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today we're in the beautiful classroom and you know how there's that one kid that just has everything and he's usually annoying well today that's what this classroom video is about put your seat belts on and click that red subscribe button and let's get into it dude this bike sucks i got a flat tire i'm missing a pedal how am i even moving right now this bike sucks late to class [Music] are you okay i was about to walk into class yo the electric bike it's too litty bro i tried to pop a wheelie i fell help me out let's get to class okay we're both playing come on let's go let's go oh just made it to school in the unspeakable mobile got my backpack and my keys not even late [Music] another day of school i got you an apple teacher wow wait hold on hold on don't eat the core here you can have that too thank you hey good morning i made it to class i was gonna give this to my girlfriend but we broke up this morning but here these are for you also there's another one there's two there you go thank you [Applause] [Music] wow this is amazing [Music] sorry i'm allergic to apples the flowers to um balloons to neon guava i grabbed the wrong one it was supposed to be strawberry it's okay it would have been better but you know i so appreciate what are we learning today i haven't really thought of it it's gonna be really hard to concentrate with all these gifts okay so for my book report i'm going over captain underpants full color and okay here's my summary fourth graders george beard are a couple of fast clowns the only thing they enjoy more than playing classical jokes is creating their own quotes you know just kick them off in the history of their hey let me present mine okay that sucked what do you mean that was wrong book report you read the back of the book how'd you find out you're suspicious i wrote a book we're just going to start off with um second half the pirate captain lock john silver has treasure in the island and he also has a pet parrot that lives on his shoulder what's the parrot's name you didn't even read the book gosh but that's not far from the truth the men aboard the pirate ship would often trade their birds that's it [Applause] yeah yeah it's really lovely i don't want to read the whole thing it's like a powerpoint bro the teacher can read through yeah all right my turn i paid actors to come act out my book report fiona where are you there you are it's romeo and juliet oh yeah yeah no swamp you're in a castle medieval times action [Music] i'm so scared you're perfectly fine good oh hang on hang on hang on the dragon has already eaten be my no i will save you [Music] can okay open the door no okay and as you can see from my book report i've combined romeo and juliet with rapunzel mixed with shrek i first went to class man these people are slow [Music] yes second one to class what's up bro dude what are you wearing i wasn't going dude i figured an alien could take me to class right why not i like it yeah oh we got that unspeakable varsity guy yeah yeah yeah i thought i was cool for bringing an alien to school related to class but that was an epic entrance oh i thought he was gonna give me a high five can i have a high five he just doubled that you're gonna dab on me aren't you yeah well uh welcome to class awesome entrance all right well i'm just gonna cross my legs and pretend i didn't see anything you got my class flat class what what i'm gonna need you to solve some equations for me okay who thinks that they can solve this top one that one's easy i'm gonna mess up one plus two he's gonna mess up questions 12. i see personally i don't love it put a one in a two together it would be 12 yeah um yeah thanks we'll talk about that later let's move on and just who thinks that they can do three times five how did you get 12 james go do the next one prove this boy wrong all right i got you is that a pogo stick you have a pogo stick appreciate it teach yeah you got it okay um good wow yeah that's so big is the pogo stick really necessary who walks nowadays bro hey can i do the next one yeah sure if you'd like you've got ten divided by two what where'd you get that what awesome thank you 10 divided by two that was good bro the dividing it is the harder problem i'm just trying to make life music you are simplifying it a little bit the funny thing about yourself i'm gonna take out my foot okay for my music presentation i have a recorder [Music] um okay i'll play it again this is nice thank you yeah do you want to hear a new song no no can i go next let me play the song [Music] okay i'm done can i go next yeah okay for my music presentation i have this what is that it kind of looks like something that you would you know scoop a soup with oh yeah yeah here we go stop so i was just i'm tuning all right i'm good oh that's nice there's some beethoven [Music] no i can sleep to this very soothing that's it that's all i got it's good i like it thank you thank you thank you all right gear up what's your music presentation bro well i don't even have to do it you can't one-up this bet how much you wanna bet i bet you that but okay bet yeah ready ready [Music] all right you win yeah that was nice know your music can you hand me my recorder no [Music] all right class everyone what's up i'm looking at you but thank you for looking at me so i want to take a break from doing all this stuff let's take some time to be creative let's do show and tell i'll go first okay i'll go first so my name's nathan and i love spiderman so this is my spiderman motorcycle and uh spiderman's writing it and then i also have my spiderman tattoo right here do you guys want any um spiderman tattoos um i'll take one i'll take one here you go forever wow i love spiderman that's awesome no i want to go next okay cool james what have you got buddy okay so what i got i drew this bad boy wow my favorite superhero from the dc universe no flipping plan yeah you might have tattoos but you don't got a giant painting of him yo i'll buy that from you yo how much are those three unspeakable uh spider-man colored design pens 3 200 bucks oh deal deal but then after that we're going to get out of here because i'm going to sell that on the internet all right okay where's uh where's game no i'm not i'm not joking where did games my spider senses are tingling oh save the world bro is that spider-man do you think it's really spider-man no i think that was game dude oh okay that's some weird fan fiction right there he really thinks he's spider-man i really am spider-man yeah but you have a notebook bro you got an unspeakable notebook that's even better than a macbook come on let's be honest it's true is he sleeping dude [Music] i thought i was cool oh don't forget that part that was important [Music] come on five more seconds oh there it is lunch time i've been waiting all day got some lunchables yeah it's gonna be delicious can you calm down over there no i'm eating lunchables trying to enjoy my favorite meal of the day school lunch yes school lunch is my favorite meal of the day yo that's fancy eat some salt no i'm good this is already high in sodium yeah again you know what give me some a little bit um yeah there that's good wait did you have a whole salt container oh i got way more than that are you ready for your meal sir yeah my appetizer is done sir if you can take it thank you okay yeah thank you ready for the main course if we could get some salt on that too that would be oh yeah of course of course all right you're just cutting through a whole chicken that was a whole baby bird oh ah now we're talking okay it's going okay yep yep season two perfection this bad boy is roasting for 32 hours 32 was in the simmer yeah you have to feed it to him right you're like a chef yeah i don't think we got someone feeding my food to me bad piece all right get that piece right there yes jesus take it back for me test it is it good mmm beautiful nice get right through that bone take it test it mama baby bird there you go mama baby bird no it's all yours i don't want it the whole thing don't you hire chefs so they can eat your food not sure i don't know i got it all backwards that's fine look at your desk bunch of salt it's your loss man 30 hours [Music] oh i've got some in my blockers i need to use this sorry are you blowing your nose in my head yeah there's no i'm sorry oh have that back oh i mean now that you like mention it i kind of have to blow my nose too bro you had tissues in his whole heart you didn't ask now that you guys mention it you know i feel like what is that oh we have a couple different flavors are you gonna eat it a little bit more you know i'm feeling like the uh look at the design on that i'm feeling love today [Music] i hope so oh my god oh man this desk is just so small how did you even get that in oh it's a fold-out table though oh yeah do i want to write on this notebook or do i want to write on this notebook a little bit what does that say it's rgb you got an rgb desk i got an rgb desk i got a [Applause] [Laughter] yeah you have a large desk but nothing on there well you don't even have a desk bro no i do have a desk but wait it doesn't work forget it bro don't throw stuff in my awesomely amazing locker yo want to see something scientific yes yeah that's all we're doing today green super green oh that's a good shade of green you just turned it green that's it bro it was blue bro i'm trying to mine diamonds up in here hey oh look at that those aren't all of that right there is lame is it teacher cool with you yeah yeah i talked to him earlier you got matches so okay all right fine if you want to be impatient i'm just doing that ready colored fire okay i'd have to say i'm impressed but not that much what do you mean bro he did the same thing it's blue it's blue fire there's nothing in there i found a diamond long enough there's like other colors like hang on hang on hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa watch this the wizard man i need to grab my notebook oh there it is you can sit tactile with yourself yeah but look oh unspeakable that's nice yo we got the same notebook bro oh yeah we do i think mine's in there too hold up speakable ones maybe we like triplets yeah they're like they're like soft and all the pages i ripped all my pages down oh nice nice locker bro probably got some dry erase boards guys like the match you guys we're triplets now you have dry erasers out of my locker too i need to get up i have nothing i got some of my unspeakable plushies in there yeah what no is that a tap yeah we got a top we got a tv in here oh you gotta watch a bunch got a disco ball oh hang on hey hand me the plushie we got these brand new stickers we just launched i need one of these on my my new desk what was it locker this all right what did i need in here that's it hey did you take my plushie no put it right there that's a good spot for it right yeah first [Music] i'm so tired oh this is nice [Applause] do you see this man no is that a whole bed well that's his bed bro this man took sleeping and glass to a whole nother level yeah it's pretty comfy yo let me join bro oh no oh you oh let me hop in oh snap oops yay yo scoot over i'm on the edge of the bed
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,857,878
Rating: 4.8844004 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: uxIwcBuREbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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