Designing an EASY & AESTHETIC base INTERIOR in Palworld

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hey everyone it's KO and today we are back in po world and I'm going to be continuing working on my base I've already done a video creating the exterior of this base so if you haven't seen that I'll have it up in the cards and Link down in the description below so go and check that out I have made a few modifications I've added a little roof section to the top I've also started with these stone foundation pieces I'm going to try to add some sort of sidewalk I don't know how that's going to workout and then I also finally got the flower bed recipe so I did craft one of those it does take a lot of resources so I only have one for right now but I love this flower bed so so much so you can see here this is kind of my idea for the sidewalk I don't know where it's going to lead or really what my plan is with it but if you put the foundation low enough into the ground I really like the way the grass kind of overgrows and it just looks really natural right here I don't know if I'll keep it or not but that's not what we're working on today we're going to go inside the base because I want to start decorating the interior now I do want to say the interior of my base or my house which I'll probably call it throughout the video is kind of just a big open box and if I'm being honest with the way that I like to decorate I'm probably just going to start with half of the base for today and I think what I want to start out with is a bedroom and possibly a living area the first thing I'm going to actually start with placing is a fireplace because you can turn this on it's going to brighten up the room immediately and that's just going to help me while I'm decorating for it to be a little bit brighter in here you could put torches or some other kind of light source if you wanted to but I planned on putting a fireplace in here anyway so that's what I'm going to work with now one tip I have for you and I hope this is something that they change in the future when you're placing down rugs you have to do it first before you put down any other items I feel like this makes it a little bit difficult to decorate for me personally because I really like to see how the furniture is going to be and then place down the rug later wherever I want it and I'm also just really particular about how I want the rug to look under the furniture as far as the placement so it really takes me forever to place down the rugs and then figure out where all the furniture is going to go but just keep that in mind when you're decorating you're going to have to put down the rugs first and then you can start placing things on top of it so one thing I've decided to do is place this antique long cabinet and I'm actually going to turn it around backwards so you can't see the drawers some of the stuff on top of it is going to be backwards but I don't think anyone's going to be paying enough attention to mind and I'm actually going to use this kind of as a headboard or something to go behind the actual headboard of the bed I think having something else behind your bed just gives it a little bit more depth and interest and I really just like all the little details on top of this cabinet I wish that I had a nicer bed to work with because this one just isn't really my favorite but it's okay I do think I'm going to have to add a bunch of different items kind of in front of that cabinet just to break up that big piece of wood but I do really like the way all of the stuff on top of it looks and I think adding just some different Ivy adding the different plants around I think we can make it work I'm also thinking I'm going to have like a little dressing area right next to the bed so I want to have this mirror here I think this mirror is stunning I love it so much just like my build process for the actual base itself I will say that I am all over the place I place things down I pick them up and with po World specifically it's a little bit longer of a process just because you have to build and destroy each item every time you want to place it sometimes I try to just place down the item without without actually building it and see if I'm going to like it but for me I'm such a visual person that I have to place it down build it and then see if I'm going to like it and even then sometimes I'll just build a ton of different stuff and I still hate the way it looks so it's all such a process of just putting things down seeing what looks good together and it's just not always going to work out perfectly the first time or even the second time or even the third time and you're just gonna have to keep trying stuff I did end up adding the long Ivy behind the bed along with that wall cabinet which I think looks really great right there and now I'm just kind of playing around with different plants and I'm just not happy with how these are working out right now I've decided to put this desk along the wall to fill this space right next to the bed and I love this desk so much a lot of the items too I struggle with getting them close enough to the wall because a lot of them actually can can't go right next to the wall some of them you can kind of nudge your way as close as possible some of them just will not go next to the wall but my tip is to just put a flower right next to it specifically this tall vase with the big white flowers in it it just does such a nice job of covering that Gap right there no one will ever notice that it's not against the wall I've decided that I hate all of the plants that I had next to the bed and I'm just going to try a bunch of different things here I just feel like it's not covering enough of the big wooden board along the back but I'm not willing to give up on the idea yet so I'm going to try some of the bigger flowers and just see if we can cover that a little bit more I found this antique ottoman recipe and I'm going to add that in front of the mirror I think that's perfect for the little dressing room vibe that I was going for right here and it also matches perfectly with the rug that we used okay after trying a million different things I think I'm finally happy with the way the plants look next to the bed I ended up going with a barrel and then different combinations of this hanging plant and the little stools and stuff there are definitely a lot of cute items in pal world but I will say there's not a ton of them at least not at the level that I'm at so I do end up having to use the same items over and over I think that might bother some people but for me I really don't mind and sometimes I think repetition of the items actually looks good and you just need to kind of trust the process and keep placing things down especially if you're like me and you're someone who likes cluttered spaces just put down as many plants as you can I'm also going to be adding of course a lot of the ivy in here I really want it to be kind of going all the way up this tall wall I want it around the windows sometimes I put it down kind of at the baseboard board I'm really just using the three different options and putting them anywhere where I feel like there's a blank space okay I feel like I finished kind of the bedroom Section I'm sure I'll add a little bit more to it but now I've got to figure out how I'm going to make this living room area work and I really don't know we don't have a coffee table I guess I could use a bench I also don't know how I'm going to make another rug work right here because it's so close to the other one but if I use the small one it's too small I also think I don't want the rug to be completely like horizontal I want it to be a little bit diagonal just so it doesn't look so perfect I ended up placing this green rug diagonally and then I've put the red sofa and this other green chair and I think that I hate it so I'm going to go back to the drawing board I'm going to keep trying some different stuff I just don't like when you go behind the couch it just doesn't feel very inviting I do know that I want to put this tall mirror above the fire place this wall right here is just so tall and I feel like I need something to kind of break it up a little bit okay I love the mirror above the fireplace I think I'm on to something I have these two red chairs and then just a stool in between it and it just opens it up a lot more like when you walk into here you can see the fireplace right away it's not blocked by the couch anymore I think we're going in the right direction I still think we need some more height in this room so I'm going to add this wooden bookshelf right here and hopefully that will kind of balance things out the bookshelf looks perfect I am going to go around and add just some different plants a couple of small Furniture pieces I think I really want to use this antique round table I would love to put it right in the corner but for some reason it won't let me put it right next to to the wall I don't really understand this piece of furniture like is it supposed to be more of a tea table like I I need to put chairs around it I don't really understand it another thing I've noticed is I feel like the bedroom is just a little bit too open to the living space so I am going to add this partition right here and I think it'll also block off this dressing area I mean obviously it's not real but I do think the partition looks really cute right there I've been trying to figure out what to do with this Corner over here I really wanted that table but it doesn't work then I tried to stack some of the wooden chests and I couldn't get them to stack so then I tried crates and I don't like that either I think I'm going to keep one of the crates and then maybe just try to add some more plants in this corner I've added plants on top of the fireplace next to this crate right here and now I'm just going to add a little bit more Ivy as well and I feel like we're getting so close to being done with this area I think the last thing I want to do is I'm actually going to add one one wall right here just because I think the space is a little bit too open I like the idea of kind of an open concept but I think it's just too much so I'm going to add a wall I think I'm going to do a seating area right here just a little bench almost like a mudro like if you would enter a house and you've got like that little bench right there where you just throw all your stuff and look I know that this isn't real it doesn't have to be functional I just want to make my base or my house as cute as possible with the stuff that we have I added the beninge I put a mirror over the top of it I wish that I had some other wall items so hopefully those will come as I level up then I just added some plants and this tiny little rug right in front of it I think it turned out really cute finishing touches I'm just going to go around I'm going to add Ivy anywhere where I feel like there's some empty space and it needs just a little bit of something all right we are done let's go inside I'm going to show you how half of my base because let's be honest too I just don't have the resources to furnish an entire base yet but this is what I came up with we've got the bedroom here on the right with the desk and the little changing area with the mirror I love the way the partition looks and then we've got the seating area with the fireplace I love the way this turned out I think it's super cozy it's exactly what I wanted I hope that this is inspiring for some of y'all to decorate the inside of your bases let me know your favorite part down in the comments below I hope yall enjoyed it and I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: consolecaito
Views: 112,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #palworld
Id: ULokYmBiEwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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