Destroying My Friend's Car And Surprising Him With A New One

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i gave my friends one hour to spend ten thousand dollars and while they were doing that i smashed their cars with meteors and after that i took them all to a dealership and bought them new cars you each get ten thousand dollars to buy whatever car you want you guys have one hour to spend ten thousand dollars here you go go spend ten grand have fun when's it start it starts now look go go go crank it up all right so what store you want let's buy i mean we only got it what else we have giant meteors a crane and a forklift we're gonna take a meteor and we're gonna put it on widow's car we're gonna take another meteor and put it on marcus's car both of them have no idea that we're doing this and then we're gonna take a bunch of mannequins and put them in chandler's car and we're also filling chris's car with bouncy balls basically all four people out spending ten thousand dollars is gonna get pranked but for clarification only these two getting smashed by meteors get new cars let's do it this one is too small outer space wouldn't send this this one right here this one goes on marcus's truck can you put it on there jake no all right chandler knows we're smashing their cars so he's gonna stall them a little bit longer so we have more time to smash their cars and meteors but what he doesn't know is we're also buying time to fill his car with mannequins love you chandler let's go get a more this is like when your dad takes you to home depot and you don't want to go to home depot let's whip it so i just bought a lawnmower but this isn't any lawnmower marcus this is the cadillac of lawn mowers the bugatti the bugatti it does have hydraulics where marcus's car but before we destroy it with the meteor i want to show you how terrible it is okay i have it in drive but i think that means neutral from what i heard it's one off yep it's one off how is this even street illegal marcus why is your car beeping why does it smell like my grandma is struggling there it's stuck somebody help me all right car number two is jake weddles there's literally food everywhere i see a french fries it smells like pizza in here it does smell like cookies marcus smells like his grandma jake smells like pizza it does start i'm shocked i'm gonna take this car for a test drive then we're gonna smash it with a meteor then we're gonna give him ten thousand dollars to buy a new car which is a lot because this car is worth eight hundred dollars and i'm also giving him ten thousand dollars to spend right geez how much is this gonna cost me a lot dude i need a load oh okay right off the bat this does work better than marx's car what is that sound what what is that okay it's stopped i think that means i'm gonna live besides the french fries pee stains and what is that beefy we're gonna get kicked out we're gonna get kicked out so fast whenever best buy sees us coming they're like oh god i gotta get a camera so i can record my stand up i gotta get an oculus that's for funsies and something from a gf you know something nice because i got this money now [Music] so jake and marcus don't know this but at the end of the day they're getting a new car and jake was like oh this is really cool i'm glad i got to be a part of this it's really fun he doesn't know he's about to get a freaking car bro he's going to wild out chris yeah they got it oh all right should you build him a piece can you buy one from here uh i can build him a pc from parts from here they sell parts here now oh there we go there we go all right i'm on the best piece we're getting the boys hooked up right [Music] so before we can smash this car with the meteor we got to take everything out of it the first thing is head to toe pure oil uh a gift card a wall charger uh this cute little toy the hat that marcus wears this mouthwash a tissue ew barbecue clothes this is beast merch no and next up we're doing little's car it literally just looks like a bunch of junk sorry whittle we're just gonna leave it how it is all right this is taking way longer than we thought so we're gonna tell them we need another hour i'm gonna unmute it hey so we're really taking a while uh to spend our ten thousand dollars so we're increasing the time limit to like three hours is that okay yeah we'll go get us ourselves a nice lunch i gotta catch you later we're about to drive off all right love you bye bye he didn't say i love you back what am i at right now don't make them do math bruh math is hard be at six or four oh bro you good [Applause] look at the receipt we walling dude we're the new mr beast bro how long it is look at that big boy that's a thick bar right there all right so we put a gopro up there hopefully that looks cool [Music] i'm sorry for what we're about to do to your car we're gonna buy you a new one we're 10 times more oh here's how you had a problem so it is smashed but it's not smashed enough i wanted it to do like a u-shape so everyone's sledgehammer especially you viking have fun oh my god there we go yeah so according to my calculations weddle car has been hit by meteor i wonder what whittle is doing right now i'm a king today look at this my kingdom of seafood all right now onto marcus's putting meteors on cars takes a little more time than i thought so i'm gonna call chris and see what they're up to [Music] hey what's going on how's your day going pretty good how's your day going great uh we're close enough we're going to the final two stores how are you guys doing we are we are taking a quick break at red lobster that's oh we still have a little ways to go when do you think you'll be done by oh we can do this all day because we are planning on getting the eyebrows done afterwards yeah keep going go do your eyebrows go do a bunch of things and we're good okay sounds good all right see it a little bit keep me updated weddle's car has a meteor now it's time for marcus's car i'm sorry for what we're about to do to your car bring the meteor all right i'm ready i don't want to get hurt wow a meteor fell from the sky i didn't know this was a mall it was like a home depot have you ever been to the mall no never what i haven't read lobster either what yeah i know what you guys are taking me on a journey man i've destroyed a lot of cars in my life we speared this one we flipped this one shot a cannon at one i don't know just play the rest we've done a lot now we're gonna start smashing in the car with some of these items here you go uh here you go here you go just destroy it have fun boys just go go hard take you get the little one here you go yeah don't complain just go beat it down that's what i'd like to see marcus your truck belongs to the junkyard yes queen yes queen 800. all right now it's time to spray paint it to make it look like a meteor oh god oh god yeah sure that sounds fun what'd you get i got some shoes so i can go jogging the vapor those are tough shoes and socks now it's time to fill chandler's car with limp all right don't forget heads another butt so as we're filling chandler's carve with just tons of mannequin limb i wonder what he's up to i'm going to get a pinky ring you're going to get an actual pinky ring should i get one i like thumb better dumb ring what the anyways can't be better than this that is creepy next we're gonna put a lot of balls in chris's truck because he likes balls what i think pink is like chris waters okay yep cool hello hey so we just finished where are you guys at we're at the mall go ahead and start making your way back here whenever you're ready we just finished all the jake shopping so we're good we'll head back to the first time all right what do you think the reaction's gonna be like so the white car is weddel and he's gonna be kind of funny he's a comedian he'll have a one-liner the truck is marcus he's literally going to scream he's going to jump up and down he's going to go i'm guaranteed chris and chandler they don't see it coming and they're just gonna be like what let me just tell you guys the fun never stops are we gonna go shopping again yep that's them they just pulled up oh boy oh boy oh boy hold on it's only one but it's only one white truck with red stripes like that what is it like why did they do it to my car and marcus are probably shot they had no idea dude marcus is not getting out of the car white car is on fire why is my car on fire how you doing bro i didn't do it i had change in here i was gonna do laundry with my change look what is chick doing didn't you pay attention that spongebob episode the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles marcus who's marcus calling oh no is he calling 9-1-1 i'm about to facetime my mom right now bro come record what do you think of your new car i'm sure it still runs do you have anything valuable in it speakers did you sounded really good oh really i mean the engine might not assign it really good because we took it on a test drive and it was screeching how do you this is so heavy there are 8 000 pounds of pop it came from space your car only weighs 2 000 pounds you weighed it yep oh you guys already know this is mr beast not can't say it looking back drama free he said it not me so you each get ten thousand dollars about whatever car you want oh really yep right now yep right now i'm an insurance company and we're gonna take you guys to get new cars i like having music he's hugging me oh yeah dude marcus was furious i just had a full tank of gas in here i was told you hated this i've been through a lot in this truck so this is twenty thousand dollars actually in cash hugo you guys split it yes oh it's too heavy oh all right fair enough take it off that's fair you better not have touched my air freshener your car appears to be full of limbs where's all my stuff we sold it why does mine have balls are you trying to say something well i explicitly said multiple times you like balls he likes balls walk away let's go buy some cars boys please hello my my truck is like done for you got smashed what's your name they got smashed by a boulder i'm gonna send you the picture but you're just gonna have to call it insurance or something don't believe it now the truth is why they just destroyed my car so i can get a new one okay yeah it's just normal mom my car has been um destroyed a meteor hit it i'm on vacation i want something that has air conditioning the windows work fast it doesn't leak oil and something comfortable and clean dude dude look at this place man pull up a clean car look at the people on which i love clean people like clean people i'm sweaty from spending money seven thousand nine hundred and ninety five dollars look at that so clean you can start a whole family in here don't tempt me it's a touchscreen yeah how much you want for it i mean it's close to your budget it's kind of my budget that's what that means see all your friends in here all four of them you're only gonna buy it unless it's 6900 for the 8900 for the memes 420. we'll do it if it's 69 42.00 congratulations sir management agrees with that price 6942.00 yes and they're going to get on the phone and they're going to talk to real professional people about those numbers all we need is this when he agrees to buy it it's just him signing that sure gotcha guys love that guy good luck guys sale is six nights the car is six nine fourteen right there listen all i need you to do is sign your name right there and i can get your car ready right there in a few minutes man congratulations so you just appreciate it what a beautiful price what a beautiful price congratulations wow i have a new car that was priced at six nine four twenty [Music] this is my dog hey appreciate it thank you mr b a brand new dodge shots of me rolling off the lot and yay i ride off into the sunset all right guys we're here with their new cars weddle you got this sexy whip okay i am a soccer father soccer father well marcus said he is not indeed a soccer father oh no what is this bad boy i'm kind of jealous so just so we're clear yeah you guys are okay with me smashing your cars on meteors one hundred percent can i smash these with me dude no no no i don't know i just got kicked off well subscribe or i'll smash your car with the meteor [Music] you know his name he changed it once or twice but i think it's here to stay speaking of beast merch it's now 40 back to school sales go buy it now it'll never be a deal like this ever again go buy buy buy
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 47,208,107
Rating: 4.9093752 out of 5
Id: 0DaMUhgcAqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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