Surprising My Girlfriend With 100,000 Roses For Valentines Day

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I bought 100,000 roses and this truck isn't even all of them we have two entire trucks full of roses and I'm gonna fill this entire house with all the roses and at the end of the day we're gonna surprise my girlfriend here's the game plan Chris is throwing a party tonight at 7:00 p.m. like I have friends Chris invited me and Maddy to this party so at 7:00 p.m. she's coming to this house our goal is to fill this entire house with roses before 7:00 p.m. and then when Maddy walks in she's just like what all 100 thousand roses guys we got that oh dude we have to move all these all of them there's no way we can do this in nine hours let's get started sorry here's some roses and there you go that's all the roses this house is huge we have to cover the entire thing with roses what's the game plan solid before we go any further we need to cover the floor in plastic then Jim cut to the plastic yep and now the house is covered with a thin layer of plastic now we got to go get more roses this is all for your girlfriend right yep so why are we helping you again this is a lot of roses I don't have a girlfriend we'll get you one so you're telling me I can give these two some Isle of yeah here tarik just hold these for me I gotta give them okay later we need to like organize it in a cute way I don't know anything about being cute let's just start off simple pathway throughout the house this is the door thanks for the explanation you're welcome first we're gonna make the pathway you're probably wondering what are we doing with these roses after this video oh boy am i normally when people buy roses for Valentine's Day they just throw them away in the trash but in this instance especially since we have so many we partnered with some local farmers that are gonna turn all these flowers into compost all 100,000 of them will go right back into the soil and allow them to grow future crops everything here will be recycled that is a lot of flowers we could only do so much so logic would say we get some help to get some help then and jump cut awesome okay so we need to get all these roses inside of the house so we can surprise my girlfriend through it now the assembly line is in full effect balls Oh Mike happy what hold on I'm not ready for them both take oh listen we have six hours we have over a thousand roses so far 1% but this looks beautiful I'm starting to think this is a little overkill now before we go much further I need to introduce you guys to Katherine you do design work and can make these flowers look dope did you make baby Yoda out of roses potentially that's it I want baby Yoda right here what am I gonna do next year a million roses roses on the moon set myself up for failure voice Chris this looks crazy on camera this is 1642 roses so we got a long day what are you trying to find a Valentine's I see you've been hanging out with this ruse you want to find someone to give it to Chris has a wife I have a girlfriend now but do you have a dog I mean I mean that's all you really need so we crossed two thousand roses Chris I think it's time we call Maddy and see what she's up to make sure she's still attending the party tonight hey are you still coming to the party tonight okay bye she seemed a little skeptical I did come off a little strong we've been dating eight months it's fine [Music] Brett 4,000 right now 125th of the way tinder is really not working out I'm gonna have to just go out and find an actual girl that is in real life I'm going to find a Valentine I will be back go find out that I'm really excited and I'm gonna grab a couple roses just in case probably what's gonna happen is that he's just gonna go to like cook out the McDonald's so this is the baby Yoda yes oh my gosh Maddie will love it this is adorable thank you attention attention 6500 roses so far we're making it's a progress let's go check on the truck also I wonder what Chandler's up to we're all the way to pick up a Valentine what girl would say no to this all right here we go would you like to be my Valentine I'm sorry no there's no reason I'm gonna give you a rose anyway just so you have a good day thank you I hope you have a good day to you thank you you want to Rose hello Charlie they're free for you this is going great this is anybody want these roses they're dying just like me that looks like another 90 thousand roses let's get back to work roses are red violets are blue it's gonna suck [Music] this is a special pack do you know what this is these are our ten thousand roses ah the same in this spot for him yo this is actually pretty crazy thank you it's been a little while let's call Chandler and see if he's found a Valentine's yeah someone's calling me Jimmy hello do you have a Valentine yep no I've been denied why have they denied you what they say you know they just don't want to I came back with nobody I'll just be alone for Valentine's Day I guess you ready to tell them how Flint yep let's do it buddy did you find a Valentine you had a girlfriend nope you'll get a Valentine one day man as long as you got the voice everything's good right the boys the boys I don't know I feel kind of bad I mean you're doing all this for Maddie feel like I should do something for my wife all right so I mean what do you have in mind first so she sent me a bunch of things she wanted for Valentine's and she told me to pick one yeah I kind of won't just pick them all since it's in spirit of the video here's a credit card yeah your wife whatever you want to for Valentine's Day but unlike that credit card video there's a limit on this one me and Chris have some errands to run so I won't be able to tell you where to put the flowers which means Chandler is in charge what he says goes good luck is it going it's time hey what's this weed wacker doing here put this in the closet in the master bedroom up there you didn't put it up after you sir thank you sir forget my wife for Valentine's president so which one interest you sir dude it's a really hard decision both well that makes it easy so we'll take these three then she's gonna be surprised y'all have a great one hey what word is that what is that go huh where'd you get these where's the mac and cheese what is this it sucks behind [ __ ] your gutter your room I can do that I'm gonna cold chillin I see what's going on in Chandler so I've been getting a lot of reports people are saying you're being mean why would they say that I've had three different people call me and tell me that you're abusing your power now why do you need to know that Chris for it [Music] let's see what Chandler's been up to if people caught us about oh wait what's up what's Chandler that bat what's going on Chandler what were you doing they were just cheering cuz I walked up these flowers look great group hug you did really good man thank you guys so what'd you mess up seriously these look too good wow I was not expecting this and it's all for Maddie so explain to us what happened up here my best work is up here to get all these flowers arranged Zack hide your back I don't think why didn't you guys you don't want are they too scared to tell us about what I just did the best I could for you Maddie go nice that was a lot I'm gonna need to go lay down get down just just just stay there you can't yell at anyone if you're on the floor oh he's gone there it is he's done don't mind that gentleman on the floor just step around step on him this truck is like 70% done look at all these roses that our God it's insane we have two hours until Maddie arrives yeah we are definitely running out of time I broke the pot where do I put this okay come on you gotta hurry before we surprise Maddie with all these roses I think I should do a short Q&A because most you've never seen her before Chris came up with a few questions that he thinks you guys might want to know between me and Maddie so hit us how long have y'all been dating eight months had you meet Twitter surprisingly TMP's where was your first date we went to a comedy club and then we went and looked at stars and I could go a really long time but that was basically it yeah how do you think he'll react Oliver she's gonna be in shock and just guy or she's gonna be like what and just like scream why did we do all this I love my girlfriend oh that's sweet I mean it's just confidence I can't wait to you guys meet her she's very smart and funny and beautiful I really like her a lot and maybe she made more videos in the future I don't know now before we surprise my girlfriend with all these roses I'm gonna FaceTime her mom and see what her mom thinks so we got a present for Maddie and I want to get your opinion on it okay here let me just show you we bought Maddie a hundred thousand roses and fill the house with it yeah that's a baby Yoda that's a heart that's Maddie I'm clean in about an hour we're gonna surprise her how do you think she'll react yeah whoops all right I'm gonna FaceTime my mom and see what she thinks so I'm gonna show you what we're about to surprise Maddie with a hundred thousand roses look at all these it's like a sea of roses it gets even better over here and that's so that's a heart that's baby Yoda and that's Maddie's name guess what's upstairs more roses I'm gonna go get ready I just wanted to see what you thought love you bye my mom loves me Maddie texted me and she's ten minutes away so we want to show you guys the final product before she gets here all right guys tell me what you think of this look at it dude I'm gonna want to marry you after this I mean you can oh my gosh this looks great I know I really don't want to step on it we can do it can I jump on that bed you shouldn't me and Maddie jump on it I mean if you're selfish yeah how about this when this is all said and done me and the boys are gonna jump on it cuz the boys we like the boys the rest of the place is even crazier but I'll just save that for you know what Maddie's didn't want to ruin anything this is what Maddie will see when she walks in hey I'm gonna just get in the car we got a lot ID to explain there's not actually a party for Chris I didn't plan on telling you anything before him but yeah we're surprising you with something I just wanted to give you a little warning because it's so extra this is way more extra than I thought it would be yeah actually yes all right so just open the door right there all right good luck surprise happy Valentine's Day we got you a hundred thousand roses for Valentine's Day you haven't even seen the best part about it yeah it is way too much trust me this is way more extra than I planned on it yeah look over there this is one of the coolest parts of the house I promised the boys we would be the ones all right you ready guys let's do it three two what so there's some positive what do you think flowers nope it's a weed whacker now what do you think's in closet number two another weed whacker another one I just can't get over the baby ootah who did that what do you think's in the microwave Jake what'll why would it be Jake well it's obviously more flat oh this is so pretty Oh that's the text I think they're really up and there you have it guys are you surprised me with a hundred thousand roses is there anything you'd like to say except next year what did I set myself up for all right guys that's it for the video for the outro maybe we kiss we have tons of updates for shop mr. Bies calm we now have international shipping three returns if you don't like your orders and on top of that new designs and even better quality go to shop mr. B's comm cop a few new items it really helps us afford these videos love you guys gotcha
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 35,873,591
Rating: 4.9067645 out of 5
Id: i6OUv48w1bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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