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[Music] what someone dared me to pick my nose okay look i know that was a little embarrassing here's the deal in today's video we have an hour-long special of dares in this video you guys can also win 15 000 yeah i said that right just watch the video and also since this is a video full of dares i have a dare for you guys and that is to watch the entire video and when you're done watching the entire video click that red subscribe button that is my dare to you guys because in this video we did so many dares some of them were painful they taste bad they're terrible that is my dear to you guys watch the whole video click the subscribe button enjoy the hour long special of dares oh no no are you still here james oh you're in the other two that's how you're in the other other oh these beds are uncomfortable yeah i know i mean i slept okay we need it unspeakable to buy us new boats yeah these are pretty terrible hey hey hey how do you not feel that here i got it we'll make him feel it now yeah hey what what are you doing i'm listening to music we should make them flush them down the toilet there's someone on the other line right now got the first there you ready the area to flush those down the toilet i literally just got a brand new case oh it's like a little game boy that's nice it's a game one games play this game and go flush them down the toilet i mean i can flush them down the toe if you want it's gonna be a long day say goodbye to your earbuds your airpods are going to be flush earphones your speakers oh also you need to buy us a new bed those things are crap did you just drop your hair it doesn't really matter because they're going to be full you're going to break them bro all right to the toilet we go all right here we go flush them they're not even the pros there goes one oh here's another one everyone [Music] where'd they go bro i don't know let's go through the drains and find them yeah play some music and then we can hear the things [Applause] you should have had someone on the phone be like hey what's this sound like can they just fly here you go partner all right take a dare what you got i don't know what did you get what did you get no i'm just laughing more because like how long this piece of paper is this is a long piece of paper get silly string you sound again getting silly string you love movies count all the light bulbs in the house that's a lot look at this one two three four five six seven eight there's eight just in this room not even the kitchen just this room better get started buddy i can't escape the lumen go see you in two hours it's a lot of light bulbs all right so if i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it strategically i'm going to start at the front door and then work my way from there so meet you at the front door are you ready we're going to do it inside the hat don't worry i got like 20 more cans why do we always have plenty of silly strength dude you know betty cannon you know i have a closet with like 500 cans in it right you don't go in your room exactly i'm gonna look like a spider web at the end of this he was right all right let's do this one two three four five six seven eight is that him counting light bulbs that scared me i'm not cool nine ten eleven at least we know how many he's counting so dude it's so loud you okay you only got to 11. in one room not bad [Music] [Music] are you done subscribe for more silly things like silly string 38 39 40 74 75 80 81 oh that's the brightest light bulb i've ever seen 121. 212. that's all the bulls that i'm aware of oh i'm hungry yo bro i dare you to play video games on your phone when we go into class say less i'd love to play video do it you gotta do it considering he dared me to play video games on my phone oh i need to figure out a way to hide this phone and not get caught i'm a little late for class but i did bring my lunchbox and inside my lunchbox i have a sandwich not just any sandwich lift up the piece of bread and look at that the new game basketball arena i'm gonna try to sneak my sandwich into class so i can play basketball arena because they're giving away 50 000 what are you kidding me 50 000 basketball arena is such a fun game you can play the game with different teams use different characters how cool is that i'm giving you a small trick to win matches the energy system is one of the most important features in the game every movement like dashing slam dunking and super powers will consume energy and if you lose your energy well you can't run very fast so be careful and conserve your energy play smart and you'll win now let's talk about the 50 000 prize you must be at the top 10 in the rankings the top 10 players in the game should have the most wins in a row without any fails number one prize is twenty-five thousand dollars second place is ten thousand dollars third place is five thousand dollars fourth and fifth place is two thousand five hundred dollars and then sixth seventh eighth ninth and tenth place is a thousand dollars you guys can download basketball arena there's a link in the description and attend the event now at a chance to win 50 000 and add me as a friend on the game here's my username it's on the screen right now imagine if i won 50 000 in class right hey teacher sorry i'm late i was just making my my lunch i forgot it and i missed the bus and it yeah it's been a long morning sorry okay all right that's okay we all have rough days take a seat do you mind if i eat because i miss lunch no that's totally fine i understand thank you so much we're just learning about the early days of monsters in history so there would be like a pillow it's like a square at night you would have like beady little eyes and scary teeth under the bed but it most likely just be your cat nothing to be afraid of the thing you gotta be afraid of is there's generally back in the early colonial times there were closets with doors come on come on come on come on come on this is serious stuff looks good i bring my own launch generally i forgot six to five i mean i only have six pieces of bread left this is ridiculous this is a very strange launch you're having right now yeah b lunch big lunch what's that a lunch is pretty chill b lunch is like you know it starts getting up there you don't want to see one might win fifty thousand dollars i mean so where did they originate from so they start in your closet they migrate there was a colonial migration one of the closet monsters had gone to being under the bed monster the way we found out is because of the cat was gone this is the thing yes if we're gonna play this way we're all gonna get detention well i'm sorry what was that uh my sandwich i'm disappointed in you no i'm just going does anybody i dare you to jump off the second story over the railing oh this boy about to break up like ladies and gentlemen don't try this at home are you okay i think that's definitely cheating i'm moving he did it all right gabe truth today oh just like that there okay hold on i gotta think of it there okay i got one i thought of a dare what i dare you let me make sure i have it on me eat some soap in your pocket i always have to stay clean here you go you're gonna slide it on the floor i was gonna slide to you [Music] pick it up oh no okay it's getting washed i mean let me just know okay we're washing the soap now it probably would have been less flavorful if it was dry but now you made me watch it so now it's really just gonna saturate my taste buds and i'm still washing your foot off i don't know where your foot has been i haven't showered in three days all right have fun you guys swallow it it's not work oh yeah it's disgusting it's right between my teeth too yeah you want to buy it no no did you eat it i'm not swallowing soap i don't know what that does it's tough that's one way to brush the teeth you grab the soap bar and just go like cheese crater non routine it also flosses he picks smash your phone already the first one the first one you're gonna pick is smash your phone i gotta go get it hold that fine sir you're not gonna smash your phone this dude just got a brand new phone like a week ago there's no way yo it's a lampshade [Applause] [Applause] dude it doesn't still work it's cracked oh my gosh no it's like broken oh no i think you need some help with this new one right i need a new one all right we're good it was not fixing that i could have upgraded it you want a bag yeah i could return it get a iphone it's under warranty right yeah sure next stair yo if you ever have time invest in one of these swings coolest thing ever okay so james is out there swinging right now i need you to help me with this liquidy hold this i want you to tape it to my hand so i can slap him with it just try not to spill it yeah there we go don't worry i'll get the palm here in a minute i gotta get the fingers here okay it's beautiful um all right perfect is that good enough that's good okay and then i gotta put it oh that was close oh there it goes it's already happened i'm gonna have to put it behind my back all right give me the other one these are ice cold by the way my hands are freezing right now straight out of the fridge i'm gonna go up to them and i'm gonna dare to get slapped that was close i was trying to put him behind my back but it's just not in this stuff it's just not working just walk behind me where's he from the hey what's going on what's up bro i was just telling everyone that they should invest into one of these swings yeah it's pretty it's pretty nice i like how your shirt matches the swing it's nice and my hat bro well your shoes are a little like you should uh swing a little harder swing harder yeah gabe can you give me a push uh yeah hang on i kind of like these just check my shoes yeah i'll just just take your shoes how hard do you want to swing you want a zoom zoom or you just want a little push let's do a zoom zoom zoom zoom all right i dare you james to get slapped that's what you get for putting my airpods down the drain oil tasty yo this is banana pudding banana pudding this is banana pudding well it's a banana pudding in the pie form oh you got my shards no you got a little something right right there on your face you want to hug me not really hey gabe huh oh no wait hold on i dare you to give me a hug here you go yeah it's banana pudding all right i smell it no nathan you want to hug too bro i didn't sign up for this okay i've just said that what is this the unspeakable hat of choices i picked this one oh this one's long jump in the moat and roll around in the sand and what did you get you pretend to be elvis until your next dare let's go to the mode let's go to the mall yeah i need you to underneath it's freezing now i gotta go lay in the sand now you gotta roll in the ceiling oh you gotta go on yeah all right all this oh don't touch the case i need you to land right here and pinpoint location of shannon [Music] this is not very royal like oh dude it's so sandy oh this is actually disgusting oh you're gonna be sleeping with the sand tonight can i go back in the water no no no get on the sand fall off that mountain oh wow super dare right there i got a cramp in my neck okay okay okay okay okay okay okay this is interesting all of you guys have picked theirs so i'll pick a dare a tiger's gonna pick a tube i'm so scared for a second okay you ready stay there many things can come out of that pantry no i know there's a lot more in there than just food eat that whole pudding cup without using your hands ah you can't open it with your hands no hands no hands you do that we'll put it on the couch okay okay okay this is not a bad dare i'm not complaining okay so just no hands no hands no i can use anything else yeah no no arms no arms no arms let me turn the hat backwards getting serious oh here we go like i can't use my arms at all nope no arms at all you almost got it i mean you can use your feet i see the method he has it just might work i don't know why he just doesn't like head smash it like headbutted you had to give him an idea i'm kind of curious what flavor it is now is it is it vanilla dude i don't know how i'm going to order this thing those are my keys that's like watching a bird is how am i supposed to do the rest you gotta at least eat half of it i mean what you could do is like just put it on the ground or put your foot up here smash it out and lick it off the counter that's stupid sorry camera man those are mine i hate you guys for doing this you're disgusting by the way there's so many dares i'm obviously gonna try to pick the easier one out of the bunch cut them on with scissors that sounds easy we're talking about the whole lawn though like front yard backyard side oh can i can i put it back you're ready once you take it off the wall there's no re-pecking this isn't sorry this isn't monopoly this is the krusty krab oh where's my [Applause] what are sticker doing i'm wondering i'm gonna go over here and cut grass [Applause] it's my turn now and i don't know what to pick i'm reading i stepped in dog food today i mean you you want that wanna it it just says ashu it doesn't say james's shoe but i don't want to lick any shoe but this doesn't sound bad acting like a piece of bacon on the floor i'll do that wait a second i'll be right back [Music] can i get like a glass of water and like really sweet [Applause] i'm gonna go back here it's a very hot summer day and uh or it's not summer anymore it's fall but it's still hot in texas so we're trying to uh cool mr unspeakable with water balloons safety cars workers at work what the heck was that hey hi we thought we thought we'd just cool you off no stop what you don't want to be cooled off no i don't want balloons hey let me catch one i'll throw it right back at you all right bet here there maybe two at the same time where you going kid i think you got good aim yeah ready yeah come on oh yeah you missed oh i messed up yeah i didn't even break yeah what are you gonna do come on got to move i got your boy you're terrible you can't hit my artillery strike okay maybe you can avoid it i'm gonna take my scissors and i'm going to the front yard [Music] let's go we gotta get them before happy birthday two can play this game yeah huh yeah pretty good i need one more let me get you yeah you're a little wet i'm done cutting grass you want to inspect it there's like six hairs that are too tall this lawn tells me you didn't cut it all the way i'm done i've been doing this for two hours it must have rained pretty hard in two hours you locked this out game it's okay here's the back door hey bro what is that uh yeah uh i dare you to get in it and stay in it it's empty yeah okay so just get in it that's it yeah that's it just get in it i don't like where this is going here i'll help you in hold it nice and still you know you want to take it off the wheel uh but then you're gonna get it on the wheels oh you're gonna get like in it i know you get farther that's good oh go down no i don't want the lid on i mean it has holes for like breathing i'm good i'm claustrophobic you're not you're a liar like that bro it's pretty scary move your feet i mean like it's kind of clear so you have light coming through okay all right james we got him right where we want him speed up that barrel you're going for a ride yeah yo wait hold on i'm so dizzy i'm about to puke all right hold on hey we'll give you a break yeah we'll put him on the roller yeah yeah get the roller that was terrible [Applause] yo get me out of this thing bro okay just just i think that that's some karma he's running in pain right now yeah just spin him like that wait now we can go the other way yeah we could do that you still in pain dude that hurts so bad oh should we let him out now are you done with them sure all right you can be free good job daryl now we know what you're capable of what did you get i wish i still would have had to be elvis stuff because this would have been funny eat four warheads at the same time oh that's that's like can you wait can you please do it in the elvis costume just for that i want to do it for you okay just for the memes guys leave a like all right here we go be a human leaf blower what does that even mean i don't know we're gonna we're gonna have to ask some people i can't speak english yo can you be the human leapflower as elvis you go eat your warheads i'm gonna go be a leafler ah this pathway is dirty let me get my leaf blower out i need to make a phone call real quick i mean i think it's a little busted but keep trying keep trying real quick [Music] all right mr elvis we got four warheads these are the extreme sour ones not the normal ones so these are even more intense and you gotta eat all four of them at the same time good luck i'm gonna eat one with them just in good spirit yeah gabe's gonna support him i'm not because i was just a leaf blower so yeah cheers oh that's pretty shallow oh wow oh my gosh why do you people eat this kind of sugar oh yeah that was something right there like a whole tortilla coming through oh here hey red guy blue guy fell asleep yeah he was out he didn't cut the lawn all the way but we'll let him pass with that any more dinners for us i'm gonna just pick randomly that's dangerous oh you're not gonna like that just because i want to win this challenge i'm at some smooth legs okay um do you want to smack it on or do you want me to smack it on wait first of all where are we doing it you said like that area okay we'll do we'll do right here i guess i have a goo first okay so the instructions say pat it down for a few seconds give it another goo and when you rip it off apply pressure you want to rip it off no i am not ripping my own okay so oh my pressure as you rip it off no okay hold on rip off real quick and then put your hand there oh i didn't put another strip no no oh i thought it was about to happen oh god okay do what you do okay think of um dragonflies landing on a sunflower that's kind of nice it really didn't take and we're pretty much doing everything right we just have to do it again really get it in there get all the hair foolicles okay this time i want you to think of a baby whale baby whale baby okay so it says to like pull the skin taut that's about the only thing we weren't doing right i guess baby whales stop pulling in here your hair is too strong would you like to read it out loud after everything you say add we'll come back to this word for the next three rounds this word whenever you use this word you know warm up the surface preheat it all right you gotta do this for three rounds did you forget we're also having a contest right now i just cut the grass for like two and a half hours you want to know what my new dairy is what's your new day i have to say goo after everything i say for the next three rounds how many dares have you guys got i feel like i'm behind i think i did four you've done four my head oh at the same time not really because i don't really know how i'm gonna take a tire off my car okay let's um um let's start with uh licking a tire you guys are gonna lose this challenge licking a tire i'm not losing this challenge [Music] [Music] i missed it did he do it i'm guessing that face he did it i can't believe you did that that is extremely gross i'm in it to win it boys what's next crack an egg on my head wait wait a second wait crack an egg on your head 30 seconds [Music] [Applause] where that boy james at yo hey what the what come on drop it yo jinx oh it dropped two i found his addiction hey come here give me that do it hey don't snap at me stop it i dare you to go into the trash can and the first thing you see you have to eat it no you won't do it here come in here first no come here no no i'm not what [Music] you farted what's going on all right there's the trash can whatever's in there you gotta eat it now not that one you gotta do this one whatever's been in here it's been sitting gross what's in there yo it's a whole chicken it's a whole rotisserie it's not a horn what in the world oh yo someone literally put a whole chicken in there who did that dude i don't know who does things probably you why do you think it's me that's a good old chicken how long has it been in there probably about a week a day and a half [Music] hey man you like my new shoe laces yo those are nice and speakable laces bro did i did i like lace them correctly oh yeah yeah you did a good job yeah that's good i had to warm up my chicken yeah you want some fish with that chicken it's goldfish gotta hate you oh you got some cheesy chicken now yo what i dare you to let me slap you with this chicken oh i hate you so much hold on hate the camera man he told me why we're not even in the video but there you're next in the video yeah i'm gonna dare you next all right slap me with it okay yeah i'm moving how are you gonna hit me with it don't hit it with that that boy got legs knock em cold turkey you're stupid okay i'm ready remember all those times you cooked those turkeys for thanksgiving yeah get this paper go for it stop it right here rock paper scissors i'm [Music] [Applause] that chicken needs some fish [Applause] my shirt does need to be changed considering it's covered in egg so i'm going to wet my shirt and freeze it and then i'm going to put it on you know what i'm going to eat a lizard okay dude hey you took that off yeah but i don't have to do it what's up kid all right so we're gonna let this shirt throw it in the freezer let it sit and uh let it freeze update i have a new dare all right the water is boiling and now spaghetti is almost fully in the uh yeah perfect now we wait it's been about uh 30 minutes let's see if my shirt is frozen oh yeah ladies and gentlemen dude get your unspeakable merch right here look let's test it here how am i supposed to how am i supposed to put this on all right you got to put it on here it's so cold it's so cold what is going on here it's my shirt you feel the pain i know it's a little cold i can't even like don't put it in the pool not a bad idea not a bad idea yeah would you look at that and it's good good to go you ready it's soaking wet now which is just fantastic all right i'm just gonna throw this nicely wet shirt on wasn't my wet shirt wet earlier today when i got hit with water it's like really really really cool [Music] okay spaghetti has been cut so i put it in this uh brand new unspeakable hat merch link in the description and um i'm not wearing spaghetti this hair in a way it's a lot of spaghetti yeah let me help you if that's how you feel oh there was water in there i'm glad it uh it's not hot water oh is that a waxing strip [Applause] all right you gonna rip it off i mean gabe should rip it off i mean after what you just didn't do them [Applause] we got one forever oh my god [Applause] oh no i'm scared [Applause] calm down that's a big mess i got to clean up what you got on your feet oh it's disgusting what do we got what have we got well i guess there is money in here so it could be good get hit by a pool noodle like one of those salutation thingies okay yes like i mean it's kind of soft look at a pool we'll both hit you with a pool noodle no no it's just fine i'll go hit by a pool noodle not get hit by pool noodles it doesn't say how many times though it's just noodles noodles well you got one try and i got two tries wait what what we couldn't find a pool that way i don't want to hit you in here that's not even a pool noodle it's okay just like quickly you wanna get hit in the face no that's not hot it's so funny right now it's actually kind of soft it's very well i mean pool noodles aren't rough yeah piece of foam [Music] that almost lined it up right so hyped for that [Applause] let me think let me think hold on hmm lay down on the cartridge i got it let me see if i got it on me how many things do you carry in your pocket where's the bar of soap you look like a banana yeah you do i dare you to open this without your hands okay without your hands so that your arm is nothing how am i supposed to open up with nothing your face your face that's it you can't it's my face i can't even use your feet it's open i mean [Music] hey at least mine wasn't spread across the counter all right here let's pick again at random what are you going to read with your aunt yeah i'm trying to read braille right now you didn't even say anything okay come on take it up this is your dare act like an animal of the group's choosing no no not you it's just the group's choosing part of the group what is probably the worst animal that you could act like a rhinoceros right yo you're a rhinoceros [Music] [Applause] fill both of your pockets with ice cubes and let it melt scoop dude i would like to follow you but there's spaghetti all over the floor and i don't want it in my shoes [Music] oh you really want to fill my pockets it says fill your pockets with ice that's a full pocket dude while you're doing that i'm going to go run into every single door in the house and probably get a headache you broke it you know this is a pretty normal thing for unspeakable dude i'm getting tired yeah i'm working on it did you get it i got a couple more all right come on did you get every single door you've missed three doors yeah no yeah no yeah no yeah no okay would you like to show us every door in the house with ice in your pockets this might take a while dude he remembered i got that one i got that one he has to get every single one nathan didn't get these or this one and the ones you missed okay which ones did i miss garage door doo pantry door goo i missed the pantry door and the two garage doors i totally forgot about that so i'll give it to you all right let's see there go for it all right it's time for me to pick it there we need to get back in the game okay these are starting to get bad ah that one's easy go outside and try to summon rain slash s-u-m-m-o-n space r-a-i-n hey would you look at that gabe what are you doing why are you why do you have a water hose i've had to change shirts like four times in this [Laughter] you video me with a chicken so you gotta eat the sour pickle balls sour pickle balls but you know what there's three of them so i dare you to eat one and i dare you to eat one you gotta eat that one yo why is it like crystallized dude this looks like a rock i dare you to eat whatever you want here come here i'll feed you through the door how is it that's disgusting is it bad it's sour pickle ball bro the pickles are [ __ ] oh it's bad isn't it all right you go you go yeah that's not that good that's pretty bad yeah your green all right you got a year i already ate it no you didn't know we all know you didn't eat it you've done this to us before eat it you said i eat your rotisserie chicken too this is your appetizer you light it yeah no this is so pickly gotta wash it down with some chicken well that tastes so much better than a pickle gotta wash my pickle ball down with some chicken oh wait you were just looking at some pencils right yeah you got something a little more advanced let me see if i got it on in here markers let me and james draw all over your face i'm gonna make it look famous are you making me avatar making me happy you're the last airbender you're a terrible coloring well he's got moist skin is it beautiful i should have made it red so i can call you click there's a lot of products on there you're giving me like clown circle things yeah are we going to dare him to go walk into a restaurant after this a restaurant you want to go get lunch okay my family's here um spin i'm only on page what could you use am i gonna have some thick eyebrows you're about to have a one big eyebrow you're gonna have to take a shower after this [Laughter] is it nice is it nice it actually fits you really well a tuna brown yeah how does a unibrow so well i'm trying to think of what you need what color is that is that green i can't wait to go to lunch like this i feel like i just look ridiculous not on the island is that pennywise help me oh my gosh i look ridiculous don't i we're still going yeah i gotta add something my name's gabe i wanna mclaren you got a mclaren logo you always need to subscribe oh no i think i am the avatar water fire air yo it finally arrived from the last video yeah it's the greatest thing i've ever bought all right pick another one at random i don't think that was random sir how's the ice in your pocket well they're starting to melt okay you guys ready to cover me and oh we're doing that yeah it says completely covered in toilet paper to look like a mummy yourself completely cover yourself no you go do that i'm gonna do another challenge [Music] [Applause] cheap yeah keep going attempt to break the dance for 30 seconds after no breakdance i'm taking this one for the next hour wear a lampshade on your head for a hat that's what you're going to do james you're gonna lampshade on your head for a whole hour a whole hour how's it gonna see um they already started nice yeah break dancing for 30 seconds i'm dizzy hey that was like five seconds keep going i can spin the other way this is like watching an animal die that's 30 seconds that was just gotta be pretty exciting that was sad you do better you do better all right you ready for the [Music] [Applause] we then time them [Music] all right you got 10 more seconds keep breakdancing okay [Music] [Applause] minus a one which makes it one so i'm done i'm done it's kind of dark in here good thing i got a lamp [Applause] wow hey james truth or dare yo you got to pick a dare i'm out of the game [Music] i'll pick it there you like cereal right loves you so let's go lay down in the grass in the grass and fill your entire mouth with cereal and i'm just gonna pour milk so you're gonna make a bowl of cereal out of your mouth okay is it tasty cereal is it tasty oh you need some milk gum yeah i feel like you're still hungry yeah something tells me you're still hungry yeah you want me to help you okay i don't want my shirt in almondy yo i gained a pound stop stop you know what for dinner all right so uh what's happening here like is there anything happening what's that yeah you want brian green looking like christmas okay it's cool hey all right so i dare you to give nathan your brand new mclaren the mclaren huh the whole mclaren the whole car i can't give him half not the drawing the real thing don't mean to interrupt this intense convo just uh if you say no you're gonna get turned into a pancake this is a hard decision i'm gonna have to think about this i'm done thinking are you done thinking i have my final answer well let's hear it i can't afford the insurance you can have it you're lying i can't afford the injury i just can't do it we had a good little run you know what you know what you know what i got a present for you cashews i love cashews well everyone disappeared i'm not a quitter so i'm gonna keep going feel the potato with your teeth easy enough right i don't know where potatoes are oh here they are i'm gonna wash it off first okay well i have a clean potato and i'm just gonna peel it with my cheese to walk around like it's casual like i do this all the time well it's gonna take a while it's gross [Music] [Applause] apple that's definitely a potato it's a brown apple that's definitely a potato it's just a little old but it's fine that's definitely a potato i'm picking my next hair stick your bare foot into the toilet for 20 seconds sure what's worse than already has happened i will have a great time anyone got a timer no this is nice they're flushing yo game yeah come here look at this what do you think about this that's nice do you want to see a magic trick or flush it oh yeah so gross it's actually gross oh all right i'm taking this one blue what's blue and white make uh sky all right i'm doing a american flag i dare you to wear these for the rest of the video these are your new shoes what are those they're stilts wow like the things like people wearing um circus yeah yeah but those are like 20 times taller than that i mean we can make them talk look at that how do you work them uh i would sit down good luck there you go thanks i'm about to be a transformer man that's messed up well i didn't say that i hope he falls on his face i heard it again oh my gosh you're going to go to max height gabe ready i wasn't that's too much height your foot came apart a lot of things are coming apart right now oh yeah i love how we decide to extend this after it's on shut up i don't see you trying dude i can barely touch my toe you can't touch your toes in either way okay try to stand up buddy i don't know yeah it's it's like the kids okay let me get a good grip let me get a good grip ready i'm running you want me to this grass gonna slip man you know you're gonna shoot from the bottom one yeah if you come on come on kiddo why are you so heavy here wait put your feet up against the house you look like you're walking on chopsticks now what right here i got you ready all the way over here take me away yeah there you go yeah okay are we good are you good i don't know am i good i got a wall on the couch all right now you have to run a marathon i can't even get up 5k how is one supposed to balance on one while they like move the other it's coming walking okay okay i wasn't born with this first time walking you didn't put them on the same height they're on different heights i said the tallest one i did put on the tallest one literally not did you have the left one i have the right foot oh my gosh they're on different heights oh hey i can just like i can chill here and they're heavy man what's up with the feet do they like automatically like level me out or something they got springs or something [Music] that was a big step for mankind one small step for game we almost went over why do we have to go with the tallest setting first time on stilts ever and we're on the tallest setting and they're not even level not even the same height i think you just can cross-eyed hey should i come beat you up bro yeah bring it home do not whack me like a pinata dude he's like two feet in front of you you're so tall thanks bro yo how's the weather up there yeah is it raining thirty percent of i'm gonna fall down that's what the weather is i just wanna see how you're gonna get down you know you're not wrong why don't you take them away there's a ladder all the way over there that's probably my best bet but you gotta walk i'll do it yeah it's gonna take me an hour to walk it's gonna be a problem if you have to walk all the way to the ladder if it's on the other side of the warehouse yo you just dropped scotty you know i dare you to grab your whole hand your whole fist your whole hand everything shove it in someone's armpit the smelliest armpit and then you have to lick it like a lollipop that's disgusting yeah i know it'd be my own armpit because i didn't put deodorant on today i also went to the gym this morning i didn't put deodorant on today so how are you going to reach gabe [Applause] give me an armpit you can't even reach oh it's so hairy yeah you're going in there you got an old jungle in there bro it looks like the jungle video yeah rub it in there rub it in there oh you gotta lick it bro [Music] that's bad you drink toilet water how is that worse toilet water is clean you saying i'm not clean it's just water as long as you're not pooping this oil shower every day sometimes twice a day that's good for you but your armpit doesn't say that your armpit can talk bro yeah this is really uncomfortable because they're like not the same height you really got this uh tied in buddy yeah it didn't work looking good just don't follow me please yeah yeah you giant creature oh the good smell right on you with my giant creature likeness what happens if i take this bolt out by the way i don't know maybe i fall down should i try to take it out what are you doing buddy looks like uh he's spraying you got there some shaving cream in the hat you're looking pretty pretty stealthy thanks i would walk but i don't want to fall can you like predict the future or like the weather since you're so tall up there can't you like predict what's about that are you making are you picking on me because of my height no shouldn't it be the other way around why are you so short bro oh that looks pretty cool smell it smells clean oh it's done i dare you to put this on top of your head like vigorously i figured it was going to be for me all right it's a brand new hat too oh wait hold on hold on wait i can't reach him because he's so tall up there hold this real quick okay i almost fell let me see the hat oh hey look i can lean on the letter now that's nice here you go buddy oh oh thanks i didn't i didn't see you coming you surprised me yep sorry from all the way down there you can leave that ladder here it's okay nope dude this is like the thickest most jelliest shaving cream no way give it a slap again please give it a goo oh oh it's all coming out give it a nice give it a nice give it a nice you gotta do the sound effect you gotta do something you're kidding me not on the lego house bro what's up bro i think my straps are oh did you even get any on your head yes it's on my head just lay me down wait whoa what let me down why did you go knees first you i'm okay thank you guys so much for watching this video don't forget to download a basketball arena and friend me on the game so we can shoot some hoops together
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,768,513
Rating: 4.9296913 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: EyapLNkauTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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