Did Anyone Try to Kill You?

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has anyone ever tried to intentionally kill you serious yes we had a crazy old woman in my apartment complex she had it in her head that i and a few of my friends were some kind of bad guys i don't know why to my knowledge none of us had never touched her her stuff or even exchanged three words with her every once in a while she'd see me and yell at me mostly in coherent rambling one day i was walking out in one of the parking areas it was a nice day and lots of people were out so the parking area was really sparse i heard a car engine being gunned and sure enough i saw this woman barreling toward me in an old sedan engine roaring i ran behind a utility pole at the edge of the parking area she clipped the pole hard and ran right into a corner of a garage the police and paramedics came out and they took her away i never saw her again in elementary school my best friend came to school with a gun to shoot me first then everyone else i was on family vacation and he got caught with the gun while looking for me at school didn't know until a few years later it's kinda surreal i don't think anyone has noticed opie said freaking elementary school jesus man that's crazy my brother swung an axe at my head it was old notched and blunt but still sunk into my skull and knocked me out i woke up in my bed and spent the next few weeks in perpetual agony i still get migraines every few weeks and it's been nearly a decade i confronted my mother about it a few months ago about why she just put me to bed even though there was a gouge in my bro why she just sent my brother to his room why she never called the police or an ambulance she just said well you had locked the door i've not spoken to my brother since i was 17 and i've not spoken to my mother since she told me that he was just acting out be the sea try to murder me you don't swing an axe into somebody's face because you're having a tantrum i was scuba diving with my then alcoholic boyfriend in a murky lake when i was 18. we were down about 40 feet and the visibility was really low so i couldn't see him i had just checked my gauge and after being down there for 10-15 minutes i had plenty of air left then i took a breath and nothing the diaphragm and the regulator clicked and there was nowhere i started to try to look around for him and then i felt that i was stuck at first i thought i was caught on something but then i realized that he had turned off my air and was holding me down he wouldn't let go and he wouldn't let me take his extra regulator i knew that even if i could get away i might not make it up to the surface safely but that was my only alternative the only problem was he wasn't letting go i couldn't get at the air valve on my tank and i couldn't get at him my mind kept switching between thinking i'm going to die and stay as calm as possible to keep your respiratory rate down he let me struggle for what seemed to be forever and then finally he decided to turn my air back on i immediately surfaced and he followed when i asked him why he did that he said i wanted to see what would happen to you it was one of the most terrifying things i have ever experienced this is scarier than enrage violence that creepy curiosity my ex once pointed to some mushrooms in our backyard and tried to convince me they were edible i knew they were poisonous and i think he did too i don't think he was intending to kill me but i had a kid hold a gun to my head at a party because his girlfriend was sitting on my lap a lot of people were sitting outside around a fire and i was sitting next to this girl this other girl comes up and starts talking to her and ends up clapping down on my leg if i were a horse you'd say she was sitting side saddle i didn't think nothing of it and pretty much ignored her not much later i was walking around the house to take a pee when her boyfriend was walking past and stops me and says he needs to talk to me he wasn't a friend but we've crossed paths before i didn't think anything of it we kind of go around the side of the house and he pulls a semi-auto handgun out from behind his back and holds it like a wannabe gangster hard to describe but it was up at his head level sideways about a foot from his head aimed at my head i was pretty drunk and told him to chill out no need to be pulling guns out we're having a party we're all here to have fun etc etc he says he doesn't want me messing with his girl i try to explain to him that she just sat on my leg and i wasn't even talking to her but he wanted to make his point so i'll let him he tucked the gun into his waistband and covered it with his jacket and walked away as i was walking back to the fire one of his buddies gets in my way and starts talking smack about me messing with his friend's girl i don't think he finished his sentence before my friend's friend who is a big fearless kind of guy punched him square in the mouth and then he turned to gunkid who was a few feet away and said something like if you pull that gun out i'm going to make you eat it a few other non-violent types started suggesting that gun kid and his buddy should probably leave and they did but not after making a big spectacle of themselves once they were a safe distance away talking smack and gun kid was pulling his jacket up so we could see the handle of his gun i found out the next day that gun kid ended up going to jail that night he was in the parking lot of a seven stroke eleven showing off by lifting his jacket and a cop saw it i guess the cop drew his gun on the kid and a bunch of squad cars showed up and it turned into a big spectacle if i recall correctly the kid got a year and a day in state prison sounds like he had just gotten a gun and had a hankering to show it off and intimidate this is one of those sadly rare circumstances where people get what they deserve my mom tried to run me over once when i was 17. i'd been in a slight motorcycle accident and after being checked at the hospital and released i elected to go to a hotel with my then girlfriend who my mom detested rather than go home with my family my mom loaded my dad and brother in the van pee as heck she climbs into the driver's seat and as my gf and i are walking across the parking lot nearby she saw us holding hands through the van in reverse and tried like heck to hit us squealing tires and all but missed my dad grabbed the wheel shut the van off and came around to get her out of the driver's seat pee at her in good times went to pick up a girlfriend at her house her dad didn't like me around so i decided to wait at a nearby soccer field sat in my car with the windows down and started to light a cigarette van pulls up next to me about a parking spot away cusses at me and asks me what set i claim i say nothing guy from backseat reaches out the driver's window says airfu and starts shooting my ears popped things felt in slow motion heard tyres screeching and picked up my head to see people running or speeding off in their car i was calm cigarette in my mouth not lit i turned my car on leave the parking lot and once i reached the main street i started to shake called my girl and told her what happened still not knowing if i got hit i get there she is outside waiting for me i get out the car and ask her to check me i was not hit but the side of my car was shot up update thank you everyone for the kind words and letting talk about something that i've been ashamed of this is the most i've spoken about this and thank you everyone to let me finally share nice story it's actually amazing how people don't know if they got shot when they are at gunpoint adrenaline is a strange thing when i was about 17 a guy i was dating hanging out with got blackout crazy drunk and started preaching some satanic crap really getting frothy about it then i guess decided he wanted to kill me he pinned me on the ground and choked me till i blacked out then tried dragging me into his house we were in the backyard his brother and his gf came out and they pried me away from him my neck was covered with black and purple bruises for weeks hurts to swallow lost my voice for a few days never saw him again for obvious reasons many times i have been stabbed twice hit with everything from baseball bats to a concrete block and shot at multiple times i have been a bouncer exec protection skip tracer and repo man now i work on computers i rarely get shot at these days i was walking around houston later tonight with a friend after my prom we were having a good time and talking about high school since we were so close to being done we round the corner to get back to his house and two guys come up out of nowhere demand our wallets i had left mine at the house as to not lose it my friend had his the two guys shot me in the chest and fled after that the ambulance was called in the last thing i remember was throwing up an enormous amount of blood at the hospital i was in a medically induced coma for about a week then woke up and it was fine with the worst input it was the best output my school supported me people constantly prayed for me and i was on the upswing the thing that really bothered me and continues to bother me to this day is thinking about how one person could consciously decide to take my life over a wallet it was the worst thing that ever happened to me but now i am in college and on the diving team so eat that suckers yes well kinda i've had a gun to the back of my head i was 16. i had a gf named christy i wanted to do something fun and funny for her birthday as i had a key to her car my plan was to sneak out pick up a mutual friend and decorate her car inside and out so she'd see it in the morning before school this was around 1994 it's about midnight and i sneak out and drive to my friend's house i see his light is off but he's instructed me to wake him up by tapping on the window i'm dressed in a blue hoodie with the hood over my head i start tapping first lightly then a little harder next thing i know i hear and get down on the ground i turn to my right and his dad who is a pasadena tx police officer is running at me gun drawn can't figure out who i am because of the hood i put my hands up he turns me around throws me to the ground puts the gun to the back of my head starts asking questions about his kids his family his house turns me over and realizes i'm his son's close friend almost starts crying because he nearly shot me as i clearly looked like some thug in dark clothing trying to get in i was 16 at the time so i was invincible grateful he didn't shoot me there was a massive blackout of my university neighborhood's power grid and it was darker than i've ever seen it i was crossing the street with some friends when suddenly a car's lights went on and sputtered us on screeching tires we had to run and dive toward the other side of the street but redemption a cop car had been waiting nearby it switched its sirens on sped after the offending car and nabbed the driver i was a pizza delivery driver i delivered an order to a house outside the city as i was returning to the store a car pulled over in front of me and put on their flashes i pulled over to see if i could help situation seemed weird guy got out of passenger side and started yelling for help it seemed more weird i started to drive away the guy unloaded a gun at head level into my car as i drove away all seven shots missed me five hit my car i'm very lucky that's why my boss tells me i'm fired if i ever stop to help someone while on the clock at least i'm pretty sure that's his thought process maybe i was in high school the fights between me and my brother had reached an epic levels and me going to school with bruises all over was not an uncommon occurrence one night i came home late stage crew and my brother's motorcycle was parked just far enough in front of the drive where i couldn't get my car in the garage i go inside the house and bro and his buddy are sitting in front of the tv being their normal selves bro can you please move your bike i need to get my car in the garage and i'm currently blocking mom's spot frick off come on bro i'm tired don't be in butthole please go move your bike i said frick off listen either you move my bike or i will you touch it you be and i'll kill you rewind a couple of weeks bro and i had gotten in another fight and i received a beating for listening to one of his cds without asking permission i had called my aunt in california and asked her to buy me a train ticket out there i finally believed that bro was going to kill me and i needed a place to stay my aunt called my dad parents divorced and told him what was going on brill had been smart over the years the beatings never occurred at my dad's and since mom always asked what did you do to upset him it didn't occur to me to go to my dad for help dad was a cop and he wasn't broking any of that bulls he invited me for dinner and made me take off my shirt and show him the bruises he told me that if bro ever threatened me again to call him immediately fast forward i'm feeling confident and i tell bro that he's been threatening to kill me for years and i don't believe him anymore i go outside to figure out a way to move this large motorcycle without laying it on its side bro comes running out and tells me that he's freaking serious i touch that bike he is going to kill me me being a teenage smart butt lick my finger and touch the gas tank bro moved faster than i'd ever seen him move before grabbed me by the hair and start beating the living crap out of me at one point he had me down on the ground and he was standing over me i swung my arm up quickly and punched him in the groin ran upstairs into my room blocked the door with my bed and called my dad dad heard bro screaming at me over the phone and he just said i'll be right there and hung up he only lived five minutes away so he was there right quick he got bro out of the house and sitting in his car buddy was in trouble as well because he did nothing but watch while bro beat on me and there they sat until my mother came home and my dad let her know in no uncertain terms that if my brother hurt one more hair on my head he'd have bro arrested and taken to jail it's been over 20 years since that night bro has gone through many relationships since then i have no idea if he's beating anyone since then but he hasn't beaten me once i'm young and dumb so i street race a lot one time some guy insisted we race for keepsakes and i agreed cause i'm still dumb and there was no freaking way i could lose in the end i won and the guy was a sore loser and wouldn't give up my prize i didn't care enough to pursue it so i took off however he followed me and tried to run me off the freaking mountain i had a feeling he was gonna try something stupid and slammed on the brakes he slammed into and over the guard rail into a ten featuring drop he survived i know this cause he came to my house two days later with his parents trying to sue me for the damages i told them to frick off and told them all about the bet and how he tried to kill me and that was the first time i saw a parent publicly beat the crap out of their kid i know this cause he came to my house two days later with his parents trying to sue me for the damages that's freaking hilarious this friend from school who killed his father and made it look like a suicide took me to the roof of his home to show me his special place and tried to push me off the roof but i grabbed him and made it clear he was going with me i haven't spoken to him since that's some serial killer type crap right there it was at the end of primary school so we were both like 10 stroke 11 i was the subject of pretty intense physical and mental bullying as well as some mental bullying from one teacher from when i was around eight the administration did nothing not even after this we were in pay and i hit a tennis ball by accident near about five meters away but it was coming out of the sky the class b she screamed this weird sounding scream which i found hilarious qnd laughed at so the guy who was dating her who was in cahoots with the bullies waited for us to get back to class for when the teacher wasn't there and pulled my head back and ran an open pair of scissors across my throat i still think about that moment and most of the stuff that went on at that school lately i have strongly considered legal action for their inaction for four freaking years but it's a he said she said situation really i don't think it's he said she said when there is a sliced throat as evidence got shot at once on a boat my brother and i were out fishing at my uncle's place bum [ __ ] nowhere wisconsin there's a road that goes right next to the lake we were about a hundred yards from road in the middle of the night and we saw a car driving down the road it stopped turned around then came back and shined its headlight out at us my brother and i both looked at each other like this is weird let's get out of here so i started the motor and started heading back to our uncle's place over the sound of the motor we hear someone saying something so i idle down the motor to hear what they were saying as soon as i did that p00w a single gunshot goes off i pin it and dive this little [ __ ] box across the lake we found a 12-gauge shell on the side of the road where the car was the next day not sure if they were shooting at us or just trying to scare us but the second one sure as frick happened i was like 13. ah later the game again but here's my story i was an annoying teenager and my big brother especially got annoyed by me one day he got especially mad at me can't remember what for and jumped on me with a butcher knife in his hand he straddled me and was on top of me and i managed to hold him off by holding onto his wrist i screamed bloody murder while he kept telling me you never shut the frick up i'm going to kill you fortunately our neighbor from across the street heard a commotion and ran over she said my brother and screamed at him to stop which he did instantly so here's the weird part i kind of blew it off i mean i didn't die and didn't get hurt and wasn't too different from other fights i had with him it just became this funny story in the back of my head so like 10 years later i brought it up to my brother joking around our relationship had improved dramatically when we became adults but he had zero recollection of it and basically said it just didn't happen i was confused but ultimately realized i must have just conflated some minor things in my brain but clearly it hadn't happened the way i remembered it then about 10 years after that my brother admitted yup it happened exactly the way you described basically he was mortified by himself after it and i never really brought it up so when i brought it up 10 years later he was still kind of mortified at his behavior at that point and just acted like it never happened then it became my go-to anecdote for isn't the brain crazy i believed my brother tried to kill me but he didn't stories and honestly hearing me say those stories really bummed him out because not only did he in fact try to kill me but now he had me believing i had conjured the memory up in my mind so he finally just came out and told me on mobile so forgive my typos tl dr confronted by a poorly medicated knife-wielding 10-year-old when i was a senior in high school i took a nanny or many of my friends called it job for a friend of my dad overall it was an amazing job but one of the two kids i was watching had moderate add and they were messing with his medication that summer it made him very unpredictable most of the time we just hung out and played smash brothers on the n64 but one day and i can't remembered what triggered it he had a severe meltdown i had put my foot down on something and he screamed violence at me and ran off upstairs i guessed he was running to the kitchen to get a knife so i quickly got the girl i was watching and her friend into her room to keep them safe a few seconds later he burst into the basement wielding a large knife still screaming at me i was scared shitless being the awkward teenager who had never really experienced any kind of fighting or violence i pretty much broke down into tears it seemed to disarm him enough to the point where i could talk to him rationally i explained that i didn't do that stuff to be mean it was literally my job thankfully he understood pretty quickly and stood down i was basically cornered in a hallway protecting the girl's door i never told his mom about it not sure if it would have done any good he didn't need his life to be any more difficult you were one heck of a money my ex was emotionally verbally and physically abusive he was extremely controlling and possessive one day we went for a walk on the way back we came across his cousin he looked at me and said hi so i said hi back as soon as we entered the house he started screaming at me because i said hi to his cousin calling me a w o s useless h who was only good for swallowing cm i probably freaked all his friends right look at the way i flirted with his cousin the way i looked at him i wanted to have sex with him obviously huh the look i gave him bedroom eyes that i meant i wanted him to freak me all night long my ex was sure of it first he threw me onto the bed and started strangling me then he bit my arms my breasts my stomach and my legs wish he was doing it to us he hit me with his fists repeatedly on my head and chest i was dizzy he turned me around and hit me on my back he took off his belt and started hitting me with the metal part and i was bleeding i cried out and screamed he threw me on the floor and kicked me and hit me with his belt some more if anyone freaking hears you i'm going to kill you stop crying stop screaming i'm going to freaking kill you useless bee he started calming down choked me some more then smoked a cigarette and burnt me with it demanded we have sex and i obliged everything hurt i told his family we lived with them they said it was my fault for not speaking out sooner i pressed charges but police never did anything this absolutely breaks my heart if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 16,369
Rating: 4.9170985 out of 5
Keywords: murder attempt survivors, murder attempted, tried to kill me, tried to kill me with a forklift, tried to kill me for a dollar, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: mFOWA0d3cUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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