There's a Dodge Truck Buried Under There?!?!

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so we got a call for a ford raptor that has slid off the road up on uh smith's mesa so we're gonna head up there and see if we can get him back on the road and on his way yeah it's a little cloudy today no wind which is nice and it's warm don't need a coat we'll find them and get them out it's gonna be a party so i don't know if we mentioned or not earlier but we have lady with us max misbehaves when he's in the mortar that's why we didn't bring him he wants to tear the headliner down so he's got to wait for the jeep to get down [Music] this road right here goes up to the right family ranch it's a place where you can come and camp problem with this road is if it rains at all it can't come up here we get a lot of calls on this road we've had dozens on this road probably got more than a dozen uploaded on this channel from on this road it's dry today like it's completely dry so i'm assuming that this person just wasn't paying attention and kind of drove off the road a little bit and can't get back on not a big deal we'll make sure and get them back on solid ground going too bad oh this is it was a speed related instability oh [Music] right there and right there let me just pull this back on the road time to reorganize it yeah i think it's time start it up roll this window down make sure the parking brake's off okay slowly turn the wheel to the right okay when you back this up onto the road that's where you're going to want to fly now those wheels are turned the wrong way which is the right way see if i can just do it with you idling if i'm not moving at all if i'm just scratching let's give it a tiny tiny bit of gas looking good okay here's your shirt there you go all right ed what happened he had a nice new truck and a family with him and he's lucky he didn't roll over okay so we have to take the more there to spot past kanab and we kind of don't want to drive it since it's kind of a chilly morning the heater works it's just kind of you know we have a truck so and we have this freaking killer trailer lady approves don't you you want to go huh so the reason why we're taking the this trailer is because matt and the crew are out on operation golden nugget with the other flatbeds so we're taking the box trailer let's see if you can load it the blanket loaded it's a tight fit [Applause] so i'm in a dodge and i'm towing a trailer if only my mirrors would go up that's what they're for we're going to get another dodge with a camper shell on it he slid off the road sideways in some mud he's way in there too so we're gonna go you know it's gonna be a chore to go find him i think it'll be all right i think it'll be get out pretty easy there's dry road like 10 yards in front of them hopefully it stays dry but there's not a cloud in the sky so we're good so we're just barely getting to connect where we're going to pick up the customer shortly after we're going to unload the more bear and head up some dirt roads it's gonna be muddy it's gonna be a muddy mess it's a good thing we didn't watch watch the moorberry yet [Music] oh dude hang on pull up dude check this out dude he's gone massive if i was to run cattle i'd get texas longhorns is that what those were yeah how do you know they're texas just because the size of the side everything's bigger in texas [Music] careful there yeah [Music] okay so the approach i'm going to go for here is i'm going to pull off the side pull off the front and i'm i'm guessing it's just going to go up the wash because that's just the nature of it since that fence is there we can't just pull them straight onto the road but we'll walk him up the wash as far as we can until hopefully he pops out hopefully hopefully we can get that tire to raise up we'll be golden are you in four low okay turn the wheel to driver side i'll start pulling you forward and then try to straighten your wheels okay and then hopefully it pops out the top i'm not counting on it so you'll probably ride up to there and then it'll push you back on i'm thinking the more you pull me out like the wheel's gonna want to go that way so yeah yeah but uh yeah once we start moving get this wheel straightened out [Music] he got his tires a little bit straighter and you moved a little bit he's rubbing on that rope really hard i think rudy i think you're moving them enough that you could just pull them straight forward and you can go [Music] [Music] when he backs up and starts to go forward to jerk on that rope spool up your bigger turbo stool these guys [Music] so it took about as long as we expected yeah the job went pretty smooth considering what it was we had some concerns because it had shifted when he went into the ditch so we just had him follow us back here locked it all back down on made he's sure he's secure and now he'll be on his way so we got a call for a cargo trailer out on the kayabab like three hours from here that has a broken spring so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get them back up and on the road this one's gonna be a little different because it's not really a recovery extraction but it's gonna be a trailside repair in a remote location we got lizzie back there it's 98 degrees today so it's a little warm and it's gonna be that temperature or hotter out on the kaibab but it's gonna be fun i'm gonna take a nap i think it's gonna be cooler we're gonna be in ponderosas it's gonna be nice and we're rolling in blue steel because it's all pretty much just kind of county-style dirt road not too bad lizzy and i have not had lunch yet tom tom made a sandwich i had a sandwich he's excellent yeah he's not a team player so he's gonna have to sit and watch me and lizzy eat our lunch so that was delicious tom even joined in with his what did you get a chicken soft taco i took one for the team yeah team player i'm a team player showed a little solidarity there good job what did you get lizzy some doritos shell tacos the best thing there is at taco bell i had a couple burrito supremes it was a good time so now we've got about two and a half hours of driving we'll head up here to fredonia turn right go up toward jacob lake turn right drive out into the wilderness [Music] all right we are here at the job we're about to assess the situation it looks pretty new and not too rusty it ought to come for apart hours [Music] well that was that pretty simple job it's just kind of remote two and a half hours for a 20-minute job yeah it went really good spring came out really easy new one went in no problems so we got a call for a couple of rvs out the sand hollow this morning so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get him we got colin this morning good morning it's the weekend crew and we got lady with us so we left max back at the yard because he's kind of a whirlwind he tears things apart we're gonna have to get the banana done so that we can start bringing him back out but anyway we'll take him out later it's a crisp fall morning it's a sunday got some clouds and it should be a good day [Music] [Music] you want me to do anything else no we're just going to hook you up and pull you out um get us where we need [Music] to go ahead and start it put it in drive okay just like that and uh help just a tiny bit not very much and we get you up on top and then don't run over the rope don't let the rope go loose okay and i'll just pull you out to the road we'll turn left right there so once that once you get me out that won't like help anymore you might even you might even have to drag the brakes because i'm not gonna be going very fast so just kind of watch the rope but don't run over it all right there we go okay we'll give it another try here so just keep this is that straight right there okay let's try that yeah that was good put it apart that was awesome man there's that's off road recovery thank you i'll keep it so both of these calls came in last night but they said they wanted to wait until morning to do them and this other one the guy hasn't called me i told him to call me at just after eight and it's 8 42 so hopefully he gives me a call [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so we got that one done so that wasn't too big of a deal we found the the classy motorhome pretty easy got him pulled out and then the other customer was running a little behind so we just did the job and i'll pull it out to the road for him they should be here in 20 minutes or so to pick it up and that's that thanks for watching when the people take pictures they put up my thumb and they all put it down
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,912,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, sand trap, jeep fails, off road sand dunes, rv stuck in mud, ford raptor stuck, rv stuck in sand
Id: RsYiCz2qTY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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