Surprising MrBeast With A Custom Tesla!! πŸš˜πŸš— (Satisfying)

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one two three Oh [Music] I bought a Tesla for mr. beast I'm gonna customize it and drive it all the way across the country because I live in California and mr. beast lives in North Carolina I was gonna take a plane but this exceeded the 50 pound luggage limit it's that heavy no should be super hype I can't wait to see his reaction start customizing before we destroy the Tesla let's do a quick sketch so this is the design for the car it's gonna have mr. beasts logo in my style think it looks good and for this video let's make sure we have the proper attire watch closely pretty good right here we have the markers yeah pink for the lightning bolt just grab a ton of Blues because I mean that's the color and then we have the color black all right let's start customizing now sike [Music] it's so scary a little Tesla this would be the third time we got this alright so I just had a really good idea for another challenge but we need another Tesla welcome to the annual Tesla Olympics we're interested in purchasing a vehicle the Tesla for kids with the plastic wheels no no I'm just joking sorry we're actually looking to pick up a Tesla Model S oh okay thank you so much so since they wouldn't let me buy a toy Tesla I decided to buy another real Tesla so here's my wallets guys better come back with the test one of them will literally get a Tesla I'm not even joking [Music] mm I wonder how Michelle and Devon are doing okay it's getting a little hot now so let's take these sleeves off ah much better hey guys so right now I'm gonna give you guys a little mr. beast Tesla painting tutorial hopefully you guys can put that to good use someday just roughing it up a bit it's getting nice and fuzzy yeah look how cute he is [Music] look guys a bird right so now we're gonna FaceTime mr. beast real quick see what his reaction is not an iPhone this time cuz you already got one so we got to go big here's the front it's gonna be all blue okay I think that went pretty well welcome to the annual Tesla Olympics over here we have three Tesla's we'll grab a Tesla everyone get in your Tesla so they don't know yet they think we're just doing a regular Tesla race with the mini Tesla's but what's gonna happen is first place and second place will advance to the finals where they're gonna race in a real Tesla and the winner will literally win a Tesla shell staring let the Tesla games begin right guys so you guys are gonna go three laps around the entire house first place and second place will advance to the finals third place doesn't get anything you guys will have a chance to win something big any guesses good one Michelle ready set go oh shoot the steering is not working No looks like I'm not getting the Tesla no Michelle what's going on go go go Michelle see him Go Go Go Michelle Homer laughing you guys have finished day one of the Tesla Olympics so I'm gonna pull a quick prank on Zach why aren't you here thing what are you doing I'm cleaning the car pink did you know the Lightning is supposed to be pink right [Music] all right so I just did a bushy little tail he doesn't skip leg day that's for sure all right well that wraps it up for today transition into tomorrow good morning guys welcome back to an average day where we customize a Tesla yeah that's all I have to say but beef is going he's very hungry he smells bacon just kidding he's vegan so both of you guys won the last race oh you guys are in the finals now cheers the Tesla choose a Tesla Michelle go Javad Michelle we have a challenge you guys are gonna race in a real Tesla now I need a pencil so you guys are gonna race first person to come back with the pencil will win also one rule if you guys go one mile an hour over speed limit you guys are disqualified you guys understand me get in your Tesla [Music] all right guys first person to grab me a pencil gets to keep their Tesla three two one hang on a second safety first I don't think he made a turn feel so far Michelle I'm really new this light takes forever oh I have no idea where they are I have too many giveaways to do we're back in the car now go go go go go Michelle you're almost back I wonder where it is oh that was 38 we were literally right outside kind of harsh on the pistol let's go no he's not even here Oh like I wanted to Devon went over Steve in it then I went the test well you're a little too fast well I think we have a winner here it is Michelle the worst nightmare cuz she went over the speed limit by 3 miles an hour and let's just bed like right over at the very very end all right guys take each other's hand let's get on with this mr. B's video all right so I think we're done with the entire car now we're gonna spray it with this crystal clear gloss finish really bad I'm just kidding it's not that bad you guys ready to be satisfied yeah [Music] watch it's gonna be a nice clean line [Music] not that what's s OH come take a look over here you have mister beasts tiger we have a long streak but a buck taiking over here we have the beast logo I tried to be a little more creative with it which is are you trying to interrupt my video okay call me the EAS and we put this as a t yeah this is the beast whoo we have the beast with a pink lightning bolt going through it since it's a collab beast times eh see I put mine in my regular donut rips hopefully he likes the Tesla have a feeling Chandler and Chris are gonna go right and just to show you that this paint won't come off after the spray we're gonna spray it with the hose ain't so perfect good luck man thank you yeah they grow up so fast Turkey how are you Turkey you just chillin this wouldnt be a zc mr. beast collab without a giveaway so at the end of the video we're giving this away it has the same design of the Tesla in case you really liked it alright let's go surprise them we just got off the phone with mr. beast we're gonna step things up this is one of the cool things our guys are setting up legs is kind of dark outside we haven't seen it yet I've been dying those there like a giant tiger on the side maybe yes yeah my Michelle is your biggest fan Hey look at the car don't look let's bring them outside and see what the reaction is so the test is outside I'm like cover hi please don't walk me into all ofyou guys if you're watching this video make sure to subscribe gais all right watch yourself alright you guys are almost there you guys are enjoying this video so far touching something Chris Oh where's my grass is this Chris okay that's that you touching me yeah alright I haven't made this long without seeing in a while we don't want servers alright one two three oh that Tigers for me oh that's got a good that's amazing oh we collab this looks a little off to stay back this is insane he is rich that's on the month Wow thank you Chris and Chandler over there what I had them do rock paper scissors and the winner got in the test slope I'm pretty crazy that would be really crazy I have people break into my house before and so like that would give away where I live I don't think they might know I have this it's mine actually you brought up something I wanted to do we were discussing so I need you to the stand right here in front of the car here's the thing my house has been broken into before and I have a lot of stalkers so I obviously can't drive a car like this people fault but you guys yeah no I'm follow me out okay put your hand right a four scissors and whoever wins that's two out of three get to keep this car ready customized in this video right here Chris you wanna test I did best two out of three winner gets a brand-new test obviously you want hate each other you ready all right let's go rock-paper-scissors rock-paper-scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot Oh Chris is not Mandler if you lose the game he gets the Tesla again again Rock papers what is the problem sir we weren't ready you're in the way of my car see you guys later that's my baby well you got a Tesla I think you'll be fine I'll trade you the Tesla for the beam I took it from you deal's off now why the windshield wipers on I'm not smart enough right Chandler you were really close to away from winning a Tesla I was I was that's very close Chris how does it feel to win at a custom Tesla it feels amazing and it looks beautiful I'm super excited these are yours alright y'all later time right what I want we'll see all right bye I don't know how to turn the windshield wipers off and they're getting aggressive please it's okay so it's the morning now last night we couldn't test drive because it was too dark let's go do it i'ma fly it's like a creative business it's like I was bulimic [Music] ready to point it at your noodle like PB&J I'm terminating I'm looking for karna penguinese locate Osama you had sea spirit in the felt like Nevada know there's this poop gently did you do that that's egg this is amazing Chandler what would Christmas oh boy oh my god Septimus to be subdued zhc yeah so what do you guys think I love it you know it's Christmas card it's not here Chris will love this car I would have loved it more just again in a couple months
Channel: ZHC
Views: 28,391,576
Rating: 4.9142962 out of 5
Keywords: zhc, mrbeast, mr beast, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok lifehacks, tesla, lamborghini, custom tesla, painting tesla, testing, hacks, tiktoks, fazerug, faze rug, marko, custom iphone 11, Surprising MrBeast With A Custom Tesla!!πŸš˜πŸš— (Giveaway), experiment, test, prank, customizing tesla, hydro dip, hydrodip, satisfying, last to leave, car, cars, car vs, car dealership
Id: eJrSE1AhdDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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