Easter 2010 at The Potter's House Dallas - Bishop T.D. Jakes and Pastor Sheryl Brady

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is preaching time in the house of the Lord the woman of God that is going to come first we're going to work together this morning is is no stranger a tremendous woman of God I call her not because of age but because of position a matriarch in Zion because when she preaches people give birth to dreams and promises and visions in such a phenomenal way pastor Cheryl Brady who is here with Bishop Brady and the Brady yet so here somewhere out there and and we're just grateful to the Lord for them she's going to come just a moment but I'm going to ask you to stand with your word in your hands if you didn't bring a Bible don't be embarrassed and somebody somebody will let you read off their Bible if you sit beside somebody so hateful they won't share their Bible identify them security we'll take them out stand in the overflow stand in Fort Worth and in Allen out of respect to the Word of God itself as we go to the Gospel of st. John chapter number 20 verse 1 through 10 the twentieth chapter the Gospel of st. John beginning at verse 1 through 10 when you have it's a man the first day of the week come of Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark unto the supper girl and see if the stall taken away from the sepulchre then she runneth and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved and saith unto them they have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and we know not where they have laid Peter therefore went forth and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre so they ran both together and the other disciple did outrun Peter and came first to the sepulchre and he's stooping down and looking in saw the linen clothes lying yet when he not him then cometh Simon Peter following him and went into the supper cur and see if the linen clothes lie and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself then went in also Beth of the disciple which Kamath first to the supper and he saw and believed for as yet they knew not the scripture that he must rise again from the dead then the disciples went away again unto their own home made the Lord add a blessing to the reading of his word [Music] your loving-kindness toin me crane is your mercy I see day after day forever Lord you've been faithful to me you've always provided everything on me great is your mercy sworn me great is your grace somebody slip up your hand and tell them thank you for your grace I can't hear you tell them thank you for your Oh nobody like you Lord I wanna say hallelujah thank you for you you may be seated today her name was Mary she had had a very sleepless night with tears rolling down a face eyes swollen head just pounding with pain all because of the stress of the last several hours of agony she wakes up before the day does throws on some clothes walks down to the garden tomb grateful for the darkness because at least she could hide her grieving countenance how can they just keep living and acting like nothing ever happened how are the mountains still standing why hasn't the sky crumbled why why are the stars shining so bright why isn't the wind even blowing how can they move through the marketplace and act like nothing has ever happened hello doesn't anybody know that the world collapsed two days ago that's Mary that's how she was because when it comes to Jesus others may have loved him louder but nobody loved him anymore she loved his sense of humor she loved his belly laughs she loved how he would reach out and hug a child she loved his personality she loved the gleam in his eye she loved the smile that would come across his face whenever he would look in her direction she loved this compassionate caring heart but more than anything she loved him because he was her deliverer and if you've never been bound and he's ever touched your life well touch somebody next to you telling me you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me so so you can sit up here and look all starchy on it Easter Sunday morning but you don't know you don't know you weren't there when he picked me up and you weren't there when he wipe the tears when everybody else had walked out and pronounced me dead and left me for dead he walked in resuscitated me back to life and said it's okay you shall live and not die you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me and because of that she loved him constantly and she loved him consistently it was not one of those relationships where I loved him today and maybe I loved him tomorrow nobody we have a real it touches you in the basement of your spirit you'll praise him anywhere anytime and in place and out how you don't need an organ you don't need a praise team you just need a flashback that when I st. got the goodness of Jesus not what he's done for you but what he's done for me [Music] Oh she was a woman that had overwhelming gratitude she was a woman that was an example of life poured out it was her way of saying what Bishop had been saying all morning thank you who because I know what it was like to be bound and I know what it was like to look at other women dress up and look nice and just walk down the streets and be free in their mind and free in their family and free in their relationships and and I was so bound I couldn't even lift up my countenance my head was down I didn't know how to smile I didn't know what was going to torment in my mind you just have no idea I was possessed with seven evil spirits and I couldn't be normal I couldn't look normal I couldn't act normal oh but one day to somebody and tell him one day he changed everything for me one day just one day everything change and you wonder why we praise Him and and somebody's here because it's Easter and it's the thing to do but some of us come every Sunday because we has blessed us and he's touched us and he's freed us and we can't help but forget we can't help but remember how far the Lord has brought us it does your good every now and then to reflect on where God has brought you from because if you don't reflect you become a you you become ungrateful and you become arrogant and it does your good every now and then to just look back over and say Jesus he was the lover of her soul when no man would love her he loved her he was the keeper of her dreams when it looked like she didn't have the ability to birth him he just kept them on hold somebody ought to thank him right now for keeping your dreams on a hold he didn't just toss him away but he said I'm gonna hold him until you get it too I'm gonna stand back and watch you and i'ma pray for you but I'm gonna keep him there all in safety because I know the plans that I have for your save God that's a piece another baby to give you you're expected he was her friend okay he was her friend he was the friend of a wounded heart she walked with him she didn't just hear about him she talked with him they fellowship together no one had ever done for her what he had done for her no one had ever touched her like he had touched her and when she couldn't come to him he came to her when others had given up when so-called family members had walked away so that girl has got some mess in her life he stayed he stayed with me and when I couldn't come to him he came to earth so they could go through everything I went through so that he took rejections so that when I go to him and say God I've been rejected he says I know baby exactly how that feels I was rejected - do you understand that he came and he went through everything he went through simply for the fact that when you cry out to him and say God I'm struggling with this he went through everything he went through so he could identify with you right where you are and when she couldn't come to him he came to her he came and he loosed her from sin I don't know if anybody is in this room ever been loosed from sin but if you've been loosed from sin there is a thank you that Wells up in the basement of your spirit some y'all been saved so long you forgot what it was like but some of us remember what it was like to lay down and sin to get up and sin to live in - Walken said he loosed her from perversion he loosed her from indiscretion he loosed her from bad choices he loosed her from discouragement he loosed a from depression he lost her from on clean spirits he loosed her from demonic strongholds because when you are struggling with demonic activity many times you find yourself friendless you find yourself hopeless joyless passionless but the God that commended light to shine in darkness reached in and did for her what she was incapable of doing for herself I want to ask is there anybody in the potter's house in Fort Worth in Allen in Dallas today those of you that are watching me in the Internet is there anybody anywhere that will say God did things for me that I could have never ever ever done for myself that's why I love him that's why I praise him that's why I bow in his presence that's why I tell him you're holy [Applause] he reached in and snatched out delivered her from seven demonic spirits and from the moment she was set free she became a slave of righteousness well because she owned him everything I want you to touch your neighbor and tell him if my praise gets on your nerves just forgive me but I owe him everything okay maybe you just think you deserve to be here maybe you think do you deserve to live where you live and drive what's your drive and wear what you wear but I just somebody who knows you never would have been anybody to give God oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Mary was faithful she was faithful to Jesus and when others forsook him Mary followed him when others became offended Mary followed him when others quit Mary followed him when others refused to walk any further Mary followed him she followed him from Galilee to Jerusalem from Jerusalem to Golgotha she followed him from Gaul Gotha all the way to the grave she was not a fair weathered friend she followed him right to Calvary she watched as the Lamb of God was led like a sheep to the slaughter and despite the pain and despite the intensity and despite their agony despite her I know that you are not pushing that into his head despite the crown of thorns and despite the fact that the one she loved is gasping for breath and the despite the fact that the bloodthirsty fanatics are screaming for the death of her beloved Lord she stayed through the whole thing she stayed as close as she could stay and she stayed to the bare very bitter in it was as if she couldn't bear to watch but she couldn't bear to leave either because she wanted to be right where he was as horrible as it seemed her loyalty demanded that she be near him I just wanna be there and now it's over and your heart is broken and she watches that's his lifeless mangled torn beaten and tangled body it's taken off of a cross by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus and poorly prepared because they were in a hurry and they wanted to put him in the tomb before the sundown he deserves better than that wrap him wrap wrap his feet better Joseph can I can I just wash his face there's so much blood the blood is running down in his eyes he's my friend what can I do can I just have access to him she was determined to wash him she was determined to anoint him with spices she was determined to give him a proper burial a burial that was worthy of someone that was profoundly loved this was her master this was her friend this was her teacher this was her a bone high this was her Savior but she had been forgiven much and she loved him much look at your neighbor and tell him I can't tell you my story but there really is a story behind my prey mary had made investments after investments after investment don't tell me you love him and you don't invest in his kingdom you don't invest in the praise you don't invest in the workshop you don't invest in the offering you don't invest in anything if you love him real love reciprocates real love always gives back standing at the cross she was in love and I'll tell you of a truth today when you're in love you can't hide it and when you're not you can't fake it either [Music] she's being elbowed back woman get back from the cross she could have been trampled she could have been stampeded she probably knew he couldn't see her but something in her heart said I know if he knows me he knows I'm here whether he can see me or not he knows that I would not leave him in this condition you see she was a giver she was Mary was a giver and on countless occasions throughout the scripture she gave of her substance and Mary had came many men many came to take but Mary was not one of those that came to take many people come to church just to take just to get just just to see what I can get preach mere happening just help me help me solve my problem and you walk out of here and you never think about the price that he paid and you never think about giving back until Easter Sunday morning Mary was so Restless she watched them put him in a tomb watch them put a stone over the mouth of the tomb she went home she laid down but before the breaking of day she jumped up and ran down to the tumor thinking all the way there how am I gonna move that stone I don't know how I'm gonna move that stone and I don't really want to ask for help because I don't want anybody to know but I gotta get that blood off in his face I can't I can't let them bury him like that I've got these spices I I've gotta anoint his body see Mary loves of the body of Christ I said Mary love touch your neighbor and tell him you ought to love me part of the body real worshipers love the body of Christ she gets to the tomb she looks something she sees them mouth of the tomb is laying open strips of linen cloth are all over the floor his burial cloth has been folded up and set to the side she looks and she realizes he where is he she wasn't thinking that he was resurrected she thought somebody had taken him where is he where is my master where is my teacher and at this point she loses it because she feels as if she has been cheated from the last opportunity to touch him to love him to care for him and to clean him up he is her Savior he is her deliverer he is her Redeemer he is her Jesus who was so touchable that he became pure scible and now he is gone he is car I never had a chance to say my final goodbye Sochi panitch where is he just tell me where did you put it they have taken my lord I don't know where he is [Applause] rolls up to this seat cause anybody who knew Peter Peter was a man Peter would handle his business Peter was a leader he was a businessman he was aggressive he was a man action Peter was a man Peter was the same man that cut the ear off the Roman soldier Peter was a man Peter was the same man who saw Jesus walking on the water and said bid me to come and step out on the water Peter was a man Peter not only had one boat he had fleets of boat Peter was a man and any man knows when a woman comes to you crying like that you are on a deal with the situation because when Jesus was taken from judgement Hall the judge Peter had denied that he knew and he wanted to run and fix it but how do you run right when you live I wanna I wanna rock I want to straighten it out but he wouldn't want to see me I'm already denied him I've already failed him I got to handle this I got to handle this don't worry about it Mary I got I got to handle it so the Bible says that Peter ran there were three people that ran Mary ran first to the tomb then it says Peter and John the other disciple reckon but it is interesting that Peter didn't run as fast as job because Peter was running with the baggage of his mistakes have you ever tried to run with guilt oh you tried to run right how do you get up how do you straighten out something when you've been crooked yourself I'm going anyway I'm going anyway I messed up but I'm going anyway I've had some mistakes but I'm going anyway I denied it but I'm going anyway I've been through some fleshly stuff but I'm going anyway there are some people in this room we're not here because we did everything right we've been in the semester but we made up our minds in spite of what is behind me where are they anyway people run it run it and every night me your mind goes back to where you messed up running and every night need you thinking how you should or it coulda and woulda but you're running anyway shouting anyway clapping anyway I'm I don't even know if you want me I don't even know if I've messed up for badness maybe you sick of me but it's in me to run and I'm going down there and I'm gonna handle this but by the time he got there John had already run ahead of it I used to think that John outran Peter just because he was younger but no no no I forgot that John was a worshiper and there's something about a worshipper if they hear the name of Jesus they will always get their first see some of y'all are going to get blessed in a minute but the worshipers are blessed right now you still fixin the phrase in them but the wash of us are gonna praise him right now I was ahead hundred washables that was shoulder thousands of followers how you don't need no help you don't need no support you know how to praise the Lord open your mouth [Applause] I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make a boast in the law [Applause] [Applause] the Bible says that when John got down to the tooth first he looked in are they any worshippers you haven't made it there yes not into your destiny not into your future but you praise your way so close that you can look dear I may not happen right now but I can see it and every time I see it I give it the phrase and I give him the floor well bless my soul here competed running down to the sea and John is already at the to peak oh my god oh you know how men think when women tell you something you don't believe it no way you think she's just being emotional and beside herself and she come over there crying about somebody he looked at her said the woman is right and here comes Peter delayed by his guilt some of you God has a purpose for your life but you've been delayed by your guilt it comes down to the truth but say what you want to about Peter laugh at him if you will bring up his mistakes all you want to but what I like about Peter Peter said I'm not gonna get this close and stand here looking at something I'm gonna step right over and go back up is anybody in here let's go step right in so what God has promised you mistakes at all crazy at all hurting at all but I'm gonna call when Peter got in the tow he looked the lemon strips are indicative of the Hebraic commitment to burial in lieu of embalming as we would do in the contemporary society they would wrap the body up like we wrap up a leg for a cast they would wrap the body up and then cover it with frankincense and myrrh to detain even further the odor of decay the strangest thing the drum didn't stink God said I will not allow my Holy One to see corruption you've been through some stuff that you should be stinking but the Lord said I will not allow you to see corruption you may be down and out but I'm gonna stop the stench of death off of your life it don't smell like death you know how you go in a place you can smell like going in old people house you know how old people now smell smell like old people help they can make a spray out of it and you'd recognize that he's rated death have a spell death have a smell that many police officers they tell you you go up on a crime scene death have a smell they were not quick to believe it because believing that got them in trouble already and when believe me gets you in trouble you're afraid to believe again so Peters investigating [Music] don't smell look at him strips of linen that was wrapped all around it like it was around Lazarus they lay in the corner but the death napkin that was over his face was somewhere else the Bible said it laid by itself I know he was investigating because it gives us detailed it says and it was folded don't nobody snatch a body and fold a napkin so I can't believe that a thief stole the body and then folded the towel but I can't believe that he's resurrected because every other man in the Bible that was ever raised from the dead somebody else had to raise him who raised who raised him who says maybe he was dead but fact says we handled the body we know it was cold it was different rigor mortis written he was absolutely dead even if by some move of majestic power God raised him from the dead who loosed him because when Lazarus was raised from the dead he still could not lose himself we had to loose him and let him go so Peter was shot folded imagine there was no greater prophet to Raven from the dead he couldn't raise himself what happened it's a mystery it's an Agatha Christie novel it's a mystery it's a mystery what happened to Jesus what happened can there be a crime without a body what happened to Jesus I know that there are people here right now who do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead and you're sitting there laughing at us and you're saying that Christianity in the force and laugh if you want to and I will agree with you all you got to do to shut my mouth is show me the body show me the body and I'll shut up and nobody has presented a body and I know you think it's alive but how can you get 11 men to agree on the same line and then be so committed to it that one of them was skinned alive and the other one was crucified upside down and the other one hung by his neck you mean 11 men came up with the conspiracy to start a revolution I'm up so much of broke people there was no money that wasn't a profit there was no gain and they were willing touch everybody you can reach or say what happened Jesus without the Jesus what happened there Jesus what happened to Jesus in your life what happened to Jesus in your warship what happened to Jesus in all the stuff you do what happened to Jesus in all of your activities what happened to Jesus you tell me about this one and what that one here and what the other one dear what happened the chief well Peter was on the inside trying to figure it out here comes John who was standing on the outside he said I'm coming in there too it's something about a washable you may not be the first one in but let me tell you something you're not gonna let anybody get closer to the Lord than you oh no no you're not gonna get the glory and I don't get no glory - I'm gonna get in there if you leap up and down I'm gonna fall on the floor if you follow the floor I'm a dancer I'm gonna get the glory of the Lord is there anybody here that's greedy for Jesus desperate for the law I need him at the bar I need him in the noon [Laughter] well if you go I feel glory coming in this room I feel glory moving in a way I feel glory coming in it will hit the washer purse first it will hit the doubters mix but there is a glory in this room cuz somebody didn't come cuz you got a new dress somebody didn't Tom hasn't got a new suit ah but you came huh cuz you got a new attitude a new faith huh a new passion of a new power open your mouth and identify yourself [Music] [Applause] yes I dare you to pray I dare you to praise do you mess up your hair I dare you to praise it till you Boston your shirt I dare you to brazen till your head is crooked I dare you to pray this do your makeup smudges I plan you to praise him for the miracles from the healing from the delivers by His mercy for his tender kindness for his favor for His grace I can't reach it seek a preacher you gotta preach it now let's tone down the story tell the story let the world let the world tato gray hold this body down o death where is your sting o grave [Music]
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 42,562
Rating: 4.8814015 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: _yRh0QmFy70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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