27 ULTIMATE Pranks To Pull On ANYONE!

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what are you filming me for what's this what is it you're so funny bro don't wait back up you know what actually we have a special today a special item on the menu today i'm going to teach you guys 27 ways to prank anyone your friends your family members your brother you might want to not put alligators in your brother's room don't do that that's one of the pranks these pranks are crazy super extreme so leave a like on this video this is an hour-long special of 27 ways to prank anyone yo they're here no way really yes they're at the garage oh let's go let's go we got a special gift for nathan because oh yeah he's not here right now so uh what do you guys think's in here just picked it up and we'll put him in this bathroom with the door shut so when nathan opens it it could attack him i mean um scared him oh he's just hanging on okay we have all the alligators we just gotta wait for nathan to come back down he's staring at me [Music] yeah i just got home okay okay i can do that just give me like 15 minutes yeah i'm about to get ready and leave all right all right i'll see you soon all right bye okay i need to get ready where did i put my she fell in the first round is that thing really [Music] bruh nah there's no way that thing is real is it real that one's oh bro yo oh it's moving let's do it bro is there more of them oh there's one in my shower i told gabe and james i wanted pets for the new house but not that this is kind of fast is there another one oh bro there's one right there that's like one of the biggest ones oh bro what oh there's just a few more left i think just watch your feet [Music] here's the deal you guys need to get these not just out of my room but off the property okay so in the water no no no no no no no i need you to get out of my shower please can you get out of my shower how do you pick up an alligator you have to grab them by their necks yeah i'm good i have an idea here we have it james's brand new shoes he only wore them once here's what i'm gonna do cottage cheese spoon spoon spoon you get the point the cottage cheese is going in the shoe this is a messed up prank be careful with this one oh look at that why is it so chunky [Music] i didn't do the left shoe because to start your day you always got to put on the left shoe not the right shoe where are my shoes [Music] oh all the way over here lace them up boom [Music] oh my what game [Music] ah that sucks did you do this no i didn't do it this ain't even a prank bro cottage [Music] yo gonna send you down and whenever the door opens whoever opens it it's not gonna be me so right in that door all right yeah yeah so like if i'm opening the door let's do it let's do a little test dude that's so scary [Applause] is [Applause] okay what could you possibly do with all of these ball pit balls there's uh quite a bit of them i mean literally they go all the way over there and all the way over there what better thing to do with 150 000 ball pit balls is to ship them to preston's house ups will be here in 15 minutes [Applause] [Music] nick texted me to go to the warehouse immediately and as you guys can see we are very busy like we are decking out our warehouse so most of us are at the office busy and of course nick has me coming to the warehouse for whatever reason and i have noah [Music] who put these balls here who put these balls in the warehouse no no dude we were literally just getting the warehouse clean well i know it doesn't look like it but we were just about to get it all clean who sent all these whoever sent them put them in our prison too dude what hold on how many bags are there here like 50 bags of balls dude come on wait a second oh they smell really bad what am i going to do with all these balls oh man i feel so bad what do you mean he's in the shower know oh man he's going to get his back good for this so what we're going to do we have a bunch of paint and well we're going to put it in this bucket the same bucket we use for the glue you see that big window above the door he's going to stand along the ledge there and we're going to tell him oh there's a package at the front door he's gonna go out there and then boom he's gonna get hit with all this paint red white and blue america having fun there oh this is sketchy oh no come on hurry up he's about to be done with the shower what you need to hurry up i'm about to die oh my gosh oh oh gosh is it really sketchy up there is it really i don't i don't know oh god do you think you can do it or not no it's fine here okay yeah okay i have to sit down the camera to hand him the paint bucket so all right guys so i think we're done pranking nathan today we've done quite a bit to them you know we messed them up pretty good i think we've gotten a good amount huh you're done pranking yeah yeah we're done i think there's a package outside for us yeah i'm about to give you some food on the starboard all right let's go get some food oh yeah there's a package so you ready to get some food i'm ready oh my gosh happy birthday that splattered all the way over me i don't have too much on me but stop wow um i would uh hope that this comes off no it's permanent it's permanent paint is it actually yeah you're lying it's not washable it's washable it's washable you know i just took a shower yeah literally just walked out of the shower let me see the damage do a little twirl for me oh yes you're gonna have to get like a power washer yeah this isn't gonna you know i didn't really think about the aftermath just the uh the funny part where we pour it on you and then that's about it it's as far as i got how are you doing up there james you ready to come down yes yeah how are you gonna get down good luck with that one that's quite a bit of a drop dude i'll get the no the ladder we're pranking him now why are we pranking him i don't want to prank him all right well i'm going to go back inside you guys can have fun cleaning this up and uh i'm going to take a shower and um yeah okay sounds good have fun go i don't know how i'm going to walk inside the house preston is outside right there reading a book and playing on his phone all right team assemble we're gonna set up our next prank right now this prank is simple we have a pole a ladder and a cup of water there we go okay i got the cup of water boys so if you let go of that pole and the water is gonna fall all right get rid of the ladder just go tell preston be like hey man come here i don't know what should we say i got i got this preston gabe cut his arm it's bad he cut his arm how did you cut your arms he was i'm busy reading about marriage we need band-aids there's blood everywhere everywhere he's bleeding now i'm dying all right we're going to the er i need a blood transfusion hey can you hold this polar bear hold it hold it put some pressure okay i'm holding the pole guys guys is that a cup of water that is a cup of water get some tacos so have fun you told me he was in danger that's why he came outside of here danger of losing his heart rate because he hasn't had any sugar in there you know what nathan joke's on you because i can still read my book yeah well let's tell a lot of jokes on you and i'm getting a workout isometric lifting yes baby you like that i think we need to go get some tacos we should take some more stuff oh yeah didn't you say bree like these roosters don't take breeze rooster you will have to face the rat the brianna oh wait is this your computer no don't take my computer nathan i'm going to take you over tonight we're forgetting the best thing nathan i can get out of the sticky situation just have to get a chair he's going to try to get out of it we're still getting tacos afterwards okay you can do this no no you're done i can sit here all day jokes on you nathaniel joke's on you bro you think you got what it takes [Applause] jokes oh we gotta go to nathan's bathroom for this next prank we only have like two minutes guys hurry let's go i just want to show the viewers this this stuff is so diabolical they've banned it in north america it smells gross but we're in north america so it's semi-band it's from gate we harvested it okay so we're going to empty out all of david's cologne replace it with fart spray so when he's because i think he's about to get ready he said something like that when he went up the stairs and when he sprays it he's not going to smell very good goodbye everybody ready three two one has been broken careful oh my gosh it's steamy very carefully gentlemen oh my the extraction process has been completed sealed sail sail that stuff is powerful man do not try to sit home very stinky damn bring in the these are going inside nathan's shower and bathtub as soon as he sprays himself with the liquid fart stuff which he thinks is cologne naturally he's gonna want to either go into the shower or the bathtub unfortunately it's gonna be filled with lobsters hug me brother blasters oh if he wants to he could take a shower or bath but it had to be with lobsters split them up we got two or three in the bathtub and then two or three in the shower okay i have two right now i have two okay you can put yours down gabe be free right here be free lobster oh my gosh he needs a friend we shall call them yellow and green get him in there all right go hey buddy i'm going to put you in a shower oh that's a big one all right your turn [Applause] okay don't worry by the way guys i'll be returning these beautiful lobsters that are home once we have pranked unspeakable with them what smells so good in here ah my cologne what's new oh it smells so gross dude why hey why don't you go take a shower man right take a shower you smelly boy josh dude that smells so what the [ __ ] dude are you kidding me is there any your more dude you can take a bath with jimmy and larry yeah oh my gosh are they real yeah this one's rodney sydney and lair bear are they real i don't know don't you pick one up why don't you go pick it no i'm not going in there dude those are lobsters better take a bath bro i can't take your bathroom there's lobsters in there too you need a shower you got to go i'm going upstairs and there better not be lobsters upstairs we bought 10 lobsters do the math one two three four five okay great so there's probably ones in all the other showers what might also be in your bed he wanted snuggles okay looks like i'm getting a hotel tonight i'm gonna go shower in the pool have fun in the pool are you ready to go your knee boarding oh i need my knee board hurry up please i need my knee boards in the house i know that for sure okay i got my knee board why did he bring a tv out here it's my knee board i'm gonna get off you're gonna use this i mean i like the idea but why are we doing it do you not have your knee board i couldn't find it this is the first thing i found is this gonna even work i hope i hope nathan won't miss this tv i mean this is the problem tv yeah this is the nicest tv in the whole house too i mean we could just say it's a prank it's a prank i couldn't find my keyboard all right let's see how am i gonna connect this to [Music] and it's gone forever i see air bubbles there must be a fish down there let me get it i don't know what i'm doing but all right so what's the plan so i'mma get on okay and you floor that's the plan and hopefully you slide off the dock and everything goes well yeah okay three two one go it's right here watch the cord maybe using the tv wasn't the best idea what's up i don't know i think i caught some mud knee boards don't sink bro we got a new one it has speakers on it see there's one of the speakers what's the thing oh yeah here we go let me go get that speaker for you but why did it sink it has a speaker it syncs and uh you can like watch it sometimes an oled screen it has a screen yo that's legit is this a speaker kind of a big speaker it's a big knee board are you sure this is supposed to be in the water bro yo can you grab that handle i didn't move this with that knee board all right is it stuck on something yeah probably stuck on something yeah probably have some vegetation what's the plan yo we gotta get it back up on the dock and try it again i guess i mean how long did it work for right when it hit the water it stopped so it was fun all right i gotta see this knee board bro it's the best thing ever you need help oh my gosh is that a tv [Applause] ah bro is that the living room tv uh maybe no i don't know james just told me it was a newport so i said okay go should we run do you think he's gonna be mad probably should we get on the jet skiing go away yes go all right whoa oh my gosh the tv is gone the tv's gone yo what is your problem what are you just gonna take my tv and surf on it and not even invite me i hate you guys we have to escape we're in the phase rug kitchen not many rugs in here not the rug himself we're gonna make rug um lunch he's hungry so um let's prepare professional entrees and meals for a growing man all right begin oh look at this boy mickey d's we don't really need the bread so can i eat it are you taking my doughnut right now so we're going to take the doughnut we're going to cut it in half just like so yeah it's actually a lot harder to cut a doughnut than i thought yo i can eat half of it for you if you want no it's okay so we got the donut we got the sausage we got the egg we got the donuts yo it actually looks kind of fire mcdonald's if you do this this went from a friend to your friend so like i actually want to eat it that was my donut did you just eat this man's donut i'm sorry we're going to hide that and then we're going to have this in front of it like oh it's a towel sandwich so am i putting both on my sandwich no you're only putting veggies no i think what we can do is just make the vegemite sandwich but then when you give it to them put the nutella right next to it oh is that what you just said literally word for word what i just said yo those glazed doughnuts are fire and we have our new nutella from here and we're gonna put it on the sandwich and make a nice nutella sandwich oh that is some good nutella isn't it nathan look at this a1 yo i am so proud oh dude i smell it i should have like shoved it up his nostril oh my gosh dude i get rid of the heavens okay get a bunch of ice cream bro right on my shoe what happened what happened what was that ice cream eat that [ __ ] you want a bite oh god oh i can't use that one now oh unspeakable would you be my guest and uh grab a random box of cereal um i'm just gonna go eat all this food yeah i can help with that yo grab me a cereal box please oh okay oh hey we got some good food in here this man got some good snacks you always have to have good snacks a box of cereal for you sir oh i have to warm it up so it looks like milk oh mr rug let's take a scene oh man okay yeah awesome lunch is ready thank you i'm really hungry right now ah i'll push my turn thank you your first dish will be out soon okay awesome seems very professional too so thank you thank you i will bring out the first dish okay how long have you guys had your like chef license and stuff about like 20 60 seconds i trust them you know it's not like they pranked me like 50 times today so good your first dish whoa wait that actually looks fire enjoy is this a donut no way you have to taste it and find out okay it's not a prank just your lunch bro there's like a sausage egg mcmuffin yo you got good taste it's kind of like that that's how we cooked it actually tastes really good what what's in it sausage mcmuffin the next meal it is a nutella sandwich here is some nutella in case you really want more nutella okay thank you the finest nutella yeah reveals oh gosh man dessert is served this just doesn't look right it's cereal right yes yes it is thick milk okay that's pretty good wait wait good that's good it looks really good it's like ice cream milk or something yo who got the other one i don't know we'll just suppose that tastes good like legit you want to try it oh what the heck that is good yo that tastes really good whoa wait let me try it it tastes really good yo it's absolutely [ __ ] actually good i think it's gonna taste bad we gotta find something to prank them with let's move oh it's gonna be good nerf guns yeah too lame too lame we need something good uh what are you thinking uh a horse mask that's an old meme there's a bowl right here we can put stuff in you see you know what i'm seeing hey baby powder oh you can put it on top of a door you know when you're yes when he opens the door it will just like fall and hit him in the head it's already open i'm trying to get the whole thing off of it i mean unless you wanted to sit here and go actually that comes out pretty good this is gonna take a while that's so much [Music] is that good yeah hopefully it doesn't fall you want you want to be our guest on our uh on our new youtube channel yeah all right we're doing bottle flipping okay it's gonna be crazy you want me to go first go for it okay yeah youtube stuff none of it came out it's so bad new youtube channel is all the videos you guys pranking me uh no you can see your footprints now is this the first video pranking unspeakable yeah first prank we're spraying it smells like straight up baby powder in here it's so bad [Applause] oh my gosh you're crazy [Music] look at your hat oh yeah yeah okay let me oh my gosh i'm about to turn my black socks white if i walk in there yo look at the dryer dude oh my god look at the dryer dude look at this look at this look at this sir that's a washer this is a washer dryer look at this sub scribe spelt subscribe wrong we randomly just happen to have 2 000 colored plastic balls and i'm whispering right now because preston's downstairs we are going to put 2000 of these in his car first we need to go downstairs find his keys because his car is locked [Music] there's this card let's fill it up oh boys oh boys we got thousands of these thousands of pictures on my face thousands of these all right before we do this i think we should close all the doors and do it through the sunroom all right let's get to uh whatever we're doing [Music] so we're just gonna wait until preston needs to go somewhere this is his only car so yeah yeah where you going can no i'm hungry nathan why not i want to go get food by myself [Music] how am i supposed to go get food when there is nothing but bulls inside of my car you can easily fit in there guys i don't think i'm gonna be able to go drive and get groceries oh wait don't open this door oh jeez i can't even get to the controller oh yeah rolling down the window it's smart nathan i'm gonna take each one of these balls hey you can play this game all right preston you go run your errands have some fun what do you mean run my errands there's no way i'm gonna be able to run aaron's nathan do you see the predicament i'm in right now you're right you're not gonna be able to run errands you're gonna have to clean your car first so have fun you mean you're not gonna clean it no need to get back here we just need something to pour over nathan's head when he walks in like what should we pour over his head come on gabe you like kind of live here know him you know water i just don't know joe's do you have any more of these i got like 749 more what are you waiting for okay let's do it i don't want to clean those up that would take forever look sometimes we don't get to choose our fate okay gabe i love you though leave a like for gabe please oh yeah okay nathan's going to hate this do you know nathan came all the way to dallas and pranked me it's time for revenge he's home nathan's home [Applause] happy birthday why are you at my house yeah i'm not cleaning something we got gabriel get out of here get out of here come on i'm going for five skips you suck that was one skip you're going oh come on look i i've gotten five months before cookies brought some cookies yo i'm down such a nice day i just wanted to come outside and eat some cookies that was three that was three you want to skip a cookie oh i thought you just did why not let me skip a cookie bro maybe it will work maybe this will make me happy yo that was nice oh it floats dude 30 skips bro help me a new world yo count them record y'all i got a new phone i got a new phone wait what do you say i got a new phone did you get that no listen listen hold on hold on hold on hold on listen listen what listen listen stop listen i got a new phone now you guys can't hate on me anymore you get that one that folds out like a book whoa did you get an iphone yo let's go oh your group messages can finally i know if it's real there's no oh my gosh let me see i don't know i haven't even like put my name in it i haven't set those i don't believe it yet i don't believe you i'm sorry you think you'll skip well why skip sounds good skip dude come on bro there's no way you got an iphone yeah three skips mr moosecraft and mr 09 sharkboy are about to be here in 10 minutes so our first prank is going to be silly string all right everyone grab the silly string and get ready let's go let's go let's go [Music] oh pretty good yo they're one minute away everyone get in position shake the chance for max up legit they're pulling up i'm gonna lure all of them in i'm gonna lock the door and all you guys just come out and just steal them they're driving to the driveway right now all right [Music] okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] have you ever seen this much silly string in your life this is a box of cereal not just any cereal gabe's favorite cereal now what could you do to cereal to make it taste better we're just trying to help gabe out it's also a fresh box he just bought this so i think the best thing you can do to cereal to make it taste better is add some spice to it originally i was gonna make him a bowl of cereal but let's just turn all his cereal ones away the smells do not mix and just for some extra flavor here we go okay seal that bad boy up like it's brand new and uh wait till you get this breakfast ah so hungry fruity pebbles my favorite yeah i got coffee yeah it's got something [Music] what is wrong with my cereal is that a pickle there's a pack on my snack time to decorate my room yeah looks like there's supposed to be a painting there or something beautiful i don't know who that handsome man is but oh he's kind of ugly yo what's up bro hey bro just like decorating my room and stuff is this is a bad time uh yeah kind of you could like leave that'd be cool decorating i told you nothing on the walls bro i want to keep them like clean okay you can put up two posters but it has to be motivational i want to see you inspired how big of a poster can i put on the wall what if it covered the entire wall as long as you can easily take it down i just don't want everyone like the driveway all right i'll be back lock the door real quick all right that's a close one two max broke that rule before he even told me the rule there we go it's gonna be a long while yeah i call that good for now i kind of don't like that room actually ah yeah this room has a balcony i'm taking this room oh look at this that's beautiful oh it has the best view a little rainy it's not very glorious but hey he's got a balcony i want a balcony i want to come up here sit on a chair sip some nice coffee read a book um so i'm taking this from now it's kind of balcony but you really wanted that one yeah i know like why like decorate it i think you're gonna love it why do you have pictures of your face oh it is for another video or something yeah what do you think right yeah like i was really into it i like this room it's nice and symmetrical you know you got the windows it's all nice and pretty boy so you just told me but it doesn't have about you you just spent the last hour decorating this room and now you want the one across the hall yeah you want the extras no why not no i bought this too no take all these down because now james is gonna take this room then he'll love it all right hang on i forgot the bathroom oh my god should i put it on the mirror or in the sink do whatever you want i don't care destroy the whole wall just grab a pickaxe lying through it wow dude i look good today i don't remember where you know um oh it's a picture so this is faze rug's room and this is his worst nightmare yeah look it already says get pranked on the wall wow we didn't even write that oh this is faze rogue's worst nightmare he is absolutely terrified of snakes and uh we got three massive ones he's so heavy that's pure muscle my gosh oh i'm scared myself it's just so sketchy is he hissing when you wanted me to grab that snake he's never acted like this with me these guys never act like this actually very interesting are we pranking ourselves welcome to your own house wait what are you doing in my house why did i have this right here wait for what i've never had a donut blindfold before i think i got it from here this is my house all right we got a surprise for you in your turn so just come over here just keep coming oh come to the side a little bit all right now sit sit down okay and voila look at the tv yeah oh wait it's not on hold on i got yeah i'm not a fan of snakes at all no wait how are you just that close to it you're picking it up it's fluffy okay you know what if you could do that then i could do it oh he's gonna face his fears sorry i'm just really like scared of slumps where's the handler there has to be a handler here it's our hands take a nap yeah i would dude it's about to fall it's about full we don't want to make them mad that one actually bit us a couple times trying to get it out are you serious yeah that one's cool at least you didn't put me next to him so i i did yeah we did oh i'm not sleeping on this bed well luckily i'm moving the bed comes with the snakes now yeah okay yeah i'm good i believe what we're gonna do next we're gonna grab these going to do that and we're going to go like that but and and i'm going to grasp what you're doing there gabe i am pouring glue in a bucket because well we're going to pour this whole bucket of glue right on him and then we're going to throw glitter feathers whatever those are just a bunch of stuff that's going to stick to him and he's going to look like a beautiful shiny chicken okay so while you were gone there's a bunch of fans in the backyard fans fans like yes in the backyard yes why are they in the back i don't know but they they really want you you should go say hi or something help me get out of the backyard why are they in the backyard well go tell them what do you mean dude i don't know it's really weird in the backyard there's a bunch of fans in the backyard it's a bunch of fans look at them there's one right there there's one right there there's one over there there's one right there those are heads yeah they're fans talking about they love your videos they absolutely love them what i was so confused are you spray painting them yeah you want to help me decorate them uh sure what is this for like i don't understand why is that dude this guy wants going straight through his nose don't question it i just understand why you're spray painting heads help me decorate this last one all right we got blue pink and there's yellow right there what are we like like what's like the food oh my gosh bro i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you this is payback this is payback for everything flip flops right now you're a chicken bro so how does it feel to be a chicken a glitterly sparkly beautifully fabulous chicken you're beautiful beautifully i really don't know what to say right now oh we're in preston's closet right now this is his whole closet are you kidding me what we're gonna do is well i was kind of expecting him to have more clothes i guess brie probably took the entire master bedroom closet so he's stuck with that with this this dude only has two pairs of shorts plus the ones he's wearing and every single shirt is merchandise gonna get rid of all his shirts and we're gonna replace it with a pretty cool costume so this is preston's new outfit it's uh he's a centipede i'm just gonna hang this where it is all his other clothes are in my car he'll never wait hold on one question you ready you're ready yeah i'm ready what are those okay i'm good plants a secret camera right here wait for him to come into his closet and uh see that well this is [Music] outfit what where am i where did all of my preston styles clothes go and what is this abomination what the heck is this how am i supposed to wear this to a steak dinner tonight what in god's green earth is going on in here i don't even know where to put my face did you put this in my closet oh you think it's real fun come here come here come here no you're coming with me wait hold on free i you have to stay present look at this man look at this man it's so hard i have limited flexibility you're going on a date with this tonight i'm terrified i look like i'm doing the creep yeah [Applause] you can put your hands in anything i think right oh you're really stuck yeah i'm really stuck well the kind of things because that's your only clothes yeah i got rid of all your other come here you kind of look like frankenstein i'm freaking [ __ ] i'm gonna get you get those chips out of here don't eat chips for breakfast but nathan does eat breakfast cereal for breakfast but what if we took out his cheerios and put something else in there let's keep it healthy because it is breakfast it's most important meal of the day you're right what are we thinking about putting in there huh broccoli broccoli gotta eat your greens you gotta eat your greens gotta get big and strong does he even got broccoli did you find it that's not broccoli preston why is james and gabriel they're just always harassing me wait don't you keep cereal in a bag though nathan doesn't need a bag he's a sandwich careful careful careful careful no broccoli candy i want all this broccoli in the cereal box for nathan james move your fingers move your fat fingers if you have one more piece of broccoli fall you fire it don't eat the broccoli that's oh that's so gross you can't don't eat it in his mouth and put it back in the box this thing is full of broccoli we just have to reseal it and make it look perfect it's a secret i am just going to have a bowl of cereal because i'm starving having anything to eat today good old milk and you know ladies and gentlemen i hate to admit it i am one of those people that poured milk before i pour the cereal it's just hey it's just my way of life okay you don't like broccoli and milk nathan it's really not my preferred choice of breakfast i mean like it's eat it eat it that's what you get for letting me in your house nathan hey the bridge is almost done i got you a gift what's up i got you a gift like an actual gift you got me a gift yeah i think you're gonna like it don't you move anyway big boy what is it i'm scared it's a watch oh snap yeah you want to check it out wait so you got me this for all my tr yeah it's down there now but it's yours bro was that a rolex it might have been i'm not even gonna lie that literally looks like it might have been i mean it's just right over there okay so why don't you get in there and uh well i'm dry you know like i got my shoes on i got my socks on i don't swim with socks on i'm not james you know are you for real oh now james has a gift what is this fetch your watch oh i thought it was a pancake machine it's a magna yeah so you can get your watch out of the water it's about right there it's called what are the odds of me landing on the watch with a giant magnet decent if you do it enough time it's a pretty strong magnet that's about where it landed i know i think it was a little bit to the right yeah i'm pulling it in let's see if we got a watch on here boys i'm gonna be mad if you get it first time come on come on no come on nothing do it again throw them all right i think it was a little bit to the right throw it throw it past oh that wasn't far enough you gotta throw it farther than i would have laughed if you dropped the whole thing in the water then you really got to go swim do you feel it yeah i feel it oh oh oh yeah that's got to be it oh what is this ah my favorite hey buddy i got a present for you okay that was like exactly where you threw the watch i think you went too far right you know why don't you do this i say you both have a swimming contest and see who could ever find the watch first oh what is this they could the watch could be in there that's the watch my dude that's some weave oh nope that's just the magnet it's on something yeah it's called water no no it's actually it's tugging something what is that is it the water did you get it it's the wrong side he got played he hyped me up slinging mud and stuff oh that was a good chunk you didn't you did it that was a good throw you didn't throw the watch that far did you um that far i think i threw it that way bro come on give me that rolex give me that rolex when i get this watch out of the water i'm going to sell it i'm going to make so much money i'm going to buy a tesla and then i'm going to rub it in your face you should rub it in the camera man you know what maybe i should try again tomorrow what do you mean you've only thrown it like one of five times what if i just let it sit and maybe the watch will come to the magnet so i got the clicking this is faze rug's 2020 mercedes g-wagon right here and recently he has missed some of his payments so we got a tow truck right outside we're going to tow away the car oh is that boy so nice too bad you didn't make your payments on it rug it's gonna get repossessed today say goodbye to your g-wagon rug all right i hope this doesn't make us like on the bad list for rug yeah yeah saying i really didn't know the word though come down and tell [Music] well perfect that was kind of easy yo oh no he's out he came out oh oh he's he's not supposed to see this yeah what's up wait what are they doing he's supposed to come out right he looks he looks mad wait what is the guy doing why is it getting towed uh it's being possessed yeah i guess you didn't make your last three payments no it's on autopay yeah they didn't receive it and take care of this one and then they said he's next no no no no wait what i have it set up on autopilot i didn't get any notification or anything can i try to contact you for like three months no three yeah but can you before you take it can i like make a few calls can i take something out of my car at least what do you gotta get out of there i don't know i just have stuff in this but just give me like five minutes okay oh wait where are you going with it don't worry no he's leaving my car wait that's my car [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my god look at this you did this to yourself we are going to strategically hopefully trap shark in this room we're going to have people hold the doors so he doesn't get out and we are going to drop a bunch of axe bombs down that laundry shoe from upstairs i am going to be in this cat costume with a pie in the closet over there so if he tries to escape and go in there okay you guys have to click that subscribe button on this video if you want to see more pranks [Music] [Music] oh you guys are set like oh my gosh i hate you so much i got nathan's cabrious but he doesn't need this because the next prank is we're taking everything out of his fridge and you'll see what we're gonna fill it up with take the olives take the jelly it's jelly too and sweet cherry peppers and gate fridge is empty bring in the cheese you know what my favorite word to say before every photo no i'm getting all the man james you're being over exaggerative that's a chungus right there not smoked provolo jeez not smoked but i didn't know that was i'm thinking about just keeping this for myself what about this one i can't fit this much this who are these people just remember she's in moderation i wouldn't recommend eating all this in one day dude they canceled my ubereats what someone needs to take this man back to fifth grade and teach him how to walk okay well you know what i'm just getting some food i'm gonna pretend i didn't see that ah this is real life why is there only cheesy you want some cheese i just stole james's phone i have a genius idea what if i put his phone in this bottle as of right now he's upstairs taking a shower i'm going to peel away this now obviously the phone does not fit in there so what we're going to do a little cut here so now hold on i almost got it and then we take the label we're just gonna put it back over just like so how is he gonna get his phone out have you seen my phone i was taking a shower and i had it on the counter and it just disappeared no i don't know i need my phone to call my mom you were upset she called me did you check upstairs yeah that's why i came downstairs done nope yo have you tried this new gatorade [Music] but look buddy good luck getting it out yeah it doesn't doesn't look like that doesn't even get through the hole you know what i'm gonna go run to the store i'm gonna go buy you a new phone because uh yeah that's how i gotta take this car bruh yeah yeah sure tell me how that reception works i'll talk to you later okay thanks thanks for finding the phone though yeah you're welcome [Music] would you look at that james and gabe are watching my youtube videos that's kind of weird they never do that the next way the next way to annoy your friends is to do some construction follow me i'm gonna ruin their day this is my what is that with the wall thing looks kind of like the netherlands yo the villager has an eye patch did they all have eye patches yo he disappeared magic he's hoodie yo you making that noise yo was that from the tv i thought it was you making the tv turn it down turn it down uh doing some friendly construction why are you doing it and i'm not constructing anything turn it up turn it up i'm going to 100. i'm going to 100. does it go any louder no i have the tv maxed out right now are you good i'm sorry i can't hear you how am i supposed to know when to subscribe bro yeah because we can't hear it i will i won't do it anymore i won't knock on the wood you guys can you guys can walk here i'll put it away [Music] you know i'm not gonna we're done you guys gotta hear when to subscribe you should always know when to subscribe you should subscribe right now i can still hear when to subscribe turn it up turn up the volume
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 12,902,234
Rating: 4.8550992 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: EH1hr6TDtig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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