Did A.I. Create This Little Mermaid RIPOFF?

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Soraya [Music] the Asylum one of the most notorious markbuster studios in entertainment history there's a big Blockbuster film coming out you better believe they're ready to try and trick people into seeing their own crappy version Finding Dory is his way home onward Homeward Pacific Rim Atlantic Rim but the newest addition to their Shameless filmography is particularly concerning because it is rumored that it was done by A.I the movie in question The Little Mermaid why the AI allegations though where did that come from well because of this poster for the movie from a few weeks ago on the surface it looks pretty good much better than what we're used to for Asylum marketing and poster art almost a little too good but upon further inspection Flags what's with the pupils why are they so ill-defined and like pouring out like a like an egg yolk on a pan what's with the hair why is it falling off her body why is it like these little tendrils of hair floating through the water no hands oh yeah uh you all are trying to actively hide your Smoking Gun because when it comes to identifying AI generated art at the moment look at the hands it's just an ordinary crabby oh my goodness also nice crushery skin you got there and I met you he won't look like that at all in the movie knew it now there's some compelling evidence that the poster was AI generated but what about the movie itself it's gripped the voices the animation was it all done by a program via human input I mean if there was a studio that would absolutely use AI to cut corners and save money on production costs it's Asylum fortunately for you all I bought the movie because I hate myself and I do so in the hopes of discovering if this movie was as a matter of fact created by AI let's find out you'll never take our kingdom it seems like I am unsurprisingly this little mermaid rip-off from Asylum was deliberately made in order to ride the tail coats of Disney's Little Mermaid remake now real fast I tweeted some clips from the Ripoff on my Twitter and I saw folks who were like wow that movie looks better than the Remake from Disney and I'm like oh that's funny no no like you're objectively wrong I'm not a fan of the remakes all right not at all I hate them but don't even try and say that asylum's version is better because it's not this movie was directed by Michael Johnson the same guy who directed and animated for asylums Homeward as he improved over the years no how about the writers for this movie we got Anna Russ oh no we got Anna Rasmussen and um oh wow I did not realize we brought Hans Christian Anderson back from the grave for this that's how cute I never read the original Mermaid book but I'm going to assume that if Hans saw this movie he would die on the spot again then we got the voice actors to which hey disclaimer I rarely hold accountable for Productions like this like why would I take an issue with voice actors who are just trying to get paid it's a job they have no creative bearing really they're just getting paid it's fine I I get it it's Sonia Krueger as the voice of like our main mermaid girl and she's not bad actually uh she said she has talent it's just that the script sucks I trade my my tail for human legs if I could don't say that we also have um courage I guess the Cowardly Dog I mean it's so funny I was like wow now or Asylum you got folks who are so embarrassed to list their credits so they're like just put me down as m114 or something or Courage the Cowardly Dog from E.T and her performance in this movie is downright hilarious you pay for this you have no power here the spell is already cast it's already in motion there's nothing you can do to stop it you could throw me in a dungeon if you want but it won't change the outcome of the spell now folks I also suspect another entity who uh might have provided voices for this movie but we'll get to that here in a minute all right the movie starts off with what looks like a mermaid version of Moana which hey let's be real here is 100 the case plus some like Disney Atlantis glowing tattoos because why the hell not her name is uh Surya princess Surya and we get the most unflattering angle while she talks to uh her turtle's sidekick Sheldon sorry flounder you're out Sheldon I'm going up there my sisters went when they turned 15. oh dang it well I'm out of here goodbye everyone this is the most expressive non-expressive animation I've seen in quite some time they move their heads around like a puppet like a sock puppet it's like those videos with the game mods that have like facial animations crane to 400 also look at the hand friends why do they look like they have second degree burns it's very distracting like all the characters uh for this kind of model type have like really like glossed over burnt hands which is really weird when you're underwater so Moana mermaid goes up to uh the surface to check out germa and again tell me I'm wrong the poor guy hated sand so much he jumped on a boat and never looked back and Prince Anakin is getting the talk from his dad about being king someday or something like that I don't know but Anakin here he just wants to be a silly Adventure boy instead he doesn't want to do king stuff he wants to go out and ride horses and and see Antelope someday all this will be yours I know I just wish I could see what else is out there now that you're turning 17 you're getting married to a princess just as soon as we find a suitable match also mermaids can't be seen by humans for some reason so Moana here has to keep a low profile the best part of this exchange is how Sheldon is like we can't be seen we can't let the humans know we exist and I'm like what we I'm pretty sure humans know that Turtles exist a knockdown Prince is one thing but this human can't see us she might tell others that we're real so Moana saves the prince who like fall off the boat and uh brings him to the beach she wants to like I guess you know hang out with them but she has to leave because some other human girl runs to the prince's Aid a sad girl is wearing jeans and Uggs for some reason uh where's your pumpkin spice latte I was running late to dinner after design classes I heard someone calling for help are you okay Moana then books it back home because it's her birthday where her father King anchor arms and whey protein is ticked off because she went to go see humans alone like you can go see them but you can't see them alone you know you're not allowed on the service without your sisters what if something happened to you there's also like these three other sisters and uh Grandma mermaid plus a fish who's supposed to be like I guess Sebastian where he's like I'm in charge I'm the king's major Domo whatever it's so stupid looking you're lucky I warned your father young lady young lady I'm old enough to make my own choices Moana then talks to her grandma about Magic by the way there's magic and if said magic could turn her into a human uh Granny says only dark magic can do that which is why they banned dark magic which was being used by like the sea witch Ravina we'll get to her in a bit and how like they set up some like water like Whirlwind Fortress like a Whirlpool like Forest to keep her in there which is like pointless because every single person who goes through the whirlpool for like Forest is fun they get through uh the king gets through the grandma later on gets through uh everyone gets through it's pointless also you know swim around it you know and swim around it it's an advantage of swimming can go around things [Music] so naturally Moana here is like okay so the evil sea witch can can turn me human granny got it I gotta go now and she had sue the sea witch and uh we get to meet her she's like the Ursula stand-in who has like the most bizarre facial animation the entire film look at her mouth look at what Clips through it's like she's like unhinging her jaw like a snake my sense safe for you while you spend another 12 months wondering what life is like on this surface Ravina gives Moana that your voice for your legs or something like that uh she's really about that litigation you know let's let's put up the trade because that's how magic Works via litigation and how if she wants to get her legs give me your voice also you gotta like get the prince to fall in love with you or if you don't I will banish you per this spell to like the abyss of the ocean lots of magical terms of condition you know she really should have had a lawyer by her side Moana but most of the scenes with Ravine as her being like according to the contract on subsection a part one right here the termination Clause it's like wow I love lawyer you know terminology and my magical spells for my mermaid rip-off but if I make this spell for you you must go to the surface precisely it's Sunrise which is happening in exactly 22 minutes and 37 seconds if you don't you must wait a year before I can cast this spell again what are you doing detective what are you doing talking to my client without me present you sneaky sneaky Moana gets her fortnite juice uh gives us a wojak face uh she gets her legs she shows up on the beach the prince finds her and um that's when it dawned on me where I'm like oh she doesn't have a voice oh my God we are about to get the weirdest facial expressions of all time from his character and let's just say I wasn't disappointed you didn't eat your steak at dinner do you prefer chicken fish Anakin takes Moana to his family and to the castle and then just welcome her in they're like hey who are you you know what never mind don't worry come on in do they ever bring up why like Moana here is glowing with her tattoos on her arms and like Plain Sight don't worry about it and also don't worry about the sea turtles flopping around the ground [Music] it's also like a parrot side kick who doesn't really do anything at all you know because why not let's get another animal sidekick screw it I should have stayed on that deserted island now you think that a Moana version of Ariel would be enough but what if we gave her an Elsa dress too and an affinity for library books like Belle ah screw it you know what she can sword fight too and she can play the piano oh by the way if you thought there would be songs in this movie you are uh sorely mistaken this is as good as it gets [Music] your friend is a natural after a few days of hanging out Anakin tells Moana during one of their rock climbing Expeditions that he wants to marry the girl who rescued him but he doesn't know who she is he's like I don't know who it is but I told myself that I will marry this woman and I think it might be this girl who was wearing the Uggs at the start who just so happens to be my betrothed so that's convenient the movie even says that so you're the mysterious rescuer what an incredible coincidence and the next day we go out to meet her I really like bring Moana along too which makes like super awkward Anakin's like hi uh you're my future wife and this is just my friend you know my side action she can't talk though by the way isn't isn't life just funny that way sure off-brand miraculous ladybug is also a fashion designer who goes to college she goes to college because design courses she goes to DeVry Papa I understand my Royal duties but I still have to finish school but the main thing that caught my attention during this scene was the voice acting from king daddy over here folks listen closely King Jasper if it's all right with you dollar is heading back to school in a few days I hate to rush such an event but let's wed these two tomorrow something is off something is off I can't quite put my finger on it his inflections the bizarre Cadence the robotic sound in his voice King Jasper me thinks this could have been AI which is really weird because a voice actor is listed in the credits for this character but these takes here in particular they seem very close to the lines and AI program would generate especially this one specifically how it just Trails off which like I've seen before while goofing around on Texas speech program I'm Hank Hill and I am pretty sure that character was voiced by AAA Haskell of course no I could be wrong I don't want to make baseless claims you know just to force a narrative that's not my style and the other characters in the movie don't give me that impression but there's something off here whether it be the line delivery from the voice actor the audio mixing or hey maybe I am right with my suspicion that this was generated by AI again if there's a company that would have used AI programs to save money and cut Corners yeah it's the Asylum welcome meanwhile in the ocean the family is worried for Moana and the sister strike some strike a deal with Ravina as we discover why Ravina is out for Revenge you all will literally never guess why a million years and you will never know the plot twist that's about to hit you when narissa was first starting out with me her first twirlpool spell went poorly it pulled out all my hair as her granddaughters you owe me I love how the girls just recoil they're like oh [Music] Whirlpool I guess Boulder how to sure whatever screw it she's bald you know she's got Walter White and it's because of the grandma and Ravina here demands that the girls give up their own hair which they can't grow back and I said hairs like Precious to a mermaid and that Ravina would get the hair and in return would give them like Karen looking haircuts at Starbucks hahaha it's absolutely beautiful what's the plan here what why is this so convoluted what's the end game Ravina what are you trying to do Revenge okay why how you know for Ursula it was to get even with Triton and get the Triton for Ravina it's getting her wig back we've done what you want well you've made your trade but I need something from Syria as well that wasn't part of the deal you already have her voice we didn't have the big wedding where like raveena shows up crashes it by going into boss mode and looks like a tornado uh with a bunch of plastic chairs just swirling around here the fashion designer is ready though with her Tearaway dress for just such an occasion and then Moana is like oh oh girl boss mode give me that sword and just beelines it right at Ravina I mean look at that face look at that motion oh she is ready to throw down uh she fails uh she gets banished the grandma then shows up with the rest of the family plus some other merfolk they use magic they're like oh he used magic now it's okay actually how convenient what an incredible coincidence and then the family like locks arms they get like like Moana out of the Abyss because she's a swam hard enough um she was able to actually turn the whirlpool into Mountain Dew to get out uh questionable colored water is then utilized and then like some magic potion sucks Ravina up with Moana then getting blown away by lightning and she plopped on the beach like a sack of potatoes folks that's that's that's the movie [Music] at the end magic fixes everything because like why not and Anakin turns into a mermaid like this Frame is just hilarious to me a mermaid Moana with an Elsa dress and Atlanta's arms is kissing mermaid Anakin in a movie that is trying to ape the marketing from Disney's Mermaid remake nothing is sacred and life is pointless explore the whole world together Land and Sea I can't think of anyone else I'd rather do it with no so unsurprisingly this was a terrible movie though ironically it's one of the better films from Asylum but that is not a compliment that's like me saying that getting a lethal injection is better than a firing squad or or being forced to watch Asylum films initially I was curious if this was done via motion capture for the movie when it comes to the animation due to the exaggerated movements of the characters it was the case for onward I wondered if that was the case for this film the director of the movie Michael Johnson is credited in both films as like just animation you know all of it which is wild to me that this guy basically made the entire film on his own on his website he admits to this and it's like I do movies on my own for cheap you know that's my thing and also I use motion capture uh which is like okay there's our answer was this film animated just by AI I don't think so so was it done by a an artist who was just trying to get paid and doing the bare minimum with the lowest budget possible yeah that's what happened but hey what about the models I'll be real they don't look terrible except for like the hands but I'm pretty sure they were bought and downloaded for the film like asylum's not going to make their own original assets I'm sure they went to somebody else who was like I'm the artist who made mermaid Moana I am the artist who made Anakin Skywalker and uh Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory but in the uh hands of Michael the burnt hands perhaps they don't look good they're movements they're facial expressions awful not good not good at all but hey Michael props to you for doing a movie by yourself that's insane I am simultaneously impressed and disgusted I just wanted to say thank you for the best week of my life water effects bad the lighting bad the background's bad the texture is bad this is a bad movie but it's obvious that quality was not on the mind of Asylum here only timing this film with Disney's hell they know that their films look like trash and it's basically part of their brand at this point though I will say this if they ever get too deliberate with it the joke's ruined bad movies are funny when they're trying to be good but if bad movies are deliberately trying to be bad it's not fun anymore but let's bring it back to the main question was this movie created via AI generation across the board now the voice acting no maybe I have a hunch for some lines that might have been done via Ai and I wouldn't be surprised if chat GPT was used for the writing which is like really hard to detect and approve but like I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case that poster though oh oh yeah that was Ai and because the poster was done via AI there's precedent for me and others to be suspicious of Asylum and the potential use of AI in the making of this movie but is it clear-cut is it like without a shadow of a doubt nah to speculation and conjecture but I will say this though considering the rapid advancement of AI at the moment it is just a matter of time before we do see an asylum movie that is without question the product of AI they will use it by God Almighty they will use it when they can but in the meanwhile we got Michael Johnson and his wonderful motion capture setup and uh I guess Michael still has a job for now King Jasper Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 2,739,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation, little mermaid, 2023, ripoff, asylum, disney, remake, AI, AI animation, Ai generated, Review, bad
Id: embi7rBiBAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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