Destroyed Friend's House And Bought Him A New One

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what subject colors today we're actually being Jake Paul today we're destroying Jake's sister's house thanks for giving us permission no problem we got clearance from our brother and her husband so we should be good burn to destroy everything in this house and then replace it with new better more expensive things basically give her a home makeover look I'm a lighthouse I had her husband make a list of everything she doesn't like have sentimental attachment to so we're only gonna destroy things that we know for a fact don't matter to her they have a three-year-old daughter what do you think about her Jake she's adorable yeah I'm thinking we just fill her room up to like here with toys that sound good sounds good to me okay sure love it this is their bedroom don't drop it on the bed no jumping on the bed no the most annoying part about furniture is what you're walking in the room there's a corner oh I hit the corner how does all the time be tall this one just now there's no corner so look let me try let me try okay you're good whoa you're good - Timmy guts right now Wow think they didn't take the dishes out of the dishwasher give us one second to get the dishes out of the dishwasher so when we blow up their dishwasher we don't ruin their dishes because we're trying to be considerate why is there ramen noodles everywhere because you threw him on the grass oh yeah good thing they did a lot of dishes before we blew this up oh wait we're doing the fridge - yeah Jake we need you I love having a Viking around Wow so before we blow up his fridge we need to make sure there's nothing valuable in it there is the most valuable snack Wow is more rare than Bitcoin to destroy Delaware's house Cheers [Music] oh wait this actually looks really good put it back in there yeah we cannot eat their food that is stealing pause before we can go any further I need to tell you where the money is coming from that it's gonna help us fix all the damage we're doing see this curtain that's not just gonna fix itself someone has to pay for it and it ain't me it's honey honey is a free browser add-on available on Google Oprah Firefox Safari if it's a browser it has honey honey automatically saves you money when you checkout on sites like Amazon Papa John's Kohl's wherever you shop there's a good chance that honey can save you money all you have to do is when you're checking out on one of these major sites just click that little orange button and it will scan the entire internet and find discount codes for you honey must be super hard to find and install if it's that awesome no actually believe it or not it's not it takes two clicks to install honey you go here hit and stop and boom now any time you check out honey will scan the entire internet and find coupon codes for you if there is a coupon code they will find it and if there's not a coupon code you can rest assure that you're getting the best price possible and there literally is not one available on the internet if you install honey right now you can save like fifty to a hundred dollars on your Christmas shopping doing nothing there's literally no reason not to install honey it takes two clicks ten million people use it 100,000 five-star reviews unless you hate money you should install honey and if you want to install it go to join honey calm slash mr. beast that's join honey calm slash mr. bees now let's get back to destroying your sister's house oh yeah [Music] too far I think that's everything all right I'll see how the four that's a good spot they get to cook the food blew the door [Music] so I have a little science experiment this is the dishwasher I want to test a new way of washing my dishes my theory is if you obliterate the dishes they'll be clean a dish that doesn't exist can't be dirty [Music] what I do now that's how you fix the dishwasher I think it's gonna work perfect now yeah it works perfect if you cut a chair in half do you get two chairs or two halves of a chair test it what do you guys say is that two chairs or a chair and [Music] so we're back at their house and it's time to put all the destroyed stuff back in thank you back tomorrow so we got to put everything back today so when they come back tomorrow morning they see a destroyed house so this is the carpet we lit on fire perfect I just remembered something really important we never took that chair or that to the farm Chris there's only one logical thing we can do what wait a minute we never did anything to the stove all right we're gonna hi Howie did can you confirm is that broken it looks broken it felt broken yep all right Jake got permission to paint the wall yes we have all the permission I do yes all right your turn Chris well I need to let everyone know when they sit on a couch their butts go on the couch this bar yeah well what if I want to put my butt here yeah it's gotta go like right here dude you could even sit like right here if you wanted to it but wait a minute what where can jinx it according to the Orbeez video Jake would sit right whoa Jake I need you to execute plan the building get rid of them you have been banished that is the mark of the beast did you just we don't want to come back in here yeah we need to make a no fighting symbol no Vikings no is it spray painting that hey hey why are you doing all the wall yeah we're the clock that was so nice this way this way okay okay [Music] let's check out Caroline's room didn't we buy a bunch of toys now we're gonna fill the three-year-olds room with toys here's all the toys we bought Caroline now let's organize them and there you go that is Caroline's new toys well how we might have just ruined Christmas for we might have completely destroyed their house but at least we didn't ruin the third three-year-olds fun that's all that matters hey Chandler wants the Snickers can you have it okay thank you you can have it thanks Delaware bye I like my sneakers warm oh yeah throw your sneakers in there too Jake give me your M&Ms these need to be heated up oh it smells good it does smell amazing they might want to eat it that's hot pretty good though all right guys so it's the next day today's today we're Delaware and his wife and his daughter come home and get to see if this mess we created so they're on their way home I just want to show you guys what it looked like before and after [Music] and yeah guys let's see his reaction they're here they're here okay she's looking at the u-haul there's a u-haul in the front yard and they're probably wondering why there's a u-haul in the front yard Jake can you go tell what you oh it's kind of a couch blocking the door you might want to get to the garage we fixed your washer and dryer the the dryers way better at a drying clothes your computer's got a virus yeah you're gonna have to give it a credit card yep [Music] so that's the fridge yeah your French wouldn't affect yeah I knew it'd happen that's how bad we destroyed your fridge this looks like a frat house that's what we said yeah we did name is that cuz this is your room are these your toys go ahead go play the first thing you got to play with of course who's that that's many yeah do you like many Hey all this is yours it's all yours you're welcome is that a self-portrait of Chris yeah if you look in the mirror you'll have a mustache now yeah yeah well we have we wanted to keep Jake out so we drove an anti Viking symbol and then we want to keep Garrett out so we crossed out tinder so that's why he's not here I really like your new stove Caroline you want to see one more thing we got you what is it we also decided to get our toys so that way even after the house is cleaned up it'll still get destroyed even yeah so this is permanent destruction how do you feel of the way your house yeah I mean you kept you knew about this yeah like I knew there was gonna be things done but not to what level I had no clue we made sure to push the boundaries yes artwork you know when we just do things we replace them nicer so uh let's go shop and replace everything with nicer thing they made a big mess obviously we're not bubbles so anything we destroy it we're gonna buy you something two times better but you already know but she's right she didn't know that so I can take her shopping mm-hmm a little bit of behind-the-scenes stuff but we have a lot of business cards because we spend a lot of money and they all have like low caps so there's about six of them they each have a $5,000 limit so Meredith Rainier shopping okay [Laughter] yard wood and now we have or 100 million Orbeez in our yards in my house is right but we're gonna fix that all right let's go ahead and here let's let's fix it real quick so people don't hate it so it's a couple days later and his house is completely revamped and the other thing is his wife isn't here I didn't know but she's not getting back to like next week so we don't even get her reactions and finish house yeah this is his new house this is a rug that's not torched what was right here Jake Oh tiny ha I like this couch yeah sit on its you figure it out okay let's see if Caroline liked her toys yeah I take it she had some fun yeah yeah this is her favorite yeah she opens it up and there's a little mirror and she likes to brush her hair okay see this would be better content if your kid was here we didn't think this one through oh nice bed nice TV Wow there's no guy on your wall anymore everything looks so nice earlier the quarters look around it yep that's why we got this one so we wouldn't have to bust the corners there they're already busted my fridge is the coldest it's ever been because you know it works now your microwave because we didn't even destroy the other one yeah you did why me way microwaved the Snickers but yeah all over it was destroyed yeah new oven already in there but fancy but honestly my favorite thing is because I love to bake with my daughter we got a new KitchenAid mixer so we can bake cookies and cupcakes hey hey we need Meredith okay well she didn't answer so how do you like her new house house Carol I like it I hear Caroline I'm right here do you like your toys what we need to do is we need to destroy his house again and then replace everything again yeah funny that would be if we did this again like what your wife's in Connecticut this is actually perfect what if we literally trashed everything again and then we replace the house one more time for that would be hilarious how do you like the house for real though we have a couple days till she gets back let's trash your house comment if we should destroy his house again and surprise her when she comes back I hope you guys enjoyed that video before you go I need to tell you about this honey gave me a thousand dollars to spend on toys to give to the less fortunate they believe everyone should be able to enjoy Christmas and fun fact when we spent that thousand dollars on toys we actually saved that which is kind of funny like how honey gave us money and when we spent their money they saved us money I don't know but thank you honey for allowing us to help those kids and I hope you guys enjoyed the video like and subscribe or Bigfoot will eat all your cheesecake [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 36,641,216
Rating: 4.9045544 out of 5
Id: VqnQ-0q2gb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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