The Spin-Off That Ruined Teen Titans

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Teen Titans Go if you're a fan of cartoons and a fan of super cool super stylish superheroes Teen Titans is probably for you the original series is known today for its gritty art style its superb character development and of course its absolute Banger theme song but for every Ying there's a Yang for every good there's a bad and for every Teen Titans there's a Teen Titans Go I'm only being half serious here the truth is I've never really watched Teen Titans ago before this show premiered back in 2013 so I wasn't really watching cartoons then I was probably too busy crying over the ending of Breaking Bad it was a serious moment for me don't worry about it listen if I'm being completely honest I'm not really sure what to expect from Teen Titans Go some people swear it's not that bad and other people swear it's the digital media equivalent to the Devil Himself I'm sure not all its episodes are that bad but either way I like overanalyzing bad cartoons it's kind of what I do here so today we'll be taking a look at the two worst Teen Titans Go episodes of all time will it be that bad maybe but will it be completely unwatchable honestly maybe anyway I've stalled long enough so grab your copy of Teen Titans for the Nintendo GameCube I think this is the first time I actually have the right game by the way and let's jump into what may very well be the episode that ruined Teen Titans Go this first episode is called waffles if you've ever watched a show before you know it's about to happen this is the second most hated episode ever so just keep that in mind our adventure begins with Beast Boy and Cyborg saying the word waffles over and over again everyone else is a little confused on what's going on when eventually they realize that Beast Boy cyborg are essentially just playing a game to see who can go the longest while only saying the word waffles waffles waffles WAFF waffles waffles we're already off to an amazing start Starfire gets really interested in this game for some reason and says she would love to play with them but by saying something that's not the word waffles she's already lost mission fou we'll get them next time I should probably run through all these characters real quick since they all play an important role in these episodes Beast Boy can turn into animals and it's all around just a super chill dude like all he does is play video games and hang out cyborg is part robot and also pretty lazy I guess him and Beast Boy are best friends I think is what the wiki said Starfire is an Intergalactic princess stay with me who can basically destroy anyone she's super kind and nice but also kind of reminds me of homelander Raven she's probably the coolest part of the team she has these weird demonic magical powers and best of all she's super emo and then finally we have Robin he's Batman's former sidekick everyone knows Robin in this show though he's more or less the leader of the group and kind of a perfectionist now that you know everything about everyone back to the waffles wow a wow that was actually hilarious Robin immediately gets annoyed of this game and I'm not kidding pulls out a gun because he's about to shoot them I guess Starfire stops him from committing an actual murder and instead asks the waffle boys for clarification sure the game seems a little Annoying at first but if everyone understood the reasoning for it maybe everyone would have more fun right obviously they're in the middle of the game so instead of answering your question like actual functioning people they instead break out into song where the only lyric is you guessed it waffles there's not even a story here what am I watching what is this I'm not kidding when I say this entire song is about 40 seconds long and they say the word waffles 33 times yes I counted the next scene is Robin actually making waffles for breakfast and for some reason this episode shows this off by having some weird infomercial type thing where we can see the ingredients he's using it's all very weird no one's following these instructions anyway Beast Boy and Cyborg actually get mad cuz they didn't want waffles for breakfast they wanted a sandwich or something but they can only say the word waffles so it all gets very confusing I just know somewhere out there there's a kid who thought this was hilarious and decided to go around all day just saying the word waffles to his parents and like good for him okay kids are allowed to have fun I just I feel I feel for the parents Man kids be like that you know waffles you just growl like a dog what then believe it or not this episode actually does have a real story attached to it what a great idea this is Cinema Robin Raven and Starfire decided to go check out some Warehouse on their own because the other two basically just logged off for the day so we skip ahead to this Warehouse which is when we meet the ultimate Evil bad guy Brother Blood I'm actually not going to talk about him too much cuz he's basically just a bad guy but I do want to mention that he's voiced by John dagio who's kind of the secret goat of cartoons okay I love him hopefully he doesn't have any bad takes on Twitter because the last time I complimented a voice actor it didn't go well anyway Brother Blood traps Our Heroes in some sort of cage turns out he lured them to the warehouse as some kind of trap or something and the cage they're in is Invincible by the way none other powers work in it if only Mr gaming watch was here he could probably squeeze right by those massive gaps between the lasers so brother blood's plan is to get verbal acknowledgement from everyone so that he can access all the weapons back at Titan Tower he wants to use all the weapons but he needs their verbal confirmation to do so he uses some weird mind control hypnosis thing on everyone but it just doesn't work and like correct me if I'm wrong here but I'm pretty sure this might be the only time in the whole series where he tries to use this power I think that's what the wiki said I could be wrong here but it'd be pretty hilarious if I wasn't so because that doesn't work to get some answers the bad guy summons a robot to do all the dirty work for him this is just like Real Steel the movie it's great movie this robot's really bad and is going like kill everyone or something and I'm not kidding there's this 4C clip where the editors of this episode just tried to cram in as many stock sound effects as they could for some reason you two can become a professional audio mixing engineer all it takes is the science fiction audio pack directly from adobe's list of free downloads was that just YouTube's audio library what was that anyway everyone is scared cuz robot is actually about to kill them so they each give in and give verbal access allowing Brother Blood to get the weapons but actually this doesn't really matter because in order to get what he wants he needs verbal access from all five members of the group this is so exciting we switch back to Beast Boy and Cyborg and Yep they're just they're just singing the word waffles over and over again not really anything I can even joke about here honestly you know when you repeat a word over and over again and it just doesn't even sound like a word waffles waffles waffles I I don't know what I'm doing anyway the bad guy tells Beast Boy and Cyborg to come to the warehouse and give him verbal access or whatever and what precedes that scene is a whole whole minute of Beast Boy and Cyborg sneaking around and fighting for a bit while only saying the word you know the word you know the word and if you thought that was bad the whole next minute is just them getting captured and literally tortured by the robot from earlier because they just keep saying waffles there's honestly not much to this episode it's just really goofy anyway to make an extremely drawn out section cut short every Teen Titan starts singing waffles cuz why the hell not and the bad guy gets so annoyed that he straight up just leaves the warehouse and leaves them alone presumably to cut off his own ears but that's just a theory again the episode ends with Beast Boy and Cyborg finally saying some different words they tell the rest of the team that they're annoying for saying waffles so much how quirky dude and that's it two of them are basically on the verge of death and the other three are still stuck in an unbreakable cage does any of this matter who cares and that's the second lowest rated episode of king Titans Go of all time I can actually kind of see why I haven't seen any other episodes so I don't really have anything to compare it to but this episode just wasn't that funny or interesting or well thought out in any way but I know what you're going to say dar it's a kid show why should we care and I guess honestly you probably shouldn't until now because it's time to watch the actual worst team Titans Go episode of all time jumping straight into this one this episode is called The Return of slade this is a very cool title try to remember it for context Slade is basically the main bad guy in this universe he's super evil and likes to do bad things the episode begins with our Teen Titans beating him up off camera and then returning home to their Tower you might be thinking that's not a horrible way to start the episode it gets rid of a lot of annoying unnecessary scenes probably you're thinking well actually that's that's not it at all I'm not kidding here instead of showing us any of the fight at all they just pop some text on screen saying that the fight took three episodes in a movie to Showcase despite those episodes and that movie obviously not actually existing it's all very clever I'm sure every action fan found this hilarious but like I said the episode starts with the gang celebrating their massive W you see slay's a pretty tough guy and they beat him so this is like a really big moment again happened off camera so we didn't get to see any of it instead of showing us anything important at all they just make fun of themselves by saying what happened off screen and how cool it was like us as the viewer are the butt of the joke here I guess how am I supposed to encourage this this is like horrible writing I don't I don't know so many compelling story lines came together and resolved in such a satisfying way wow I wish I wish I would have seen that wow I know this goes without saying but I have to remind you guys that there are many cartoons in the world that have pulled off good writing before like just because a show is primarily made for kids doesn't excuse this boring narrative that feels like it was written the night before anyway like I said the gang is hyped for their win so they decide to throw a party to celebrate they want to get music junk food movies and most importantly an oddly disturbing clown who's drawn in a different art style how exciting Cyborg and Beast Boy are actually hyped about this clown cuz they just get hyped about everything in the show I think but Robin Starfire and especially Raven all think clowns are kind of lame which to be honest they kind of have a point like circus clowns are kind of cool I guess but those birthday party clowns are just a little weird to me I don't know oo dude you got [ __ ] you got a flower squirts water wow anyway anyway and that's the whole premise of this episode by the way is the clown so they finally have this party and the clown shows up Starfire leaves immediately because she's actually terrified or something the clown starts performing which is when something actually surprising happens Beast Boy and Cyborg actually think the clown is kind of boring it was a little unpredictable like I thought they'd be super hyped about how like childish the clown was and for that I'll actually applaud the writers for the swerve because I'd feel bad if I didn't compliment them at least once during this entire video Beast Boy and Cyborg say that this clown is stupid and that clowns in general were a lot cooler when they were kids again this moment surprised me with seemingly the show's most idiotic characters had this weird scene where they complain about how things they used to love just don't hit the same anymore it's kind of like when everyone comments that they want me to review a specific movie cuz it's so good but it's really just Nostalgia speaking and I'm not watching the Emoji Movie please stop asking me to watch The Emoji Movie I'm just kidding no one asked me to watch this thing everyone knows it's garbage anyway none of that really matters because Beast Boy and Cyborg do the logical thing and kidnap the clown so they can genetically alter his DNA against his will and make him cooler so it's the next morning now and Starfire is terrified of clowns still right that was the thing which is why it's extremely horrible timing when Cyborg and Beast Boy bring their monstrosity of a creation into the living room Starfire freaks out here she really really doesn't like clowns what was once a normal average clown is now some super jacked social experiment which looks like a mix between Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal and Dave Batista's first wrestling gimmick The Voice tell the clown to do something funny so almost immediately the clown grabs Robin and just [ __ ] Chucks him into the TV oh no the I'm laughing cuz this is just actually insane the clown just straight up Beats Rob into a pulp for a while like he gives them multiple concussions there's no way Raven is the voice of reason here telling the boys that this is a little ridiculous and that he's clearly evil so they need to stop but it's too late because the clown is already gone and causing Havoc amongst all the little boys and girls he left the tower and goes to a toy shop to set off a bomb it's all very dramatic the gang agrees that he needs to be stopped so they decideed to do this drawn out bit where they all get out of a clown car dressed like clowns the car is very small you get the joke sadly it doesn't really do anything at all and the evil clown is about to destroy everyone when all of a sudden Starfire shows up and knocks him out in one punch remember cuz she hates clowns and she reminds me of homelander and that was the lowest rated episode of Teen Titans Go ever apparently honestly I don't exactly know why this is the worst one it wasn't good and it's kind of uneventful but it was far from the worst thing I've ever watched if I'm being honest I kind of hated the waffles episode a lot more but if my research is correct the reason this last episode is so hated is because it's called the return of slade remember that was the title of the episode while Slade literally never makes an on-screen appearance so they hype people up for what sounds like an interesting episode and the return of a really beloved villain only to give you pretty much more filler garbage but at the end of the day I'm pretty sure that's all this TV show really is it's a little hard to hate on the show cuz I'm pretty sure it was meant to be more of a kid-friendly light-hearted spin-off thing if you compare it to the original sure it sucks and lacks any depth whatsoever but what are we doing here guys okay are we just bad mouthing any showmate for kids okay what about uh what about pangu okay should I cover Pingu it might it might be flawed who knows you know that honestly sounds like fun actually I won't lie I kind of want to cover Pingu now but anyway that's the video These weren't really that bad overall even if the writing just sucks either way it's a cartoon so care or don't it doesn't matter give this video a like if you made it this far it really helps out the channel subscribe if you're new and become a member if you can afford it and want to support me further thank you to all my members they're on screen right now I love you all Discord coming soon probably I don't know maybe eventually po Abdel scores this one a solid 200 waffles out of five and yeah thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Darzii
Views: 198,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, editor, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, teen titan, robin, made episode, starfir, mr beast boy, robot man, ravne, clown episoed, slade, funny scene, Englsih dub, season 5, downfall, waffels, deeper meaning, bad writing, for kids, scary moment, evil man, theory
Id: A11k_cNJ4a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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