DESTROY The Unbreakable CUBE, Win $25,000!

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no way okay i just got this box in the mail from just dustin and boys last time we got a box for him it was an unbreakable box with ten thousand dollars in it open it hurry we gotta open this box right now bro come on get it get it there's some peanuts in there go go go yes open it open it yeah check it check it okay it must be small hello you said something was in it yeah oh wait that that's the wrong box you just sent us a decoy it's that one right there oh that's the box yeah that's the box that one right there yeah that one right there yes yeah so this right here is the unbreakable cube sent from just dustin he has challenged us to open this and inside i don't know exactly how much money it is i want to say it's probably about ten thousand dollars trapped inside of here last time he sent us something it was an unbreakable box i'm sure you guys remember that video this is supposed to be three times more difficult but we're gonna put it to the test today we have tools that have never been seen before custom tools and tools we will get through this uh boys how are we going to break into this thing what's going to be our first weapon of choice james oh sorry blender make it into a smoothie we're going to blend it we're going to blend it too that's what can beat a blender what we're going to do here with this amazing unbreakable is we're going to start off with a simple weapon that weapon is going to get stronger and stronger and at the end of the video we will break into this thing i don't care if it takes two days or three months all right should i just drop it let me go get an extension cord okay go get the cord i'm gonna drop it on this thing wait we're supposed to plug it in first oh oh oh oh oh we didn't open the lid bro ah there we go what the hell you gonna plug it in yeah i'm getting the card yeah you're just taking it drop it it bounced off the blender for some reason of course it's gonna fit in there no it'll fit here james you know how to make stuff fit a bada boom this thing smells like my shoe it kind of does it smells bad drop it all right drop it on there it didn't work blender is not effective moving on to the next item so for our next item i think if we'd be really nice to the cube and just you know make it relax i think it might just open up for us we get some candy oh yeah and get some candles yeah yeah all these weapons are scary bro oh yeah yeah one of these spike shoes chainsaw that's nice relax buddy it's gonna be okay you're about to enter a nice massage this massage is 150 an hour it's very fancy excuse me sir are you ready for your massage okay just go ahead and close your eyes and listen to it breathe in if there's too much pressure just let me know i can lighten up and through the nose out through the mouth deep slow breaths [Music] it's actually working he's opening up look at this with the vibration that screw is coming off hey what's up i'm sorry i didn't mean to pause today's video i know you're really enjoying it and i promise it's absolutely epic so continue watching i came here because i want to thank today's sponsor contra returns contra is one of the longest side-scrolling shoot em up games that has stolen the hearts of millions of gamers across generations since 1987. 1987 that's older than me by like 10 years apache returns is now bringing its epic action experience to mobile game rules around the world available on ios and android contra returns has over 200 plus levels of intense actions as players can engage in single player run and gun game experience or go head to head in real time 1v1 or 3v3 multiplayer action you can choose from more than 10 different heroes you can upgrade and enhance with unlockable skills and pair them up with massive arsenals of weapons contour returns is an awesome mobile take on a beloved 80s classic that you can now play on your mobile phone download the game and play it for free from the app store or google play store guys there's a link at the top of the description thank you contra returns for sponsoring today's video and let's get back to the action oh boy is it messy i can get all those screws off this will come off keep going it's working it's working nice slow inhale through your nostrils and then out the mouth clear your mind think of a happy place it's working whoa look at that opening up to us yo i didn't think that was actually working of course it's working i told you look at you see the screw right there i completely took off that screw just got to relax buddy just open it i'm gonna try a couple more right here [Music] okay stop stop it's not working no it is it is it is yeah give it a massage you like that little smell smell smells soft build a divine let it relax look i got the one screw off it is opening up a little bit there's two screws that are halfway almost off what if i uh check them up a little bit oh that's why yeah i see the nuts sneaky sneaky boy all right so what's happening here is the screws are actually hitting each other so it's allowing the nuts to not fall off otherwise the meditation vibration technique would have worked on you it did work on one screw i forget it boys it's not working oh hey hey whoa oh wait is that from the gun for the good question it has opened up yes you are relaxed are you ready for your next treatment [Music] well boys are massage businesses out of business because this thing's working all right james just aim it ready boys yeah we're ready i'm ready all right is it aimed i i think so i think it's good all right full power move your finger a little bit james all right hit it yeah it looks about good did it do something oh it came back it just bounced off the dart game all the way back i was scared what life did it hit metal or plastic or what if the glass stopped i think it hit the block we do have an indent mark look at that right there oh yeah a very very tiny indent by the way guys this is not the last otherwise it would be super easy to break through this what kind of material is this i don't even know polycarbonate polycarbonate polycarbonate so this is a glass breaker so i can show it it doesn't do anything you know maybe that one's broken try this one i think it's for like a car oh maybe you're using it no any of y'all um got a chainsaw by any chance i think i got a little change all the time all right yo this is getting really loose right here if you can come in with a chainsaw and cut it right here go for it bro bro stop stop sorry that's the wrong one he's got the real one oh there we go ah there we go so we need to cut this triangle is it working analysis yeah yeah keep going look at that you probably got like a fingernail i'm smoking [Applause] wow that's thicker than i thought it was all right so now this is our next weapon we have a board full of very sharp nails we have james that's all the way up there hey hey how's it going he's going to drop the cube on this and we're going to see if the nails penetrate it and hopefully break most of the plexi carbon blaster blast whatever you call it prediction i don't think anything's going to happen i think it's going to break the nails okay if that is the case we have more weapons up there to drop on it all right let's go this is like a trapezoid right angle obtuse triangle prison ball are you ready yeah three two one here it goes oh i think it works oh it's stuck to the plate hold on lift it up oh bro i can't lift it up it's stuck oh yeah please oh here i can lift up the board hold on just lift up the board look at it oh it's stuck right stuck there is a couple nails that are straight in the board i can't okay look at that we pulled the nail all the way through the board okay so damage analysis plastic has broken we do have a nail that is pretty deep in here look at that that nail made it all the way through to the other side that did not work we did not make it through we did not bust open the cube so now what if we drop a bowling ball on yes yes you guys ever see me bowl i'm a pro anyone you are all right oh no way no what bruh i've never seen that happen before yo look how clean the cut is what i've never even seen the inside of a bowling what is that is that a coconut look at how clean that cut is this ball was not previously cut this is a brand new bowling ball oh my gosh just put it back together we got to put this in a box and hang it up on the wall so this is like where it impacted it looks like it impacted the top of the cube right here or somewhere around here and literally just landed on it and split it right in half oh my gosh wow that was the last thing i would have expected i was not expecting that okay well now we got the cube versus the tungsten cube you guys know we're gonna drop it on here if that thing doesn't make it through we're gonna need a bigger weapon if it splits it in half now it's time for the tungsten cube that's almost 45 pounds of a solid tungsten steel being dropped on that it's basically as heavy as an anvil all right i'm gonna give a countdown to this one because it might hurt someone three two one drop oh bruh okay so we have direct impact on the cube i'm not sure where it hit i don't really see it had to be a piece of metal it hit i don't really see any damage oh right here right here oh yeah it dented it right here check that out you can see a huge dent right there you can see that line that's where the corner of the feed so we have a large dent but nothing is really broken on it i think we need a bigger weapon yeah all right now our theory is to burn you see okay everything in the world melts at a certain point yeah there is a melting point for everything even steel titanium tungsten anything else so if we can get this bad board hot enough it completely melts it would also melt the money and slides yeah all right so we're just gonna let it burn that's about it is that max power there you go that is max power there we go we're just engulfing this boy oh yo it's actually working yeah it is it's actually working part of it is melting right there i got this two well i want to be a part of this oh hit it you're missing [Music] [Music] guys guys you guys are doing an awesome job is that the last one i think that's it you see that big fireball all right this is actually working believe it or not it's actually melting the glass hey it just happened open oh nice open oh open that was a direct hit i think it's empty let's go look at the glass right there it's completely melting the cube is turning a completely different color guys i think this is actually working melt it right through there fire bro come on yeah i saw fire i had to distinguish it but it was working so let's come check out the damage here this not gonna touch it because it's very warm but here i'll cool it down this polycarbonate right here is actually melting it kind of warped in a little bit so i think let's bring a sledgehammer over here and try to hit it it's probably pretty weak right now it's shields are down bro it doesn't have any shields we're going to hit it you want to hold this why are you hit with that yeah no if i have two hands i'll be more accurate i'm not you hold it about the way you're gonna hit it hard wait use the other side you dingus oh right is it starting to break [Music] dude it's weak look look how much it moves ready oh snap that's kind of flex right there bro yeah it's kind of jello-y i'm pretty deep right there yeah it's kind of jello-y because of how hot it is let me give it a little tap to stay in no it's not gonna work okay oh he's got it yo why didn't we think of this before i don't know that's a great idea yeah you're gonna have to make it i mean that's a solid hole right there this is what we do i'm gonna make like four holes okay hit it it's gonna make it weak you should be able to bust right through okay it's rubber all right here we go yo hurry up you're taking forever oh hey what are you doing so we got a bunch of things right there you can hit right there it's really weak go for it gabe you got it oh oh oh oh oh oh i got it wait wait wait wait you got it you broke in that's some damage there you go look at that we are in a little bit we need to cut this metal because we can't get the money out it's too big to fit through these triangles this is a lot harder than i thought [Music] hey hey hey hey hey i know what you need what full upgrade oh hey thank you for watching you got a big one there you go you sure yeah okay oh oh wait no way that worked and it did i think we just created another obstacle to break through [Music] honestly guys i think if we just hit it a lot a lot a lot yeah maybe if we can hit it like 40 times wait are you suggesting we have a hit montage yeah let's do it begin not gonna lie this thing is a lot stronger than i thought it would be all right give it a go this is like a 20 pound sledge hammer let's get to it dude i'm not even doing anything that's how i felt oh i'm literally swinging this thing as hard as i can i am uh not doing much damage james go for it take a hit all right you're saying what even is that thing hold on let me wash it off a little bit yeah it's a little dirty there we go i think i just needed a bath yeah it should open now what's going to break first the tool or the yeah they ain't doing anything you want to try the big one here let's get it on that weaker side good luck my friend what happened go the other way okay just broke some concrete that's all broke some concrete right there pour some water on it it'll be good oh yeah right right right wait wait wait wait water break okay okay keep going it's fixed concrete's fixed so uh i don't really know what our plan is to break into this thing but i did tell you guys that we're gonna break into it whether it takes three hours or four days so we will get into this thing i don't know if we leave james at it for a good while if we give james some good energy drinks oh wait look at it i think he can break in it's breaking okay so he's denting it really well damage report all right flip it over flip it over there's damage we have been really bending this side right here the problem is is we need to like bend this steel oh look it rips it it'd be really nice to have the jaws of life that would be great fortunately we do not have that i'm sorry you know if we just keep swinging at it and don't give up our dreams can become dreams yeah i like that dreams will become dreams true dreams reality all right boys this time power tools we're going in [Music] it's working look at that all right i'm going back in you know someone put a side by side of gabe an excavator from um from bob the building i'd give it a hit hey hit it right here i'll try my best hold on let me go back in i'm completely through look at that it's a clean cut right there james i got an idea can you come give me a good swing not like super hard but yeah give it a good swing [Music] i don't know look at it no that worked did it really it broke it apart a little bit yeah you're almost there you've gone almost keep it going you're close so super fun all right if you guys can hit it right there i think we can bust that entire part off did i miss it yeah you missed all of it oh there it is there it is we are so close to making it how is this not falling off yet yo guys all right real quick which one do you think was harder the unbreakable box or the unbreakable cube i don't know yet we're not done smack oh oh my god oh that boy off off there was a little piece hanging on it's the bolt yes oh the balls holding it on you probably cut the bolt off whew i think we could pry it off why pry it off when you have a smack it off yo yo yo hey look at that i'm not going to touch this piece of metal because it's insanely hot but as you can see that is off now we just need to get through this honestly dude if you hit this it was great the metal is the hardest part give it a nice smack oh there you go hey look at that oh good you bent that metal really nice i like that keep going bro okay so uh we cut this piece off we dented the whole thing i mean cutting will eventually work right now we're cutting all the bolts off [Music] all right boys so i'm sweating this thing is done as you can see the blade there is completely gone so this thing is out of the mix but we cut off a lot of bolts so hopefully we should be able to take some swings at it break it a little more all right james i guess we're just going to keep smacking it till it just smashed up smack it smack it harder put all your force into it put all your unspeakable merch into it put your back into it save merch you want merge power i want merge power give me that much power guys go to get your merch we got new shirts brand new hats nice power go let's go let's go let's go first power i got to recharge my merch power you want to give it a good smack give me a scream james let me scream get hyped i don't like scream bro you don't scream no but like when someone scares me i go hello there do you yell i'm gonna hit the cube all right hit the cube bro you got this game's just a little tired that merch power baby there's the scream i was looking for what's the problem james and my calculations of aquatic animals it's these little sheets of triangles right here these little carbonate themes they're all conjoining together the problem is is we're actually making the cube stronger you know i think the way dustin designed this thing is when you hit it it forces everything together wedges it together which actually makes it stronger very true because right now this bolt you can see right here yes is going into this one if we don't get some of these big plastic pieces out we're actually making the cube stronger maybe it needs another massage there i think it does do you think so honestly i think i need to probably stress though yes oh you did something i broke from this triangle to this triangle this triangle to this trunk so if we could basically pry and work around the bolts and nuts we could get in we're gonna do this today guys before sun goes down honestly could we just leave it there forget about it yeah i don't like going too uh you wanted to jet skis who wants to see some jet ski tubing action around the house go 2.0 that's literally all we found the whole channel is just tubing we're jumping the hills it's lit we love our tubing and we're going to do it again today yeah let's make it right there give it a good smack that right there is all broken smack it that's not gonna work but i'll hit it okay why won't you mean that one it didn't work do it again do it again smack it whoa that's another piece off let's go smack it there you go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second grab it the bolts are working against us get that piece of metal and bend it back a little bit more oh there it is there it is there it is are we if we can get this one piece out we are in it's like a big puzzle game that we don't know how to play because we don't play puzzle games go put the axe space in that way brad are you trying to knock off that bolt you can't just until i can hold it wait hold on you can't just unscrew it oh yeah and you're right here we're on the inside yeah just unscrew it i mean that wasn't what we were going for but might as well i mean we weren't gonna hit that bowl bro you could just unscrew it now that you mention it that's a good idea it kind of got cut out yeah yeah the metal is all bent so it doesn't want to work yeah there it is one hit this piece is out there's the money oh my gosh it's stuck against this piece right here hold on honestly if we hit it a little bit i want to move it around no it's not moving i got something though part of that hammer thing you know the bottom oh wait oh come on oh come on yes yes there it is now we have to break into this dude no bro come on just the cube bro we got to get the money out of it all right so the cube has officially been broken into i was hoping that would work yeah we're going to need something very sharp yo honestly that might work yo stand it back up put the axe part on it yeah and then you smack it split it so look there's three layers right here we're gonna try to split it oh wait this part is already open wait how are those layers connected probably probably glue yeah all right here you go okay put it on the ground actually wait hold on i got a better idea this isn't as sharp as it once used to be yeah the tungsten cube messed it up a wee bit we've had this thing for a long time all right we're just gonna bury it a little bit there i think we need new ones that are sharp come around the other way again our goal is to just split this bad boy open it's just brown you're gonna have to dig it deeper than that hold on hold on i got an idea yo grab the chisel oh yeah chisel would be great no way look at that oh it's already working look at that you're barely slapping it we're in boys get the other side leave that in there do the other side we have more than one chisel yeah pry it open yeah don't wait wait wait hang on hang on what don't damage the money man oh there we go there it is we flipping did it let's go get all that money out of there oh yeah it was glued all right just dustin i don't know um what you think about this box but we got your cash it was honestly pretty easy it's only past lunch time didn't take us very long i challenge you to send us something a little bit more difficult because honestly i could have done this with my iceberg thanks for the cash you know what if we send you a box oh and have sharks around it yeah good luck sharks and piranhas leave a like on this video if we should make just us in the most insane box send it to him and see if he can break into it so far he's sent us two i feel like we gotta send him one oh yeah i got a couple ideas we'll make ours entirely out of class alright boys who wants tacos give me a scream james give me a scream get hyped
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,055,659
Rating: 4.8926497 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: TlVwqHrVwUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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