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hey brosis it's Sona and recently I saw inside out too and it was a masterpiece and then I found this comment Sona can you make human versions of inside out 2 characters and I thought hey that's a great idea so welcome to me drawing Inside Out 2 characters as humans grab your emotions and let's get started first up is the emotion anxiety in Inside Out 2 Riley is 13 and is about to enter high school she and her friends are invited to an ice hockey camp where a popular hockey player she really looks up to resides after some Renovations are done at headquarters when Riley's puberty alarm goes off anxiety shows up as well as three other emotions embarrassment Ani and envy anxiety shows up like a ball of energy very eager to meet everyone and help but later on it becomes apparent that the other main five are not a fan of anxiety's ideas and the way she goes about situations especially joy in this movie Riley has a new part of her mind called her sense of self with memories and feelings that form R's own beliefs and joy only wants Ry to retain her positive memories so therefore she believes anxiety is having a bad impact on Riley and they kind of fight over their controls until suddenly anxiety has enough and the four new emotions literally trap the others in a bottle which was crazy and is not something I was expecting also bottling up your emotions very clever anyways the others are taken away and thrown into a memory Vault and anxiety is shown to be the new leader along with the help of the other emotions anxiety Then discards the positive sense of self into the back of Riley's mind then uses negative memories to create a new anxiety-based sense of self since Riley learned her friends are moving away anxiety constantly worries about Riley's future terrified of judgment and Riley being alone always jumping to the worst possible conclusions if something were not to go as planned so she continues to push Riley to try to fit in and befriends the older kids who are popular and cool while treating her old friends badly in the process the main five emotions struggle and eventually escape the memory Vault and they make it to the back of Riley's mind and get Riley's old sense of self from a pile of discarded bad memories also causing an avalanche with the bad memories as their only means to get back to headquarters making those bad memories flowing back to Riley anxiety had no idea she had just created a new sense of self built off of insecurities and doubt making anxiety freak out while controlling Riley during her hockey game which is super important causing Riley to accidentally hurt Grace which gets her sent to the Penalty Box where she then suffers a panic attack the old emotions finally show up and joy convinces anxiety that she doesn't need to change Riley the old sense of self is put back in place but the panic attack continues Joy realizes this whole time she's been trying to control who Riley is too and realizes it isn't right removing the old sense of self and allowing a brand new one to form from both positive and negative memories Riley luckily calms down reunites with her old friends and everyone hugs yay I loved every second of this movie and anxiety was done brilliantly I got to admit when I saw the trailer at first I was afraid they wouldn't take anxiety seriously ly and just make her a goofy and quirky emotion just to be trendy But anxiety was written so well I loved how much of an impact anxiety had on Riley cuz it was super accurate as someone who honestly struggles a lot with anxiety and tends to overthink things I felt it and I'm sure a lot of the audience felt the same watching this movie I couldn't have been happier with how they did this character Pixar W I really enjoy anxiety's character design her craz yet tired eyes resemble how truly exhausting anxiety can be and her hair sticks up straight but then frizzes out like she's doing her best to keep it together but in actuality she's stressed out and her nervous wacky smile looks like she's trying to convince herself she's fine even though she feels like she's going to explode that's what I get from this design anyway for her human design of course I wanted to keep the same energy so she has the same poofed out ponytail along with Messy yet stylish bangs she's wearing a baggy cropped version of her original sweater as well as a scrunchie in her ponytail clearly anxiety cares deeply about what others think about Riley in the movie constantly afraid of judgment so as a human she definitely try to fit in somehow like wearing more trendy stylish clothing even if it isn't her preferred style cuz what matters most to her is fitting in and standing out as less as possible I feel like anxiety would have freckles so I gave her those along with a pair of glasses she really strikes me as a nerdy Bookworm type of gal so she's hiding a book behind her I'd imagine she would love reading but doesn't want people to know since she feels it might be seen as lame and as someone with so much anxiety reading books could help help soothe her anxiety as well keeping that in mind she definitely wants something to fidget with to calm her nerves so I included some silly bands on her wrist that she can fiddle with when nervous I turned her pants into a pair of cross strap overall shorts paired with knee socks as again this is seen as more fashionable in Trendy she has the classic holding it together expression paired with bags under her eyes since her original eyes look very exhausted here is my human anxiety I think she turned out super cute let me know your thoughts in the comments now before we continue this video is sponsored by milanote milanote is a versatile free program that's perfect for planning and organizing your creative projects it works on both computers and mobile devices and today I'll show you how I use middle note to organize my upcoming clothing brand cake bite this is something I've been working on for the past couple of months and I think you guys will definitely find this interesting so watch until the end so with the help of middle notes tools I was able to create this neatly organized board for bite honestly milanote has been a game changer for me I'm typically a very unorganized person like just to give you an example of how bad it was see this nice board before all of this my ideas were scattered across random Google Documents buried folders on my computer and even Discord messages yeah it was bad but not anymore like I said total Game Changer check this out I got my to-do list right here it's basically everything I have to do before I launch my brand one of my favorite features has got to be the columns tool because it's a great way to Nest boards and cards into different sections like for example when I was creating a logo I had to decide between different designs concept one had more of a cute and bubbly Vibe while the other one had a cute and modern look to it I also played around with different designs like this cake eye thing ultimately if we go to my final logos page I put a star on the ones I liked the most which ended up being the ones with the more simple look to it lastly here are my current clothing designs for the Boba girl I have the sketch line art the final designs as well as shirt colors the color cat used a little money sheet and alternative color schemes I did the same thing with the coffee Duo design and from my last design on here right now I only have the sketch but whatever I plan on doing will be updated on here overall Mill note has been pretty easy to use and speaking of easy if you want to quickly make a board they also got these really cool templates you can choose from whether you want to make a mood board to get your ideas down or choose from the numerous other templates to fit your needs but yeah I think you guys will really like these when they come out and I'm glad I was able to easily put all of these ideas onto an organized board so if you have any creative projects definitely check out milanote for free Link in the description below thanks to milanote for sponsoring this video and let's get back into it next up we've got Envy Envy is another one of the four new emotions from inside out too Envy basically represents Riley's desires and her job is supposed to help Riley figure out what she wants in life as shown in the scene where Riley sees a girl's red hair and envy clearly is very envious of that hairstyle and also when she admires disgusts hair other notable examples are her expressing satisfaction when gaining approval from those she admires and of course her wishing she was as tall as everyone else having to literally climb on the control panel girl I feel you sometimes I got to climb the counters before all of this I actually thought Envy was the same as jealousy but it's not like many emotions Envy can be both positive and negative always wishing for more can be a very positive thing as when you want something you don't have it often encourages you to work hard to reach your goals to get what you want but on the other hand EnV can definitely backfire as it can cause you to feel discontent with what you currently have or feel resentful towards someone for having what you don't have EnV also really looks up to anxiety acting as her little sidekick throughout the whole movie which is adorable her appearance is very unique from the rest of the cast being way smaller and having a very childlike appearance and personality and her eyes sparkle up when she sees something she really likes which is so cute originally though envie was completely different and not so cute this was her original design or his I don't know a tall pointy green man that looks like a hybrid of Phineas and the Grinch it's pretty clear from looking at this design they intended to portray Envy as more of a negative and nasty emotion at first but scrapped it I mean that design would probably work more for jealousy I'm glad they scrapped it cuz I think her new design fits so well Envy is always reaching for what pequs her interests and gets very overly excited when she becomes curious and sees something she wants and she also pouts when she doesn't get what she wants so yeah she's basically resembling a little kid who really wants everything she sees like a toddler in the candy store and that's exactly what I went for when making her human design as a human of course she'd be a little kid I could totally imagine Envy being that one kid that goes up to you like got any games on your phone or bugging her parents for the newest iPad or candy she really wants I drew her in this overly enthusiastic pose like she just saw something super cool she has a similar hairstyle to her emotion self been a bit more stylized with little pigtails up top and extra hair accessories also in the book go to sleep anxiety she is shown in a pink gown and hair curlers so I know she likes to dress up a little if she's ever taken shopping you definitely got to watch your cart because she's putting everything in there I turned her lavender polka dot dress into a cute colored shirt with lace on the sleeves and a pink bot tie followed by a light pink skirt she's wearing magenta leggings like the original and is in her socks cuz if kids have the option they just won't wear shoes one of the most notable features of her design is for sure her big sparkly eyes when she's captivated by something she likes so I was sure to keep those big shiny eyes in my design as well and she has freckles cuz freckles Supremacy around her are little bubbles of stuff she dreams about wanting just regular stuff kids would want like a pet Kitty ice cream some trendy clothes they saw at school I love how my human version of Envy turned out she is so adorable and I hope you think so too lastly is the emotion embarrassment like the other new emotions embarrassment shows up shortly after Riley's puberty alarm goes off touching in the control panel when Riley does something cringe it makes her realize she just embarrassed herself his job is to let Riley know when she does something socially inappropriate or unacceptable similar to disgust in some ways personality wise embarrassment is an extremely awkward shy and reserved character not speaking at all throughout the entire movie up until the very end of the film he also gets secondhand embarrassment which I find funny sometimes smashing his face on the control panel when he cringes Joy greets him by attempting a cool styled hinge Shake only for him to mess it up and get extremely flustered in the process pulling his hoodie strings to hide his face and throwing himself to the floor as an attempt to hide himself though honestly every time he does this it backfires cuz what the explosion sound effect anyways while embarrassment doesn't make eye contact or attempt conversation with the other emotions he still plays his role as well as some other very specific roles like rounding up the main five emotions to trap them in the bottle embarrassment is a bit more different from the other new emo though despite being on their side embarrassment is the First new emotion in the group to notice what anxiety is doing is wrong with him later on in the movie deciding to actually help sadness when she sneaks back into headquarters by hiding her and making sure she doesn't get caught by the others while she tries to fix things he for sure stands out from the rest of the characters since his stature is so large which is clever because in embarrassing situations the humiliation feels so big and intense that you just want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again but all you can do was except what you did is cringe and die a little inside when drawing him as a human I kept his outfit relatively the same his hoodie is very plain and doesn't stand out at all which is perfect for embarrassment cuz he wouldn't want to draw any more attention to himself I changed his purple pants into blue jeans also including rips and tears in them cuz let's be real with how many times he falls to his knees from embarrassment those jeans are going to have some wear and tear I drew the drawrings on his hoodie with some added wear and tear on them as well cuz aside from pulling on them I imagine him fidgeting with his hoodie strings frequently as well as a way to like Comfort himself he has pink scruffy hair and bandages on his face since he seems like a really clumsy guy who would fall all the time and also throw himself to the ground also he seems like he'd be an easy target for bullies this is really random but embarrassment strikes me as a cat person I don't know why as a character who is so quiet and reserved he just seems like he'd be the type to feed Strays when walking home from school so I gave him a pet cat on his shoulder and he's looking at it very happily here is human embarrassment I think he's adorable and needs to be protected at all costs and his cat hey brosis thanks so much for watching I forgot to say what do you think their names would be as humans leave your name suggestions below also let me know your favorite Inside Out character in the comments now I was actually thinking of doing another inside out video where I design emotions that haven't been added to the films yet so if you want to see that definitely leave a like and I might consider okay bye
Channel: SonaDrawzStuffYT
Views: 161,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside out 2, emotions, envy, anxiety, embarrassment, enui, roblox, speedpaint, draw, drawing, art, riley, trend, tikrtok, pixar, disney, character, characters
Id: jvZAe-6ADTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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