Something Is Causing The FJ45 Ultimate Rock Crawler To HEAT UP!

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it's cooling down 186. all right so we've been battling some heating issues with this thing it's 110 outside if you're just crawling it stays cool it does fine but if you're driving down the road it gets warm and we've narrowed it down to the radiator's deadhead basically it's got two electric fans back here and it's not pulling enough air through it so we went down and swiped a fan out of a crown vic it's like a 97 to o2 crown vic we're going to build this into a shroud we're going to take and cut this much out of it a bunch of aluminum a lot of welding a lot of stuff but i don't have any aluminum so we're going to run to canal and see if we can find a piece of two inch wide by eighth inch aluminum so we'll go find that and then we're gonna gut the front end back off of this thing and fix it all right we are off to kanab we'll see if we can uh find us some pieces of aluminum we need [Music] [Applause] all right we're here quick stop off at wendy's for some lunch and then off to find some metal wendy's is uh in our bellies and we're headed to find some parts well we're poor at our job this whole filming thing but we've got the piece of aluminum in the back of the truck 62 inches of it by two inches wide they sheared it off for us it wouldn't let us back in there so we couldn't really show you the process but we have it we're on our way home we'll go uh see if we go we figured right we never screwed up on figures before have we never not once that's why i cut the bumper off and shortened it on the truck hey we'll see if this works this time we'll go home and see if it's raining it might be those boys better bail fast it looks like it's going to rain so i am back at the shop uncle ben and my dad are getting parts and it started raining again it's starting to come through the door being scouted is chilling in here and it's raining grandma it's raining you might want to shut that door down over there is it not shut all the way that one's not so bad scout is it raining i don't know if he likes the ring all right come on buddy [Music] all right that's the chunk we went after we're gonna take and cut this off right here that's the order of business and then we'll start forming this around it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just like that we've got our fan one fan now we'll build a shroud that's pretty gross feel like little particles sticking off of it i bet it's hot touch it now i'm gonna wait we need this in a circle so we figured this barrel would make a pretty fine circle but not really do this one it's it's going yeah it's getting there let's go see how close we are hey that looks uh pretty close to me pretty close just gotta fine tune the ends a little bit and then we'll pinch it together tig weld it down and then we're gonna take uh just a normal old sign that we have set it on the radiator fitness to it make it all fit so we're going to tig this together and see if we can uh make it so it fits we got it cut the right length so it fits around that then we'll probably just drill some holes through and put bolts from the inside out and lock it into place and then if this ever dies on us they made a pile of crown vic so this is easy to source i'll probably carry a motor just to carry it around if we go on a long trip somewhere i'll just take an extra motor with us and if it dies you switch it out it takes 10 minutes [Music] okay she should hold herself now all welded her up kinda went to crap on the other side but she'll hold i don't claim to be a tig welder i just do it until the tig welder shows up pain never came so i think i'll weld the inside of it as well and we'll call it good get a little extra sturdy on the inside make it nice yep look at that professional work there it'll hold professional no but good enough yes [Music] oh yeah yeah that's gonna work it's kind of just perfect we'll drill some holes in it and fold it in and then that ring will weld down to a piece that we put on the radiator should be pretty straightforward so this fan is double speed it has a ground and then a high and a low so i can hook the low up to ones one of my temperature switches and then we'll hook the ac and the high temperature switch up to another one so if the ac kicks on this will kick on and if we reach a certain temp then it'll kick on high anyway gonna work well all right so a lot of you guys are probably wondering why i didn't just order one of these from summit or jegs or somewhere i'll tell you so you can order a 16-inch fan basically it's the biggest you can get from them and they're not efficient the crown vic is tried and tested cops have ran them for a long time they don't get hot this fan does its job so and it's easy to come by you can buy these brand new for 80 bucks i happen to have some crown vics kicked around from derby and that's where this one came from i have two more of them if i need it basically it's cheap and easy and very accessible so that's why i'm using this man i'm gonna show you what we've got going this is why we went with what we did there is zero space here as you can see we're gonna pull this all apart we may have to use some of this space up and move the radiator forward but we're gonna do whatever we got to do should be easier this time because i put my lights so that they unplug basically i'm gonna unpin these slip them through the hole put the cover thing back on the end of it so my plugs are outside so i can take this off it seems smarter way to think i was pretty sure it probably wasn't the last time i was doing this so we about have the right amount of rust going on and we're gonna spray this thing clear it make it look pretty hold on there you go all right i got it [Music] let's just undo a heater on that bucket it's just gonna go ahead and rain i think it is it's not raining on us yet so it's not raining in here so i'm pretty okay with it everywhere let me kick that bucket in just barely no it's there it wasn't too big a mess not so bad now we just got a couple bolts a couple fan switches to unplug and we should be able to lift this thing out of there go over and start building [Music] all right so we're probably going to end up cutting some of this stuff moving it forward to get enough room in here we'll see how things fit here in a minute we'll go get the shroud all built we'll build it as compact as we can get it and then we'll move what we got to move all right we're going to tear this thing apart real quick there's a pan [Music] there's that all right so let's see how much bigger this is a lot lot just just a little bit that's going to be sweet so we'll have to go up on the top i'll go find us a sign he's finding a sign which i don't know what that means i'm just kidding he's getting a sign so uh who's the favorite i think someone just got some ice cream right there but she brought yours oh okay okay don't you worry i just was feeling left out there he's just checking that's what he is doing well thanks you're welcome my favorite son there we go [Music] all right that's my material an arrow sign it's gonna work perfect we'll get it all measured up what we need and start doing some trimming on it so so one roadside down we'll go this side now the hard part's just starting it out straight it's kind of a matter of eyeballing it really so that is where your icrometer comes in that's where she comes in speaking of which there's some new icometer shirts coming out shortly so keep your eye out for them all right method of madness here okay we're uh engineering currently i got to put a bend on the end of this so i got to come down a half inch and bend it in so we can bold it into these holes so just cut these little holes and then it should just fit right down in there nice we'll have to do a little trim around that and a little trim around that and then we'll set that fan on it like so and it should be pretty killer we probably want it the other way like that upstairs to the bending machine let's get it to 90 in it okay just like that here goes the magic it's nice to have machinery didn't it the right tools are nice look at that that nice little edge on it we're good go measure the other one and bend it how about that so you're an artist now too oh yeah look at that yeah i'm i'm professional at lots of stuff i mean if you need me to pull your teeth out later i can do that as well i want to mark those other ones we'll bend it sure enough do um maybe i'll get technical and use the tape measure no i know do it don't do it it's a scary situation that was right it's a little bit more how is it yep okay see good thing you double checked yourself i'm glad you didn't listen to me yeah all right i'll just go up there and cut that and i'll be back look at that yes dude that's that's almost like you meant it to be maybe i can read a tape measure wow pretty sketchy that's profession on right there yep it is i think you're going to have to cut those off though but that'll be a gut ripper right there it'll just make more blood oh you can't physically get there to get a gut ripper on it what about a what about a hand cutter no you can't fit she's going through the list i think she's been here before she wants me to cut that freaking thing off evidently i'm telling you well it'd look more aesthetically pleasing there you go there that's i think that's what she was going for i don't like it isn't there shirts to sell outside or something oh i think she just got booted i've been booted good thing you're not my favorite oh [Music] it's not so bad really everything's trimmed out all the little pieces right there yeah we'll uh we'll drill these holes and put the rivets in it and bold it actually i don't know if we need rivets or if we can just go straight through it yeah let's go straight through i think we can just go straight through and bolt it down and yep call it good and then we can trace that out plasma cut it out real quick that should work set her down on the table nice and flat and go to tagging clear around this thing inch and 7 8 inch and 7 8 right there that's that's the happy mark okay i'll just take it off and i don't know how we're going to cut that piece without ruining that's gonna get interesting um we'll get to that probably gonna have to use a grinder and cut across it all right find some glasses so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that should fit just like that we weld it in and then we cut it out and then it'll hold its shape or else it will it's gonna walk like crazy so we'll clean everything up tack weld this in then pull the fan out of it and go to town make sure this fan spins oh yeah we'll be good [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay should be able to pull that fan [Music] look at that looks perfect all right we'll cut it out [Music] [Music] all right so uh we've got some sketchiness going down i have to cut the top of this radiator and then we got to bend it up the only way we can come up to cut it with is that so uh that's what we're gonna do we'll see how it works that was actually easier than i anticipated we made a big deal out of that stuff that stuff works yeah that stuff's pretty cool now we just got to get it to bend hump we may be just cutting that off we're just going to cut it off and we'll weld it back on to the angle we need it try bending it now he's got a nice score mark now it's going to fit just like a glove sounds like it's meant to be right there pretty close nice professional cut there yeah once it's mounted in we'll finish round it right to it she's built now the question is yes it will fit in it will huh it will all right [Music] what do you think of that i don't really see anything wrong with that we'll show you what we got all right so there it is all right let's see if this will fit got him some nice little foam on there so it will not ruin it it's gonna be quite nice clark that should pull some air that should do it bolt it down now all right so it's coming together that is almost finished product ben's putting the last two bolts in it down here on the bottom then we go start modifying all of this other stuff so what the deal is this is thicker now than the old one so i'll show you what it's going to do so it's going to hit right here so we're going to have to move the radiator forward which we got to have longer radiator hoses on both sides ah it's just more work but i want it to cool so that's what we're doing let's set it up all right we're going to give this thing a test and see what she does here that's low sucks it right up there on low pulling the whole radiator every corner yeah it's i'm pulling some air i think that's gonna work now just put it back in there [Music] it's back in its original spot down underneath but if you look down into there you see it's kind of hitting so we'll squeak it forward as far as we can go we can go like an inch in the bottom then we'll lean the top a little bit and like fit it's going to fit we have figured it out basically we're going to lift the radiator up a half of an inch which is fairly easy let me get these out and i'll show you how we're doing it that's my radiator support so i got to take a piece of pipe that fits over this cut a piece that's a half inch thick weld it back in and my radiator will lift up a half inch pretty simple then we'll rebuild these top mounts and put some hoses on them put a small ring around it there's the next one just like that raised it up just a little redneck lift kit going down going back in again okay that's bottom and that's bottom is it clearing it is if you tip it [Music] yeah you tip it just right you can see it in there so we know that we have to have a little clearance in between there and there this is technically how it's working for the moment okay that's gonna do it i should do it just gotta build these top little brackets there and redo this what my plan is here i think i'm gonna take some cold roll that's that long weld it to here drill and tap it so i can just thread a bolt in it and pretty easy actually probably better than what i had before because you had to try to hold a nut down inside of here it was pain everything's evolving it's getting a better holes drilled we'll tap them and then grind them to the right angle and put them on makes it look so easy doesn't he careful now that manual stuff you break them it will definitely break them [Music] i even mentioned i cursed him see that right there i wasn't even pulling on it and that was even a good snap on one what ain't good no more what a pain in my butt should have got the drill out every time it is every freaking time well it's going to be easier to drill a new hole than it is to deal with that [Music] maybe that's just hardened stuff huh it ain't hardened but i just ruined that um we need some more dowel i'll cut another piece that one's ruined yeah that was done yeah see snapped it right off that one is done all right one down one more to go one to go i don't know what our problem was before i don't know just wanted to be difficult sometimes in life things are just difficult i'm glad you handled that yep i didn't even throw anything calm come on michelle's gonna be so proud of me all right we got these little pieces put in here okay now basically i just gotta weld those in there and i think she's mounted we'll give you the close-up that's basically what it is she's mounded solid as can be we still have room put our ac condenser and i don't know if you can see down in there but i'll point to it right in here it misses we've got clearance in there so now all we got to do is make this fit and then basically take it for a test strip going back together here we're putting hoses on all right there's that didn't have to move it far enough the hoses still fit yep hoses are still love that still in good shape i like it all right we're just getting this bar bolted up and then we can drill our final two holes all right i think you can let her down we'll drill the last two that's actually gonna work somewhat like i imagined it [Applause] so we just moved this back just barely it clears that's how much we moved it that hose doesn't fit but we'll put a longer one on it and it'll fit just fine now all we got to do is put a little fluid in it fire it up [Applause] [Applause] we've got fan one on at 195 and off at 188 fan two comes on at 202 what should we turn it to 2 210 yeah maybe everything seems to be working see how it's cooling down yep it's cooling down 186 right oh yeah that's the first stage i like it for castle oh yeah it's cold air oh yeah lovely doing what it needs 185 shut right off just like it's supposed to all right do you know what that means that means chad's a genius he's the one that came up with this combo he's like i've used this a whole bunch put it on it's gonna work so chad's fab he's a smart sucker all right we're going to take this for a test drive and see if it stays cool we were going to put the front back together but we're going to put air conditioning on it first the pump just showed up for it but we don't have the ac condenser and there's no point in putting this back together just to tear it apart so we're gonna take it for a ride and if it's good as soon as that shows up we'll get back on it [Applause] [Music] all right let's take this thing for a rip [Music] i think it's gonna work i think so running right at 195 basically i think that's the closest round [Music] yeah we're staying consistent you can touch this thing before it would have been hot so i think we're winning let's give us a mountain dew and color all right hold that one second come on get in old man i like that you can't hear the fan and it's cool man before you can hear the fan a ton singing i think it's fixed we get some ac in here then we can start finishing this thing yes get some paint on it and get it looking like it needs to right at the 2 15. somewhere like 215 or so where she's running it's not really hot today but a little bit [Music] [Music] now before that would be pulling air in and pulling air out of the big knot now it's just sucking it out so it looks like we've uh we have one but he did something right and you didn't have to do it twice no just once all right i think we're done for the day until more parts show up so thanks for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 467,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fab rats, fj45, land cruiser, toyota, fabrication, rock crawler, toyota land cruiser, vintage, old truck, rare, classic trucks, vintage trucks, off road extreme 4x4, off road, rock crawling
Id: 2pGIgl4GGRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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