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With the release of Diablo 4 comes a brand new edition to one of my person franchises, and in the video, we will be breaking down absolutely everything that transpires throughout the campaign story from start to finish. So, get yourself a coffee and a snack, sit back and relax cause this is gonna be a long one. Let's get into the breakdown. We can see a cold desolate landscape while an unnamed narrator gives an explanation of the history of Sanctuary. Saying that Sanctuary was never meant for humankind, instead, it was forged as a refuge from the war between the heavens and hell itself. However, it just ended up becoming another battleground in the conflict. A secretive group called the Horadrim has kept mortals safe during this conflict. But it's now a shadow of its former self as Sanctuary's ancient creators have now returned to claim the hearts of humankind. This is the story of their downfall. As Dusk begins to set in our protagonist finds an ominous statue as whispers begin filling the surrounding trees. Our horse makes a crucial survival mistake and runs towards the creepy voices, it turned out exactly as you would expect. Our only light goes out as the whispers grow louder, but thankfully we learnt from our horse's mistake and make a quick exit. As the new day begins, the weather continues to get worse. Our protagonist finds a cave that we can use as shelter from the elements. And takes a quick rest at the entrance. I mentioned in the BETA video how I have watched my fair share of survival shows in my time. And I stand by the fact, you don't fall asleep in the cold without a fire. It's a very quick way to lose some of your digits. And to be fair sleeping next to satanic wolves is also adding another very quick way of losing digits or you know... your soul. Surprisingly, against all odds we awake and decide to find better shelter in a nearby town. We manage to find an abandoned town called Nevesk, when we hear some voices coming from the nearby barn. Turns out, not an abandoned town. The people in the barn are talking about demons in the darkness, while one of them is complaining about an injury from a bite. Apparently, the bite victim wandered into town and began causing trouble. He begins speaking about demons that are spilling from a nearby ruin, and that they will kill them all. The lovely and totally not evil locals take us to their tavern and explain how a ruin from the north has evil stirring from within, and that the monk must have gone inside. Adding that even a holy man like himself is not safe from being driven mad by the evils held within. We can begin to see that this town has its own small community. As Vani asks us to help the town by protecting them from the demons that are spilling from the ruins. We agree to help and head out. We get into the ruins and it is exactly as described, a complete den of Satan's greatest hits. But we do manage to get the best of them and return back to the town. They declare us their community's one true hero. And thank us profusely for saving the town before inviting us to some festivities, lots of beer and food in celebration of our achievement. And it's great, we start partying it up with the locals and before we know it, we've been rufied. Passed out, dribbling all over the damn table. It takes all but five seconds before Oswen starts wheeling in a wheelbarrow to drag us out of the tavern. I mean, this is a crap situation but you have to commend the efficiency. But, I have seen horror films and evil townspeople working together against the tourists always end one way. Human Sacrifice. Just wait, you'll see. We get an interesting proverb come up while we get some much-needed shut-eye. And I quote " I saw my corpse, and from my mouth crawled hatred, A father burned his children on a pyre, and a mother moulded a new age from the ashes." "I saw the weak made strong, a pack of lambs feasting on wolves, tears of blood rained on a desert jewel, and the way to Hell has torn asunder, Then came a spear of light, piercing Hatred's heart, And he who was bound in chains was set free." This is described as Rathma's Prophecy. Something we will learn much more about as we progress through the ACT's. We get wheeled out to the barn behind the town, and let's just say that the saying business in the front, party in the back has never made so much sense. Oswen grabs some petals and begins some form of ritual by feeding us blood. A man comes from behind and helps us out, and we have to fight the locals. We thank the locals for their hospitality and as Vani dies, she mentions that we are now "blessed" like them now. It's revealed that the man was the holy man from the barn earlier, he explains that the heretics drugged him after he returned from the ruins, just like us. When we came to his wits he tried to escape but couldn't get inside the chapel since it was locked. The recent events catch up to us as we begin throwing up. Iosef points out that we are actually vomiting blood and petals. Not petals and blood, but literal petals made from blood. We tell him that they fed it to us, and he believes that it's from a ritual. Stating that we should head to the chapel to find answers since they must keep it locked for a good reason. Inside we find more blood petals on the ground, as we inspect them we see a vision from the past. The church's bell tolls for morning prayer. With the laughter of children filling the surrounding area, this town used to be quite a happy place. The townspeople gather, and we can see that one of them is Vani. The priest begins calling them shameful since the Father has granted them a path to salvation, but they stray from it at every opportunity. Drinking, gambling, stealing. All shameful acts. Blood petals begin falling from above the priest, landing on his bible. We hear the voice of Lilith from behind. She tells the priest that Sin is their birthright. We get this really cool but equally creepy shot of this demonic silhouette being contrasted by the church's window. She tells the townspeople that lords of hell are coming to devour this world and their salvation is not in the light but instead in themselves. That their faith has taught them to deny their heart's desire and turn them into a prisoner within themselves. The priest is having a mild end-of-life crisis and this stage. The townspeople are slowly turning to Lilith's way of thinking. The Priest notices this and pleads with them to resist her temptations. It ends really poorly for the priest as Lilth speaks to a man named Elias. He tells her that the townspeople have awakened. She responds that they are just the first of many and that their true work begins now. We awake outside the church and speak to Iosef about our vision. When he hears the description of Lilith, he tenses up, stating that it can't be possible. He explains that he must report back to the cathedral immediately. Telling us to look for a hermit to the north, he apparently has questionable loyalty but knows about the forbidden. And asks us to bring the hermit to the cathedral in Kyovashad. We agree and head north. We arrive at the cabin and find it empty. Taking the opportunity to look for clues. The hermit arrives home with a deer and invites us to supper, I must say, a very surprising way to treat a home invader ruffling through your belongings. We tell him about everything that has happened thus far, and he mentions that the reason for our visions is due to the villages feeding us the blood of Lilith. The Daughter of Hatred and Mother of Sanctuary. She was banished ages ago and this entire world was her creation. He says that it was prophesied that she would return one day. We ask what it is that she wants and he says that he doesn't know. Only that Sanctuary has been a battleground for the conflict between angels and demons but Lilith doesn't serve either side. Instead, she has her own plans for humankind. We ask if we are now corrupted since we drank her blood, to which the hermit says that he isn't sure but we undoubtedly share a connection with her now. We pledge to use this new connection to figure out what she's after. The hermit agrees to help us. We reach Kyovashad the hermit, whose name is Lorath Nahr. He buys a horse from the town's stables and we ask him what he is doing. He says that while we go to the cathedral, he plans to head out to the Dry Steppes to search for the pale man from our vision. He is referring to Elias. We go on to ask him about Inarius, and he talks about how the cathedral love to go on about him, his imprisonment in hell, his valiant escape and then his glorious return to Sanctuary - the world he created. This is the entity that the priest from the vision what referring to as the Father. He is an angel, not god if you understandably mistook that. But he and Lilith are jointly responsible for the creation of Sanctuary. Inarius is the Father while Lillith is the Mother of Sanctuary. The shared creation of a demon and angel. He asks us to retrieve some things from the local blacksmith, which turns out to be his old weapon and amulet. Suggesting, he led a very interesting life before becoming a hermit. As he begins to leave we hear the narration again. This time revealing that the narrator is actually Lorath Nahr, speaking from the future on these past events. He says how at the time how after meeting us, he believed he had a chance to protect humanity from the Daughter of Hatred. That the wanderer's connection to her gave him hope. Only to begin laughing, suggesting that his having hope was stupid in hindsight. We head to the Cathedral of Light and find Iosef before the Reverend Mother Prava. She is giving him a blessing. Iosef asks us why Lorath didn't accompany us and what could possibly be of more import. We respond with only one word. Lilith. Mother Prava explains that she received word from one of her knights of a demon that matches our description of Lilith exactly. Asking us to travel to Yelesna to verify the sightings. She initially intended to send Lorath but since he never arrived, we will take his place. We head to the Yelesna mines and meet a knight called Vigo. There is a young woman nearby that yells at Vigo saying she knows what she saw. A horned demon that walked past where we stand. She is concerned since her mother is with that demon and begins questioning Vigo why he would let her mother through. Vigo explains that it's fine since they have soldiers stationed inside. Neyrelle, says that he should be worried for them as well before turning to us and asking us for help finding her mother. She tells us that she studies the horadrim alongside her mother. That they were on to something big but her mother ran off, which is unusual for her to just abandon the hunt like that. We tell Vigo that the reverend mother sent us and tell him that the horned woman is the demon Lillith. This scares Neyrelle since her mother taught her that name when she was young, mentioning that she is the fabled Daughter of Hatred. Vigo agreesto lead us into the mine, fearing that the reverend mother would be angry at him. While inside the mine, Neyrelle notices that Vigo is wearing her mother's charm on his wrist. Vigo says that it is now his since she gave it to him when he let her and her friend pass through. We arrive at an internal door and hear mumbling from the other side, It turns out to be the stationed knights, most ofthem dead on the floor but luckily one is still breathing... barely. Vigo asks him what happened and the knight responds that it was the woman they were escorting. Not Neyrelle's Mother but the woman accompanying them. Saying that she wasn't human, that she turned into a demon. Claiming she mothered Sanctuary and then it was a bloodbath. Neyrelle asks him what happened to Vhenard, her mother. The knight responds that she begged for her life. Lilith spared her and led her deeper inside the mine. The knight tells Vigo that nothing worked on Lillith, that he needs to tell Prava to raise the army and that the father himself needs to know that evil itself walks in Sanctuary. Vigo is angry that Vhenard told him the charm would bring him good fortune, feeling he was lied to. Neyrelle realises that her mother bribed Vigo with the charm so he would allow her inside the mine since nobody was meant to be let through at all. Neyrelle believes her mother can still be saved but Vigo says that he will not continue onwards, he will report back to Prava. Neyrelle calls him a coward and asks us to help her. Which we agree to. As we make our way through the demon-infested mines, we find blood petals on the floor. When we touch them we can see small glimpses of the past. This time, the conversations between Lillith and Vhenard. We can see from the beginning that Vhenard is terrified of Lillith. But Lillith tells her that she has what she seeks, knowledge. Even dragged her child across Sanctuary in pursuit of it. And since she knows the very fabric of the cosmos, she can give her all the answers to those questions. Vhenard is concerned since everything she has ever read has warned her against Lillith, with Lillith mentioning that she has read so much yet knows so little. Vhenard reluctantly agrees to her offer of knowledge. We can find these stones with writing across them that were left by Vhenard giving us some backstory on what happened. The first stone tells us that Lillith saw a way to escape the eternal conflict between heaven and hell. It started with the seduction of the Angel Inarius and as it turns out he was just as fallible as any man. The second stone explains that she used Inarius to craft this world. Which shocked Vhenard, since the true origin of the world came from the union of a demon and angel, and from that came the first generation of humanity. The first generation was powerful, able to move mountains and shake the seas. Vhenard mentioned how Lillith was especially proud in the telling of this part. That she bore a son together with Inarius named Rathma. He was the first to untangle the power of necromancy and his lair lies further in the mine. Lillith mentions that she can sense Vhenard is curious why she was spared before telling her that she is going to meet her son. Lillith describes him to be the key to her plans. The next vision shows Lillith mentioning how she can sense pain from Vhenard, and that she misses her daughter. Vhenard says that she knows her daughter would be scared right now. Lillith gives her a choice, she can go or stay. Vhenard chooses to stay, saying that her daughter will be fine since she's strong. Lillith is happy with this choice and tells her that to reach Rathma they will need to perform a ritual, which she will teach her. And the first lesson is that blood is the key. We manage to find Vhenard, who has drawn patterns and writing in her own blood on the ground. When Neyrelle approaches, she tells her daughter that across the necropolis is a trove of magic and knowledge. She opened the way for Lilith but she could not pass through with her because she lacks the divine element. Neyrelle pleads with her mother to stop, concerned by her mother writing in her own blood. We can begin to see that Vhenard has changed significantly, telling her that Lilith has awakened her. Shown her things that she can't put into words. Neyrelle tells her that she doesn't care what she showed her and attempts to grab her mother's arm to guide her out of the mines. Vhenard pulls a knife out on her own daughter. Calling her clever, trying to lead her away so she can take all this for herself. Definitely short a few marbles if you know what I am saying. She cuts Neyrelle on the arm as she tells her that she now will finish drawing these runes with our blood instead. She goes full demonic witch mode and begins summoning demons to fight us. We manage to fight them off but it ends with Vhenard dying. Neyrelle is distraught and says that Lilith will pay for what she has done, telling us to go back to Reverand's mother Prava to get blessed, allowing us to enter Rathmas tomb. Before asking us to meet her in the Mistral Woods, which contains a hidden vault that belonged to the Horadrim long ago. We head to Kor Valar and find Vigo near a pyre. He is burning the bodies of the lost knights from the mine. He tells us that he came clean to Prava about taking the woman's bribe. Stating that it's looking bad. He might not have a job when she's done with him. He says that he will join us as we go to speak with her as she might even go easier on him if we are there. Vigo essentially only cares about himself. We find the reverend's mother inside as she is arranging the redeployment of soldiers into the mine. She says that we must be worthy of a blessing before we can be given one. We will have to make a pilgrimage to the Alabaster Monastery to cleanse our spirit. Vigo tells us that there is a shrine to the west that bears a relic. It takes on your sin, weighing you down. It will cleanse you in the process, which prepares you to stand before the Father for judgment. He says that he will not take part as he doesn't believe he would survive the journey. We find the relic and complete the pilgrimage. Succeeding in our atonement. Vigo skipped to the final altar and he is attempting to pray for the first time. He is feeling guilty for taking the bribe that lead to the death of his men. He questions the type of man he is. He tells us that we are about to meet Inarius himself and that not everyone comes back from the meeting like the guy is scarface or something. We enter that hall of ascension and can find a mural on the wall that shows Inarius healing a woman that has been plagued with sickness since childhood. Giving her a new life, it turns out that the woman is Reverend Mother Prava. We head into the main room and we can see a giant mural of Inarius on the wall. As the real Inarius begins to levitate down towards us. He asks us what we want and we tell him that we need to traverse the black lake but cannot do so without his blessing. He mentions that one thing he has learnt during his time in Sanctuary is what we're looking for and what we need are rarely the same thing. He once thought he could find an end to this war but has never found a resolution, only more pain. Everything he has done has pulled him further from his home in the heavens. He says how the world they made was born from the impossible but much like its creators, it rots from the inside. We say that Lilith has entered the ancient city, and with his blessing, we can pursue her. This REALLY pisses off Inarius. He calls humankind weak and that this world has been wasted on the crusades of the unworthy. We tell him that we can stop her. He says that the audience has now concluded and we are forced to leave. We head back to the Reverend Mother and ask her why Inarius is in Sanctuary. She says that it's due to Penitence. That heaven cast him down for creating humanity as it is seen as a sin. He now seeks redemption, and a chance to go home. It's prophesied that slaying Lilith is that chance. Inarius believes that the prophecy describes a spear of light, piercing Hatred's heart. He will begin with Lilith and then move on to the Prime deities. Concluding the eternal conflict. We also ask about Vigo and she says that he will do his penance. We mention that our talks with Inarius didn't go all that great and she tells us that the fact we came back unscathed is approval enough, and she gives us our blessing. We head out to find Neyrelle in the woods, we end up in a strange place filled with phantoms. We find a wolf that tells us we are stuck in an illusion created by the Horadrim. It shows us a portal that will lead us through the trap. Taking us to a vision of Tristam (It looks a bit different than Diablo 3. We ask the wolf who they are, and he says that he is an admirer. That he saved us in the mountains in the cave during the blizzard. We would have frozen to death if not for him. He is the demonic wolf that we saw. We ask him why he saved us. He says that we want to stop Lilith, and he wants us to succeed in our mission. But tells us that we will never succeed if we follow the Horadrim. That Horadrim will stumble and we shouldn't be there when they do. He explains that this is Tristram, the Horadrim of the imprisoned Diablo. The Lord of Terror, beneath the earth. They built this town nearby, and as you can see it didn't go so well. He also tells us that he knows we were fed Lilith's blood, and asks if we feel ourselves changing yet. With Lilith walking in our world, it's only a matter of time. We continue through the portal to Neyrelle, she is standing inside the old Horadric Vault. She says that we are looking for a book that contains a spell to help us cross the black lake. We find the book and Neyrelle mentions that a ledger was written by the Horadrim, chronicling spells that were created by Rathma. That Rathmas necromancy spells could help bring her mother back since only she knows the ritual to cross the black lake. We make it back to the mine and Neyrelle begins to cast the spell on her mother's body. Causing her mother's soul to reenter her body. Neyrelle tells her mother that she will find a way to save her and Vhenard responds that she cannot be saved from her own mistakes. Reiterating that this body is only a husk and Neyrelle must allow her spirit to pass on. But will help her one last time by finishing the ritual. Our blessed blood is the final key and we are able to continue into the lair. We find remnants of Rathma as he tells us that we are in fact the last visitor to the sanctum, and we have come too late, just like Lilith before us. He reveals that his father Inarius was actually the first to arrive and that it unfolded just like his visions. He says how his visions began in dreams, images of the end of Sanctuary. A great serpent carried these visions. His own thoughts melded with the serpents and the future was mended together. From this, he created the prophecy. This prophecy became his burden, he knew Inarius would be driven to interfere believing it was about him since he saw himself as the saviour, piercing hatred's heart in hell. So Rathma locked the gates to hell, and when Inarius found out, he would come demanding the key. We now see a glimpse of Inarius meeting with Rathma. He is mad at Rathma for standing in the way of the saviour, that the holy blood in his veins should be boiling. Rathma mentions that nothing Inarius does will change the future he saw and that he creates his own destiny. As we reach the final levels of the passage we come across a demon that was left here by Lilith, it's a tough fight and we are joined by a knight penitent that helps us survive the fight. When the fight is over, he collapses in front of us as we open up the armour. Inside is Vigo, serving his penance for his sins by helping us on our journey. He asks if Neyrelle is safe, and asks us to give Vhenards charm back to her daughter. Claiming he should never have taken it. As he is dying he mentions how it's so dark, wondering if he was too late even though he repented. We tell him that the light has come to carry him home and if he can see it. He looks over and says that he can, that they have come to claim him. Before finally dying. We get another scene of Inarius telling Rathma to hand over the key, Rathma says that he saw a vision of the key being lifted from his corpse, under the eyes of the watchful serpent in his sanctum. We go into his sanctum and find the corpse of Rathma on the stairs. We reach him and get a vision. We see Lilith entering the tomb, back when we found Vhenard before. We can see Rathma has been killed by a spear to the heart by Inarius. Lilith mourns her son and breaks the spear Revealing the key to hell showing that the very thing Inarius sought was inside the spear he used to kill his own son. She says that the key unlocks the path to the future and that it was only made possible due to Rathma's sacrifice. And that sacrifice will not be made in vain. We leave and return to Neyrelle, we tell her about Vigo and return the charm. We also explain what we saw in the sanctum. We get more narration from Lorath. He explains that this young girl was seeking her mother, seeking hope. But found neither. He goes on to say that her part in this story is far from over. In fact, we would need her much more than she would need us. Despite not realising this at the time. After leaving Neyrelle our first course of action is to search out a man by the name of Donan. A member of the Herodrim, and an old friend of Lorath who could help us in our fight against Lilith. We arrive at his estate in Eldhaime as Donan is having a discussion with his son Yorin. Yorin is asking his father to allow him to go out into the field with the other knights but Donan would rather his son stay with him and study his old Horadrim tomes instead. We interrupt and mention that Lorath has sent us with a warning, that an ancient evil walks the land. The demon, Lilith. This garners Donan's attention as he asks how we came to this have this information but is quickly interjected by his son, he mentions that this could have something with what Donan saw. Donan describes an incident at his estate and asks us to meet him there to discuss the details before telling his son Yorin that he has his permission to go and meet with the other knights, telling him to be careful. When asked about Lorath, Donan describes him as a brother of the Horadrim, possibly the closest thing to a friend that Lorath has these days. When asked about the incident, he mentions that it occurred a few days prior, during the dead of night. At first, he thought it was just a nightmare but unfortunately, it turned out not to be the case. Some very interesting information can also be heard here, as Donan admits that it was actually him that took Rathma's Prophecy to Inarius, stating that he could never have imagined that Inarius would kill his own son over it. Stating that the key is now in Lilith's hands, before saying that it must relate to her search for Astaroth. We head out and reach Donans estate, where we can find more blood petals within his study. Upon touching them we get another vision, Donan is seen studying late at night as a whole ass portal appears in the middle of his study. Whispers come from it, telling him to grant them entrance. Now, I must ask. Why the hell would you approach this thing, I would be doing cartwheels through the goddamn window if this were to happen to me. Donan, stupidly, enters the entrance. Revealing Lilith in all her evil glory. He is understandably shocked but I mean what the hell were you expecting from the hell portal? Mickey Mouse? He mentions that he knows who she is, while Lilith repays the favour by saying the same. Calling him old, tired, each day a struggle to live up to his own legacy. He asks Lilith what she wants with him, and she responds "Astaroth". He tells her that he is dead, but she reaffirms that Astraroth cannot die, at least not by Donans hand. I will admit, you could mistake this scene for going somewhere much less PG but I assure you. Donan's in some REAL danger. She asks Donan what he did with him but Donan orders her away, denying her permission. She mentions that he has grown frail in his older age, and offers to make him the hero he once was before looking at a painting behind him, showing Donan with two other individuals. Lilith leaves moments after seeing the painting while Donan continues to banish her, the cut on his lip still bleeding, showing that this wasn't a dream. As we leave the estate we are ambushed by local goatmen. Donan mentions that they have never dared to come so close to the estate before. We mention that it's likely Lilith's presence drawing them in before mentioning the vision we had in his study. He is distraught that The Daughter of Hatred was in his own home, worried that she must be furious that he cast her out. We ask who the other people in the painting are, since Lilith's unusual fascination with it. He says that they are the druids Nafain and Airidah, who helped him slay Astaroth. Before realising that it is likely that since he resisted Lilith, she could question them about the demon next. He mentions that there are knights stationed among the nearby villagers, and they would have seen Lilith if she passed through and mentions that we should go and ask them. We do however ask Donan about his relationship with Airidah and Nafain, and can quickly realise that they have become estranged with time. Airidah is now consumed with her task of watching over the dead, leaving Donan to wish they sit and discuss histories like they once did. While Nefain refuses to meet with Donan, angry that he has given land to the Knights Penitent. Calling him bitter, now living as a recluse deep in the woods. We ask why Lilith seems to believe Astaroth is alive, Donan says that Demons are arrogant creatures, they could never accept the idea that a mortal could vanquish Astaroth. What concerns him is why she is looking for him, stating that the fact that since Astaroth comes from the Realm of Hatred, the same place Lilith once called home is possibly the answer. We travel to the nearby town of Braestaig, the same place that Yorin is visiting and speak to the Chieftan. She tells us that there is a fog uphill where mad spirits are emerging and killing nearby people. We mention that we are looking for a demon that is passing through, and the chieftain confirms that they have seen her. Saying the demon went uphill to Airidahs domain. Yorin offers to guide us to Airidah since he knows the way from his father. This leads us to a sealed door that Yorin is able to open using the Druidic language. We ask Yorin if his mother was a Druid, which he denies. Saying that his mother was more of a scholar, and since she died when he was young, he has learnt most of what he knows about his mother from her writings. We find an elegy for the people that died fighting Astaroth, created by Airidah. It has been corrupted as the guardians begin to attack us, we come to the realisation that they are now under the influence of Lilith, which is strange since they should only be able to be influenced by Airidah. We find a tomb futher inside and can find runes that Yorin identifies as the work of Airidah, confirming that the corruption within was not caused by Lilith but instead by Airidah herself. We reach the village on the other side and speak to a local named Arlo. He says that Airidah came through with a horned demon, heading towards the top of the hill. The sound of Airidah's talharpa causing this madness to begin. We reach the top of the hill and can find Airidah sitting at the top. She mentions that only one of us will walk away from this, asking to enjoy the storm for a moment. We mention that the dead that she controls are now killing her people. Airidah mentions that some people will die, but that is the way of nature. That it's a crucible. It devours the weak and makes the strong stronger. Believing that whoever survives will save the land from Hell. We point out that she has fallen for Lilith's lies, but she believes that it is her own choice. Lilith just gave her the ability to do what must be done. We ask what she gave in return for the ability, but she says that all knowledge must be earned. We have a big old fight and manage to defeat Airidah. She quickly comes to terms with the loss, saying that the stronger prevails. We once again ask what she gave Lilith, and she responds that she told her of the wards around Astaroth's prison. How to break them. Stating that her people have forgotten what it took to defeat Astaroth, and that they must learn again. If they cannot kill Astaroth, then how could they stand against the full might of Hell? We waste no time and head out towards Boglann. Nafain's domain. We can find a stone that welcomes travellers to the forest, where they can become one with nature. Very typical of a nature reserve, that sort of thing. However, written over the message is the saying "Cathedral Dogs not welcome".... a little less typical of a nature reserve but we progress. A nearby wolf leads us to Nafain. And let's just say that my dude is not doing very well. God damn. You could say he is half the man he once was. He gives us a sniff and says that we stink of Donan, before calling him a coward for not coming himself. He mentions that Lilith did this to him. But he is beyond saving, asking us to find the demon. That she is to the north and is planning something. When we arrive we can find glimpses of Lilith performing some form of Ritual. It turns out to be the summoning of an Amalgam of Rage using the blood of Nafain. We manage to wound the creature but it flees before we can land the killing blow. We return to Nafain and tell him what we found. He mentions that it's his own fault, that he made a pact with Lilith to help him destroy the Knights Penitent in return for the location of where Astaroth is hidden. Eldhaime. He mentions that in her presence, he lost control. That rage consumed him. He asks us to end corruption. So we drive this big old spear into his chest, and I am not going to get into how the hell this guy survived for hours hung to the tree like a Christmas ornament, cut in half might I add. But dies to a little stick to the chest, but whatever, let's continue. When we arrive back at Eldhaime, the place has been overrun by goatmen. The nearby Commander of the Knights Penitent mentions that the horned woman and her beast ran through here. Nothing could stop them. Not even their prayers. Stating that the light has forsaken this place. We find Donan inside, he mentions that Lilith could have killed him too but she intentionally left him untouched. Toying with him. Wanting him to watch her destroy everything he has built. He asks if we have seen Yorin when we came into Eldhaime. We tell him that we didn't. He says that there is still a way to stop her but he can't do it alone. He says that Lilith is in an old chamber beneath the keep. The place where Astaroth is. He admits that he didn't kill him as the stories say. Instead, imprisoning him in a soul stone is a last resort. Building Eldhaime over the stone to contain the evil. He goes on to say that he spent his life watching over it, keeping it a secret, so Astaroth would never hurt anyone again. Not even his son knows. He apologises for hiding this from us but mentions that he couldn't risk a stranger knowing the truth. As we head towards the chamber we can find the bodies of Knight Pentient members that were escorting Yorin, even finding his mace on one of the knight's bodies. We ask Donan if she could have taken Yorin somewhere. He begins to panic, asking what possible reason would she have since Yorin means nothing to her. We reach the chamber that contained Astaroth and can find more Blood Petals on the ground. It's vision time. We can see Lilith holding the Soulstone as she mentions that the Mighty Astaroth, The Charred Duke himself (badass nickname by the way) is now confined to a cage. Astaroth recognises Lilith, as she offers him a deal. Astaroth provides safe passage to a place she is no longer welcome and in return for his freedom... and more... Offering Donans son, his pride and joy as a way for Astaroth to enact retribution on Donan for imprisoning him. But only if he gives Lilith what she wants. He agrees and Lilith stabs the Soulstone into Yorins head before the vision ends. We tell Donan what we see and he becomes distressed, he says that there is still time. He says that he has spent half his life studying the soul stone and that he knows its nature. It will take time for Astaroth to overpower Yorin, and since he taught his son well, he will be resisting the demon's influence. He mentions that nearby Cerrigar is a likely location for Astaroth. Since he wouldn't be able to resist all the innocent lives. We arrive as Blood Petals begin falling from the sky above, Lilith speaks to Donan, mentioning that Yorin has been waiting for him. We can see that Yorin is not looking very human anymore. Astaroth tells Donan that he called out for him, wept until his tears became fire. Lilith tells Astaroth to do as he pleases since she has what she came for. We are left to fight Astaroth and the giant demon dog that was created from Nafains blood. After a long fight, we do come out ahead. Donan approaches the body, removing the soul stone from his head. Reverting Yorin back to his old self, but unfortunately, he is dead. Donan apologises to his son as he mourns him. Lorath once again narrates the scene, mentioning that Lilith and Astaroth had made a deal. And we were the ones that paid the cost. That our presence was no coincidence, everything happened exactly as Lilith wanted. We just danced to her music. He mentions that Donan is shattered, his mind in grief. Not her or answers. Nobody knew what Lilith was after, or exactly what Astaroth had promised her. But we needed to recover quickly and stop chasing her phantoms. After leaving Donan to grieve, it's time for us to head to Ked Bardu in search of Lorath Nahr and be updated on his search for Elias. When we do actually find him, however, it's a bit of a sorry sight. Two men are having discussions about what they should do with him. As Lorath is sleeping in the mud. We ask the men what Lorath has been up to in town and they mention that he came into town days ago asking for a servant of the demon Lilith. A pale man and it seems he didn't like what he found. We tell them that he is a friend of ours and that we will take it from here. One lovely midnight bath later and Lorath is with the land of the living once again. It turns out that Lorath has been a little too friendly with the bottle and we ask him what happened to him. He mentioned that he got beaten by alcohol and also had a brawl with the town's goat over a patch of mud. Nice. We ask him what he has learnt of the pale man. He mentions that the pale man was once Horadrim. Saying that his name is Elias, Lorath's former apprentice. And since his former apprentice was responsible for bringing Lilith back to Sanctuary, he didn't take the news very well. He says that they need to figure out what he has done and then kill him before asking us to find a woman that has some messages. And since he is probably over the alcohol limit to even exist at this point. We should go and see her. We ask around for our mysterious woman and find out that the pale man passed through the Abahru Canyons some time ago. We head back to Lorath and let him know and he mentions that he wrote to the Orbei Monastery the day he arrived. But they have not replied yet, even when they should of. When asked about the Orbei Monastery, he mentions that the Scholars have devoted their lives to studying forbidden knowledge believing that "To serve the Light, we must know the Darkness" so the silence is unsettling. We head out with Lorath to the Canyons in search of Elias. We find a camp filled with dead merchants that were slain by demons. So we know that we are getting closer. There are more demons around the surrounding buildings but Lorath points out that the Demons summoned were nothing but Vermin, and that he would expect much more from a mage of Elias's ability. We find the home of a local stone carver and can find that this carver is doing a hell of a lot more than just cutting stones. A book on his desk tells us that Elias meets with the stone carver. Saying that the pain of a lonely man who had learned to hate the world, yet Lilith found him Beautiful. And he wants to help her build a new world. We now realise that Genbar the stone carver was actually the summoner that brought the demons to the village, hence why the demons were of such low strength. Using a secret back path from the house we follow it to find Genbar in a cave, doing all types of evil shenanigans. Initially, he thinks that we were sent by Elias, which Lorath attempts to play along with. Saying that we are on a very important mission and that we have something for the master, asking where he is. Genbar is, however, much smarter than he looks and sees straight through our deception. Deciding to summon more D-tier demons to attack us. We eventually wound him and he calls out to Elias, and surprisingly he responds. He mentions Lorath Nahr, saying that he has waited a very long time for this. In all honesty, giving off some real Obi-Wan Kenobi and Vader parallels. He summons a demon to fight us and this time, it packed some serious heat. Once defeated, Lorath mentions that the bad news is the fact that Genbar was expecting somebody, which means that Elias has turned others to madness. But the good news is that we can use his demon gift since the demon that he sent to kill us is actually unique. It requires constant feeding of humans to survive, so if we cut open its belly, somebody inside might just hold a clue of where it came from. Lorath ships off the demon body to Ked Bardu while we take some time to go check up on the Orbei Monastery. When we arrive, our protagonist mentions that the Monastery reeks of forbidden spells, meaning that it's likely been taken over. We can find a raving monk on the ground that is having a really crappy day. He says that the Abbot opened the door and that pale man smiled, before taking the forbidden knowledge. We reach the main door and can find the abbot sitting among his books as the library burns around him. Saying that Elias told him that the ruin of Sanctuary was imminent and that only he could help. Elias plans to summon a Lesser Evil. Taking all the books and scrolls needed to perform such a ritual and murdering the scholars in the process. The souls of the scholars, "come back" and completely wreck the abbot. We return to Lorath and inform him of the situation at the monastery. The fact that Elias could summon a Lesser Evil terrifies him, asking which one of them he intends to summon. Mentioning that while Elias could paint the Steppes in blood, a Lesser Evil could wipe out the continent. When pressed on the Lesser Evils, Lorath explains that there are The Prime Evils. Mephisto, Baal and Diablo. The Lessers are their rotten kin. Azmodan, Belial, Andariel and Duriel. Each of them has ravaged humankind since the dawn of history and they are more than happy to do it again. We head inside the tent and Lorath begins digging inside our old demon friend. He finds a medallion that bears the crest of the ruler of the royal house of Gullrahn, giving us a clue as to Elias's whereabouts. After a very long journey, we arrive at Gillrahn. Lorath believes that Elias will be in the Palace, behind the high wall and gates. Saying that we will have to find another way into the Palace. The woman accompanying him mentions that there is somebody that knows how to get into the Palace. And that Lorath knows who they are but still refuses to answer her messages, about her missing friend Oyuun. Stating that she might be the only person left that knows how to navigate the underground tunnels. Lorath isn't convinced that Oyuun is even still alive, or if the tunnels even exist. He believes that there is another reason that Zolaya is seeking Oyuun. Which she refuses to answer. We instead ask Zolaya if we could look for her, asking for any details that could help us find her. She mentions that she owned a house in the Market Square. That they were meant to meet there before but she couldn't get close. Lorath doesn't believe what we are doing is worth the risk but hopes we can prove him wrong. We enter the city, fighting demons and cannibals throughout the streets. We reach the house and save a nearby villager that mentions that the Cannibals are rounding everyone up. Killing and feasting. But there are a few that they drag away into some prisons. We hope the fact that the Cannibals are using prisons could mean that Oyuun lives. Many charred Cannibals later and we find the prison containing Oyuun, she is obviously distraught by the fact that she was about to be somebodies lunch but we reassure her by saying that Zolaya sent us. We tell her that we need to head back to the market but she insists that there is a safer way out using an old prison wing that was sealed off years ago from an earthquake. I am no structural engineer but I think Oyuun needs to redefine her meaning of safe. Turns out the old wing is completely packed with zombies, so... not so safe after all. We reach the outside and reunite with Lorath and Zolaya, which ends up bringing a tear to Loraths eyes. He praises us for our good deed for the day and we ask about the hidden tunnel to the palace. Oyuun tells us that there is an old escape tunnel near the caverns nearby, so we waste no time and head right there. Lorath mentions that when we first met him he had assumed the connection we have with Lilith would lead us to darkness, as it did for Elias. But after seeing the good we are doing, he admits he might have been wrong. Near the cavern entrance Lorath says that while we were in the city, he was thinking about which Lesser Evil Elias intends to summon. Believing that what he did to Guulrahn is a clue. We mention that he drowned the city in blood, which Lorath thinks narrows his goal to likely summon either Duriel or Andariel. Duriel feeds off physical pain, while Andariel revels in the mental and emotional torment of people. But the fact remains that regardless of which of the two he summons, the fate of Guulrahn will be shared by many more cities to come. We come across some cannibals and cultists, the big guy is named Brol. He is asking why they are staying here, as he needs more prey and meat. The cultists reassure him that he will have exactly that once Elias finishes his grand work. Saying that the seeds they have sown will bear fruit and Gullrahn will be reborn. Brol on the other is a much simpler man and just wants to skip to the buffet menu. The other cultist bravely mentions that Elias is trying to summon Andariel into the world and that her power will help him get more meat. An offer that Brol approves of much more, even asking to watch the ritual. We find the personal library of Elias and find out some interesting things regarding his time in the Horadrim. Elias believed that he could use the power of the Prime Evils against them, fighting fire with fire essentially. Lorath gave him an ultimatum; stop, or leave the Horadrim. You can probably guess what he chose. We reach a place named the Forsaken Ascent, it's a complete hellhole. Literally. And Lorath mentions that the Triune has reclaimed their ancient temple. However, it's not as easy as just walking inside. Elias was researching something about shrines to Mephisto, Baal, and Diablo. The three Prime Evils. And unfortunately, only the blessed can open the way, which means that if you want to enter the ancient temple, you need to be personally blessed by a Prime Evil. Lorath believes it to be incredibly risky, but we have little choice. The first statue we visit belongs to Baal, the Lord of Destruction. His influence has launched every war in history, never once tiring of conflict. In order for this to work, we must speak his true name. Tor'Baalos. We get hit with what I can only describe as a demon fart and fall over. We recover and continue to the next shrine. The next is the shrine of Diablo. Lord of Terror. Every mortal fear, every nightmare... he is the root of it all. Once again speaking his true name. Al'Diabolos. The third and final shrine belongs to The Lord of Hatred, Mephisto. The father of Lilith. This one in particular will be a little dicey since we technically have Lilith's blood inside of us. We get a little touchy with Lorath as well tell him we can handle it. He points out that the power here is already agitating us. We tell him again that we can handle it and ask him what Mephisto's true name is. Dul'Mephistos. Lorath leaves in search of the temple, while instead of a demon fart, a portal opens up nearby. Revealing the bloodied wolf that saved us from the Blizzard in Act 1 and helped us in the Horadrim puzzle. It turns out that this wolf is actually the Prime Evil, Mephisto. Lord of Hatred. He insists that we can still help each other, saying that the mortal Elias seeks to use the power of the Primes for his own ends. Mentioning that nobody knows their place anymore. His meddling has drawn echoes of the past to his refuge of Hatred. But they seem to be out of Order, before asking our help to put them back in order. And in return, he will grant us his blessing. We find ourselves at some form of Barbarian village as they yell out that they will not fall to a Prime Evil. In this particular circumstance, we are actually fighting on the side of the Prime Evils against the innocent. When we reach the end and rid the village of its occupants. Mephisto praises us, saying that we were born for this. We have a quick jab back by saying that we didn't expect a Prime Evil to require the help of a mortal. He admits that he has had some bad luck in recent years. Being trapped in one of those Soulstone Trinkets cast back to hell. Saying that his essence is reforming, and so his power has limits. We state that he deserves far worse. Mephisto explains that all he has done is offer us help, and yet we repay him with Hatred. Asking us to focus that anger on Lilith instead, thus granting us his blessing before telling us to Destroy Her and Save Our World. When asked briefly about the Barbarians that we just slew, he says that they were actually in fact the victims of his Brother Baal. That he laid waste to the barbarian lands, long before our time. Stating, he wished to have seen it with his own eyes. But he had no part in it, and Elias has upset the balance at the temple of the Primes. Stating the shades of the past belong in Baal's domain, not his. But he does welcome their Hatred. We meet up with Lorath and inform him of our talks with Mephisto. And we tell him that it's not the first time we have spoken with him, this annoys Lorath, asking why we kept it from him. We are definitely acting a little cranky at this stage as we respond that we all have our secrets. We find Elias performing the ritual and Lorath asks us to stay in the shadows stating that he will handle it himself. We can see a woman on the stone, as Elias is in the process of tattooing symbols into her neck. Blood levitates above, with Brol ordering the nearby cultist to... add his blood to the rest shall we say. Lorath interrupts Elias and straight up stabs him in the chest. The blood begins to fall over the woman as she awakens distraught, Brol on the other hand isn't happy that his extra serving of meat is running out of the restaurant. We give our compliments to the chef and leave. The woman is confused about what happened, before mentioning that it feels like fire is crawling over her skin. She says that she can hear something. A voice in her mind. Lorath confirms that the voice is likely that of the Lesser Evil Andariel since a connection has been made between the two of them. I'm telling you, I have seen horror films, voices of a powerful entity in the head of a mortal. I know how this ends, it's a bit harsh but I think we need to cut our losses if you know what I'm saying. The woman's name is Taissa, and she believes that Elias fled to his refuge, since he disappeared after being stabbed. We leave for Tarsarak, since the locals there know the deserts well. And somebody may have heard of this palace that Elias uses as a refuge. Taissa is having a hard time with the voices in her head but tells us to ask around for somebody to guide us through the desert while Lorath helps her find something to clear her mind. We speak to some woman that recommends an old man that might just be crazy enough to take us out towards the evil sorcerer. We find the old man at the nearby riverbank, and it's definitely safe to say that he lives up to the reputation of being crazy. He is very drunk but recognises the Horadrim symbol around Loraths neck. He yells out the name Deckard Cain, calling him an old friend. Believing Lorath to be him. (if you have played Diablo 3, you will probably know who that is) Lorath tells him that Deckard is gone and that his name is Lorath, asking him to help us pass through the sandstorm. He agrees. One whole Blizzard Escort quest later of Meshif reliving his greatest hits with Deckard, we finally arrive. Lorath asks Meshif to stay outside while we go in, stating that danger is lurking here. We trick a noble into thinking we are new recruits as he explains that Lilith has just blessed us with her presence. Describing it as magnificent, and that even Master Elias will give us a glimpse of her through the sightless eye. We manage to make it to Elias's chamber and end up battling him only for him to disappear once again. Some blood petals on the floor catch our attention and we enter another vision. We see a monk, literally get eaten alive by wolves. This crap was brutal and I will not be showing it, since YouTube. But Lilith and Elias are having a jovial conversation while watching the... show. Lilith mentions the three Prime Evils, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal. Stating that the ruin of Sanctuary is imminent, yet Elias still doubts it. He believes that we will be saved by Lilith's hand. She corrects him, stating that she has not come to save, but instead empower. That in her shadow, the strong will oppose the might of Hell itself. Let the weak, fend for themselves. Elias states that Andariel lives, and Horadrim will now die. Lorath now understands that the reason that Elias and Lilith are gathering followers is due to the fact that they are building an army to fight against Hell and the Prime Evils. Elias re-enters the Chamber and states that The Lords of Hell threaten our existence and that he is doing something about it, and that Lorath will never understand what he has done for this world. We play cat and mouse with him again as he disappears after we beat him in combat. We are only left with finding the sightless eye. After fighting the greatest magician to ever live a few more times we manage to get our hands on the Sightless Eye. Said to possess the power to look into any event, regardless of time. We head back outside and find Meshif, stabbed and dying. He was ambushed from behind and after taking his final swig of alcohol, he dies. We return to the Taissa as Lorath swears to study the sightless eye and use it against Elias and Lilith. Taissa feels that she underestimated Elias, but Lorath is happy to have the sightless eye, believing that Elias was using it to communicate with Lilith from far distances. We get some more narration from Lorath as he mentions that the Prime Evils were reforming. Hell is on its way. But Elias was not the answer to people's prayers. Before dropping some words of wisdom, if you want to take the measure of someone, judge them by their deeds, not their words. Elias preached about saving the world while standing on a pile of corpses. The wanderer was everything that he was not, tainted by Lilith's blood, yet able to resist her corruption. That is what he witnessed in the wanderer's deeds, and only at that moment did he feel that together they could keep the evils at bay. We find ourselves back at the Forsaken Chapel and ask Taissa how she is feeling. She mentions that she can cut out Andariel's whispers most of the time, but not always. Lorath believes that some whispers are a much better alternative than having her walk the world again. He wonders how Andariel fits into Lilith and Elias's plans before asking to go over what we know thus far. We mention her deal with Astaroth, to which Lorath finds an interesting choice of ally since Astaroth served her father Mephisto. Not to mention that she currently possesses a key to hell, a place where she is seen as a traitor, so why would she want to go? Lorath is concerned that Lilith might already be in Hell and believes we should use the sightless eye to help us since Elias was using it to contact Lilith. We use the sightless eye to see the current location of Lilith and Elias as they are in the midst of a conversation. Lilith mentions that her father's essence is reforming. Elias asks how she can tell, to which she responds that it feels like a thousand old wounds being ripped open again. He is still weak, however, vulnerable. Lilith plans to strike before he can resist. It's not long after this that Lilith senses something, narrowing in on our gaze. We mention to Lorath that she saw us, and he says that it's only a matter of time before she comes for us. We, however, think otherwise. Mentioning that her current objective seems to be more focused on her father Mephisto. Since she is trying to take his power while he is still weak. Lorath begins trying to think of a solution, before coming to a realisation. Mentioning that if she manages to take Mephisto's power, she will become like a Prime Evil herself. Being able to conquer hell and Sanctuary alike. And he now has an idea of how to stop her. He gives us the letter and mentions that we need the help of an old ally, Donan. Saying he would have gone to Kyovashad for guidance after the loss of his son. We pose the question to Lorath if Lilith were to take Mephisto's power, could it help Sanctuary in the long run? He acknowledges that it would strike a massive blow against Hell. But it would unlikely be for our benefit since all of her actions are also led by Hatred. We ask Taissa what she knows of Andariel. She mentions that she knows more about her now than she would like to. Describing her pain as primal and wordless. Once part of something more but Andariel doesn't like her to think about it. We head to Kyovashad and find Donan in the Cathedral, we tell him we have a letter for him and he hopes that it's good news for once. When we mention that it's from Lorath, let's just say the man is not enthused. He reads the letter, written in Harodrim code. We ask him what it says and he is not surprised the Lorath didn't tell us since it would require a basic degree of consideration. Lorath wishes to imprison Lilith within Donan's soul stone. The same one that held Astraroth. He believes that it cannot work, at least not at the moment. Since the soul stone would need to be attuned to Lilith first. And for that, we would need an expert. We mention that Lorath was hoping that Donan would be that expect. Donan replies that Lorath is even more foolish than he thought if he believed that. He asks us to go to the Horadric, as he will dig up what he needs and then once we deliver it all to Lorath. Hopefully, Lorath will leave him alone. We reach the vault, and Donan mentions that there is an intruder inside the vault. We mention that she is simply a child, Donan thinks it's ridiculous for us to bring a child to the vault, but we correct him because, in fact, it was her that brought us here. Neyrelle is practically drooling all over the old Horadrim notes as we awaken her. Donan tells her off for swinging the staff around, claiming it's not a toy before mentioning that he once lived in this vault and wants Neyrelle to explain why she is here. She says that she is a student, conducting research into the Horadrim. Donan asks if Lorath is her teacher. She says that she doesn't need one, since Lilith threatens Sanctuary as we speak. And she will prepare for that with or without help. Donan scoffs at the remark, making fun of Neyrelle for thinking she could stop Lilith before leaving to gather his notes. He does say while walking that he was once like Neyrelle, having more dreams than he knew what to do with. While Donan is collecting the notes he mentions that Soulstone magic is incredibly treacherous, even in the most skilled hands. And that since Lilith hails from her father's domain of Hatred, that is the essence that will need to be attuned to the stone for it to work. Donan has kept a map that has all the places Mephisto's Hatred still lingers, so we can go to collect it. He finds his old Horadrim amulet on a table and we ask about it. Donan mentions that he bets Lorath still wears his since the Order's mission was his lifeblood. Donan however couldn't give up his life for it, not like Lorath. He wanted to be a man, have a family, chasing fellowship and glory. All of it for nothing, since the death of his son. He goes on to say he can't do it, the soul stone won't work anyway with him. Saying that the stuff soul stones are made of is as old as the eternal conflict itself, with magic so primordial, that you require faith and spirit. He has none. We reiterate that he is the only one that can help us, and he agrees that unfortunately, we may be right. Insisting that he can't make promises but he will try for us and Lorath. Agreeing to hear what he has to say. We return to Neyrelle as she is getting excited over some of the books that she has read within the vault. Donan and her bond over the books of Kalha, calling her work masterpieces. And she brings up the fact she wishes to join us on our journey back to Lorath, since she now knows the Horadrim's ways, their magic, even the coded writing system they use. And since Lilith took her mother, she will do whatever it takes to stop her. We ask Donan how many people lived within the vault. He says that it was Elias, Lorath and Himself, joined by an angel, Tyrael. Neyrelle asks if he is referring to an Angel like Inarius, with Donan saying that Tyrael and Inarius are very different. Fortunately. Tyrael set off before Elias did, he wasn't sure what drew him away but he could tell that Tyrael was afraid. The Horadrim fell apart after that. When asked about the Soulstones, he mentions that they are the Horadrim's greatest weapons but also their greatest curse. There is nothing like it in existence. The very first Horadrim used a set of soul stones to contain Diablo, Mephisto and Baal. But that power comes at a cost since the soul stone must always be guarded, it consumes your days and dreams. Becoming a prisoner as much as the demon within the stone. And the evil inside the stones always finds a way out. But even with all that being said, it is the best way that Donan knows of to contain a demon, wishing that he knew a better alternative. We head back to the campsite and find Taissa outside, struggling. She is saying that Andariel is getting louder, screaming or laughing. Unable to tell the difference. She tried to push her down but needs some fresh air, someplace to clear her mind and find a moment of quiet. We speak with Lorath and he reiterates the plan to capture Lilith in the stone before she can attempt to take Mesphisto's power for herself. We mention that we don't have the time required to prepare the stone, so why not just fight her? He doubts our ability since we have her corrupted blood in our veins, but regardless, fighting her kind is always a last resort. Even if you could defeat her, she would eventually come back. But with the stone, it wouldn't be an issue. Donan points out that Soulstones do eventually fail, given enough time. But Lorath believes that Donan will find a way. A sandstorm begins outside and Neyrelle realises that she cannot see Taissa anymore and runs out to check on her. One outside we find out that, her moment of fresh air has turned out to be a lot more dangerous. As Elias has now captured her, he says that our fumbling with the eye led him straight to our camp. He mentions that the runes inked into Taissa's skin form a waypoint, she is a beacon across realms. He levitates her over the symbol that formed on the ground. Almost like a key for a lock. Stating that her part is now done, and so is ours since we won't be around much longer. It turns out that The Maiden of Anguish, Andariel is back in all her nightmarish glory. We hold off the Lesser Evil, causing her to burn to a crisp. We head back inside and notify Lorath and Donan of what happened. Taissa mentions that before Elias went to the steppes he went to Hawezar, taking something that wasn't his, it is why she was hunting him. Mentioning that she has a friend in Hawezar that has mastered the art of immortality. Yeah... I think ... I think that might just come in handy. She offers to take us to her, as she could know his secret. Lorath praises us, saying that the fact that we stood against a lesser evil and lived is no normal feat. We get some more narration from Lorath, wondering what Deckard Cain would have written in his chronicles if he had seen us. Two old friends and new allies were eager to learn from our vast knowledge. Bound against the darkness, like the Horadrim of old. Lorath believes that Lilith's plan all along was to take Mephisto's power. Not to save humanity but to simply rule Hell herself. But Elias was too blind to see it. We meet back up with Taissa, Lorath and Neyrelle and we quickly learn that Taissa pretended to study under Elias, as she found it useful while she was hunting him. We ask how we are meant to defeat Elias since he doesn't die. Taissa says that we need to break his hold on immortality. A logical solution to the whole not dying aspect if you ask me. Lorath believes that killing Elias would serve as a massive blow against Lilith and would greatly improve our chances of Success against her. Taissa says that we need to seek out Timue in the marshes. She traded with the power in the swamp and received a long life. She might have the answer to kill Elias once and or all. Neyrelle and Lorath will head to the swamps in search of answers on how to deal with Elias's Immortality, while Donan and Taissa will imbue the soul stone. We must help each of them. We begin with Donan and meet up with him. He intends to head towards a keep in Zakarum, apparently, it holds a strong presence of Hatred there. Hopefully, we will be able to use that to prepare the soul stone to trap Lilith. Once inside, Donan mentions that the place feels like it's surrounded by otherworldly magic. Donan begins the spell to gather the hatred but has problems, he begins getting angry with himself. Calling himself an old fool. He begins to realise that it's actually worse than he thought, it must have been damaged when Astaroth took over Yorin. He will now need to repair it, requiring numerous materials and tools that we will need to collect. We head to the local village in search of the items required to fix the soul stones but Donan mentions that the tiny little village in the middle of the swamp doesn't have anything they need. Call me surprised. Donan yells at the shopkeeper, saying that he can feel the strange magic in the swamp. And where there is magic, there are users of magic. She directs us to a nearby witch to help us out. When we arrive the witch is... Taissa. We ask her to help us with the Soulstone but feels it's not her responsibility, saying that the Soulstone is about Lilith, not Elias. So it does not concern her. Donan asks her just for the tools and ingredients, but since we helped her survive Andariel's summoning. She will lend her tools and repayment, however, for the ingredient quicksilver, we will need to visit another witch named Valtha. We ask Taissa why she has returned here to the swamp, mentioning that since we are planning to make Elias mortal, she is here to collect his debt. We ask Donan about his feelings towards repairing the soul stone. He reminds us that Horadrim has studied the soul stone for generations, and for him personally, more than twenty years. But there are not enough books in Sanctuary to contain what we don't know about it. It will take a miracle to work but points out that it's what we expect of him. We journey through the dangerous swamp and arrive at Valtha's Hovel. We tell her that Taissa has sent us, and she tells us that she unknowingly sent us to our death. Saying that the pursuit of Elias is foolish and that only Lilith is our future. We have a fight with her and manage to come out on top, taking what we needed and heading back to Donan and Taissa. We tell Taissa that we met with Valtha, and she asks how her Sister was. We tell her, not so good after what we just did since she chose Lilith over their friendship and allowed Elias to turn her. She can't believe it, saying that she would have known not to trust Elias. But correct her in saying that it wasn't Elias that convinced her, but Lilith. Finding her ideals convincing, Taissa is devastated, saying that Valtha was her teacher, she guided her when she began her service. We begin the process to repair the soul stone, as Donan guides us in the steps. It's quick to notice that Donan is very unsure of himself, not knowing how many times to stoke the fire and briefly forgetting about the Sulfur. When he attempts the spell to fix the soul stone, it fails. Donan begins losing his cool, stating that he told us, that he isn't the man we want or need. Taissa takes us outside and mentions that Donan is not up to the task, suspecting he no longer trusts himself. While we cannot erase all of his doubt, his most recent grief is the death of his son. Is, however, something that we could deal with, but mentions that he won't like it. She tells Donan that she wants to take him to an old place of power in the swamp, saying that it will do him some good. We arrive at this rickety old fire hazard as Taissa mentions that Valtha brought her to this place when she was young, a place where you can face your demons, whether it be fear or grief. Donan is hesitant, wanting to leave. Taissa reminds him that nothing in this swamp is free, not even his magic. Pointing out his lack of adventure, asking if it's buried in his youth, he will need to place an offering to the swamp. A necklace or rick with suffice, as long as he holds it dear. We bring back some ingredients for the tea and give them to Taissa, once the tea is finished. Down the hatch. It's essentially a big old trip-out session, imagine a bunch of people doing mushrooms for the first time. Donan, in particular, is tripping the hell out, while Taissa and us just sleep it off. He hears the voice of his son, as a spectral vision of Yorin greets him. Donan pleads with him to come back, saying he shouldn't have let him leave the keep. But admits that Yorin was ready to leave. Yorin tells him that he is right. He did need to go, and he must go again before telling his father that he is ready. Donan breaks down mourning his son. A rough high if you ask me. We awake to a portal, the same one that Mephisto creates. When we enter we can see a vision of Travincal, the place where Mephisto was once imprisoned and later turned into the Durance of Hate. His own personal lair. He arrives and tells us that he did warn us that the Horadrim would only hold us back. Saying that they are so consumed by their emotions that they forget what really matters... Lilith is the true threat, not Elias. We mention that we know why he is so afraid of her since he is currently weak. He mentions that his fate is directly tied to ours. If Lilith devours Mephisto, Sanctuary is lost. He gives us an offer. He will open a portal out of the swamp, allowing the Horadrim to deal with Elias since he is their sin to bear. While we can work with Mephisto to stop Lilith. We tell him that we know who our real allies are, our friends. Very Anime of us, I like it. Mephisto mentions that the day of reckoning will come and our true allies will be revealed. We tell him that the Horadrim are not the only ones planning on taking down Lilith. Mephisto laughs at this, saying that we shouldn't put our hope in Inarius if that's who we mean. Reminding us that Inarius was once his prisoner and that he has seen Inarius's true face. He and Lilith are not as different as we might think, the angel was already filled with hate before he became Mephisto's prisoner. All he did was simply refine his anger, and now he has taken that new anger back with him to Sanctuary. We leave and arrive back at the tower with Taissa and Donan. We ask Taissa how Donan is dealing with his post-high. He apparently wandered around for hours after it wore off, but feels that a long journey through the swamp is more rewarding than a short one. She goes on to say that our Journey was even longer, asking if we faced our inner demons as Donan did. We tell her that we did, and hopefully for the last time. This time around helping Donan, you can quickly tell he is much more sure of his decisions, missing no step. He begins his chant and turns into a goddamn master blacksmith, fixing the broken soul stone. We now leave to meet up with Neyrelle and Lorath in their search for clues to Elias's immortality. We meet up with them and find the hovel and Timue. She states that only two kinds of people come seeking her, those running from trouble and those running towards it. We ask if she has heard of Elias, which she denies. Neyrelle mentions that we believe Elias has made a pact with the swamp to become immortal, saying that Taissa told us to seek her out. She is upset, saying that only Taissa would be could-hearted enough to send a child out here to die. Lorath says that we have no intention of dying, while the woman very ominously states that one of us will. That is the way it always ends in the swamp, warning us to return home, and that she will not have a child's blood on her hands. Neyrelle mentions that she saw what happened with her mother, driven so mad by Lilith that it killed her. She is hardly a child anymore. Timue accepts it and says that if Elias made a pact it was likely with the Tree of Whispers. Apparently, she was once infected by the swamp's poison, and she made a pact with the tree out of fear. She now gives the tree knowledge in return for keeping her one step out of the grave. Refusing to ever let go of her. We leave to find the tree and speak to Lorath about why he believes Elias sought Immortality. He believed that the ritual to summon Lilith would have been demanding. Possibly believing that he couldn't survive it, and used it as a precautionary measure. We use some incense on an Altar that will apparently show us the path to the Tree of Whispers. We get our second trip session, as we fall asleep in the middle of the swamp. Lorath briefly awakens to see... Oh Jesus Christ.. Hell no... I'll take a Prime Evil over that damn thing. We awake to find the Giant Nightmare Snake crawling through the swamp. We quickly surmise that the Snake is likely the path, leading us where we need to go. An interesting point comes up here, as Neyrelle is describing being able to see herself in the snake's scales, Lorath mentions that he doesn't see a snake. Only a cloud of smoke. Which is unusual since we just saw the snake from his perspective only moments ago. We reach the tree of whispers as literal heads line the branches. The heads are used as a way to speak to us, we tell the Tree that we have come seeking Elias. The tree starts getting annoyed, saying that Elias is slippery since he owes the tree. It deals in thoughts and insight, in exchange for a head. Elias is the first of them to escape payment. We ask the tree to tell us what he wanted, and in return, we might be able to help the tree collect. Apparently, he sought a way to summon Lilith but made another stop at a place beyond the tree's sight. Lorath believes that the place being described could be the place Elias claimed his immortality. One of the heads mentions that must be the reason that Taissa has failed so dismally in reclaiming his head for the tree. Revealing why Taissa was hunting Elias. The tree tells us to seek a coffin beyond the shipwrecks, as that will take us to the location we need to go. Find out what secrets are there, since the tree doesn't know. We make camp for the night as Neyrelle points out that Rathma's prophecy spoke of a serpent. Wondering if the large serpent we saw, was what Elias was looking for. Lorath says that he doesn't know, mentioning that Elias become obsessed with Rathmas Prophecy after hearing it. Since Prophecys are riddles, not even the very wise can be sure of their meaning but Elias believed that he could solve it. And when Lorath told him to wait, he called him a fool. While breaking through the shipwreck we come to a blocked door, Neyrelle mentions that she can open the door from the other side. Going by herself, she attempts to open the door but we can hear her scream. We instead destroy the door and find her surrounded by drowned. Lorath mentions how bad of a situation this is, while Neyrelle is screaming that it burns. It turns out that she has been infected by a bite on her arm, causing necrosis to spread in her body. Lorath says that we have little time to save her and puts a tourniquet around her bicep. And... problem solved. No more arm, no more problem. Neyrelle has passed out at this point, the missing arm probably having something to do with it. While Lorath tells her that she will become Horadrim one day and that he won't fail her. We leave to find the coffin, while Lorath tends to Neyrelle. We reach the coffin while the tree tells us to not fear this cradle. Colder beds than this await us yet. Once inside, it falls into the water, slowly sinking deep into the ocean while the sound of our breaths grow fainter. We awake inside a temple, with echoes of Elias still lingering. He speaks to Rathma, saying that he has come to his temple, knowing the answers he seeks are held within. Another echo as Elias mentions that every tome, scroll and book in the temple provides the same answer. The only being willing to stand against the eternal conflict, against the prime evils was Lilith. Ironically, our protagonist sums up my thoughts on the matter very well. "The day I'm done with this self-righteous bastard will be a great one" Elias cannot say if Lilith has good in her, but feels that morality is a privilege of people in better situations. We are beyond the question of good or evil. But the question remains. When he summons her, what will she do to us? He feels he must prepare himself for anything, and since Rathma kept the means of attaining immortality here, he will master it and then bring the mother home. Elias finds another book of Rathma, saying that he writes that when Inarius discovered Lilith's plan to overthrow the so-called natural order, he sealed her away. For thousands of years, Lilith sought to elevate humanity out of this cycle, fighting to secure us our birthright; Sanctuary. We search futher in and can find Elias's finger. He hid a piece of himself in here to stay immortal. When we pick up the finger, the tomb begins to cave in and we fall unconscious. We awake next to Lorath and Neyrelle, we ask Lorath how we got here and he tells us that he found us drifting in a coffin, clutching a severed finger. We tell him we thought we drowned, and explain that he stored his life essence in his finger, granting him immortality. We quickly burn that bad boy like it's a smore, breaking his immortality. Neyrelle awakens and is distraught that her arm is missing, she believes that we will leave her since she feels that she is now a hindrance. We tell her that we won't leave her. We head back to the Keep to meet with Donan and attempt for a second time, to imbue the soulstone with the Hatred essence. This time around, Lorath and Neyrelle will attempt to help. Taissa mentions that she can feel something, that someone is coming. Elias is here. Lorath attempts to leave but is yelled at by Donan, telling him he must stay if this is going to work. We join Taissa in confronting Elias. Taissa tells Elias that the tree seeks its payment and he says that he will set her tree afire and cast our corpses onto the flames. Ooph. We fight Elias once again, getting the best of him. Elias is bloodied and battered and asks how many times we have to do this before we learn. That his life is not ours to claim. We tell him that we have been to the deepest chambers of the sunken temple, with the most goofy look on our face might I add. It begins sinking into Elias, that he is no longer immortal. While we remind him that he has no secrets from us. He does his Batman trick and escapes but Taissa quickly follows, we meet back up with Lorath and inform him that we have wounded Elias as we follow his trail of blood. We find Elias, leaning up against some stones injured. Lorath wishes to speak with him when a crow arrives at the branch nearby. I was thinking of narrating this part but I think the voice actor for Elias did an incredible job, so for the first time during this story explained Diablo 4, I would like to rewind and play the scene in its entirety. "Oh, Elias, Was all this worth it, then? Truly?" "I brought Lilith to Sanctuary. A thing no one thought possible. And when Hell rises to sweep across this world, I should be there beside her, ready to push it back." "You left me alone to cross the lines you would dare not attempt and you have nothing to show for it. You are nothing but a wasted life. Do not look to forgive me, old man, because it is you who brought us here." "Was it worth it?" That is a cowards question, Lorath. It suits you. "Elias of Aranoch... Oh, spare me" Of your own free will, you swore an oath to the Tree of Whispers. "This is not the life I deserved" "The tree does not forget oaths, and it does not forgive debts." Pretty crazy scene, I must say and did you notice that Lorath did not say much after the speech that Elias just gave? Elias slowly bleeds out and dies, and the crow swoops in for action. The thing straight up takes his head, flying away with it. When we return outside, Taissa mentions that she can hear laughter in the wind, meaning that Elias's head is now with the Tree of Whispers. She mentions that this is where she leaves us since Elias was her goal, not Lilith. Saying her concerns lie elsewhere. Donan asks where Lorath is, and we mention that we haven't seen him since Elias called him a coward. Donan asks if to prove his courage if Lorath has rode off alone to deal with Lilith, but we mention that Elias never told us where to find her. Neyelle points out that his head is now on the Tree of Whispers, so the tree would technically know where Lilith is going. Suggesting that Lorath could ask the tree but would have to pay the price, Donan asks what that price is. And Neyrelle says the same that Elias paid, an eternity on the tree. Donan is devastated, yelling for us to hurry to the tree to stop him. When we arrive, Lorath has already made a deal with the tree. Saying that Lilith has been two steps ahead of us for far too long. That the tree knew where to find her and he asked, the answer was worth the price. Donan questions him, saying that he now owes the tree his head and that the day he dies he will be taken to hang here with the others. Lorath asks if he needed Donans permission, saying it's done, put it aside and focus on Lilith. He says that Lilith is on her way to absorb Mephisto's power. That she has found a gateway to hell, and she approaches with the key. Saying the gate is under Caldeum. And if she is already inside hell, then we follow her in. Neyrelle is concerned, that only the four of us, alone cannot complete such a task. But Lorath reminds her that it's our duty. The heads of the Tree, including Elias begin to laugh hysterically. We get more narration from Lorath, saying that it is a strange thing to know where you'll go when you die. But it's one less mystery to worry about. He feels he did what he had to, whether it was the right choice or not. We needed answers and we got them, Astaroth, the key to hell, Elias everything has been leading to this. But what we didn't know while being in the swamp, was that Inarius and the Cathedral were launching a campaign of their own to strike at Lilith. Their battle would leave the world as a wasteland, and whoever won would show no mercy to what was left. Only only hope, to reach Lilith before Inarius, ominously mentioning that we couldn't have expected what happened next. We arrive at Tarsark and speak with Neyrelle. She mentions that Lorath and Donan have gone with the knights to Caldeum, as they felt it was best for them to follow as they march on the gate. She asks us if she could ask us something personal, to which we say yes. Asking if we ever feel like nothing we do matters. We say more than we would like to admit, people call us a hero but underneath we are still the same person we always were. Powerful, but flawed. Even though we try we are unable to help Yonin and Neyrelles Mother. She thanks us for being honest and said that we should meet up with the others at Caldeum. Once we arrive we can see that something very strange is happing in this city, blood is falling from the sky. We mention that no mortal is capable of this kind of magic. We speak to Donan about the blood falling from the sky. He mentions a paragraph from Rathma's Prophecy, "Tears of Blood rained on a desert jewel". We are witnessing cosmic history being made. It turns out that the knights are in the midst of sacking the city, and since the rain and hellspawn, all spew from the gates of hell. It means that Lilith has already opened the way to hell. Lorath reiterates that if she consumes Mephisto's essence, Sanctuary is lost. As we get futher into the city, we can see many of Lilith's cultists that have been slain and their bodies left out in the open for everyone to see. Neyrelle mentions that there's nothing of "the Light" in this. Donan corrects her by saying that the display is the point, the mean to make an example of them. Light begins to shine down above us, as it passes overhead. It's Inarius, as he has now entered the city to take part in the siege. Lorath thinks that Inarius is still the best shot of an ally that we have. We find some cultists as they begin chanting about the blood falling from the sky, mentioning that this is what the Lord of Hatred said. This worries Lorath and Donan, as these Cultists once belonged to Elias and Elias but for some reason are now mentioning the name of Mephisto. We reach the knight penitent members as Inarius is giving them a speech. Telling them that the time of Prophecy has come, that Lilith flees through the gate to Hell. Boasting that he will slay her in the cesspit she calls a home, opening the way to the heavens. He restates a paragraph of Rathma's prophecy "A spear of Light, piecing Hatred's heart". And for those that die in battle today, you may die Heaven-bound. Lorath asks him what his plan is after that, Inarius responds that The Horarim is up to the same acts as always, chasing after the battles of their betters. Saying that the Angels don't need them. Lorath requests the stone from Donan, before telling Inarius that we don't need the Angels either. Inarius pulls the stone from Donans fingers, claiming it for himself. Calling it hubris, that the Horadrim boast of a mere fragment of what it once was. The world stone debased in the hands of fools. Saying that Lilith dies only by his blade, as the prophecy foretold. He leaves with the soul stone as we ask Lorath what we should do now. He mentions that nothing has changed and we should continue with our plan. Donan questions how Lorath could say this changes nothing, our one potential ally just ran off with our one weapon. Lorath says we need to stop Lilith and forget Inarius, as his pride makes him an unreliable ally. They suggest that we still have a valuable weapon, despite not having the soul stone. That weapon being us. We find Reverend Mother Prava outside. She welcomes Donan, welcoming him back and saying that the Father will deliver us all. Donan is frustrated, saying that Inarius seized our soul stone. The Reverend Mother believes that his will is light and therefore always correct. Mentioning how surprised she is that Donan still doubts them, despite everything they have done for him and Yorin. But at least Yorin doesn't have to see him like this. Donan attempts to attack her, but is stopped by Lorath. The Reverend Mother states that Sin reaps consequences and she knows that the Father acted righteously. Lorath requests that we join them on their march to the gate, as it would be safer for both of us. She gives a final speech to her knights about Inarius killing Lilith in hell and we begin our march. Donan pulls us aside during the walk and reminds us that we can't trust the Reverend Mother, Lorath agrees but mentions that they have an army, and we share a common goal. Along the way, we come head to head with Duriel, the Lord of Pain. He is one of the four lesser evils and the twin of Andariel. He feeds off physical pain. We manage to defeat him but tensions are running high within the group. Lorath is frustrated that Donan didn't keep his cool with Prava, while Donan says that Lorath shouldn't have thrown away the stone as he did. Lorath goes over the plan one final time. Stating that we need to reach Mesphios domain, since across the Sea of Fire resides Astaroths domain. And he wagers that's why Lilith freed him, so he can grant her across the Sea of Fire to her father's domain. They end up arguing again before Neyrelle tells them to stop. Saying that instead of arguing, let's do something about it and retrieve the stone back from Inarius. However, proposing another option. Saying that using the soul stone on Lilith is the wrong choice, instead the soul stone should be used on Mephisto. Stating that his powers of manipulation and hatred are already poisoning us. And since Lilith even fears him, why don't they? Lorath shuts it down, and we continue towards the gate to hell. Once we arrive we can see some blood petals on the floor, revealing a vision. Lilith stands before the gate of hell as she mentions that she can feel her father's fear. Clutching the key and causing the door to open. We enter hell and I must say, I can see why it got a 1-star rating on Yelp. Neyrelle mentions that everything feels wrong here, while Donan says that mortals were not meant to tread in this place. We find the remnants of a big battle from the forces of Prava as they cleared the path ahead. Lorath states that they were simply fodder for a broken angel's ambitions. We come across the Reverend Mother Prava as she lies injured on the ground. When we move her body we can find the soul stone beneath her. Turns out she is actually alive and she mentions that Inarius has followed Lilith into the spire, stating that salvation is coming. Lorath interrupts telling her that no salvation is coming for these knights or her. Since she is simply a tool for somebody that doesn't care about any of us. Not to mention a thief, since she had the stone this entire time since we have been with her. She mentions that Inarius entrusted her with it, before realising that it's missing from her person. She calls us Insolent Heretics and Servants of Darkness, telling us we will all be damned. Lorath mentions that she has been poisoned with Hatred and that we should leave her. But Donan mentions that she isn't the only one, and to remember why we are here and who we are fighting against before giving Prava a tonic that should help get her to her feet. Telling her to run for the portal and not look back if she knows what is good for her. We regather as we now know that the Cathedral is in shambles, we are on our own. We battle through countless demons as Lorath compliments Donan, saying that he is good at leading people. Donan jokes that he should write this moment down since Lorath never compliments him. We begin to see the effects of the Hatred domain, wearing off. A giant goddamn demon dog appears and we need to fend it off, showing that the closer we get to the Cathedral and Lilith, the more powerful the demons are becoming. We see more blood petals on the ground, showing us what happened in the big battle. Mother Prava is walking barefoot in Lava like an absolute badass, as she looks towards the horizon within hell. A light slowly engulfs the army as Inarius joins the fight, hovering overhead. He casts a light across all the demons, as they now charge the knights penitent. The soldiers set up in formation, ready for battle against Hell's forces. Inarius spots Lilith in the distance and goes after her, throwing his spear at her to attempt to fulfil the prophecy. Another demon gets in the way to protect her, leaving Inarius to fend off the surrounding demons. Lilith enters the spire and Inarius follows after her as Lilith asks him if he remembers the whispers of the damned. Referring to the millennia he spent here as Mesphito's prisoner. He tells her that words won't save her, while Lilith mocks him. Saying that the soldier returns with such purpose, no longer the conflicted soul she left behind. She asks him what he truly wants, to which he replies his rightful place in the heavens. She asks if that is why he seeks to destroy all that they created from Sanctuary and even their son. He says that he did it to satisfy the heavens. Lilith points out that the Heavens didn't rejoice when he killed his own son, since they don't want him. Inarius stabs Lilith in the chest, as the battle continues to rage outside. Lilith reminds Inarius that they made a choice and that the Heavens won't ever forgive him. No matter what he tells himself, or who he sacrifices. Silence is his judgment. This causes Inarius to go into an emotional breakdown, as he pleads to the heavens to tell him what he must do. Lilith stabs Inarius in the back, as he screams out for help from the heavens. She tells him that he belongs in hell as she rips off his wings. We can see the light of Inarius dwindle as the forces of the Knights Penitent crumble to the forces of hell outside. We close on Inarius's corpse melting into the floor as the damned surround him for eternity. We notify the others about what happened. Lorath points out that Lilith should be easier to trap since she's weakened, almost like shes a Pokemon or something. We begin to realise that we have lost Lilith and Lorath believes we could use the sightless eye to look for her. Donan hears a sound behind him and checks the pillar to investigate, one of the damned grabs out at him and claws open his stomach. Severely wounding him, we manage to kill all the undead and check on Donan. He says that he is fine but mentions that the sightless eye is the only way we have to find Lilith and to hurry with that. We use the sightless eye and can now see Lilith's current location. She is standing next to the Sea of Fire, as Astaroth approaches her. He mentions that she is finally here, wanting to collect her safe passage to the Cathedral of Hatred. Pointing out the injury that Lilith now has from Inarius. He tells her that he will honour his promise and will help her face her father. As the vision ends, Lilith looks towards us, telling us that we were foolish to use the sightless eye on her again. She traps us, becoming a prisoner in our own mind, stating that she could keep us here forever but, will offer us a different fate. Telling us that we could be Sanctuary's greatest protector if we choose to, wishing to show us why the world has need of us. She says that ever since we drank her blood, she has been a part of us. Carrying our hopes and fears in her heart, gifting humans with free will but they are lost without a shepherd to guide them. We can see the priest from the church in Nevesk as a memory, saying that humans flock to these places for answers and submit to the spectacle, saying that we also see through it as an illusion. We can find the memory of Donan as he mourns Yorins death, as well as Vigo after he served his penance. Memories of people we lost along the way, people we couldn't save. Lilith points out that her son was wiser than the Horadrim but he couldn't be a shepherd either. Inarius, Elias and Lorath wanted so badly to see their own meaning in the Prophecy, they were blind to the simple truth of it. That we are all prisoners of the eternal conflict, the pawns of angels and demons. Saying that it was incredibly human of Inarius to think the Prophecy was about him, suggesting that possibly humans inherited that vanity from him. We can find Elias down here too, as Lilith mentions that he believed that she would lead the humans of Sanctuary. When in reality only a human can lead other humans. Asking us to take on the role of Shepard for her, since the real enemy is Hatred, Destruction and Terror. The three Prime Evils. She feels we can turn the tide in the eternal conflict in our favour and it starts with Mephisto's destruction. Wanting us to lead the battles to come. We can see the three statues of Diablo, Mephisto and Baal, as we deny her offer. She tells us that we will be shackled here forever, as waves of demons attack us. In the midst of the battle, a portal opens up as Mephisto offers us a helping hand. On the other side, we find ourselves back inside the cave from the beginning of the story. As Mephisto tells us not to cower, he has come to free us from Lilith's trap. We ask him why he continues to help us, and he mentions that he saved us from this cave because he sensed that we could end Lilith. And that is all he wants. But does admit that there will come a time when we will be enemies, but right now we need each other to defeat Lilith. He tells us to look him in the eye as he brands us with his blessing, allowing us to traverse to his Cathedral without fear or risk. Lilith asks why we would follow Mepshisto but not her, asking if we are truly that foolish. We mention that we don't server either of them, but Lilith wants to know what Mephisto offered us, getting angrier and angrier as we don't answer her. We manage to wake from the nightmare and we can hear Neyrelle crying. We look over at Donan and can see that he is in a very bad state... He tells Lorath to not even dare think of burying him here in Hell. To which Lorath jokes that he's too old to haul his body out of Hell. Lorath tells Donan that he should have gone to him instead of the Cathedral, that he would have shown up for him, and shared in his burden. Donan replies that he knows, and perhaps things would have gone differently with Scosglen and with Yonin if he did. He asks if it was enough if Yonin would think it was enough. Before dying. Lorath tells his friend, yes, that he has done more than enough. We update Lorath and he tells us to continue on without him, to trust our gut. We decide to continue onwards with Neyrelle as Mephisto appears again. We tell her that this wolf helped us escape Lilith before she realises the wolf is the form taken by Mephisto. She asks us how we could trust a Prime Evil, to which Mesphito replies that trust had nothing to do with it. Instead, we came to reason, which he advises Neyrelle to do also, since if Lilith takes his essence. Sanctuary is lost forever. He tells us to enter the portal as it will lead us straight to the Cathedral of Hatred, and that Lilith is almost there. We mention to Neyrelle that we will set an ambush, we will distract her while Neyrelle traps her in the stone. Mephisto loves the idea, saying that we can leave the stone with him, and he will ensure that Lilith never troubles our world again. We return home, and he will remain in Hell. Neyrelle mentions that something isn't right, and Mephisto leads us to this moment. We are in his realm, doubting if we should be doing what he wants. Noting that between Him and Lilith, he is the greater evil of the two. We ask if she wants to use the stone on him, and I am not sure if we just forgot that we are in his damn home or something but Mephisto hears this entire conversation. Telling us to think carefully, that path would lead to failure for all of us. Neyrelle points out that Mephisto is afraid but we admit that it could work, we imprison Mephisto in the stone and then head back to Lorath. Then we can seal the gates of hell behind us and leave Lilith here. Mephisto doesn't like the idea, considering if Lilith catches us before we leave hell, he will be a sitting duck for her and she will claim his power. Asking that we don't let our hate towards him blind us from common sense. We tell Neyrelle that we cannot trust our own thoughts about Mephisto, telling her to make the decision that she feels is the right one. Mephisto looks at her and reminds her that the lives and those of all humanity depend on what she does next. She plunges the soul stone into Mespisto and thus trapping him within. He opens up a portal for them to exit while still in his wolf form, and I am not entirely sure how he can still do that while being in the Soulstone, but he sure. We plan to stay behind and face Lilith while she will go and meet back up with Lorath, saying they will wait for us at the chapel. Lilith now approaches and mentions one of the scariest lines you could hear from an antagonist. "You will learn pain only glimpsed in myth". That's as badass of a line as you can get. We fight Lilith and manage to get the best of her before she turns into what I believe is her true form since it looks so much like Mesphito's true form but beat her all the same. Blood petals fall from the sky, as Lilith mentions that Sanctuary was built as a refuge from the conflict but here we are again. She gave us free will and we squandered it, wasting it on a crusade that we don't even understand. Saying that we chose Tyranny when offered freedom, calling it a poor legacy for her gift. Without her, we would have no victory, and its cost will be more than we can pay as we see glimpses of Mesphito. She straight up gets Thanos'd as she begins to turn to dust and crumbles. We look on to see the blood petals in the air, begin to crumble also. We return to Lorath and tell him that Lilith is dead and Mesphito is trapped within the soul stone. Before realising that Neyrelle never returned to him, surmising that she must have gone straight to the desert chapel. We decided to help carry Donan's body out of hell and head to the chapel together, before getting some more narration from Lorath. He mentions that we are now truly alone, that the creators of sanctuary, angel and demon, father and mother, are dead. That we were made from their image, that their conflict is a part of us and always will be. He wonders if there is any truth to Lilith's vision, an escape from the eternal conflict. Before conceding that these questions don't befit an old man. As he doesn't have much time left, this struggle is no longer his anymore. He wonders if we will walk the same path as all children who rebel against their parents, in the process become them. But he hopes that the Wanderer and Neyrelle avoid the fate of Rathma, and everyone else who tried and failed to overcome our flawed nature. And that concludes the story of Act 6 of Diablo 4 however, don't go away just yet as there is an epilogue that we will jump straight into now. It's not very long, so let's get into it. We arrive back at the desert chapel and find no sign of Neyrelle anywhere. We wonder if Mesphito could have corrupted Neyrelle but Lorath believes that it would take much more time for it to seep from the stone. She left for her own reason. We mention that she could have returned to the vault but a group of knight penitent soldiers arrive behind us. The one leading them is Iosef, the mad priest that saved our life in Nevesk. He tells us here is here for the Horadrim, before attacking. We regretfully kill all of them and can find a note from Prava, ordering them to find the Horadrim since they have been using dark magics to bear a great evil into our world. We are shocked by what we just did, telling Lorath that Iosef saved our life once, and they are not our enemies. Lorath shrugs it off, telling us that he intends to go and bury Donan with his son, while we go to the vault and check for Neyrelle. As we approach the vault we hear multiple flashbacks of Neyrelle from the past before finding a note in the vault. It is written in the Horadric code and cannot be deciphered by us. We return to Lorath as he is now finished burying Donan with his son Yorin. We give him the letter to read, and while I could narrate this, it feels appropriate to play the scene out so you can see it as it's presented. And now that concludes the story of Diablo 4 in its entirety, well at least until the DLCs come out that is. I really hope you have enjoyed the series as it was released, it's been fun making it. If you made it to the end of this video, please write "Donan" in the comments down below to show that you did. Remember to like and subscribe for more content in the future and maybe check out some of our older stuff to see if it's for you. Until next time, peace.
Channel: Green Links
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Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, diablo 4, diablo 4 story explained, diablo 4 ending explained, diablo iv story explained, diablo 4 act 1 story explained, diablo 4 act 2 story explained, diablo 4 act 3 story explained, diablo 4 act 4 story explained, diablo iv act 5 story explained, diablo iv act 6 story explained, diablo lilith, diablo inarius, diablo 4 builds, diablo story, diablo entire story, diablo 4 entire story, diablo iv explained, diablo 4 full story
Id: X9z5kl2CwUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 34sec (6334 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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