WUTHERING WAVES Rover Guide | Havoc Rover Wuthering Waves Guide

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welcome to my wuthering waves Rover havoc guide  havoc rover wuthering waves guide this time I'll   not only be going over Havoc Rover's solo combos  but also the best team composition skill rotations   and even builds to maximize Havoc Rover's damage  I'll be referring to Rover as her for the rest of   the video because female Rover is simply better  than male Rover to start things simple let's   go over Havoc Rover's abilities Rover's passive  bar fills up with Umbra as you hit enemies with   attacks miss you don't get anything you have to  hit actually have to hit them the skill gives her   a massive amount of Umbra about 40% and it does  not need to hit to give you the Umbra the last   source of Umbra is her intro attack which provides  about 20% when Rover reaches maximum Umbra use a   heavy attack to enter the dark surge state it  starts using up your Umbra and as it ticks down   you run out of the dark surge State you can also  use a skill to extend your Umbra by a little bit   so takes a bit longer to run out and this state  is where the majority of Rover's damage will   come from this is further Amplified by most of  a resident upgrades and passive tree upgrades as   you can see here the first one is increasing her  Havoc damage by 20% during dark surge the last   one is it doesn't increase her damage directly but  it gives her extra Al charge her resonance 2 here   resets the cool down of her skill when she enters  dark surge uh resonance 3 gives her a bit of Life   steal when she's in dark surge her resonance five  gives her extra 50% damage when she uses a fifth   basic attack during dark Surge and yeah you last  one is just increased CR rate during dark surge   you can see that all of these amplify dark surge  so much that becomes such a important part of   doing damage on Rover now let's get into some  basic combos the first one is the heavy attack   combo you heavy attack then you attack twice this  generates about 25% Umbra the next one is just a   basic five basic attack combo just press attack  five times in a row and it generates about 30%   Umbra look carefully at the umbre bar as I slowly  perform the basic combo again 1 2 3 4 5 you should   have noticed that the Umbra gain on the basic  combo is backloaded onto the fourth and fifth   hit meaning in a real Combat scenario will not be  finishing the full combo often and be missing out   on a lot of Umbra therefore I for the heavy combo  as a combo actually starts you off right at the   fourth basic attack allowing a higher umber gain  and a shorter window making a better and practice overall therefore getting to the dark surge  State requires one skill usage two heavy attack Combos and a few extra Auto attacks and when   we're at 100% this is where we  get to pop off in dark search after heavy attacking to enter dark surge  Rover's basic combo and heavy combo are both   enhanc to deal greater damage her skill will  extend the duration of dark surge slightly and   also come off cool down the moment dark surge  is activated thanks to her second resonance   upgrade the easiest and most effective way to  combo during dark surge is to Simply spam the   basic combo however since Rover's fifth basic  attack as you can see it's a backward Circle   attack as you saw there her fifth basic attack  during dark surge has a long animation dodging or   using a skill right after her fifth basic attack  is vital for maximum DPS potential therefore the   most optimal dark surge basic combo should look  something like this basic combo one into Canter   with skill then basic combo two into canel with  Dodge then basic combo three into cancel with   Al if you have it available if you did this combo  fast enough you may have enough time to fit in the   heavy attack before dark surge ends then  immediately after your dark surge State   ends you want to Echo swap using preferably  dreamless Echo into another character who can   continue to do damage you should be holding the  movement key in the direction of the enemy when   you are attacking while you're performing your  combo otherwise you'll Dodge cancel in the wrong direction Havoc Rover is only at her maximum  potential when she is only on field during her   dark surg State as her DPS is very low outside  of it this is where building a team around her to   allow her to build up to her Umbra with minimal  fi time and then providing huge damage Buffs   to her when her dark surge state is actually  available allows her to shine even more during   her highest DPS window allow me to demonstrate  fast in the sunlight nowhere to hide one the sound judgement guide my blade upswing now allow me to explain firstly you could  see Havoc Rover was only on the field for a few   seconds in total before reaching full Umbra  and her last swap it this mitigates her first   weakness which is dark surge downtime secondly  she receives two massive damage Buffs right   before coming back onto the field to initiate  her dark surge the first one is from Verina   the outro skill giving the whole team a 15% all  damage deepen for 30 seconds and the second one   is the outro skill from dunin which gives the next  character which was Rover another 23% Havoc damage   deepen buff for 14 seconds greatly enhancing her  dark surge DPS window even more this is where the   power of rotations in team building around Havoc  Rover comes from mitigating her weaknesses and   enhancing her strengths at the same time now  time to go through the whole rotation step by   step to make it easier to understand there  are some important things you have to know   before trying to understand the full rotation  you probably already know that Reena gains one   passive after a fifth basic attack as you can  see down here but this takes too long however   when she is swapped in without intro attacks you  can see I don't have the intro animation I don't   have any concerto when she's swapped in without  intro she begins her attacks on the fourth basic   attack as you can see I just have got one so fast  this means you only have to attack two more times   after being swapped in to gain one passive we will  be using this effect the second is that you don't   have to use heavy attacks to proc your passive  it takes too long instead you just immediately   jump and start midair attacking and those proc  your passives extremely quickly and the third   thing you have to know is Echo cancelling  luckily Echo cancelling with dreamless is   extremely easy you simply press dreamless and  immediately swap to another character you can   see here this lets us play with another character  while saw the full Echo damage was still going on   in the background and the final thing you have  to take note of is skill swapping in this team   we can skill swap out of dungeon chaos cleave  animation as you about to see here chaos cleave   and you can see how the damage is still going  through while we swapped however we do lose   out on the damage of the final slash but this is  fine since the team is trying to maximize Havoc   R his DPS windows and not dungeons so now let's  break down the whole team skill rotation slowly   step by step to make it easy to understand the  moment you see the enemy start spawning in you   want to go e cancel the E animation you still  get the passive stack as you can see here then   right as Fin's all animation about to finish you  want to be spamming a river Swap and the moment   Rover swaps in you want to Al like that and right  after the AL animation finishes you want to go   skill into Echo into Echo swap into dungen who  will do a three-part combo after the swap like this and right after the three-part combo you  want to immediately all on dungeon and right   after the old animation is about to finish  you're going to be spamming your dreamless   Echo swap again into Verina like that who does  Auto attack two times as we explained earlier   to get the second passive stack here and the  moment you see this come through you want to   echo which is a total and jump and to consume  the midair attacks with two attacks like this   and should have enough consert energy for her  outro skill and you want to swap into dungeon   my blade and do the intro attack which is a two-  part which is just skill twice after the intro   and you can see here we have the buff effect for  arena which lasts 30 seconds the 15% all damage   deepen and the moment you do the intro skill  two part combo you should have 50% bar and you   immediately want to do the chaos cleave and you  want to do the skill swap during the chaos cleave   into Havoc Rover like that and you should also  notice there's purple glow now on our body this   is from the dungeon Havoc 23% Havoc damage deepen  for 14 seconds and right after you spawn in with   r you want to you should after she gets the inro  skill from dungeon so she should be in midair so   you want to go press once to the midair attack  to go down quickly the moment you hit the ground   you want to e and start popping off with your  dark sge State the combos that we did earlier hope that made it easier to understand F in  the sunlight nowhere to hide one with the [Music] sent guide my blade up swing and now let's finally get to the Echo and weapon  builds so for the set options for Havoc Rover   always the best is the five set Havoc set with  the dreamless as the main Echo then Alternatives   so you can see here means better than so five  Havoc is better than slightly the two F two   havoc and two attack set using the dreamless as  the main Echo again which is slightly better than   the five attack set using the mech Abomination  as the main Echo since we cannot use dreamless   in a five attack set now for the main stats for  the for costs you always want crit rate or crit   damage on the four costs for three costs you  want Havoc damage plus and for one costs you   want attack percent so if you don't have any good  three cost Echoes as a note here you can run four   two four costs instead and three1 costs so the  most optimal would be 43311 but as we know already   the Havoc double Havoc sets are really hard to  get so if you don't have any good ones you can   go crit rate and crit damage or double crit rate  on the four class doesn't really matter similar   performance for the sub stats the best ones are  the double crit sub stats obviously and then   attack and attack percentage are the next best  and then basic damage increase you can also go   for a 20 to 30% uh energy regen on your subset  as well but it's not really that important for   Havoc Rover skill priority for Havoc Rover is her  forte and then her Liberation and then her skill   then normal attacks and then her intro skill so  in terms of her weapons the five star standard   Banner Emerald of Genesis is the best by far it's  going to be the Baseline of 100% so the fourstar   weapons the ones with attack they're all pretty  similar in terms of performance they're just 77%   78 79 and 80% so the best one is command of  conviction at 80 and then Luna cutter which is 79   they're both from gacha so that's really nice and  then the 78% is the Lumen gloss which is from the   battle pass and finally the 77% the one that you  can craft sword number 18 now dungon set options   and main stats and like the statue ones are really  similar to Havoc Rover so again five Havoc set is   the most damage for her then two Havoc set and two  attack set still with the dreamless main Echo over   the five attack set with a Abomination Echo so in  terms of main stats same thing four cost you want   crit rate crit damage three cost you want Havoc  damage Main and on the one costs you want attack   percent on all the one costs substat same thing  double crit attack percent attack just the only   difference is that heavy damage is better on  dungeon over basic attacks on the Rover also   again energy regen isn't that important on dungeon  so you can go 20 to 30% if you want but it's not   really that important as for skill priorities  you want the Forte skill and then her skill and   then her residence Liberation and then her normal  attacks and then the int if you want dungeon on a   more supportive role she can also go for the five  Moonlight Cloud set with the impermanence Terin as   a main Echo this will lower dungeon self damage  but it will buff up Havoc River's damage if you   like that play style more finally we get to vinaa  so for her set options the best would be the five   healing sets with the turtle as the main Echo  you can also go double healing and double moonlet   clouds the energy region set is with a total main  Echo it's not as good because you don't get the   damage buff from the healing set which is really  good for buffing up River for the main stats you   want healing bonus healing on the four cost or  attack percent because her skill heals scale on   attack the three costs you want energy regen  preferably two energy regen because the more   energy regen the better honestly or you can go  attack percent because that does give her extra   healing as well and for the one clust you just  go attack percent for everything because again   everything she has scales off attack and for a  substats you want to prioritize hitting at least   50% energy regen on her as a ma first priority and  then you just go for a percentage attack and flat   attack but I like going more ER than more than  50% like 80 to 100 even because the more ER the   better it is and as for skill priority honestly  just the Forte and her Liberation those are the   two main ones the other ones don't really matter  and as for Arena's weapons this actually matters   a lot because the best ones are the ones with  energy region on them as you can see here it   makes it really easy to reach high energy region  so so variation is the best in slot here for Vina   it also restores her 10 conserto energy every time  she uses her resonance skill which is also really   good allows faster intro outro skills if you don't  have this one then you can run the three star one   the rectifier Voyage very easy to Max rank five  but this one doesn't give concerto energy but it's   still really good because it still has the energy  regen stat on the thing if you don't like running   energy region and you just want to heal more or do  more damage overall you can just go for the ginso   it has the attack percent which is what uh Verina  scales off of and the effect also increases her   attack so yeah the best non- energy one but  I highly recommend going energy and that is   everything I have to say about Havoc Rover  I hope you learned something from this video   since I wanted to include everything you guys  suggested into this it took way way longer than   expected so this video better pop off so I  know it was worth it I would appreciate it   if you could like the video leave a comment  share it with your friends and subscribe and   leave some feedback and suggestions like  always and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: vaizaGG
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Keywords: wuthering waves rover, rover wuthering waves, havoc rover wuthering waves, wuthering waves havoc rover, wuthering waves rover guide, rover guide wuthering waves, rover havoc guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves rover havoc guide, havoc rover guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves havoc rover guide, wuthering waves guide, rover wuwa, wuwa rover, havoc rover wuwa, wuwa havoc rover, rover build wuthering waves, wuthering waves rover build, havoc rover build wuthering waves, wuwa
Id: 71Lu78hvDAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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