I Used MIND CONTROL To DESTROY My Enemies in Stick It To The Stick Man

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called stick it to the sick man today we're going to be having another battle another fight another adventure in mind control that's right i'm pretty sure that this guy maybe it's this one i'm not sure loudmouth uh one of these one of these is supposed to be a mind control unit and i thought it'd be a lot of fun to test out mind control so which one should we do how about we do this and just like stop on one there that one has a big head do it and if this day at our job doesn't go well we'll probably switch the other one just to see how the mind control works there we are yes okay that's a headbutt oh and then we get what did what was that all about bro this isn't even cool you're gonna end your whole career oh what does that even do i don't know oh hot dang we got to get up here we're going to go we're going to go we got to get the upgrades now i've agreed everyone this is not good shout and then this one oh no oh no no no no uh ray roll oh no shout again we're just going to yell at people permanently get off my life oh nice okay so something is weird about that whole shouting thing i i don't know what it does it knocks him over and i can headbutt him when he's on the ground oh no guys shut up and stuff there we go oh my word go away oh that's kind of a cool upgrade i like that yeah okay i don't know what that one does though punch him down would you just stop i really need to move those it doesn't work how i want it to la i love running so much hey okay i i really honestly don't know what that does but i can yell out i'm super good ouch stop that kick him in the face and then head butt him and stuff hi i knock him over hey dude die that's so mean i told the man to die oh i don't want to do that ever again okay fine you're gonna die too and you're gonna kick them in the groin and then punch you in the face and then yell at you then yell at you again and then headbutt you and they missed so i'm going to yell at you again and then kick you in the groin it worked i did it okay now give me an upgrade headbutt turns to torpedo the bragging turns to pontificate and then we also have gossip let's do gossip after the shout that could work out nicely and then we'll just jump up a floor and we'll yeah shut up and i'll gossip about you i don't know what that did [Laughter] die hey now i don't like this guy he's not my favorite friend in the whole world i don't know what that did either would you just not live anymore oh my i'm gonna have such a hard time at the upper levels of this it's a big knockout i missed no bro why is this guy he's so small why are you killing me maybe if i just spam the buttons everyone will die oh hey that guy turned great oh get out of here oh health i need that and bullets okay i want to upgrade again oh loud mouth no indoor voice multitasker increases max health for every move reduce any damage more than one by one i don't know what that means which one i kind of like that but this one could be two since i'm mind controlling like i feel like that could work let's see what stapler bro has for us oh no no no no no no no dude bro that's not even cool cam in the face ow hey i got bullets ow that hurts so bad would you just not ow ow get up get ow you taste don't taste me bro wow dude you're so mean okay i'm gonna yell at him when he comes up here i'm just gonna yell oh that knocked him down he took fall damage head butt ah then yell at him again ow i do not like it stop it no um he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me so dead i'm gonna kick him right in the nuts pow yeah hey no nope head bottom oh i'm i'm dead i'm dead ow ow why can't i use that i died oh my word this guy's mean so why don't we try this one instead of that one i don't know what that bragging does but we're gonna go over this one i think this might be the mind control unit hey hey hey what do you say it's time to wake up and start your day i just made up a new song i like that song whoa he bounced ha upgrades right away i need that uh uh-huh uh-huh re-roll there's the shout again i want that oh dodge roll sounded cool oh that long range shelter nice one nice get off me get punched stuff i feel like i'm just like a toddler just yelling and swinging my fist of fury did they die oh they did get wrecked scrubs okay let's try this out i got brag no oh okay so bragging gives double xp from the next fr fired enemy i see what it does now that would help if i knew that before oh no no no yes knock over punch uppercut give me double xp and stuff nice that was pretty good now i have to yell at these guys tell them bad things and then we'll brag and we'll kick you i like how they take fall damage from falling down the ladder that's amazing nice now we get the gossip upgrade let's do the gossip here and then we'll come up to you and you're the one who tried killing me before i knock you down i'll gossip ow ow i don't like him he is not nice i can't even do anything because he's so small ouch how do you get to kick me like that knock down and then oh right nice knock down okay ready jump at me jump at me i knew it i knew one damage ah there slap him real hard oh he's dead i almost kind of feel bad you know it's in a small sort of way i knocked you down ouch i didn't knock him down all the way we're gonna play this smart he's gonna come up here and i'm gonna crouch down and we're just gonna punch him and then i'm gonna go downstairs then i'm gonna yell at him get out of here ow i didn't know he could attack me on the ladder there ah i'm just gonna spam the button that's all i'm gonna do i'm just gonna spam space bar ow run away run away i'm almost dead okay you're gonna come up here and i'll smack you oh no no i forgot that there's boxes come on down brag about my adventures he's stuck because he's dumb hey ugly he didn't know oh oh there he comes yeah punch yeah run away oh no no no no no no no run away okay and then ouch no no i'm electrocuted i died again we gotta try this a better way all right note to self you're fired i am not fired you're fired i got to get more more damage upgrades rather than just yelling at people for days oh i need that excuse me coming in coming in yeah just i need this there we go uh okay shout break i like that one we're gonna mix it up now i can't have any more of those dumb upgrades there it is double xp that's always good okay we're gonna kill you now then we're gonna uppercut you into space we're gonna brag about you and then we're gonna punch you and then do this and then you're dead it worked pretty well all right let's get some of this i didn't get upgrades roundhouse kick hammer because i can upgrade that to an axe and then i can stab people with it did i say that out loud and die that's just a hammer but axes are even more fun all right we're gonna upgrade this to the gossip mode or the pontificate gossip all right that'll work oh i turned him up i turned him to the enemy team oh i mean my team that's am i the enemy am i the bad guy oh free xp more enemies i need four enemies free xp get me nice oh no i didn't realize they were gonna come in this level but i turned a guy i did mind control die nice and i'm getting so many xps now oh there's even more oh i want this to mob justice oh mob justice turns more i've got more friends run away that guy just bounced all the way up hey dorks you want to feel a wrath of a hammer look he's on my team he's on my i just mind controlled him hey give me more xp oh this is nice double xp for two minutes and then can i upgrade that to pontificate oh hey and nice this will work really good let's start some pontification oh it's that thing okay are the pontification that's the upgrade that the boss has hey die ouch oh oh then my friends show up again this is gonna work this is gonna work so brag upgrades to that no breg was the pontification one you guys just do your work over there yeah oh wait i gotta kill you wait now you're on my team you're against me die i put him to sleep run like a ninja 100 push-ups enemies stick to walls that'd be fun increase all punch damage or punch damaging so what happens if i do this mob justice now oh no i get friends i've never had friends before my friend died he is not very nice to my friends okay we're gonna give him uppercut and we're gonna leave ow ow ow ow he is so mean here we're gonna knock him out there you go there it is and then hammer oh you jerk not nugget well things have changed slightly around here wow he's still a jerk though would you not you've you've ended my career so many times you're about to be fired and then we're gonna do that and then that and then wow he's such a fast shot nope wish i had a staple gun in real life it looks fun in like a non-masochistic sort of way wow he's got such a just nope oh my word there oh okay then head butt nice and then throw the knife there he's dead i killed him i killed his i killed him i did it i'm so sad and happy at the same time but now i get the push-ups or the sudokus we're gonna do this push-ups one it's not a bad thing i also don't have the mob rule yet yeah but i will get it as soon as i can ow there we go are you dead yet will you die thank you oh why does the upgrade have to be way up there oh yes i got one you're my friend now i might oh i'm so sorry friend yeah yeah do that and then go upstairs and then stab those guys yes yes my control is the best thing ever die and die oh they he returned he's my enemy again the friend of my friend is my enemy or something like that here you guys duke it out now ouch it looks so painful nice oh he's turning red again how about i do this oh hey you're gonna go upstairs i'm okay with that you do you you do you boo and now we get mob justice okay come on out mobs nice go go play with him go play with him it'll be funny i promise oh no he's coming upstairs more bob justice more punches yeah you guys go play yes do you oh ow hey upgrade time and ammo i need that get out of my life i need this machine gun oh double xp that's always good because that's more upgrades your dorks die there we go there we go no i need that i need that ammo upgrade thank you yeah we'll just smack them real hard a whole bunch of times it'll work and then you guys get smacked too so i can get your free xp and i get another upgrade oh that doesn't upgrade anymore okay torpedo mode the knife to ninja stars oh this is the haidukin too i like that hey it's my friend yeah it's okay you guys can play with him everything will be exciting oops oh no no no no i'll crawl over here and i'll call in more friends i'll just summon friends why didn't i summon any more friends you stay away from me bro you just get punched out upgrade now dude get out of my life that was actually more enemies i have to it sounds so fun okay i'll take that and then we'll go into here all right all right we're gonna do a first head butt there we go and i'll call in my friends there we go nice and i'll just keep smacking him there we go he's down i got him knocked out go go little gray guys go mind control for days oh that worked get off me are they after me or um i don't know if i like this i don't oh i got upgrades here give me the haidukin yeah ready and then watch are they doing the piggyback they just fell oh there oh no no i didn't realize oh re-roll burp burp sounds gross i don't like burping here die there we go that was fantastic i like having more enemies because i get more xp and if i get more xp people die faster die like that get ready we're going upstairs and then we go boom whoa whoa i just i just shouted them to death and now my guys are stuck in the the unending matrix of of office furniture oh that was satisfying too okay you guys get shouted out the window oh that didn't work this time i need that okay the shout goes to gossip and then i can get mind control again oops they were my friends he's he's doing that thing where he just oh where he gets smacked hey get hit punch him punch him real good i will call it more friends uppercut oh i missed the uppercut headbutt oh that worked okay i want to see those oh i don't want to see that hey hey pillsbury doughboy jet puff marshmallow man goodyear blimp guy um michelin ow there hi dukkin it worked i killed him with one shot now multitasker increases max health oh increase max health for every move i feel like that might be better very good okay let's do a little bit of that and then a little bit of that and a little bit of that he's on my team now my control is so overpowered i'm gonna punch him when they're on the other team oh okay uh yeah oh you can't go upstairs you're just gonna go out the window he's gonna go out the window there you go i'll help you more bad guys there we go i'll just smack you in the face and then i'll cut some in more i feel like he's gonna run out the window no get off me did you see that he just jumped out the window oh this is a big boss hey ugly hi dukkin oh that worked really stinking well we'll do that it'll do that take my friends yes yes go oh friends just got the smackdown here i really want to do this to you no no no no hey it worked i killed him how did that happen nice okay i want to turn it up to mob justice i just want to mind control everyone kind of sad that two haidukens killed him though and then more more friends this is great i'm just converting the entire world to my team you guys do whatever you want over there i don't care because i have more friends than you headbutt oh you guys are gonna go party upstairs huh this one's broken oh no there's more of them fine i just want to summon more and more and more people okay ready one more punch and then fire that was great that was so much xp get dead get dead and get dead oh i wanted to use that upstairs okay you guys are partying way too hard here get out of my house get out of here ready and i'll help you out the window so i can do this through that group that worked pretty well there you go i'll slap him okay let's go upstairs i'm gonna summon ooh fast track yes we're gonna summon more people he just ran out the window there's something very satisfying about them jumping out and me getting free xp hi and then no get off my head and get off my head oh i missed there we go get wrecked we're just summoning people for days okay i get the slap parade a slap parade i don't know what that means but i hope there's free candy involved get dead and then you guys get fired get it fired okay increase all punch damage surprise your enemies and your combo breaks i want max health increase and then we'll see what this is slap parade to thunderclap um something about thunderclap doesn't sound normal we're gonna thunder clap them i don't know what it does but we're gonna test it right here oh that was stupid it didn't do anything oh my word oh my word i am dead i am dead get out of here i am not dead i have free ammo though how did i not die hey no no get just jump out the window i promise it'll be exciting here take that it worked give me this oh an axe a spin kick i do like the axe it's my favorite vegetable but that the spin kick turns into the helicopter move which is also really strong headbutt boom that worked here you guys have friends because i don't have any and then thunderclap more friends more friends hey you guys run out the window uh 100 push-ups increase all punch damage okay we're doing 100 push-ups i promise you'll like it if you jump out it'll be no fine die that'll help too all right another upgrade remove a move oh pontificate that should work and then fart we're not going to do fart because that's gross but we do have a boss here so we're just going to summon our friends i'm stuck on office furniture again yeah push him up ha ow he's got ninja stars we're we're doing the pontification now now thunderclap more friends giant uppercut and then headbutt hi dukkin yeah more friends he's stuck oh thunderclap can't upgrade torpedo moves could be fun helicopter kick that's what i really wanted pontification thunderclap oh that is so much damage okay and then you're gonna die wait that guy turned red again i don't know if i like that move hey i missed i'm also missed um hello i turned into a helicopter and i went outside it's not a great thing to do pontification no no no no no no get knocked out thunderclap do it again and uppercut oh i uppercut him over top of me that was fun yeah you guys go play over there with your that's fine you can go all the way up top i know he just got knocked out of the wall boom and then hi nuken that worked pretty well that worked really well helicopter wait that guy just killed the bro upstairs okay run like a ninja increase all punch damage yet again we got some pontification happening and thunderclap oh that is one really dirty upgrade combo i like it you guys go run out the window there's a window over here i promise you'll like it if you jump out or you know i'll just do that that'll work too all right more upgrades yeah oh i got the big hungry boy on my team no don't go no you turn nuggets helicopter wow i just really like flying out the windows i guess more bad guys look at him go he's so dumb and then head butt nice uh oh hey died that worked that worked pretty good okay i need to upgrade like everything self-promotion whatever self-promotion is i like self-promoting myself make sure to subscribe and like this video there we go and then helicopter oh there's a self-promotion and knocked him out he's got a gun thunderclap no guys get off my life there have a high duking and then more bad guys i didn't even take damage you know my friends are just beating them up and running out the window on their own he's like no please don't make me oh free candy and helicopter oh no oh oh that hurt i need more damage though i did not intentionally go there kick them that worked that worked pretty good free xp for days all right self promotion time he pulled out a gun ow he committed this oh i don't i got to get this upgrade i don't like oh what was that here uppercut and then head button hey there's my friends again i have so many friends this is the first time in my life i've had friends extra rerolls fine okay you guys do your thing up here boo and then i really need these upgrades because they're upgrades and i like upgrades no no no no no i don't know what that is but i needed it okay what happens if i self-promote everyone oh that's so wrong thunderclap no get out of here i'm gonna increase my punch damage again and i think having this this upgrade is ridiculous oh he fell away levitate objects wait hold up we can levitate i don't know what levitating does but i'm excited right now.com here he he fell asleep thunderclap oh my word is that a ton of damage okay we're going to levitate i don't know what that did get out of here get out of here okay it's boss fight time here you can have that helicopter mode i took the bus out oh no don't kick me bud we're buds but you guys get thunder clapped over that side of the world we're bringing more friends and i want to levitate he's floating die you ready hi dukkin that worked really stupidly well helicopter time self-promoting self-promoting self-promoting self-reporting hey thunderclap and that one and then levitate ow no he levitated me swim swim we have an upgrade to get we have an upgrade swim to the upgrade there it goes and then i'm gonna smack him to next week out hi nukem that is amazing more people helicopter mode this is like a big crowd control time can the boss man could try to commit sudoku no he can't oh no he swim away swim away hit your friend you're so dumb yeah nice more friends more levitating more headbutting more hadoukening i'm having so much fun with this build this my control is sick swim swim swim like a fishy ow swim swim swim like a sky fish you missed me you turned nugget i like doing this mind control right here because they did the sudoku and then i can go clap this guy yeah levitate headbutt dirty hi dukkin everyone's dying i'm getting so much xp okay i really should probably end this guy's career first levitate head butt there it is oh i need that i need that health yeah you guys have fun over there i'm gonna get this health upgrade and then once these guys spawn i'm just gonna go like this that worked pretty well i'm excited how that worked well you guys could play with him uh-huh self-promotion oh oh i'm outside nope nope oh oh that was dirty hey i did the self-promotion on the big boss man oh that was sick and i won i'm gonna help jeff bezos out this time i'll accept his apology yeah here's the error in his ways well done this is the good ending you did it thank you dot com and i hope you enjoyed today's video i'm sticking to the stick man if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deacon paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 241,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, stick man, stick fight, stick figure, stickman fight, funny moments, stick fighter, stick it, stick it to the stick man, stick man, stickman, stick man anime fights, stickman battle
Id: 6WwJjzbyK3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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