Planting Around Our Neighborโ€™s Pond! ๐Ÿค๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’š // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so i'm really excited for today's project you can see behind me a beautiful pond we are at our neighbor's house so it's just the house right across the fence we were walking around their property earlier this spring and we were just kind of taking in this pond area and just it's so beautiful because they're kind of on a hill so there's a gorgeous waterfall i don't know if you can see it right behind me i'll show you the whole area here in a second but we thought it would be fun to bring some plants and just tuck them in around the pond just a fun change of scenery for all of us so this is the lower level here isn't that gorgeous with the view and the pergola right above it with a nice seating area and they've already got it really beautiful i mean the plants are looking so great and then you can see up here the upper level there's a waterfall a little collecting area another waterfall and then it kind of comes down to stream we'll walk up there in a second and spills down into the main area now today is kind of a weird weather day you can see it's a little breezy it's chilly and overcast it rained this morning but this area here is usually full sun so that's the sort of plants we're going to be bringing over here let's walk up this direction here i love the natural like the little cat tails here the natural grasses there are some hollyhocks in here juniper barberry there's a little patch of milkweed right over here look at this isn't that just so beautiful there's some lilies right up here this right here i'll have to ask him we might be able to move this but i don't really want to plant anything if they usually use this area for some tubing i'm guessing this was just for a temporary project but we'll we'll figure that out block lace elderberry there's a butterfly bush here boxwood and there's just like a lot of really great opportunity for us to tuck some things in here just nice roses and then the gorgeous waterfall and they look down toward the bottom isn't that just awesome i don't get to plant around areas that look like this every day so this is just a really fun project so we're gonna go head back home and start bringing over some plants and we'll just i'm not sure how this is going to go but we're going to try to capture the process for you guys here comes my ride oh they've got a really nice raised vegetable garden area and then here's our house right over here so it's point of reference this is our house right here and we are going to be working right here all right guys so we're over here at the high tunnels now and we've just pulled a bunch of plants that i think are really pretty some of which we've carried over from last year like these roses right here so they will be extremely happy to get out of their plant containers and be in the ground so we're going to see how many of these we can fit in the gator i think this load right here is going to take us a couple trips and then we're going to head over and find some perennials and annuals i just really want to deck it out this is so fun oh my gosh we got it all to fit you believe it yeah including five day lilies you guys that i forgot that i would really like to work in because they are absolutely gorgeous they're called king of the ages and we've got a couple blooms i don't know that they'll open today they might they might open today so we can see it that's a spent one but you can see the color there so pretty and i think that strappy foliage will look really nice but look at this oh plants always look so glorious when they're smooshed together like instant impact in the gator i love [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] all right guys so we've got a ton of plants placed in this whole area they start right up there and there's a whole bunch on the side right in front here and then tucked in to different pockets around the pond i think what i would like to do is just get everything planted and watered in and then we'll walk through all the plants that we chose and kind of what my thought process was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right guys so we got everything in the ground drip was run we mulched and while this was not intended to be a makeover project because this is already a gorgeous area i do think it's going to be so pretty and mulch helps everything it's like that at our own house we add mulch and i feel like it elevates garden beds so much so what i want to do is walk through all the plants and kind of go through some of their stats some of the care instructions and i'm going to start right up at the top and we'll work our way down all right so we are at the very tippy top of the fountain like the tallest part of the waterfall is right behind this juniper here and this is where we started planting we started with this gorgeous black lace elderberry and i know that they like this plant because they have another one on the other side of the pond and i thought it would be nice to kind of draw some of that same interest over like it's just right beyond those hollyhocks there i don't know if you can quite see it from this angle um but these right here zone five through seven super great plant for our area they just they grow well no matter where you put them as long as they have enough sun they're a full sun lover they'll grow six to ten feet tall and wide here if you leave them unpruned they sometimes even get bigger than that but i thought that this would be such a wonderful plant up here because it will provide height i think just this one branch just this one will probably need to be trimmed at some point so that this plant can kind of fill in this gap it's going to be perfect and it's going to be the perfect contrast to their light colored statuary right here so have that beautiful soft kind of dark almost black background to this statue here and then you can see these roses were already here they are oh i didn't even mention blacklist elderberry you can keep them size controlled by cutting them all the way back to the ground every year knowing that if you do that they do bloom on old wood and they produce these big beautiful discs of bloom if you cut them back you do forfeit the bloom but you also can help keep them smaller if you want to so back to the roses these were here i kind of went with what they like color they have color all over the place and it's pink and red and i mean just really fun which made it very easy for me because i was able to be very free with color so the red roses here i thought it would be nice to put three more these are double oh so easy double red roses so there's one here in the front and then one right here back right behind the statue and one right there so these are a zone four through nine they grow about three to four feet tall and wide have these double red roses they're really pretty i mean they just look very soft you do not have to deadhead these in order for them to keep blooming they'll just keep churning out blooms and they're disease resistant so we don't deal with i have oh so easy roses in my landscape and i don't deal with any problems with them thus far and it's been years so i've been really happy with them now every once in a while a rose will throw out a long cane and you can come back in and cut those off any point of the year if you want to size control or shape up this type of rose you do it in late winter early spring when they're dormant you can easily see if there are any dead branches at that point and can get them out or you don't have to i have some that i didn't even touch this last year and they're absolutely fantastic this year they're gorgeous and i didn't really want to add in a lot of things that caused our neighbors to have a lot of extra maintenance i wanted this to be a project that they could enjoy they weren't out here watering there's drip to all of these plants and things that they didn't have to come out here all the time and prune on so there's three of those and then we've got three plain the blue salvia so one right here one there and one here now these are just an annual they will not survive our winter but they are absolutely worth planting they grow big like 24 to 48 inches tall and they get a couple feet wide beautiful kind of velvety leaves have a sheen and they just bloom beautifully with these blue blooms and i thought the blue with the red would look really pretty um no dead heading necessary on these either in fact the calyx that holds the petals on once the petals have dried up and kind of fallen off the calyx still maintains a lighter blue color so they never appear like they need to be deadheaded which is fantastic so let's move down to the next level here kind of our next grouping of plants right here i did leave some natural walkways like to the pond area because i know that they do come in here to maintain there's lilies in there and they'll come in here if they have any algae issues and i know they needed to have some space for that so right here these plants were here and so was that rose but i added three of the pyromania flashpoint nafophia type of red hot poker and these will grow about four feet tall i have a cheat sheet you guys because there's no way i would get all the stats right even though i've grown all these plants i can tell you oh they get about this tall but i don't want to be wrong so yeah four and a half feet tall three feet wide so this will eventually create a nice clump right here and not only do i love their blooms but even when they're not in bloom they just look like a beautiful ornamental grass they add some really wonderful structure so they come up with these bloom stalks that are yellow and they kind of graduate i guess they start yeah at the top yellow and they graduate down to a paler yellow and then a white at the bottom and they'll bloom a couple three times a season we have a really long growing season so we typically can get a lot of bloom blooms out of them these do benefit from being dead headed just for the appearance of the plant but it's a very easy chore to do you come out and just you know pop those off when they're done blooming and then in the spring you come back and just sheer the plant back so you'll come in right here shear it back and then they'll come back fresh for you and these are a zone five through nine um they do attract a lot of pollinators too i see honeybees on mine all the time right in front of them i did a few more of the let's see yeah three more of the salvia playing the blues so that we kind of continue that interest down and then super tunia vista snowdrift which one of these the tag i think the tag says that they get they can get like one to two feet tall and like four feet wide so i'm expecting like yeah they're going to have to maybe tuck some of the branches into the flower bed once they want to crawl out into the grass but i'm expecting them just to kind of fill in this whole area and be a beautiful blanket of white a carpet of white as we move down here we've got three more of the oh so easy double red roses right here a little grouping i thought that'd be pretty right behind this rock i did pop some gallardias in here these aren't the only three i used but i ended up popping the other ones up when you plant these these are the heated up scarlet i've noticed that they look kind of sad for a little while until they take hold take root and these were in a little bit more shade at our house where we were keeping them so i expect i told them like let me know if these don't bounce back but typically in my experience they do and they produce so much color the next plant here is actually a brand new daylily for this year it's called king of the ages they grow about 38 inches tall with their bloom stalks and two feet wide um these are gorgeous and the big tall stems that they produce have six and a half inch lily flowers that are like a apricot like a soft apricot color with a burgundy throat and burgundy margins and they're kind of ruffly they're so pretty i have a few i'm going to put in my own garden as well but i wanted to tuck one in behind this rock one behind that rock there and then one right in front right in right here we've got i think this is a variegated like a northern sea oats grass tasmanthiam i think is the botanical name and this one will put on some growth too but i don't think it'll be quite as tall i don't think these will compete and then we've got more of the supertunia vista snowdrift and that's kind of something i repeated throughout the whole thing just to kind of bring some cohesion so let's move to the very front here so let's start with the top layer these are an annual they are a vermillionaire koofia so i wanted to plant some of these because the hummingbirds are so attracted to this bloom in particular they will find like they will seek this plant out and they will find it and then you'll have hummingbirds all over and i thought that would be so fun if we could attract some there was a hummingbird in our greenhouse yesterday so these will fill in this area here they're growing about this tall and i just started one up there and kind of made a little drift and then we've got lemon jade sedum right here which is one of my favorite sedums you guys know those of you who've been watching our videos i've got this in a couple areas of our garden the reason i like this one so much it'll grow i like 18 to 20 inches tall or so but it has yellow blooms on it so it's a little bit different than the pink blooming sedums and this flower bed here you can see it kind of slopes downward so this will be my tall one we've got some iris back here and a mallow we'll have this layer of sedum and then we have our next layer which is the sweet romance lavender now i did plant initially the heated up scarlet gallardia and they were just looking so poorly this morning i decided you know what this is our neighbor's garden i don't want them to look at something that needs to rebound a little bit i want them to look at something gorgeous from the get-go so i brought the sweet romance over this morning and i love it and the fact that it's a perennial is wonderful too grows 18 inches about tall and wide and it's one of the darkest colored lavenders that i've ever planted and i really like that because i like to dry lavender and if you do that a lot of times when you dry flowers it loses a degree or two of color they get fairly light but since this one is so dark to start with it maintains really nice color even through drying but this one will produce color without needing to be deadheaded through the summer i think they'll really enjoy this one and they'll be able to enjoy this and the seed of for years to come and then our bottom layer here is the supertunia vista snowdrift again we've got a few more of the play in the blue salvia which will provide our really tall blue right here and then more of the vermilionaire koofia just to tie this area together so now we need to cross over to the other side to talk about the rest of the plants in fact i'll just pop right up in here hopefully the water noise isn't too loud you guys it's so nice though i don't ever get to hear that it kind of like it makes me want to put something like this in aaron so so beautiful three more roses just to tie the rose kind of theme together there's one there there and here one more the king of the ages day lily tucked in behind that rock there's a bublia a butterfly bush there and then we've got some white wands of veronica right in here so it's a zone four through eight and it grows about 16 inches tall by 20 inches wide i've got this in lots of areas of my garden and i love it like you can shear it back after it's done blooming its first time and it'll bloom again or you could just leave it alone like i do mine i never shear my back and it just keeps on blooming like there's always color i just saw honeybee leave that leave that one but there's always pollinators around this plant they are wonderful and i thought that the white blooms the bright white with the red roses would be a really pretty look and then there's another supertunia vista snow drift but i think you'll have to come this way aaron to see it i just kind of tucked a few random ones in here so we could have some color right in here uh and then before we head up to the top there is another king of the ages day lily right here which you can kind of see these are spent blooms but you can kind of see the color on them isn't that so pretty like that is right up my alley right there i tucked another one of the flashpoint nafophias right behind this rock and then we planted up this little area right here so the milkweed which is gorgeous is already here and it has a pink tone the milkweed flowers and then the barberry you could take cool as well so i went with some pink stuff over here plus they've already got some really beautiful purple flowers going so i've got two of the summerific evening rose hibiscus now these you guys they have like the bi-color kind of foliage they've got the dark color with the lighter green and they produce these eight-inch huge hot pink flowers so there's one here one here and then there's actually one right there at the back corner of the pergola along with some supertina vista snowdrift around the base of it that's really the only thing we planted up there because they've already got roses going on and a pathway i didn't want to encroach too much but these will grow about four feet tall five feet wide they come up fresh from the ground every year so it's fresh growth easy to take care of you can leave them until late winter early spring and you can come in at that point and cut them back to the ground and then they will sprout back new growth and they grow fast and where there's like the top of each one of these branches they'll just be loaded with flowers i'm actually really excited because they were telling us this morning that we could come back and do updates so i think we'll be back later on this summer to see how things are doing uh three more of the flashpoint nafophias just to bring in that grassy texture and also bring in some cohesion to the area a couple more of the white ones veronica and then we've got supertunia lovey-dovey right here so i think with the pink flowers here the supertunias with a little bit of pink but also the white so it kind of matches the snowdrift is a really nice look and then we've got a couple of well three of the sedum boogie woogie and i just wanted to try them out right here i want to see how they look because i think it would be gorgeous to fill up this whole little section with sedums eventually this is a variegated sedum that has the yellow bloom zone three through nine pollinators love it it's just a really low maintenance plant and i don't even fertilize like no starter fertilizer or anything for the sedums you just pop them in the ground make sure to give them water a little bit here and there i mean even though they're a drought tolerant plant we're very hot and dry here so we have to irrigate ours a bit to keep them happy and then there's one more sedum up top so we popped five sedums called pride and joy right here now these grow about 12 inches tall they'll spread out about 20 inches wide and they keep themselves in like tight little mountains with bright pink flowers and they're just beautiful zone three through nine and i thought for this kind of sloped area it would be a really easy choice of plant sedums you come in in the late winter early spring and cut them back and that's basically all you have to do to them so that pretty much concludes our tour of the pond area it was so fun to be here i mean because we can kind of see this area from our house and we've been down here before looking at it and it's just fun to plant somewhere completely different i mean planting on a slope like this with the big boulders and hearing the water it just got me out of my element and made me feel inspired so i hope you guys enjoyed seeing this and hopefully we will be able to come back and give you guys some updates later on thank you so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 177,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: 1UbNkoe21dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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