes i'm so proud of myself so every one of those peppers i have a steak next to it with a little tie even though it's not like tying the pepper up yet because i'm waiting for the peppers to be big enough to steak but i'm ready when they are uh the rest of the comment says but have you staked the delphiniums and miss campus cabaret have you no are you serious so not yet i did notice one of my delphiniums is kinda leaning over i need to get on that like right away i just like it's the last thing on my brain and i don't like to do it so i just kind of tend to like not do it yeah joanna said how do you keep rabbits from eating pepper plants do rabbits like pepper plants i think most things they don't like it i don't think they eat pepper plants but you don't know that for sure no i don't but i may have a rabbit problem i know that a lot of people plant peppers on purpose to deter other but maybe not rabbits because some some animals don't have that hot sensitivity right do birds right do birds not have that i can't i don't know um if you have a problem with rabbits eating your pepper plants i would put a wire clutch around them i don't know i don't have rabbits tamara said everything looks amazing and such growth i live in your area and i have followed exactly as you instructed i think maybe it's my watering i worry to do too much how often are you watering and for how long so the pepper plants right now they're getting water every day because they're just in the process of getting themselves established and it's very hot and then once they're established we usually back off to every other day to every third day depending on what the weather is like and when when we water i think that zone's going for like 20 minutes right now the pepper zone the sweet pea zone is it 20 or 30 minutes right now it goes 20 minutes every day yeah 20 minutes every day right now lisa decramer said how often and how long do you run the drip tape you grabbed a lot of irrigation questions today apparently i did so 20 minutes once a day but for all four quadrants yeah i think they're all i mean unless we've looked at one and decided to up it a little bit but that's where we that's where it is last i knew the pumpkins need to be running twice a day though oh no i don't have them going twice a day so that one we need to bump up to twice a day because it's seeds and it's 20 minutes twice a day or like 10 minutes twice a day oh let's see probably 10 minutes twice a day okay probably sufficient um and then the raspberry beds i want them to be watered twice a day right now okay um so i did end up planting up the second raspberry bed not with 100 raspberries but um anyway that that one i had to use a different raised bed mix that is like not great not happy with it at all and um it's not retaining moisture at all so i need it to water twice a day but when we were out there so i talked about maybe using our extra lumber we bought enough lumber to build three raised beds and so we thought about doing a strawberry bed next to him but i think what we're going to do is have an identical third bed made just in parallel with the other two and we're going to plant my blackberries in there and i don't think it's going to take very many blackberry plants to fill up those beds but i already have four blackberries that are about ready to bloom right now in pots like big pots by the high tunnels um so i text eddie and i was like please don't hate me can you build it one more yeah can you build one more that looks like that and then right behind them so perpendicular to them that all those beds run parallel to each other and then on this side the windy side we're gonna do a grape structure so it'll be like a grape wall and then our berry beds i think it'll be awesome i don't think i'll be able to plant grapes this year because i won't be able to get my hands on any the garden center's been out for like a month but i'm very excited about it and then we'll figure out somewhere else for strawberries um getting said how many hours of sun do climbing rose and roses in general need the more the better yes the more the better they are full sun lovers so six to eight plus hours six hours at the minimum kathy said where do you get the wire foam ties i don't plant a garden yet and i probably would never do peppers but i sure enjoy watching anything you do that's really sweet the wire foam ties i picked up at my parents garden center i can't remember what brand but we will find them and get some information in the description below rhonda said seeing your leak reminds me of why i'm scared to try drip does that kind of thing happen often any ways to mitigate yes um so nervous that that might occur and go and check for a significant time resulting in a large water bill which i totally feel yet um and that kind of thing does happen on occasion um right there it's just that that poor area has gone through a little bit of stress in terms of having things pulled out having like random connections being made with the drip tubing um in areas with height like high pressure last year we had this problem in our pumpkin patch area wherever there was a connection between two pieces of the black poly especially when it got warm and that tubing got a little bit more flexible and then when a bunch of water came through it would just pop the tubing off and we just have water spraying everywhere you can get little metal clamps is that what they're called yeah it's like crimp crimps crimps they're they're just like little metal circles that you put on your so you've got your piece of drip tube you put the um wire clamp thing over the piece of drip tube and then your connector in and then there's a tool that you can clamp that thing down we could probably crimper yeah a crimper we'll put the picture of all this stuff on the screen and i have showed it before but that helps hold everything to your couplers to where the pressure won't make that happen i did not do that in this case because we're going to be retooling pretty much that whole area and i didn't really want to take the extra time so we're here enough like we don't go anywhere that that was probably going for maybe 10 minutes like possibly 10 minutes max before i noticed it was going on next video was planting full shade window boxes and in that video it was kind of a chilly day and it was uh sputtering rain on and off throughout the day so i wanted to do something undercover and i knew i wanted to replant the kitchen window box and that's really the only window box i intended on on tackling that day and i ended up doing all of them along that side of the house in fact i didn't even plan on planting up most of the window boxes at all we were going to take them off the house except for the balcony ones and the kitchen one so they would be off the house when the house was painted but we pushed that project out anyway um it i think it ended up very pretty my favorite one though out of that whole bunch was the one it's kind of like by our breakfast table little eating area it's got ice by who gorillas and uh double up pink begonias it's very simple but it looks full and striking and very bright don't you think it looks bright erin like i usually err on like dark colored hookers but they get lost i get sucked in underneath that overhang in the shade right so using that chartreuse has really been nice myra said i will take this opportunity to let you know that i am using your channel in english lessons to landscaping for landscaping adult students i choose specific section sections for their listening comprehension assignments and learning vocabulary the visuals are great and grateful for all the details you include that is so cool that is so cool i wish i knew a second language yeah i've tried a couple times yeah you tried spanish i did i took you tried uh japanese too right i took japanese for yeah three years in high school and then um i took spanish at the like community spanish classes at the college with my parents yeah yeah we were trying to learn spanish better because we have a lot of spanish-speaking customers coming in at the garden center and i wanted to be able to communicate um anyway we played a lot of lotteria and i won candies and things like that wasn't a very it wasn't a very great class it was like a uh it wasn't like affiliated with the college it was like um i don't even know like kind of like parks and rec kind of thing you know what i mean yeah i don't know anyway uh the gardening zebra said my front porch is full shade this gave me a lot of good ideas are there any white flowering plants that do well in full shade containers yes there are impatiens and begonias both that will do really well in shade that give you the white blooms a terenia is also one uh is there an all-white terrenia i think there is uh the wishbone flower they're pretty good in shade kayla said you often say hookahra and hookerella is there a difference between the two yes so there's hooker up which is your coral bells there is tiarella which is your foam flower i think and then there's hukarella which is a mix between your hookura and your tiarella so it's kind of combining the best of both of them so it's combining the colors and and toughness i think of hookura um and then the shade loving qualities of the tiarella because it's hard to get uh shade loving plants with like really vibrant colors i think that was the deal anyway it's been a while since i've even thought about that i have that video yeah so if in the video i explained it differently the video is correct and i'm not correct in my explanation today uh audrey said just curious when you do the raised bed or when you do the raised wrap around porch will the exterior height of the windows bother you i absolutely love those window boxes and i'm glad you decided to plant them up again so here's the deal we are thinking of doing a wraparound porch at some point but we have contacted an architect um because we know about this much about home renovation stuff and i would really love for somebody a professional to look especially at the front of our home now that it's opened up and you can see it you can very much so tell where the edition in the 80s was added on and there's some just quirkiness quirks about it so i would love for an architect to take a look and tell us what we can do window-wise because like the shutters on our house are way too small for the windows like that's obvious they were here like that when we moved in some of them are even overlapping because the windows are too close together and it just it's one of those things that i thought you know before we go and like build onto this house let's maybe fix some of these things so are you planning to build on do we need more space no the wraparound porch oh gotcha so i don't want to put that on and then decide like oh let's like mess with the siding and like re do where windows are or whatever i don't know what the deal like what the deal will be and what that person's suggestions will be for us but i'm looking forward to hearing from somebody who but to answer the question will the height bother you of the windows oh is there something wrong with the height of the windows well imagine if you add another foot to your your floor level i don't think it'll make the windows a lot lower that's true but i hadn't really thought about that the lowest window is the one um like by our tv room that doesn't have a window box on it it's like right on the other side of the sun porch and i think we're thinking about taking those windows out and putting in a set of double doors that comes out onto the patio so we can put our dining room back in there i do wonder if it'll make the windows look weird though what adding on the porch well that's something that the architect can tell us and i'm sure that they can do like a rendering on like a digital like let us see yeah what different options would be i'm really looking forward to that because i don't really want to invest a lot in in things like the porch or you know and do it wrong so yeah um shelley said how come you don't use impatience especially the devil ones i just planted the rock-a-pocal rose pink i just planted some in our versailles window boxes last night i did not film it but we'll show you at some point i've still got the boxwoods in there i've got the pink rock-a-pocal impatiens dusty miller and creeping jenny they're very full and the impatiens don't have a lot of color yet so i'm kind of waiting until i have color and then i'll show you guys what they look like right now it's kind of like green but it's very lush jaclyn said does your area get the 17-year cicada invasion no it does not we don't have any cicadas here do we no but not very far away we have mormon crickets oh yeah those are creepy those are really big really big so we went up to the hills one remember benjamin was like six months old or something seven months old and we went up to the hills and it was an invasion of mormon crickets and they're like this big and they eat they're dead and maimed i want to say they're a little bit bigger than cicadas are they um they're like this big like their bodies are huge and so you drive up this road and it was like a plague like it was gross it was like the road was red the road was red and moving with these things and every time you because you crunch a whole bunch of them and then they would swarm on the ones that were injured and they would start eating them it was so i don't even know why we stayed in picnic there because we like spread out our blankets and then we were just like flicking these crickets off i mean they don't hurt you but they're just disgusting oh gross did you get any video from that i don't we'll have to like go back and look i bet i did yeah donna said do you have someone who cleans your windows yes always so clean i get through cleaning our windows and then the sun hits them and they look awful that's how it is with me too there was a few things that erin and i from kind of the gate decided we would budget for and that was for somebody to help us clean because we've both always worked full time and so you know something happened full-time plus overtime yeah because like for a lot of years we were just constantly working well garden answer in the beginning we were working full-time jobs and then we were working garden answer pretty much full-time like yeah on the side i mean every evening and weekend and holiday everything was was to end lunch hours remember i'd run home on a lunch hour and try to get all the photography done and just like try oh i don't know what in the world we had some sort of drive back then but um anyway we realized that some things had to give like if we were gonna put so much time into this then we had to either budget uh for somebody to do this otherwise our windows would be disgusting anyway we get them cleaned quarterly um so for a while there it was cleaned like i'd have jeff come like twice a year or something and now he just has it on a schedule to come four times a year every season to give him a good once over he does a fantastic fantastic job and it's super reasonably priced and i just talked to him about the hartley how did you yeah i was like jeff i think we're gonna have to have that clean not on the inside but like on the outside once a month maybe during the growing season well that might be something that we can all do between me and you and paul yeah that's true you tell him like hey if i told him can you clean that one the windows in the house he'd have it done in like two hours the whole house and all the outbuildings too what's funny though about paul is that sometimes you'll tell him to do something and like 20 minutes later you're like he couldn't have gotten that done when you're like why is this what he does yeah yeah like he gets it done why isn't paul out there water in the high tunnel yeah you know and then he's like oh i already got it done but you go check and it's like it's great i know job all done i know i think he has magical powers we don't know about okay jessica said isn't it always windy out in eastern oregon um how will you pick a date to paint if it's always windy yeah i don't know hopefully next spring or this fall if we do it this fall i don't know see like going back to the whole house renovation thing i don't really want to paint the house if we're going to like rip stuff up you know right so hopefully we get some answers quickly and we figure out what we want to do with this house um it really is an interesting house um one day we will do a house tour inside one day i told erin i need to just like dedicate one day a month like to going shopping for the inside of our house i just i a lot so much to the outside of our house that i just spend so little on the inside just like arranging things i remember you remember in our townhouse erin like i decorated to the nines for every single holiday yeah and i would have like rotating uh flower arrangements oh you have a lot more time back yeah i didn't have kids and i had a small house and my garden was pretty self-sustaining once you have your garden really full there's like no weeds to take care of and the only thing i had to do was water um yeah so i had a lot of time to dedicate to that it's something i do kind of miss but yeah it there's a lot to do in there uh next video is five popular bulbs you can plant now for gorgeous summer colors so i just thought it would be good it's always good sometimes especially because we are getting new people all the time um watching our videos and so we thought you know we should do a video kind of geared for beginners talking about some of those things that you could be planting now um to get beautiful blooms because like you know some things are so popular like dahlias and i know that there's people out there wondering like how come i can't find dahlias you know at the store how come i you know why am i not finding all these really incredible varieties and it's because you don't typically buy them as plants you buy those tubers and grow them yourself so i thought going over some of those things and then showing visually how to do it i went out to the garden and planted all the things i talked about might be helpful so jessica said living in missouri aka clay soil insanity i always find it crazy crazy when laura digs with her hands or even auger when i dig a hole the entire thing comes out in one clump and you have to beat it apart to get the dirt to fill back in around the plant roots the plus we don't really need irrigation for a good portion of the growing season happy gardening y'all with all our various pros and cons and isn't that the truth everybody has something you know like i just talked about my parents soil and how they've got like this pocket of wonderfulness up there but then um you know they have their their struggles like with the rocks that we don't have um yeah everybody has their thing yeah liz said does anyone know flora has mentioned where she got the pot dolly well we've had a couple different ones you can still buy the pot wheels ones yeah but probably wouldn't recommend that the one that we have now i looked it up it's like a landscape dolly and it's not sold anymore are you serious yeah it's it's like out of stock or unavailable i went to the website and you can't get it anymore so but you know what if you're looking for something google terms like um landscape dolly uh or landscape cart and that'll get you closer than um just typing in like pot dolly because there's so many out there i'm like probably i'm like not acclimated to the heat yet so i'm sorry if i'm like super shiny today um yeah a lot of pot bellies are just kind of lame like look at the weight limit also be prepared for kind of like a sticker shop a sticker shock yeah so you know what down at the garden center um we use just like an industrial kind of regular dolly that somebody uh taped some foam insula and probably like welded sides too yeah well they did it well to deck so that we could do two trees at once instead of just one but um what what are those things they look like pool noodles you could use a pool noodle but like you put them around the pipes those great oh yeah like insulation insulation foam you can get them at home depot or lowe's or whatever and they just duct tape those so that it pad the dolly and that's what you know we've used for years down there and it works great can you grow all of these in pots and instead of digging them up to store them can you just bring the pots inside in a bit of warmer place yeah and you could absolutely do that the thing you would have to make sure is one that it is truly a warm enough place to not freeze those bulbs and then you'd have to be very careful with the watering because it's a situation where like when you're storing even dahlia tubers i lightly moistened our vermiculite which was my storage medium and even then some of my tubers dried out a little bit and the only ones that i lost i didn't lose any to rot i lost a few to desiccation they just dried out a little bit too much it's because i wasn't really diligent either with checking on things because you know we had a baby in january and everything just kind of like went out the window priorities changed there so you just have to be very careful not to over water but not to let those bulbs dry out 100 either debbie said where do you buy cannas you can usually like my parents sell them at their garden center i don't think they have any left right now but typically you can get them in bags or like in a little box or something at a garden center and i'm sure you can order them as well and i do see cannas potted sometimes and that's like all of these things sometimes i see them potted at garden centers but by and large it's if you want to get the really cool varieties you buy them as bulbs or tubers or rhizomes or corms yeah denise said i'm concerned about not watering until there's above ground growth so does that mean i shouldn't try them in the landscape here in massachusetts we could get a pop-up thunderstorm without much notice i really appreciate how thorough you are with information gives us confidence to try things that are out of our comfort zone also any info about rabbit resistance would be appreciated i'm just not a super huge wealth of knowledge on rabbit resistance because it's not something i deal with does erin the impatient gardener has a youtube channel she has rabbits doesn't she deals with ask her well i mean she probably has specific videos like with some recommendations i'm guessing i know she has like deer fencing around her vegetable area i think that's what a lot of people do is they just build it up yeah but if you can't like deer fence every everything in your entire yard do you think can people do that you can but there are resistant varieties so um and i wouldn't be too concerned about like if you get a random rainstorm for the dahlias i think what it means is not to like deluge them with water like you would like with seeds when you're trying to get seeds to germinate you constantly keep them wet you can't let them dry out it's different for dahlias you um like i watered mine in that day because i wanted to make sure our powder dry soil was settled in around the tubers it's just that you can't you don't want to do too much like if it was rain day after day after day after day i would maybe be a little bit nervous about that but a random rainstorm is not going to hurt anything angela said where do you purchase your bulbs and tubers um a whole bunch of different places so my parents garden center color blends has been a super great resource floret flower like all the anemones and ranunculus that i have she sent out and they are absolutely phenomenal she actually sent me a lot of dahlia tubers last year too um so many that i stored were from her eden brothers i bought some from them and i've been really happy with the quality i had like one maybe that was mislabeled last year but the quality was great so i reordered from them um i had a few from brex and the dahlia tubers from them were really good uh where else where else have i gotten dahlia tubers i think that's maybe it yeah yeah my so-called life 1977's budget beauty and war said why don't you plant or talk about irises they are one of my favorite flowers and they are one of my faves too they're so nostalgic especially my sister and i were just talking about this she was over yesterday and she was like running around with me on the gator while i was watering and we were talking about irises and how they smell when the sun warms them up and how it just throws us right back to our childhood my mom's cutting garden a lot of irises were there when we moved in and so it just became the cutting garden and she just kind of built on that now like it's it's we walked through it yesterday last night remember it's like there's some big stuff in there yeah to where it's like not very open anymore it's very cozy in there it used to be like all cut stuff sure anyway things evolve but anyway the reason i haven't talked about it is because i haven't even i've planted like maybe maybe 10 iris in our garden since we moved in there are huge patches here and around the garden that were here when we moved in thankfully i planted a few that have like the white variegation in the leaves but i don't think we did a video on it it's coming at some point we tend to do videos as it comes up naturally in our garden very rarely do i do a video that's like some random subject that's not actually pertaining to what i'm doing in my own garden but i do love them they're awesome and you know what if you uh aren't following floret on instagram you should because she's been posting a lot of virus pictures and i think they're expanding their irish production and it's just gorgeous makes me want to grow more uh keira said whatever happened to the gray cat that got into the sun room yeah so like a couple weeks ago i was walking through the house and i had to stop by this window right here because there was a cat sitting right on this chase just like random long-haired beautiful cat and i think he or she is still coming around at night eating the cat food because i leave cat i leave food out for our cats because they're in and out and um so yeah i see that cat around but never back up here in the sun porch however i do think it's not running when it sees me does it run when it sees you oh yeah yeah but i like i spent a long time the other night i could see it at the kitchen door and i just stand there and i just kind of like look at the cat and like don't make any sudden movements and i just kind of let the animal get used to seeing me and then i move slowly away and so now it doesn't move like it it will stay as long as i don't open the door but it can see me moving around and it doesn't spook it um so maybe at some point we will become friends i don't know next video is planting raspberries in our new raised beds that was so fun i love that area out there i mean it's so like exposed and stark still but it's starting to like form and come together and it's just making me so happy i'm so excited about it so i just went through um how we built the we didn't build the beds how we had the beds built eddie and trisha built the beds who are like our go-to he's actually eddie's general generaling he's our general contractor for the hartley um and he does all kinds of beautiful projects he built the fence in the back of the orchard he's going to build the shed in the orchard here pretty quick yeah so i went through how those were built and then i planted heritage raspberries so i just kind of went through some raspberry um tips the plantastic nerd said i just woke up made a nice warm cup of coffee it's sunny outside and i'm sitting on my balcony and there's a new video of my favorite gardening youtube channel life is good have a great weekend everyone love from germany that's cool isn't it awesome how connected we can be to people so far away i mean we have just been able to meet so many cool people and like this community is so like i don't know it's it's a really special thing michelle said do you worry about forget that i said worry about i know you don't worry the water line before she asks you probably answer if i say no no whatever whatever the question is no no uh do you worry about the water line under the path getting damaged from all the gator traffic back and forth without it being in conduit or other protective barrier no no that ground is fairly soft like it's not gonna and that that tubing i would be worried it was pvc maybe because pvc is more brittle like it grows more tubing has some flex to it yeah but and you know what if it got damaged you just do it again yeah it's like a 10 minute job to redo it right um dan said what type of lumber are you using you know what i ah did eddie text me back let me look hold on uh yes it's fur it was nothing special we did have to have it milled into a four by six size because nobody had any and we have a wood mill really nearby so it's something normal that they do it's not like something really special well they just have trees and they can cut them however you want um so we had them cut into four by six pieces we wanted that chunky look without being a railroad tie um and he couldn't source any cedar or redwood i can't imagine how much that would cost though like i was fine using just whatever out there yeah it's fine um so he did do a protective coating though i don't know what it was exactly i'll have to ask him but he did a seal on him to where water wouldn't like immediately start soaking in and wrecking the wood but it wasn't like an expensive type of wood uh kalina said i guess that's all relative right now like yeah i think it's all expensive right now maybe we should have done gold maybe cheaper yeah uh colleen said these are beautiful question though why wouldn't you typically go for bare root versus potted um you know what bare root in the spring i would go for that because one they're way less money they're way cheaper to go bare root and if you get them at the right time early in the spring when bare roots available they're typically dormant and they haven't started pushing growth yet so if you can get them in the ground early they're usually a little bit like you don't have that transplant shock and they're a little bit tougher like right now with the wind we have like the plants are going to be tattered here really quick i'm not like they looked beautiful when we planted them and i knew that it quickly they're not going to look like that anymore because that growth is not used to the kind of weather they're getting out there but all the new stuff that they produce will be acclimated to that out there tina said can you plant blackberries and raspberries together in the same bed any tips for companion plants for raspberries you know the only thing that i would caution you against of planting them together i mean i think they want the same things in terms of soil and water and all that sort of thing but the size blackberry plants get massive raspberry plants sucker all over the place so you just want to make sure that you've given both of them enough room to kind of ramble around a little bit and both of them need a little bit of a structure they need like the horizontal wires that we have the wire cables those will hold all the canes up to where you can manage harvesting from them so keep that in mind hm said why don't you run sprinklers to control the dust well if we ran sprinklers to control the dust we would have a weed patch to beat the band out there we will be here shortly actually chad was supposed to be here today right yeah he'll probably come tomorrow okay so he's gonna finish leveling out the front of this garden space and it should take not very much time at all like he'll be here for part of a day finishing that and then benny um who puts in our uh sprinklers is going to be here wednesday tomorrow is that tomorrow yeah oh maybe i don't know probably thursday probably there's maybe next wednesday we'll see um but the sprinkler system should be like it's imminent and then as soon as that's in we're gonna seed i don't even care how hot it is like even if we did one zone at a time i think that we should we should water first you really want to do that with how that your patch over there is looking it looks so good along the lane because we thought about irrigating letting stuff come up killing it with deadweed brew and then water or even torching it or torching it then watering again letting the next crop of weeds come up and then torching and then keep doing that so we can get rid of some of the weeds out there before we seed grass which might be the wisest thing to do in which case we will be watering and keeping the dust down a bit yeah i don't know we'll figure it out we'll see i just am so desperate to see crafts i know me too i really want to see it it's funny we are like we are like um i don't even know well and then we can um we can get the wire put in and we can start having the robot mower mow it yeah i'm gonna move it i'm gonna move the one from the backyard yeah just much smaller and i might buy another one eventually for the backyard um but i'm gonna wait for a little while because you're gonna end up tearing up a bunch of grass i don't think it'll even be necessary but we did pull out two chairs up here to the front sidewalk and we just sit in the evenings like benjamin loves to play in the dirt he's got a bunch of trucks out there and samantha sleeps in her stroller and then we just sit in the chairs and look out at a dirt patch it's quite fun actually well you just imagine it green yeah um next video was and this is the last video i think uh yeah you didn't get questions from the antiquing day no because that's next week oh it is okay we're almost off from having monday be a holiday because today is tuesday yeah keep forgetting that um filling up large space with annuals for big color so in that video we went down to the college and filled up the area around the fountain which there are eight huge beds some of which have a lot of plantings in them currently and some didn't have very many like a lot of the i think six out of the eight triangles had big trees in them and then two didn't have any trees so they're all a little bit different but i used all the same plants so it was a mixture of some credible sunflowers two can coral cannas play in the blue salvia heated up yellow gallardia supertunia vista bubblegum silverberry fuchsia um a sweetheart lime ipo mia and then i used a few vertigo pennisetums yeah is that it yes i think that sounds about right anyway so every triangle even though they're designed a little bit differently will have a very cohesive feel because all the colors will be the same cockatoo i forgot to get a these are this is the only video i grabbed questions from i forgot to grab a top comment so we'll just skip that cockatiel nation said do they have adequate irrigation in those beds and will they mulch right now no they do not have adequate irrigation are they watering those did you by hand for right now until benny gets out there to do the water poor benny he's like all over the land trying to get everybody's drip set up and here it is like this week going to be 104. so whoa look at that big b erin oh yeah look at that like a hornet yeah oh okay it flew out we're good anyway so no right now the irrigation in those beds is not adequate there is drip in there though my hair is circular i'm gonna start to curl due to all the sweat um but benny will get the drip run and after that they will mulch those beds jordan said okay laura i have to ask because this question has been driving you nuts since i've started watching your videos forever ago why the pronunciation of foliage without the eye foliage versus foliage i started watching your videos and thought oh my gosh i've been saying it all wrong all these years then googled the pronunciation and all the online examples say foliage with the i sound um there was even a video where you said it with the i sound and then laughed at yourself as if it was obviously wrong and then corrected your pronunciation pronunciation back to foliage so i need to know is there something i'm missing i don't want to seem ridiculous talking to another gardener saying it wrong i think you can say it however you want if you want to be cool you could say foliage but you will be wrong it is foliage our region says foliage um and i've heard a lot of other online uh gardening content creators say foliage so i feel like these are my people yeah you're not the only one yeah um saying foliage to me is like saying arbavidi or poinsettia we just we have different regional sayings um and foliage is one of ours that we just say improperly yeah it's kind of like these which means that for us it's proper right it's just like what we hear and people would look at us weird like i even say peony now like that's the one i've crossed over and i say peony my mom still says peony um and so we'll be in the same conversation saying it our own ways uh but that took me a while yeah like it felt foreign to say it that way and i felt a little silly even saying it properly anyway so it is foliage jordan are you gonna switch to clematis no deborah said i always wondered do people know you as laura from garden answer in your hometown we keep a pretty low profile around here i think there are a lot of people who do watch our videos from around here but we don't like like when we're at the college um my brother was actually he teaches at the college and he was like i saw you guys out there planting while i was teaching the other day and it just like super surprising to me that they're not out there like getting pictures and like wanting to you know and i just i don't like to do that i like to keep a very low profile and i like to just get the work done you know like i'm not in it for the fanfare i guess yeah i don't know um well a lot of other people have different mindsets like you know i could see how someone else might be like yeah we can go plant flowers we'll have a booth and we'll you know we'll get our sponsors involved and we'll you know do so i'm not a networker no it's just like no we'll just go and plant and leave and it'll be pretty yeah you guys might not uh believe it but i am actually very introverted i'm like a huge introvert um and like doing social things sometimes like like fills me up i always love doing meet and greets that part of like going to flower shows and stuff i do miss because i felt like i got to meet so many of you guys that i just get to see online you know um but a lot of it it wears me out like i have to be like in my garden i have to be in my garden at home to recharge like somewhere quiet um so yeah i err on the introverted side linda said why were you deleted from comments on you can't eat the grass so there are scammer pages that are pretending to be us that are trying to scam people and it's happening not just to us so it's not like somebody's specifically targeting garden answer but they're specifically targeted in garden answer and a whole bunch of other people too they're doing doing it to other people in the comment section it probably looked like garden answers comment has been deleted garden answers comment and really the comment was probably like buy bitcoin use my link yeah or whatever or you've won a thousand dollars like contact us with your credit card information you're right something stupid don't give your credit card information to anybody ah so that that's been happening um anyway aaron was watching that live so did you see it happening no i didn't see it happen um i got several messages from people about it and then so i logged on quick and the live stream was still going and i watched the rest of the live stream glenda said why do people pronounce penstemon panacetum should it be penstemon only if you're referring to penstemon there are two different types of plants there is the penstemon which is a penstemon it is a perennial plant that has flowers and then there's penicidum which is an ornamental grass different plant categories look completely different but they very similar names so i can see where the confusion comes in there s stephen says at the end we hear water maybe a fountain so let me tell you about this fountain we went down we planted up the beds and then it was late aaron actually aaron and paul came home because paula worked over like an hour of overtime and um anyway so they came home and i stayed and had to water in like finish planting a little bit and water in the last couple of beds and so it's like 5 30 or something and i was like dirty and tired and i just came home we decided to go back the next day to kind of finish up the video and give you a tour and aaron benjamin came with me and so benjamin and erin are like by the fountain messing around and i'm like just chatting at you guys and holding the camera up and i hear this ruckus behind me i turn around to see benjamin who had just fallen in the fountain like this far like chest deep into the fountain and he was standing outside of it like you had gotten him out by the time that i realized what was going on and he was standing there like all upset like i don't know what to do so what happened is there's like this two foot ledge all the way around this fountain and you're sitting on it and benjamin had just been kind of complaining about how bright it was so aaron's like i'm gonna order you some sunglasses right now when i'm thinking about it um so he got on amazon was ordering him some glasses and benjamin was kind of like walking by and tried to walk behind aaron and slipped and found yeah because i knew that if i didn't order the sunglasses at that very moment i would totally forget yeah he was playing what happened is he was playing with one of those little roly-polies um it was crawling and i was like hey benjamin if you touch it it'll turn into a ball and so he did he just barely tapped it and it went into it and then um he thought that was the coolest thing and then he accidentally bumped it into the water so poor thing well i think they survive they float don't they well how where would it float to well well it probably could climb up the edge either way so he was trying to get you know get close to it and look at it and he was squinting it was just just a big we had to cut down we had to cut that part of the video because i'm not going to lie i was like what is going on why is my son in the fountain like i was kind of mad about it yeah because because all i kind of yeah i'm like what were you doing were you on your phone anyway couldn't leave that in the video see it's not always perfect what you see is a heavily edited version of what we're doing in life so never like compare yourself to what we're doing in life because we're all the same all of us uh nancy said will my supertunias bounce back after being shredded after a hail storm i nancy i feel your pain is there any trimming back i should do to the spent in shredded blooms um yeah you can do some trimming supertunias are great about being trimmed they usually flush back really beautifully um was it two years ago we had a garden tour here like second week of june second weekend in june our first weekend in june and we had a hail storm that came through two weeks beforehand and i cried aaron had to leave the house with benjamin because i was just like i didn't know what to do i was distraught because it just shredded our hostas and it shredded everything and everything was looking so good and that day remember i was telling you like i feel good about how everything's looking i feel like we're buttoning up the weed issues we're buttoning up all these projects we're gonna be ready and then that hail storm came through and oh boy that was bad so i totally feel your pain um but the supertunia should be fine the only thing i lost out of that whole storm was one hosta got so severely shredded i cut it all the way back and i don't know why it must just have been like it couldn't handle its life anymore but it just didn't come back but out of all the hostas that were shredded that's pretty good yeah and last comment uh was from katie that's uh looking amazing and we'll fill in great well those cannas be too hard to deadhead the ones that are planted three plants deep three plants deep from the edge i know that dimensions can sometimes look so different on the camera i hope not i read your comment katie i'm like oh well i think it'll be all right i mean i did not plant very thick um in there and i think even though those plants will spread out and and such i don't think it'll be complete coverage in any of the beds because i really wanted them to be like i feel like i overdid based on what they requested like they wanted things to be fairly simple uh low maintenance and that's why i thought well canada's are the only thing i'm putting in anywhere that need to be deadheaded um and so yeah like i didn't feel it like a normal commercial landscape would go about it yeah so i think they'll be okay but there's been canada's in there before sir yeah like two years ago i think i don't remember that i wanted to say there was some like orange canvas is that a thing well probably well yeah there's orange blooms for sure yeah that's probably going to be some uh some orange um pyro what are those called oh the nafophia nafophia those are nice but they bloom like twice and then they lull between that's true but they're still nice they're cool when they bloom yeah they really are anyway that is it for today's video i am going to attempt to go plant some flower seeds outside this evening i'm thinking like let's get them in the ground before these 100 degree days and they will pop through that soil so fast yeah it'll be like a greenhouse outside it yeah it kind of feels like feels like that in this room right now next week we're gonna point a fan right at my face okay or we should maybe use the studio because that's what it's for it's just like it's so nice to use natural light anyway anyway yeah thank you guys for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it i hope you're having a great start to your week and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer Highlights
Views: 159,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c24xlgaRnZM
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Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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