Diablo 4 Starter Guide - Everything You Need to Know

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after over a decade of waiting Diablo 4 is finally launching and with that there is tons of stuff to cover so the goal of this video is to help you learn as much as you can so that you can hit the ground running and we're gonna get this whole thing kicked off with classes so big question here is which one is your favorite which one do you want to take into launch with you getting us started let's talk about the Barbarian so as a returning staple to the Diablo franchise the Barbarian is the prime example of strength brutality and weapon Mastery in Diablo 4 the Barbarian has undergone some big changes to help add a little bit of complexity to the class but if you're a long time fan of it you'll still feel right at home so what makes the Barbarian such a devastating class to consider well first they deal large amounts of damage with their core skills and additional Buffs that support them they're also the only class that has the berserking buff which gives them large increases to damage and movement speed and speaking of movement they have multiple skills to help them navigate the battlefield quickly and lastly they're pretty tanky after the damage reduction buff they received so they can take a beating now as with all things there are trade-offs so while the Barbarian appears to be an absolute Force they also have a few weaknesses to understand so one they're incredibly resource dependent theory is what they use and it is consumed very very very quickly they also have long cooldowns which can put a pause on your damage output during fights in short they're somewhat bursty so you have to make sure to manage these well they also have a lack of ranged options you're going to spend a lot of time in close range which can put You In Harm's Way which some players simply don't like and then they are slower early game than other classes but honestly it's nothing to worry about because an end game they're projected to be one of the stronger classes so next outside of Barbarian we also have the Druid the Druid is a Savage shapeshifter fluidly transforming between forms of a powerful bear or a vicious werewolf all while commanding the power of Earth Wind and storm unleash Nature's wrath to a devastating effect now they do have a well-rounded set of melee and range skills that specialize in dealing physical lightning and poison damage all of these are fueled by Spirit which is generated from Basic Skills now when it comes to strengths the Druid definitely has a few so one they do have some decent burst damage especially when you're spamming skills like Landslide against stunned enemies but unfortunately this isn't always sustainable due to the High Spirit cost they also have a strong defensive capability by becoming Unstoppable healing large amounts of health and building up fortify to protect against damage if played correctly the Druid can take a beating and then lastly we have damage versatility so the Druid is one of those classes that has lots of different ways to hurt you you can summon companions like wolves and Vines you can shape-shift into a bear or a werewolf or you can cast nature magic so if you're someone who likes to change things up the Druid is definitely a decent pick so let's talk about weaknesses one this Druid is incredibly setup dependent so much more dependent on creating situations in which they can flourish to maximize their potential without these setups their damage is wildly inconsistent and just simply it's not reliable so for instance you'll have to apply like immobilized and stun and large cc to groups of enemies in order to maximize your Landslide damage this is due to Landslide gaining increased critical chance against immobile and stunned enemies then we also have Druids being super immobile so they have two skills to use for Mobility shred and trample but again these aren't reliable trample has a very long cooldown and Shred requires a Target to LEAP towards so that's the Druid let's go ahead and flip over to the sorcerer so when it comes to unleashing torrents of flame Frost and lightning against hordes of demons few do it better than the Sorcerer And Diablo 4. they have ultimate control over Elemental Magic and use it to tear apart enemies While ensnaring others but as with every high-powered Caster you will quickly perish if you don't take advantage of the powerful defensive Spells at your disposal so strengths for the sorcerer Sorcerers are Masters at area of effect damage and vaporizing large groups of enemies with ease they are truly the screen wipe class they're also masters of crowd control and locking down enemies and they have a very very strong movement kit with things like teleport they'll be able to get in and out of trouble quickly but all great magic wheelers do have their pitfalls and the Sorcerer suffers from a few key deficiencies as well one they're a Mana hog the sorcerer is gonna use Mana to fuel her attacks and because of this if you're at a Mana you're gonna have a hard time dealing damage and staying alive and some of these spells will require a lot of Mana in order to cast they're also squishy and Close Quarters now they do have some of those defensive abilities but again they're not meant to sit there and take a pounding in close quarters combat instead you want to make sure to manage those well otherwise you're going to have a hard time and then lastly because the sork is so dependent on crowd control and damage multipliers they can have a tough time dealing with Champions and bosses who are immune to those effects next we have the Necromancer so the Necromancer is the general of the undead raising and commanding skeletal militia and hulking Golems to overpower any enemy that stands in their way now this range class Blends summoning with death magic in order to form a really fun playstyle as with other classes in Diablo 4 The Necromancer has had a facelift and it's going to bring some really cool new mechanics to the table so even if you've been like a necromancer main since day one there will be some new things here for you to learn and master now the beta was a roller coaster for necromancers they were super overpowered in every aspect during the first beta blizzard pulled a 180 made minions unbelievably weak for the second beta and then they brought him back up they buffed them up a little bit more towards the end of the second beta so with that we really don't know which Necromancer we're going to see day one but either way the class was really fun to play now when it comes to strengths The Necromancer has some great damage options for both single Target and AOE with skills like bone spear and corpse explosion they have blood orbs which give necromancers a specific way to restore life in essence which is their fuel for their attacks and they have really good survivability through things like blood Mist which makes you temporarily immune now in terms of weaknesses skills can be very corpse dependent so if you don't have any bodies laying around you we will struggle at times to cast some of your spells and then the Necromancer does have more management with things like minions skills and cooldowns than other classes so there is some more things to keep an eye on rather than just you know kind of click and go so let's talk about Rogues Max this is our last one here Rogues in Diablo 4 are Ultra fast agile Strikers who blend melee and ranged attacks to clear any obstacles in their way they can even mix in a variety of tricks and traps to tilt the situation in their favor you can play as a Trapper a rogue who specializes in kiting groups of enemies into traps that'll slow and cause high amounts of damage or maybe you're more of like a slugger who wants to stick close to enemies twisting knives to bleed out your target or you can be a marksman who picks off targets from a distance to stay out of Harm's Way there's all kinds of different ways to play the Rogue and they're one of the most versatile classes in the game and in terms of strengths Rogues are built to deal tons and tons of damage through their core skills and their passives so you want to make sure to use those as often as you can to help make quick work of anything in your way Rogues also have great movement skills these allow them to zip around the battlefield but they do also have things like slow chill freeze and stun that they can lock down enemies with in case all of those are on cooldown and then lastly Rogues are a jack of all trades you can be like straightforward attacks you can lay traps you can slow down groups of enemies or you can simply blow everything up with heavy damage truly this is kind of a joystick class you can pick how you want to play and then just dive in and go for that but Rogues do also have some weaknesses so for one they're a little bit squishier than other classes they're going to need some help by investing into Dodge chance to avoid taking large amounts of Spike damage so for this one you want to make sure you choose dexterity as it'll Grant the extra Dodge chance and increase skill damage for you they also require positioning and setups to be most effective so if you aren't able to debuff your enemies or if you aren't able to use certain skills because you're out of range then your damage is going to drop off of a cliff so all of these are things to consider when choosing a rogue but honestly with that being said they're still a very very strong class and something to consider so those are all of the classes but every class also has a class specialization it's a special trait that only applies to them that'll unlock at level 15. so for instance the sorcerer has the enchantment system that allows them to take skills and then slot them into enchantment slots in turn they get some powerful passive effects the Barbarian has the Arsenal system which allows them to equip four weapons a two-handed bludgeoning weapon a two-handed slashing weapon and two one-handers that you can dual wield and as you use these weapon types you're going to build expertise for that type of weapon and unlock special Buffs so for instance if you use a two-handed ax all the time then you'll gain increased damage to vulnerable enemies necromancers have the Book of the Dead this allows you to perform some really kind of deep customization of your summons skeleton Warriors skeleton Mages and the Golem now each summon does have like one of three specializations you can choose from so for example skeleton Warriors can be skeletons skirmishers Defenders or reapers skirmishers are very high DPS but they're pretty frail Defenders are the opposite they have incredibly large health bars but they don't deal as much damage and then Reapers have decent health and they deal large amounts of damage but they're much much slower or you can choose you know what none of that makes sense to me you can forgo summoning minions all together and then choose to give up that ability and gain a very powerful buff for yourself Rogues have different specializations to choose from you have things like combo points inner sight and preparation combo points will allow your basic skills to generate combo points and then certain skills will consume these for extra effects inner sight will cause attacking marked enemies to fill up a special gauge and when that gauge is full you gain unlimited energy for 4 seconds and then you have preparation for every 100 energy you spend it's going to reduce your ultimate skill cooldown by 4 seconds and then using your ultimate skill resets the cooldowns of all your other skills so Rogues are very very again combo heavy and sort of risk reward heavy and then Druids have access to powerful Buffs called Spirit booms these Grant things like increased Health increase critical damage and can cause attacks to lower cooldowns or overpower enemies to deal bonus damage now outside of specializations each class also has a skill tree now these are divided into clusters and as you spin points in the tree the Clusters further down the tree will unlock giving access to more powerful skills each class has basic skills core skills and ultimate skills basic skills are free to use they don't deal a ton of damage they generally kind of regenerate a resource for you and apply debuffs to targets core skills are your resource Spenders these are going to deal a lot more damage than basic skills and typically make up the bulk of the damage that you're doing then each class has some skills that are specific to it for instance the Druid has a cluster of companion skills while the Rogue has a cluster of stealth skills and then towards the bottom of the tree you have your ultimate skills which are these powerful game-changing abilities that can turn the tide of battle but they usually have a pretty long cooldown so you have to make sure to use them wisely and then next to Ultimate skills are your ultimate passives these are powerful passive effects that'll Define a play style now you can only choose one of the ultimate skills and passives at a time so one passing and one skill so make sure to Choose Wisely outside of that you can always go back and reset to refund those points and select different skills now lastly throughout the tree are passive nodes these are nodes that'll Grant things like increases to certain stats bonuses or augment the way skills work so be sure to check these out don't spend all your time just looking at the skill nodes because some of the passes out there have really really cool effects that'll take your build to the next level so that's everything about classes skill trees specializations and class overviews the next thing I want to talk about is the actual world what are they doing right let's explore the world of Diablo 4 and figure out everything that we have available to us so the world of Diablo is split into five zones the frosty mountains of the fractured Peaks the green and Lush area of scosglen the rugged Wasteland known as the dry steps the Arid desert of Kazakhstan and the swampy zone of how is our so getting around the world each Zone has its own waypoints towns outposts and a capital city to engage with now waypoints are the primary way to get around quickly in the world of sanctuary these are these like glowing runes on the ground and they lie to teleport between um two zones no matter the distance right so unlocking these is not only a critical step for traveling the world but it also progresses your Renown and challenges within the region which we'll talk about a little bit later then we have World tiers so if you visit the large statue in the middle of the capital city you'll be able to change your world tiers now these work like a difficulty meter for the world of Diablo each player will begin at World tier one or two then as you progress through the game you level up you become stronger you'll eventually be able to challenge the Capstone dungeon of that world tier if you're able to successfully occur the dungeon defeat the boss you'll unlock the next World tier you might be wondering why does it matter to increase your world here isn't this just increasing the difficulty why would I want to do that well each tier will unlock something new so for instance World tier 3 will unlock sacred and unique items it'll also unlock nightmare sigils for in-game content and a new hell tied activity will appear throughout the world so working through these tiers is critical for maximizing your potential but also for seeing all of the content that the game has to offer next let's talk about some of the stuff we're going to see actually out in the world as we're going through each Zone starting with events so throughout the Zone you're going to see these orange circles on your minimap these are events that are happening they often have an objective for you to complete and you'll see other players participating in the event as well these are a really good way to earn experience gold and rewards while you're leveling up so if you see an orange circle be sure to jump in it's very quick and easy to do and the rewards are definitely worth it then we have World bosses so far we know about three World bosses we'll have access to but we've only fought one in the game and that's a Shava now these are powerful bosses that appear as an event out in the world for players to challenge if you manage to beat the boss you have a really good chance at getting some powerful gear but if not well then better luck next time then we have dungeons dungeons are instance areas that offer a themed Adventure complete with a boss fight at the very end these are found out in the world by looking for this icon now when you complete a dungeon for the very first time most dungeons will unlock a legendary power that can be used at the Codex of power which we'll cover here in a little bit these also provide Renown which is a reputation system that'll unlock rewards as you complete certain tasks within a Zone dungeons are a great place to earn experience and upgrade your gear so while they're a pushover while you're leveling dungeons will take on a new difficulty called nightmare dungeons in the end game these are special variants of the dungeon that are more difficult but often offer better Rewards similar to dungeons are strongholds so these are points on the map where there is a large concentration of enemies and these are often tied into a story element that'll ask you to clear that area so that Humanity can come back in and reclaim it each stronghold does have a minimum monster level so you might need to level up a little bit before you can successfully clear it and when you clear out stronghold you're going to receive a large amount of renown and sometimes even unlock a waypoint vendor or new dungeon so clearing these out is super valuable for a variety of reasons outside of just getting a big chunk of experience then we have the kind of the mini instance areas called sellers these are small instances that are tucked away that offer a variety of environments to fight in most of them are actual sellers mines basements you name it typically a small dark room and these are often a single area with enemies and an elite to kill sometimes they have chest to loot other times it's just empty and full of enemies now the last major area is called a field of hatred these are specific areas found out in the world that allow PVP content and in these zones you'll be able to slay other players as well as monsters in an effort to collect shards of hatred these shards are a special currency that can be spent within the zone of special vendors now shards aren't the only thing you can earn from these zones you'll also find things called seeds of hatred now seeds of hatred have to be cleansed before you can leave the area with them to cleanse the seeds you have to find an altar of extraction but like most PVP games when you begin an extraction process other players will be notified and it creates a scuffle so once you collect your red dust that you've extracted from your seeds of hatred you can then spin that currency at a vendor in town on cosmetic Rewards so one of the things you're going to encounter early on in the game out in the world are altars of Lilith these are statues that can be found throughout the world that give experience renowned and a permanent attribute bonus when you unlock it for the first time this is very very important because these attribute bonuses are applied to all characters on the account meaning once you find one all future characters will also receive those benefits from the very start now there are decent Maps out there on like Max roll and Icy Veins that'll show a lot of the alter locations so truly just follow along with those while you're leveling to knock them out on your first playthrough another thing you'll see out in the world are emote statues so these are going to provide you with a temporary buff if you perform the correct emote we also have shrines these have been a staple in since the very very early days of Diablo these that provide powerful but temporary Buffs that range from things like increasing gold drops to replacing all of your skills with a single powerful ability okay so the last thing I want to talk about is Renown because everything we've covered so far will reward Renown which is a special progress bar that works sort of like reputation so as you cleanse Alters of Lilith you fight World bosses you clear dungeons strongholds Etc you're going to earn Renown and over time you're going to reach certain Milestones that'll reward gold additional skill points extra potion charges currency capacity increases Paragon points so earning Renown and unlocking these Milestones is absolutely critical for progressing within Diablo 4 and without it your character will fall behind everyone else so making sure to get that renowned up is going to be something you want to focus on so that's everything about the world of Diablo 4. let's talk about combat within this world so combat and Diablo 4 definitely feels similar to previous Diablo games but with a slightly different pacing in my opinion from what we've been able to experience in beta it does feel slower than Diablo 3 but slightly faster than Diablo 2. now I I cannot speak for how in-game feels because I didn't get to play in the game but the pacing feels good for now and no matter the class you will use skills to deal damage protect yourself and alter the battlefield with Buffs and debuffs this is a given this is something that comes standard to any sort of action RPG but what I want to talk about are some of the finer details of combat that we might not know starting with combat text so when in combat the color of the text you see on the screen will mean different things so one critical damage will appear as yellow these are attacks that have been Amplified to deal additional damage now each attack does have a chance to critically strike and there are two stats that influence the system Critical Strike chance and Critical Strike damage so you want to adjust your gear and skills to take advantage of this system if you want to most builds that focus on critical typically do pretty well then we have overpower damage and that's going to be blue so overpower attacks are strikes that deal bonus damage based on the sum of your current life plus your fortified life now damage over time passives and channel attacks cannot overpower and some classes are going to take advantage of this like the Druid they have lots of ways to overpower enemies then if you manage to critically strike and overpower in a single strikes like a lot of damage in one single hit the text will appear as Orange so we also have some key debuffs we need to take note of one we have vulnerable this is going to cause enemies to take increased damage and then we have staggered staggered is a bar that bosses typically have so as you apply crowd control effects like slow immobilized stun freeze you're gonna slowly fill up that stagger bar once that bar is full the boss will become stunned for 12 seconds and give you a damage phase the last thing I want to cover in combat are resistances so in Diablo going all damage all the time is not a viable strategy for most people you need to have some defense to offset the incoming damage resistances are a good way to do that you have four specific resistances to build up by equipping gear picking up nodes on the Paragon board and spending skill points on passives these will reduce the incoming damage of fire lightning poison and Cold by the percentage that you see 25 cold resistance reduces the incoming damage by 25 percent now the last one is resist all which will help reduce all non-physical damage that you take so the next question you might have is what about physical damage armor is going to be your go-to for that that'll help you resist physical damage so stack that up if you keep dying to physical otherwise figure out where you're weak and bolster that in your armor one of the biggest mistakes I see new players make is skimping on their resistances and their defenses to opt in for more Firepower do not make that mistake make a balanced character all right so we're gonna change gears a little bit and talk about vendors buying selling interacting with all the systems that are going to help improve your character so we're going to kick things off with General Stores these are as they sound they're a store that sells some general items their stock isn't usually something to write home about but early on this could be used to replace a huge gap in your build next we have the Healer this vendor will heal you and replenish your potion charges so make sure to visit them before you head out next we have The Alchemist this vendor will let you upgrade potions which is something you should be doing as often as you can these will help restore more health and keep up with the rising difficulty of the game you can also craft elixirs and guys do not sleep on elixirs they're temporary but they provide some really good Buffs and even an experience buff that'll give you a little boost to leveling lastly they can refine materials if you need to upgrade a potion but don't have the right supplies they can help swap some extra materials that you have into the materials that you need then we have the occultist this is going to be event you'll visit all of the time they can extract legendary powers from items and imprint those same legendary powers on other items and you'll have a codex of power that'll hold all of your unlocked legendary powers from Dungeons and broken down legendary items then you can take those particular things and imprint them onto other items so you can take a normal rare wand and make it a legendary wand very very easily the Jeweler will offer services like crafting gyms and adding sockets to your gear so make sure to maximize all of your items by socketing gems this is going to be critical for getting the most juice out of your character the blacksmith will help repair broken gear Salvage unneeded items for crafting materials and upgrade your gears item power to increase its stats this should be another frequent visit while you're leveling to make sure you're as optimized as you can be then we have the purveyor of Curiosities AKA basically a gambler this vendor accepts obbles which are a special currency you can earn these by completing events and then they can be spent on a random item type this is a great way to find new legendary powers and build up that codex of power we just talked about the stable Master is your Mount vendor and mount customization system all built into one now here you'll be able to pick up your first Mount and equip any ornaments that you have unlocked we didn't get to see mounts in beta but we do have confirmed that once you unlock them out for the first time you can use it on future characters now the last two systems are wardrobe which is transmog and stash which is used to store excess items so now that we know about the early game the leveling process let's touch on what we know about end game really quickly so end game has three main content types and a brand new progression system called Paragon boards so nightmare dungeons are the first one we want to talk about each World tier is also going to unlock new nightmare dungeons these are special variants of regular dungeons that have the difficulty cranked up but so are the rewards now these special dungeons will have affixes to make life more difficult on players and they'll give additional objectives for you to complete and in order to get into a nightmare dungeon you need a key called a Sigil these can be crafted at the occultist and found out in the world and not all sigils are created equal instead certain sigils will unlock certain groups of nightmare dungeons so you'll need to visit the correct dungeon to take on the nightmare version of it the example of an affix they gave is called Hellgate these are portals that'll randomly appear and pull in various enemy types into the battle to make life a little bit more difficult on the player next we have Whispers of the Dead this is going to serve the players some bounties that they need to go complete as you complete these you're going to collect rewards and return the items to the tree upon turning them in you'll be presented with a few mystery prizes to choose from here we can see one-handed weapons Boot and gauntlets to pick from these are those coffers that like toss out a few pieces of loot once you open them from your inventory next we have hell Tides these are areas of the world that have been corrupted by hell and have attracted more powerful enemies along with environmental threats so for instance they mentioned a hell tied area with powerful demons to fight while being bombarded by meteors that you have to avoid and as you slay these supercharged enemies they're gonna drop a currency that can be used to open the special chests that are littered throughout the heltite region and lastly we have that new progression system called Paragon boards so Paragon bores as you reach the level cap you're going to gain access to the Paragon system which gives players a plethora of small nodes that Grant minor stat bonuses but there are also larger nodes that give new passive effects or large stat bonuses as you near the edge of a paragon board you'll be able to choose the next board you want to snap on and you can even rotate these to make sure that you are starting at the best possible spot to reach the node that you're after so from what we know so far each level will net you four Paragon points and then you'll have a grand total of 200 points to use before you are maxed out now unlike Diablo 3 the Diablo 4 Paragon points are capped okay so there's different tiles on the boards you're going to see as we go through this so one you have normal tiles these are basic White Tiles that provide small bonuses these are like plus five plus seven to a stat magic tiles are similar to normal ones but provide slightly larger bonuses to the player rare tiles provide large boost to power and often provide additional benefits once the player reaches a certain attribute threshold so something like you know reach 250 dexterity to unlock this extra 10 damage increase that type of thing then we have legendary tiles these are found at the center of the board and they provide a new Legendary Power to unlock and use but tiles aren't the only thing on the Paragon board that'll provide some big boost to power you'll also have glyph sockets so glyphs are dropped items you can then socket into your Paragon board that'll provide bonuses to any tiles within their radius and the thing is glyphs aren't static You Can level them up by to extend their reach to affect more tiles and lastly you might be wondering if we will see the same boards over and over blizzard has confirmed they'll be adding new Paragon boards over time to help keep things fresh and provide new ways for players to spend Paragon points so everyone that is the ultimate launch guide for Diablo 4. this is everything that's out there so far that's going to help you on your journey and honestly this game has tons and tons of systems in it especially if you've been somebody who's played Diablo in the past there's going to be a lot of new stuff to kind of pick up and go with if you've never played a Diablo game you're going to come into a world full of tons of content for you to learn and master I hope this video was helpful for you guys it was fun to put together fun to go and learn and I want to hear from you in the comment section below is this the type of content that you guys like to consume do you think this is helpful and what class and build are you going to be starting the game with thank you all so much for watching this has been Vulcan and I'll talk to you guys next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Vulkan
Views: 73,496
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Keywords: vulkan, diablo 4, diablo iv, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 classes, diablo 4 launch guide, diablo 4 beginner guide, diablo guide, diablo ultimate starter guide, diablo 4 beginner, diablo 4 beginner tips, diablo 4 starter guide, diablo 4 starter classes, diablo 4 starter tips, diablo 4 tips and tricks, diablo 4 tips for beginners, diablo 4 tips for new players, diablo 4 tips for release, diablo 4 builds, diablo 4 druid guide, diablo 4 barbarian guide
Id: TuxVQncxYBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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