Did She Break Her Axle On The Most Dangerous Trail?!

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all we got to do is get connected this is great right here this will do it give me that okay have her turn it off get out of it so we got a call for a jeep i believe that's stuck up here above the radio towers this is the third one in like as many months but uh we're gonna head up there and see if we can get them out of there we've got lizzy behind us meeting up here we're gonna pick her up in a second well we already did the introduction so what's the weather oh it's a hot 100 degrees and it's been super super smoky for the past two days but it's cleared up within the last hour so that's nice we'll actually be able to see what the view that we'll have yeah we're going right there we've got colin and rhett they're coming to capture this so for your viewing pleasure yes so here's the problem it's a manual transmission she doesn't have a good parking brake so she's up there just holding it but she said that she drove up couldn't make it tried to back down and slid off the side so i bet she's exactly the same spot so i just talked to rudy him and jefe are just a few minutes behind us we're we are trying to expedite get up there as quickly as we can we're taking the shortcut it is even if it's only 20 seconds shorter it is shorter yeah and let's snake a rope up here before you have it okay [Music] oh wow that road is terrible she's up higher yep she's made it higher she's made it past the bad spot is that the new record yeah i actually like that better i think how are you getting around that we're gonna try oh heads up i can't stop [Music] [Applause] so good oh my goodness okay have her turn it off okay put it in here okay get out of it turn it off put it in gear and then hop out holy smokes this hill's steep this is my second time ever coming up here but i never stood on the side of it and this is not a good way to break in new boots the blisters are burning you might want to go there must be slowing or letting air out slowly yeah you might want to go up there and help dab holy crap is this where it was when you got here okay okay start with like 45 seconds what's the game plan i'm just gonna pull him up to the top and turn around that's a sketchy hill what do you think we should do do you want a winch first or just start pulling i think we can start pulling okay um i don't even know if i can get moving again right here how's that thing set up what's it got any lockers in it okay [Music] not at all they're not spinning okay turn a little more straight and try going [Music] oh this is a real mess there's something bound up in that front accent um when you're going that front driveshaft is twisting and it's rotating the hole like it's stretching all those joints it's not trying to spin the wheels at all so did you notice anything weird with the front of this i did is there something wrong yeah the front axle is locked up yeah it's it is not it is not moving so we're gonna try a different tactic here what a mess what's the game plan get the back into this over and see if we can the problem is is we don't have any steering with this axle locked up [Music] like he moved it a little didn't he the steering's fine but the wheels aren't rolling oh yeah and it's not the drive shaft's fault so when he puts it in reverse the drive shaft tries to spin puts it forward tries to spin but it just stops and it just locks up oh um yeah but then he loses his crawl gear but that's how it's gonna have to back down is in two-wheel drive so you're just gonna have to back down hooked up i'm gonna go up and turn around and come down frontwards [Music] on this thing that's probably about right you got it okay you're good [Music] holy smokes this is steep [Music] this road looks so promising like yeah oh that's a well well i don't know well-used road you should've rode with him up there to see what was up on top i walked up there oh okay good i got like almost up there and i thought this is dumb and then i you're trying to down here yeah okay oh so you did make it yeah who knows [Music] even if he's out of four wheel drive that front end's gonna bind everybody just needs to be off away that is absolutely terrifying so [Music] [Music] you look good in that jeep rudy you look good in that jeep we'll try to get this out of your i have homemade way if you want something i have a whole bag i saw them in there i was about to steal them here you go thank you so much milk and cookies when we go home yeah yeah they're all yours they do have pecans in them so okay awesome but yeah and look where rhett gets to go there's more room right there if it's good enough for the dogs to ride back there it's good enough for red thank you guys so much for the best is running good yeah yeah it's great thank you so much take care all right well what happened there well that was the first time we backed down that's the customer's vehicle i'm trying to figure out if it was better to just pull them onto the road and then back down i can't tell there goes jeffy thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,131,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, sand trap, jeep fails, off road sand dunes, most dangerous trail, broken axle, did she brake
Id: gJWe9pHN_Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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