Last To Remove Hand, Wins House Challenge

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all right low gangsters last one of you to take your hand off this house gets to keep it I live with my parents my mom's kicking me out I already parked my car in the driveway I just want a house I don't need this but I'm gonna win it so they can't have it dude you should let one of them with us new rules are simple boys the last one of you to take your hand off the house or sit down loses before we can go too far we need to show you guys the inside of the house so make your way inside while keeping your hands on the wall we're gonna show that viewers the inside [Music] so guys what do you think of the living room looks like a good place to live and room it this is the first room right here do be do be do pop guys come over here this is room number 2 oh yeah by the way guys Bailey's one of our editors you guys have really met him before but now you have my guest appearance this is room number 3 wait and then you guys have this spot over here you're upstairs living room to oversee your downstairs and then there's a bathroom over here alright let's go back outside that's your tour all right they are now confined to these two strips of tape somebody bring a fly so chicken loose calm down blitz somebody put the hood up so Sheila Kalu's somebody start a challenge so Taylor can quit okay so let's go over the rules we're all in the same page no sitting hands must stay on you can't switch hands one hand this camera is recording everything last one of you to take it off gets to live here for one year rent-free last one to take your hand off good to live in this house for one year with no rent now this challenge is gonna be a little different than other ones we're a screw around with you guys a lot just you know one thing we're doing a little different about this challenge is we're punishing people if they lose there's five of them whoever's the last man standing wins the house the other four when they quit they're gonna get hit with whipped cream in the face or gonna egg them not only is a house on the line but so is embarrassment it should be fun so Garrett why do you need this house well because I like to walk around naked and I have too many roommates at the time why do you need this house so I can get away from my parents it's time to move out of my own I'm a butterfly now so Jake why do you need this house send it out it's getting really awkward bringing home girls to mom and dad hey Jake you better not take your hand off that house Bailey how about you I just moved here and I don't have a place to stay and that's true so he literally moved down here to edit for me so Bailey wants to move out of my apartment into this house Oh put in an a-hole and let them win also reveal your hand oh that's the second time I've had to warn you last thing I need your phone can I keep thank you or give me your phone I'm saved in your contacts yeah all right Chandler thank you for your phone that your phone hold on today's Thursday and there we go we have all the phones all right guys now we have a nerf gun let's shoot them let's see if I can hit them from across the street [Music] flip the line listen my laughs is open for anyone who wants to come sit down it's very comfy give me the house now you don't have to do this since Chandler shot me he gets hit with the potato I'm gonna I'm gonna grab an egg so he's gonna think I'm gonna throw a and then when he like turns to hide I'm gonna come with a potato he's gonna be freaking out what I throw it and then they all right you guys don't want to get away from Chandler [Music] a minute Oh poison can I get another try what if you go again and you hit it you compelled someone if you miss that I will throw the Sega potato carrots but is egg proof confirmed just hold on to it oh look I just really just want to throw it way up in the air and see this I spared all your lives [Music] hey you're not supposed to be having fun guy is a potato just don't somehow this you guys still want to do the survivor thing let's do the corner now you're isolated who would you vote on Chandler right all right Bailey we need you so far everyone has one vote no one has - I don't want to vote anybody all right Chris you're the final vote on live Island this is the wrap-up LaVon Chandler oh wow chilly you got three votes what you guys really just don't like me yeah that's pretty much it what dive is it 237 I have to go to this doctor's appointment so uh see you guys all right Chris how does it feel to be off the wall it feels good if only I didn't have a doctor come over here who do you want the pie you Bailey Bailey a pie no oh this is like milky all right what what won't ruin your day as much she's right in the nose man just don't hit me too hard all right there goes Chris you're done for the day sorry man how do you guys feel that Chris is out I was surprised I'm actually I don't want to do in my life anymore cos he was my entertainment I was shocked I'm still here but he's still here yes true I'm just relieved that he's gone I mean you're not the first one going [Music] alright guys it is time for lunch no one's gonna know who gets to his food so this is gonna be 100% anonymous you're gonna pick all right Bailey your turn you're picking protections you guys were all pretty ruthless no one knows who orders for news Bailey I got you a large fry yes all right you guys cannot reach out for the line no one's allowed to touch each other's real time all right this Bailey this is Bailey so Chandler picked your food Wow these are super cold yeah here's your sandwich so here we have a week button piece of cheese two tomatoes and lettuce in another wheat bun it's not what I ordered I'm not upset so forget it here's your subway sandwich this is this bread that's what it feels like that's actually not bad yeah enjoy it how do you like your tofu sandwich is there any food in it can I get a bite it's really spicy I mean it's really it's really spicy food here you go stop this says extra pickles on it I'm not even the butt off Taylor would you rather starve ahead or maybe one alright well Taylor doesn't want it Chandler how do you feel about this I hate pickles with a passion I'm scared of them you're lucky oh let me see if it's got a yeah Chandler they took your hand off the pick woody me the pig hold it over he did I didn't freak down did you take your hand off the hawk yeah come over here hold up hold up don't go too far all right Garrett you compiled you know I want to take your hoodie alright let it go three two one all right and now Chandler is officially up you fought hard so there's a window directly above the guys and Chandler wants to get a little bit of revenge so he's gonna dump all the trash and some eggs huh through the window and they won't expect it don't have one job if I drink my break no sorry guys I tricked you oh no hon drew two dollars whoever touches it can have it to sit right under this defer and let Chandler do it and Garrett is officially done the postgame interview I saw the cash and I got greedy I want to get out Smee we did all right there okay I need lunch yeah grab it off my face all right so um it's just us two yeah what do you think I exit three bedroom right yeah what if what if we both at the exact same time yeah yeah we're making a deal no way we pickles on a regular basis yeah so if we both take our hand off at the exact same time right now we could take this place there's three bedrooms true so you got your offering to just split it with each other no winner takes all and it's also raining and we don't want to be out here okay well shake on it with your non hand hands point out some obvious this is Bailey's first challenge and he's gonna win and Bailey's getting a dove on his first challenge back to the negotiation all right so then count down and both take your hands off and share it just I mean you guys do what you want to line go say you are splitting it up if you did win okay okay he was gonna do the same thing and it was gonna be like it is the tie for the all right Jake haulers these are the keys to the house front back tour and everything we're gonna help you guys move in you won so Bailey claim this room and Jake playing both of the rooms upstairs all right let's move you guys in it's too cold hey Jake so where we at right now we are at my parents house where I stay we're gonna get my stuff ready to pack up cuz we did Btu Hall here but once it's here we're gonna load it up and get going all right so this is where Bailey's been living my old apartment yeah so so it shows what you got so I just temporary so I kind of had a lot of my stuff already packed but this is you know just he moved here to edit for me and he hasn't really been here too too long why your knees yes all right so let's move it over [Music] all right so we had the fact all this should be to yourselves what the first-ever box going into my room jailer I'm not helping are you kidding me since you lost you could just live right here that's all right you can stop you're good help push it help Jake yells it scares me Bailey your roommate is a Viking yes how does that feel it's scary but I feel protected you know I feel safe do you feel all right guys it's been a very long day but you guys won the challenge so here's your keys they both wanted to live together so there you go we moved them in a little bit they're still missing some things and say whatever Thank You mr. piece for the house send-off my name's mr. Bienstock Jimmy who's Jimmy thank thanks Jim beast for letting us that just can y'all leave now okay why wait actually hold up while you guys are there can you model in front of your new house with the merge if you guys buy these hoodies right at shop mr. B's calm that's really sexy I can give more people houses it's true wait there's one or anything for me to see it's gonna have a Jag be nice by doing that everyone will see your door number probably [Music] you all right guys we have this nerd nerf gun if you catch the bullet you will get a price okay and go alright you have two options okay you have two options there's gonna be a lot of cash okay all right you either split it with somebody or you keep the whole thing and you walk away walk away no way I mean no question I split it okay well I'm gonna need you guys to figure out we're gonna split it with all right here you go over there so he's saying he's saying that if I split it with him he'll walk away right now whoo Garrett yeah okay keep that in mind what's happening yes cuz you're not very quiet
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 45,433,102
Rating: 4.9203005 out of 5
Keywords: funny, fun, challenge, comedy, family friendly, kids, funny videos, video, 2019, new, vlog, prank, pranks, experiment, real life, trick, tricks, slime, life hack, life hacks
Id: XaxhLbxZ13k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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