Destruction of Thamud ᴴᴰ

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sada had a said I'm came to these people told them to worship Allah Subhan Allah Tata told them to remember Allah Spano Dada's blessings upon them and so one day what they said to sada harih am they said you see this mountain we want you to carve a camel out of the mountain a live camel if I make dua to Allah and Allah and he blesses you with this sign will you believe will you believe and they promise and they said yes bring it the condition was that the camel was not to be harmed in any way and so again and again throughout the Quran Allah subhana Dada calls this camel nah but the law the camel of Allah subhana wa tada this is the sign they were the most ignorant of creation when they started killing now that the law they first cut off the tendons on the legs they cut off the tendons once they started in the cutting and the spearing and the arrowing of the camel the see of this camel now but Allah he cried out it cried out and the whole land was shaking from her cry she was crying for her child and the story continues [Music] tonight insha allah tala we are going to be speaking about the people of the moon of whom allah subhanallah descent his slave sada alayhi salam the people of the mood they were Arabs and they lived actually near to Tabuk if you're familiar with like the Hejaz area you have Medina north from Medina is a seven hours north by car is Tabuk and in that area is in the area worth the mood used to live in that area till today is called and known as mada inshallah meaning the dwellings of salah and so these people have the mood what they used to do is they used to carve homes out of the mountains and we spoke about the people of Petra Albatros which is in Jordan and we said that her mood was actually an offshoot of those people who las panatela says wa 10k to an amine algae valley Boyet and I mean he said a new car from the mountains boot and homes I mean in full of safety now when you think about it right when you build a house you build a house of wood it can burn down you build a house of you know you name all these different things how can you destroy a mountain how can you destroy a mountain and so the people of the mood their skill was that they would build homes into the mountain right and it's just not just a cave it's not a cave it's an actual like castle that's built into the mountains and what did the people of thermo do wrong step number one they worshipped other than allah subhanho wa taala and so what they did is they they attributed all these gifts of allah subhanallah dada to their idols were they intelligent in the dunya sense they were intelligent right they had their fancy degrees and their PhDs in this and carving in mountains they're obviously extremely successful in their Intel religions and their skill but when it came to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they were the most ignorant of creation sada had ACM came to these people told them to worship Allah subhana WA Ta'ala told them to remember Allah Spana Dada's blessings upon them because what they have is not from their own hands it is from Allah Subhan Allah Ta'ala and so it behooves the person to thank Allah spanha Tata for the gift before allah subhanaw taala takes it away from them and so Saudi had a said I would call them to Elisha Jeddah and argue with them and debate with them and so they became fed up and so one day what they said to sada how they said I'm they said you see this mountain we want you to carve a camel out of the mountain a live camel we want you to carve a she-camel out of the mountain that is alive and is pregnant and it's huge bar they they described it has to be a camel like there's a camel like there's a camera like this camera like this and so slaughter how they said I'm said if this if I make dua to Allah span entirely and he blesses you with this sign will you believe will you believe and they promise and they said yes bring it and so subtly Saddam he prayed to allah subhanaw taala asked Eliza gel to show them the sign and so carved from the mountain Allah subhana WA Ta'ala brought forth a she-camel now but Allah the she-camel of Allah Subhan Allah Tana when you say something like baytullah the house of allah what are we talking about the Kaaba when you say kitab allah the book of allah what are we talking about the quran and so again and again throughout the quran allah subhana dada calls this camel not got the law the camel of allah subhana wa tada this is the sign that father Holly Sonam was given to show to the people and so some of the people believed in Sala has the Quran does mention that there were people from the people of thermo did believe in father honey his cinnamon but the majority of them they disbelieved and saw even though the Kamla had been brought and so the condition was that the camel was not to be harmed in any way that this is enough at the law and that they should not harm the camel and that the camel would drink one day from the water and they would drink the other day this is such an enormous camel and such a sign from Allah subhana Dada it would drink the water oven and the entire people of the moon and it had its whole day for drinking and the day when they weren't drinking from the water they were actually drinking from the milk of this camel enough milk to give to the entire tribe of food and how many people were speaking about this is the tribe of Thamud and this is not but Allah it was pregnant the camel it's a she-camel and it was pregnant and it gave birth to it's as I say foresee that gave birth to its baby she camel and the story continues when the camel the she-camel was brought to the napa the law when they saw the sign of allah subhana WA Ta'ala they disbelieved in the sign when saad al AZM brought to them the message they said in response but couldn't Athena mother do one motto Joe is like desired meaning that Saudi hala Saddam was very wise was very strong is very handsome he's from from their from their people a home sada right there brother Saleh and they had high hopes for sada harih sana meaning that he would have got a very high government position he would be working for the government lots of benefits permanent job all of that he would have got a really good status and they were saying what a pity that you had to say this because you know you had a great career why did you have to say this because now everybody's gonna say that you're crazy how many people actually killed the camel killed Nath got the law how many people killed the camel allah subhanaw taala says we can defeat of Medina there was nine this outdoor rock then there is nine people you've see don't I feel out of they were doing facade in the auto Elias Leone and actually not only that and this is something just so you understand is that when these people are not able when the wrath of Allah subhanAllah Thailand the servants of Allah when they are strong and they carry the message of Allah clearly verbally they've announced it and they've told the people worship Allah you have no Lord but him then you will find the Kafar in the beginning to have misconceptions doubts and so on and so forth what happens when they lose the argument they resort to something else they resort to terror they resort to violence the Kafar they turn to expelling they want to expel him from the land they turn to detainment they turn to killing the prophets correct and so not only did they kill now click allah but a lot of people don't realize that after they killed napa the law they attempted the next nights to kill saudi halasana politic awesome-mobile ah allah subhanaw taala says they said to cause some of allah they promised then obey attend know that we will kill him in the nights they're not only killing slaughter holidays sanam they're gonna kill his whole family and so again you understand that these people they don't stop X the diary to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they will proceed to harm the family of the person who's calling to Allah certain they will proceed to that and this was their intention and of course Lauda had a cinema less pannacotta saved him before they could fulfill how many people were they we said nine when the nine people came to kill the she-camel came to kill Napa to LA they the nine of them there was only one of them who had the I would say the audacity to step forward and begin the killing of Napa to LA so not only out of the whole tribe of the mood there were nine people who did the killing and from these nine people even only one of them stepped forward and did the killing the name of that person allah subhanaw taala even mentions him in the quran in the quran of him bata Escarra the worst of them the worst of all them were you talking about one of the worst human beings to ever live his name was Todd odd-even Salif kadar eben Salif was a Chikara the worst of the moon who went forward and killed and and began the killing of now khatola these nine people they did this one of them actually could not have been said it was the one who started it and then they killed it when they started killing the camel when they started killing Natha the law they first cut off the tendons on the legs they cut off the tendons once they started in the cutting and the spearing and the arrowing of the camel the she of this camel now Cotulla it cried out it cried out and the whole land was shaking from her cry she was crying for her child to warn her child of what they were doing and is the books of today if and tafseer they'll say that this for see the baby camel that the child of the naka Tala he climbed up and ran away as they slaughtered the camel and he climbed up to the top of the mountain and it cried out itself for the killing of its mother it cried out three times now sada Haleh he said I made a promise with the people of the moon he said that Allah is bringing the sign what a thermos ooh heavy sue and do not touch it with any harm and in the versus Fayed Akuma add a banal him that a painful and enormous huge punishment will come upon you the camel the childhood of the Napa table it was on the top of the mountain called out three times Laura Hallen sallam said to his people Timoteo Federico Fla that--as a yeah he said enjoy yourselves in your places in your dwellings three days belly Kawada no value no matter but this is a promise that has no lie in it and sada harih asanam the people believed and sought if they left they were going to kill them as we said when they couldn't argue anymore and they're stuck there's nothing to say they resort to violence and terror and they attempted to kill sada had a Sonam and his family and the believers those who believed in Saleh hey Saddam they left from the tribe of of the mode and now they had three days and so they started partying and they were mocking and ridiculing and so on the first day their faces became yellow on the second day their faces and and actually they would dress up and they would say oh the first day has passed and then and they're like oh no punishment has come second day their faces became red and they said oh the punishment is coming it's day to day - ha ha ha and then day three came and their faces turned black and they said it's day three where's the punishment of Allah where's the punishment and they're laughing and the mocking so much so that they they went to an exaggeration and they're mocking that they started wearing their Kevin they put on their their their shrouds and they put the high note it's like you know what would you put on a dead body in mockery like it was like a party like Halloween thing like this that they're dressing up like the dead and they said it's the third day and then at that third day Allah subhanAllah donnas sent down his punishment a loss of Hana thoughts is that the mood and odd they disbelieve and they claim that it was alive when he say disbelieve they're saying that the Claudia the day of judgement the horrible when this this shaking the quake that's going to lead to the Day of Resurrection they disbelieved in it meaning they said that it was on it's not happening then allah subhanaw taala says Katti batti mode or atom bill acharya they were destroyed and i elated with pathya this is actually interesting Parthia and katya and now because the mood disbelieved in the car they said it was a lie it's not happening Allah subhana WA Ta'ala destroyed them with a pavia and the translation is actually interesting it says storm and lightning and so on and so forth but that's not necessarily what of Pavia says some of the scholars actually in fact have mentioned and this is something that you realize later because at that time you couldn't understand what it is the power of sound waves the power of sound waves in its ability to destroy and Allah subhanAllah dimensions that when they loudly had happened they were destroyed and you talk a destruction that happens like instantaneously la Sanatana destroyed them when they started killing the camera not Allah what do you think the other people of the mood started doing did they say no don't kill the camel they didn't do that what did they do instead they started cheering they became cheerleaders for the killing of the camel not all of them actually physically killed the camel nine of them gathered together out of the whole tribe of the mood and only one of them started the killing of the camel yet allah subhanaw taala destroyed all of the moat why someone could say I didn't kill the camel it wasn't my fault what was the sin of all of them oh they all disbelieved in allah subhanaw taala and what their punishment is coming from is that when the roof what happened the disobedience to Allah Azza WA JAL this breaking of the Covenant with Allah Azza WA JAL they were not against it you can say that they were either silent observers or in their heart there's no there's nothing wrong with it in their hearts that if they see the Haram happening it's no big deal and this is something extremely dangerous Alaska Nevada says and as for thermode Fahad they now home so we guided them was the mood guided and the answer is yes because Salah was sent to them and told them the message well Amitha mudafucka Dana home Festa hobb ulama Allen Hooda and so they loved and preferred blindness over guidance they closed their eyes they closed their heart closed their ears everything is shut down all the faculties that allah subhanaw taala gave to them they closed it all right what would have saved the moon what would have saved the mood as a lesson for all of us what would save us we said modal America Manila Hanalei to worship Allah Azza WA JAL so the commandments of allah subhanaw taala as the pillars of islam the commandments of allah staying away for the forbiddens will protect you and save you secondly is safar is asking allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness I saw Holly Sarah said these people limit estar de luna basilica blood hostility lola testosterone Allah Allah Allah come to Rahman he said if only you asked Allah forgiveness so that you would receive the mercy of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and so if a person does that if they seek the forgiveness of Allah Raja they're worshipping Allah and when they disobey Allah they asked for forgiveness las panna cotta would show them his mercy and the last but not least is thanking allah subhanaw taala first blessings this is your savior and protection cinematic [Music]
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 469,586
Rating: 4.9083891 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, muslim, Allah, lecture, sikm4n, LoveAllah328, soldierofAllah2, merciful, servant, lebo2196, islamicevent, themercifulservant
Id: uEy967O3Y7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2013
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