Did We Make A Mistake Coming Up Here?!

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so we got a call for three trucks trevor says it's two fords and a chevy they're all the way up here on skyline drive like clear up by spanish ford so they've been up there a couple days it's been snowing a couple of days should be interesting to get them out we got a pretty full crew here today we got tucker with the weather it's 31 degrees it's pretty mellow where we're at but we know we're driving into a snowstorm so we got trevor back he was missing in action yesterday for a wedding right yeah well congratulations trevor no not my wedding my son's wedding congratulations trace and then we got lizzy i just need everybody to answer honestly who takes up the most space lizzy look at me no today you're behaving yeah normally she's like spread clear out yeah this isn't a question of mass all right i'll just like my personality just takes up the whole space if you say so tell your personality to stop manspring so i do not have my sunglasses in here inexplicably because i keep them up there but jamie's are in there and that's how we're gonna do it today [Music] so we are heading into this snowstorm and it is starting to look pretty grim and there's a part of me that thinks that this is uh a bad idea but we're gonna do it anyway right guys we came prepared did we did we i did i brought cheesecake and i brought cheese sticks i brought frosted flakes see if i would have just brought some corn flakes they would have frosted themselves outside oh man that was a reach trevor it's beginning to look a lot like christmas so when rudy's out there he's just going to see a beard because already trevor did you pick up the wrong bag of jokes this morning as a way out of the house oh why are you dragging that through this weather they immediately regretted their decision so siri just informed me that there's a hazard ahead i don't know what that means look at the parade there's a parade over there well we are out of fuel the fuel light is on so we're gonna get some even though i don't want to we're even gonna fuel up the bomby that is frozen we just got the keys that's the first one we'll come to the second one the third one the paige is the one that got stuck and her friends went to help her and they got stuck so all right ladies and gentlemen let's go get a few trucks out of the snow i heard that this road is treacherous even when it's not snowy and icy it's snowy and icy if i said i wasn't a little bit nervous i'd be lying i kind of feel like we're walking into a bad situation we have an option we could turn around but we're not going you feel like you can handle it if you don't hear from us by 8 pm start loading i'm so scared for all of you and bring snacks so we just talked to robbie and we have a plan if he hasn't heard from us by 8 pm he's going to load the big grand daddy snow kitty on and head up here and see if he can rescue us all right so we are taking some bets here on how long this will take okay these are the rules it's from when we get in the bombi till we get back to the truck with all the vehicles recovered at that point i'm gonna say 90 minutes i think we're gonna walk in and walk right out two hours and 15 minutes i'm saying three and a half two hours and 45 minutes i'm gonna say it's gonna take three hours on the nose all right so it looks like none of us want to have to wait for robbie to come save us but we'll be so grateful when he does if that does happen thanks robbie slippery careful we don't want another incident nope we sure don't all right well done what happened trevor there's ice under this here's snow we got to stop them incidents trevor went down wow okay yeah that was early we may have made a bad judgment call already yes i said we cause we're a team there's not a lot of places to turn around on this road the snow's getting deeper and the road is getting steeper maybe we should just quit while we're ahead right here are we are we ahead keep going remember these are full sizes i don't even have snow chains on dude we're in snow drifts here oh is that a turnaround spot trevor okay this is where i'm turning around trevor there's nothing you can do about it is there a nice place up there looks like it didn't [Applause] i know what you guys are thinking i make these shades look good and you're mostly correct if only you had snow chains frozen solid here you can stick it in my armpit i don't think sunglasses are for the week i think they're for people who have too much time on their hands enough time to constantly buy lose remember go back for sunglasses well done boys let's go home head to schedule ford got stuck finished got stuck then the ford got stuck in the ford got stuck okay i'm gonna put this truck right here rudy [Applause] and then the ford got stuck just assures that it'll be here waiting for us when we get back so the last job that we did you'll notice we had a really hard time steering this that was yesterday actually i got up early this morning adjusted the levers i've got foot brakes now so here's to just a couple more jobs stay together bobby we need you so here's one of them this is the first one so that means the pins probably at the third one you can walk in and walk out like you predicted is looking more and more favorable so that that's the second trap pretty fluffy not as much snow as falling here as i was anticipating which is good number three dead ahead okay rudy we're just gonna ease back here so we can disconnect it and turn around and get it pointed down you got your windshield clear i'm gonna work on it we need a reaction from you lizzy words of wisdom i'm gonna be like we're gonna put her in reverse yeah i'm gonna flip it around drive her down i gotta scoot the seat forward first that's number one i keep doing that falling sorry no buckling my knee one three buckle my knee am i unhooked i'm gonna follow you down take it easy tucker jump out if it gets scary [Music] that was great i was trying to stay on top and then i slid off to the left yeah you found the edge through to keep it from spinning so once she's on traction she can drive i think you might be able to get going from there with enough speed to get passed okay do you want to do it just to make sure we can try nice rudy that's fine we're okay let's get this one up and get it turned around and then i can get in front of you and pull this one see what happens how are the snowshoes they're taking a little bit to get used to so a fan named randy send us some snowshoes testing them out so thank you randy for the shoes i'm going to try to run in him a second see how it goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're going left rudy the plan is to get her straight out here and back up really fast and turn around okay she can't see through the windshield [Music] let me see i feel like i'm wearing clown shoes the question is should we get that one out first i think we should [Music] yeah jump in don't spend your wheels get up on top of it we're gonna fall we're gonna fall [Music] [Music] hahaha how are those doing for you i have to walk like sasquatch i'm gonna throw this rope in the back of your truck rudy that way i'm gonna get stuck we've always got a rope and a jackal okay i'm gonna head down first and try to pack down a little different spot you guys just follow look at this i've got one of these so you know they're the real deal like groundhog day same thing over and over again every day she works oh i'll go get this last truck while they're fighting that good news is we're almost all out bad news is they're kind of stuck down there right now [Applause] why don't you give me an update we're getting it it's just a struggle the trucks keep falling through the hard pack the bombay is asking for attention it's only firing on three cylinders till about half throttle and then the other three kick in and it pops a wheelie so that's your power band yeah nice rope yep get yours today at mathsoffroadrecovery.com [Music] so all right go get yours the last melon [Music] that's frozen yeah we're just gonna pull it out onto the road and then load the bomby on where's your gloves that you usually bring for me why aren't you wearing them no driving [Music] i want to point something out here this is the repair that rory made on the indianola job we're on recovery number five since then and it's still holding up we haven't done anything about it go lizzy go go lizzy go can't do anything with gloves on yeah you need to go back to the meat pause you're never gonna let me down are we driving them all the way down back into spanish to the bank so we're not done yet we're not out of the woods yet but what time is it the bombi did it again though what time is it so we left at three four twenty five oh an hour twenty five times how many minutes is that total hey we haven't we're not back to the main road yeah that wasn't the deal he said it was on the trailer i said that kind of explains why we have to travel so far sometimes because once truck got stuck another came up to get it it got stuck another came up to get it and it got stuck so tow companies that been around a while they know that they're just going to get stuck so they just turn it down so then people ask around and then it finally comes to us this is a scary little section of road if i do say myself so there's a song i don't know what it's called i think it's called the truck got stuck but i'm not 100 sure it's my core blonde it's been going through my head all day while we've been doing this recovery i'll paint a comment with a link to that video and you guys can go check it out pretty funny song you'll see why it was going through my head the whole time we were doing this job i got a cheesecake it's a victory cheesecake i brought it all the way up here with me have a bite everybody that was good huh hey uh we made it back to the main road okay cool you know the best weather we've ran into was up here on the mountain it is terrible down there but it's it's pretty nice up here really [Applause] gosh we're pretty bad at parking aren't we at least tucker has an excuse he drives a civic all right paige we just need the story what happened oh no i was born on a sunday so i decided to take a trip to the mountains i made it up but coming down was the problem kind of got stuck called a friend it took forever he was stuck called some more friends they were stuck so i was up there for like seven and a half hours trying to get him out but these guys did it here you go thanks that's awesome love it all right how was that i don't know what to say so we just dropped the vehicles off there at the bank which is where they wanted them dropped off are we toe guys or repo guys i don't know all in all it was a good day so we got there we got stuck we got them unstuck we got us unstuck and we got the trucks back to their owners and we are headed home and it's been a long day and it ain't over yet thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 969,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, sand trap, jeep fails, off road sand dunes, snow stuck, ford off roading, chevy off roading
Id: pzm6xdUYbzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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