Jeep Swallowed By SINKHOLE!!

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what can you tell me about this job oh it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun you're on your way I think you're gonna be about 15 miles east of Salina I think or West I can't remember by the way just getting to Salina is gonna take you three and a half hours or so this is not a good trip for you it's just all on the highway I think you're gonna see Matt use a winch for the first time it's and you probably have to use the board to anchor at while you're winching it's in it it's in a precarious position okay let's go get some delicious breakfast sausage egg so we got a call for a Jeep Cherokee I believe that is stuck in a ravine like a rutted out road up there Salina Utah and we're gonna head up there and see if we can get him out he sent me some pictures he's in a pretty pretty bad spot so it's gonna be interesting to see what we figure out to get him out of there we got Randy with us today good morning we got Tim I got Jason with us howdy you got the Jeep in tow we're rolling in blue steel and I think it's gonna be a good day [Applause] [Music] so how far [Music] before we forget there's our shirts sink your truck your shirt thank you Wow the venture you can do it wherever [Music] this is what we're driving over do you understand what's happening here yeah this roads about to disappear does it go all the way under yeah there's holes all over yeah you've done good so you see the bottom of it deepa you notice it's connected demand let's connect it over there and over there too it's a precarious spot right here it's a sketchy spot so I wouldn't step any further I had I called JC lives in Salina he's one of my buddies and he says he's got a tractor if we need it I'm gonna try it first I don't think we have enough I don't think we have enough equipment here so here's the problem the only reason this isn't rolled is because it's resting against the dirt right yeah there is nothing for that back wheel to go on - if we pull if we pull backing up this direction that thing could just flip over and who knows how stable this is how much more gonna break off the tractors keeps crossing my mind I'm thinking if we going back as our only option period yeah we're gonna want to get in there and all right is there gauge rope it's 20 foot kinetic line you still got like 15 feet I can't go any further I think we're gonna go to that axle okay because I want to see if we can get some upward motion from this lane on the I got you laying on the road I'm going down you might be better right over my shoulder with me down there just did a good one to drive along really slowly adjust okay there's your rope we did me daddy could have told us how to do this he didn't want to ride in the trick Fortuna you're stretching it okay so each of you on this rope on a rope it's like rappel down yeah I'm put you know put something into it okay we want to put two or three more people on ropes what's that we always use the minimum it's so fine grain and dusty some dirt around and throw the traction boards on your seat that does where's your pet jet buried perfect okay yeah I don't see any possible way unless we could get the 4runner over there I don't which way the front wheels are turned right now okay let's put another pull on it after digging I think we're making progress hopefully this back wheel is on here by then so this is the same problem the same things happening every time we're just getting this ramp closer and closer to the level of that tire cable here so I think I've got to go under this thing the question is if I go under it can I get let's get it what [Music] okay I need the shovel we got the same issue on the front tire right I'm not really it's in the really soft dirt okay what you plan for when the front tire gets to this hole hopefully we'll be able to put a rope on it and it'll work out okay that backhoe would have been a great idea just to hold it enough dirt to fix the hole yeah I'd like a little ramp there so hopefully we can get that to climb up the problem is this front wheels gonna drive right off here into this hole I'm standing in so I want to get the back wheel stabilized and then get some bigger get some burly guys on the rope on the front to keep this from falling in let me drag you out though okay we're ready alright go okay steady pull now don't no jerking goodnight let's stop and look at ya front ends about couples coming over so we can't let off tension how many people does it take to keep this steady if I stood here would that do it yeah if you were saying there wouldn't make a difference yes maybe man out of the frying pan into the fire okay hold it for a second I'm gonna walk around and look I mean that front tire you can let go the bumper is against that dirt not bumpers not against the dirt the heavy end of this Jeep is going to be hanging in yes hanging over the abyss so to speak well all right you're not gonna drag me at all we just need to force this this way yeah it's enough but this is the heavy end of the Jeep and that's why that's in here so your fenders well that's why I'd really like to get this wheel turned I wonder if it's more prone to turning now I don't think it's gonna I don't think it's gonna slide it's yeah those wheels are on things pushed up against today you can see it's got on that all the weeping and juices that Jeep should have yeah man that is the other option problem is the direction we need to pull we cannot get what's on the other side of the ravine over there can we get there I'd have to crash through all that brush and start a fire with my cap you good at that what's the chance okay right now we've got the protection got another at least another foot of that protection yeah so let's go back another foot and see if you guys are strong enough to keep put that wheel on the ground if you are then we'll just flat out go for it what happens about pushing from this side do you think you guys can get more pressure here oh yeah let's get what it's okay you'll be out of the way let's get one on each rope and everybody else on this side pushing and on these ropes I think and I don't know what's more comfortable for you but I think you could really you might want to trade trade this in for the 30-footer why so they can get further off the edge okay Tim do you want to go over there and push we're gonna go back one foot if it's going well we're gonna go the whole way it's long okay you're about to lose that front end it push it to get the fender oh yeah the hood yeah holy sketchy spot oh gee I was coming off anyway well I would have to say that we almost didn't do that I think we put two of the three camera men on that one we don't usually do that but I'd like to use the resources that I have before we call in expensive backup get in the back out here would have been very expensive well I've got a long trip back to Colorado to think about what they've done no I can see it first when I saw the pictures I was thinking well they just drove into a little now where the road is washed out that that whole road is Swiss cheese underneath they drove across that and it busted off it's kind of scary once you realize how deep those holes were well and he was he's you know you're weighing things now a cherokee door and fender versus the cost of getting a backhoe up here against theirs there's where the decision had to be made I'll make sure and thank you so much Kerry appreciate you guys using us appreciated a little bit more work to do on this I don't even know what to say about that I think I think that's the sketchiest recovery we've ever done we got there got hooked up to solving little problems one at a time till the big problem was solved and they're back on their way [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 4,318,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sink hole, caught on camera, sinkhole videos, sinkhole videos youtube, sinkholes 2020, sinkhole, Jeep cherokee, jeep cherokee xj, jeep cherokee xj off road, matt's off road recovery, matts off road recovery jeep, jeep xj 5 speed, 5 speed xj, matts off road recovery fails, best jeep cherokee xj off road, 2001 jeep cherokee xj off road, matts off road recovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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