Has Someone Ever Tried To Kill You?

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serious attempted murder victims of reddit have you ever gotten over it how has it affected your life over it it happened a couple times in my teenage years thanks to my mom's terrible taste and significant others but i must clarify that things never got out of hand as in i knew something was about to happen and figured out quickly enough that i was about to be stabbed or shot or burned alive in order to escape the situations had the guy actually been able to attempt those murders well either i would have died or the experience likely would have scarred me for life depending on what actually happened i suppose what has affected me more and what i remember more vividly are the endless nights that i sat at the top of the stairs with a knife in my hand waiting instead of sleeping or doing my homework because of my fear that he'd be coming back but today i feel like that was someone else's life when i replay it in my head it's like a movie about some teenage girl not me i moved abroad happily married an amazing dude and my life is pretty normal plus i consider myself a fairly perceptive person now and a good judge of character i can usually figure out rather quickly whether or not someone has ill intentions i spent most of my childhood on edge and desperately reading the body language and faces of people around me because i was constantly surrounded by volatile people it's a shame you can't put that on a resume i don't know if this counts as attempted murder but when i was in high school i was almost killed when a suitor of my then girlfriend plus seven of his friends brutally clubbed and punched me to near death after our end of class party as i was walking home with two of my friends i still feel the seven stitches under my lips that was required to fix it i also broke a bone near my scapula because i was hit multiple times with baseball bats even the doctors were surprised that i survived that incident because most of the hits were in my head and back thanks for the 40-ish guy that stopped them immediately when he walked past the park where i was ganged up my two friends being the [ __ ] they are just watch me get beaten to almost death i don't blame them though considering the number of kids with those bats would probably kill us three if no one will stop them i didn't actually know about the guy about the guy who has been hitting on my ex for about one month until after the incident but he's a freaking gang leader in our town and he's too desperate for my ex as far as i know those eight kids grown-up guys are still in the juvie how it affected me i made it as an inspiration and source of anger to be harder to myself in terms of making myself strong and started lifting since then i was so badly beat up that i think they triggered a switch on my brain that made me become more alert every time i am outside also i dumped that bee after i was released from the hospital turned out that she's actually the one who told the guy that he needs to get rid of his bf first before she becomes his girlfriend crazy be right if it was found out that she was the one who ordered it by telling him if i recall correctly that is actually a form of attempted murder and possibly hiring a hitman i haven't gotten over it and i probably never will the memories never fade but the burning hatred might it has changed my life somewhat i've grown resentful and angry mostly because no one seems to be able to understand what i went through but he's your brother your family not anymore comments like that hurt me deeply people seem to think that family ties are more important than your safety sanity and ultimately your life on the bright side it has caused me to redefine what family is and what it should mean to me family isn't genetics it's the people you care about not the ones trying to strangle you to death i'll dang well bury that axe when i want to and it'll be in his head because that's what he tried to do to me not necessarily attempted murder but the guy who mugged me by tackling me to the ground carrying an ice pick and told me he'd kill me if i struggled or even tried to catch a glimpse of him when he let me go and ran off it was in broad daylight literally a block away from a busy bar strip to this day i still carry some form of weapon on me when i'm waiting for the bus or waiting somewhere to meet someone my back is flat against the building and my hand is in my pocket on my weapon at the ready i constantly scan back and forth in every direction my heart races when someone is walking behind me on the sidewalk even if it is the middle of the day or full of people i have my boyfriend meet me at the bus stop literally across the street from our apartment building constantly paranoid and for the most part it's good to be cautious but i feel like it holds me back a fair amount i wasn't the victim and my intention was never to kill but i so very nearly did the thing that worries me is that i don't feel guilty and would probably do the same thing again under the same circumstances my girlfriend was debauched by two guys she had known them for years even lived with one of them after a house party the housemate tried it on with her and she turned him down she laughed it off and went to bed 10 minutes later the two of them burst into her room hold her down and take turns by the look of her later on she must have put up one heck of a fight but they beat her down and carried on then left her lying there she's only five feet i get woken up by a phone call from her mum the next morning she's taken my chief to the hospital can i make it there of course yes i was panicking not knowing what was going on and had to wait to see her when i finally found out i'm not sure if you can imagine how angry i was i ran i ran straight to my car got in and hunted them down they weren't together anymore which made it easier to beat the sucker so hard that one of them will never walk again and the other lost sight in his right eye i don't know what made me stop maybe death was too good for them the kicker of it is though i served three years they didn't worth it comma worth it totally i wouldn't feel guilty either i for a long time was a travel journal i spent close to six years going around the world to some beautiful and some very dangerous places a few by accident i was in syria in june 2011 which as it turned out was a very bad job to take i'd like to specify that i wasn't the victim specifically of attempted murder but a surprising amount of people tried to kill me primarily i assume because i'm pretty pale and obviously not syrian it began when i was in palmyra getting some shots of the frankly stunning ruins when rumors started to fly that the large swathes of the army had affected i got a call to get out the country as quickly and safely as possible and not to worry about the cost so i hopped in my rental car a fire 500 obviously not the best for fleeing a revolution fully intending to abandon it wherever i needed to i drove for about six hours to latakia on the coast hopped out of my car saw where all the thuds had been coming from about eight bullet holes in the rear portion of the car nothing too severe just antique rifles that struggled to get through the metal work and hopped on a boat to cyprus before the revolution proper really kicked off a lucky escape really i ended up leaving travel journalism because of it though not immediately because i'm an idiot i became the man to be interviewed by a few outlets for a little while and i'm no longer welcome to rent cars from sixth actually six were complete and utter dongs about me not returning the car to the depot damascus even if i'd managed they'd probably have charged me for being shot at i guess i'm a little more easily frightened now and i definitely don't take life for granted as much i'm a much more well-rounded person a tl dr frick you sixt your tl dr is my favorite ever i was a teenage girl dating a slightly older guy not a major age difference and i didn't want to freak him but we had been making out and laying on the floor he climbed on top of me and wrapped his hands around my throat and pressed his weight down i don't know what made him stop but for some reason he did i never reported it there wasn't lasting damage physically i don't let anyone touch my neck i get really panicked if a shirt is a bit tight around the neck or a necklace it's been almost 15 years and it took a long time to trust men again i did get over the anger the why me sorrow but it sticks with you and freaks you out at strange moments also i've never told anyone this story we all have this crazy big guy in high school the one who is fat but strong me and the big guy had an argument and for some reason i had to say to him you're fat he flipped right then and there he threw me to the ground and strangled me it was near some classrooms at the end of the day so nobody but a few other classmates were around they tried pulling him off only after 15 seconds for they did not see i was in trouble it took them another 15 seconds to get him off me i'm sure he would have killed me if it was not for my mates they said i had already turned blue i felt so humble afterwards i am a big guy too i think he got bullied a lot maybe even to that day i wasn't part of it but i certainly was the final straw i forgave him though i am a peaceful man everybody makes mistakes in high school he just made a bigger one thank you for not adding more violence to the world i sleep fine but i've never gotten over it but that's not necessarily a bad thing it was a party at a bikers house just before the first gulf war the party wasn't a going away party for two marine reservists who had just been activated but it turned into that in the course of the evening i said something to make one of the marines angry what i said was that it's not a given that any marine can out fight any other service member on an individual basis the seabees are pretty tough air force special forces are nothing to laugh at either especially if you are a usmc reservist weapons technician since this apparently insulted the honor of the corps on the eve of their deployment i had committed a capital crime so the two of them decided with the collusion of one of the bikers to kill me they were going to blame it on one of the other bikers there were drugs moonshine and a stolen bike involved in their plan none of that had anything to do with me luckily for me i had a friend from england who overheard the plan outside of the bathroom a tree in woods outback who grabbed me and gmtfo were there in a hurry was it serious sadly yet the bikers were eventually all either killed or died in that lifestyle they were violent people and things just as bad had happened around them before this and after am i still mad about it sure those guys were buttholes the biker got killed eventually one marine actually refused to serve and went awol for the entire gulf war i don't know what they did to him when they caught him the other was a remf who came back and became a beer brewer he still thinks of himself as a force multiplier though he's a tool how it affected my life the englishman didn't tell me i didn't know at the time he just said we have to go right the frick now he told me later when we were organizing the welcome home party for the force multiplier i was working pretty hard and he said he couldn't watch that and not tell me how would you feel if someone set you up to get killed by a bunch of butthole bikers up until i found out i had been a typical go get m red-blooded supporter of the service in general and the marine corps specifically i didn't turn against the entire military at that point but i realized that it's made up people just people once you reach that point it's hard to go back to the normal hurrah and patriotism and the military are connected that broke the connection or weakened it enough that it would break eventually after a number of other misadventures i left the country and never looked back marines are shock troops i think that's why they have a lot of pride in their job and uniform their training speaks to that as well they are usually the first conventional troops deployed similar to the german storm troopers in world war one not the ss but the guys who stormed the trenches near the end of the war former gang member here i've had both men and women try to kill me for gang reasons had a guy try and run me over with his pickup a woman tried to lure me to an ambush to where i was going to be robbed and possibly killed and been shot more times than i should have it's odd when you don't know the person trying to kill you because you really don't have a specific person to hate or fear so i just learned to hate them all it's a cycle one gets stuck in they hurt some of us we hurt them back and it continues the only difference is when you die the world doesn't stop it keeps moving on without you seen mcdonald's three days before a 40-year-old store is being closed for a much-needed rebuild this particular store interestingly enough had never been robbed it's later at night we were getting ready to close there was maybe two people in the dining room i was on register guy walks in and i ask if i can help him the rest is kind of a blur he held up a gun told me to get on the floor and i did face down arms on the back of my head he then jumped the counter i don't really know anything after this point all i remember is being scared because all i had on me was a debit card and my wedding ring wasn't worth all that much i could only repeat my pin in my head if he demanded cash and wonder if i was ever gonna see my husband again when it was all over apparently i was the only one traumatized by the whole thing not even my manager who had the gun on his temple seemed phased i found out that after i left i was made fun of because i cried after he left i was so distraught over the event that i tried calling in the next day they wouldn't let me and even put me on the same freaking register i spent the whole day trying not to panic my husband thinks this was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back for me in regards to my mental sanity and stability i had already been fighting ptsd from childhood trauma to be made fun of and not to be offered some sort of therapy after an event such as that i haven't been able to work since i pretty much freak out even thinking about working with a general public i also wanted to add that as the daughter of a murderer to those who lost their lives or almost did i am so freaking sorry i hate that i have his dna in me s you shouldn't be apologizing for something one of your parents did dna might link you biologically but shouldn't put you responsible for any of their immoral nonsense i've never been in a situation such as yourself so my words hold no weight but i believe your reaction is the more normal one at least for people who have something someone to live for at the time my roommate back in the day was an undiagnosed schizophrenic person after smoking dope for a good 10 days straight he started to be increasingly paranoid and delusional started to talk about how jews were ruling the world but if you channeled your inner jew you would get money and fame followed by talking 10 minutes straight about one piece an anime and then saying how lord of the ring mythos indicate that only christian men should have the right to have women i politely asked him if needed help fatal mistake as he looked at me removed his shirt and said that i was stealing his coat i was wearing my coat inside the house the whole time he then suddenly tackled me and then turned around like a wild animal his hand reached for the kitchen knives they were held to the wall on a magnetic strip he managed to grab one but before he could do anything i just jumped on him and punched him in the balls and then punched him a good six seven time as hard as i could in the face i then ran outside and called the cops they found him naked sitting on a chair in the kitchen talking to the window and brought him to the hospital i did not do any complain that way he did not have a criminal file on him for a mental illness managed to contact his family explained the situation they are taking care of him now how did that affect me well i have learned many lessons out of this first never trust the police to be able to be professional people i was lucky there was three cops on the crime scene and only one of them was a sea he said and i am not joking word for word maybe he was gay and he tried to harm you because he could not be with you we had a case like that two weeks ago not far from here second i have now developed an intense fear of mentally ill people you know that crazy homeless guy that talked to himself that one that everyone try extra hard to ignore i don't ignore him i look at every motion he make and i am always ready to fight back my cousin's ex-boyfriend was stalking her after she dumped him i moved to the same hour in which she lived because of a change in my job she invited me to stay with her until i got settled into my own place not long afterwards her crazy ex-boyfriend assuming i was the new boyfriend jumped me from behind as i came home one night and slit my throat to make a long story short i left him a quadriplegic and he spent the rest of his life suing me over and over did it affect my life heck yeah pretty much left me broken in debt up to my eyes beyond that i don't like strangers touching me i really don't like strangers touching me i'll warn somebody a couple times to keep their hands off me and then i get angry about it also i can't tolerate people behind me at restaurants and such i'm only comfortable if i can sit with my back to a wall i don't like crowds i'm pretty much always hyper aware constantly checking my surroundings looking for people that could be a threat i've been told by my ex-wife an rn my cousin a neurologist and my uncle a psychiatrist as well as several well-informed if unqualified layman that i almost certainly have ptsd and that i should see a therapist about this i'm pretty apathetic about that all the therapy in the world doesn't change the fact that there are fricked up people out there that do crazy crap that can turn your world upside down in an instant frankly i'd rather buy hyper aware and on the alert for that crap than well adjusted and oblivious to it ended up with ptsd i think about death all the time certain things like cars driving slowly by criminal looking people fireworks and violent scene sometimes can cause me to have a panic attack it's hard to tell some people you have ptsd cause it makes you feel abnormal and crazy one of my best friends and i was shot at around 12 times from 10 feet away he died in the shooting and three others were shot as well prior to them coming up to us not yet it's been over 10 years and the progress is slow however while i was still debating about tracking the due down and returning the favor three years ago nowadays i don't really think about it anymore it may have something to do with being in a stable relationship which has sapped most of the anger in me still can't say what i'll do if i see the guy in the street by chance i hope that doesn't happen and i suppose he is already very much dead since his life was not going in a good direction when i encountered him oh well these days i just arm our apartment all the kitchen knives are handy on a magnet on the wall i have a hatchet and a few knives in the hobby room a few knives in the bedroom in my bedside drawer two different length bokkens by the door i'd really like to have a gun but that won't be feasible when we get kids in a few years or so i'll never be able to trust children enough to leave a loaded or even assembled weapon somewhere where they can get to it without supervision knowing how freaking sneaky i was with everything when i was small no way and it won't be the optimal situation to grab a gun from a locked weapons cabinet reassemble it and load it when someone is coming through the door with an axe of course all these counter measures are simply ridiculous since i live in one of the safest nations and cities on the globe but i can't sleep if they are not there the scars will heal and maybe i'll let go of the weapons as well as time goes by it was my first day working in the box office of the movie theater selling tickets when i was robbed at gunpoint i was 16 the gun was about a foot away from my chest as i backed up against the wall behind me he demanded money and i open up the till he reached in through the tiny glass opening but the little flip levers were getting in the way and he could only grab a few bills at a time he stuck the gun through the little window again and i remember vividly thinking i was dead it wasn't scary i was completely calm i wasn't afraid of death i could feel the gun going off and my chest imploding i was dead we used to keep all the cash in a little yellow bucket so i put it up to the window and he pulled it through money flew everywhere afterwards i felt grateful to be alive again and i have a greater sense of life and the joy in the little things i'm glad you're okay now surviving something like that really is an incomparable feeling make the most of your good fortune my old roommate had never told me of his condition prior to moving in together he was diagnosed with schizophrenia but was also well medicated the day he stopped taking his medication was the onset of a two week long crap storm that ended up with him being dragged out of my apartment by two police officers i had come home from work to find him binge drinking and smoking pot in my apartment we had an agreement that we made when we moved in that there would be no pot or alcohol in the apartment during that night he revealed to me that he had invited several dudes from craigslist over to pay him for his services and that he had stopped going to school between my work and school schedule i hadn't really noticed any changes in his behavior so this all came as a complete shock to me then he started to get a bit violent i believe this is where he started having a psychotic episode he started telling me about how he wanted to dig my eyeballs out with a spoon how he was going to gus me etc that's when he picked up the knife at this point i had called the cops i tried to grab the knife from him stupid do not attempt but he swung it at me when i got close to him i stayed on the phone with the dispatcher until the cops came when i let them in my roommate tried to attack one of the officers with the knife after a brief scuffle they managed to detain him and carry him out i've left parts of the events out because there were a few times during the two weeks that were too much for me to talk about here i hope my old roommate got the mental health help that he definitely needed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 13,997
Rating: 4.9113302 out of 5
Keywords: attempted murders, attempted murders sentence, attempted murders cases, victims, barely escaped, barely escaping death, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: twZ57sSV864
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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