Top 10 CURSED Animated Commercials

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this video is brought to you by raycon [Music] the world of animated commercials can be summarized in one word chaos when it comes to disney and pixar and studio ghibli well they have reputations and brands and you as a viewer can form expectations and have an idea of what you might see from each respective studio but animated commercials oh it can range from kind-hearted old men rolling out carpet to cringy coke commercials that look like off-brand warcraft cutscenes or can be a soda bottle getting uncomfortably close to a bunch of children i can smell you anything can happen and it is not uncommon for some incredibly bizarre and cursed commercials to just come out of nowhere oh look it's a sweet polar bear drinking a coke oh whoa this taco bell commercial is like a full-blown anime complete with mechs and kaijus oh look a gecko just like the geico commercials except that this one committed suicide what and now pakistani shadow the hedgehog is dunking on me while the possessed pony demon is screaming at my face again pure chaos for the sake of capturing my genuine reactions to these ads i watched over 200 of them on my twitch so yeah brace yourself for some nightmare stuff on that note let's check out what i consider to be the top 10 cursed animated commercials please protect me baby jesus wait hold on that's a trace version of moses from the prince of egypt what the number 10 mcdonald's funky chicken released in 2010 and animated by a person by the name of andre friege this ad for mcdonald's chicken nuggets makes one wonder does mcdonald's know what chicken nuggets look like because if these two sleep paralysis demons are supposed to be mcdonald's nuggets then i'm going to avoid them for the rest of my life i mean they were already questionable enough as is but now i'm never touching them again [Applause] okay did you know there's a dance called the phone those are some very unappealing designs what up that is awful that is awful [Music] did they make anthro chicken nuggets is that what it was i don't even get that with this that that's awful number nine moga travel aka the korean love hotel commercial so i've actually seen this commercial before back in the day and it's still just as weird as the day i first saw it released in 2015 for a phone app for a korean love hotel moga thought it would be pretty based to have these background characters from snow white go from all to oh oh no [Music] oh boy is this just like an app to hook up with people number eight chips ahoy big city released in 2014 and created by bent image lab this cookie commercial is uh particularly horny like you think this cute cookie and lady are just gonna have a harmless chat but no look at her bedroom eyes look at this woman she really wants to dunk this cookie into her milk if you know what i mean here we go this one's definitely cursed you all ready for this one oh look at you little guy all soft and sweet with your cute little chocolate chips can i can can i be extra for a second please may i okay so so there's boob jiggle on this character and i i don't i don't know why i i know it's a really bizarre like observation but it's like whoever made this commercial were like given enough of a budget or another passion or both where they're like we're gonna make this model incredibly sensual just saying yeah i get it i'm little but they're not chips they're mouth-watering peanut butter chocolate chunks and i'm loaded with them and if you knew just how delicious i am you wouldn't be able to keep your hands up hey like it's a really well made model it's really well made it's uh and you gotta say like this this movement with the finger on her chest is like well done like you really you caught like her excitement without saying a word he's drawing circles in her chest like come on give people cookie fetishes if you're not careful number seven dealtastic me by jt's chrysler jeep dodge out of all the ads i watched on my twitch stream this was the one that made me laugh the hardest like to the point where i even had to call the car dealership just to thank the guy who was in this commercial is it legendary is it cursed hey i say it's both just watch at jt's chrysler jeep dobbs in lexington i'm going to give you look at the top of his head [Laughter] i was not ready for that i drink christmas [Laughter] [Music] i'm crying oh my god [Laughter] it sounds like he's trying his best i bet the guy watched a minions the minions and he's like i want to make a commercial like that and this being from 2014 just makes that much funnier that's a good price save 8 000 on chrysler 300. well new jeep conference or chrysler 200 i want to call him thank you for calling jq kia how can i help you hey i just saw a commercial um with like the minions in your cars was that your like car company who did that um that was years ago okay but like the pers the guy who did that does he still work there uh which guy are you specifically talking about the guy who was like grew in the commercial he he was like the i think there's only one guy in the commercial sorry like i just watched the ad and i laughed out loud pretty hard and i wanted a call just because i wanted to thank him for making this commercial it was part of the dealtastic me 2013 um jt is that his name jp he's the owner is he still working there he does still work here that's awesome just tell him thank you for making my day that commercial was just fantastic i give him such props for like doing that thank you if i get a jeep someday it's because of jt thank you okay number six neo energy nose job released in 2011 by a company that makes this liquid caffeine for your water mio here decided to fully embrace the anthro lifestyle with abominations that come right off the island of dr moreau especially the camel with the double d's this is so weird looking michelle got her nose done yeah i know she said it was for medical reasons medical reasons what a crock hey i'm sorry not you hmm uh-huh ooh 12 o'clock i think those are real those do not exist oh my god i don't know how i feel about that to nature i've been in mio shake things are there more neo energy oh my god there's a few sometimes you need a little flavor how many are there observe hey mommy i'm gonna go die now number five orangina speaking of going full anthro let's talk about the ads from organdina orengina yeah this company this french orange soda company basically said what if soda commercial but furry and horny and i've been worrying about france ever since there's even a commercial from 2007 with anthro stripper girls dancing on anthro guys and i haven't even mentioned the ads from 2009 with the splashing bottles or the one with the cougar in the locker room with his boyfriend right behind him these ads are unhinged [Music] i'm never gonna escape it am i just like i'm i'm never going to escape what is happening it ensures i feel fresh is is this uncomfortable all day long in the morning i just love that fruity fresh orangina feeling in my mouth it fights bad breath so there's no denying that furries worked on this like there's just the dirt and enhances the shine in just one step orangina what is what does this do is it orange juice do you drink it or use it as like a cleaner i don't even know my secret a few drops of orangina [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm sorry it's nothing sacred [Music] i need names right now what country is this first of course the fridge did this number four truth smaller babies most of the ads so far have been wild and crazy and and shocking but this was the first one where it made me genuinely uncomfortable i mean i guess that's the point when it comes to anti-tobacco psas right i just wasn't mentally prepared to watch a bunch of animated babies suffering from birth defects dance on my screen that wasn't on my bingo sheet for today babies are just no fun eat too much and they weigh a ton it's really [Music] [Music] so so we've done a few commercials so far that are like a bit shocking and weird this is this actually is [ __ ] cursed i do not like this they might be small and limp and sickly but they're so cute and extra tickly fit right in the pocket of your jeans [Music] what the hell this one this one actually i think might be our front runner at the moment i guess they really want to shock you number three hoopsie dancing unicorn so it has gotten this bad huh toy commercials featuring hot bellied unicorn babies that are dancing and singing about slimy poopsies right in front of my face i don't want to sound like an old man because i'll be the first to say that toy ads from my childhood were far from perfect but this yeah this one went a bit too far yeah what up [Music] why are we still here just to suffer why did i go to college why did i study anything this is my life my dad's like son what are you doing today and i'm like oh i'm watching the poopsie commercial for work i can't make it through this how was this conceived how did my workers how how was it allowed television how is it have enough money to find a following support [Music] yeah 48 000 likes i doubt that you all got me pretty good that was uh quite cursed number two shiny suds released in 2009 and created by this environmentally friendly soap company called method this commercial satirizes other soap company ads we got the soapy sud cartoons all smiley and dancing around the bathroom but here it gets creepy this poor woman strips down in front of these thirsty suds that proceed to gawk at her while she takes a very uncomfortable shower breakfast in 20. you've forgotten us already why are you still here we're still here because you sprayed us here chemical residue left over from your cleaner made from toxic ingredients we give you the impression clean and then we get to watch you clean up now if you please use the loofah holy [ __ ] that's uncomfortable wow that was um that's on the list that goes on to the list yeah i think it's safe to say that this commercial gets its point across quite well but in a very uncomfortable way and now i never want to shower again before we get to number one i want to give a shout out to some honorable mentions the meerkat from vodocom the munsters adds thor rx nissan brazil's damn ponies mcdonald's pakistan sonic commercials and then there's the dolly soda ads which are just very uncomfortable and finally number one what i believe is the most cursed animated advertisement is well technically there are two of them but they belong to the same russian booze company and it is the ads from hooper's hooch i've um i've suffered we've suffered a lot so far but these ads are just on another level of curse imagine veggie tales that wonderful christian cartoon but instead imagine them coming from the dirtiest strip club from the pits of hell that's what we're dealing with here the first ad called naughty fruits features a bunch of anthro fruit characters stripping and taking off their clothes or fruit skin i guess that makes it even worse you even got this grape girl that just unleashes her bazangas right onto the audience i'm sure that's gonna awaken some dormant feelings for some viewers and then there's the second ad and it is called exhibitionist i'm um i'm nearly speechless i was floored by the end of this commercial as i witnessed the following a flashing assault and then i can only describe as the ahihago face or a hegeo the ago waffle face you know the one the one that not well-adjusted people wear conventions on shirts that face i did not want to see this character that looks a lot like larry the cucumber's mom make that face and guess what now you got to see it [Applause] [Music] where is this from how is this there's it's not it can't be american it's it wouldn't it would where is it from [Music] boys [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did not need that face that face was not required yeah this is cursed here we go this is like that's that's a fine grain of curse right there that's a 10. like you have to lick your lips and everything remove this sweat on the lip and move with the tongue all right we're done here so yeah these ads from hooper's hooch are the most cursed animated adds i've ever seen and i doubt that anything will ever top it now excuse me while i watch veggie tales so i can cleanse my soul from this fruit-filled smut huh never gonna be able to eat fruit again hey guys guys guess what i'm wearing right now yeah that's right my raycon earbuds and they sponsored this video what can i say i love my everyday earbuds and i use them every single day i use them at the gym i use them when i go for walks with my dog and i use them for hours on end to knock out audiobooks so many uses and that is just a tip of the iceberg first off the battery life is amazing with up to eight hours of play time on a single charge plus a charging case that bumps that up to 32 hours of battery life there's also a built-in microphone so you can hop into a phone call 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 2,145,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, top 10, commercials, cursed, animated, top 10 cursed commercials, weird, weirdest, top 10 weirdest commercials, top 10 worst
Id: ikObbX07bWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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