Last To Leave Ramen Noodle Pool Wins $20,000

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If I was in there Iā€™d Be Slurping Away

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 15 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
- Last to leave this pool full of ramen wins $20,000. (laughing) Now, this episode is a little different because it's all Chandler's family. Those are his sisters, this is his brother. It is Chandler's family in a pool of ramen for $20,000. This is their father, as you remember from previous videos. - I'm here to referee. (whistle blowing) - Who do you think will win? - He'll be first out. - Ha! - No, he's on a win streak though. - He is, three wins in a row, these three. I just want your prediction so if you're wrong we could be like, ope, he doesn't know his children. - Chandler's gonna win. - When did the script flip-- - Chandler's goin' four-in-a-row right here. - Okay. - I gotta pee. - [Jake] Chandler's about to get out already. - A lot of ramen. - The sand video, you literally got out in an hour. - I can pee in this, though. 'Cause peeing is easy. - You can't pee in front of friends. How are you gonna pee in front of family? - [Chandler's Dad] That's what I said. - That's easier, right? - Is it easier? - I've dumped in the bathroom. (fart sound) and it went everywhere. - It was all over the floor. All over the walls. - What? - We're two minutes in and we're already getting secrets. - I went in there, I had to poop really bad. - Uh-huh. - And I pulled my pants down before I sat down. - And it just shot out? - Shot out. My mom came in there, yelled at me, told me to get out. - So you've pooped your pants like five times in your life? - [Chandler] Six. - Yeah. I'm gonna make it seven today. - Just don't do it in... (hip hop music) - You remember those, like, Barbie Jeeps? (honking) - I do. (laughing) - [Mr. Beast] What happened with the Barbie Jeep? - I wouldn't get out of the Barbie Jeep, so Zach just whipped it out and peed on me. He was like get out. - What? - What? - I remember that (laughing). - I'm gonna just keep replenishing your ramen noodles, don't mind me. How do you feel? - I feel like I'm at a win. Can beat Chandler. - You lost to him in the revolving door. - I did. - Did you go easy on him? - You look like a cyclops. - You look like a bird. - I did. - You did? - A little easy. - You're done. You're done for. - [Zach] I'm done? - You're done for. - All right. - All right so Zach was talking smack, saying he um just was taking it easy on me. So I guess I'm gonna have to win and give him nothing. - Wait I'm already getting it all. - [Chandler] Nope. - How long are you gonna go? - I'm gonna be the last person in this ramen pool. - Two days from now you're still here? - I'm gonna be the last to leave. - All right when you get out we're gonna cut to that. - All right I just made this ramen noodle ball. - [Mr. Beast] Throw it at Chandler. - Would you like to taste it? - No. Well apparently it's already been 20 minutes but this only felt like five minutes so basically I got this in the bag. And I already beat Chandler when I punted the baby doll. So we're just gonna go round two. - [Jimmy] You did. - Yup. - [Jimmy] That was funny, play that again. - All right, let's see it. (baby crying) - Wow, 55 feet. Don't let your sister show you up now Chandler. - No, 48 feet. - [Chandler] Wow you can kick baby dolls. - [Mr. Beast] How does this make you feel? Your children are in a pit of ramen. - You been around our family at all you can pretty much figure out we were gonna end up at this point somehow. - [Mr. Beast] Okay. - Y'all hungry yet? The only way you can eat is if you get out. - You can eat, I don't know what rules he's going off of. Do you want anything? You're always hungry. What do you want? - Some cookout. - [Tareq] So guys how does this feel right now? How does the water feel? - I feel moisturized. - I don't even care about the water. - [Chandler] Can you come here? - Yes. - Can you come here. Like come here. There's stuff on my face. - [Tareq] There's stuff on your face? - Yeah. (slaps face) Did you get it? Thanks man. - Chandler which would you rather have, Chris or them? - Chris. - Why? - Cause he's not annoying. - One of you are just waiting to get tapped. Whoever's first out should just get out now and save time. - That's true Cassidy. (laughing) - You literally told on everybody. - Yeah because so-- - We didn't rock with you. Cause we couldn't get away with anything. - Whatever, y'all got away with a lot. - Did he spank you? - [Hannah] No he sure didn't. - But my momma did. - So (blows raspberry). - No look whenever she said we're getting a spanking me and Chandler went upstairs and put on 10 pairs of underwear before she did it. - We got caught a few times. Had to go bare booty. - One of y'all put a book. - I put an encyclopedia. - You put an encyclopedia? Atta boy. (all talking at once) - [Tareq] So who's the oldest person in the tub? How old are you? - 24. - [Tareq] 24. - I'm 22. - 22, and then-- - [Mr. Beast] Chandler's 20. - [Tareq] Chandler's 20 and then Hannah. - 18. - 18 oh wow, okay. - Me and Zach are by the end of the road one day, and he's got gray sweatpants, they got lint all in the pockets and stuff. Bro reaches in his pocket and pulls out two pieces of salami and says "Dad you want one?" (laughing) I said son it's got hair and lint all over it, dude no I don't want none. He just goes to eatin' it. - I'm gonna FaceTime Chris. Hey, how's it going? - [Chris] Doing pretty good, how you doing? - Great, this is our first time filming without you in forever. - I know, it's weird. Zach my hopes aren't high for you. I'm not gonna lie. You look like you're always about to die for some reason. (laughing) - Hey Chris. - All right, the winner. - Yes. - [Cassidy] No. - Yes look. - [Chris] Strong contestant, probably gonna get second, not gonna lie. - Chris I'll FaceTime you in a few hours. - [Chris] All right, see you. - You can't escape us ever. - [Tareq] So as you guys know you're sitting in a hot tub. We're gonna turn it on. - Okay. - That means pee will get everywhere. - So do yo guys want it on? - Yeah. - The controls are right here. - Oh, what the. (laughing) - Get off of me. - I really didn't do it, Zach did it. - This was your fault. - I'm just trying to make it to the L. (yelling) - Y'all ain't my children. - Let's all get really close to Chandler. - You should. That's how you could get him. - That will work. Especially when I start choking you. (laughing) - [Mr. Beast] I bet he freaks out. - Yeah get all this piss water on you. - [Hannah] Oh she has pee all over her face. - Dang see y'all need to stop messing with me. Get off of me. You got noodles in your hair, you look silly. - I'm just chillin' like I'm gonna be here for like 24 hours. (laughing) - Kirk what's up? - Oh Jimmy. (screaming) Oh no that was not me I did not. Do you not like this picture? Are you trying to hide it? Oh wait wait, is this an important frame? - [Hannah] Too late now. - I thought you gave us copies of everything. (all talking at once) (splashes) - [Hannah] Oh my gosh. - Good thing I got a manicure. (all talking at once) - [Chandler's Dad] Did you get a quesadilla? - Use antibacterial-- - Oh shoot, I didn't know y'all had that. - Yeah, Mom's here. Stop it. - [Producer] That's a double. - It is low key hard to eat in here. Knowing how gross this is. - [Hannah] Zach! - Chandler I hear you wanna get out. - Yeah, this is gross. - I understand it's gross. - Touch me. - I don't want to. I mean only one of you can win. So it doesn't matter, go ahead. - I'm getting out. Don't look at my underwear. - YOu're on a three win streak, are you sure? Hold up, hold up, before you get out $20,000, what could you buy with that? - I mean, I was just gonna give it to my dad. - Well so now you're getting out. - They need some money too so I was like you know what, I just-- - Well here you go. - All right thanks. I'm gonna bust my tail getting out of here. - Just don't pull a Chris on 'em. - Oh that really hurt. - Which one is, is that Chandler? We gotta take this one off the wall. (laughing) There we go. So you were the first one out. You have had 15 challenges to train. - Yeah. - Didn't do anything. - The challenges are all different so you can't really train for 'em. - But on this one it's just like the slime one. - Oh I guess you're right. - So at least you're staying on brand. So what happened? - I just had to, excuse me, I just had to give my family a chance you know, they need some money too, so I had to you know, get out so they could have a chance. - So you didn't need money? - Not at the moment. - Okay. - But when the ostrich comes in it's gonna be a lot of food to feed that man. - [Tareq] How do you feel now that Chandler got out? - One person closer to winning. - I already knew it was gonna happen so it was just a matter of time. - [Tareq] Zach how do you feel now that Chandler-- (Jenga blocks crash) - I feel numb. Like my fingers are numb and stuff. I'm tired. - If you're going to get out, you might as well get out now. What's the point in getting out in an hour if you're just going to get out now? - That's a great point. I got school. I did miss class for this. - School's expensive. Winning would help pay for it. - It would. I think my goal is to win every challenge on CJ's channel. (laughing) - Oh gosh really. - I'm getting out. - Oh don't fall. - Should I get out? - [Hannah] You're already out. - I should call CJ. Let me call CJ. - Hey SIRI, SIRI, she wont' listen to me. - He's not answering, I'm gonna get out. I'm really numb guys. (laughing) I just wanted to beat Chandler. That was really my goal. - That is not really an accomplishment. (knocking on door) - [Mr. Beast] Chandler. - [Chandler] Yeah? - [Mr. Beast] Zach just got out. - [Chandler] Why? - [Mr. Beast] I don't know. - [Tareq] Two sons are out. - Told you Chandler would be going first. Chandler's gonna win. Look I predicted both of y'all to be the last two in. - You said I was gonna get out first. - No but I changed, cause I knew you would actually give me a cut, they rest of 'em wouldn't. - That's true, I'm the only nice one. - No. - Zach I'm sorry for making you do this. I realize it's disgusting and I apologize. - It's okay. Like I said I'm glad I beat Chandler. - But that doesn't win you any extra money. But life's not all about money? - No it's about the comments. And I want y'all to say that I'm better than Chandler. I just beat him. - So you and Chandler are even. - We're even now so I just had to level the playing field. - Comment if you want a rematch. They can have a sword fight. - [Tareq] Oh she's taking his picture down, this is Zach's picture. Oh my goodness. - So Zach and Chandler are gone. It is disgusting. Five hours in. How long are you guys gonna last? - Til I win. - Yup, til I'm the last one sitting here. - Make your predictions. - I don't know who's gonna win. I'll just go with Hannah. (foreign language) - Sorry, it's fine, it just slipped, my hand slipped. - [Tareq] So is it getting colder? - No. (laughing) - It's starting to like, putting stuff in here is like stirring up the smell of pee. (gag) - Hey Chandler you look so clean. - As soon as I got in the shower, noodles just fell out my crack. I went (makes whipping sound). - Yeah that musta been tough with some boxers on. - You are your father's son. Look at that little smiley. - I look so cute. - Look at that little cute girl. (laughing) - [Tareq] That was your picture. (laughing) - [Tareq] Oh my gosh. Literally stuck. Ramen eyes right there. Do pickles go bad? - [Cassidy] Don't fricken put that in here. (laughing) - [Chandler's Dad] It's just one. Y'all can play with it. - Oh now it smells like pickle juice. - [Chandler's Dad] They're gonna hafta get out and get the rebound. - [Cassidy] Really? - What? - [Cassidy] You just splashed that on me. - It's just pickle juice - [Cassidy] Back up. That's what you did, except the pickle hit me. ("Jaws" theme music) Really? (laughing) - There's more. I was told it wouldn't float, but it's actually floating. - [Tareq] Just so you know, you can't leave until someone wins. So I think it's time you start sabotaging. There you go you throw the football. (football splashes in hot tub) - [Production Crew All Together] Oh! - You see how wet my face is? Why are you throwing it at me, God. (football crashes on set) - [Chandler] Zach throw the (mumbles). (yelling) - [Tareq] Oh! (multiple people yelling) - [Chandler] This is getting out of hand. (yelling) - [Chandler] I just took a shower. - [Tareq] The cameras, not the cameras. - I think Hannah's gonna get out soon, so I'm just preparing. I'm moving this stuff to prepare a way. You can plate that. (basketball splashes in tub) - [Tareq] Oh. (yelling) - [Hannah] Ow. - Headshot! - [Hannah] Oh that literally just hit my eye. - Tell them what you would buy if you won the $20,000. - Well I would probably put it towards my loans for school. - [Jake] That's boring. - Thank you. - What would you buy with 20 grand, that's not boring? - Pay off my car. - That's doable. - I'm doing good in here. Been in here for about um two days and three months. I would buy like a little pet monkey. - [Tareq] Ohhh. - Yeah. - [Tareq] That'd be cool. - You can put it right here. - So Chandler's getting an ostrich and you're getting a pet monkey. - I need to go home. How are we going to get them out? - [Tareq] Okay so what's your plan? Think, why are your sisters so resilient? - Let's put a toaster in it. - [Tareq] You cannot kill them. - We can do like a scare. - [Tareq] They're scheming over there. - I hear 'em. - [Chandler] What if we turn off the lights? - Oh yeah and scare them. - All right, hit the lights now. (snaps fingers) (dramatic music) - [Hannah] Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on? (screaming) (laughing) - [Hannah] Oh my God I gotta get out. - [Mr. Beast] Are you actually going to? - Yeah, I'm getting out. No one. - [Cassidy] You're getting your towel wet. - [Hannah] Oh shoot. - [Cassidy] Get out. (splashing) (laughing) - Chandler help your sister. - I'm helping from over here, I'm praying for you. (laughing) (laughing) - [Tareq] Whoa. (applause) - [Tareq] Look at the winner. - Cassidy is the most resilient from the Hallow family. How do you feel? - I feel like I knew I'd win. - $20,000. Now that you actually have the money like what are you gonna spend it on? - Well I'll probably spend it on all of our family to be able to go somewhere. - Aww. - Aww yeah. Oh yeah we are gonna get matching tattoos. - You should all get ramen tattoos. Like really small. - We thought about it, and then we thought of something a little better. - Okay, okay. Now that it's over how do you guys feel? - Clean. - Do you guys feel closer as a family? - No. - We will be. - Are you happy you participated? - Of course. - But you didn't win. - Of course. Lovely. - It was fun. - I got hit in the head. So that reminds me of-- - A great video. - Gotcha. - 10 out of 10. - Is there anything you guys would like to say? - Subscribe. - - I'm not telling them to say this. - Subscribe to the channel. - All right. - Subscribe Mr. Bro. (yelling) - [All Singing Together] Mr. Beast (mumbling) Mr.Beast6000 yeah you know his name. - Subscribe.Subscribe.Subscribe. - [Singer] Mr. Beast oh.
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 26,828,080
Rating: 4.924129 out of 5
Id: NS3hse9ezik
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Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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